Kuzenimle Yattım

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Fındık toplama zamanı geçti bu başımdan ama halen unutamadım olay şöyle gelişti:annemler fındık toplamak için bahçeye gittiklerinde evde ikimiz tek kalmıştık bunun üzerinde çok dar ama sexsi bir kapri vardı üzerinde ise hemen memelerinin izmir escort üzerine gelen bir tişört vardı.kendimi zor tutuyordum neyse bu tuvalete gitti ben de dayanamayıp tuvalet kapısının deliğinden bakmaya başladım ve o kadar azmıştımki izmir escort bayan o tuvaletten çıktı ve elimi yıkarken arkadan buna dayandım dayandığımde birşey demedi ve merak edip geri çekilirken gitme dedi ve dayanmaya devam escort izmir etdedi ve elllerimi alıp memelerini okşatmaya çıkardı onden sonra kaprisini indirip kilodunu çıkardım ve başladım arkadan vermeye bu arada memelerinin bana verdiği zevk başkaydı ve önünü çevirip vermeye başladım bunun bağrışları kimsede yoktur amından çıkardıktan sonra bu sakso çekmek istediğini söyledi ve ağzına boşaldım harikaydı ve tekrar istiyor boş bir anımda tekrar becereceğim onuGönderen: sex adamı

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Annemle Ama Acı Son!!

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Turıstlık bı yerde bır magazada calısıyordum. dukkanın en kalabalık oldugu donemdeydı. annem ben babam ve ablam hep dukkandaydık. o zamanlar cok yakısıklı ve popiler oldugum ıcın cok fazla kız arkadasımolurdu ve hıc amsız kalmazdım. bır gun dukkanda musterılerle ılgılenen annemın yere bır musternın bebegıyle oynasırken efegının altından kılodunu gormemle basladı benım hıkayem. o manzaradan sonra sureklı annemı takıp edıyor onu arzuluyordum. babamla yattıklarında annemın ınıltılerı geldıgı zaman 31 ceker onu ben sıkıyorum dıye hayal ederdım.annem musterılere servısteyken arkasınadan gecmek zorunda kaldım sikim annemın gotune yapısmıs oyle bır surtmustukı annemın dıkkatı dagılıp bana bakmasına neden olmustum. utanmıstım ama engelleyemıyordum ona olan arzumu. her defasında bunu tekrarlıyor haftalarca anneme surtuyordum. bı keresınde annemın arkasından gecerken belınden tutup bı sanıye geceyım dedım annem kalcasını sikime bastırdı. bu resmen dayamıstı. bu bana bı isaret olarak geldı. ve bununla beraber azıtmaya basladıgım gunler basladı.. sofrada annem bacagını kendıne dogru cektıgınde etegı bacakların uzerınde kalır ama altından amı oldugu gıbı ortada olur hep keserdım. babam masada oldugu ıcın bellı etmemeye calısıyordum ama oyle muthıs bı manzaraydıki her yemek sonrası bosalıyordum.. her gun farklı bır sey oluyor anneme sureklı temas halınde oluyordum. bırgun otele musterı bırakmaya gıdecektık. gec oldugu ıcın dukkanıda kapattık ve ordan eve gececektık. araba doldugu ıcın annem beımkucagıma oturmak zorunda kaldı. ılk once hıc onemsemedım ama annem kucagıma bahçeşehir escort öyle bı oturdu kı sikim gotune degıyor ve siddetle kalkıyordu. annem bunu hıssettıı ve gotunu kırmastırarak benı zor durumda bırakmaya basladı canım yanıyordu annem cok kotu bastırıyor sankı ceza verıyordu. otelın onune geldık kapıyı actım annem ındı musterılerı ındırdık sonra eve donduk. o gece ne yapmaya calıstıgını anlamaya calısıyordum annemın ama konduramıyordum annem herseyın farkındaydı vebenı uyarıyordu sankı. butun bunlar olurken babam babasının hastalıgı ıcın ablamla istanbula gıtmek zorunda kaldı. ben annemle basbasa kalmanın heyecanıyla dukkanıactım annem geldı. her zamankınden cok daha guzel bı elbıseyle cıktı karsıma sacları förnlu cok tatlı olmustu. müsterılerle ılgılenırken ben hep onun yanındaydım genelde hep oyle oludu bırsey ısterse dıe.annem sureklı bacagının bırını tezgahın altındakı seye carpıyor ve rahatsız oluyordu egıldım duzeltmek ıcın bırden kafamı annemın bacaklarına cevırdım gordugum manzaraya kıtlendım kaldı amı bembeyaz dantellı kılottan fıstırıyordu sankı cok dolgundu. wc ye gıdıp 31 cektım. annemı her sanıye ıster hale geldım.gece oldu eve gırdık annem dusa aldı uzerını degıstırdı gecelık gıyındı bende short la oturmus bıseyler atıstırıyordum. yanıma uzandı yemek yemeyecegını hemen yatacagını soyledı. bacaklarım koptu dedı masaj yapayım mı dedım. bosver yatcam sımdı dedı o zaman yataga gır orda yapayım dedım. tamam dedı kalktık beraber benım sikim tas gıbı olmus annemın gotune bakıyordum.odaya gırdı yataga gırdı ısıgı istanbul tesettürlü escort kapattı. yuz ustu uzandı yataga.. kremlerınden bırını aldım ve bacaklarına masaj yapmaya basladım. dakıkalarda oksadım bacaklarını masaj bahane sankı ellıyordum. yukarı cıktıkca annem off cok agrıyor dıyordu. ben bacaklarını araladıkca annem oralarını yapma olm cok agrıyor dıyordu. bacaklarının arasına gırmeye calısıyordum ızın vermemek ıcın sureklı of off agrıyo yapma dıyordu. delırıyordum ustune atlıyacak hale gelmıstım. sonra baldırlarını yapmaya basladım gecelıgı ıyıce yukarı cektım. haraketlerım hep yumusaktı belıne kadar cıktım kılodunun ipi elımın altındaydı kılodunun ipiyle oynuıyordum resmen altına elımı sokuyordum. kremlıyorum ayagına . gecelıgı ıyıce yukarı cektım annemın gotu meydandaydı karanlık oldugu ıcın cok bısey gorunımuyordu ama kucuk dar bır kılod vardı uzerınde. belıne krem surdum annemde hıc ses gelmıyordu artık masaj yapıyor annemın kokusunu derın derın ıcıme cekıyordum. belıneordan kalcalarına ınıyordum kılodunun arasına parmagımı sokuyor oralarıda kremlemek bahanesıyle elımı sokmaya basladım. annem hıc ses cıkarmayınca elımı kılodunun ıcıne sokup poposunu kremlemeye basladım ses cıkmadıkca abartıyor sıkıyor oksuyordum. sonra yavas yavas kılodunu cıkarmaya basladım.. masaj yapıyorum krem gelmesın dıye kılodunu sıyırıyordum sozde ama nıyetımı bozmustum.. poposunun yarısına kadar ındırdım kılodu ama onden de ındırmem lazımdı annemı sırt ustu yatırmam lazımdı. seslendım ses vermedı belınden tutup cektım bıraz. nasılolsa istanbul türbanlı escort masaj yapıyordumeger bırsey derse yatar uyurdum dıye dusunuyordum hep. rahat hareketlerım benı cıldırtıyordu..annem ıhlaya mıhlaya sırt ustu yattı bırden beynıme kaynar sular dokuldu karsıma bır kılot cıktı dantellı hayatımda gorduugum en sexy kılottu. annemın amı meydandaydı bacaklarından basladım kremlemeye bacaklarınına arasına gırıyordum ellerım amına kayıyordu. 10 dakık boyunca yavas yavas oksadım. sonra elımı bacaklarının arasına yerlestırdım amına dogru yoneldım. bacagının bırını kendıme cektım arası ıyıce acılmıstı. kılodunun ipinden tutup assagıya cektım gelıyordu yavas yavas masaj yaparmıs gıbı cekıyordum sonra bacaklarını yıe kapadım kılodunu cıkarmak ıcın 20 dakıka ugrastım en sonunda cıkarmayı basarmıstım. kılod annemın ayaklarındaydı elımle cekıp cıkardım okadar ıslaktıkı…heyecanlanmıs hatta şok olmustum. bacaklarını araladım yavasca elimi amına dokundurdum ıslaktı parmaklarımla amının yanagını oksuyordum. sortumu cıkartmıs sikimi sıvazlıuordum aklım basından gıttı ve sikimi annemın amına dogru ılerlettım bacagının bırını kendıme bırını obur tarafa ayırtdım bırını hafıf yukarı kaldırdım amı tam karsımdaydı sikim ama degdıgınde annemden bır inleme sesi geldı derın bır nefes almıstı.. .amına sokmaya basladım yavasca kafasını soktum cıkardım soktum cıakrdım annem kafasını arkaya bastırıyordu bır den yarısını sokuverdım sıkımın ohhh dedı yavasca ılerlıyordum cıkarıp cıkarp sikim amdaydı annemın amında annemi sikiyordum. annem canlandı altımda napıyorsun sen dedı dudaklarına yapıstım ınlıyordu öpmıyor yalıyordu sadece dilini sokuyrodu dilini emıyordu. sonuna kadar sokmaya basladım 2 dakıka gecmeden bosaldım. annem bırden yataktan kalktı ve wc ye gıttısonra kusma sesleri gelıyodu cok garıp bır duygu hıssettım. utandım rezil gıbıydım.. o gunden berı annemle aram hıc duzelmedı. Gönderen: hayyaaaaa

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Deniz Kenarında

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Selam ben aslen kütahyada çalışmaktayım.Ancak 1 haftalığına iş yerimden izin almış vede izmite teyzemlerin tanına gelmiştim. Teyzemlerin kerpede güzel bi yazlıkları var genelde orda olurlar yazın. Ancak eniştemin işleri yüzünden teyzemve eniştem izmitterlermiş. Teyzemlşerin oğlu enes Yazlıkta kalıyormuş. Bende burada canım sıkıldığı için onun yanına gittim. oraya gittiğimde enes daha uyuyormuş. Neyse ben gelince kalktı biraz konuştuk falan sonra sen biraz dinlen dedi benimde zaten ihtiyacım vardı. neyse ilk gün böle geçti ertesi gün öğleden sonra enes ben denize gidiyorum gelmek istermisin dedi. bende içime bahçeşehir escort bikinimi giydim vede gittim. giderken bi büfeye uğrayıp iki kutu bira almış. neyse oraya vardık ilk başta yüzdük falan sonra ben güneşlenmek için çıktım bu arada saat 15 falan dı biraz güneşlendim. İçkileri burda mı içelim yoksa evde mi dedi. bende burda dedim neyse içtik ama fazla bişey olmadı zaten güneşte etkisini yitirmeye başlamıştı istersen eve gidelim dedi. tamam dedi. ama biza birer kutu yetmemişşti giderken 6 kutu daha aldık eve gittik ben duş alıp üstümü değiştirdikten sonra beraber balkona istanbul tesettürlü escort çıktık tavla oynadık bu arada biraları getirmişti . yavaş yavaş kafayı buluyorduk. biraz sonra istersen tavlayı iddialı oynayalım dedi. ben de tamam nasıl olacak falan dedim. Oda dediki kim kaybederse üzerinden bir parça elbise çıkaracak. Sarhoşluğun verdiği cesaretle kabul ettim ama zaten onda sadece şort bende şort bady vede külot vardı . neyse ilk eli o aldı vede şortumu çıkardı . dediki bu elden sonrasını içerde devam edelim burası tehlikeli olabilir. bende haklısın dedim ve içeri gittik istanbul türbanlı escort ikinci elide o almıştı bu sefer giden bady oldu ama ben çıkaraqcam dedi bende tamam dedim. geldi yavaş yavaş çıkarıyodu . tam olarak çıktığında gözleri fena halde açılmıştı çok güzel dedi ve devam ettik son elide o alınca artık yapacak bi şeyim kalmamıştı. geldi külodumu çıkardı vede hafif hafif okşamaya başladı üstlere çıkıyordu sonra hafif hafif ısıklar koydu göğsüme ben heyecenlanmıtım ama sarhoşluktanda fazla bi şey yapmıyodumo halde baya bi seviştik. hafif hafif aşşağı doğru iniyordu. ve amıma geldiğinde ben iyice uçmuştum artık dayanamıyodum vede bende onun şortunuçıkardım ve onun kini yalamaya başladım. çok irir vede sert ti tam kıvamına geldiğinde beni domalttı vede arka deliğimi yalamaya başladı sonra parmaklarıyla genişletti vede arkadan girdi ben o an çektiğim acıdan fazla bi şey hissedemedim ama onun fazlasıyla zevk aldığı belliydi.Gönderen: sekreter

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Herşeyim Benim Oğlum

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Herkese merhaba. Adım Handan ve 41 yaşında bir bayanım. Esasında burada anlatacaklarımı yazana kadar çok zorlandım, fakat karar verip yazmaya başlayınca insan rahatlıyormuş.Benim hikayem eşimin 4 yıl kadar önce yurt dışına çıkması ile başladı. Kendisi orada belli bir miktar para biriktirip öyle dönecek. Bizim bir de Uğur adında bir oğlumuz var. genç bir delikanlı. Liseyi bitirdi ancak şu anda o da çalışmıyor.Bir gün sabah işe gitmek üzere hazırlanırken oğlumun ilk defa beni seyrettiğini hissettim. Ama daha önce olduğunu sanmıyorum çünkü bundan sonra oğlumun hal ve davranışları giderek değişmeye başladı. İşten eve döndüğümde üzerimde etek varsa bakışlarının bacaklarıma kayması vb. davranışlar yeni belirmeye başlamıştı. Televizyon izlerken filan açık olan yerlerime gizlice bakmaya çalışıyor, ben ona doğru dönünce birden telaşlanıyordu. O kadar şeker görünüyordu ki öyle anlarda?Daha sonraları banyodaki kirlilerin içinden benim kullanılmış iç çamaşırlarımı çıkartıp bir şeyler yaptığını fark ettim. Sanırım onları eline alarak tahrik oluyor ve de mastürbasyon yapıyordu. Önceleri bunları doğal karşılıyordum. Giyilmiş bir kadın çamaşırı, genç bir delikanlıyı tabii ki tahrik edecekti!Artık bu oyuna ben de ortak olmuştum. Onu tahrik edecek pozlar veriyor, onun beni daha iyi izleyebileceği yerlerde üzerimi değiştiriyor ve vücudumu ona sergiliyordum. Tabii o, benim bütün bunların farkında olduğumu bilmiyordu. Kendimi iyice kaptırmıştım. Sonunun nereye varacağını hiç düşünmeden hareket ediyordum. Yaşadığım heyecan beni bazı geceler nerdeyse uyutmuyordu. Ben yattıktan sonra o, alt katta (evimiz dubleks) bahçeşehir escort televizyonu açınca acaba Erotik şeyler izleyip mastürbasyon mu yapıyor diye çok merak ediyordum. TV?nin sesi adeta kapalı oluyordu ve hiçbir şey duyamıyordum. Onu o şekilde görebilmek için verdiğim uğraş bende müthiş bir heyecan yaratmıştı. Ancak nasıl oluyorsa benim odadan çıkmamla birlikte kesinlikle toparlanıyordu. Tabii işler tek taraflı sürmüyordu. Benim davranışlarımdaki farklılığı da oğlumun yavaş yavaş sezmiş olduğunu düşünüyorum. Artık önü kabardığı zaman saklamıyor, eli yanlışlıkla vücuduma değerse filan bir anda telaş yapmıyordu. Hatta aramızda giderek artan bir samimiyet ama bununla paralel olarak da gelişen bir sürtüşme yaşanmaya başlamıştı. Ta ki oğlumun hastalandığı o haftaya kadar?İyi bir soğuk algınlığı yüzünden yatağa düşmüştü ve ben de işlerimi ortağıma devredip 1 hafta evde onunla kalmıştım. Bir gün ellerini tutuyordum ki içimden garip duygular hissettiğimi fark ettim. Gözlerimiz birbirine bakıyordu. Ben onun yanaklarından, alnından öptükçe onun gözlerindeki parıltının arttığını hissediyordum. Biz oğlumla pek vücut teması kurmazdık. Ellerimi onun tenine değdiriyordum,evin içinde birbirimize sarılıyorduk ve tarifi zor olan hisler kabarıyordu içimde. Derken giderek iki sevgili gibi davranmaya ve birbirimize öyle hitap etmeye başladık birbirimize. Günler hep bu şekilde geçiyordu. El ele tutuşup sohbet ediyorduk, büyük koltuğa uzanıp sarılıyorduk ve öyle izliyorduk TV?yi. Ben işten döndüğümde bazı günler küçücük de olsa bir öpücük kondurmaya başlamıştım onun dudaklarına vs?Bir istanbul tesettürlü escort gün yine işten eve döndüğüm bir sırada, tam içeriye girdim ve ?tatlım ben geldim? diye seslenmiştim ki yanıma geldi ve elini bacaklarımda gezdirmeye başladı. Bir anda sesim soluğum kesilmişti. Öylece kaldım. Üzerimde siyah elbisem vardı. Elini yavaşça kalçalarıma doğru götürüyordu. Sonra dudaklarıma doğru yaklaşıp daha önce hiç olmayan bir şekilde öptü beni. Sonra tekrar yaklaştı ve biz öpüşmeye başladık. Kalbim sanki yerinden fırlayacaktı. O, ellerini vücudumda gezdiriyordu ancak ben hiçbir şey yapamıyordum. ?Oğlum dur?, ?bu yaptığımız doğru bir şey değil? diyebildim. ?Gel benimle? diyerek mutfağa götürdü ve bir kadeh şarap verdi. ?Rahatlamaya çalış anne? diyerek kulağıma fısıldıyordu. Bana uzattığı kadehi bir dikişte içtim. Sonra bir kadeh daha doldurdu ve onu da bir kere de diktim. Orada tekrar öpmeye başladı beni. Kendimizi bir anda duvara yaslanmış olarak buldum. Daha ayakkabılarımı bile çıkarmama fırsat bulamamıştım. Tanrım her şey ne kadar da güzel gidiyordu, ne kadar mutluydum oğlumun sevgisiyle her gün kucaklaşırken. Böyle olmamalıydı.O sırada Uğur beni kucağına alıp salona götürmüştü. Önce üzerimdeki elbiseyi çıkardı. Daha sonra nazikçe ayakkabılarımdan kurtardı beni. Sütyenim, kilodum ve kilotlu çorabımla kalmıştım. Kilotlu çorabımı yavaşça çıkarırken ?bacaklarını çok beğeniyorum, onlara bakmak kadar dokunmak da çok güzel? diyordu. Onun konuşmalarını duyuyordum ancak hiçbir yanıt veremiyordum. Vücudum hala gevşememişti. Bunu fark ettiği için biraz daha ataşehir escort şarap getirdi. Birkaç yudum daha aldım. ?Sonunda her şeyinle benim olacaksın? diyordu. ?Oğlum dur, bak bugüne kadar bazı şeyler yaşadık ama?? Beni dinlemiyordu. Sütyenimi de çıkarttı. Karşı gelmeye çalışsam da takmıyordu. Esasında göğüs uçlarımın bile dimdik olduğunun farkındaydım ama olmaması gereken bir şey yapıyorduk. Kilodumu çıkartmaya çalışırken çok mücadele ettim. ?Oğlum lütfen, yapma, annenim ben senin? diyordum, gözlerinin içine bakarak yalvarıyordum ancak nafile. Parmağını dudaklarına götürerek ?sus? diyordu. Keni üzerindekileri hemen çıkarıverdi. Sonra elini tekrar kiloduma attı ve bir anda çırıl çıplak kaldım.Dudaklarımdan, yanaklarımdan, boynumdan öpüyor ve artık rahat olmamı, gevşememi söylüyordu. Parmaklarını amıma götürüp bir gezdirdi,biraz içine soktu ve sulanmasını sağladı. Daha sonra semsert olmuş olan sikini amıma yaklaştırdı. Kalbim sanki duracaktı. Nefesimi tutmuş artık sokmasını bekliyordum. Önce başını hafifçe ittirdi ve sonra yavaşça içime doğru girdi. Oğlumun siki tamamıyla içimdeydi. Tuttuğum nefesi bıraktım ve birkaç sefer derin nefes aldım. O da bir süre öylece bekledi. Birbirimizin gözlerine bakıyorduk. Duruma ısınıyordum. Oğlum içimde yavaş yavaş gidip gelmeye başlamıştı. İnanılmaz duygular içerisindeydim. Ara sıra duruyorduk ve bakışıyorduk. Dudaklarımızı birleştirip öpüşüyor ve sanırım kendimizi bu duruna alıştırmak için uğraşıyorduk. Oğlumun git-gelleri hızlanmıştı. Ben bütün bu olanları düşünürken bir ara aldığım hazzın farkına vararak kendime geldim.İstemeden çıkarttığım ?ooh, aaıh, uuf? benzeri sesler giderek yükselmeye başlamıştı ve orgazm oluyordum. Tam oğlumla sikişiyor olmanın vermiş olduğu zevkin zirvesine çıkmıştım ki, oğlum da annesini becermenin şehveti içerisinde sikini çıkardı ve ?anne boşalıyorum? diyerek menilerini üzerimi attırdı. Sonrası bu şekilde devam eden maceralarla dolu?Gönderen: Handan

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Teyzemin Kızı Ve Ben

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Selam arkadaslar ben istanbuldan hakan biz teyzemn kızıyla birbirimizi ölecesiyle seviyorduk gic ayrı gunumuz gecmezdi bir gun bunla denize gitmiştik denizden geldikten sonra bu bi dusa girim dedi bende tmm dedim ben yatakta uzanirken bir an kalktım ve mutfaga dogru giderken bunun soyundugunu gordum sikim kocaman olmustu ama ona hic kotu bahçeşehir escort dusunmezdim neyse o dustaan sonra cikinca odasına ustunu giymeye gitti ama ben kafaya komustum kızı sikip ve alcaktım ilrrde bunun odasına girince bu cirilciplakti sankş iceri kız karrdesi girmis gibi bana hic tavir gostermnedi sadece guldu 2 dk istanbul tesettürlü escort sonra felan yanina gittim ve oana dedeim canım seni istiyor diye nese işte bunu yatagin ustunde soyunuk dururkrn bende soyunmaya basladımo benim kocaman sikimi gorunce onu benim icimemi sokacan dedi bende ewt dedim ona sikimi bi ataşehir escort guzel yalattım ve daha sonra buunun uzerine cılarak dudaklarını opmeye basladım daha sonra amına yalamıstım ve o artik bana sok artik icime diyr bagiriyordu nese bunun bacaklarını ayırdım ve sikimi icine sokmaya calişiyordum ama olmuyordu onun amına biraz parmaklayıp yaladım oda benimini yalayarak islak etmşti ve terrar denedik ondan sonra bu enim altımda inlemeye baslamıstı cikart sikini icimden diye ama ben cikarmiyodum bşr kac dk sonra benim bosalmamla onun amının kanaması bir oldu ve ustumuzu giymmiştik ama teyzemin kızı agliyordu biz boele yapmıcaktik diye ama onun gonlunu almıstım daha sonra

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My First Sexual Experience Ch. 01

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Chapter 1

My first sexual experience: – Alone!

I had been in the working world for a couple of years now, doing a boring secretarial job. Summer holidays were here, and for once, I had managed to save up during the year, and was on my way to the coast for a holiday of a life time.

Finally the day arrived for my leave to begin. I boarded the plane, and headed for the coast. I was normally quite a modest dresser and today I was wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans with a shaped t shirt. In my suitcase however and largely because I was going to the beach, I decided to pack my short skirts, low cut tops, my sexy underwear and my skimpy bikini. The plane landed on time, and my courier was there to take me to my B ‘n B accommodation 80km away. I arrived about an hour later to a fantastic venue. I could see the sea from my window, and it was just awesome. The B ‘n B owner and his wife were friendly and made me feel at home right away. He offered me something to drink, which I accepted, after which I was left alone to unpack in peace.

The weather was awesome, and I mentioned to the owner, Dave a few minutes after I finished unpacking that I wanted to go down to the beach. He told me that if I wait about 1 hour, he and his wife Angela were going out, and they would give me a lift to the beach. Although the beach was only about 800 m away and I could have walked there, I decided I would just relax for a while so I accepted his offer.

Dave was a lovely guy; I suppose he was in his mid to late thirties and was pretty good looking. It looked like he worked out at the gym, and judging by his skin colour, he spent some time on the beach as well. His wife, Angela, who I had only briefly met, seemed like a lovely person too. She was casually dressed in a tight fitting pair of shorts, and a spaghetti strap top under which I noticed she had no bra. She had a shapely but well filled figure. Her hair hung in a short pony tail, and seemed to have some tints in it, (or was that bleaching from being in the sun too much?)

As I waited for Dave and Angela’s promised lift to the beach, I decided I would get into my bikini. I removed my travelling clothes, and all my underwear. I happened to glance up at this point, and caught sight of my figure in the full length mirror. I paused and looked at myself. My hair was well kept, short, but nicely styled, and it was natural in colour, which was brunet. My face was round and full, but not fat, my green eyes looking back at me. I looked for wrinkle lines, but didn’t see any. My breasts hung nicely despite no support, and my nipples which were only slightly darker than the rest of my breast sat perfectly in the middle of them. My breasts were not too large, but not too small either. My size C bra fitted them perfectly.

My stomach and waist line were well proportioned, and seemed to fit the size of my breasts. I was fortunate that my stomach was flat and güvenilir bahis my belly ring highlighted this. My vagina was neatly trimmed, with just a small 2.5 cm strip of hair protruding above my vagina. I could just make out the tip of my clit through my lips.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I turned to look at my back side. I had a well proportioned butt that flowed into my thighs and smooth shinny legs. I was happy with the way I looked. Although I was happy with my body, I suspected that many a guy found it good to look at, for I was always catching men’s eyes as they traveled over my body.

On a few occasions, some of these encounters had led to a date, and I had in the past gone out with one or two guys, but they had never led to anything. Not even to a simple kiss!

At this point, I noticed some movement by the window of my room, and turned to look out. To my embarrassment, but my suspicions confirmed, the gardener was standing there looking and admiring my body. I squealed, covering myself in the appropriate places and he disappeared. But somewhere deep down inside me, I felt good about someone seeing me naked, and there was a small twinge between my legs. I didn’t know what that meant at this stage, but it felt good.

I quickly got dressed into my Bikini. It was a white bikini, which I occasionally used when I wanted to get a sun tan, as it covered very little of my body. My breasts escaped from all directions when I put on the bra, and the panties although not a G string were very skimpy and were held in place by a tie on each side. As I put them on and tied the sides together I noticed that they hardly covered my vagina. Hiding it just enough to make you wonder what was behind them but at the same time, revealing enough that if you followed the lines of my body, you would know what was there. I had been told that men find that extremely sexy.

I put on a pair of tight denim bootleg shorts, and a really skimpy top from which my breasts tried to escape. I was ready for the beach

Dave called out that he was going, and as I climbed into the car with him and Angela I was aware of Dave’s eyes lingering ever so slightly on my body. Again for some reason, this excited me, and for a second time that day I felt that strange yet nice feeling between my legs. The trip to the beach was short, and I jumped out. Dave mentioned that they had a few things to do in town, and would come down to the beach when they were finished to catch some sun. He said if I was still around and found them before they left, he would give me a lift back.

The beach was rather full due to the fantastic weather, so I moved a fair distance from the crowd. I just wanted to relax, and didn’t want to be bothered by noise and kids balls that strayed my way. I found an isolated spot about 200 m from the nearest person on the far end of the beach. I stretched out my towel, and lay down with my book. türkçe bahis I must say, it was nice to feel the sun on my body. I stretched out on my tum, raising myself on my elbows and I read. As I lay there and read, I started thinking about the fact that I hate to see people with tan lines when they wear skimpy clothes, and here I was, doing just that. I quickly loosened my bikini top, thereby removing all possibility of getting tan lines on my back.

It felt good to be free in the sun. As I lay there reading, I was aware that my butt was going to have a large panty tan on it. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was near me or approaching me. On seeing that I was undisturbed, I loosened the two side ties of my panties, and flipped the bottom part off.

To all intensive purposes, I was lying naked on a public beach (something I had never done before). And this was a bit of an excitement to me. As I kept a watchful eye on people, I turned over, revealing my breasts and pussy to the world, but with no one around, I wasn’t too concerned. I lay there for ages, and it was great feeling the sun on my now pert nipples and the warmth of it on my clit. I opened my legs slightly to allow the sun to get into my slit. As I lay there, watching to make sure no one came close, I again felt that strange feeling between my legs.

I’m not sure if it was because I was naked, or because the gentle breeze was brushing my clit, or just the fact that the sun was shining on me, I do not know, but it felt really good down there. Never having felt this good down there before I was wondering what was going on. I lowered my hand to feel, I ran my finger through my slit, starting at the top by my clit and working down towards my butt hole. Wow I thought to my self that felt really great. I did it again, only this time, from the bottom up. As my finger traveled slowly up my slit, it felt even better than before, and seemed to glide up to my clit much easier. As I removed my finger, I realized it was slightly damp.

What was going on? I did it again, to an even nicer feeling, and again my finger was wetter than before. This was good, whatever was happening. And here began my first sexual experience, alone.

Before I knew it, the feeling between my legs had grown to such an extent, that I was fixated by the feeling and I almost got into a rhythm, with my finger rubbing my clit and my hips coming up to meet my finger every time I moved it down. I could now feel my wetness running through my slit, and onto my butt. This was really good, so I added a second finger, and continued. I was totally engrossed in what was happening to me down below, enjoying more and more the sensation coming from my pussy. I noticed my other hand had on its own moved from my side and was now on my one nipple and was rubbing my nipple between finger and thumb; this too was a great feeling.

I felt my body begin to tense, and the güvenilir bahis siteleri speed at which I rubbed myself and the pressure I applied increased in proportion to the growing pleasure. Next thing I know was I let out a groan, my body tensed, my hips lifted, and my pussy seemed to pulsate, as my hand got really wet. I later found out that I was cumming. At the time I didn’t know what was happening, but it was such a great feeling that I wanted to do it again. I thought to my self, “Why haven’t I done this before?” I lay there, absolutely relaxed, my pussy still giving out the odd pulsation, and my hand soaked. Boy that was good.

I was brought back to reality when I heard a small noise in the distance. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. I hadn’t been watching for people, and the small noise I heard had come from a group of five 18 or 19 year old teenage boys who had taken up standing about 3 m from me. Each of them had a hand inside their pants and I could see movement. I had no idea how long they had been standing there, but judging by the pleasure the boys were having, they had watched me cum. I blushed and shouted at them to get away but they just stood there. I grabbed my towel and covered myself up, and chased the boys away, there hands still inside there pants. I vowed never to do that again in public, but the feeling and excitement it generated was so great, I wanted to feel myself again.

A few hours had passed by and it was getting late. I got dressed into my bikini, feeling slightly sticky between my legs, and put on my shorts and top. I picked up my towel and went to see if Dave and Angela were still on the beach.

I found them packing up. My timing was great. We travelled back in the car together, and they told me about a festival that was taking place in the town tonight, and wanted to know if I would like to go with.

I agreed. When I got home, I went into my room, and undressed. I lay in front of the mirror and spread my legs wide to see inside my slit. I noticed it was sticky and had a slight sheen on the inside.

Not knowing what had happened, I wanted to watch my self do what those teenage boys had seen earlier in the day. I propped my head and shoulders on a pillow and watched myself as I rubbed my ever wetter vagina and clit till I came again. I must say, it was difficult in the end to keep my eyes open, but I did try. It felt just as good as it had on the beach; although this time I noticed a small wet patch on the carpet where my butt had been. What a great sensation.

I went to have a shower to clean up, and as I moved the nozzle of the shower head over my body, I picked up the same great sensation between my legs again. Before I knew what had happened, I was cumming in the shower with the shower head pulsating on my pussy.

I quickly dressed, this time, feeling totally confident and liberated; I put on a very sexy pair of black lace panties, a very short mini skirt, and a low cut tight fitting top with no bra. I noticed my nipples standing erect through the top. After about 50 minutes, Dave called me and said it was time to go to the festival.

(To be continued)

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File Explorer

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Rebecca was a masturbator. There were no other words to describe her habit. Every day she returned home from her manager position at a prestigious tech firm, she could not wait to dive into her own cunt with her soft feminine hands. Standing about 5′ tall, Becca was quite easy on the eyes of her coworkers, with long curly brunette hair and D cup breasts that never failed to elicit stares. She had been propositioned by several since starting at her job in the fall, but she had so far turned all of them down; her own hand and arsenal of sex toys were the best lovers she could ever hope for.

Becca’s favorite activity was sitting in front of her computer screen chatting with other masturbators and watching her favorite porn genres. Her favourites changed almost weekly. Today, big tits and creampies were making her work her horny cunt. She sat with her legs spread wide, having just returned home from work, and felt her warm wetness through her panties.

She gawked as a petite young lady got filled and the seed spill out of the cute little shaved pussy on her screen. Her lust for porn cock never ended. She was slowly meticulously working her labia and clit through her now soaking underwear. She realized she still had most of her business attire on and suddenly felt the need to get completely naked. So she did. She stripped off her drab pants suit and sat in her bright pink panties and bra. She unhooked her bra and let her big veiny tits hang free.

She was a sucker for nipple stimulation, that was a fact. As she began squeezing and massaging her nipples, her eager bean and wet lips began to engorge with arousal. She sat and played with her breasts only for several minutes, feeling her wetness spread to her chair.

She turned up the volume on the video. There was a sexy, busty Brazilian woman getting reamed in her ass now. The anal porn was making Becca’s poor horny self crave some ass stimulation as well. Knowing she still had several hours of edging ahead, she opened one of the drawers at her desk and pulled out a sensibly sized, gem-adorned buttplug. Along with it she pulled out her gallon bottle of lube. She put both feet up on her desk, exposing her already glistening pussy and asshole.

Slowly, she teased around her anus with the plug. She liberally soaked it with lubricant and slid it in. It entered her with a familiar pop and she moaned as it filled her. About 1.5 inches in diameter, it felt good but not too big. She squirmed as her ass firmly clenched the silicone toy. Rebecca was ready for several hours of blissful masturbating.

The girl on screen was getting double penetrated now. Becca vigorously rubbed her swollen clit in time with the fucking. Her mind was getting fuzzy from the endorphin rush of the plug sitting snugly in her ass stimulating those nerves and her hand expertly working her cunt. The feeling felt warm and rewarding, she was really getting in the zone.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. She froze. Who could it be? She paused the video, which was playing quite loudly. She pulled up her panties, which were now around her ankles and soaking wet from her activities, and quickly sorted out one of her robes from her closet. It wasn’t much but it covered her. It was blue satin and felt nice against her Hard nipples.

As she went to open the door, she realized the plug was still inside her. She wiggled her plump ass around and felt good about the horny state she was in. Being a practiced edger, she was used to being aroused around others. Regardless, she composed herself and opened the door fully.

“Hey Becca!”

It was Sean, her work colleague. He just so happened to live in the same building as her and came around every now and again. They were friends, but not super close or anything. Becca had helped Sean to pick himself back up after a nasty break up about 6 months ago, and they began chatting about shared interests like cycling. Becca wasn’t his manager directly, but worked quite closely with the director of the team he worked on.

“Sorry to bug you Beck, but I got something I just have to show you.” He pulled something out of his pocket. He looked around and Becca stared at him puzzled. He scratched his shaggy Brown hair and passed her a small USB stick. “Bug fix I came up with last night. I know, work shit, it’s super boring, but check it out.”

“Sean, I’m not even on your team anymore.” She said, but took the drive from him anyways. “But I’ll take a look.”

“Cool, awesome, thank you!” Sean pressed his palms together and bowed. “Anyhow, enjoy your Friday. Don’t have too much fun!” He said and winked at her.

He was quite a bit taller than her and handsome. He had been one of the boys that had asked her out illegal bahis since she started the job. She turned him down of course, but he was in the top two for sure. He had big arms and a cute smile. She was suddenly very aware of that plug again. She smiled at him.

“You too ya dork. Don’t have too much fun with your internet girlfriends.” She laughed and lightly punched his arm.

“Yeah yeah. Anyhow, see ya! Thanks again.” He turned away and left. Rebecca stood and felt her heavy breasts sway a moment. Her aureolas had gone back to their regular soft state and her pussy had calmed down a bit. Not for long, she thought to herself. But first, better at least take a look at that drive for old Sean. She sat back down at her desk and sighed, popped the drive in her computer and waited.

a few files were on there with rather generic names. She opened them up with her text editor and had a look through Sean’s code. It was clever, she gave him that. She wasn’t too familiar with what he was working with but his comments explained everything. She read through and sent him a text afterward.

“Good job! That’ll impress :)”

After she hit send She noticed a peculiarity. One of the files was a jpg. She thought that was rather strange. Maybe he made a little diagram or something. The filename was all numbers, like a date or something. She opened it thinking nothing of it.

To her surprise it was porn. An image of a naked busty blond with the caption “don’t stop edging”. Rebecca was intrigued. Had this jumped ship from Sean’s desktop? Was he as much of a depraved pervert as her?

Maybe he couldn’t wait to get home to masturbate his big fat cock every day. She started to wonder what his dick looked like. She let her hand slide down into her panties again and started to rub herself slowly. Yes, she thought. He’s probably got a big thick one. He probably edges and precums a lot. Does he do it at work? She closed her eyes and pictured him stroking in a stall in the men’s room, grunting and fucking his fist to porn on his phone. She was dripping through her panties in no time. She could smell her own arousal, which set her off. She needed to masturbate now.

Becca awoke the next morning covered in her own saliva on her bed. She had passed out after 3 or 4 intense orgasms. Her vibrator was still humming away on the floor and she had a slightly bigger plug in her ass now. A porno had ended on her tv. She got up on all fours, stretched and shook her big sexy ass in the air. Fuck it felt so good to wake up with a full ass, she thought. She moved the plug in and out of her butthole, feeling herself stretch.

She pulled it out eventually and headed for her shower to get cleaned up. She had drooled all over her tits and it had dried, which she admired in the mirror. ‘I am such a good slut!’ she thought to herself as she turned on the water. She got in and let the warm water splash on her tired body. She was up quite late working her lady parts, but she had fun as always.

She had another two fun nights of masturbating after she ran her weekend errands. On Saturday she came from vibrators on her clit only. On Sunday she went full anal and rode her 7-inch dildo until it made her cum and squirt everywhere. She was always thinking of fun ways to mix it up. She even cammed for a while, letting some horny guys ogle her big tits while she stroked her pussy. Overall a good bate weekend. She couldn’t stop thinking about the file on Sean’s USB though. She devised a plan to tease him about it, just a bit, as a friend that week.

She ended up running into him in the lunchroom on Tuesday. She smiled and waved at her tired-looking friend.

“Hey buddy, I better give you this back. Nice stuff by the way. Real cutting edge” she nudged him and handed him the drive. He looked at her baffled but managed a chuckle.

“Haha yeah, I thought it was pretty good. Clears up that thing they’ve been worrying about. How was your weekend Beck?” He asked.

“Oh, it was pretty good. I had this problem with my bra though. The latch keeps on undoing by itself. Ugh, I wore the same one again today actually.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.

“Hey, weird question but do you think you could take a look at it for me? You’re uh, pretty good at fixing stuff.”

Sean hesitated.

“What the heck, ok.” He said, “Where’s it broken?”

“Here take a look.” She had deliberately only left one of the four hooks latched. This was completely unlike Rebecca. She was usually quite reserved and in control of her urges at work. But she felt like having some fun with this poor chap. She lifted up the back of her shirt.

Looking back at him she could see he was blushing as he tried to look illegal bahis siteleri away from her curvy abdomen and focus on fixing the mechanism. He fumbled with it for a second before it snapped open. Becca’s boobs silently dropped out of the cups and into her shirt.

“Oh crap!” Sean exclaimed. “So Sorry Becca. Maybe you should go take care of this in the bathroom or something.” He muttered nervously, his intonation rising.

“Why, think you’d be a little too excited if you saw my tits?” She smirked at him and Quickly flashed him. He froze.

“Holy fuck Beck.” He half-whispered. “You’re gonna get in so much trouble acting like that.”

She relatched her bra and smirked again.

“I saw something else on that drive you know.” She said.

“Oh? Uhhh, like what?” Sean asked, his nervousness now apparent. “Might’ve been something from my brother’s computer he gave me that.”

“Oh, I thought maybe that was your porn. I thought maybe you had a slight obsession with big tits, kinda like mine”. She bounced them gently for him.

“Like that?” She laughed. “Me too don’t worry. Sorry didn’t mean to uh, disturb you at work buddy.” She gestured to his evident erection which he gasped at. “Why don’t you come by Friday? Let’s hang.” She winked at him and left him with his lunch beeping in the microwave and his cock throbbing in his pants.

“damn..” He whispered.

Over the next few days Rebecca went out of her way to avoid Sean. She realized she was totally out of line risking her and his careers like that. Their company was very strict on sexual harassment and had she been caught with her tits out, she would certainly have earned at least a very stern talking to by HR. Still though, she had his number. She was in the bathroom Thursday and decided to edge a little, as she sometimes did when she waddled off to the little girl’s room. She felt herself getting close way sooner than usual so she backed off. She had a daring idea suddenly. She undid her bra and lifted up her shirt. She pressed her boobs together and took a quick boob selfie. She sent Sean a quick warning text.

“Open later :)”

and then the image as an attachment after. She finished peeing and went back to work without finishing her little mid-day sesh. She was expecting a “wow” or “you’re crazy” or something back from the man but what she received instead was another attachment in return. She covered her phone with her hand and opened it.

Wow. It was his cock. He had his big thick cock out in the men’s room. Just like she had imagined. And it was massive. Her pussy started to leak just admiring the photo of his manhood. He must have been at least 8 inches. And the girth. She rubbed her thighs together. Oh yeah. She was having this boy over this weekend. She was going to edge that cock for a long time. Another text followed.

‘You better send me that cunt to look at too Beck ;)’

She hurried off to the bathroom once again and sent him what he wanted.

‘Good girl!’ He replied.

She was breathing heavily now in her office and sweating. She needed to cool down and finish her day so she just sent back a quick ‘;)’ and carried on.

Friday rolled around. She got home and threw down her work bag and stripped off her clothes. She wondered if Sean was just going to come over? Or should she text him? Call maybe?

The doorbell rang. She quickly peeked through the peephole and saw it was him. That was fast, They must have been super close on the highway but he beat her home. Did he even go home first? She opened the door. She was down to her underwear already.

“Hello Becca.” He said, looking her up and down. “Nice digs woman.”

“Shut up and get your ass in here Mr. ‘I have a big dick'” she teased. He rubbed the outline of his cock through his pants as he walked in. She led him through her apartment to her living room where her tv was set up along with her chaise lounge and a side table.

“Do you want something to drink?” She asked him, casually freeing her breasts. The bra popped off and landed on the floor in front of him.

“Sure maybe some water.” He said. “Thanks.” He added after. So polite, She thought.

She ran and fetched the water and then sat next to him on the couch. They both laughed nervously. Sean still had an erection, and Rebecca eyed it. She unbuttoned his shirt and he took it off. She stood up in front of him and turned on her tv.

“What do you wanna watch?” She asked, smiling at him and bending over, revealing the thong she was wearing. It barely covered her little asshole, and Sean leaned forward to get a better look.

“You choose something you like. I like pretty much everything.” He said. “You know what kind canlı bahis siteleri of girls are my fav already though.” He added.

“Oh I know.” She giggled. She never giggled. What was going on with her? She was already so fucking wet she felt like she might squirt any minute. She had to control herself around her new bate buddy.

She had an old laptop hooked up to her tv. She loaded up a compilation of cocks cumming on big tits, pseudo-randomly from her Pornhub recommendations.

“How’s this?” She asked. Sean was already slowly working his cock, mostly focused on the hot woman kneeling on the floor in front of him.

“Fucking perfect.” He half moaned. It suddenly dawned on her that he was quite a bit younger than her.

“How old are you again Sean? You told me once but I forgot. I’m older right?”

“I’m 23.” He replied. “How old are you again Beck?”

“33” She replied. “And you’re not supposed to ask butthead.” She laughed.

“Cool So I’m older so I’m in charge. Pull your cock out bud.” She commanded. He obeyed and let his cock spring free from his pants. Becca walked up in front of him.

“You wanna play with it for me?” She asked in her best sexy voice.

“God yes please.” Sean replied.

“Go ahead start stroking it.” She was having fun with this already. Sean began working his hand up and down his thick cock. Becca walked towards him and wiggled her tits in front of his face.

“You like my big tits don’t you buddy. It’s ok, stroke for me.” She teased. He was absolutely entranced by her big pale breasts and big round pink nipples.

“How about my ass. Do you like my ass too?” She asked as she turned around.

“yessss please let me touch it.” He begged.

“I’ll let you do more than that silly.” She grabbed him by the back of his head and gently guided his face into her thonged ass cheeks. He moaned into her butt.

“Fuck yeah, keep stroking it.” She teased. He was staying nice and steady stroking away to her perfect body. She pulled him away so he could breathe.

“You’re gonna edge with me all night right?” She asked.

“Yes miss all night.” He was blushing so hard she was almost ready to catch him if he fainted.

“Good boy.” She knelt down in front of him and grabbed his cock out of his own hand. “Let me see.”

Rebecca slowly started stroking Sean’s throbbing cock. She darted her tongue around the head, delighting in his moans of pleasure. She kept on with the dirty talk, which only enticed him further. She progressively got filthier as the night wore on.

“Are you gonna cum in my ass?” She asked him in between deep throating his cock. “Or maybe you’d rather explode on these?” She slapped his rigid boner on her melons. She sandwiched his wet cock between her tits and started pumping them up and down.

“Yeah you gonna nut on these titties?” She smiled at him as he was getting closer. She stopped suddenly.

“Nooo not yet” she squealed. she was giggling again. This was too much fun for her to stop now. A steady stream of precum leaked onto her tits. She rubbed it into her nipples.

“Fuuuck” was about all he could manage after a while, but she didn’t mind. His grunting and moaning was making her wetter and wetter. Eventually she climbed on top of his Lap and started teasing her pussy entrance with the thick tip of his cock.

“You know, I could just ride you. Take you deep inside me and let you cum in there.” She teased.

“Please let me cum.” He managed to get the words out.

“Well it has been a few hours already.” They both looked at the clock. 3 hours she had been mercilessly edging him (and herself). Not bad, she thought, for a first time session.

“Alright you’re gonna cum for me.” She said, rubbing the outside of her cunt up and down the length of his shaft.

“You’re gonna shoot your warm sticky load deep in me.” She continued, slipping his dick inside her. She was sitting on him reverse cowgirl now, slowly impaling herself on him.

“Yes, I can already feeling it building. Your gonna blow in my tight little cunt.” She continued. He grabbed her by the hips and thrust up grunting.

“Fuck yes Becca. I’m gonna fill you. You’ve been so fucking naughty all night.” He started pounding her and rubbing her clit. She had forgotten how big his arms were. His strong hands held her hips as he thrust his whole length in her. She felt her own orgasm building.

“Fuck, fuck, cum in my pussy!” She pretty much screamed. She wondered if her neighbors could hear. His deep thrusting pushed her over the edge and she squirted all over his lap. He started to convulse as his load shot deep inside her. Rope after rope of hot semen filled her and she loved every minute of it. She moaned and begged for it.

She knew he wouldn’t last long inside with all the edging beforehand. That was almost her intention. She hadn’t been properly fucked like that for about 4 years. She was glad to have invited the man over.

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Bill’s Wife – A Sex Goddess

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It felt good to have a few drinks with my old employee, Bill. I had not seen him for a few years and his career had blossomed. Physically, he hadn’t changed much. Maybe a bit more solid as he moved from that mid-twenties body style to the more manly mid-thirties body. Obviously, he was still active and still worked out. His personality was as fresh as ever which caused us both to down perhaps one too many as we swapped stories about old times.

Bill had started working for me as an engineer right out of college. He was good looking, intelligent, proactive, and likable. Customers liked talking to him, and the other employees, both above him and below him had enjoyed working with him too. Over the five years we worked together we had grown very friendly. Bill had even invited me to his wedding during his last year with our company. It was there I had met his gorgeous wife.

I remember dancing with Katy and trying not to stare too blatantly at her impressive cleavage offered by the low-cut gown. She was also in great shape and her bubbly, outgoing personality was similar to his. I didn’t get a chance to know her well but at the wedding she was cute and even a bit flirty Well, perhaps more than flirty. She had run her hand up my cock during our dance at the wedding. I remember doing my best to maintain my professional composure as she peppered our conversation with double entendres with a wink and naughty smile. Even though she didn’t seem drunk, I chalked the comments and actions up to her champagne intake. Most of us there at the wedding would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall that night. Bill was a lucky man to marry such a pretty, intelligent, and sexual girl.

But life had happened and Bill had a received an offer from another company to move on. Our company couldn’t or wouldn’t match it – so he accepted and moved to Chicago. That was about three years ago.

Last Spring, when our company budgeted a trade show in Chicago, I decided to send Bill a quick note and see if we could meet up. He had readily agreed and we had set aside the first night of the 4 day show.

The months had passed quickly and here we were, drinking, reminiscing, and filling each other in on what we had done over the past years. I had already informed Bill that I was still divorced and not seeing anyone in a meaningful manner.

“What about you, man? How’s Katy doing? She have enough sense to leave you yet?” I teased and then signaled the waitress to bring us yet another round.

“Nah, man. She’s still stuck with me.” He answered smiling.

“Sometimes, I gotta tell you though…” He stopped to take another drink of his scotch. “She’s a bit of a handful.” He confided.

“Shit – you’re married for about 8 years now. ALL women are a bit of a handful at that point. Although, if she’s too much, I would be glad to lend you a hand or two.” I quipped and winked, making squeezing gestures in the air. “Seriously, it was all I could do at your wedding to not stare down her gown, man!”

Bill laughed and looked me in the eye. “I may take you up on that. I just might…” and gave the waitress his empty glass in exchange for a new one.

‘What was that about?’ I asked myself as he traded our empty glasses for full ones. It was the second or third sexual comment Bill had made about his wife and me tonight. Even though the comments were kind of awkward, the bourbon made them seem funny. Laughing, I added, “Any time man. Any fucking time.”

Bill took a swig of his drink. It was clear that he had already gone past the business acceptable limit and was only a few drinks away from the ‘I love you man!’ drunken bro-fest. “Seriously man. Katy can be too fuckin much.” He shook his head. “We love each other and we’re happy and all but…shit.” And he took another drink.

“But what?” I asked not sure where this was going. Should I be concerned? They seemed happy.

“She’s relentless man. Katy is fucking relentless. I mean I like sex with the next guy and all -” Bill stopped and snorted. He was drunk.

“Fuck! I mean as MUCH AS the next guy. I LIKE SEX AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY – NOT WITH THE NEXT GUY.” He said too loudly and laughed.

“Shhhhhh” I said and laughed as I looked around, embarrassed for him.

Bill put his finger up to his lips. “Shhhhh” he repeated as he stifled a laugh.

We both snickered. He Continued.

“Katy wants to have sex alla time man- alla fuckin time.” He took another drink and signaled the waitress. “Dya know she gives me a blowjob every fucking morning and every fucking evening after work? She’s nuts for cum, man. Katy loves fucking cum!”

“Really…” Not really knowing what to say.

“Yeah. She likes to fuck and she’s fucking hot, man – you know she’s fucking hot, right?”

“Yeah, man. The thought has occurred to me” I laughed and looked into his eyes with the seriousness that only bourbon can provide. “She squeezed my cock at your wedding man. I forgot what she said but something canlı bahis şirketleri about ‘gonna have to see about getting a raise from her husband’s boss. Then she massaged my cock through my pants, man.”

I felt guilty about telling him this. “You needed to know this man. Sorry I never told you.”

Bill looked at me blankly. I thought “Shit! I shoulda never said that. Fuckin bourbon! Turns into truth serum.”

Then Bill’s face broke and he started laughing.

“Shit! Look at your face man!” Bill snorted and downed his drink. “You’re all serious and shit!”

Apparently, this was the funniest thing in the world to Bill. I joined him and laughed too, but uncomfortably. He calmed down and his laughter trailed off.

“I knew THAT. Katy fucking told me. She thought you were hot. She sucked me at the wedding in a hallway and told me she wondered if you had a big cock so she was gonna grab it and find out. She told me she was gonna blow you. Bill was nodding his head as if in agreement with something. She said ‘I bet he has tasty cum!’. I came in her mouth at that point when she said that and she swallowed it all like she always did. She sucked me twice at our wedding, man, and I fucked her once. Did I tell you she fuckin loves the taste of cum?”

Wide eyed, I stared at Bill. I reached down under the table and adjusted my cock.

“You may have mentioned that…” I said still shocked.

“Yeah,” Bill continued. “We were clear before our wedding. I knew she was a sex fuckin fiend, man. We both are, really. Fuckin part of the reason I married her. Can ya fucking blame me, man? We both do anything.” And at this he nodded his head and raised his eyebrows knowingly to me. I guess I kinda got his meaning but not really. What does ‘do anything’ mean? And why tell me this. The conversation had grown weird. And yet, if it meant what it seemed to mean, I was excited. Bill continued, “And…an’her body! Jesus Christ, man. She has a body…” Bill paused briefly and pulled out his phone and tapped it a few times. “Look…” he continued. “This is when — There -lookit my fucking Katy. Ishn’t she hot!” he slurred as he handed me his phone. The booze had hit Bill hard.

The phone was opened to a picture of Katy. She was a little older than I remember and her hair was longer. Oh! And she was nude and sucking a huge black cock!. I stared, amazed, at his screen. I looked at him quickly for signs of him recognizing his mistake in showing me his private porno shot of his wife instead of the sweet shot of her leaning on a tree at the lake or some other normal shit. Nope. Bill pointed. “She loves to suck big cock, man. You have a big cock, right?” Katy’s tits weren’t huge but they weren’t small. They were natural C-cups and matched her body shape perfectly. She was tone but not overly muscular – just like Bill. And her nipples. They were hard and looked like my pinky tip. What fucking nipples. What tits! What a body! Jesus! What a big cock in her mouth! What a slut! I thought all at once. Wait? Did Bill just ask me if I had a big cock? What? What the fuck was happening?

I glanced furtively (as furtive as a drunk can be) to make sure nobody was looking as I thought about how to answer Bill. This was really awkward. And I was getting hornier.

I pinched the screen to zoom in on Katy’s mouth and that big black cock and, instead, accidentally swiped to the next pic. Except it wasn’t a pic at all. It was a movie. It was a movie of Bill and Katy in a sixty-nine. I was instantly turned on. Bill’s cock was fully erect and Katy lay on top of him and sucked his six or so inches down to the balls. Like an insecure teenager, it occurred to me that his cock was nice-sized but mine was bigger. Bill was licking away at her wet pussy. They had clearly set up a tripod to film this action.

I looked up at Bill about to say something and he pointed at the screen again. “Oh yeah! Watch this, man. Fuckin hot!”

I watched. It was fuckin hot.

As Bill licked away, a black cock came into view (possibly the same one as in the previous picture – not being a black cock expert, I wasn’t sure). A black hand guided the black cock against Katy’s pussy, wiping the head up and down her slit. It did this while Bill kept licking her. Then the hand moved the cock down and into Bill’s mouth. Questioning, I looked up at Bill briefly and then back at the screen. The black guy pulled out and then slid his cock forward into Bill’s mouth again. It had been no accident. The third time, he slid into Bill’s mouth, stopped momentarily as if blocked, and then slid past the resistance in Bill’s throat. He held his cock there, then he pulled almost all the way out. He fucked Bill’s mouth like this for about a minute and then pulled out and slid right into Katy down to his balls. And they fucked. I couldn’t remove my eyes. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. She was made for fucking, his wife. Ass cheeks firm but shaking with the fucking. Tits shaking. Nipples canlı kaçak iddaa erect and inviting. The video continued for a while and ended with both Bill and Katy taking a ridiculous facial from the black guy and then snowballing it between them until they swallowed it all.

Bill was nodding in encouragement. “Fucking hot, right?”

“Umm…Yeah.” I added. I was dumbfounded. Outside of a porno, I had never seen people fuck like this. And never people I knew! And with no inhibitions. Bill just showed ma a video of him sucking cock! Oh — and of his hot wife nude and pretending to be in a porno. The bourbon was kicking in with a vengeance. The alcohol was fogging my logic. What was going on with them? Why show me this? Could I have a copy?

Yeah, after Katy grabbed my cock at the wedding, I had put Katy in regular circulation in my fantasies and jacked off to her more than a few times. Who wouldn’t have? But I didn’t think of her like this. Never as a fucking sexy machine, hungry for cum. And fuckin Bill? Sucking cock? Getting face fucked by cock, more like it. I didn’t even suspect Bill was gay. Or Bi. Or whatever. I mean, even I had jacked of a couple times to fantasies that involved sucking a cock- mostly mmf shit. But I had never actually done it. It was one thing to jack off to a fantasy — actually sucking cock? That was hot – I mean Gay. That was totally gay. My cock was so hard. I was so drunk.

“Shit man! So – see my d’lemma?” He slurred. “Ahm fuckin constantly tryina keep her satisfied. It’s so hard. Don’t fuckin laugh man. ” Bill said as I shook my head at the silly pun. “She’s crazier bout sex than -lookit – Ahm a fuckin sex animal — a fuckin ANIMAL” Bill confirmed loudly. “Katy is — man — I…she needs sex — And she’s ensaysh-a -bowl.” Bill finished drunkenly, smiling and proud to have been able to pronounce words correctly.

“Yeah, ah see your dilemma, ya drunk fucker” I teased. “Ya hafta fuck your wife – who fuckin loves to suck your cock alla time donchknow…She’s super hot with — and she’s gotta amazing ass and… she’s got – and her, her fuckin perfect fucking tits! And…she lovesta fuck! …Oh! an she plays with your cum. Your wife LOVES TO EAT CUM.” I hunched my shoulders and shushed myself embarrassed by my volume. Bill giggled and shushed me too. “Pfft.” I exhaled sarcastically. “Yeah, I see your prollem…Sucks being you.” I said, mocking him. “Can I have your life, man?” I added with great wit.

“Shit, man. I know, ah know. I’m not complainin. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. Fuckin love Katy, man. She’s — and I’ll – we both love the sex. We fuckin have uhmazing sex. Did you see — Oh, man! You need to fuckin see – like the video, man. It’s just…like…” Bill said with drunken seriousness. Bill then focused on his watch. Finally he said “Sheeit! Man. S’late. I gotta go.”

I looked at my arm and found my watch. I was pretty sure was only midnight. Still relatively early. “S’only midnight, man. What? Time fr’a blow job?” I added trying to fuck with him cleverly. “Need any help?” With wit provided for free by bourbon. I laughed at myself. Help?I thought. Not help for YOU – I mean can I not help get YOU a blowjob. Shit. Can I also for me to help get a blowjob — – fuck it. He understood. I was drunk.

Wagging his head from side to side Bill said, “Matter a fuckin fact, I AM late for one. Katy doesn’t like miss her bedtime cum.” He said smugly but with a smile. “Listen, ah’ll call you damorrow and we’ll figur out howta meet up again. Kay, buddy?” and Bill gave me the bro-hug drunk men give each other. I was too drunk to seriously think about what was said and what was implied. As the bourbons partied merrily through my blood, I was lucky to be able think at all.

After the normal fight over paying, Bill insisted on picking up the tab and we shuffled out to take cabs. He plopped into the back seat and put a pinky finger and thumb to his head “Damorrow, Ah’ll…” and he closed the door and his cab whisked off. I got in my cab and slurred the name of the hotel twice to the driver, my lips and tongue very heavy and clearly unhappy to work together. I was vaguely thinking about Bill and Katy eating cum from that huge black dick. And this made me hard even though I was plastered. I paid the cab driver and told him I was drunk. He didn’t seem impressed or happy about this news. I was still pretty hard though and was planning an epic drunken masturbation session in my room. I walked with the exaggerated stiffness that drunks try to do when they pretend to not look drunk. When I got to my room though, I was too wasted to do anything and passed out on my bed, one foot on the floor, trying to stop the world from spinning.

The next day, my hangover wasn’t as bad as I had expected. Maybe because I fell into bed at a reasonable hour, all things considered. I went through my morning routine except had gaterade instead of coffee. I headed over to the McCormick Place exposition center. In the cab I replayed canlı kaçak bahis what I could from last night in my mind. My dick got hard remembering that video. Strangely enough, not just the parts with Katy but also the part of Bill sucking dick and eating that facial. I think he was testing me to see if I was up for that sort of adventure. Was I? I would definitely love to fuck Katy. Would I be weirded out by Bill? Would he want to suck me? Would I suck him? Would that black guy be there? Jesus! The whole thing made me kinda uncomfortable. And very hard. I shook my head and tried to wipe it all from my mind. I had work to do.

At random intervals throughout the day, pictures popped into my mind of Katy blowing me or me fucking her from behind while she sucked Bill. This was awkward and caused me to pass much of the day either hard or semi-erect. Plus, I hadn’t cum last night – in fact, I hadn’t cum for about a week – and it felt almost like having blue balls.

At two o’clock my phone beeped and I saw the message from Bill. “Great time. Want to talk tom u thro meet at 7 in your Hotel bar?”

Bill texted like me, it seemed.

Wavering, I thought about what this meant. It seemed mostly clear that Bill wanted to get me in some threesome. Would Katy want that? Did I? Would I be able to go though with it if I accepted? Maybe I was reading it all wrong. Maybe Bill was just drunk last night and proudly showing off his hot wife… Whatever. I texted back my acceptance. Seven would give me enough time to get back to my room and jack off quickly. This way I would have a clear mind and could decide with it instead of my crotch… My semi-hard state and full balls were annoying.

Between one thing and another I didn’t leave my booth until six and with the Chicago downtown traffic I got to my hotel exactly at seven. I hopped off the bus and ran into Bill in the Lobby.

“Hey man! You just get in?” Bill asked.

“Yeah, You know – last minute booth shit…Chicago fuckin traffic” I shook my head knowingly. “Gimme time to drop this and change. I’ll meet you in the bar? Eight or so, okay.”

“Eight? Fuck that. Drop your computer and stuff and go change. Meet me out front in fifteen. I’ll get the car.” And Bill started moving.

“No! Wait!” I hollered after him. It was too late. When Bill wanted something, he’d get it. I ran up to my room and put on some more casual clothes. Apparently, I had been leaking precum on and off all day so I needed to change my underwear. I felt my cock as I pulled up the clean ones. It was smooth and soft in its semi-hard state. It felt like this when I edged myself. If I jacked off right now, I’d cum buckets. I didn’t have time to relieve myself and fucking Bill was waiting in the street below. I’d just have to wait until tonight when I got back to my room to relieve myself. Unless, of course, something else happened. I smiled, shook my head and put that thought out of my mind.

Outside Bill met me in his Mercedes S-class.

“Whoa man, nice car! You weren’t kidding when you said things were going well.” I said admiring the vehicle.

Bill smiled and pulled into traffic. He told me more about his current company and got into some of the generous motivational strategies they offered to their sales team. I was intrigued and a little jealous. I was well paid but Bill’s plan was really in another league. We had talked about work and sales the whole time and whether on purpose or not, had avoided last night completely. After about 45 minutes in traffic, we pulled into the garage of a high rise.

“What’s this? Your place?” I asked, now both uncomfortable and excited.

“Yeah. Why? You starvin? Let’s pick up Katy before eating.” And Bill moved toward an elevator. This seemed to make sense. It also excited me. Were we both playing along, knowing where this was leading? Would Katy be into it? Would I?

At the top, the elevator opened to a beautiful, well furnished, modern apartment with a magnificent two-sided view of Lake Michigan and downtown Chicago.

But what caught my eye was Katy. She was wearing a tasteful but sexy, hot red, one-piece cocktail dress that came down to her upper thighs. It was held by two thin straps over her shoulders. The plunging neckline showed ample cleavage. Her long dark hair framed her beautiful face.

“Thomas!” she called out to me and moved to great me.

“Katy!” I echoed. I reached my hand out to shake hers and she ignored it and reached up for a warm hug. The feeling of her full breasts against my chest was a turn-on and I felt my dick stir again. By chance, I caught our reflection lightly in their full-size windows and saw that her skirt had ridden up with her hug and had exposed the bottom hint of her ass cheeks.

I had to break the hug before she felt my boner.

Instead, embarrassingly, Katy reached down and rubbed my cock like she had done at their wedding said “Whoa! Happy to see me, huh?” Then she turned as if nothing had happened and walked towards Bill who was hanging his jacket.

Apparently, Bill didn’t notice. I was hard and I flustered. Was this really happening? It had seemed obvious yesterday but this never actually happened to real people in real life.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Cut Grass Aphrodisiac

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Both of my parents were killed in a light plane crash when I was very young. Too young to for me to even remember them. Somewhat reluctantly, my sole remaining grandparent took custody of me. I had a pretty normal upbringing under the circumstances. Money was a short at times because Gramps could only get work as a local handyman/gardener but we got by. When I got old enough, I started helping him out and by the time I was 18, I was fitting in most of his lawn mowing jobs around my studies at college.

Mr and Mrs Suitor were one of my Gramps regular customers. He was a banker of some sort and she was a homemaker, for want of a better term. I was tasked with mowing their lawns which was a weekly duty during the summer.

A note here about Mrs Suitor. She was a very handsome woman of about 5 foot 7 with short, silver blonde hair. She was slim but definitely curved in the right places. I guess she was a few years shy of fifty years. She was widely liked but viewed as a little odd. I think this perception of eccentricity was largely due to her rather peculiar turn of phrase. She was quite religious so her conversation was peppered with biblical references. The other verbal quirk about her comes from, I think, the fact that her father was a naval Captain. He had commanded a destroyer on Atlantic convoy duty during the Second World War. From him she had inherited a colorful maritime idiom.

In reflection I think Gramps had a bit of a crush on Mrs Suitor. In his mind she was so very refined and classy. He was always so deferential to her and almost embarrassingly eager to please. So he was not best pleased when he discovered that I had let Mrs Suitor down by not mowing her lawn on Friday as she expected. I had helped a friend whose car had broken down and couldn’t make it back in time. I suppose I should have rung Mrs Suitor but I just thought I would turn up early on Saturday and all would be well.

Unfortunately, the Suitors were hosting an important event on the Sunday so Mrs Suitor rang Gramps to check that I would be able to complete the lawns before their function. Gramps flipped.

My grandfather was very old school. Unfortunately for me that school included the tenet; “spare the rod and spoil the child.” In practice this meant that he would occasionally use corporal punishment when he wished to make a salient point about my behavior. He did love me, of that I am sure. It was just that what he thought was good and appropriate parenting involved violence.

The upshot in this particular situation was that I got a good old fashioned whipping. Half a dozen good solids strokes on my rump and the backs of my thighs with a switch he kept specifically for this purpose.

I was sent to attend to my lawn mowing duties immediately after my punishment had been administered. Just as I was walking up the path to the Suitors front door, Mrs Suitor drove into the drive way. “Ah Jimmy, you are here to do the lawns. Splendid. I have a garden party tomorrow so it is important for the lawns to be at their best.” I helped her into the house with some parcels and other items. She was carrying a dress or frock or something in a plastic sleeve. She informed me that it was her new dress for Sundays function.

We entered the house. I thought an apology was in order so I offered her my regrets about not being able to do the job yesterday. “Think nothing of it Jimmy.” She replied. “As I said to your grandfather, as long as the job is done before Sunday, all will be ship shape.” I managed a smile and started making my way to the back door. An exclamation behind me drew me up and I turned to see Mrs Suitor with a horrified look on her face.

“Jimmy, how on earth did you get those injuries to your legs?” I was nonplussed at first but then realized that she had seen some of the ugly welts on the back of my thighs that Gramp’s whipping had left me with. I mumbled something about Gramps being a little old fashioned. It was her turn to be confused but she eventually pieced together the cause of my injuries.

“Good Lord! Am I to understand that the man thrashed you for not coming yesterday? I don’t believe it!” She hesitated a moment and then blurted, “Show me more evidence of this injustice.” I was confused. More evidence? After a few moments she took me by the shoulders and turned me forcefully around. She then took the waist band of my shorts and pulled them down. She did the same with my underwear, and almost before I realized it, I was bare butt naked in front Mrs Suitor.

“Dear Lord, there they are for all the world to see.” The characteristic striping on my legs was accentuated on the more tender skin of my bottom. “Loose lips do indeed sink ships.” she whispered as she closely examined the welts.

“I feel so guilty; a couple of thoughtless words from me and you are made to suffer the pain and indignity of the lash.” Not exactly the lash I thought but the idea was near enough. I jumped as I felt her fingers gently caress my bottom as she inspected my wounds. “Sacrilege! Your illegal bahis body has been desecrated in an inhumane way for an absurd reason. I must attend to your injury. Lean over that chair and I will return with medication.” She gently pushed me into position. I was really confused and embarrassed. I had my shorts and underwear around my ankles, leaning over the arm rest of a big leather arm chair.

Mrs Suitor soon returned with a tube of something. She kneeled behind me and started applying the ointment to my bare and exposed bottom. My mind was reeling. It was like I was in the twilight zone. Could this really be happening?

She was making soothing sounds, “There, there. This will help with your suffering.”

In this position my balls were hanging out and she repeated grazed them with her fingers. She was now using both hands to knead and massage my bottom, and I had to admit the stinging sensation was going away. I could occasionally even feel her breath on my bum. This was a world of sensation completely beyond my experience thus far. I had not even kissed a girl yet and here was an attractive, mature, married woman fondling my arse! My cock was rigid and pressed hard against the overstuffed leather of the hand rest of the arm chair.

All the while she was apologizing and chastising herself for her selfish and irresponsible behavior. Her fingers slowed and then stopped. She suddenly she gripped my bottom hard; her finger nails digging into my flesh and cried out. “Penitence!” She gripped even harder and cried “Atonement!”

She ran from the room leaving me prostrate over the chair arm, wondering where the crazy old girl had disappeared to this time. A few moments later she returned brandishing a thin cane above her head. At first I thought she was going to strike me with it! She bade me stand up and then promptly removed her skirt and a frilly pair of brief, black knickers. I was agog and part of me very erect. The sight of her firm thighs and the nest of brown hair at the juncture of her legs was enough to slacken my jaw. She handed me the cane and assumed the position that I had occupied leaning over the arm of the chair. I was grateful that she had ignored my rather engorged state.

“You must administer the retribution young man.” Sheeit! She wanted me to wallop her. To whip her like I had been whipped. I hesitated and she turned towards me. “You are doing God’s work Jimmy. A tooth for a tooth!” She leaned back over the arm of the chair and looked back at. I again hesitated. “Proceed!’ she said firmly.

I gave her a gentle swipe with the cane and paused. “Oh no, that won’t do at all” she muttered impatiently. “Put your back into it young man”. I gave her a stronger stroke; enough to raise a little redness on that gorgeous bum. She stood abruptly and faced me with her hands on hips. “You are not taking this seriously Jimmy. I will have my just deserts. I insist that you make a more sincere effort.” She reassumed the position and wriggled her bottom at me. ‘Commence!”

I couldn’t see what else I could do but give her a good, strong belt.

Swish smack. “Oooowwww oooo. Yes, that’s more like it. Another!”

Swish smack. “Oooowwww oooo. Ahhh. Yes. Yes. Again.”

Swish smack. “Oofffaaahhhh Yes. Again!” Her words were coming in pants now.

Swish smack. “Ahhh ooooo. Ah. Ah. Ah.”

I stopped after four strokes assuming that that would suffice. I stepped back. She looked back at me with a dazed look and queried me, “Why have you stopped?” I couldn’t help but notice the perspiration on her upper lip and the way she kept licking her lips.

“I just thought that…”

“Carry on young man” she impatiently demanded.

I looked down at was a few seconds before, a pristine expanse of delicate white skin. It now had 4 angry welts across it. Ok, I thought, if that’s the way you want it, let’s see how you respond to a little more vigor. I was playing quite a lot of squash and tennis so my fore hand was quite solid. I decided to try and serve a few aces. The increased effort I put into the strokes changed the sound they made to more of a ripping sound.

Viiipp, splat. “Aaarrghh!” she gurgled.

Viiipp, splat. “Ohhhhh! Arrrck!”

Viiipp, splat. “Aaeee owww!”

Viiipp, splat. “Desist, desist, desist.” she pleaded.

Her hand came round behind her and thrust the tube of cream we had used before into my hand. Where had she got that from? I got the message and squatted down on my heels behind her so that my face was level with her bottom. I squirted a liberal amount of the cream onto my hands and started to delicately rub it onto the eight track marks she bore.

But what’s this? Between her legs there was a shiny patch on the dark leather of the arm of the chair. Had she wet herself from the pain? Or was it another sort of secretion? Was the horny old dear actually getting aroused by this? With my face a bare six inches from her bottom I could smell an aroma that was entirely novel to me but I instantly knew it illegal bahis siteleri was the smell of a sexually aroused woman. It must be something primeval that is hard wired into us but, even being a total neophyte sexually, I recognized the smell as that of a woman in heat, so to speak.

She was making low moaning sounds now and seemed to be grinding her pelvis against the chair arm. I kept kneading her buttocks, almost delirious with the sensations I was experiencing; the earthy, almost spicy, aroma, The groans of what I assumed were pleasure. The sight of a very moist vulva and a little arsehole that seemed to wink at me as I manipulated her bum, not to mention the very feel of two very well formed buttocks. I was as hard as the cane I had just wielded.

After a few minutes she seemed to shudder and collapse. She remained motionless for a dozen breathes and then abruptly she stood. In the process she bumped her bottom into my face and I was knocked onto my back. She turned and looked down at me. I was sprawled out with my erection doing a good job of imitating a flagpole.

“My goodness. Look at your tallywhacker. He is in rude good health isn’t he,” she commented in a very matter of fact fashion. “It is not healthy for a young man to walk around with his tackle in such a state. Maybe you had better go and mow the lawn. That should settle him back down.”

I was in a high state of arousal but had no recourse but to follow her instructions. I moved out the back door to the shed where the garden equipment was stored with a strong feeling of disappointment. I didn’t know what I thought was going to happen next but it was not pushing a lawnmower. I hauled out the mower and fired her up. Their lawn was not large, just a simple rectangle about the size of a tennis court.

As I made the first pass up the block of turf I saw that the venetian blinds into what I knew was the master bed room were open. I glimpsed movement inside. On the next pass with the mower I could clearly see Mrs Suitor standing in front of the full length mirror that also served as a wardrobe door. She had her hands on her hips and appeared to be contemplating her reflection. My next pass saw her in a similar pose but this time she had removed her blouse. On the next pass she was cupping her naked breasts with both hands.

This pattern continued for the 20 or so passes I had to make to complete the mowing. For the last 8 or so passes she was buck naked, still admiring herself in the mirror in an assortment of poses. It was almost like a still life portrait. She was frozen as I passed, but moved while I was out of line of sight.

Later I realized that she must have used the sound of the mower to judge her movements or she could have been keeping an eye on me in the reflection in the mirror. My mowing technique had become a little erratic. I slowed to a crawl as I passed the window and then accelerated when I lost my view.

One lucky coincidence was that the strips that I was mowing were taking me closer and closer to the windows. She couldn’t be oblivious to my presence could she? She must know that I can see her, can’t she? If she does know, what does it mean? After mowing the last strip four times I reluctantly accepted that I had finished and unenthusiastically returned the mower to the shed.

I knocked on the back door and she instantly appeared, fully dressed and completely composed. “Oh you have finished. Jolly good. Come in and have a cold drink. You must have worked up quite a thirst out there in that heat.” I had been sweating all right but it had nothing to do with the lawns. She gestured me back to “that” chair and bade me sit. Like a hammer blow, the aroma from the arm of the chair hit me. The earthy, spicy smell was clearly discernable. The erection that I had been carrying around with me for the last twenty minutes or so was instantly rejuvenated.

“Oh dear” she said, looking impersonally at my crotch, “The lawn mowing does not seemed to have relieved you of your tumescence.” I didn’t know the meaning of the word but I figured out it was a synonym for some earthier words. “I suppose it would be remiss of me not to help you with your dilemma. Very well, how to do this?” She paused and looked thoughtful while drumming her nails on the table she was standing next to. I didn’t have a clue where this was heading.

“Well, I suppose we should try the conventional solution.” She stood, removed her shorts and panties and (again) assumed the position with which I was now familiar; her bent over the arm of the chair.

“Take you pants off like a good boy. Come up behind me. We are going to play steam trains.”

By this stage I was blindly obedient. If she had told me to bite off my finger I would have. I stood and lowered my shorts and underpants to my ankles. My cock pointed proudly out.

“Oh goodness, I haven’t seen one that eager since that since the Governor’s Cocktail party back in 68.” I assumed that the comment was a compliment. I shuffled up behind canlı bahis siteleri her. Steam trains? She reached around and took hold of my cock. She was the first person, other than my parents, who had ever touched me there and I just about died. She guided me to her moist little niche and held me at the entrance.

She looked over shoulder at me, “Have you done this before Jimmy, with a woman I mean.” I didn’t dwell on the implication and simply shook my head. “Very well, just do what comes naturally. Hammer it home. This is not a time for restraint. Just damn the torpedoes and make full speed ahead.”

I plunged ahead. It was like the proverbial hot knife through butter. I quickly built up a steady rhythm. “Ooofff! Oh goodness. Yes that’s right. Oh you are a good boy. What a quick learner! Yes. Yes! Just like that. Very good. Veeery good. Keep it up. Yes. Yes! Drive on! Sunder my valley! Sunder. Sunder. Give me your broadside.”

She was not making much sense to me but I was off in my own little world. And then, just to round off my astonishment, she starting singing. A well-known hymn no less. “Onward Christian Soldiers. Marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus marching on before.” It did give a pleasing rhythm with which to time my thrusts however.

Our movement was making a very erotic sound. Schlup. Schlup. Schlup. Generated by my groin slapping into her buttocks and soaked genital area. I was rapidly reaching a point of no return. I had my hands on her hips which I had discovered provided excellent leverage points for my thrusts.

I reached a point where I was simply convulsing, banging into her as fast as my body would move. She started making a wavering, high pitched sound which resonated with my punches into her. The last few strokes were actually lifting her feet from the floor. I felt like a fire hose, simply streaming cum into her. My last few strokes made a very liquid sort of sloshing sound.

Just to add to an already surreal situation she suddenly cried out, “You are saved! Deliverance! Salvation!” She flopped about quite vigorously on the arm rest for a few seconds and then went limp.

We held our positions for a handful of deep, hoarse breaths until my wilted cock disengaged itself. I swear it made a “plop” sound as it exited her. I took a step backwards. I was almost swaying from the sensory overload. Mrs Suitor remained cast on the arm of the chair for a few more seconds and then drew herself to her feet. She seemed unsteady and her eyes had an unfocused and glazed look.

“I haven’t been rogered like that since the Governor’s cocktail party back in 68.” I was wondering what else had gone on at this cocktail party. I did take it as another compliment though. “You have well and truly walked my gang plank. I have been thoroughly torpedoed.”

She placed both hands to her crotch and pulled her labia apart. A gob of cum oozed out and made a splat on the tiled floor. She stared at it and then threw her head back with a moan. Her thighs were streaked with fluid and the chair arm was damp from our emissions. She reached over and picked up my flaccid cock between two fingers. She raised it up and then let it go. It flopped lifelessly down.

“Yes, that certainly seems to have put paid to that impertinent little chap. Jolly good. You may go now.” She gave me, literally, a pat on the head and motioned me to the door. I dressed myself and walked out in a dream-like state. As the door closed behind me and I walked down the foot path towards my house. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. The whole world looked different.

For the rest of the year I continued my lawn mowing duty. I would mow the lawn and be given a version of the strip tease routine through the window. Not always as elaborate as the first but definitely titillating. When finished I would knock on the back door. Mrs Suitor would come and give me a cold drink, and then she would say words to the effect of… “Oh dear, we have the usual problem do we. Very well. Come with me.” She would then move to the leather chair, remove whatever clothing she had on below the waist and lean over. I would scoot up behind her and with pants around my ankles, and begin to engage her. It was never for very long, probably for five or six minutes on average but it was certainly the high point of my week.

I once reached around her and grasped her not insubstantial breasts. She pointedly brushed my hands away. “They are not for you,” she firmly stated. It was a good example of her peculiar take on the world. She could quite comfortably rationalize us fucking but not accept that I could touch her breasts. Kissing was also a no-no, not that I ever really got in a position to do it. The only position I was familiar with was taking her from behind.

Once, feeling in a bold and masterful mood, I started fingering her arsehole. I got my whole thumb inside and she was making cooing sounds that indicated some pleasure to me. I let some saliva drop from my mouth onto the little date. I then withdrew from her pussy and placed the head of my cock at her crinkled little hole. She gasped and her head whipped around and she gave me a fairly fierce look. “The games up,” I thought but she hissed from behind clenched teeth and pressed her bum back at me.

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Doctor D.R.Acula Ch. 07

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Part 7 — The Bath


As he is carrying me into the bathroom, we pass by a large mirror mounted on the wall. My feet are facing the wall and I can see myself in the mirror. My blouse is open all the way to the top of my skirt and is just barely covering my hard nipples. There is just a hint showing of the pink ring around my nipples on the slight swell of my barely-there breasts.

The back of my skirt is hanging down below the cheeks of my ass and I wiggle in his arms so that I can spread my legs slightly, exposing the cleft between my legs. My hairless pussy lips come into view and I can see that they are still spread open slightly with excitement. A pearly-white drop appears at the top of my opening as I watch and I can feel it gradually slip down between my lips until it finally reaches the bottom and drops down onto my skirt.

I smile at myself in the mirror, all of the bands around my teeth coming into view behind the heavy wire of my face-bow. I stick my tongue out between my teeth and begin to run it over the front of my upper jaw, gradually working it towards the bands on my molars. I spend a little time exploring my canines which still haven’t retracted back into place, seeming to have descended even more than before. There is a noticeable space between the bracket on the band around the teeth and the wire that it should be attached to. My tongue slips up above the bracket and plays along the wire in the gap between the tooth where the bracket should be attached and then down again until it is at the bottom of the tooth. I can feel just how far down it has descended, and when I look at myself in the mirror, I can see that I have ‘vampire fangs’.

I feel a large drop of moisture form between my pussy lips and slowly descend until it drops off and is absorbed by my skirt. My body is responding to the sensation and sight of my braces in a way that I didn’t expect. Without me being conscious of what my tongue is doing, it works it’s way over to the other canine, doing the same exploration, then farther back until it is trapped between the inner wire of my face-bow and the brackets attached to the bands around my teeth. I tilt my head back slightly, putting more pressure on the pink band around the back of my neck, and feel the face-bow tighten against my tongue and the pressure increase on my upper molars. I give a slight purr of pleasure at the sensation.

As he sets me down on the edge surrounding the foot of the tub, my legs come together and the hand supporting my lower body slides up the back of my legs and lands right on the place where my ass and legs meet, briefly coming into contact with the still overly-sensitive lips of my pussy. I subconsciously arch my back and the purr becomes louder. His gaze drops to my modest chest and a small smile crosses his face, exposing the brackets and archwires on his teeth. I don’t think that he even realizes where his hand just was.

He leans over me to the other side of the tub, turns on the taps and begins to adjust the temperature of the water. I watch as he adds some flowery smelling bubble-bath to the stream flowing into the tub and bubbles start to form. Then he turns to me and says, “Take your time and enjoy your bath. I am going to make something good for us to eat. I can tell from how far down your canines have dropped that you really need to eat.” Then he smiles and runs his tongue over the edge of his top teeth, and I can see that there is a gap between the brackets and the wire across his canines as well. “And judging from the way that mine have descended, I do too. Give me about an hour to get things ready. There is a bathrobe in the bedroom, as well as the rest of your things. Slip on whatever you want to wear.” Then he gives me another smile and says, “If you choose not to wear anything when you come for breakfast, I definitely wouldn’t complain.”

I watch how the muscles in his naked butt move as he walks through the door to the bedroom and closes it behind him as he leaves. The bubbles in the tub are rising and getting close to the top, so I remove the shoes from my feet, followed by the over-the-knee socks which have slipped down to just above my ankles. The blouse follows the socks onto the pile forming on the floor, then my front-close bra. I stand up and unfasten my skirt, adding it to the pile.

There is lots of warm foamy water in the tub as I slip in and turn off the taps. The water creeps up my body as I settle into it, gradually hiding my body from sight. The bubbles tickle the lips of my pussy as they pop and the water feels so good as it covers my sensitive crotch. As I settle deeper into the tub and lean against the back of the tub, my tear-drop shaped, barely-there A-cup breasts disappear beneath the concealment to the foam and are soothed by the water.

I put my head against the rim of the tub and feel the strap around my neck pull against the face-bow connected to my molars. I don’t want to get it wet, so I take it off and lay it as far from the tub güvenilir bahis as I can reach from my reclined position. I briefly debate with myself about leaving the face-bow in, but since it isn’t doing anything without the strap, I remove it and place it with the neck-strap. My teeth feel strange without the backwards force being applied to them, while at the same time I feel relief that it is gone.

My eyes close as I lay in the tub, enjoying the different sensations that my body has experienced and is continuing to experience. My hands touch my chest and I remember what they felt like being touched, caressed and played with by someone other than myself, and just how thrilling it was for them to be larger than I have ever dreamed of my breasts being. My hand moves down to my belly and then lower still until it comes to rest just above my sensitive clit. I have touched it and played with it many times, but this is the first time in a long time that anyone besides my hairdresser and doctor has seen and touched it, and they don’t really count.

My hand strays lower, pausing briefly on the partially exposed bump, coming to rest on the outside of my pussy lips. I let my mind wander through all the memories that I have of what has happened in the last few days. As much as I want to play with it, I am still far too sensitive, both inside and outside, to do more than let my fingers rest against it. Even now, there are very minor tremors emanating from inside my body.

Without me realizing it, I fall asleep and take a nap. I wake up when the water cools off, feeling somewhat refreshed, and my stomach feels empty and is giving little rumbles of complaint. Rather than warm up the water in the tub, I let the water drain away and stand underneath the overhead shower to rinse off. It really does feel nice cascading over my body, so I take the time to wash my hair just to prolong the enjoyment.

D.R. Acula

As I exit the bathroom, I look around the bedroom and the mess that is there. Our clothes are strewn everywhere and the bed is a mess. I decide to clean it up before starting to make us something to eat. It doesn’t take me long to strip the bed and put fresh sheets and pillowcases on it. I finish it off by getting fresh blankets and a clean comforter. Once that is done, I begin to sort through the clothes, separating my things from hers. My clothes go into the hamper to be washed. As I am laying her things neatly on the foot of the bed, I begin to get hard again.

I lay her dress out neatly on the bed, making sure that the edges of the zipper line up. Beside that, I lay her stockings and garter-belt and place her shoes on the floor at the foot of the bed. I look around for the bra that she was wearing when she came here, don’t see it anywhere and then smile as I remember that she didn’t wear one to the dinner date. I don’t bother looking for her panties, vividly remembering that she didn’t wear any and made a point of letting me know it.

I look around the room again, see the bags that we brought back from the stores downstairs and gather them all together. I empty them on the bed and lay out everything neatly. She has acquired quite a few items in the small amount of time that she has spent with me. I smile at the memory each item brings to my mind. I look at all the items and am aware that there are some things that I need to add.

I slip on a pair of pants and take my ring of keys. I go to the lingerie shop and pick out a pale blue stretch lace bodysuit with underwired cups and a pair of floral patterned stockings that match the colour of the bodysuit. My next stop is the shoe store, where I pick out a pair of dark blue 3-inch open-toed slip-on mules for her to wear with the stockings. The last stop I make is to pick out a thigh-length silk robe to wear over the bodysuit.

I return to my apartment and move the chaise lounge chair in front of the door to the bathroom so that the first thing that she sees when she comes out will be my latest gifts for her. I lay everything out on the chair, ready for her to put it on if she chooses to.


There is a soft fluffy stack of towels waiting to be used by me and I use one to wrap up my hair, then another one to dry my body, and finally I wrap one around my body, tucking it in over my modest chest.

When I open the door to the bedroom, I see that he has cleaned up and reorganized the bedroom. There is a chair placed between the door and the bed, with a new outfit carefully placed on it. I see the rest of my clothes on the bed, all neatly laid out. I walk over to the bed and look over the selection of things to wear displayed there, but nothing seems quite right for the playful mood I am in. I idly run my fingernail over the braces in my mouth while I try and decide what to do.

It is when my fingernail encounters the unconnected bracket on my canine tooth that I know what I should do. He has mentioned a few times that I need to obtain another fluid specimen orally from him, and türkçe bahis I know just how I want to do it. The pale-blue body-suit and stockings are just what I need to aid in obtaining it. When I slip my legs into it and pull it up my body, it fits beautifully just about everywhere. The sides come up high on my hips and have very little covering both the front over my pussy lips and the back, leaving most of my butt cheeks uncovered. The top fastens behind my neck just below where the strap should be for my headgear.

I go back into the bathroom and pick up my face-bow and try to insert it into the tubes on the molar-bands. I can get one at a time in, but not both at the same time. I walk over to the mirror, open my mouth and tilt my head so that the light around the edge of the mirror shines into my mouth. When I try to insert the face-bow, I can see right away that the ends are slightly farther apart than the tubes on the brackets are. All it takes is a gentle squeeze of the face-bow and it slips into place. All that is left to be done is to attach the pink neck-strap to my face-bow.

I stand in front of the full-length mirror on the wall and appraise how I look in the mirror. My A-cup breasts look okay but I know that they aren’t quite right for the effect that I desire. The underwire doesn’t fit underneath my small breasts, having been designed for larger breasts. I am just about to take it off when my stomach rumbles, reminding me that I am supposed to be getting ready to eat. I bring my hands up to my chest and close my eyes. In my mind, I picture what I would like to look like with a set of firm C-cup breasts on my body. The unique feeling of my body-mass moving around begins and I gently caress my chest as the shape and size of my breasts changes. The image in my mind is of a set of C-cup breasts set wide enough apart to create a valley between them when looked at from the front and that there is just a hint of them when he looks at me from behind.

When I open my eyes, I am delighted with what I see. My waist has slimmed down slightly, making my hips seem wider, and the muscles in my legs look more defined. My breasts fill the stretched lace of the underwired cups completely with just a hint of a bulge along the top edge of the plunging lace cups. When I turn around and look over my shoulder at the mirror, there is just a hint of the outside curve of my breasts showing. I feel my nipples harden through the lace covering them.

Before I become tempted to play with my enhanced chest, I sit down on the chair and slip a stocking over my foot and pull it up my leg until it is near the top of my thigh. Even though the stockings could be worn without attaching garters to them, I choose to fasten the clips hanging from the bottom of the bodysuit to the lace at the top of the stocking. I do the same to my other leg and place my feet into the slip-on heels.

Once again, I stand in front of the mirror, this time holding the silk gown in my hand. I could go out just like this, but when I place my arms in the sleeves of the gown and loosely tie the ribbons together leaving more of my body exposed than covered, I achieve the final look that I want. He won’t be able to look away and he will definitely be in a state of readiness for me to obtain an oral specimen from him.

The last time that I altered my appearance, I looked like a young girl. This time I have aged my body to look like a woman in her mid-thirties. There are some very subtle signs of age showing. My breasts show just a hint of stretch marks along the outside of them and they don’t appear quite as firm as before. My body is more toned-looking and there is none of the baby-fat that a teen would have. There are a few lines showing on my face, some around my eyes and a few on my forehead. I think about putting on makeup, but decide that I don’t need to go to that extent just to eat. My stomach rumbles, loudly, letting me know that it agrees with me.

The face-bow feels incomplete without the strap connected to it, so the left side gets connected to the hook and then is draped around my neck underneath my hair and fastened to the hook on the right side below my ear. I look in the mirror for a quick inspection and see that my upper canines have moved out and down, giving me a definite vampire look. When I close my mouth, the canines come to rest on my bottom lip and the tips peek out slightly between my upper and lower lips, just below the outer bars of the face-bow.

I slip on the heels and do a slow turn, admiring the look that has been created. I open the robe so that most of my chest is visible, highlighting the nipples that are pushing against the lace cups of the bodysuit and displaying my stocking-clad legs and the heels on my feet.

As I turn my head to watch myself in the mirror, I feel the pull on my molars and face-bow change slowly from one side to the other. The face-bow shifts position slightly between my lips as the amount of pressure being exerted alters. Even though I have been güvenilir bahis siteleri wearing the braces all night and the face-bow and cervical strap off and on for almost as long, this is the first time that I have been paying attention to how everything feels without there being other distractions.

I begin to run my tongue over the inside of my teeth, exploring the bands wrapped around them. Most of them are smooth against my tongue until I explore the bands around my molars. All four molar bands have what feel like tubes on the inside. When I open my mouth and run my tongue over the outside of them, there are tubes on the outside as well. The top bands have the face-bow inserted in one set, but there is at least one other set of tubes on them as well.

When I walk into the bathroom, my heels clicking on the tiles, and pull back my cheek to out my molar bands, I see that the lower bands have two tubes on each as well. I wonder what they are supposed to be used for. My eyes are drawn to the rest of the metal in my mouth and on my teeth. There seems to be so much of it, starting with the bands around my teeth and the brackets welded to the bands and added to by the archwires and face-bow.

One hand moves to my mouth, the other to my C-cup breast and the hard nipple on it. I run a finger over my lower teeth and explore all the metal covering them. There is a feeling of satisfaction with how everything looks and feels and I know that I will have the braces for the rest of my life.

A wonderful smell drifts into the room and my stomach growls at me. I realize that I have been enjoying myself and have lost track of time. I follow the smell out of the bathroom, heading towards the kitchen. My heels create a distinct ‘tip-tap’ sound on the hardwood floor in the hall and there is a slight echo that makes it sound louder. The heels give my walk a more seductive sway and my altered body, particularly my enlarged breasts, affects how my body moves. I am not used to my breasts being this big and they bounce and sway within the confines of the bodysuit, causing my upper body to move in a rather pleasurable manner.

My companion notices me walking down the hall and pauses what he is doing to watch me walking towards him. I add a little more sway to my walk, hoping that it will cause my body and breasts to move just a little more. From the look he gives me, I am very successful as he has a huge smile on his face and his metal-bracketed braces are clearly visible. I pause in the doorway, placing one hand on the door frame at shoulder height, the other on my hip and pose for him. The lace of the bodysuit covers my body and at the same time hides nothing of it. My body is on display from my hairless pussy, past my C-cup breasts, all the way to the jewelry on my teeth.

My next move is to walk across the kitchen floor, pull out a chair from beside the table and sit down facing him, the robe dangling from my shoulders and my legs slightly parted, hiding nothing from his gaze.

D. R. Acula

After tidying up the bedroom, I go to the kitchen and start working on putting together a meal. I start by cutting up lots of fruit into bite-sized pieces, then working on creating a brunch of bite-sized fried ham, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, toast and waffles. As each item is completed, I place the hot items into the oven to keep them warm until Sharlene has finished her bath. I keep the bowl of fruit near me so that I can nibble on pieces while I work on the rest of the meal.

As I am finishing the last of the meal, I hear the tap of heels approaching down the hall from the bedroom. I look up and am stunned by the vision of beauty approaching me. Sharlene has decided to wear the bodysuit that I had laid out for her. I am amazed by what she has done with her body, altering it to fit into the lace material and filling it in a very appealing way. She has the matching gown sort of draped over it without covering the bodysuit underneath it. Her heels add an additional touch of sexiness to the outfit. I watch as she walks to the doorway and pauses to pose for me.

I smile at her, showing her my bracketed teeth, then watch as she walks over to the table and sits down facing me. There is a mature grace to how she moves which matches the projected age of her body. When she sits down in the chair, she does it with style, first sitting down and arranging her robe around her, then gradually spreading her legs and putting her whole body on display.

All I am wearing is a pair of loose-fitting pants and my hardening penis begins to create a bulge in the front in response to the display that she is putting on for me. I begin carrying the food to the table, placing everything in front of her within easy reach. Each time I get close to her, her eyes drop to the front of my pants and her hands shift position. My gaze centers on her mouth and the display of metal jewelry adorning her teeth. She keeps running her tongue over her teeth each time I walk to the table and her smile has a hungry look to it, as if she wants something more than food. Her canines have shifted so far that they are pushing outwards against the upper archwire and when she closes her teeth, they are pressing into her bottom lip.

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