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Kadın dul kalmıştı ve acilen bir alete ihtiyacı yolds.
com vardı ve bende ona bu konuda yardımcı olacağımı söylediğim de gözlerinin içi öyle bir gülüyordu ki bana bir hürmetler bana bir hizmetler görseniz.
Onunla ilişkimiz çok tuhaf olsada sonuçta duldu ve başkasına gitmesini kabullenemezdim.
O müthiş vücudunu bana açtı ve açar açmaz içine girdim.
pantolonumu parçalayarak dışarıya fırlayacaktı o an kafamda şimşekler çaktı ne yapıp ne edip yengemi sikmeliydim böyle giderse kendisini bir başkasına siktireceğini düşündüm yada başkasının altına yatmıştır dedim kendi kendime ama onu mutlaka sikecektim yiğenim odadan çıkınca hemen toparlandım ve onu alarak çıktım biz gezerken aklım hep sevda yengemde kalıyordu ondan başka bişey düşünemez olmuştum sanki o sırada karşımıza birden ablamın oğlu ve kızı çıkınca siz ne yepıyorsunuz falan derken bana gezdiklerini söylediler bende iyi bereber takılalım dedim rahatlamıştım çünkü yiğenimi diğerlerine emanet edecektim 

onlara eğer isterlerse bereber gezin dedim onlarda kabul ettiler ve üçü beraber benden ayrıldılar bende hemen arabama atladığım gibi soluğu yengemin evinde aldım oda üzerini falan giymiş bekliyordu beni görünce oğlunu sordu bende durumu anlatınca rahatlamıştı ona dönerek istersen seni gezdideyim dedim o da nereye gideceziğki dedi bende sen kalk ben süper bir yer biliyorum dedim oda iyi diyerek kalaktık ve evden çıktık benim doktor olan arkadaşımın silivride yazlığı vardı onu oraya götürüp orada sikecektim arkadaşı arayarak yazlığın müsait olup olmadığını sordum oda bana tabi müsait dedi ve anahtarı almam için onun evine doğru yöneldim anahtarı aldıktan sonra elimden geldiği kadar hız kesmeden yazlığa vardık içeri girdikten sonra yengem bana dönerek beni neden buraya getirdin diye sordu bende birazdan anlarsın diyerek havayı iyice yumuşatmaya çalıştım o

na istersen havuza girebiliriz dedim oda bana olmaz diyerek tersledi neden diye sorunca senin yanında nasıl girerim hem girsem bile yanıkmda mayo ve bikini gibi bir şey yok dedi bende bişey olmaz diyerek onu ikna etmeye çalışırken birden onu tutarak elbiseleri ile birlikte havuza attım bana çok kızgın bir şekilde bağırarak sen ne yaptığını sanıyorsun diye bağırdı ve havuzdan çıktı çıkınca manzara çok mükemmeldi elbisesi üzerine yapışmış her tarafı belli oluyordu onu öyle görünce benim yarak yine uyanmaya başladı ve bunu fark eden yengem bana aklındaki şeyi yapmayacaksın değilmi diye sordu bende ne varmışki benim akılımda diye ona sordum ne bileyim diyince ben ona iyice yaklaşarak sarılmaya başladım yengemde benden kaçmaya çalışıyor ve ne olur yapma ben senin yengenim diyordu bende ona olsun seni sikmek istiyorum diyince hayır olmaz diyerek ağlamaya başladı ben ona aldırmayarak onu içeriye soktum ve yavaşça hertarafını Tekirdağ Escort eliyordum yengem kendini sıkıyordu ve hala bana ne olur yapma diyordu ben yine onu din lemeyerek elbisesini bir çırpıda üzerinden çıkarıp aldım

şimdi üzerinde sadece südyeni ve külotu ile kalmıştı ellerimi memelerine atınca taş gibi olduğunu anladım bir elimle onu okşarken bir elimlede yarrağımı avuçluyordum ve hertarafını öpüp yalamaya çalışıyordum o ise hala ağlayarak yapmamamı istiyordu ama çabası boşa idi onun elini tutarak yarrağımın üzerine getirdim ve avuçlamasını istedim o avuçlarken birden taşaklarımı sıkarak canımı yaktı ve kaçmaya başladı hemen kendimi toplayıp onu yakaladım ve sert bir şekilde ona tokat attım yere düşmüşdü domalmış bir vaziyette ağlıyordu ben eğilerek külodunun üstünden amını ve götünü yalamaya başladım 2 3 dakika öyle yalıyınca amının ısladığı çok belli oluyordu zevk alıyordu ama bana çaktımak istemiyordu ben onu çevirerek külodunu ve sütyeninide çıkardım şimdi tamamen çırıl çıplaktı ve hemen soyonmaya başladım külodumu aşağıya indirince yengemin gözleri yuvasından fırlayacaktı sanki bana onu bana sokmayı düşünmüyorsun değilmi dedi bende eveet sana sokacağım

dedim ve bana ne olur yapma ben onu alamam 10 yıl oldu ilişkiye girmeyeli ve orası çok dar dedi bende daha iyi ya dedim ve tekraar onun vucudunu öpüp yalamaya başladım ben öpüp yaladıkça oda artık kendinden geçiyordu artık tam kıvamına geeldiğini anlayınca sıra sende dedim ne sırası diye karşılık verince bende yalama sırası dedim hadi başla diyerek kafasından tutarak dudaklarını yarrağımın başana getirdim bana yapamam hiç böyle bişey yapmadım diyerek ağzına almak istemedi bende iyi ilk defa bende dene dedim ve tekraar yarağımı dudaklarına sürtmeye başladım ilşk önce kafasını öptü ve sonra yavaşça dilini yarrağımın kafasında dolaştıermaya başladı ve az sonra tamamını alamasada yarrağımın yarısı içindeydi ve ağzının içi sıcacıktı artık dayanamıyordum

boşalacaktım neredeyse sikimi ağzından çekerek koltuğa oturdum ve yengeme gel hadi dwedim oda tekrar ne olur yapmayalım ben onu alamam çok büyük diyerek karşı çıkmak istedi bende kolarından tutarak ayağay kaldırıpm kucağıma çektim elimi amına atım aralamaya başlarken amı sırılsıklamdı belkide çoktan boşalmıştı sikimi elime alarak amının dudaklarına sürtmeye başladım 15 dakika önce ağlayıp sızlayan yengem zevkten ağlayacaktı neredeyse sikimi deliğine dayayıp oturmasını söyledim yavaşça oturdu ve daha kafası girmeden olmuyor canım yanmaya başladı diyerek kalktı üzerimden bende iyi o zaman yere uzan dedim ve uzandı bende bacaklarını kavrayarak açabildiğim kadar açtım ve sikimin başını tekrar deliğine sürmeye başladım yengem ise gözlerini kapamış olacakları bekliyordu ben önce yavaşça sikimin Tekirdağ Escort Bayan kafasını deliğine dayadım ve ittirmeye başladım ilk önce girmedi ve yangem kendini kastı

ona böyle kendini kasarsan canın daha çok yanar dedim ve kendini bana bırakmasını istedim yengem biraz kendisini gevşetmesiyle birlikte benim 23 cm yarrağı yüklenmem bir oldu ve yengem öyle bir çığlık attıki sağır oldum zannettim bana çıkar ne olur iç.
imi yırttı parçaladı benim diyerek altımda çırpınmaya başladı ben sikimin kafası içinde biraz bekledikten sonra yavaş yavaş gidip gelmeye başladım ben girip çıktıkça yengem acı çığlıyı yerine zevk çığlığı atmaya başlamıştı bile ve koca sikime alışyordu ben 5 6 dakika sonra ona dönüp domalmasını amına öyle gireceğimi söyledim oda domalarak karşımda köpek gibi duruyordu bende sikimi elime alarak tekrar amına sürtmeye başladım yengem bana dönerek sok hadi ne bekliyorsun ibnemi oldun da sokmuyorsun diyince ben bu defa çok sert bir şekilde amına yüklendim inannın bu seferki çığlığı ilkinden daha fazlaydı ben amını pompaladıkça oda amını götünü sallamaya başladı ben onu öylece sikerken göt deliği gözüme takıldı

bir delikm nasıl olurda böyle küçük olur diye düşünürken dayanamayıp yengemin amının derinliklerine doğru öyle bir attırmaya başladımki döllerim her amına çarptıkça yengem zevkten bağırıyordu içinden çıkardıktan sonra birbirimize bakarak öylece bekledik ilk o konuşmaya başladı ve bana muradına erdinmi dedi bende evet ya sen dedim sustu belliydiki oda çok zevk almıştı birer sigara yaktık sigaramı içerken onun götünü düşünmeye başladım mutlaka o küçücük göt deliğinide sikecektim sonucu ne olrsa olsun diye düşünürken benim sikim yine hareketlenip yerinde duramaz oldu bunu gören yengem de bütün çekingenliğini üzerinden atmış bir şekilde sikimi eline alıp bu doymadı daha dedi bende evet o daracık ama doyulurmu hiç diyerek karşılık verdim ve tekrar yalamasını istedim yengemde hemen eğilerek sikimi yalamaya başladı onu tutup 69 pozisyonuna getirdim o sikimi yalarken bende onun amını ve götünü yalamaya başladımgötünü yalarken arada bir parmağımla yoklamaya başladım parmağımı soktukça yengem ağzı dolu olduğu için istemediğini götünü havaya kaldırarak söylemeye çalışıyordu onu üstümden kaldırarak bende ayağa kalktım ve evin içinde krem aramaya başladım ama malesef evde krem yoktu bende mutfaktan sıvı yağ alarak tekrar odaya geldim yengem yağı görünce ne yapacağımı sordu bende çaktırmadan kendimizi yağlayacağımı söyleyip böylesi daha çok zevk verecek sana dedim

oda iyi dieyrek kabul etti başına geleceklerden habersiz bir şekilde tabikii ona önce sen beni yağla dedim ve yağı eline verdim oda avucuna biraz yağ dökerek beni yağladı ve sıra sende dedi bende avucuma almadan şişedeki Escort Tekirdağ yağı üstüne dökmeye başladım ve şişeyi bıraktıktan sonrahertarafına sürmeye başladım en çokta göt deliğine sürüyordum işimiz bittikten sonra ona yine domalmasını söyledim artık ben nedersem yapıyordu yengem ben ilk önce yine sikimi amına sokmaya başladım birkaç git gelden sonra sikimi çıkarıp göt deliğine sürtmeye başladım yengem ne yapacağımı anlamış hem kalkmaya çalışmıştıo bende onu tutarak korkma dedim sokmayacağım sadece sürteceğim diyerek onuteselliye çalışıyordum yengem tedirgin bir vaziyette beklerken ben sikimi iyice deliğine sürterek sokmaya çalışıyordum benim sikim onun götü yağlı olmasına rağmen girmiyordu ve yengem niyetimi

iyice anlamış korku ile beklerken ne olur oraya sokma buna dayanamam gerçekten orayı parçalar dedi ve daha önce hiç götten sikişmediğini söyledi bende korkma sadece ben sokarken sen biraz ıkın dedim ve o zaman deliğin açılacak ve sikimi kavrayacak dedim ve sikimin kafası girdikten sonra rahatlayacaksın diyede ekledim oda bana tamam ama acırsa çıartacaksın tamammı dedi bende dümende kabul ettim ve işe koyulmaya başladım sikimin kafasını tekrar göt deliğine dayayınca şimdi ıkın dedim o ıkınınca göt deliği hafiften açıldı ve açılmasılyla yüklenmem bir oldu artık sikimin kafası yengemin götünün içindeydi ama yengem çok bağırıyordu acıdan yırtın parçaladın gibi falan sözler ederken acıdan ağlamaya başladı ben ben biraz daha biraz daha derken sikimin yarısı götüne girmişti yengemin ve beklemeye başladım biraz bekledikten sonra gidip gelmeye başladım götünün içi amından bile daha sıcaktı sikimi hafif çekince kan olduğunu gördüm gerçektende yüklenince yengemin götü yırtılmıştı ona çaktırmadan gidip gelmeye çalışıyordum

götü sikimi bir mengene gibi sıkıyordu ve bana inanılmaz bir zevk veriyordu boşalıcağımı anlayıonca içinde beklemeye başladım bana hadi bekleme ne olur dayanamıyorum artık çok yanıyor bitir artık işini diye söylenirken aklıma ona bir kötülük yapmak geldi hem götünün içine boşalacaktım hemde boşalırken sikimi götünden aniden çekip onun kanla beraber sıçmasını sağlayacaktım ama bu fikir burada olmazdı ne yapıp içinden çıkarmadan onu tuvalete kadar götürmekti ve yaptımda içinden çıkarmadan onu tuvalete kadar sikerek götürdüm bana dönüp tuvalete neden geldikdiye sorunca bende artık patlamak üzereydim ve ona şimdi anlarsın diyerek boşalmaya başladım boşalırken o yine zevkten çığlık atmaya başladı ama az sonra başına gelecekten de

habersizdi ve ben sikimi boşalırken birden ani bir hareketle yengemin götünün içinden çıkarken oda sıçmaya ve bağırmaya dehşet bir şekilde çığlıklar atmaya başlamıştı götünün içinden bokla bereber fena bir şekildede kan geliyordu yengemin götünün deliği öyle bir açılmıştıki içini rahatlıkla görebiliyordum ama biraz geçtikten sonra ona acımaya başladım çok kötü ağlıyor ve bacaklarını karnına çekmiş götünden hala kan ve bok ageliyordu onu tutup ayağa kaldırdım ve banyoya girmesini söyledim inanın ayakta duramıyordu onu küvete sokup suyu açınca azda olsa rahatlamıştı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Big Dicks

Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 525 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 525 By Rob Williams Chapter 525 � “THE TAMING OF TOP MEN” IN THIS CHAPTER Action hero Grady, a lifeguard in his new movie, gets an erotic welcome home from his Italian lover Mario who tops the athletic muscle-jock. Then Grady huddles in bed with his boy Brian, exchanging gossip, and scoops of ice-cream. Later, tough gypsy Randy is resentful of his handsome lover Bob’s growing command of the tribe. They decide who the top-man is in a bout of raw sex where one tames the other. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Grady, the action hero who had starred in three blockbuster Tarzan movies, had been cast in a new role � a California lifeguard captain � for a major production soon to begin shooting. Prior to the start of principal photography a small crew was shooting an advance promo to whet the public’s appetite, and Grady was accompanied on the two-day shoot at a Malibu beach by his pal Jamie. As Grady explained, “As a lifeguard captain I have to be a real good surfer. I’m not bad, but when they said I need a coach, hey, my buddy Jamie here was the obvious choice. Their young friend Eddie was also at the shoot. His talent with a camera had so impressed the movie’s director that he asked him to come to the beach and get candid shots of Grady. At the end of the first day’s shoot the results for Jamie and Eddie were successful beyond their wildest dreams. Both were offered jobs to stay with the movie for the entire duration of filming. Back home at the tribe’s compound the news caused much excitement � and the prospect of staff changes. The tribe’s co-leader Bob had taken charge of all that. Jamie had been the tribe’s Office Manager, a job that Bob now gave to the assistant manager Brandon. And Eddie’s job as House Manager went jointly to the excited young Tyler and Finn. These changes and promotions naturally required a celebratory dinner when the beach party returned home. Jamie and his lover, the handsome motorcycle cop Mark, had had their own private celebration where, in an erotic role reversal, the muscle-cop Mark had surrendered his ass to his own boy, the newly empowered athletic young jock Jamie. The only man not at the festive celebration was the man who had started it all � Grady, the star of the movie. Being away from home for two days Grady had sorely missed his lover, the handsome, stylish Italian Mario, and the boy they shared, loyal young Brian. Grady was eager to get back to them so Jamie and Eddie had driven him straight back from the beach, and they dropped him off at the big gates of the opulent Grady House. “Thanks, guys,” Grady grinned. “Been a great couple of days. And I’ll be seeing a whole lot more of you. I’m gonna love working on this movie with you.” He buzzed the gate and as they drove away they heard Brian squeal through the intercom, “You’re home, sir. At last.” The gates swung silently open and Brian came racing out in his wheelchair to meet him. Grady lifted him bodily from the wheelchair and swung him round, then settled him gently back down. “God, I’ve missed you kiddo � you and the Italian. Where’s is …?” “He’s upstairs waiting for you, sir.” As they made their way together to the house and up in the elevator Grady said, “After Mario and I have got, er, reacquainted, kiddo, you and I are gonna have a long talk, `cos I want all the gossip. A lot’s been going on, uh?” “A whole lot, sir.” It all came out in a rush. “I’ve just been talking to Brandon and it seems Bob’s been doing a whole number, talking to a lot of the guys and handing out new jobs and stuff. Brandon’s the new office manager, and Tyler and Finn the new house managers, though Bob still has to talk to Adam and Chad about their boy Nate training them.” “Wow, I’d like to be a fly on that wall. The gorgeous Bob, the Aussie and the hunky doc, what a trio. You gotta give me your predictions later, Brian, `cos you’re always right.” They had arrived at the double doors of the master bedroom and Brian said, “I’m going down to check in with Danny about dinner. So in you go, sir. Have fun.” He wheeled himself off with a knowing smile on his face. Grady opened the bedroom door and stared at Mario, who opened his arms. “Benvenuto a casa, amico. Welcome home.” ========= CHAPTER 525 ========= THE TUSCAN & THE LIFEGUARD Mario was wearing stylish beige linen lounger pants and a loose white shirt that hung open, his muscular torso visible under the semi-transparent sheer fabric. Grady gasped softly as he gazed at his handsome Italian lover with his square-cut Mediterranean features and dark wavy hair. As Grady walked toward him he breathed in the faint musky-sweet scent of Acqua di Palma, the Italian cologne Mario always wore and which always made Grady’s cock stiffen. “Look at you,” Grady smiled. “What a man to come home to. And here am I looking like a pile of driftwood washed up by the tide � old red board shorts, sand in my toes and surf-spray salt in my hair.” “I would not have you any other way, amico � a sexy bagnino.” “Is that how you Italians say `lifeguard’?” “It is. And now, having slept with Tarzan for the last few years, I suppose I have to learn to make love to a lifeguard � sand, salt and all.” “You better learn fast, dude, `cos my balls are fit to burst under these old shorts.” Grady walked into Mario’s arms that folded tight round him, and their mouths closed together in a long, loving kiss. “I’ve missed you so much, Mario. It’s only been two days but I feel like I’ve been away from you for two weeks.” “Well you’re here now, amore, so let us celebrate your safe return.” Mario took Grady’s hand and led him over to a small, elegant table set with drinks. They sat facing each other and Mario smiled, “Campari? I have mixed a batch of my special Negronis.” He stirred the mixture in a tall jug and poured their drinks over ice. They raised their glasses, clinked and drank, staring into each other’s eyes. Grady’s eyes brimmed with tears. “I always forget how beautiful you are, Mario. It’s always like meeting you for the first time. This is like a first date.” “The first of many firsts, amico. But by all accounts � coming from loose-lipped Eddie of course � you guys had quite a party in that hotel. Let’s see � you, Mark and Hassan, and their boys Jamie and Eddie. Or to put it in fantasy terms � which I know you prefer � a Greek-god cop, a hunky Arab Marine, a California surfer and a cheeky camera-boy, all ganging up on a handsome lifeguard. Quite an event.” “It sure was,” Grady grinned, “thanks to you arranging that cool bungalow for us, it was terrific. But you know, I’d have given it all up for two nights alone with you there, Mario. Hey, maybe you and I could go there � just us two, incognito, you know. I’ve got a week off before we start all the preliminary stuff on the new movie.” “I have a better idea,” Mario smiled. “How about we … how do you say? … hole up here at home for a week? Privately, just us, with Brian and Danny to take care of us. We’ll have them pamper us � even more than they already do. We’ll hang out, swim … make love … eat … drink … make love again …” “And fuck ..?” “Fucking is part of making love, amore.” “I knew that,” Grady pouted, then grinned roguishly. “Er, like, starting when?” “Right now if you wish. No time like the present. That is, if you’re up for it.” “Are you kidding?” Grady grabbed his own crotch. “Sonny-boy down here has been up for it since I walked in here and saw you.” “Molto bene. So let’s take it from there, from when you came in.” Eager to spice things up with a little play-acting, Grady got to his feet, went to the door and, as if he had just come in, stood in the same spot where he had stopped and gazed at Mario. Mario stood up, still holding his glass, and smiled at Grady across the room. He took a leisurely sip of his Negroni and Grady watched his prominent Adam’s apple slide up and down as he swallowed, a feature that always turned Grady on. Casually Mario put down his glass, shrugged his shirt back off his shoulders and let it drop. Grady stared at the shirtless Italian, at his ripped torso and long elegant waist, his lounger pants slung low on his hips … and again his eyes brimmed with tears. “I love you so much, dude.” Grady sank to his knees and watched as Mario loosened the waist of his pants and let them fall. He stepped out of them and stood naked, smiling at Grady, and beckoned him to come forward. His eyes fixed on Mario’s long, hard cock, Grady fell forward on his hands and crawled across the carpet on all fours. When he came close he lowered his head and kissed the feet of the man he idolized. Then he raised his face level with the cock pointing straight at him, kissed the head and pushed his mouth over it, taking it slowly all the way down his throat. “Aaahh,” Mario sighed. “I have missed that, amico.” He looked down at the tousled, muscular lifeguard in red shorts, his handsome face moving up and down on the length of his cock. ? perfetto, amore. Yes, I think I can learn to make love to a lifeguard. But do you think a macho young lifeguard captain would ever let me put my cock inside his ass?” Grady pulled his head away and grinned up at him. “This one sure would. He’s partial to beautiful Italians with a gorgeous face and flawless body.” He fell on his back on the carpet, pushed his shorts down to his ankles and pulled his legs back. Mario laughed. “Now that is a lifeguard who has no shame.” He elegantly plucked the shorts from Grady’s ankles and tossed them aside. He knelt on the floor, leaned forward between Grady’s legs and smiled down at him. “Now, let us see if a California lifeguard and a man from Tuscany are a good match.” Gently he slid his cock between the naked lifeguard’s ass cheeks and eased it inside him. A gleaming smile spread over Grady’s face. “Oh yeah,” he sighed. “Oh yeah, that’s a match � wait, I dunno … do it some more.” Mario pulled back and pushed in again. “It feels like a match to me. Is it good for you?” “Not sure,” Grady frowned. “It takes some time for a macho lifeguard to get used to a cock up his ass … hours maybe … all night maybe.” “Would a kiss help?” “Could do … give it a try.” Bracing his hands on the floor on either side of Grady’s head, Mario leaned down and kissed Grady’s eyes, then licked his lips and brushed them lightly with his mouth. “No, harder than that,” Grady moaned. “Lifeguards like it hard … and keep fucking.” Mario increased the pressure on Grady’s mouth and his ass. When at last he pulled his face back Grady reached up and lovingly traced the sculpted features with his fingers. “I love you, you sexy Italian,” Grady smiled. “Man, I love the feel of your cock in my ass. How’s it compare with Tarzan’s?” “About the same � except that the lifeguard speaks and Tarzan just grunted like an animal.” “I can be an animal if you want. I know how to grunt.” “How about we just make love, amico?” “Sorry, dude. I’m just so excited to be with you. Let me gaze up at you while you make love to my ass.” The ensuing silence was broken only by the sighs and moans of the ecstatic lovers, two beautiful men moving in perfect harmony. Reflected in the wall mirror the naked men were a homoerotic spectacle, as one moved up and down over the other, his cock disappearing into the ass that pushed up high to meet it. They were lost in each other’s eyes. Even in the midst their active, privileged lives, so full of excitement, right now their world consisted only of each other. Their opulent surroundings faded into insignificance, leaving them suspended in air. The more poetic Mario found enchantment in this silent world and modulated his moves Didim Escort to forestall the orgasm that was always imminent. Grady however, always the actor, needed to give voice to his euphoria. “That Tuscan/Lifeguard thing seems to be working pretty good. See, I’ve already practiced surfing, but I got a bunch of love scenes in the movie too that I have to rehearse. Like several times a day … for weeks … maybe months. We better just spend all our time in bed making love. After all, practice makes perfect.” “This feels perfetto, to me right now, amico.” “It does, don’t it?” Grady grinned. “Except, my balls are fit to burst. And I really wanna feel your juice in my ass, buddy. Think you can manage that?” A smile spread over Mario’s face. “I have been holding it back for so long, so yes, I think I can manage.” He fucked harder and Grady pumped his own cock in his fist. They made love with their eyes, their passion mounted and the climax came at last. Grady watched his lover’s body tense, heard him sigh deeply … and felt his warm juice spurting deep in his ass. “Fuck, that’s incredible … you’re making me cum … fuck … fuck … yeahhh!” Grady threw his head back and yelled as his own cock shuddered and spurted streams of semen over his ripped abs and chest. It took the lovers a while to regain their breath, and then their smiles broadened into laughter. Mario fell forward onto Grady and they rolled together over the floor, laughing and kissing until finally they fell on their backs, side by side, gazing up at the ceiling. With perfect timing, there was a knock at the door and Brian wheeled himself in. “Ah, you’re finished, sirs. I thought so.” BETTER THAN SEX Grady propped himself up on his elbows and grinned. “How did you know, kiddo?” “Oh, after all these years I know who long you two take. When I saw the Negronis I added twenty minutes and … voil�. Are you really finished or are you going again, sirs? Danny wants to know about dinner.” “Boy, you’re a pushy kid. Give a guy time to get his breath back, won’t you?” “Nonsense,” Mario said, getting to his feet. “Brian is quite right. We cannot spend all evening fucking on the floor.” “And why not? Like I said, I gotta rehearse.” “Even rehearsals take a dinner break,” Mario said sternly as he pulled on his clothes. I have to talk to Danny in the kitchen. “Bambino, I’m leaving him in your tender care. With Grady, the thing that comes a close second to fucking, is gossip. And you’re the boy for that.” “Damn straight,” Grady said. “All that fucking’s given me an appetite for a good ol’ gossip. So let’s kick him out, kiddo, and you and me go to the bedroom. I wanna hear all the news.” Grady stood up, left his shorts on the floor and walked naked to the bedroom alongside Brian in his wheelchair. Mario peeked in and smiled as he watched Grady get into bed and haul Brian in beside him. Brian pulled his owl glasses from his pocket and put them on. They were not essential for gossip, but Brian always said they helped him think. Mario smiled indulgently at them both. He loved to see Grady this happy. Grady loved Brian and treasured the times he could kick back and pump him with questions about the goings-on in the tribe. “Out!” Grady ordered Mario with a smile. “This is top secret stuff. Conspirators only. But don’t forget � more rehearsal after dinner.” Mario chuckled and left, closing the door softly behind him. Sitting up in bed, leaning back against the headboard, Grady put his arm round Brian’s shoulders. OK, we got a lot to get through, kiddo.” He paused and frowned. “You know what would go down a treat right now, though. Ice-cream. I have a sudden craving. Gossip and ice-cream are a perfect combo.” “Sir, you know you’re not allowed ice-cream. Randy says he’s in charge of keeping your body fit to play a hunky lifeguard, and he says ice-cream is a no-no.” “Old grouch,” Grady grumbled. “Besides, there’s none in the house.” Grady studied Brian’s face and detected a suppressed smile. “You’ve got a stash, don’t you? Tell me the truth, kid. I know you never lie to me.” “That’s not fair, sir. Well … maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” “And if you did have a secret stash, what flavor would it be?” Well sir … maybe chocolate, maybe not.” “No! … Chocolate ice-cream! It’s just like great sex. Kid, you gotta … you’d be my favorite boy.” “I already am, sir.” Yeah, that’s true dammit. But I’d make it worth your while.” “No, sir, I’m forbidden.” “Who by? Randy? I’ll deal with him. After our next gym workout I’ll let him chain me up and fuck me. And, er … you can watch.” Brian weakened. “Really, sir? I can watch? Hmm … But it has to be a secret. Mario mustn’t know I’ve given you ice-cream.” “Cross my heart and hope to die, kid. Deal?” “Deal, sir.” They high-fived, Brian eased over to the edge of the bed and into his wheelchair. He left the room and Grady heard him trundling down the hall to the upstairs kitchen. Grady sank back against the pillows and felt happier than he had been in a long time. He was looking forward to his new movie, especially as Jamie would be working with him on the beach scenes. He had just had a great weekend with Jamie and the others in Malibu, and a sexy welcome home from the handsome Italian he adored. And now he was going to catch up on all the tribe’s gossip with a kid he loved so much it brought tears to his eyes. All that, plus chocolate ice-cream. Life didn’t get better than this. TWO FLIES ON THE WALL When Brian wheeled himself back in he had a huge tub of chocolate ice-cream and two spoons. He pulled himself up onto the bed beside Grady and gave him a spoon. “I had it stashed right in the back of the freezer where nobody ever looks. There’s all kinds of old junk back there.” Grady yanked off the lid, dug his spoon and took a big mouthful. He sucked it in, then started to sing, “Heaven, I’m in heaven …” OK, kiddo, time to get the scoop � and I don’t mean a scoop of ice-cream. Well, that too, but … No, gotta focus. I mean the scoop on the tribe. I assume you don’t need me to tell you what us guys did in the bungalow in Malibu.” “No, sir, Brandon and me got it all from Eddie, though I think he probably exaggerated a bit.” “I doubt it, kid. It was pretty hot stuff. But I wanna know what happened in town while we were away. Who was your informant?” “Brandon, sir. We speak all the time on the phone. ‘Fact, he called me just now while you and Mario were … rehearsing,” the boy said with a straight face. He paused for another spoonful. “OK, so you already know about the staff changes. Brandon’s gonna replace Jamie as Office Manager, Ryan will be his assistant and they’re gonna hire two new guys.” “How d’you think that’ll work out.” “It’ll be outstanding, sir. Brandon’s over the moon and he already has tons of new ideas. Ryan’s thrilled `cos it makes his man Darius even more proud of him, and you know how Ryan worships Darius.” “Yeah, and that ten-inch black monster weapon of his.” “Focus, sir. You said we gotta focus.” Grady was suitably chastened. “And the gardeners, Finn and Tyler, are being brought in house, so to speak, by Bob who’s making them co-managers of the house and the garden in place of Eddie.” “Hm, co-house managers. That could be tricky. Do they work well together?” “Too well, sir, in Brandon’s opinion. See, working in the garden they kept having sex, especially when the sun got hot and they took a breather. You could stumble on them behind any bush.” “Damn, I should spend more time hanging out in you guys’ garden,” Grady grinned. “Brandon says if they start fucking in the bedrooms while they’re doing their rounds in the house Bob won’t stand for that.” “Guess not,” Grady chuckled. “Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase `Get a Room’. Now they’ll have their pick.” “Personally, sir, I think the new job will make them more responsible and they’ll keep it zipped up. Anyway, for the first week or so they’re gonna have Nate supervising them if Bob can persuade Adam and Chad to part with him for a while.” “Ah, now we get to the juicy stuff. “Oooh,” Grady groaned as he sucked in a big scoop as he talked and the cold gave him a jab of a headache.” “You should eat more slowly, sir. Mario’s always telling you not to bolt your food.” “Yeah, but he didn’t have a tub of ice-cream � and we do. So tell me about Nate.” “Well, sir, Nate used to be the house-manager before Eddie. He set up the systems and he knows all the wrinkles. So Bob wants to borrow him to train Tyler and Finn. But Nate has always been Adam’s boy � the two Aussies, you know � and now he’s Chad’s too. And we think it’s a tossup whether the Aussie stud and the hunky doc will lend Nate to Bob.” “Why so? I thought Bob could charm the birds out of the trees. He could sure tempt me into the trees. He’s had me in that clump of trees in the garden several times.” “Sir, you’ve gotta get you mind off sex.” “What? Wash your mouth out with soap, boy. You know my one-track mind is pretty much a dirt-track. OK, OK, sorry. Focus, focus. So why wouldn’t those hunks part with Nate?” Brian’s eyes opened wide and he spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. “Because he’s become real valuable to them, sir, and I don’t only mean in the bedroom. In all the rooms.” “You mean they fuck in all those rooms. It’s a big house, it would take …” “No, no, no, sir, there you go again. This is not about sex. It’s about interior decorating � that’s what I mean by all the rooms. Nate’s always had a flair for that and when Adam and Chad bought that house they wanted to do a complete makeover � in their own style, like. It seems Nate took over and he’s doing a whole number on the house, just the way those guys like it � you know, kinda masculine but not too butch, what you might call butch-elegant.” “That’s a big job,” Grady said. “I can see why they don’t wanna part with him. So what’s the betting, kiddo, you’re always good at that?” “Personally, sir, I think Bob will get what he wants, but it’s gonna take a lot of persuading. Those guys will strike a hard bargain.” “With an emphasis on the `strike’?” “Well, no, they won’t get mean or anything, but I can imagine a few scenarios. It’ll probably be a tit-for-tat thing. You know � we give you something, you give us something in return.” “Yeah, but what? Kid, you’re sending my imagination into overdrive. But you’ll tell me as soon as it happens, right?” Brian nodded eagerly. “So in the meantime,” Grady said, what d’you think’s going on right now at the compound? Big celebration, uh? What’s Brandon telling you?” “Well, sir, he says the troops are gathering and Mark is looking at his boy Jamie like he’s some Greek statue on a pedestal, he’s so proud of him. And, as you know, when that happens sex always rears its head.” “Thank god,” Grady grinned. “So anyway, you know how Jamie always gets naked and offers his ass to Mark whenever the cop gets home. Well Brandon thinks it’s a safe bet Mark will turn the tables and surrender his ass to Jamie. It’s happened before.” “Damn I wanna see that. You think they’d give me a repeat performance?” “Doubt it, sir. That’s a one-off. But there’s another couple Brandon has his eye on. Randy and Bob.” “The bosses? Why? No, wait a minute, wait a minute. Let me guess.” Grady frowned in thought. “So let’s think � from what you say, Bob’s been taking charge in a big way, getting his info firsthand and reordering the staff. The whole tribe waits for him to make a speech with the `big announcement’. He is definitely the boss.” “Right so far, sir.” “OK, but this don’t sit too well with Randy who always has to be the boss � and always is, except for Bob. So what’s a pissed-off gypsy caveman to do, eh? You do the math, kiddo.” “Simple Didim Escort Bayan as two plus two, sir. There’s one way where Randy’s always the boss � when he gets physical. In the past he used to really get physical and beat Bob up if he got uppity. He was so scared of losing Bob, and he thought the only way to keep him was to lock him in his man-cave. He don’t do that now, but there’s one way Randy is still dominant, definitely the boss.” “And sex rears its head again,” Grady said triumphantly. “Man, I’d like to be a fly on that wall too. Hey, Brian, you remember that old flick where a guy turns into a fly? I wish I could do that and watch all this sex stuff.” “Yeah, me and Brandon watched that movie on TV. But as I recall, sir, when the man becomes a fly he don’t buzz around from room to room and crawl on the wall watching guys fuck.” “So what makes you think all flies are alike, kid? If I were a fly I’d be …” “The most sex-crazed insect in the history of the world, sir?” They burst out laughing and dipped their spoons in the ice-cream tub. Their conversation was becoming silly but Grady was having a blast. So the gossip continued, with more outlandish predictions for the future, punctuated by many gulps of chocolate ice-cream. BUSTED! Meanwhile Mario was in the kitchen checking up on Danny’s dinner preparations. “I’m sorry to leave you alone for so long, Danny, but you know how it is when Grady comes home after a few days away.” “Oh, I don’t mind, sir. You know how I love my kitchen � Happiest Place on Earth, my Disneyland,” Danny smiled. “So did you give our new lifeguard a big Grady-House welcome?” “Grady seemed pleased,” Mario smiled modestly. “And he’s now in his own Disneyland, where he becomes a kid again, sitting in bed with Brian catching up on all the latest gossip. And no doubt sharing a great big tub of chocolate ice-cream.” “Really, sir? I thought Grady wasn’t allowed ice-cream.” “He’s not, according to Randy, but Brian has this secret stash at the back of the freezer that he thinks I don’t know about. Grady is a chocoholic so I’m sure he got the secret out of Brian and charmed him into sharing the tub with him. But you sure you’re OK all alone here, Danny?” “Well I’m not really alone, sir. See these?” He fingered the earbuds hanging down from the neck of his apron. My lover Tommy and I talk on the phone all the time while I’m working here and he works up at Steve’s house. Actually, he’s coming here to give me a hand soon and, er, he might stay the night with me if that’s OK, sir.” “Danny, you don’t have to ask a question like that. You can have anyone you like here, especially Tommy � he’s a decorative addition to any house. Of course he must join us for dinner and stay the night and … whatever it is you two do.” Danny grinned impishly. “Probably not much different from what you and Grady just did, sir.” “Well I hope you have as much fun as we did, Danny. Now I suppose I’d better go upstairs and crack the whip about Grady breaking the gastronomic rules.” Grady and Brandon were deep into gossip � and ice-cream � when the door suddenly opened and there was Mario. Like a flash, Brandon buried the tub between them on the bed. They stared at Mario with dopey smiles and what they hoped were looks of innocence, but were in fact pictures of guilt. Mario tossed them a towel. “First you can wipe the chocolate off your mouths, and Brian, mind that tub you’ve got hidden between you doesn’t get chocolate on the sheets.” Grady grimaced at Brian. “Busted! We’re in the dog house, kiddo.” “You certainly are,” Mario said. “Randy works hard to keep you in shape, so he’ll be angry about this. You’re a very bad influence on Brian.” “It’s my fault, amico, not Brian’s. I kind of twisted his arm. I said I would grovel to Randy and let him chain me up and whip me, and Brian could watch. It was an offer he couldn’t refuse � well, who could, I ask you?” It was obvious that Mario was trying hard to suppress his laughter. He came over to the bed, bent down and kissed Brian. “You are forgiven, bambino. But he’s not,” jabbing a finger at Grady. He’s been a ragazzaccio, a naughty boy, and you know what we do to naughty boys.” “Fuck `em, sir?” Brian said innocently, blinking behind his glasses. “Among other things, yes. Now, Danny will be serving dinner soon and Tommy is coming over to give him a hand. He’ll be joining us and staying the night with Danny. So Brian, why don’t you go down and set the table for five? Oh, and replace the remains of that ice-cream in the back of the freezer where it came from.” “Yes, sir,” Brain said, his eyes sparkling more with mischief than contrition. He eased himself into his wheelchair, with the tub and the spoons, and wheeled himself to the door. Grady called out after him, “Hey, kiddo, keep your ear to the ground about that Randy and Bob thing, and report back to me as soon as there’s new intelligence.” “Aye-aye, sir, will do,” Brian called back over his shoulder, and left the room. Grady faked an over-the-top look of guilt, like a kid who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or in this case, the ice-cream tub. Mario finally let his laughter bubble out. “I’m glad you are having a good time, Grady, but I should be angry. You made Brian your partner in crime. What am I to do with you? Grady said humbly. “You could do what Brian suggested and … and fuck me.” “Incorreggibile! Oh, mi amore, we will have such a good time here this week.” A HEART TO HEART Grady had been right to trust Brian’s intuition and predictive skills. The boy was a keen observer of the tribe and, in collusion with his boyfriend Brandon, generally knew in advance which way the wind would blow. Grady, of course, eagerly lapped up the stream of gossip. As Brian had accurately forecast, Mark had indeed reversed roles and let the newly-empowered Jamie top him in bed. And Brandon, Tyler and Finn had already greeted the news of their promotions with enthusiasm. Also, his prediction that Bob’s upcoming meeting with Adam and Chad would become contentious, would also soon prove to be true. But it was in his analysis of the complex relationship of Bob and Randy that Brian really excelled. As he had said, their love for each other was so intense that Randy couldn’t imagine life without Bob, and that scared him. The seeds of conflict had already been sown at the celebratory dinner in a whispered exchanged between the men. Randy had said, “You know how bent out of shape I get when you take charge like this, like you’re the big boss around here. When we go to bed I guess I have to show you again who the real boss is, so brace yourself, stud.” Bob had replied flippantly, “Already braced, Randy. I would expect nothing less.” When at last the festive dinner finally wound down the men of the tribe exchanged hugs and handshakes with the two leaders, and congratulated them on how things were shaping up. After the crowd disbursed Randy went home to their house adjoining the compound while Bob stayed behind for a few minutes to check on the boys doing cleanup. “Guys, leave all the stuff on the tables and move them over by the wall there. They can wait till tomorrow. Just so the twins and Will have a clear kitchen to do breakfasts in the morning. Thanks a bunch, guys. Been quite a day, uh? Sleep well … make love.” As he walked back toward his house he left many admiring glances behind him. Bob was universally loved and respected � and Randy knew it. Bob went up to the master bedroom where Randy had already poured two brandies, a nightly routine where they re-hashed the day and talked about prospects for tomorrow. “Man, I’m bushed,” Bob said, flopping on a couch next to Randy and kicking his shoes off. What a day … so many changes.” “Yeah,” Randy said, “and you were sure throwing your weight around out there.” Bob frowned � he knew that tone of voice well. “I wouldn’t characterize it as `throwing my weight around’, Randy. That’s a bit harsh. It’s simply that, with Jamie and Eddie going off the payroll, their positions had to be filled quickly to avoid a lot of rumors and uncertainty. So I worked hard, interviewing the boys’ masters and making sure I didn’t put a foot wrong.” “You, put a foot wrong? Never.” Bob sighed and took a sip of brandy. “Randy, I’m very familiar with that snarky, cynical tone. OK, what’s the problem?” Randy shrugged. “Like I told you before, I just get pissed off when you take charge like that and all the guys look up to you like you just stepped off Mount fucking Olympus.” Bob said patiently, “Would you rather they resented me making all these decisions, and talked down to me?” “Anyone did that to you I’d fucking slug `em.” “Hm, and that would settle everything nicely, I suppose. Randy, earlier today we talked about Brandon’s heavy workload in the office and I asked for your help. You remember what you said? `Hey, careful, stud,’ you said, `you know how it works. I don’t tell you how to run the office or the house, any more than you tell me how to run the construction sites.” “Yeah, then I told you how you should handle it and make amends to Pete and his kid Brandon.” “Exactly, it was sound advice, and that’s teamwork, Randy.” Randy just shrugged, and Bob paused to take another sip of brandy. He had to tread carefully when Randy was in this mood. “Listen, Randy. This is not just about me making staffing decisions today, is it? There’s much more to it than that. Won’t you tell me?” Randy looked into the handsome face and soft brown eyes he had studied so often in the past. “OK, right … like … when you made that speech to all the guys and they gazed up at you hanging on every word, you were so fucking … so fucking … intellectual. The words you used, the tone, so sure of yourself and they all applauded you … and so they should `cos you were fucking brilliant.” He took a big slug of brandy, building up another head of steam. “I can’t compete with that, dude. But a lot of those guys are right up there with you, almost as smart � Mark, Pete, Hassan, all in positions of authority where they give artilic …” “Articulate …?” “Yeah, articulate speeches just like that in their jobs. They’re more like you than I am … I’m just a fucking construction worker with dirt under my fingernails. I’m just …” “Randy, wait a minute, wait a minute. OK, picture it. I decide to run one of the construction sites. But we’re behind schedule and the crew is tired. I make a fancy speech, full of facts and figures, and ask them to do overtime. They’d think I was coming off all high-and-mighty and tell me where I could shove the job � up my ass. “But you handle situations like that all the time, Randy. And they respect and admire you because you work even harder than they do. They’d work all night if you asked them. You wouldn’t have to make a speech. You’d just start doing the heavy lifting yourself and they’d join in � leadership by example. And when the work was done you’d all kick back with beers, and you’d be just one of the guys. “And it’s not just the crew. The customers, the vendors, they all respect you, Randy, `cos you’re tough and honest, and they trust you to bring in every project on time and under-budget. “And that’s why you’ve been so successful at building the construction company up from nothing to the huge success it is today. You don’t think the tribe looks up to you? Bullshit! They know that if you weren’t the boss there would be no company, and there’d be no tribe. Those boys we’ve trained and nurtured would still be on the streets or living the lonely lives they were living before we found them. Boys like redheaded Will and gutsy Brandon and your kid brother Ben. “I’m just a backroom boy really, providing what they call infrastructure Escort Didim � keeping the office and house in order to support the heaving lifting that you do every day. But you’re the one who brings in the money. Sure, we’re different, different but equal, Randy. And above all that, more important than any of that, is the unalterable fact that we love each other. I’m crazy in love with you, not those other guys, and that’s never gonna change, buddy. It’s etched in granite.” Bob stopped talking, took another hit of brandy, and saw Randy’s pale blue eyes smile and brim with tears. “See what I mean about you making speeches, dude? Fucking brilliant. One thing I forgot to tell you just now, it got lost in my paranoia. I was one of the guys at dinner staring up at you, hanging on every word you said � and feeling so damn proud of you.” “Thank you for saying that, Randy. You know the tribe thinks of us as co-equal leaders. But when we’re here like this, alone in our bedroom, we’re not really equal. You’re the boss Randy, right from the days when that big savage gypsy dragged me into his cave, tied me up and fucked my ass until I begged for mercy and promised never to leave him.” Bob smiled. “I kept my promise, Randy, and so did you. And so here we are, after all these years, and you’re still the boss. That confident, gleaming gypsy smile was back. “You think so? OK, big guy. Prove it.” THE UNDISPUTED MASTER Randy pulled off his T-shirt, poured himself another brandy, and sprawled back on the couch shirtless, legs apart, one hand holding his drink, the other grabbing the bulge in his jeans. Bob stood up and stared down at the muscular, shirtless gypsy with the chiseled features, stubbled jaw, shaggy black hair and piercing blue eyes. Yes, Randy was the boss, no doubt about it. And Bob, the confident alpha-male who so recently had been admired as having just stepped off Mount Olympus, as Randy put it, was now ready to submit to his master. He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. Randy groaned, ripped open his own jeans and pulled out his monster cock. “Fuck yeah,” he growled, staring up at the bare-chested superman. He stroked his cock slowly. “Fuck yeah …” Already barefoot, Bob now unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and let them drop round his ankles. His cock sprang out, hard as iron, and Randy said, “Touch it. I wanna watch you stroke that cock.” The only sound in the room was a ticking clock as the lovers stared at each other and slowly ran their hands over their cocks. “Turn round.” Bob turned his back on Randy who stared at the white globes of the ass he always lusted for. “That ass belongs to me, man. Always has, always will. Go over to the wall mirror. You know what I want � get off on yourself.” Bob knew what he meant, an act that always excited Randy � Superman making love to himself. He walked naked to the full-length wall mirror and pressed his bare chest against it. He stretched his arms up against the glass and stared into his own eyes. He pressed his lips against the glass and kissed himself. “Fuck,” Randy growled. He pulled himself off the couch and stood stroking his cock as he watched his man make love to himself. As Bob writhed against his mirror-image, his cock pressing against the glass made his ass cheeks flex. “Damn, I gotta get me a piece of that ass.” Randy strode to the mirror, stood against Bob’s back and looked over his shoulder into his eyes in the mirror. “You look so fucking hot, man. You always do.” “Please, Randy … fuck my ass. I’m giving it to you” “Wrong, buddy,” Randy said. “You don’t give me your ass. I’m the boss … I take what I want.” He spat on his cock, then grabbed Bob’s waist, pulled his hips back toward him and drove his shaft deep inside his lover’s ass.” “Aaahh,” Bob sighed. He stared at the rugged gypsy face in the mirror, felt the huge dick filling his ass, and willingly surrendered. He would do whatever Randy ordered him to. He wanted to be dominated by him, a craving he felt for no other man. Randy folded one arm round Bob’s neck from behind and held him tight while he pounded his ass. “This is what I mean, buddy,” he breathed in his ear. “This is why I’m the master. Feel that piston on your ass?” It was a master fuck, not as savage as Randy could sometimes be, but enough to drive Bob wild. As the pounding continued he felt his legs go weak and sag, and he slid slowly down against the glass. “Can’t take it, eh, stud? OK, I’ll go easy on you.” He pulled out and let Bob fall to his knees. Randy shoved the back of his head and he fell forward on hands and knees. On all fours, Bob stared at himself in the mirror then up at Randy, who flashed an arrogant smile that always annoyed and excited Bob. “What do you want, stud?” Randy growled “I want your cock in my ass.” “You can do better than that, buddy.” “OK. Please, sir, I want your cock in my ass. I need it so bad. Please, sir.” “That’s better. Turns me on to hear a gorgeous muscle-stud beg for cock.” Randy dropped to his knees and grabbed Bob hips from behind. “So here it comes, dude.” “Aaagh!” This time the penetration was fierce and the fuck savage. Bob stared at the mirror image of the ferocious gypsy kneeling behind him, his jeans round his thighs, stubbled jaw clenched, eyes blazing. As he rammed his cock in mercilessly his long black hair whipped round his face, and the muscles of his bare torso bulged. Randy was skilled at bringing his victim right up to his pain threshold before pulling back, then ramping the action back up. Bob took in lungsful of air, bracing against the pain … and loving the thrill of being savaged by the gypsy barbarian. When the action intensified Bob reared back up on his knees. He raised his arms, braced his palms on the mirror and arched his body, pushing his ass back to feel the full extent of Randy’s massive cock driving in deep. He felt Randy’s sweat dripping on his back and heard the deep guttural voice. “Now, who’s the boss, big guy? Tell me … tell me!” “You are, sir. I can’t live without this … I can’t live without you. Fuck me … fuck my ass.” The force of Randy’s pounding cock forced Bob’s knees forward with each blow until he was pressed against the mirror again, his arms stretched up high, hands clawing at the glass. He was the gypsy’s captive, his ass impaled on his brutal shaft. Randy fucked relentlessly, driven by the euphoric sense of domination over this naked superman. Again and again he pushed Bob to the limit of exhaustion and the edge of orgasm before backing off. Bob was in a delirium of lust, dazed to the point where the constant pounding in his ass made everything go momentarily dark. When he opened his eyes the pounding had stopped, but his ass was still on fire, filled with the massive cock. He looked in the mirror and saw Randy’s face over his shoulder, smiling at him. Randy was pressed against him, his arms raised on top of Bob’s, pinning his wrists to the glass. Bob heard himself groan. “I submit, sir. You’re the master. I love you, sir.” Rand flashed his gleaming smile. “That’s all I needed to hear, buddy. Now I can make love to you.” Slowly, gently, he pulled his cock back, almost all the way, then eased it back in, massaging the ravaged ass. Pressed against his back Randy rested his chin on Bob’s shoulder, their faces side by side, gazing into each other’s eyes in the mirror. “See that, buddy?” Randy said. “See your own gorgeous face reflected in those blue eyes? That’s you and me, dude, and that’s the only thing that counts. All that other crap, that’s window dressing. See that world there? It’s all in the eyes, and that’s where we live, where we come alive, you and me.” Randy grinned, “And talking of coming alive, you know I can make you cum like this, don’t you?” “Always.” Randy pulled back, then pushed his rod slowly in his lover’s ass. “Look into my eyes, dude, feel that dick pushing inside you. “Aaahh” Bob moaned as the cock came to rest in the burning depths of his ass. The voice was hypnotic. “I’m your master, buddy. I’m the boss and I can make you do anything. Look at me, Bob. I can make you cum hands-free, because you love me. Feel that jizz racing up your cock … do it now, man, do it for your master …” Mesmerized by the piercing blue eyes, Bob’s body shuddered and he uttered a long, rapturous moan as semen spurted from his cock, splashed against the mirror and ran down the glass. “That’s my man,” Randy said in a tone of triumph. He pulled his cock all the way back and plunged in one last time, flooding Bob’s ass with his warm juice.” He fell against Bob and they stared at each other’s reflection, still in a haze of lust and love as their cocks drained. That arrogant smile spread once more over the dark gypsy face. “See, buddy? Like I told you … I am the boss. SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN Bob fell into Randy arms and they stumbled together across the room and collapsed on the bed. They wallowed in the afterglow of great sex � kissing, licking, squeezing in a tangle of limbs until finally they fell back exhausted. In a few minutes they would have been asleep � except that Bob’s phone rang. Sleepily he looked at the screen. “It’s Chad. Shall I pick up?” “Sure, let’s see what the hunky doc has to say. Put it on speaker.” “Hey, Chad, what’s up?” “Bob, I’m sorry to call so late, hope it’s not a bad time, but Adam and I were just lying here in the afterglow …” “You too, uh,” Bob smiled. “I’m lying here with Randy, so you’re timings good. What’s on your mind, doc?” “Well we were chatting about the dinner at your place and Adam mentioned something he’d heard there. You know, the stuff about Finn and Tyler becoming house-managers. Good choice, by the way. Miguel told Adam you were thinking of asking us if our boy Nate could spend a week over there training them.” “Oh, sorry you heard about it like that, Chad. I was gonna approach you tomorrow but …” “No problem, dude. Thing is, that might not be so easy, but Adam and I were thinking we could come up with some kind of deal …” Adam’s Australian drawl came on. “G’day mate … or g’night I guess. Anyway, reason we called now is to invite you and Randy to dinner up here and see if we can, er, sort something out. Nate has offered to cook for us.” “Hold on a minute, Adam.” Bob muted the phone. “What d’you think, Randy?” “Sure why not? Maybe you should suggest bringing the twins with us to help Nate cook. It’s time those kids had a night out with us.” Bob got back on the phone, “Sure guys, that would be fun � we haven’t got together for a long time. But on one condition. We don’t wanna put the burden all on Nate in the kitchen, so can we bring the twins with us to cook for us all and then join us for dinner?” “Good on ya, mate, sounds like a plan. Fits in with our ideas perfectly. OK, see you tomorrow. Won’t keep you any longer now � let you get back to whatever you were doing, mates.” Bob hung up and frowned at Randy. “What do you think Adam meant by `fits in with our ideas’?” “Dunno. Any more than Chad saying they `could come up with some kind of deal.’ Wouldn’t worry about it though.” “Oh I’m not worried. After all, the twins and I will have the big bad boss to take care of us.” “Asshole,” Randy grinned. “Cut the sarcasm or I’ll have to `take care’ of you all over again.” “Yes sir, boss,” Bob chuckled, as Randy curled his arm over him. TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 526 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 492 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 492 By Rob Williams Chapter 492 � “THE DOC GETS OBEDIENCE TRAINING” IN THIS CHAPTER: After being sidelined by an injury, boss Randy feels humiliated being treated by the handsome Doctor Chad, a man whose orders he resents and refuses to obey. So he fights back to reclaim his supremacy, first by showing his lover Bob that, even injured, he can still fuck. Then, in a pornographic warehouse scene, he dominates the doc and teaches him the true meaning of obedience and humiliation. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Doctor Chad had never had sex with a man � though he had jerked off thinking about it. Then he met the cop Mark, and made love for the first time � and fell in love too. It didn’t hurt that Chad was drop-dead gorgeous with the classic features and physique of a Greek statue, tousled brown hair and limpid hazel eyes But he was conflicted. He recoiled at the thought of coming between Mark and his boy Jamie � that would be unforgivable. The only way out, he decided, was never to see Mark again. The founder of the tribe, the equally handsome Bob, intervened and went to reason with Chad. Using all his considerable powers of seduction, Bob convinced Chad that he needed more experience of sex with men before he claimed to be in love with one of them. Bob proved his point by making love with Chad in an increasingly erotic scene that climaxed when Bob butt-fucked Chad, the first man ever to do so. Blown away by the new experience Chad said, “Bob, I think I’m in love with you.” To which Bob asked playfully, “Instead of Mark or in addition to?” Chad got the point and grinned, “Fuck you, dude.” Chad was won over � and being friends with the tribe would fit in with his professional life. He had recently been offered a prestigious job as director of surgery at a hospital near the tribe and had even looked at a nearby house that he loved, except that it needed work. Bob said, “So will you take that job, and let me help you buy that house, and let Randy fix it up for you?” “Yes, yes and yes,” Chad laughed. Driving back home Bob called his lover Randy, the tough, rugged gypsy who ruled the tribe. He was still at work on the construction site and when Bob told him what he had done with Chad Randy hit the roof. “You fucked him?! You should have checked with me first. A new man comes to the tribe, especially a stud like him, I gotta check him out first.” Bob knew Randy was mad not that Bob had fucked the doctor but that he had been the first. One thing that riled Randy was the thought of Bob assuming a role that should be his. He was the boss, Bob was his and he, Randy, should approve of a guy before Bob made any move. Chad had accepted Bob’s invitation to dinner and they were having cocktails waiting for Randy to come home from work when the phone rang. It was Randy’s foreman Darius. “Sir, quick, there’s been an accident here at work. Randy’s been injured. We need help fast. We stayed late to pull down a hunk of rusty old fence, but Randy seemed real tense about something. He lost his temper and jerked backward into a jagged slice of the fence. It cut a big gash on his leg and now it’s bleeding a whole lot.” Bob and Chad sped to the construction site where the doctor took charge. He had to stop the bleeding but a raging Randy was stomping around making things worse. And he was hostile to Chad. “No fucking way!” Randy roared. “That guy is not coming near me. You touch me, asshole, and you’ll feel my fist.” The only solution was for Chad to inject hm with a sedative. When it took effect Chad pulled off his own shirt, twisted it into a tourniquet and applied it to his leg, then raised it up. By now the sedative had put Randy in a happy state of euphoria, and when Chad asked how he was doing Randy replied, “Feeling no pain, doc. Don’t know what you shot me up with but from down here everything’s looking real good, including yourself doc.” Young Eddie arrived with blankets and towels and stared in disbelief at the shirtless doctor on his knees, holding up Randy’s leg, the jeans ripped off all the way to the now-bare crotch. Eddie had seen this pose a million times before and it always meant only one thing. He glanced wide-eyed over at Darius and silently mouthed, `Is he gonna fuck him?’ Darius shot back a look that was part glare, part smile and mouthed, `Are you nuts?’ Nuts or not, Eddie wasn’t the only one with that notion. The sedative now at its peak Randy smiled blearily up at Chad and said languidly, “Anyone ever tell you are one hot, sexy son-of-a-bitch, doc? Ripped fucking bod, face like one a’ them Greek gods. And that bulge in your crotch pressing on my ass. Damn, last man who had me on the ground like this fucked my ass. You gonna fuck my ass, doc?” Eddie was riveted by the unbelievable scene that followed and couldn’t wait to describe it to the tribe when he got home. Eventually Chad said Randy could be moved and they carried him out to the truck to take him to the nearby hospital where Chad was the new director of surgery. Darius got behind the wheel, Chad sat next to him to phone ahead to alert the hospital, and Bob sat in back with Randy. “Eddie,” Bob said, “I want you to go back home and tell everyone what’s happened here. Rumors must be flying so I want you to tell them the truth � no exaggerations, right?” “Sir, even I couldn’t exaggerate this one, it’s already totally over-the-top. You couldn’t make this stuff up � no one would believe you.” They drove away and Eddie got into his own truck and took off. He couldn’t wait to see the guys at home � and boy, did he have a story to tell. ********************** CHAPTER 492 ********************* EDDIE TELLS A BREATHLESS TALE When the excited Eddie screeched to a halt at the gate of the compound the tribe was already gathering for dinner. Word had spread fast on the grapevine of the drama unfolding at the construction site, but details were scarce and there was an atmosphere of foreboding. So inevitably Eddie, who had witnessed the whole scene, was the center of attention � his favorite place to be. There was a crowd sitting round the big table in the garden and all eyes turned expectantly on Eddie. He paused for dramatic effect, opened his eyes wide, then raised his palms in his usual prelude to a dramatic tale. “Guys, you will not believe …” Eddie’s master, the macho Arab Marine captain Hassan, cleared his throat noisily. “Eddie, just the facts, boy � no drama, no exaggeration.” “That’s what Bob said, sir. I told him that you couldn’t make this stuff up and even if you did …” “Eddie …!” “Sorry, sir. OK, just the facts. Well, you all know that Chad was new to this whole man-sex scene and got scared when he fell in love with Mark, `cos of Jamie and all and … OK, anyway. Bob told the twins, and they told Will and he told me that Bob sorted it all out with Chad and � get this � ended up fucking him � first time ever for the doc! “But then Darius phoned to say Randy had cut his leg real bad, and Doctor Chad and Bob raced to the rescue. I followed them with all sorts of towels and stuff and I myself helped the doc, like an assistant. Randy was ranting and raving with blood gushing from his leg so Bob and Darius had to hold him down while the doc gave him a shot that slowed him down real soon. Trust me, that guy was feeling no pain, you know, like laughing gas at the dentist when you …” Another glare from Hassan. “OK, OK. So anyway, Doc Chad cut Randy’s jeans all the way up, then ripped off his own shirt and made it into a, er, turnkey …” “Tourniquet,” several of the boys shouted in unison.” “OK, OK, I knew that. Yeah, turn-icay, that’s the one. So anyway this is where it gets totally weird. Chad raised up Randy’s bare leg, then leaned forward to touch the pulse in his neck. Well right away I thought the doc was gonna fuck him � and Randy thought so too, but he didn’t care `cos he was zonked out by the shot. Chad`s fingers were still on his neck and Randy even asked if the doc was gonna choke him while he fucked him. `Cos ya know, some guys get off on that. It’s never really been my thing but … oops, sorry, sir. “Anyway the doc told him to calm down but Randy said something like, `Calm down? Looking up at that gorgeous body with your shlong pressing on my butt? Only one thing’ll calm me down now.'” Eddie paused. “So, guess what …” “Just tell us, boy,” Hassan said. “OK, sir, I’m getting there. So Randy was in this kinda drugged-out fantasy that the doc was really fucking him … and he jerked off. The doc was mad that Randy was raising his blood pressure but he was turned on too and when Randy busted his load …” Eddie paused for dramatic effect … “the doc … himself … creamed … his … jeans.” Eddie stared at his audience, pleased by the amazed gasps that ran through the crowd. “But wait guys, there’s more. Randy told Chad that he still didn’t like him and said something like, `One day soon I’m gonna make you beg real good. I’m gonna fuck your ass and make you crawl and beg for more. I can make a man do that. You are gonna get so fucking fucked, dude, and you are gonna fall in love. I can make a man do that too.’ “Well, Chad said it wouldn’t be the first time `cos he’d already fallen in love with Mark and Bob, or in lust or infatuation or, whatever. But it was some threat, don’t ya think? And I bet he’ll do it. If I was a betting man my money would be on Randy.” “Eddie,” Hassan said impatiently, “cut to the chase, boy … is Randy gonna be OK?” “Oh yeah, right? Well I asked the doc that very thing, if Randy would be alright, and he said, `don’t worry kiddo, I’ll make sure he will … for you, Bob and all the guys.’ How about that?! I mean, he is such a great doc, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous and built like a …” Eddie glanced at Hassan. “Anyway guys that’s it. They took Randy to the hospital and the doc’s gonna stitch him up himself. Bob told me to come here and tell you guys all about it to stop all the rumors flying. So I have, and now I’ll stop talking. Hey,” he grinned,” that’s not something you hear every day of the week.” The crowd laughed and applauded, amused by Eddie and venting their relief that Randy was OK. Some of them were wondering about Randy’s `threat’ to Chad, but decided that was something for another day. ************************************ DOCTOR’S ORDERS Meanwhile there was still tension in the truck as Darius drove fast, having punched into the GPS the address Chad gave him. Chad phoned the hospital and alerted the staff of the situation. “As soon as we get there we’ll need a gurney so the patient can keep his leg straight. I’ll need to give him a tetanus shot, then have the wound cleaned and prepped so I can stitch it. Hard to say how many sutures it’ll need, but plenty. Oh, and I’ll need a scrubs shirt � I had to use my shirt for the tourniquet.” Darius grinned to himself, sitting next to the shirtless hunk who also happened to be an experienced doctor who also happened to be gorgeous and sexy as hell. Even in this emergency situation Darius had a hard-on as he concentrated on driving as fast as safety allowed. Having witnessed the erotic scene that Eddie was even now describing to the awestruck tribe, Darius had gained great respect for the doctor’s skill and renewed admiration for Randy’s ability to turn any situation into a sexual challenge in which he triumphed as usual. When they arrived at the hospital’s emergency entrance the staff wheeled a gurney up to the truck and lifted Randy onto it. A nurse gave a scrubs shirt to the shirtless doctor, and Darius thought he looked almost as sexy in the dark blue shirt as he had bare-chested. Chad walked alongside the gurney, focused solely on his patient, and a nurse directed Bob and Darius to a nearby waiting room. At last they were able to relax and Bob said, “Darius, I want to thank you for being steady as a rock through all this. In a panicky situation you kept your head with the strength of mind of one of the masters. Zack will be proud of you. And talking of masters, how is your boy Ryan doing?” “He’s coming along real well, sir � I sure made the right choice there. Of course he’s brilliant at his job and the guys in the office love him. He’s more serious than someone like Eddie, say, but I find that kinda sexy � you know, the strong silent type. Sex is terrific, though it’s a bit scary the way he idolizes me. Makes me wanna live up to his expectations � it’s a real responsibility.” Bob chuckled. “That’s what it means to have a boy, Darius. And judging from the way you handled yourself today I’d say you’re definitely up to the task.” They whiled away the time talking about their boys and the tribe in general � and about Randy of course, laughing as they swapped stories. Darius was Randy’s foreman and assistant on the construction site, and Bob said, “I recall the day Randy flew into a rage and slugged one of the work crew. The insurance company got real upset and said they Diyarbakır Escort would pull the insurance unless Randy agreed to take anger management classes with Doc Steve and hire an assistant who would keep him in check. You were the obvious choice, Darius � and it can’t be easy. As his lover, I know that better than anyone.” They talked about the big gypsy with love and reverence as the undisputed leader of the tribe with his animal, sexual magnetism. When Bob treated Darius to some of the tricks he had used to placate Randy they laughed a lot, and they were still chuckling an hour later when Doctor Chad came into the room. He smiled, “I see you guys seem to have recovered from our little drama pretty well, and so, I’m happy to say, has our patient, even though he’s growling about `getting the hell out of here’ and warning me to `keep my damn hands’ off him. I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me for stopping him bleeding to death.” “Oh, that’s par for the course, Chad,” Bob grinned. “Just means he’s feeling better. And I suppose the sedative has warned off.” “It has, so here’s the situation now. We cleaned him up, gave him a tetanus shot and strong antibiotics to prevent infection. Then I stitched up the wound � it took a lot of sutures, I can tell you, but I think he’ll heal quickly.” “No doubt about that, sir,” Darius said. “I’ve seen Randy get into a rough knock-down drag-out fight, then get up, cut and bruised, and go right back to work as if nothing happened.” “And I suppose he won the fight,” Chad smiled. “Of course he did, sir. He always does � one way or another.” “As I found out earlier on the work site,” Chad said ruefully. “Anyway, we’ve dressed the wound and bandaged it and I’ll need to see Randy again in a week to check it and see when I can removed the stitches. I’m going to discharge him and let him come home as I know he’ll get plenty of care there from you guys. He has to take the antibiotics daily until they’re all gone. “For the first couple of days he must not walk on that leg or put any pressure on it. I prefer he use a wheelchair, we can loan you one, but I’ll allow crutches for short periods. He mustn’t work for a few days and even then no heavy stuff. Bob, he’s a difficult patient and I know he’s gonna kick against these limitations, but I’m assuming you have your ways to keep him in check.” Bob grinned, “Yeah, actually Darius and I were just talking about that and, er, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. We won’t need to borrow a wheelchair `cos one of our boys who uses a wheelchair has a spare one that Randy can use.” “Fine, so they’ll bring him out here in a few minutes and I’ll see you all off.” “But you, er, you’re still coming to dinner aren’t you Chad?” “Er, I’d like to and I am kinda hungry, but I don’t want Randy yelling at me again and raising his blood pressure.” “Chad, you have my word that won’t happen, after all you’ve done for us. I have a feeling the tribe will greet you as the hero of the hour, which you are.” “Hmm, OK. I’ll be a few minutes closing out the paperwork on this and talking to the staff, then I’ll come and join you and we can all go back together the way we came.” He sighed. “One way and another it’s been a hell of a day. Dinner’s starting to sound real good. ******************************** “BUT YA ARE, BLANCHE” Chad left Bob and Darius, and soon a nurse wheeled Randy in, with his right leg propped up straight out. His face had a scowl that managed to be both angry and sheepish. “Fucking wheelchair,” he growled, “who needs it?” As soon as I’m outa this place I’ll be on my feet.” “Good to see you back on form, Randy,” Bob said mockingly. “But you’ve got to obey the doctor’s instructions.” “Fuck him. Just because you fucked him don’t give him to the right to order me around.” Darius and Bob exchanged glances � this was going to be rough. So Bob confronted it head on. “Randy, let’s get a couple of things straight. You just had a very nasty cut and lost a lot of blood. The only reason Chad is not keeping you here overnight is because he thinks we can take care of you. But if you don’t let us do that we’ll tell the doc and he’ll keep you hospitalized.” Randy grumbled something unintelligible that seemed to contain a lot of `fucks’. “And while we’re on the subject of Chad, I want you to stop treating him like the enemy. I know you’re pissed off that he fucked Jamie and Mark and then got fucked for the first time by me. Sorry, O fearless leader but we stole your thunder � you were not the first. “But all that has nothing to do with the fact that Chad provided excellent medical care of Jamie after his accident and pulled him through. And then he sprang into action to treat you and stopped you bleeding to death. Without his quick intervention it could have been a lot worse. “He gave you skilled treatment even while you were yelling at him that you hated his guts, that you would plough his ass, make him crawl to you and make him fall in love with you. Way to go, Randy, I’m sure the doc appreciates your thanks. You know as well as I do that the tribe owes him a debt of gratitude. “I know you hate being in a wheelchair, but in the immortal words of Baby Jane Hudson � `But ya are, Blanche, ya are’. Now, Chad is coming home with us and staying for dinner, and you are not gonna growl at him. In fact you’re gonna thank him for what he’s done for you. I know graciousness is a concept you’re not familiar with, but just this once you will be gracious to Chad, as befits the undisputed leader of the tribe.” There was a tense silence but those last words got to Randy and he growled, “Fuck you, man.” Darius gave Bob a surreptitious thumbs up, recognizing the words Randy usually used when giving in to his lover. And when Chad came in and asked, “You guys ready to get out of here? How you feeling Randy?” Randy grunted, “I’m fine … and, er, thanks for all your help, doc.” Randy wheeled himself to the door followed by the other three men exchanging discreet smiles of surprise and muted triumph. ************************************ WHEELIES Darius drove Randy’s truck as Randy was not supposed to use his right leg. Chad sat next to him. Randy, wearing cargo shorts that Darius had brought to replace his ripped jeans, sat in the back with Bob and tried to act as if nothing had happened. “Tomorrow we gotta get rid of that fucking fence, Darius. We’ll go in early `cos …” “Randy,” Chad interrupted, looking at Randy sternly in the rear-view mirror. “I told you you gotta take a couple of days off work. We don’t want those sutures opening up and your leg start bleeding again. You’ll go back to work when I say you can.” Bob and Darius held their breath waiting for Randy’s explosion � but it never came. Instead Randy hunkered down in his seat in grumpy silence thinking, `fuck the doc … I’ll do what I damn well want, when I want’. It was a relief when they arrived at the gate to the compound and heard the buzz of voices from inside. When they got out Randy refused to wait for a wheelchair and insisted on using the crutches Chad had brought from the hospital. Eddie, who had appointed himself as the welcoming committee, opened the gate and shouted, “Here he is, guys … home is the warrior.” Holding his injured leg off the ground Randy still managed his usual stride as he used his one good leg and the crutches to cross the lawn to the table, where the men and boys were already eating. They leapt to their feet with loud cheers and applause. Following behind him Chad was immediately aware of the love and admiration the tribe had for their tough, handsome leader. Eddie pulled the chair back at the head of the table and Randy lowered himself into it. Mark came up to Chad and hugged him, then Bob. After thanking Chad profusely Mark led him to the table and said loudly, “Guys, I want you to meet our new buddy Doctor Chad. He is the man responsible for bringing my Jamie back to health and for healing Randy. He stitched him up real good … in the face of stiff resistance I hear.” There were knowing smiles round the table. “So let’s hear it, guys � please give it up for the doc …” More rousing cheers rang round the garden as most of the guys got their first admiring look at the striking, muscular Chad. They all agreed that Eddie’s description of the hunk was in no way exaggerated � he looked even hotter in person, still in jeans and the scrubs shirt he had worn at the hospital. “I won’t attempt personal introductions,” Mark said, “it would take all evening. You can introduce yourselves all in good time.” They took their places at table and Brandon rolled up in his wheelchair and served them dinner. As Bob had predicted, Chad was overwhelmed by all the good-looking, glowing faces round the table as Mark quietly explained who everyone was. Chad’s eyes settled on one guy in particular, wearing a sleeveless Hawaiian shirt hanging open over a sculpted chest. He was struck by the man’s chiseled Hispanic features, heavily-stubbled square jaw, thick black hair and penetrating dark eyes. “Hey, who’s that Hispanic guy, Mark?” “Ah, thought you’d spot him. Quite the hunk, eh? That’s Miguel, he’s the lover of Zack, the black guy next to him.” Miguel looked up and grinned, then got up and left the table. A few minutes later he came back from the house, approached Chad and held out a shirt. “Hey, doc, the name’s Miguel. Thought you might like to change out of those scrubs and into one of my old Hawaiian shirts. Bit more festive than scrubs, eh?” Chad stood up and stared into Miguel’s dark brown eyes. He smiled and pulled off his scrubs shirt, causing gasps round the table as they saw the ripped body stripped to the waist. He put on the shirt and let it hang casually open, then shook hands. “Thanks, Miguel. Yeah, scrubs are not exactly what you’d call dressed for dinner.” They held their gaze and grasped hands a bit longer than was usual, before Miguel went back to his seat beside Zack. During the course of the meal Chad loosened up among this noisy, cheerful bunch of guys and accepted all the wine and later brandy he was offered. As the meal was something of a celebration after the safe return of Jamie and Randy it went on even longer than usual. When it eventually started to wind down Mark said, “Chad, you are in no shape to drive all the way across town to your place. Of course, you could always Uber but I have another suggestion. Jamie and I have a real nice guestroom in our apartment that you’re more than welcome to.” Mark smiled and shrugged. “`Course, we also have a huge California King bed in our room that easily sleeps three.” “Hm, tempting,” Chad grinned. “Actually I’m not working tomorrow as my duties at the Santa Monica hospital are winding down before I start my new job up here. So I would appreciate a bed for the night. As to which bed … well, let’s play that one by ear, eh?” Just then there was a stir as the gate opened with a bump and Brandon wheeled himself in towing another wheelchair behind him that he had fetched from his house across the street. He went up to where Randy was sitting and said, “Sir, I heard that Doctor Chad says you have to use a wheelchair for a couple of days, so I brought my spare one for you.” There was a sudden silence around the table, everyone thinking that Brandon had rolled right into the middle of the standoff between Randy and Chad. Randy looked sternly at Brandon, and then his swarthy face broke into a gleaming smile. “Kiddo, have I ever refused you anything?” “No, sir.” “And that’s because I love you, kid.” He leaned over and kissed Brandon on the lips. “And because I love you it would be an honor to use your wheelchair.” Brandon smiled as Randy heaved himself into the chair. “Fits a treat. But you’ll have to show me how to use this thing.” “Piece of cake, sir. You put your hands on the wheels there and push. You do know how to push, don’t you, sir?” Brandon grinned impishly. “Now don’t get smart with me kid,” Randy chuckled as he rolled forward. “You’re right, this is easy. Hey, now how about you show me how to do those wheelies I’ve watched you do?” “Oh, sir, I’m not sure the doc would approve …” “There’s no doc, kiddo. There’s no one but you and me, and I’m getting a wheelies lesson from my favorite boy.” “OK, sir, well you tilt the chair back just a bit then push the right wheel forward and pull back on the other. See?” Brandon demonstrated, and after a few false starts Randy copied him. In a few minutes they were both whirling around, Brandon squealing and Randy laughing like a kid. While the other guys cheered Chad stared in disbelief at the man who, up to now, he had known only as hostile, growling and intimidating. This was a completely new side to the fierce gypsy boss, playful and loving with the boy in the wheelchair. He obviously loved Brandon and the boy clearly adored him. When at last they rolled to a halt Randy said, “Take a bow, kiddo.” Facing their audience they both raised an arm, swept it down dramatically and bent their heads in a theatrical bow, to renewed Diyarbakır Escort Bayan cheers. Then Brandon said, “Sir, you need to pull that lever down there to raise the leg-rest so your bad leg will be supported out flat. Good, that’s it. And sir, if you take my advice you won’t try any more of those wheelies. The doc wouldn’t like it.” “So we just won’t tell the doc, eh kiddo?” Randy said out loud. “Our secret, just between you and me.” He leaned over again and gave Brandon a long, loving open-mouthed kiss.” The scene brought tears to Chad’s eyes. He was falling under the gypsy’s magic spell. ********************************** BOB FUMES � RANDY FUCKS After that joyful demonstration of man-boy love the group dispersed and harmony prevailed over the compound � or most of it. Dark clouds still hung over one room � the bedroom in Randy’s and Bob’s house. Getting there had not been a problem as Randy had equipped all the houses of the tribe with ramps for the benefit of Brandon and his boyfriend Brian who both used wheelchairs. And now Randy got to use them. In the room Randy made no eye contact and hunched in sullen silence which Bob ignored as he took charge. “OK, no shower, we gotta get you straight into bed to rest that leg.” He put his hands on Randy’s shoulder but he shrugged them off. “For god’s sake stop acting like a crusty old nurse. I’m not a fucking invalid, I can take care of myself.” Bob backed off and watched as Randy pulled off his shirt, and heaved himself out of the chair and onto the bed on his back. He unzipped his shorts but when he started to bend his leg Bob leaned down, took off his sneakers and pulled his shorts off for him.” “I told you not to touch me.” “I can’t touch you? OK, no problem, I’ll go sleep in the guestroom and let you sleep on your own, untouched all night.” Bob pulled off his shirt (he always knew that got a reaction) hung it over his shoulder and made for the door.” “Did I tell you to leave? I just said stop fussing like an old hen.” “Just as you like, sir.” Bob said. “I’ll just stand here and wait for my orders.” “Fuck you, man. Stop being an asshole.” Bob sat in a chair by the bed and glared down at Randy. “No, Randy, it’s you being a prize asshole � ever since I told you I butt-fucked Chad. I don’t want a fight, so let me short-circuit this whole thing by telling you what your problem is. OK � hearing about me and Chad put your nose out of joint `cos your dominance was threatened. Normally you’d have come home and treated me to one of your savage fucks to prove that you’re the boss. “But what d’you know? You get injured bad and the big boss is on his back relying on Chad to put him back together, the very man whose guts you hated, or so you said. So now you had not only me taking charge but the man I had fucked a few hours earlier. The only thing you could do was rant and rave, which you did loud and clear. “Adding insult to injury, literally, you get zonked out by Chad’s sedative injection and then fantasize about him fucking you. Getting fucked by the hunk who just took your lover’s dick up his ass � couldn’t get worse than that. But wait, there’s more. Chad takes you to the hospital where he really is the boss and you’re just a lowly patient on a gurney waiting for your `rival’ to stitch you up. “After all that the doc gives you strict orders about what you can and can’t do. Talk about stripping you of your manhood. Now we’re home and this is when you would tie me to the bed, ream my ass and make me beg the boss for mercy. But you can’t do that because you mustn’t put any pressure on that leg, so you can’t kneel or stand or throw me around. How am I doing, Randy? Right so far?” Randy groaned, “Stop, Bob, please. You’re right of course, you know me so well, and I deserve your tongue-lashing. But I felt so fucking … I was scared, buddy, scared of lots of things � being physically helpless, scared of this new man coming in with all his good looks and authority, and most of all scared that you might …” “… might leave you for that handsome hunk? Oh come on, Randy, we’ve been through this so many times � every time a new man joins the tribe. When will you get it through that thick skull that I love you, man? I was shit scared too, seeing you lying there gushing blood. Thank god Chad was there, not because I lusted for him but because he was the very man who could help you … and did. I was scared `cos I couldn’t live without you, Randy, and there you were …” His voice cracked and Randy said, “Hey come here, buddy. Get in bed and let me take care of you.” Sensing that the caregiver role was being reversed, Bob stepped out of his loafers, dropped his jeans and shorts, and stood there butt naked. Randy stared up at him. “God, you’re beautiful, man, nothing ever changes that, and I treated you bad. Come here, let me make it up to you.” Bob got on the bed and lay facing the contrite Randy, who pulled him close and kissed him � a long, lingering kiss that quickly strengthened from tender to fierce. Surprised, as always, by the force of Randy’s passion Bob felt he would suffocate, until he felt his lover breathing life-saving air into him. They shared breaths back and forth until finally Randy pulled back and his blue eyes sparkled. “I can always show you who’s boss even without fucking you, dude.” Bob panted, “Huh, after that I’m kinda glad you can’t fuck me.” “Who says I can’t? The doc? What does he know about fucking the hottest guy on the planet?” Randy shoved Bob over so they were lying on their sides with Bob’s back pressed against Randy’s chest. Dispensing with subtlety as usual, Randy spat in his palm and stroked his cock, then drove it fast and deep in his lover’s ass. Bob groaned at the sudden burst of pain, which quickly subsided into the familiar euphoria of being dominated by the gypsy claiming ownership of his ass. Randy looked over Bob’s shoulder at the wall mirror he had long ago installed, tilted at an angle to give a perfect reflection of the action on the bed. “See that, buddy? That’s so you can watch the real boss take control again. To hell with the stitched-up leg, there’s more than one way to pound ass.” Randy folded his arm round Bob’s chest, pulled him back against him and held him tight as he speared his ass again with his iron-hard shaft. “Oh fuck,” Bob groaned as he yielded his ass to his lover and gazed at the dark gypsy face in the mirror. “I needed to feel that, Randy, I need to feel your strength again. Fuck me, man … please …” Randy’s hips pistoned back and forth behind Bob, driving his rod mercilessly inside him. “Now who’s the boss, dude? Tell me � I wanna hear it.” “You’re always the top man, Randy, no matter what � even when you’re lying wounded on the ground. Chad found out that. Even sedated you were the boss and made him cream his jeans. Man, I can’t wait for you to plough his ass and make him fall in love with you like you said.” “All in good time, dude,” Randy grinned at Bob in the mirror. “Right now it’s your ass needs the lesson … and here it comes, man.” Bob braced himself for the attack he knew was coming, and longed for. He had been thrown off balance seeing Randy weakened and bleeding. He needed the big man’s strength and protection. And now he was … “Aaagh!” The huge shaft again slammed deep in his ass, pulled back and drove in again. Reflexively Bob reached back in a futile attempt to restrain the savage gypsy. But Randy grabbed Bob’s wrists, pulled them behind his back and pushed them upward in a ferocious double hammerlock. Bob stared at himself in the mirror, muscles bulging in his chest and shoulders, helplessly trapped, at the mercy of the gypsy and his massive cock reaming his ass. It was a feeling like no other. His ass hurt, his arms and shoulders hurt, but he was at the pitch of desire for the rugged construction boss. He would do anything for him. Randy growled in his ear, “OK, Superman, you’re mine, you’re beaten and I’m gonna watch you submit to me.” “Yes, sir, anything.” “You know what you have to do, stud. You’re gonna bust your fucking load while I pound your ass. If you don’t I’ll rip your ass open and break your arms behind your back … like this. He plunged deep in his ass and jerked his arms up even higher in the painful hammerlock.” “Aaagh … “OK, I give up. I submit, sir. Please, sir, I can’t take anymore. Cum inside me … I’m begging you … I’m gonna cum … aaagh!!” His cock blasted jets of semen that splashed on the bed and the floor while he felt the gypsy’s final thrust and heard his roar as he filled his lover’s ass with the juice of his searing love.” As his cock drained Randy stared at Bob’s reflection in triumph and panted, “See, buddy? Like I said, I am the boss.” ********************************** AFTERGLOW A few minutes later they lay on their sides propped on their elbows facing each other, grinning like kids. “Damn,” Randy said, “am I glad I met you in that bar all that time ago and asked you back to the fleabag motel” “Where, as I recall, you tied me up and slapped me around.” “Well I had to didn’t I?” Had to show you I was the boss right from the start.” “Why?” “Why? Because you intimidated the hell out of me � you this chiseled hunk from San Francisco with brains and breeding, me a shit-for-brains gypsy construction worker from the butt-hole of West Texas. You still do intimidate me, man, the only guy who does. That’s why I have to work you over occasionally when you come on too bossy. My fists and my dick are all I got.” “Randy that is such bullshit. You think that’s why all the guys look up to you as their leader, `cos they’re afraid you’ll slug them? You know why everyone loves you? It’s because of stuff like what you did with Brandon out there, playing wheelies with him. They probably fell in love with you all over again � I know I did. Sure, you are one tough, sexy musclehunk who can drop any man, but when it comes to those boys you’re a pussycat.” “Whatever. I’ve still gotta deal with that doc … he’s another one with looks and brains who throws his weight around. He thinks just `cos he’s this big hot doctor he can order me around. I gotta cut him down to size.” “Randy, you mustn’t hurt him.” Randy bristled. “There you go again, telling me … me! … how to handle a guy. Watch yourself, buddy, or I’ll have to fuck you again.” “Oooh, we wouldn’t want that would we? I’m real scared.” “Asshole,” Randy growled, pulling Bob into his arms. And that’s how they slept all night. ********************************* SWAPPING SHIRTS – & GLANCES As for Mark, Jamie and Chad, they did end up spending the night in the same bed � but only sleeping. They were all tired after such an active day and the cop Mark had to get up at dawn for an early shift. So they put off three-way sex until later and regretfully hugged goodbye. Jamie took Chad down to the breakfast buffet that was laid out in the garden for men and boys to help themselves as they all went to work at different times. Sitting together Jamie continued Chad’s education about the tribe as men appeared. “That group is what we call the second-floor guys � they live in the sprawling group of apartments above Mark and me. The leader is the black guy, Zack, along with Darius and Pablo and their boys.” “And that is Zack’s lover Miguel, right?” asked Chad, staring at the handsome Hispanic bringing up the rear. Catching sight of them Miguel flashed a smile and headed over to them. Chad stood up and they shook hands. “Hey, doc, still looking good in my old shirt,” referring to the Hawaiian shirt Miguel had lent him last evening. “Looks better on you than it does on me. Sorry it wasn’t clean, probably smells a bit of my sweaty body.” “Oh, I don’t care about that, dude. Smells good actually.” “Nah, it’s overdue for the laundry. Tell you what, let’s trade � I just put this one on clean.” Casually he pulled off the white short-sleeve shirt he was wearing while Chad took off his. There was a breathless silence as both men stared at the other’s bare, muscular torso and Chad felt an impulse to reach out and touch Miguel. But the moment passed, they exchanged shirts and Miguel grinned, “That one looks terrific on you too, doc. Then again, you’d look great in anything. OK, see ya later, dude.” And Miguel rejoined his second-floor buddies. The fleeting exchange was not lost on Jamie who smiled to himself and made a mental note to describe it later to Mark. “Sir,” he said to Chad, “after breakfast I’d like to take you to the office building over there and introduce you properly to Ryan. He’s our computer expert and I’ve heard that you might be looking to upgrade the system at your new hospital.” When Chad was introduced to Ryan, the young Thai boy blushed shyly. But he perked up when Chad said, “I’m planning on meeting with your psychotherapist Doctor Steve. I want to integrate the physical and mental therapy of injured athletes and workers to speed their recovery. And a solid computer platform would be an essential part of all that.” Ryan Escort Diyarbakır was off and running with all kinds of questions and suggestions, and eventually Chad said. “You know, when I meet with Steve I’d like to you to be there, Ryan, so you get a real sense of what we need. That way you’d be in on the ground floor.” Ryan was excited by the idea but further conversation was forestalled when Eddie burst noisily into the room. “Sir, Bob and Randy are having breakfast in their room, what with Randy’s bum leg and all … oh, no offense, sir, you did a great job … and Bob told me you would be spending the day with us and he asked me to show you around � you know, the guys in the kitchen, the Aussie house next door, Hassan and Pete’s duplex across the street … all that good stuff.” So that’s how Chad willingly spent his morning with the irrepressible Eddie shepherding him around with a non-stop running commentary. Chad was intrigued by all the stories but it was some relief when the chefs began setting up for lunch, which was usually a sparse affair as many of the guys were out working. Bob finally emerged, having spent the morning working on the latest budget with Jamie and Brandon in the office. “Hey, Chad, so Eddie’s been giving you the grand tour eh? Hope you could sort out the facts from the fantasies.” “I’m beginning to get the hang of it, Bob,” Chad grinned. “But I should really go take a look at Randy’s leg, see if there’s been any bleeding and maybe change the dressing.” “Sure, go ahead. You’ll find him up in the bedroom resting up.” “No he won’t, sir,” Eddie chimed in. “I saw Randy leave over an hour ago dressed for work.” “For work?” Chad gasped. “Dammit, he can’t do that. I warned him to rest � he’ll undo all our work yesterday, ruin everything. Fucking idiot … I gotta go reason with him.” He left the table and ran out to his car. Eddie looked wide-eyed at Bob. “Reason with Randy? Good luck with that one.” ******************************** AN ALPHA MALE GROVELS Chad remembered the way to the construction site and soon screeched to a halt at the gates. He strode stern-faced across the site to where Darius was working. “Darius, is Randy here?” “I’m afraid he is, sir. I told him he wasn’t supposed to work but he told me to shut the fuck up. . He’s in the old warehouse next door checking the supplies that came in yesterday.” Darius shrugged. “You know Randy, sir. He’s the boss.” “Not mine he isn’t. He’s my patient, I’m his doctor and I call the shots.” “Er, he may not see it that way, sir. Prob’ly not a good Idea to …” But Chad was gone, marching angrily toward the old battered warehouse. When he got there he waited for his eyes to adjust to the gloom of the cavernous old building, lit only by shafts of sunlight coming through gaps in the wooden walls. He heard bangs and crashes in the distance and then saw Randy. As usual he was a formidable sight, a rugged construction worker in muddy boots and dirt-streaked cargo pants, a sweaty, grease-stained old tank top hanging over his muscular torso. He was picking up heavy equipment and planks from recently-delivered pallets, inspecting them and heaving them onto shelves, making the muscles of his arms and shoulder flex in the sunlight striping his body. Mostly his back was turned to him as Chad walked across the bare-earth floor. As he approached Randy suddenly turned round and Chad found himself facing the piercing blue eyes set in the dark gypsy face with its square stubbled jaw, high cheekbones and long shaggy black hair. Momentarily taken aback, the doc found his voice. “What the fuck are you doing here, Randy? I expressly ordered you to rest and stay off work. I’m your doctor, dammit, and you’ll do what I say, or I will wash my hands of you and take no responsibility for …” Randy raised his hand and Chad faltered, thinking he was about to feel the fist Randy had threatened him with several times. But instead Randy curled his hand round the back of Chad’s head and pulled him into a fierce, grinding kiss. Startled Chad tried to pull away but he was trapped by the gypsy’s great strength. He felt the tongue invade his mouth and the lips lock tight over his, so he was suffocating until he inhaled Randy’s hot breath. Finally Randy loosened his grip and Chad yanked his head back. “Fuck you, man, you are so fucking arrogant. Just because you’re this big dumb …” The mouth clamped on his again as the hand pulled his face even harder against the churning lips. Breathing frantically through his nose he inhaled the stink of grease and sweat and started to choke. Randy released him again and Chad gasped, “You’re a fucking animal, man. OK, I’m done with you and your damn leg. It can fall off for all I …” “Instantly he was trapped again in a brutal kiss, and this time he felt the slabs of Randy’s pecs pressing against his, crushing the breath out of him as things started to go dark and … The pressure stopped. Randy clamped his hands on the side of the doc’s face and held it like a vise, his eyes piercing him like arrows. Gasping hard, Chad was too weak to respond this time and Randy growled, “That’s better. Now let me make a couple things clear, doc. This is my territory and I am the boss here. You may be this fancy shmancy doc but here I give the orders and you obey me. So let me show you what obedience means in my neck of the woods. Maintaining that hypnotic stare Randy clamped his hands on Chad’s shoulders and pressed down hard, his fingers digging painfully into his trap muscles. Forced to surrender to the pain Chad felt his knees buckle and his face slid down against the stinking shirt, over the huge bulge at his crotch and down the filthy pants until he fell to his knees at the gypsy’s feet. He stared up at the construction worker towering over him and Randy grinned, “That’s more like it, the doc kneeling at the boss’s feet. Man you are one gorgeous fucking son-of-a-bitch, face like a Greek God, built like a brick fucking shithouse. That makes it all the hotter. See, this god ain’t being worshipped. It’s the Greek God who’s on his knees and he’s gonna worship cock.” Randy ripped open his pants and pulled out his massive, rock hard cock. Chad winced. “I ain’t sucking your cock, man.” In response Randy grabbed Chad’s hair, pulled his face back … and slapped his cock across the handsome face. “How was that again, dude?” “I said I ain’t gonna suck your fucking cock.” “Fuck you, man.” Angry now Randy slammed his huge hard rod repeatedly across each side of Chad’s face until he moaned. “OK, OK, I’ll do it.” “Do what, man? Tell me what you want.” “I wanna suck your cock, man. Please, I wanna feel your rod in my mouth.” “That’s better.” Still holding Chad’s tousled hair Randy rammed his shaft deep in his mouth. Chad choked, then the cock pulled back and drove in again. Desperately Chad clawed at Randy’s arm, then at his thighs as the shaft pistoned relentlessly in his mouth. The doc knew that using his energy to resist only made it harder so he tried to get used to the cock invading his throat. He opened wide and learned to breathe in sync with each thrust. He relaxed his throat muscles as much as he could and when the rhythm slowed a bit he felt an odd sense of pride that he was able to swallow the long, thick cock without gagging. Randy was a master and when he felt Chad relax he resumed the ferocious attack, pushing Chad up to his pain limit and, at the last minute, slowing down again. He was toying with the muscle-god, watching his cock moving in and out of the square stubbled jaw. At last Randy let go of his hair and Chad instinctively pulled back off his cock, spit running down his chin and tears down his cheeks. “You had enough, stud?” Chad looked down at the pulsing cock then up at the heaving body and pale blue eyes, and he heard himself say, “More …” “Get your dick out, buddy.” Obedience came naturally now as Chad unzipped his jeans, pulled out his semi-hard cock and stroked it. He opened his mouth and let the gypsy’s rod slide down his throat. “Now, doc, you know how to end this. I get off humiliating a macho top man like you. Get my rocks off that way. All you have to do is surrender to me by jerking off, and when I see you cum in submission I’ll blast a load in your mouth and watch you gulp down the boss’s jizz.” The doc was torn between feelings of degradation and euphoria. His mind was reeling but when he felt Randy’s hands clamp his head tight he opened his mouth and swallowed the long shaft all the way down. Then it got rough, worse than before, as Randy pushed toward the climax. He pounded the handsome face harder than ever and Chad knew he couldn’t take much more. Frantically he pounded his own cock, knowing the humiliation of submission would also be his release. He choked on the massive cock, tears streamed down his face, but the assault on his mouth seemed to last forever. In the end it was the homoerotic thought of the powerful gypsy’s cock pounding his mouth that made him cum. He screamed into the gag choking him and his cock exploded, spraying cum all over Randy’s work boots as he felt his mouth flooded with the boss’s semen that he gulped down, beaten and exhausted. “See what you did to my boots, man? Clean them up.” In a daze the alpha male groveled at the boss’s feet and licked his own cum off the boots, repulsed by the degrading spectacle but strangely elated at having been dominated by this spectacular man. He felt Randy grab his shirt and drag him over the dirt floor to one of the massive poles that supported the roof, ripping the shirt in the process. Too dazed to resist Chad felt his wrists being tied behind the pole, then another rope tied round his neck. The other end was tied to the pole and he was forced to look up at Randy who was stroking his cock. He groaned, “I’m done, man. I can’t take any more. Please … you win, you’re the boss.” “Love to hear a top man beg,” Randy grinned. “You look fucking gorgeous like that, doc � my kinda man. OK, I’ll finish you off.” Randy pounded his cock in his fist until it erupted for a second time and sprayed the last of his jizz full in the face of the broken muscle-god. Chad closed his eyes while Randy got a big pane of glass from the shelves and propped it up on the ground with a square of black wood behind it. When Chad opened his eyes he saw himself reflected in the glass, on his knees, hands tied behind him, the shreds of his ripped shirt hanging loose over his chest. His face was smothered with semen that ran down his face, out of his mouth and down his sagging jaw � a pornographic image of abject defeat and humiliation. “I did that to you doc, like I promised I would. But there’s something else I want and I know you want it too, I knew it when I first laid eyes on you. My man Bob beat me to the punch but I wanna hear you say it. I told you I would make you beg.” Randy dropped to his knees in front of him. “Look into my eyes, doc, and tell me what you want. Tell me, man …” Mesmerized by the laser blue eyes and by the euphoria of being the gypsy’s prisoner, Chad groaned, “I want you to fuck me, sir. Please, I wanna feel your cock in my ass.” Randy smiled, leaned forward and kissed him one last time. Then he pulled off his sweat-soaked tank top and sniffed it. “Phew, fucking thing stinks. Here, chew on this doc.” He rolled the wet shirt in a ball and stuffed it in Chad’s mouth. Randy stood up and grinned down at the pornographic sight. “Damn that’s hot. Oh yeah, I’m gonna fuck you real good, big guy, but later. I gotta let my leg heal first. Doctor’s orders.” He roared with laughter at his own joke and walked away out of the warehouse. ******************************** “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Left alone in the silence of this cavernous place Chad stared at the mirror and hardly recognized the half-naked hunk in the ripped shirt, kneeling in defeat and degradation, hands tied behind him, a rope round his neck, his face smothered in cum, gagged by a stinking cloth jammed in his mouth. He could have forced the gag out but when he bit down on it he felt the gypsy’s rancid sweat squeeze down his throat. As he gulped it down he smelled and tasted the man, and was overwhelmed by the thought of Randy’s magnificent body leaning over him, his cock ploughing his ass. He wanted it so bad … so bad. His head fell forward and he lost track of how long he had been there until he was roused from his stupor by a sound, a footstep. It must be Randy, coming back to release him. But when he raised his head he blinked in confusion and spat out his gag. “What the hell are you doing here?” “I could ask you the same question, doc,” said Miguel. *********************************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 493 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Subject: Jerking Off Before Swim Training I’m excited to tell you guys about the very hot young lifeguard I picked up last week (now it is two weeks since this happened, sorry I get distracted). It all happened on a Thursday. I was up early working, I went for a swim at the beach, grabbed a coffee and a bit of a walk, back home working and all of a sudden it was about noon and I felt exhausted. I had a little nap which is not something I usually do. I fell in to a pretty deep sleep and woke up an hour later and felt great. I figured I had just enough time to get to the pool and get some laps in before all the after school crowd get there. So I jumped in the car and scooted over. I was wearing my Q-Swimwear, they red and black speedos which are pretty unique. I haven’t seen another pair of those in public and I really don’t expect to (I think they are made in San Diego). They fit great and look awesome, if I do say so myself. I’ve taken some selfies of me wearing them lately as well if you are interested. Anyway, enough fashion talk. My pool session was awesome, I did my laps and felt so good I figured I’d do some interval laps until the pool got crowded. A solid one hour workout. In the pool during my laps I noticed one of the lifeguards standing around but I hadn’t paid any attention to him until I jumped out of the pool. I totally caught him perving on me. He was completely busted as he was looking at my speedo bulge while I was looking at him and he didn’t realise that he was staring. When he finally looked up and caught my eye he was embarrassed and looked down at his feet. This gave me a chance to check him out and he was super cute, even in his dorky lifeguard uniform. The lifeguard looked pretty young. The lifeguard uniform was red shorts, yellow shirts and a red baseball cap and they all looked a few sizes too big and he was about a head shorter than me (I’m 6’2″, so he is maybe 5’10”). I took my time drying off and getting dressed (I just throw shorts over my speedos when I’m done). I got to walk past the young lifeguard on my way out of the pool and he looked up and made eye contact. I hadn’t planned anything but the first thing that came to mind was to say “I’m Aussie Speedo Guy, google my blog and let me know what you think.” I gave him a wink and he said “I’ll check that out.” My place isn’t far from the pool and in the five minutes it took me to be back inside my place, I was rock hard thinking about the young lifeguard and Çorum Escort what I’d love to do with him. I stripped down to my, still moist speedo, knelt on my bed and jerked off thinking about bending the young lifeguard over and fucking him hard and deep. I didn’t forget about the lifeguard, but I put it out of my mind for the rest of the day. I had a bunch of work to do which took my focus else where. After dinner I was sitting on the couch, James Bond on the TV (I’m watching the last four Bond movies in anticipation of the new one coming out soon) and I had my laptop on my lap doing some light work. I notice an email from someone I didn’t know. Subject: G’day Speedo Guy from the Pool. Of course that got my attention and I Alt Tabbed over to my email. Yep, it was an email from the lifeguard (here it is slightly rewritten with slag removed and the spelling checked): Hi Dave, I can’t believe that my first day on the job as a lifeguard, I’m keeping the Aussie Speedo Guy safe. I read your blog and follow your speedo adventures and couldn’t believe it when you said that to me at the pool today. I checked your speedo selfies and your speedo confirms it is you. I know you hate it when guys on online hookup apps don’t give any of their details so I’ll tell you a little about me. I’m 18yo, finished high school last year and I was planning on going overseas and even had my work VISA for Canada but that isn’t happening with COVID so I’m stuck here and have applied to go to uni next year. I live with my parents, lame I know. I think I’m gay but I haven’t had any experience with guys except once which I’ll tell you about in person. I’ve always been a swimmer and swam last year for the club at the pool you swim at. With summer coming up they are short of lifeguards and that is how I got the job, it really was my first day today. On you blog I read about how you helped Alex with discovering his gay-side (as you call it), would you like to help me? You will have to take it slow but I think I look pretty good in a speedo (photo attached). The photo was a speedo selfie of the young lifeguard wearing a blue speedo and looking every part the hot eighteen year old swimmer that he is. Much cuter than his lifeguard uniform. I replied to the Young Lifeguard and gave him my mobile number, five minutes later we were chatting on the phone. The next day the Young Lifeguard wasn’t working and would love to come over and hang out. I suggested Çorum Escort Bayan late in the afternoon/night but he had a family dinner but could make it mid morning. I gave him my address and said I’d see him then. ———————————————— On Friday morning the Young Lifeguard came over to my place for his second gay experience. He arrived right on time and I answered the door wearing a red speedo and nothing else. We shook hands and he laughed at my appearance. The Young Lifeguard said that he had been reading my blog all night and should have expected me to open the door wearing a speedo. He asked if he should strip down and I said of course, if he wanted to. I asked him if he wanted a coffee, which he did so I went in to the kitchen and told him to grab a seat on the couch. There was a pot of coffee on and I was back in a jiffy. Picture this; smooth, fit, hairless, swimmers body, wearing a black speedo brand speedo sitting on my couch with one leg tucked up under him. If there is such a thing as heaven, this is what is waiting behind the pearly gates if I get to go there. Amazingly hot! I handed him his coffee and sat next to him on the couch, not too close but within reach of the front of that black speedo of his. To break the ice, and to get us both horny, I asked the Young Lifeguard about his previous, and first gay experience. Two hours later, five loads of cum and two pairs of dirty speedos later he gave me permission to share that first experience of his with you guys and here it is. ————————————————- I’m not sure how to write this for you guys. Sorry if I screw up the third person but I’ll do my best. It was three months ago, the Young Lifeguard had been sitting around for six months after his two year working trip to Canada had been cancelled because of COVID travel restrictions. He had been hoping that borders would open up and was living with his parents and was playing computer games far too much. He was looking forward to going to uni and did well at high school but hadn’t applied to universities because he was planning on going overseas, just like his older brother and sister had done years before. His parents were giving him a hard time and he admits that he was being pretty lazy. I think it was his Mum that signed him up and paid for the Masters Swimming squad at the local pool. Masters swimming is just an adult swim squad that is two Escort Çorum nights a week with a coach and about a dozen adults. They usually have a set season of like three months. I’ve tried Masters swimming squad myself and it gave me some good ideas for my swim training but I don’t like having to commit to swimming at a set time and I don’t need the motivation which I think a lot of the participants need. Tuesday night came around and since his Mum had paid for the season of Masters squad training the Young Lifeguard dusted off his speedo and went along. He grew up swimming in high school, nothing Olympic level but would compete at a state level but never doing all that great but still a better swimmer than 99% of us. This would be his first time swimming in the adults program but he had seen how it all works and he knew the coach. The coach, Coach Dave (not his real name but I’ve gotta name him something and be a little bit discrete) is five years older and was in the same class/grade as the Young Lifeguards sister so he knew him. Coach Dave is an ex swimmer as well and that makes him 23yo. The Young Lifeguard hadn’t put on a pair of speedos in a while, it was the middle of winter in Australia and when he pulled out his old high school speedos, they didn’t fit. He got them on but they were tight and he was showing a plumbers crack. They wouldn’t do for swimming in public. Putting the tiny speedos on had aroused the Young Lifeguard. He thought that wouldn’t be good for swimming with a group of people and he remembered that his swimming routine always involved jerking off before swimming to try and avoid any public speedo erections. Standing in front of a swim squad or a pool arena in front of hundreds of people, well a speedo doesn’t do a very good job at hiding an erection and the Young Lifeguard had seen it happen to some of his team mates in high school. After taking the, too tight speedos off, he put them down on the middle of his bed, got on his knees and started stroking his eighteen year old cock. Closing his eyes and feeling his arse, he found himself picturing the captain of his high school swim team. His young cock exploded in no time, most of his load ended up on his speedo but the first rope missed. The Young Lifeguard cleaned up the mess and grabbed a speedo that was a size or two bigger to wear. On the short drive to the pool, the Young Lifeguard realized that his jerk off fantasy, the high school swim team captain is/was Coach Dave’s younger brother… what a random coincidence and it got his cock stirring in his speedo again. Little did he realize at the time, Coach Dave would be his first gay experience. Would you like me to tell you what he told me about that first experience?

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Yeni Başladığım İş Yerinde ki Erkeklerle İlişkilerim

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Bir bayanın ilişki yaşaması günümüzde çok yolds.
com kolaylaştı artık.
İsteyen istediği kişi ile birlikte olabiliyor ve dilediği şeyleri yapabiliyor.
Bende sürekli istiyordum.
Doyamıyordum çünkü 1 kişi yetmiyordu.
Günün birinde başvurduğum işlerin birinden aradılar ve iş başı yaptım.
Gel zaman git zaman kısa sürede arkadaş edindim.
Bu hikayemde günün birinde 3 erkekle yalnız kaldığım anlar.

Herkes gittikten sonra,Aklima birden onlarin bana tecavüz edebilecekleri geldi,ve heyecandan titremeye basladim,benim titredigimi gören karsimda calisan uzun boylu Alman genci yanima gelerek ellerimi tutarak ne oldugunu sordu.
Ben bir sey yok dememe ragmen ,gel elini yüzünü yika kendine gelirsin diyerek beni lavaboya götürdü.
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Ellerini etegimin altina dogru kaydirdikca, kilsiz olan Amim zevkten acilip kapanmaya baslamisti,elleriyle oraya indiginde ben bunu yalarim diyerek dilini kalcalarimin arasinda gezdirip, zevkten sulanmis olan amimi yalamaya basladi

belliki daha ilk defa kilsiz bir am yaliyordu,bende yabanci bir erkegin beni böyle zevklendirmesi sonucu ellerimle onun kabaran önünü oksamaya baslamistim,Yaragi Burdur Escort Bayan sanki pantolonunu patlatacak gibiydi,biran önce beni sikmek icin disari cikmaya zorluyordu.
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Hemen agzima aldim yalamaya basladim,sanki oda benim agzimi siker gibi kafami tutup agzima sokup cikariyordu.
Tam bu sirada biz zevkten kivranirken,disarda calisan diger iki Alman da yanimiza geldiler,ben cirilciplak olmustum,onlar beni öyle görünce hemen beni oksayip yalamaya basladilar.
Ben artik kim oldugumu unutmustum,yillardir tatmadigim,hayal bile edemeyecegim kadar zevk aliyordum.

Ücü beni aralarina alip her tarafimi yalamaya,oksamaya basladilar.
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Ben yaragin üstünde kivranirken arkamdan bir dilin götümü yaladigini hissettim orada iyice zevklenmis sik istiyordu,yavas yavas önce kafasini soktu hem zevk hem aci derken o kocaman yarakta arkami doldurmustu, simdi sadece zevk aliyordum,ücüncüsüde demir gibi olmus sikini agzima vermis sokup cikariyordu,ahhh cok zevk aliyordum ,ilk defa bu kadar inliyordum,üc tane yarak ücüde bana aitti,birden götümün icinin ates gibi menilernen doldugunu hissetmek benimde cigliklar atarak menimi getirtti, benim böyle zevk aldigimi gören altimda yatip beni kuvvetli bir sekilde siken almanda amimi ates gibi yakan menileriyle icimi doldurdu,nihayet agzimdaki yarrakta cikip memelerimin arasina ve göbegime dogru fiskirtmaya basladi.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 598 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 598 by Rob Williams CHAPTER 598 � “RANDY it was a perfect man/boy balance.” Darius stared at Zack and recalled that day, and his own pride at becoming this rugged man’s boy. “I get it, sir. You’re saying I should be proud of my boy and accept that, in some things, Ryan knows more than I do, he’s the dominant partner. “Don’t call it dominance, boy. You are two guys at the top of your game � it’s just that they’re different games. Ryan would never dream of giving you orders on the construction site … you’re the boss there. But let him be the boss on the computer � because he is. Let him teach you how to fill out those damn reports, and be proud of him. You train and nurture Ryan in so many ways, I bet that he’s proud and thrilled to be able to teach you something. Darius threw his arms round Zack � two beautiful, muscular black men in a tight embrace. “Thank you, sir. I’m so glad and proud to be your boy.” “And you have a boy of your own now, buddy, a boy who right now is scared that his world is crumbling around him. Because you are his world, Darius.” “I gotta go to him … I gotta go … I’ll just make sure here that …” “Don’t worry about work here. I’ll take over and hand off to your foreman. So go, dude. Get your sexy ass outa here.” RYAN & DARIUS GET TO WORK Ryan drove back to the home office with watery eyes. In his confusion he turned on the windshield wipers to clear his field of vision, then turned them off and blinked back his tears. When he reached the house he sat in his car for a few minutes to compose himself. He took deep breaths, wiped his face, then went to the office. He sat at his desk without a word and without making eye contact. It was obvious to Brandon, and the two boys Vic and Noah, that something was wrong. Ryan’s red-rimmed eyes and morose expression gave that away. Brandon frowned at Vic and Noah as a sign not to say anything and to leave the talking to him. Gently, casually, Brandon said, “Everything OK, Ryan?” “Yes thank you, sir.” Brandon discouraged the boys from calling him sir, although he was their boss. He thought of them all simply as workmates. Of course he guessed that this `sir’ had to do with the Darius issue that Bob and Randy had discussed at lunch. Something had obviously gone disastrously wrong at Ran’s meeting, but Bob had cautioned them not to address the problem as it was complex, and they could easily make it worse. So Brandon left it alone for a while, but knew he couldn’t let this heavy atmosphere in the office persist. Perhaps he should call Bob. He was turning it over in his mind when he heard a truck screech to a halt outside. Ryan heard it too and looked up from his computer screen. The door flew open and Darius burst in, still shirtless in his usual black jeans and boots. Without a word he went to Ryan and scooped him up out of his chair and into his arms. He kissed his tear-stained cheeks, then his lips. “I’m sorry, kiddo … I’m so sorry … I messed up. I love you dude and of course you’re still my boy. Hey, let’s have another go at that computer thing, eh? And this time I’ll try not to be such an asshole.” Vic and Noah were smiling furtively as they pretended to work, and Brandon cleared his throat. “Er, Darius, maybe you two would like to use the computer in my back office here. The programs are accessible from any of our computers, Ryan set it up that way.” “Thanks buddy, sorry for barging in like that. Can Ryan take a little time off to show me?” “It’s not time off, Darius, it’s work, important work. It makes it so much easier for us and especially Bob when he can check on the progress of Çeşme Escort all the sites with a few keystrokes, rather than plowing through reams of paper.” Brandon smiled, “So go ahead, dude, get to work.” Darius grinned, “OK with you, Ryan? `Cos you’re the boss here.” “Of course, sir.” Ryan smiled at Brandon who squeezed his arm as he walked past his desk and through the door to the inner office. Ryan sat at the computer there and opened up the reports file. As he watched his boy, there was a lot Darius wanted to say, but thought it best to confine himself to work … for now anyway. “There we are, sir, this is where we left off.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Er, like I said before, sir, it’s better if you sit here and do it hands-on while I take you through it step-by-step.” “Aye-aye, sir,” Darius smiled. “Like I said, you’re the boss, kiddo. You tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” Ryan stood up and as Darius brushed past him he gave him another light kiss before sitting down and staring blankly at the jumble of words and numbers on the screen. “Dude, you gotta be patient with me `cos this all looks like double-Dutch to me. This might take a while.” Ryan pulled up a chair next to him. “I don’t mind if it does, sir.” His Thai features broke into a shy smile. “It’s kinda nice sitting close to you like this and working together, don’t you think?” “Love it, kid. And I’ll try to keep my hands off you and on the keyboard.” Ryan’s shyness faded quickly and the other Ryan � the firm, self-assured technician � took over. This time it didn’t bother Darius. In fact this assertive young man made his dick hard.” “Right,” Ryan explained, “so what you’re looking at is yesterday’s report, and in a way much of the work has already been done for you, as a lot of the data will be the same, that’s the beauty of this. This report has already been saved in the database so we can change this version however much we like. Delete it if you like, but we don’t wanna do that.” “We don’t?” “No, I’ll show you why. This first question is about personnel � how many men were working in the crew today?” “Eighteen, same as yesterday.” “See, it’s already there from yesterday so we don’t have to touch that. The technical term is `pre-populated’ but you don’t have to remember that. Like I said, you’ll find that a lot of the facts and figures are the same as the previous day, so you can just breeze through and only make changes when there’s a difference. OK, next comes a list of crew men. Take a look and see if they’re all the same as yesterday.” “Hmm… all except Garcia. He was replaced by Martinez.” “So replace him. Highlight the name and press delete … you know how to do that don’t you?.” “Hey, I’m not a complete klutz.” Ryan smiled slyly. “You told me you were, sir.” “Watch it kiddo. OK, now I enter the new name here. I only use two fingers to type, by the way.” “Two fingers are enough, sir.” That’s what I always say. `Course, it depends what you’re doing. Sometimes you need all five.” “Be serious, sir. We’re talking about data entry.” “I’m talking about entry too, kiddo.” That made Ryan laugh and Darius kissed him again. “Anyway, sir, you see how simple that was? Imagine how it used to be when every day the manager had to start the written report from scratch. By comparison this is beautiful.” “Yeah, I can see that,” Darius smiled, looking at the fine-boned profile of his beautiful Thai boy whose dark eyes shone with enthusiasm. And so the lesson progressed and Darius’s affection for his boy grew … along with his hard-on. MAN & BOY � DARIUS & RYAN MAKE IT OFFICIAL Darius gradually got the hang of it and they reached the end in a surprisingly Çeşme Escort Bayan short time. “See how easy that was, sir? Now after you’ve double-checked it for errors you simply press transmit and presto � the office, Bob, and the directors all have access to it right away. One word of warning though. I guarantee you will forget half of what I’ve taught you, rookies always do.” Darius was about to object to the word, but when he looked at the young earnest face he found he kind of liked being called a rookie by his assertive young teacher. “But don’t worry, sir, that’s normal. But I’m always here to help, so call me whenever and as often as you like.” “Oh I plan on that, dude. But, er, how can I call you after you accept the City’s job offer and go work for them?’ Ryan smiled brightly. “Oh, I’m not going to do that. I never wanted to leave this job `cos I love it, and I’ve turned down all their previous offers. Only reason I nearly did it this time was `cos I wanted to keep on being your boy, and it seemed that working with you was making you mad at me. But we’ve taken care of all that, haven’t we, sir?” Darius flashed his famous gleaming smile. “Almost, kiddo. Just one more thing. I gotta go talk to Brandon while you shut the computer down.” He went back into the main office and said, “Er, Brandon, I know how busy you always are here, but could you do me a favor and lend Ryan to me for another hour or so?” Brandon grinned. “Darius, you’re as hard to say no to as Randy, though I have managed to say no to him quite often.” “Yeah, you’re famous for that, dude. So was that a yes, buddy?” “Of course it is. Ryan’s your boy after all. Er, he is still your boy isn’t he?” “You betcha, kiddo.” “So take him away and prove it, stud.” “I owe you one, Brandon.” Ryan came in and Darius said, “Brandon said I can have you for another hour, kid, so come with me. One more thing I gotta do.” He took Ryan’s arm and led him across the garden to the building opposite, up to the second floor and into their bedroom. Darius put his hands on Ryan’s shoulders. “Ryan, I’m sorry I got mad at you and scared you like that. Of course you’re my boy and I love you. I enjoyed working with you down there, and you taking charge, making me do stuff. “But this is our bedroom, kiddo, I’m the boss here … and I wanna prove it.” “Yes please sir,” Ryan smiled, his shyness returning. He couldn’t wait to get his clothes off. He pulled off his polo shirt, kicked off his sneakers, and dropped the white shorts he always wore. Darius gazed at the lithe, perfectly smooth body and the exotic Asian features � almond-shaped eyes and black hair, a lock falling over his forehead. “God, you’re beautiful. You make my dick hard, boy.” “Let me take care of that, sir, and prove I’m your boy.” He stared at the bare-chested muscular young black man with chiseled features and striking green eyes, then looked down to the long shape that stretched halfway down his thigh under his black jeans. Ryan walked forward and kissed his man’s solid pecs, then ran his tongue over his big, hard nipples. Slowly he sank to his knees, unbuttoned the beltless jeans and gasped as he pulled out his master’s massive ten-inch black cock. Ryan leaned forward and licked it, from the bulbous head all the way up to the base where he buried his face in Darius’s wiry black pubic hair. “Suck it, boy,” Darius commanded, and the Thai boy opened his mouth wide and pushed forward, over the head and down the shaft, inch by inch by inch. Finally, incredibly, his lips touched his pubes again as the entire cock filled his throat. Breathing through his nose he pulled slowly back, then swallowed it again.” Escort Çeşme Long experience had taught Ryan how to take the whole cock, and he lived for this … serving his master and making him groan with pleasure. Darius wrapped his hand behind the boy’s head and carefully pulled the beautiful face down and back on his iron-hard shaft. The sight and feel of the boy, his boy, excited Darius so much that he almost lost his load in the back of Ryan’s throat. He pulled out gently and said, “On the bed, kid.” Ryan scrambled to his feet and lay naked on his back on the bed. Darius pulled off his boots and dropped his jeans. He stood at the foot of the bed, buck naked, and Ryan moaned as he stared up at the rugged black man, his ebony muscles rippling and gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the window. Man and boy were mesmerized by the sight of each. They were both stroking their cocks and Darius was careful to hold back his climax. Ryan, not so much. Overwhelmed by the sight of his hero towering naked over him, and by the thought of that monster cock inside him, Ryan lost control. “No,” he groaned. “No, I … I … aaagh!” Cum spurted from his cock, arced in the air and splashed down on his shuddering body and thrashing face. “I’m sorry, sir … I didn’t mean … I couldn’t …” “Shh, kiddo. I like you better this way.” Darius bend down and pressed his face against his boy’s chest, smothering his own face in cum, then sucked up the pool of semen form his stomach. He leaned further forward and kissed his boy, sharing the juice with him. When he pulled away Ryan licked his own semen off the dark rugged face. “That’s better, kiddo. Now you’ve shot your load I can fuck you longer before you cum again. You ready?” “Yes, sir. Yes please, sir.” Ryan slid his heels back on the bed, hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled his legs back, offering his ass to his hero. Darius gently pushed the head of his cock inside and eased slowly all the way inside his boy’s tender ass. Ryan sighed deeply, and Darius pinned his wrists to the bed. And that’s how they made love for a long, long time, the muscled young black construction boss, and the adoring Thai boy � no boss, no rookie, no orders � just two young men in love. FINGERS CROSSED In the office Brandon had just hung up the phone. His eyes shining he said, “Vic, Noah that was Will. He says our young immigrant chef Felipe is up in Bob’s office meeting with Alistair, the immigration lawyer. And Will says it sounds like good news. And just when his buddy Jamie is due back home with Eddie and Nate from that publicity tour for Grady’s movie. “Love to know what they’re saying,” Vic said. “Keeping our fingers crossed,” Noah added. Just then they heard voices howling from the second floor across the way. Brandon chuckled, “No need to wonder what those two are yelling about. Sounds like Darius and Ryan are back together in a big way.” “Does that mean Ryan won’t be leaving us for that other job?” “He never meant to, Noah. And Darius would never have let him go. Darius is a hard man to say no to.” “Except for you, Brandon,” Vic laughed. “You can say no to anyone, even Randy.” “Yeah,” Brandon smiled, “I’m proud to say that is one of my skills. OK, back to work, guys. All this will be up on the grapevine soon enough. TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 599 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter turned you on, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Kocam, Arkadaşı ve Ben Sarhoşken 3 lü Grup Yaptık

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Kocam beni çok kıskanırdı ama birisiyle yolds.
com bana gireceğini hiç aklımdan geçirmezdim.
Arkadaşıydı bu adamda o gece çok tuhaf şeyler oldu ama bir o kadarda zevk aldım diyebilirim.
2 si aynı anda hem önden hem arkadan girdiğinde neye uğradığımı şaşırdım en son gökyüzünde uçarken hatırlıyorum kendimi .
ACısı 2 gün sonra ortaya çıktıtabi.

“Tüm vücudum çok ağrıyor, biraz sırtımı ve belimi ovarmısın?” dedim.
Kocam da, “Yapamam, zaten işten yorgun argın geliyorum, keşke bana da biri masaj yapsa sevaba girer!” dedi.
Burak hemen kocama, “Uzan kanka, yapayım ayıp ediyorsun!” dedi.
Kocam hiç ikiletmeden, “Tamam kanka, çok iyi olur!” dedi ve uzandı.
Burak kocama masaj yaparken, “Yenge, kocanın masajını bitireyim sana da yapacağım!” dedi.
Ben de, “Gerek yok Burakçığım, zaten kocama yaparken yorulacaksın!” dedim.
O da, “Yok valla, yorulmam, istersen sana da yaparım yenge!” diye ısrar edince, “Olur!” dedim…Sıra bana gelmiş, yere uzanmıştım.
Kocam da kendinden Burdur Escort geçip koltuğa uzandı.
Burak bacaklarımı yavaş yavaş ovarken, kocam da içkinin ve masajın etkisiyle iyice mayışmış, hatta hafiften horlamaya başlamıştı bile.
Burak ayak bileklerimden yavaş yavaş yukarıya çıkıyor, popomun yanaklarına doğru parmaklarını değdiriyordu.
Parmaklarının popoma değmesi benim de çok hoşuma gittiği için hiç sesimi çıkarmadım.
Ben sessiz kaldıkça Burak işi iyice ilerletmiş, hesapta masaj yapıyor, ama resmen popomu okşuyordu.
Bir an amımın ıslandığını hissettim.
O kadar hoşuma gitmişti ki, resmen kendimi ona bırakmış, sadece kocamın uyanıp uyanmayacağına bakıyordum…Burak, “Biraz da omuzlarına yapayım yenge!” diyerek popomun üstüne oturup omuzlarımı ovarken, sikini arkamda hissediyordum ve zevkten nerdeyse boşalacak duruma gelmiştim.
Ben sesimi çıkarmadıkça Burak da sikini resmen bastırır duruma gelmişti.
Omuzlarımı ovan ellerinin titrediğini hissedebiliyordum.

Burdur Escort Bayan Tekrardan üstümden inip, belimi ve popomu ovalamaya başlamıştı.
Benim sesimi çıkarmadığımı görünce, elini yavaş yavaş eşofmanımdan içeri sokmaya başlamış, resmen beni becermek istediğinin sinyalini vermişti.
Benim hayatta böyle birşey yapacağım aklımın ucundan bile geçmezken, o anda resmen Burağın beni sikmesini istiyordum.
Burağın eli bu arada eşofmanımın içinde tangamı kenara çekerek, parmağıyla götümün deliğini okşuyordu.
Daha fazla dayanamamış olacak ki, eşofmanımı aşağıya çekip, tangalı götümü görünce, “Ooof hayriye, çok tatlısın!” dedi.
Ben okadar heyecanlıydım ki, hiç sesimi bile çıkarmıyordum.
Birden tangamı da aşağıya çekip, popomu öpmeye, hatta yalamaya başladı.
O kadar hoşuma gitmişti ki, Burağa, “Kocam uyanmadan sen de indir şortunu!” dedim.
Burak şortunu indirdiğinde hayatımda hiç görmediğim bir şeyle karşılaşmıştım, yarrağı resmen bileğim kadardı.
Escort Burdur

Heyecandan kalbim çıkacak gibi atıyor, bir yandan da kocamı gözetliyordum.
Kocam yanımızda horlaya horlaya uyurken, ben doğrulup Burağın yarağını yalamaya ve emmeye başladım…Burağa biraz sakso çektikten sonra tekrar yüz üstü yattım ve “Hadi gir içime!” dedim.
Burağın amıma girmesini beklerken, amımın suları resmen bacağıma doğru akıyordu.
İlk defa bukadar sulandığımı hatırlıyorum.
Burak o koca sikini yavaş yavaş amıma sürterken kendimden geçecek gibi oluyordum.
En sonunda o koca yarrağını içime doğru ittirmeye başlamıştı.
Yarrağı okadar büyüktü ki, amımı resmen zorluyordu.
Burak gidip gelmelere başladığında, ben de kocamın uyanmasından korktuğumdan bağırmamak için dudaklarımı ısırıyordum…Daha sonra beni sırtüstü çevirip bacaklarımı açarak amıma sokarken, bir yandan da göğüslerimi yalıyordu.
Burak beni okadar güzel sikiyordu ki, tırnaklarımı sırtına geçirip kendime doğru bastırıyordum.
Kocamın bir an uyanması bizim sonumuz olabilirdi, ama o an hiçbir şey umrumuzda değildi.
Burak amımı biraz daha siktikten sonra dayanamayıp içime öyle bir boşalmıştı ki, resmen dölleri içimi doldurmuş, amımdan dışarı taşıyordu.
Burak boşalmıştı, ama ben daha tatmin olamamıştım

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Disclaimer: I do not own American Pie or BtVS. This is not for money. It is just for fun.



It was almost a week since Michelle Flaherty had arrived in Sunnydale. Or more exactly, awoke in Sunnydale. One night she went to sleep in band camp. The next, she woke up all alone in a strange lonely house.

At first she was very disconcerted to be in a strange place. But when Buffy Summers turned up that same morning to see ‘Willow’, Michelle realised that she was in Willow Rosenberg’s house in Sunnydale. Michelle was initially quite excited at that thought. Of course, Michelle knew all about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She watched the TV series after all. For once she would have cool friends and get to know hunks like Angel and Xander.

Michelle had managed to fit in with Buffy and her friends quite easily. Michelle was of course genetically identical to Willow and shared some of Willow’s personality traits. So, for the most part they didn’t seem to notice that Willow had been replaced by Michelle. And when Michelle made the odd slip by referring to ‘band camp’ or talked about ‘boning’, she managed to excuse herself by saying she was tired or not feeling well. They seemed to accept that.

She hoped that she would be able to bone Angel or Xander while she was there. But they were all so in love with Buffy that the never looked at poor horny little Michelle; or should she say Willow. Just as well Michelle still had her flute with her.

She thought it would be fun to hang round with Buffy and the gang. But in reality it was so boring. All work work work. It was all investigating demons and having to sit up all night in grave yards until Buffy dusted the vamp she was waiting for. All so boring and predictable.

Not that the investigation was completely useless. Michelle had learned from the notes in Willow’s electronic diary that Willow had been investigating some artefact that could cause inter-dimensional transference. Michelle guessed that Willow had somehow activated the artefact, causing her and Michelle to switch places. Michelle had read up on the artefact and discovered that the effect only lasted a week. Fortunately, that week was almost up.

Apart from that, the diary was a very interesting source of information. Michelle had learned a few interesting things about Willow from it.

One; that Willow had the hots for Xander. No surprise there.

Two; that she also had the hots for Angel, which was slightly unexpected. Although, Michelle could completely understand that having spent time with the gorgeous brooding so-boneable hunk.

And three; that Willow was clearly a rampant rug-munching lesbian in denial. It was obvious that Willow obviously had the hots for Buffy from the way she described in minute detail everything Buffy said, did and wore. And that meant literally everything.

The fact that Willow was a lesbian confused Michelle at first. After all, in the 3 seasons of BtVS Michelle had watched, there was no sign that Willow was a rug-muncher. Well except perhaps episode 16 ‘Doppelgangland’. But even that wasn’t conclusive. Michelle wondered if it would be explained in the upcoming fourth season. Perhaps everything would come out of the closet then.

Of course, Willow also wrote a load of mumbo-jumbo about her favourite subject which was witchcraft, demons and the occult in general. And that was a subject about which Michelle had absolutely no interest. At least, not unless it involved rustling up a spell or a demon that would get Michelle a good Giresun Escort boning. Unfortunately, Willow had been too prudish to address that in her diary up to now. So there was not even any joy in that department for poor horny Michelle.

So it was with a good amount of frustration that Michelle went to bed on that Wednesday night. She knew she would have only one more day in Sunnydale. It was so boring in there. With no boning from Xander or Angel on the cards, she was happy to be going home at last. With that in her thoughts, she settled down under the covers with her flute.

At first Michelle didn’t answer the phone the first two times it rang. She was playing one of her favourite pieces on her flute and didn’t want to stop. But when it rang the third time she decided that she had better answer it after all.

Michelle knew it would be Buffy phoning about some crisis that had to be resolved. But from reading Willow’s diary, Michelle knew that Buffy had a tendency to cry wolf a lot when it came to crises. For every one that was a genuine threat to humanity, there were ten that involved a cat being stuck up a tree. Although, admittedly, the cat was usually running away from a vampire.

But still, one vampire and a pussy cat was not a very good reason to get Michelle out her bed at 2am on a Thursday morning. Especially when Michelle’s own pussy was in the middle of getting a good seeing to with her flute. That was very frustrating.

However, despite everything, Michelle did not want to let Buffy down. Buffy and the scoobies had been nice to her. So with a little reluctance, Michelle picked up the ringing phone with a sigh of resignation.

“Hello. Mich… I mean Willow here.” Said Michelle, hoping she had corrected herself in time.

“Its Buffy!.” Said a frantic voice on the other side of the line. “There are dozens of vampires attacking the library.”

Michelle rolled her eyes and shook her head. Knowing Buffy, dozens of vampires really meant they had found another startled hamster. They probably just wanted Willow to go to the library to do some mundane task on the computer that anyone else with half a brain could do. It was probably another false alarm.

“Go and find Angel in the cemetery and come quick. They’re swarming all over us.” Buffy spoke quickly before hanging up.

Michelle didn’t really want to go to the library. She found all the talk about vampires and demons dull. It was Buffy’s training session tonight and Michelle was hoping she would get the night off. But no such luck.

No doubt that old pervert Giles would be telling the lycra clad Buffy to perform various pointless, but clearly erotic exercises, such as standing upside down on one hand with her legs spread so wide that her feet touched the floor. Talk about a camel-toe. However, Michelle did admit to herself that the exercise where Buffy rapped her legs behind her own neck and buried her face in her own pussy could be potentially very useful. Very useful indeed.

Now Michelle thought about it, it was no wonder rug-munching Willow, and indeed Xander, loved going to the library so much. Indeed, the reason was obvious.

However, Michelle was not interested in going to the library. But she was quite happy to go and see Angel. So she put on her make-up, her lipstick, her fishnet stockings, her sexiest underwear, her high heels and the shortest skirt she could find, before leaving her house to look for him.

It didn’t take her long to find him. As usual he was brooding on a park bench, his head in his hands, sobbing his eyes out.

Michelle sat beside him and put her Giresun Escort Bayan arm round his broad shoulder, caressing the hard muscles of his vampiric back.

“What’s wrong Angel?” Asked Michelle sincerely. It made her so horny to see Angel so sad.

Angel continued sobbing like a blubbing baby.

“You know when I was sad at band camp.” Said Michelle, hugging Angel closer. “I used to play my flute to cheer me up.”

Angel sobbed even more as if the mention of band camp had resulted in burning hot steel rods being plunged into his eye-balls. Obviously, it would need more than a story about band camp to cheer Angel up this time.

“It’s Buffy, isn’t it.” Sighed Michelle.

Angel nodded still sobbing like a little girl. Michelle snorted and looked up to the sky in disgust. Everything here was always about Buffy.

“Did you and Buffy almost kiss again?” Asked Michelle, turning towards him and running her hand up his inner thigh through the material of his jeans. “It must be very frustrating.”

“I love her so much.” Wept Angel pathetically. “I just want to take her in my arms and…”

“I know, I know.” Whispered Michelle, pushing herself more against Angel and brushing her hands through his gorgeous dark hair. “You want to bone her brains out.”

“But if I do, I’ll turn into that monster…”

“…Angelus.” Michelle finished the sentence for him. “I know, you’ve told me at least a thousand times.” She continued, not at all exaggerating, as she massaged Angel’s rock hard biceps.

“I don’t know what to.” He wailed pitifully.

An idea suddenly flashed in Michelle’s head like the neon sign outside a sleazy Los Angeles brothel. Perhaps she could get a boning from Angel. Perhaps this week in Buffytown wouldn’t be a complete waste of time after all.

“I know a way to ensure that you will feel guilty forever.” Said Michelle caressing Angel’s strong manly chest with one hand as she kissed him on the neck.

“But you are Buffy’s best friend.” Said Angel.

“That’s exactly my point.” Replied Michelle cheerily as she straddled Angel and began to kiss him passionately on the face and neck. “Next time you feel happy, just think of what we did tonight. That should keep bad old Angelus at bay.”

Michelle gasped as she felt Angels hands move up her thighs and felt his lips against her neck. She knew it was a bit naughty taking advantage of Angel like this. But it wasn’t the first time that Michelle had taken advantage of a nice guy she liked. After all, hadn’t she taken advantage of Jim at Stiffler’s party?

“I really don’t want to do this, Willow.” Groaned Angel as she fumbled with the zipper of his jeans. Moments later, Michelle’s boning dream with Angel started to become a reality.

“Oh, I don’t want to do it either.” Moaned Michelle with delight as she bounced up and down on Angel’s hard cock. “I’m only doing it for you and Buffy.”

Meanwhile in the library, a fifth vampire burst into dust as Buffy staked him. The dust had barely settled on the library floor before another vampire charged her and sent her sprawling. She acrobatically leapt to her feet and staked him in one nimble movement. No time for the playful drawn out fights she normally enjoyed. This was a fight for survival.

Buffy looked around the library and saw that both Giles and Xander were each struggling with a vampire. But she had no time to help them as she confronted another group of vampires charging into the room. As she grabbed the axe on the table and decapitated two vampires with one swing, there was only one thought on her mind.

Where Escort Giresun the hell were Angel and Willow?

Michelle cried out as Angel’s vamp face leered down at her. She was lying face up on the grass with her knees up to her ears. At first, when Angel had changed into his vamp face, Michelle feared that he was going to bite her. But she soon realize it was only to bone her harder.

Angel had changed into his vamp face some time ago. He had already boned Michelle in four different positions on the bench. Now he was banging her for a fifth time on the ground. “Oh, you must really love Buffy.” Moaned Michelle, looking into Angel’s cat like vamp eyes.

This caused him to growl with rage, before continuing with more boning. Michelle could not help but admire the strength and stamina vampires had. She really was getting her full helping of Angel delight.

About the same time, Buffy was standing in a corner of the library defending the unconscious bodies of Giles and Xander. They had been knocked out in the fighting, but she had managed to save them from being killed. Luckily there had been just enough time to drag them to a defendable position before the next wave of vampires arrived.

Buffy nimbly spun the axe and the sword she was holding in each hand. A vampire charged her only to have both his arms and his head cut off in quick succession, before crashing to the floor in a shower of dust. The other six vampires facing Buffy charged her all at once. She steadied the weapons in her hands, ready to meet them. She hoped there weren’t more on the way. She didn’t know how long she could hold out. She desperately hoped that Willow and Angel would come soon.

Michelle was certainly coming and Angel was certainly holding out. Michelle moaned out loud again as Angel boned her vigorously yet again, this time against a tree. Afterwards, Angel released her and changed back into his human face.

“I feel really bad, now.” Said Angel, mournfully.

“I know, Angel. I feel really bad too.” Lied Michelle. In fact Michelle felt great. That was one of the best bonings she’d ever had in her life. Poor Buffy didn’t know what she was missing with all this Gypsy curse nonsense.

“I should go and see Buffy, now.” Said Angel turning away.

“Yes, good idea. She said some vampires were attacking the Library.” Said Michelle, tidying herself up. “But you know how much she exaggerates sometimes.”

Angel looked at her wide-eyed in shock and fear.

“No wonder there have been no vampires here tonight.” He said. “They were all at the library. We have to go now!”

Angel grabbed Michelle and they ran together towards Sunnydale High.

When Angel and Michelle arrived at the library, Buffy glared at them furiously while Xander and Giles nursed their injuries.

“Where were you?” Hissed Buffy. “We were almost killed. I only just managed to fend them off.”

Michelle and Angel looked at each other sheepishly. Michelle looked at the bedraggled state that she and Angel were in after their activities in the woods. They were dirty and sweaty and their clothes were ripped. That gave Michelle an idea.

“Vampires attacked us too.” Lied Michelle, trying to sound as terrified as possible. “Angel saved me. He dusted dozens of them. Is that not right Angel?”

Angel hesitated a moment, and then nodded, mumbling under his breath in his usual sullen brooding way.

Buffy looked at their bedraggled state and nodded in acceptance. Then she smiled and hugged Michelle warmly.

“I’m sorry what I said, Will” Said Buffy tenderly. “I know it must have been terrifying for you.”

“It’s a night I’ll never forget.” Sobbed Michelle with joy.

From the guilty brooding expression on Angel’s face, it was clear he wouldn’t forget it either. That gipsy curse would never be broken ever again.

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Big mistake

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My biggest mistake

I’m an older white male, retired from the Army after 21 years and also from an animal clinic after 28 years. I still do volunteer work at the clinic one day a week. One evening about 7:00 as I was driving home I had a flat tire. I pulled over to the curb and planned to change it. When I finally was able to get the spare out it was flat too. It was still quite warm and I had started sweating so I took my shirt off to cool down.

As I stood there bare chested a tall black man stepped from a nearby alley. He asked what I was doing in his neighborhood. I explained I had a flat and would go home and call for assistance. Then 2 more black men stepped into the street, another tall and the other short. The shorter of the two said “I’m Alex. What the hell are you doing her whitey?” He came closer before I had a chance to answer. He said, “Ooh, you have nice tits, whitey.” He reached out and grabbed one of my nipples and pinched it. I have sensitive nipples and asked him to stop. Instead he reached out with his other hand and pinched the other nipple. I again asked him to stop since I was frightened. I think he knew I was slightly aroused and he asked if I would like him to suck on them. I said no but he said all whiteys like niggers to play with their tits and suck the nipples. The first black referred to as King, told him to stop. He asked where I lived. I told him about 6 blocks from there. Then he said if I had something for them to drink they would escort me home. Since I saw quite a few more blacks on the street I thought it might be a good idea.

When we got to my house I was going to give them a bottle and have them leave but they pushed their way into the house. King asked what my neighbors would think if I had 3 niggers in my house. I made the mistake of telling him my neighbors were on vacation. He said that was good and it was time for me to fix them a drink. I told him I had beer and bourbon. He said he would like a bourbon and coke, Greg the other big black said the same for him, but Alex wanted a beer. I got the drinks for them. King asked if I was going to have a friendly drink with them. I thought I better not, but Alex insisted so I fixed myself a bourbon and coke. They finished and asked for another, so I made us all a drink and Alex had another beer. Soon they were asking for another. I could feel the first two giving me a little buzz.

Greg pulled a reefer from his shirt pocket and lit it. He offered it to me but I had never had any before so I said no. King insisted taking it from Greg and putting it in my mouth. He held my nose so I had to breath through my mouth and I inhaled some of the smoke. I could feel it’s effects immediately and I liked how I felt. I took another drag on it and Greg said to inhale and hold it. King let go of my nose and I took another drag before Alex took it away and took a big puff on it. By this time, between the liquor and reefer, I was feeling quite light headed.

I had put my shirt over my shoulders but not buttoned it. Alex came over and started lightly pinching my nipples. They started getting hard and Alex knew he was getting me turned on. I leaned back on the sofa and he started sucking a nipple while playing with the other. His free hand went to my crotch and he laughed when he felt my hard cock. He said, “whitey, you’re really enjoying this. Do you want me to suck your hard cock?” He was rubbing it inside my pants. Without thinking I said yes. He immediately unzipped my pants and my cock popped out. He took it in his mouth and started sucking. King suggested I take my pants off so Alex could lick my balls and maybe even my ass. I asked Alex if he would do that for me. When he said yes, I told him to undo the belt and button and pull them off. Soon they were around my ankles. He took my shoes off and pulled my pants free. Instead of Giresun Escort removing my briefs Greg took out a long knife and cut them free. There I was, naked except for my socks with 3 horny blacks.

Alex immediately started on my balls, licking and sucking them into his mouth while he stroked my cock and fingered my ass. Then he told me to turn over and get on my knees. I could feel his warm breath on my ass and as he spread my ass cheeks I could feel it on my asshole. When his tongue touched my hole it was like an electric shock. My whole body shook with anticipation. He laughed and said whitey likes his ass licked. Soon he was trying to stick his tongue into my asshole but I was too tight. Then I could feel his finger penetrating me. When he got it all the way in he moved it around until he found my prostate. I thought I was going to cum right then. He took his finger out and stretched my ass a little more using 2 fingers. I was hoping he would never quit. He looked at King and said whitey is ready. Can I fuck his white ass? King said not until I was flushed out and we would have to go to his house to do that.

He told me to put my shoes on because sometimes there’s glass in the street. I reached for my pants but he took them and said I was going naked. I shuddered but thought better than pissing anyone off. When we got on the street there were several scroungy looking blacks standing on the sidewalk. As we walked I could hear them saying King has a white ass to play with. Some wanted to know if they could have some. I was close enough to some that they reached out and grabbed my ass. I was ashamed that I enjoyed the attention but having all those black studs admiring me turned me on and my dick was actually hard. Several told King they wanted some when he was finished with me. I didn’t like it when he said they could work out some sort of deal. That sounded like I was going to be a white bitch for more than the ones I was with. We finally arrived at King’s house and went inside.

They took me to the bathroom and had me bend over. King ran some water until it was warm then stuck a hose in my ass. The warm water entering my ass felt good. Then it stopped and King said to wait 4 or 5 minutes before I emptied it out. It was done two more times and King said I was to be the star of their show.

He asked if I had ever seen a nigger cock. I said just a couple in school but not close up. He had all 3 line up and told me to undress them removing the shirt first then the pants starting with Alex. As I unbuttoned his shirt Alex started pinching my nipples which got me aroused. Greg started fondling my dick while he waited to be undressed. I thought I was going to cum but then he stopped. Alex’s dick was only slightly longer than mine but much thicker. I could see why he called mine skinny white meat. As he stepped out of his pants I unbuttoned Greg’s shirt and it fell to the floor. He was wearing shorts with no belt. I unbuttoned them and slid the zipper down. As the pants slid down I saw the biggest dick I had ever seen. It was at least 8 inches long and thick. As I stared at it he asked if I wanted to touch it. I said yes and reached for it but King said no that it was his turn. I didn’t want to piss King off so I started to unbutton his shirt. He was huge, probably 6’5″ and 250 lbs. I was fascinated by his massive chest. With his shirt on the floor I started to remove his pants. As it slid down more and more of his dick appeared. The only dick I had seen to compare to it was on a great dane that was breeding a bitch at the clinic. I just stood and stared at it licking my lips. He said go ahead you white whore, feel it. I took it in my hands and it took both hands to cover it. It must have been at least 10 inches long and seemed as thick as my wrist. I stroked it and was going to take it in my mouth Giresun Escort Bayan when he stopped me and said he wanted a drink first.

He mixed each of us another bourbon and coke and a beer for Alex. When I was about half done with mine I felt really light headed. I asked if he put something in my drink. He said no, I was just hungry for some nigger dick. I thought maybe he was right until I wasn’t able to stand. As I fell to my knees King told Alex he was first since he was the smallest and would stretch my virgin ass. Alex got behind me and pushed me down. he smeared lube on his dick and my ass and I could feel his cock sliding between my cheeks. Everytime it touched my hole I moaned it felt so good. Then he started pushing it against the home trying to get in. When the head got started it hurt like hell. He stopped and waited then pushed again. He got in a little more and stopped again. By this time the pain had stopped and I was starting to enjoy having my ass fucked. I pushed back against his cock and King laughed and said I was a natural born bitch. As his dick got deeper and felt better I agreed with him. Then Greg got in front of me and stuck his dick in my face. It was covered with precum and I started licking it. Then he told me to open my mouth that I was going to have a nigger cock in both ends. I thought I was going to choke but it was soon half way in my mouth. As Alex fucked my ass he would push me against Greg and his cock went deeper in my mouth. He called me a white whore and told me to do a better job sucking him or I would be sorry. I used my tongue as much as possible and tightened my lips around his massive cock. Alex was fucking hard and fast and I thought he was about ready to cum. I wanted Greg to cum too so I started massaging his balls while I sucked him. Soon Alex let out a loud groan and I could feel his cock pulsing in my ass as he filled me with his cum. Then Greg suddenly shoved hard and I could feel my mouth filling with his hot cum. To my surprise I loved the taste and feel of the cum he was pumping into me and I didn’t want to stop sucking and swallowing every bit. King said I was a real cum lover and would be known as King’s bitch from now on. Like it or not I was King’s property and he could use me any way he wanted.

Now it was King’s turn at me. He asked if I wanted it in my mouth or ass. It only took a second but I told him in my ass. I thought he would choke me if that monster went in my mouth. He told Greg to put me on the table. It must have been made special because my ass was at one end and my head hung over the other end. I couldn’t understand why at the time but it was soon to become apparent. King told me to raise my legs. That left my ass vulnerable but I was trembling in anticipation for what was to come. Alex had already loosened me up some but I was still tight. King started shoving one of his big fingers in my ass, then two, and finally three. He spread my asshole open and sprayed some lube inside and lubed his dick. Then he started rubbing the head between my cheeks like he was trying to find my asshole. Then it stopped moving and pushed against my hole. I didn’t know what would happen to my poor ass when that monster finally got inside.

I felt the first rush of pain as the head penetrated me. King waited until I settled down then pushed a little more in. His huge dick felt like it was going to split me in two. As he slowly pushed into me it started to feel better. Then Alex came over and started playing with my nipples, gently biting on each and pinching them. Through glazed eyes I could see Greg was getting hard again. He moved closer and I stroked his big dick. He moved to the end of the table and I could see why the table was built like it was. With my head tilted back I was in perfect position to be mouth fucked. He grabbed my ankles Escort Giresun and pulled my legs higher and gave King more access to my poor white ass. Then he stuck his dick in my open mouth. King had his dick about half way in my ass moving in out slowly. Each time he pushed it a little deeper. I never had this sort of pleasant torture before. Soon Greg was deep in my throat and King had his dick deep in my ass. He started pulling almost all the way out then shoving it deep in me again. I had King in my ass, Greg in my mouth, and Alex nibbling and biting my nipples. I was a real nigger’s bitch and loving it. Soon King started moaning and pumping harder. My own dick was hard and I knew I was about ready to cum. Alex started stroking it and soon I let fly. That made my asshole squeeze on King and he gave out a grown and pumped his cum into my ass. That made Greg cum in my mouth about the same time. I was being filled with loads of cum on both ends. It was time to rest. Since I was King’s property I lay at the foot of his bed where I belonged.

Next morning when I woke up, I couldn’t figure out where I was. Soon it dawned on me and my sore ass reminded me of what took place the night before. When King woke up he called me a white whore and said it was time to start paying him for a new tire for my car. I said I thought I had already paid him, but he said I enjoyed it so it was an even exchange. He asked when I had to go to work and I said in 6 more days. He said plenty of time but I didn’t know what he meant. We had breakfast and he whispered something to Alex. He left immediatley saying he would be back soon. He returned about 10 minutes later with four nasty looking niggers behind him. I was sitting at the table naked. King told me to get up and go to them so they could examine me. All four were fondling me at the same time and their hands on my naked skin felt good. They grabbed my ass and nipples and one of them spread my ass cheeks and fingered my hole. Another told me to open my mouth and he looked inside. They asked King how much. He said $10 for his mouth and $20 for his tight white ass. They complained and he said he might make the ass $15 but it had to be cash. I was dismayed that King would pimp me like that but I was his property. Soon it was arranged, three for my poor ass, and one for my mouth. I was hoping the one in my mouth wasn’t huge. I didn’t have to be put on the table this time. King told he to get on it and I did. The four had stripped and all had big dicks but not as big as King. The first pushed my legs up and was going to fuck me. King said not dry and gave him a jar of lube. I could feel the cool lube on my hot ass and soon his dick was pushing against me. He wasn’t as gentle as King and just shoved his dick deep in my ass with one thrust. It hurt and I was about to cry out when another put his dick in my mouth stopping me from making any noise. My ass was taking a real beating and I hoped he would cum soon. To my surprise Alex started fingering his asshole and he unloaded in my ass almost immediately. He filled my ass with his cum which would make it easier for the next one. He didn’t waste any time and was in ball deep in two hard thrusts. I was still getting fucked in my mouth. His dick was pumping in and out and I thought he was going to cum soon. He gave me a full load and I couldn’t swallow fast enough. Some seeped out of my mouth and nose. He finally pulled out and I still had one in my ass. Then he shot his cum deep in my ass and the last one took his place. I was well lubed with cum and loose by then and he didn’t have a problem getting deep in my ass.

When they left King said part of your tire is paid for. If you want to go home you may but be back this evening at 7:00. I asked for my clothes but all he gave me was a cap that said I belong to King. He said wearing that, even a white naked bitch would be safe. He was right. As I walked the 6 blocks home there were several comments about King’s white whore bitch. I didn’t mind. I was sort of looking for all of the niggers on the block have a turn with me.

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Cave Trap Part 3

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Cave Trap Part 3

Although the storm wasn’t the onset of an early monsoon season, the rain continued throughout the night and the winds abated little. Craig and Miri’s stranded yacht, the ‘Queen Of Jade’ held secure at three points. Never the less, she lifted and fell with the continuous motion of the waves.

The couple rewarded Jack for his good-natured acceptance of their sex trap with a sumptuous evening meal. Craig fried shrimp and laid it over a bed of rice with ‘Komatsuna’, (a local mustard spinach), and fresh tomatoes. Afterward there were more drinks, and then it was story telling time.

To save the battery Craig placed a dozen or more candles around the cabin. The dark brown wood glowed warmly and the candles gave off a flowery scent. That is until Miri produced a small pipe and a chunk of black hashish. “I haven’t even seen hash in twenty years” said Jack. “Laws in the states are fucked, it’s as bad as getting caught with coke”.

“You should move out here man. As it is, I practically run the base. We’re part owners of a bar besides…things are good. You could come in with us. Maybe buy out old Mr. Tanaka”? Jack thought about it as the smoke in his lungs worked surprisingly fast. His head felt warm and the rocking motion of the boat played with it like a yo-yo.

Then Miri opened her pink and white kimono and started coating her skin with some ointment. Jack couldn’t help but stare as her delicate fingers brushed over her nipples and large brown areolas.

Craig started telling him about their experiences with other single men and women. But Jack was focused on Miri’s breasts. “We both prefer young women’ he continued. “But once in a while some handsome stud comes along and dives with us. Then it’s just a matter of Miri doing her thing…like she is right now”.

“Wo what”? Jack stammered. “I was just saying how easy it is to seduce men with Miri around. She’s never failed yet and I just love having my dick sucked by some horny guy who can’t control himself, like you”.

“Yeah…I know.” Jack managed to utter. His cock had grown full again and now it poked through his aqua blue kimono. He untied the silk belt and began stroking slowly up and down his shaft. He licked his lips, and when Miri took off her kimono he moaned and started jerking faster.

“Shit Jack you’re as much of a horn dog as I am. Well go ahead and fuck her. She’s probably dying for it by now”. Neither of them thought of revealing the fact that they had already done it in the cave.

Miri and Craig had an understanding about that. ‘Nobody does any fucking unless we are together.’ Until Jack and his big flesh monster came along the pact had held. But Miri just couldn’t help herself. And now she would have him out of the water, where movements could be controlled and the thrill of Craig watching would make it even better.

As Jack went over to Miri her kimono fell away. Craig got up so she could lay across the bed, but Jack’s cock was on her ass before she could roll onto her back. She collapsed under him and he reached under and grabbed her tits. Craig watched as Jack’s ass tightened with each stroke on his wife’s ass. “You can’t put that thing in my ass Jack”.

“No, no, I just want your pussy from behind”. And he reached down to guide his cock into her. Her dark pussy lips were slick but still Jack had trouble getting more than half the head insider. Then Craig came to the rescue with a tube of KY and he told jack to lift up. He spread the gel on his hand and put it to Jack’s cock.

The huge warm cock had an unusual effect on Craig. He had never wanted to suck one. The night he was drunk and was forced into it, was fuzzy in his mind. But suddenly he felt the desire to do what a dozen men and over fifty women had done to him.

He coated Jack’s mushroom with the lube and then put more on his palm. Jack turned on his side and Craig’ s hand wrapped around the shaft and stroked slowly up and down. Miri watched in amazement as her husband give Jack a slow loving hand job.

“Oh, oh fuck”. Jack was moaning and gasping for breath. “If you don’t stop I’m gonna cum, it’s so good…no don’t stop”. And Craig kept stroking him and staring as if in a trance. Then he put his hand over the bulbous head and rubbed around and around. Then he ran his thumb over the slit.
Jack’s orgasm Hatay Escort was building, he could feel the pressure building. Already a few drops of pre cum went into Craig’s warm hand. “Craig suck me…please. I want you to suck me”.

Then Craig took his hand away and went to wipe it clean. Jack was left openmouthed and disappointed. He stroked his cock a few times but had to bend it hard to keep from cumming. Then he returned his attention to Miri.

If Craig wasn’t going to suck him, he was sure going to cum in his wife. He put his cock to her warm pussy and forced his head inside her. She cried out but raised up to take him more easily. And he pushed until four inches of his length was in her. Miri was gasping and crying at the same time.

Jack held her hips as she opened up and more of his cock went into her. With seven thick inches buried deep inside her, Miri gasped as he hit her cervix. Jack started pumping steadily and Craig moved to the head of the bed to watch.

Jack’s ass tightened with each stroke and Craig’s cock went stiff. He leaned over and grabbed Jacks ass muscles firmly in his hands. His cock lay on Miri’s black hair. Jacks face was only inches away, he could feel his breath. He leaned over a bit further and Jack kissed the tip.

Jack started bucking harder and Miri was breathless. His motions were amplified by the rocking motion of the boat. Even with slight pressure Miri was rocked like a ship in heavy seas; but Jack was pumping in and out of her pussy with jack-hammer thrusts that had her holding the sides if the bed for dear life.

Miri’s orgasm hit like a ten car freight train. Each car pounding hot pleasure throughout her body, and sending off a message for the next one to do the same. The pounding built on itself until Miri screamed with the best orgasm of her life.

But the freight train kept pounding into her, and through her, to the other side where heaven must be. And they crashed deep inside her, exploding like a train wreck on a mountainside. Wave upon wave shocked her body and her mind was lost in a world with no rain or wind, just hot flowing magma from the center of the earth. And the earth was up inside her, filling her, and she was the mountain.

Before Jack shot his cum into Miri he opened his mouth and took Craig deeply. The dick slid past the point of no return and into his throat. He was deep throating a cock and yet there was no gag response at all. It felt comfortable in him and it ticked a little.

The boat rocked his head onto the cock over and over sending Craig into a frenzy “Yeah fuck my wife, fuck her cunt Jack, fuck her cunt”. And one hand still gripped Jack’s flexing ass muscles and he put the other between his checks. Then his middle finger slipped into the wet hole. He fucked it with his hand until the excitement was too much and he gushed uncontrollably into Jack’s mouth.

Jack felt Miri shudder like a vibrating cushion, and then there were spasms and he knew he had done something right. At the same time Craig had put his finger in just the right place, and it set him off.

He didn’t know how much cum he had left in him, but his orgasm was mind blowing and he pulsed over and over again until his cock almost hurt. As he rolled off Miri the suction on his dick made a popping sound. Then he kneaded her firm round butt, and he watched as his juices spilled from her slit in the dim candlelight.

Craig collapsed on the other bed and Jack lay on his back next to Miri. And the storm played a symphony on the overhead; beating down it’s thousands of pellets in wave after wave of drumbeat. And the overhanging trees let loose a syncopated cacophony of its own; pinging on the handrails like a percussionist’s triangle, or splashing with a thud on the foredeck.

The night wore on and by twelve they were all asleep. The worst winds had passed and the rain softened to a hissing accompaniment to the rising swells. When Jack woke up he put on a raincoat and went out on deck. He was enveloped in a darkness that swallowed everything but a few feet of the cabin. He pissed over the side and went back in.

Some time during the night Miri woke up and Jack stirred. He caught the sweet scent of her hair. She leaned over him and kissed him on the lips. He couldn’t see, it was pitch black, all of the candles Hatay Escort Bayan had been put out. Then she spread his lips with her fingers, and her tongue slithered with his in a loving kiss, their sounds were muted by the rain.

They made out that way for several passionate minutes and then she reached down to feel his cock. He was semi-soft, but still his dick was thicker than Craig’s ever was. She slowly massaged him as they kissed.

After several minutes he was stiffening and her appetite was renewed. She slid down to him and licked his thick shaft and took the bulbous head in her mouth. His response was slow and he wasn’t fully erect, but she crawled up and sat on his cock and rubber herself on him.

She was slick at once and she tried to stuff him inside her sopping wet pussy. It had been difficult when he was hard, and now it would never work. But he was still engorged beneath her, and she trapped him between her lips and used him.

Over and over she slid on his thick meat, rubbing with delight. She made out with him like a lover rather than an experienced swinger. She let out little high pitched squeals as her orgasm slowly built. She was hot for him, he had done things to her that no man ever did before.

Jack wondered how long it would go on. He loved the feel of her hot wet pussy playing up and down his shaft and he wished he had the strength to fuck her again, but he was spent. He steadied her hips and occasionally fondled the pendulous tits swaying above him.

After a long while Miri began grinding harder on his cock. It stirred him and he stiffened a little more. She started cooing in his ear and she licked him there. She sucked on his neck as she ground herself into him and her breath was short.

Then she pushed up on her arms and bucked on him like she was riding a horse. Jack put his hands on her ass and followed her bucking motion by raising up and down against her. Miri screeched as she came on his cock, her warm juices flowed onto him and she used the lubrication to continue grinding.

Jack was amazed at her stamina but after another five minutes of grinding, his cock was worn out. “I can’t take any more, you’re killing me” he whispered. “Alright then you promised me in the cave…eat me for an hour, remember”. Jack giggled, she couldn’t want more?

Before he knew it, Miri was straddling his face. She put pillows under her knees and slowly lowered herself onto his mouth. The first touch of her trimmed wet bush felt cold. Then she was fully on him and he opened his mouth wide and took her in. Jack loved eating sweet pussy and Miri’s was sweet and young.

His tongue almost brought her to an instant orgasm but she breathed deeply and held it back. Jack took hold of her ass so he could control the pressure on his jaw, but he continued to suck and lap away to his heart’s content. When she started moaning two things happened. Craig stirred and opened his eyes, and Jack’s worn out cock slowly started to grow.

Five minutes of cunt eating wasn’t enough nor was ten. Miri was in heaven and Jack was getting hungrier for her pussy by the minute. Each lap of the tongue took them farther into a swirling, dark dream, where the only contact with reality was where his heat met hers.

Jack’s cock was hard again and he put his palm over it and pressed the head against his belly. Then a faint noise interrupted the dream and fingers went around his shaft. He felt a warm tingling sensation as Craig’s hand took hold of him. Jack started moaning into Miri’s pussy. “Uh, Uhmm, uhmmm”.

He was hard as a stone in a seconds and he lifted up to meet the unseen hand. His mind’s eye imagined Craig leaning over his cock, he thought he could feel his breathing. The anticipation was overwhelming, each waiting moment was an eternity as the fingers probed the head of his cock.

Then it was gone and he felt cool air around his aching cock. There were strange little sounds in the dark and then a lubricated hand slipped over his enormous mushroom head and down the length of his shaft. Another set of fingers went under his balls and it tickled until the hand grabbed hold and started a slow massage.

Jack felt cum boiling deep inside, welling up as the hand stimulated his scrotum. The hand on his shaft worked up and down so slowly he could Escort Hatay hardly take it. He pushed Miri off his face. “Craig, put me in your mouth, please, suck me, please”!

But the hand kept massaging his balls and the one on his shaft started jerking much faster. Craig’s gold bracelet was jingling and the sound excited him more, like bed springs sounding the rhythm of fucking.

Miri lifted up and a moment later she settled back onto Jack’s mouth in the 69 position. He sucked hard on her pussy and drove his tongue deep inside. Jack bucked upwards with the jerking hand and then finally a warm mouth went to his engorged penis.

It was Miri and she bobbed and sucked hard, and her sucking noises added to the sounds around the center of attention; his nine inch cock.

Jack felt as if he could cum again, and the ultimate would be to shoot sperm up into Craig’ s eager mouth. He reached down and gently moved Miri’s face off his cock. “Suck me Craig…where are you. I’m gonna cum…please”.

For a few moments the jerking continued it’s pace. Then it all but stopped and the hand froze, it bent his cock upwards. “Yeah, suck me…do it Craig”. If Craig had taken him in his mouth at that moment an explosion of cum would have filled it. Then a warm tongue licked just under the pulsating head and he knew it was Craig.

Jack’s breathing became quick and shallow. Then Miri’s hair brushed over his cock and he felt her tongue on him. Then she took him in her mouth. Jack was ready to explode. Miri’s lips pulled off him and the other tongue licked the top of his member; four, five six times. Then there were two tongues licking in the dark. “Please Craig”!

“I can’t” came a soft, uncertain reply. Then the licking continued and Craig pumped the massive cock furiously. Then he plunged his mouth onto the cock and his lips covered the large head, it was much bigger than a golf ball. The slick skin was warm and drum-tight. He flicked his tongue on the tip. “Oh Craig, don’t stop, oh god”.

But Craig pulled away and he felt the cock spasm, then again. As Jack cried out, cum flew from his cock and landed everywhere. Craig instinctively brought the cock to his lips and covered the head.

With his lips locked in a frozen ‘O’ he licked and he pumped the cock. He swallowed bitter sperm. Both hands wrapped around the nine inch torpedo, milking the cum upwards. Jack put his hand behind Craig’s head and forced himself deeper.

His next thrusts shot wad after wad of hot cum well into Craig’s sucking mouth. Over and over he pulsed and spasms of ecstasy shook from his balls to the warm waiting mouth. Jack felt his seed coat the quivering tongue, the warm lips holding him like a pussy. He was in heaven.

He rolled over, but Craig held on and kept him in his mouth. Just then Miri lit a cigarette lighter and she looked on in amazement. Craig’s hand a hand on Jack’s butt and another at the base of his cock, and he was bobbing up and down the shaft with his mouth opened wide.

Craig wiped some cum from his chin and sucked it off his fingers. Then he returned to finishing the first blow job he had ever volunteered. Miri began to wonder if she was entirely happy with that turn of events. She lit a candle and went to the edge of the bed and started sucking Craig’s long cock.

Then as the storm renewed it’s strength and thunder rolled, the rain lashed at the hull, drowning out the moaning sounds. It was Craig that was moaning, sucking Jack’s cock had aroused him to no end. Now Miri’s mouth wouldn’t satisfy him.

He let go of Jack’s cock and gently pushed Miri from his own. Then he turned Jack onto his back and moved up to straddle his chest. The boat began rocking like it had earlier and Jack took Craig in his mouth without hesitation.

Craig moved over Jack’s face and hung over the edge of the bed propping himself up on a chair. Then he fucked the mouth, slowly at first. Then he was jerking into it and moving his hips. In no time at all his steaming ejaculations filled Jack’s throat as her pressed down on his face.

The sounds of Craig’s moaning and the satisfied look on his face had Miri concerned. Had the cave trap, trapped her? Had she lost her man to homosexuality? Time would tell, and for now it was on her side.

The storm showed no signs of letting up and the boat was crippled. She still had time to win back her man’s attention. While the men rested she took a pair of wire cutters and snipped a few wires in the radio. Then she lay back down beside them and slept.

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