Ah Bodrum Ah2

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Ah bodrum ah…2arkadaşlar attığınız e-mailler için teşekkür ederim…yoğun istekleri kıramayıp hikayeme devam etmek istiyorum……………………………. ……üçümüz el ele otel odasına girdik…zaten girmemle kızın dudaklarıma yapışması bir oldu…içimden”tolga oğlum bu gerçek lan..!” dedim ve bir anda yapıştırdığım acidin kafasına yüksek dozajda tekrardan yaşadım.sanki dudaklarımdan öpmüyor skimi aazına alıyo gibi tuzla escort hissettim.kendi ona teslim ettim ve beni yatağa yatırdı. pantolonumun düğmelerini teker teker açtı ve açarken feci tahrik bir şekilde gözümün içine baktı.eşi ise ayakta bana kıskanırmış gibi bakıyordu ki ben piçlik olsun diye kızın saçından tutup çocuğun suratına gülerek ” izlede öğren” dedim ve çocuğun surat ifadesi değişti.hızlı tuzla escort bayan bir şekilde soyunup, domalmış olan kızın taytını ve donunu indirip karısının amını yalamaya başladı… çocuk yaladıkça kız sanki kutu koladan kamışla içermiş gibi skimi emmeye başladı.ben bu aldığım zevki lavuk hissettikçe kızkançlıktan kızın amını ısırmaya başladı.kızın attığı çığlıklardan nası canının yandığını hissediyordum… escort tuzla kız skimi yalamayı bıraktı ve kocasının kafasını iterek kucağıma oturdu.( size yemin ediyorum ben hayatım boyunca böyle sıcak bir vajina görmedim.! ) ağır bir şekilde kucağımda daireler çizmeye başladı.benim dalganında büyük olmasından dolayı ( öhö..öhö ;P ) biraz canı yanıyordu ama çıkardığı ses o acı sesiyle karışmaya başlayınca ortaya çok akustik bir inleme sesi çıkıyordu… lavuğu merak ettiniz tabi…duyduğum an şok olduğum bir cümle kurdu ve dedi ki; devamı için lütfen mail atın ;p ya da azcık bir süre bekleyin…TOLGAGönderen: sirTOLGA

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Teyzemin Ayakları

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


22 yaşıma yeni girmiş ve kadınlar hala benim için gizemini korumaya devam ediyordu. Henüz bir cinsel deneyiyim olmamıştı. Tanımadığım insanlarla cinsel ilişkiye girmek de gözümü korkutuyordu. Beni kadın olarak en cezbeden insan ise NA teyze olmuştu. aslında benim arkadaşımın annesiydi NA teyze. NA, 170 cm. boylarında 38-39 yaşlarında, balık etinde,beyaz tenli, kızıl saçlı, çok bakımlı, uzun bacaklı her erkeği kendine baktırabilecek değme çıtırlardan çok daha alımlıydı. 23 yıllık evli olan NA teyze büyük bir şirkette çalışıyor, kocası ise inşaat sektöründe büyük bir işletmenin sahibiydi. Maddi durumlarının iyi olduğu gibi, kültürlü insanlardı…Özellikle kadınların seksi ayakları ve topuklu terlikleri beni delirtiyordu, istediğim tek şey güzel ve bakımlı bir kadının ayağını saatlerce yalamak, öpmek ve kölesi olmaktı. Yine güzel bir yaz günü dışarıda sokaklarda gezinirken NA teyzemle karşılaştık o da işten yeni çıkmıştı. Sonra beni eve birşeyler içmeye davet etti ve bende büyük bir heyecanla kabul ettim (tabi NA teyzem araba sürerken ayaklarını izlemek şimdilik benim ufaklığı kaldırmaya yetiyordu:)) Ve eve gelmiştik. Uzun, siyah hırkasını çıkarıp girişteki pufun üzerine oturdu ve topuklu terliklerini çıkarmak için eğildi. Ben hemen centilmen erkek edasıyla eğilip diğer çiftini çıkardım. Topuklu açık terlikleri çıktığında NA teyzemin süper seksi, uzun italyan pedikürlü tırnakları o anda beni çok cezbetti. Terliklerinden çıkan ayağı da çok seksiydi. İçim bir hoş olmuştu. Daha sonra salona geçip karşılıklı olarak oturduk. Bacak bacak üzerine atınca mini eteğinin altındaki o muhteşem bacakları iyice ortaya çıkmıştı. Gözlerim durmadan ayaklarına doğru kayıyor pedikürlü tırnakları yeni aldığı krem renkli terlikle azdırıcı duruyordu. Arada bir terliğin arkasını şaklatıyordu, ayağını sağa sola çeviriyordu. O ayaklar tam yalanası ayaklardı. Bütün gün ayakta durmaktan çok yorulduğunu ayaklarının da ağrıdığından bahsederek, ayaklarına masaj yapıp yapamayacağımı sordu. Hemen kabul ettim.Ayaklarını artık okşamaya başlamıştım…Oturduğu koltukta iyice yayılarak ankara escort ayaklarını bana doğru uzattı. İlk defa bir kadın ayağına dokunuyordum. Yavaşça ayaklarını ovalamaya başlamıştım. NA teyzemin harika ayakları ve bir o kadar güzel bacaklarının olduğunu bir kez daha keşfediyordum. Birkaç dakika sonra sevgili teyzem uyuyakaldı. Şimdi o muhteşem ayaklarıyla başbaşaydım. En ince ayrıntısına kadar ayaklarını inceledim. Yavaşça burnumu teyzemin ayaklarına doğru götürdüm. Gerçekten 7-8 saat bir açık bir terliğin içinde kalan bir ayak bu kadar mı güzel kokardı. Vücudundaki parfüm kokusu belli belirsiz ayağı ve terliğiyle birleşmiş ve erkekliğim farkkıda olmadan kabarmıştı. Hayallere dalmış ayaklarını artık okşamaya başlamıştım. Tüm cesaretimi toplayıp dizine kadar ellerimi götürdüm. Dayanamıyıp topuklarını emmeye başladım, hala uyanmış ve anlamış değildi. Sonra yavaş yavaş parmaklarına doğru kaydı dilim, baş parmağı dilimin ucunda hareketsiz duruyordu defalarca emdim yıllardır bunu hayal ediyordum. Ben de iyiden iyiye boşalma noktasına gelmiştim. O an beklenmedik bir telefon teyzemi uyandırdı. Arayan kocasıydı ve iş gezisine çıkacağını 3 gün eve gelemeyeceğini söylüyordu. Teyzem ayağa kalktı odasına gidip üzerine ev kıyafetlerini giyip geri geldi. O bermuda kısa şortu bi harikaydı. Aklım ayakları ve özellikle dolgun topukları ve ojeli tırnaklarındaydı. Yemek yapmağa başlamış ve mutfağa girmişti. Fırsat bu fırsat diyerek gizlice odasına girdim. Demin gizli gizli baktığımda terlikleri oradaydı. Yerde duran terlikleri pantalonumdan içeri sokarak doğru banyoya koştum.Banyonun kapısını kilitledim. Teyzemin terlikleri şimdi ellerimin arasındaydı ve terlik hala nemliydi. Bir anlık bir hareketle bu krem rengi terlikleriı burnuma götürdüm, terliklerin topuk kısmı hala ıslaktı. Buram buram teyzemin kokusu terlikteydi. İçim iyice bir hoş olmuştu. Teyzemin ayak kokusu terkiklere sinmiş ve bütün erkekleri azdıracak o muhteşem kokusunu artık tanıyordum. Şimdi düşündüğüm tek şey o topukları ve ayakları nasıl emeceğimdi. Geç olmuş benimde gece kalmam konusunda ısrarcı escort ankara idi ve yatma vakti geldiğinde teyzemin terliklerini çoktan eski yerine koymuştum (3 posta terliklerine attırmıştım bu seferlik ben temizlemiştim ama daha sonra ona temizleticektim:)). Ancak teyzemin topukları ve ayakları aklımdan bi türlü çıkmıyordu. Yatağımdan kalktım ve banyoya tekrar girdim. Çamaşır sepetini karıştırırken bu sefer NA teyzenin tangasını buldum. Yalnız bu defa beni başka bir sürpriz bekliyordu. Kutunun içinde g-string de vardı, içinde teyzemin sütyeni de vardı. Anlaşılan teyzem sütyen ve g-string `i aynı anda çıkarmıştı. Her ikisini de yanıma alarak doğru yatağa girdim. Sanki teyzemle yatmış gibiydik. G-string`in teyzemin tam vajinasına gelen yerinde hefif bir sarılık vardı. Kokladığımda kendimden geçip boşalmıştım. Bir süre sonra bu sefer terliklerinin topuk kısmını kokluyordum. Harika bir ayak kokusu vardı teyzemin. Yine terliklerin üst tarafını burnuma NA teyzemin sikmek konusunda kendi kendime yine söz verdim. NA teyzemin amından çıkan sıvılar G-string`in ağını parfüm kokusuyla beraber cazibe merkezi yapmıştı. 22 yaşımda amı yavaş yavaş tanımaya başlamıştım. Yatakta çırılçıplaktım. penisimi hiç bu kadar büyük görmemiştim. Topuklarından yalamaya başladım…Yüzükoyun yattım. Teyzemin G-string`ini burnuma yaklaştırdım. Aklımda NA diri göğüsleri,çıkık kalçası, ince uzun bacakları, şekilli ayakları, pedikürlü ayak tırnakları vardı. Artık teyzemi becermem gerekiyordu. Birkaç dakika sonra boşaldığımda teyzemin G-STRİNG ağı meni ile dolmuştu. Düşüncede NA teyzemi becermiştim ama gerçekte becerebilecekmiydim?. Saat 2 ye doğru odasına gidip kapısını araladım ve dikizlemeye başladım ayağı tüm enfesliğiyle yatak örtüsünden çıkmıştıve üstünde incecik saten bir baby dole vardı. Artık dayanacak halim kalmamıştı yavaş yaklaşıp yatağın yanına geldim. Sikimi dışarı çıkartıp uç kısmını topuklarında dolaştırmaya başladım, ayaklarını birleştirip sikimi arasına sürtmemeye başlamamla NA teyzem irkilerk doğruldu ve ama beni şaşırtan hiç ürkmemişti. Ayaklarını ilk etapta topuklarından ankara escort bayan başlayarak yalamaya başladım ve inlemesini isterik sesler çıkarmasını istiyordum. O da henüz liseli bir bakire gibi ben topuklarını yaladıkça inliyordu ve ikinci etapta ayaklarını kremlemeye başladım o ise ne yapıcağımı meraklı gözlerle izliyordu ediyordu. Bu zevkin daha önce kocasının bile yaşatmadığını söylüyordum ve o an gelmişti. güzel ayaklarını beceriyordum ve zevk içinde boşalmama yakın inlemesini söyledim onun iniltileri içinde ayaklarının heryerine boşalmıştım. Sırada ikinci fantezimi uygulamaya başlıcaktım NA teyzeye. Artık ben ona heristediğimi yaptırıyor ve yaptıracaktım! Tabii ilk başlarda acemilik çektiysede sonraları daha ateşli yapıyordu bu işi. Ben ise memelerini sütyeninden dışarı tekini çıkarmış uçlarını emiyordum.Beni tam 15 dakikada ikinci kez boşaltmıştı ve ayakları sperm içindeydi. O ise içinde olduğu durum karşısında biraz şaşkındı. Bu 2 yıl kocasından gizli olarak devam etti ve yaz tatili gelmiş benim okulum yeni tatile girmişti. NA teyzeyi birlikte tatile çıkmaya ikna etmek hiç zor olmadı (yıllarca bunun fantazilerini tasarlamıştım zaten:)) Anlaşma şuydu bana 15 gün güzel bir tatil geçirmesi karşılığı ondan kocasının mahrum ettiği herşeyi verecektim. Şirketi arayıp 15 günlük bir izin aldırttım, kocası ve oğlu neyazıkki tüm yaz çalışıcaklardı ve ben gidip otobüs biletlerini aldım ve güneye doğru akşam yola çıktık.Bir otele yerlemiştik, geldik ve yorgunduk ama benim ihtiyaçlarım karşılanmalıydı. Odadaki çalışma masasının bürosit sandelyesine çıkarıp ayaklarının kremlemeye başlamıştım ayakları. Ben ayaklarını spermimle beslediğimden beri daha enfeslerdi ve ayaklarını birleştirmesini isteyip arasına penisimi yerleştirip gidip gelmeye başladım. Çıldırıcak gibiydim, yıllardır becermenin hayiliyle tutuştuğum ayak topukları, ayakları beceriyordum. O ise arkasına bakamıyordu, şaşkın şaşkın inliyordu…Şok halindeydi. Sonra yatağa sırtüstü ben yattım oda üstüme çıkıp iki ayağının arasına penisimi almış hala boşaltma çabasındaydı beni, ben ise bu anların sona ermesini hiç istemiyordum. O an çıkardığı sesler bakireliğini kaybetmekte olan sürtüğün sesi gibi inliyordu ve sonunda ayaklarına ve topuklarıma boşalmıştım. Non stop ve dünyada tek ayaklarını tek ben becermiştim… :)Gönderen: Footbabe

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bekar Evinde Tecavüz

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Benim isim mehmet ben 20 yaşındayım benim okuldan itibaren hoşlandığın gülay isminde bi kız vardı sarışın vücudu tam yerinde çok güzel bir kızdı her zaman onu düşünür düm geceleri bir gün onunla dersanede selamlaştık ondan sonraki günler arkadaş olduk slm falan derken ben bşir parti düzenledim benim evde 5 6 kişi vardık saat gece 11 olduğunda herkes dağıldı ben gülaya ben seni bırakırım dedim o da tamam dedi oda biraz bişeyler istiyordu aslında ama belli etmiyordu neyse herkes gitti ben kapıyı kitledim o yanıma oturdu önce boynundan öpmeye çalıştın bişey demedi bursa escort sonra elimle eteğinin arasına elimi soktum elimi tuttu artık kendimi tutamıyordum hemen dudaklarına yapıştım o da beni öpüyordu ellerimle külptunu çıkarmaya çalışıyordum o hayır dur yapma ben daha kızım diyordu ama ben durmuyordum bir yandan öperken külotunu çıkartım artık benimsin dedim ona o da çok korkuyordu bacaklarının ikisinide tutmuştum hiç biryere kımıldayamıyordu devamlı ağlyordu benhemen aletiçıkardım bacaklarını okşarken amına doğru itelemeye başladım biraz bağırdı ama tamgirmemişti bursa escort bayan birden sokunca kan geldi çok bağırdı gece vakti olduğu için bende çok korktum ağzını kapattım artık benimdi artık eteğini çıkarttım gülayın üstündekileride çıkartıyorum memelerini emdikçe çıldırıyordu haifi ısırıklar atıyordum bir yandanda amına hala sokuyordum artık kendinden geçmişti gülay çırılçıplaktı bende külot vardı arkasını çevirdim bende çıkarttım külotu artık arkasından abandım iyice alışkın olduğu için atrık seslenmiyordu götünden bi kaç kez siktim çok güzel götü vardı çünkü escort bursa sap sarı ondan sonra ağzına al dedim almam dedi kafasından tuttum bastırdım yarağıma öyle bir yalıyorduki kendimden geçtim tekrar aynı şeylere başladık artık o benimdi onunla sabaha kadar her pozisyonu denedik en çok götünden yaptım uyuduğumuzda saat sabah 5.30 tu heryerine boşalmıştım gülay sabah uyandığında ağlıyordu ama benim aklımda hala sevişmek vardı doymuyordum çünkü banyoya girmesini söyledim ordada aynı şeyleri denedik en güzelde bacaklarını omzuma attım devamlı sokuyordum o sarı amına artık oda alışmıştı o gün saat 3 te falan eve bıraktım onu şimdi dersande gördüğümde yanlız kalırsam kalçalarını sıkıp öpüşüyoruz ama o kaçıyor hep benden bir gün yine sikecem onu hemde seninim deyinceye kadar kendinize iyi bakınGönderen: berke

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kimseye Söylemedim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Taksimde bir borsa aracı kurumda dialer olarak çalışıyorum..ise başlayalı 6 ay oldu.. daha önce bir ara amatör mankenlik yapmıştım..Bürodaki müdürlerden biri sürekli beni gözlüyordu.Yemek aralarında benimle yemeğe çıkmak istiyordu.Erkek arkadaşım olduğu için hep reddettim.Peşimi bırakmadı..seni eve bırakayım..gotureyim gibi girişimlerde çok bulundu..arabam var diye kabul etmedim.. adamın masası benimkinin tam karsısında idi sürekli masa altından bacaklarımı seyrediyordu.mini eteğim açılacak diye odum patlıyordu..tuvalete bile gidince hemen kapıyı kilitliyordum.. Bir gün isim biraz geç bitti.. evraklar yetişmedi.. saat 16.00 da is yeri paydos ediyordu..ben 2 saat kadar geciktim.. büroda bekçi ve temizlikçiler bir de o kalmıştı.. sanki bireyler yetiştiriyormuş gibi meşgul görünüyordu..neyse beni takip etmesin diye o başka tarafa bakarken bürodan ayrıldı. Binanın zemin katındaki kapalı otoparka indim.. koskoca otoparkta kimse kalmamıştı.. çakmağımı yakarak yolumu bulmaya çalıştım.. neyse arabam gorundu.. Anahtari cikardim…Tam kapiyi acacaktim..Arkadan birisi beni yakaladi..Cok bursa escort kuvvetli idi.. ensemden yakaladi..basimi bile ceviremedim…beni arabamin kaputuna yuzustu yatirdi.. basimi kaputa bastiriyordu..eger bagirirsam boynumu kiracagini soyledi…sesimi cikaramadim..diger eli ile mini etegimi kaldirdi..kilodumu cekerek yirtti..bu arada kendi pantolonunun fermuarini indirdi..avucuna tukurerek vaginama surdu.. ve orasini islatti..cok korkmustum.. cunku henuz bakire idim..daha sonra penisini vaginamdan iceri sokmaya calisti..girmedi.. cunku penisi cok kalindi.. birkere daha avucuna tukurerek penisine surdu..zorlamaya devam etti korkunc bir aci hissettim..bitaraflarim yırtilmisti sanki..kocaman bisey icime girdi..sanki vaginami delip karin bosluguma kadar girdi sandim.. muthis karin agridi cektim..bacaklarimdan kanlar suzuluyordu..bir iki zorlamadan sonra vagenim kayganlasti..sanirim benden bir sivi salgilanmasi oldu.. artik o kocaman penis kolaylikla icime girip cikiyordu..artik kipirdayacak halim kalmamisti..sanki kendimden gecmistim..tamamen kendimi ona teslim etmistim.. yapabilecegim bursa escort bayan hic bir sey yoktu.. sanirim 5 dakika kadar gidip-geldi icimde..bir ara karminda bir karincalanma hissettim..gozlerim karardi..kalcamda istemsiz olarak ileri geri bir ritmik haraket basladi.. engel olamiyordum.. tum vucudum zangir zangir titremeye basladi.. nefes alamiyordum.. sonra birden aniden tum vucudum gevsedi..arabanin kaputuna yigildim kaldim..bu arada adam penisini vagenimden cikartti..icimden bir cekilme hissettim..zorlukla basimi cevirip arkama bakabildim..adamin penisinden ustume dogru meni fiskiriyordu..ustum basim batti..adam penisini etegime sildi ve yerine koydu..fermuarini kapatti.. arkasini dondu ve hicbirsey olmamis gibi cekti gitti..kipirdayacak halim kalmamisti..bir sure o vaziyette kaldim .. Daha sonra toparlandim..ustum basim yapis-yapis meni olmustu..bacaklarim kanli idi.. boyle eve gidemezdim.. tek care buroya gidip tuvalette temizlenmekti.. zorlukla yuruyordum.. buroya gittim.. temizlikciler gitmisti.. ama kapi hala kilitlenmemisti.. gizlice tuvalete girdim…kimse beni bu escort bursa halimle gormemeliydi.. once yuzumuı yikadim.. daha sonra bacaklarimi yikiyordum..birden kapi acildi.. yine ayni adam kapida dikiliyordu.. bana yaklasti.. beni opmeye calisti.. direndim..daha sonra saclarimdan tuttu..basimi asagi dogru bastirdi..digereli ile yine fermuarini acti..penisini cikardi..penisi yumusak idi.. agizima almami istedi.. yapmadim.. seni oldururum..cabuk agazina al ve em dedi..mecburen aldim agizima..emmeye basladim..emdikce penis buyumeye basladi..adete patlican kadar olmustu.. agazima sigmiyordu.. bogulmaktan korkmustum.. cunku adam surekli bogazima dogru itip cekiyodu penisini..bir an o koca aletin bana girdigine inanamadim.. 2-3 dakika ileri geri oynatti penisini agazimda..daha sonra beni duvara dayadi..bacaklarimi acti..penisini vagenime aniden soktu..bu sefer cokkolay girmisti..hafif bir aci hissttim..adam bir taraftanda sutyenimi yirtti.. agazi iel memelerimi isirmaya basladi.. olanlara inanamiyordum..simdi ben nisanlima ne diyecektim..adam bir turlu bosalmak bilmiyordu..tekrar agazima almami istedi.. naapayim bende caresiz aldi.2-3 dakika sonra adam inlemeye basladi.. birden penisten bol miktarda meni bosalmaya basladi..az daha bogulacaktim.. hepsini yuttum.. iste benim hikayem… kimselere anlatamadim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Behavior Modification Institute Ch. 10

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Although I continue to receive some demeaning and aggressive comments, most feedback has been positive. I appreciate all who enjoy this story, as we share similar fetishes. If you are not interested in FemDom, male feminization, and sexual humiliation, do not bother to read this series.


I was standing with my petticoat and the skirt of the maid’s uniform held up to my waist and my panties were down around my ankles. My cock was erect as I stood before Ms. Panington waiting for further instructions. I knew that she planned to put me in some sort of penis extender device, and I felt particularly embarrassed about my erection of less than four inches.

“Remain standing just as you are, Tom,” Ms. Panington instructed, “I want you to meet your trainer.” And she walked back to her office momentarily, returning with the Dominatrix in tow.

“I know the two of you have not been formerly introduced, although Madam Christina has witnessed some of your humiliation,” she paused as Madam Christina walked over to me and put a black-gloved hand on my penis. “Tom, this is Madam Christina. Madam Christina, I believe you already know this is the compulsive masturbator and sissy that you will be training.”

Madam Christina stroked me sensuously as she grinned mischievously, “Oh yes, I witnessed this one being changed by Nurse Pyre. I think we’ll get along just fine.” And with that she dropped her hand to my balls and gave them a sharp squeeze.

“I will leave the two of you to get acquainted then and to begin Tom’s sexual service training,” Ms. Panington concluded, then turned and left the room, closing the door to her office behind her.

Madam Christina left no time establishing her authority. “On your knees, jerk-off! Keep your skirt and petticoat up. I want to see that cute little appendage you have that brings you so much pleasure, but has gotten you in so much trouble.”

She stood before me as I knelt. I felt myself trembling in her presence. I looked downward out of deference. She grabbed my hair, abruptly pulling up my face to look at her. “You may look, but you may not touch.” I gazed up at her beauty. Blonde and buxom, she was wearing a black bustier, black choker, form-fitting black leather pencil skirt that stopped just short of her stiletto thigh high black boots. She was nothing short of stunning. “Do you find me attractive, sissy?” she asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, very much so. You are beautiful, Madam Christina,” I responded with a faint, trembling voice.

“And your wife, Kelli, she is beautiful as well. I met her when she was here and I reviewed the training regimen with her. You know, Tom, you are lucky to have her. She has been so patient with you. She deserves better than you sneaking around and masturbating in her panties, don’t you think?”

“Yes, Ma’am, she does deserve better and I am lucky that she is giving me this opportunity to become a better lover,” I ventured as Madam Christina let go of my hair and I again bowed my head in deference.

“Now, Tom, I am going to teach you how to fuck Kelli like a woman deserves to be fucked. Poor woman, she has tolerated your inadequate efforts for years and she deserves better,” she walked to a cabinet and returned with a flesh-colored phallus. “First we will get the penis sheath on you and then you can show me your stuff with old Dolly here,” she laughed.

“Stand up,” and she seated herself, “Over here in front of me. Turn around.” She unlocked the padlock on the collar of my dress. “Off with the dress and your frilly petticoat, sissy. It will only get in the way.” I fumbled to unzip and step out of the satin maid’s dress and white petticoat as Madam Christina sensuously stroked the eight-inch penis extender. “Let’s get this on you.”

I did as instructed and she showed me the realistic-looking flesh-colored dildo with a sturdy silicone loop at the bottom. Sturdy nylon straps extended from each side of the loop. “This has been custom-fitted for your small penis, Tom. I think you will find that it is easier to put on when you are erect, like now,” and she teasingly flicked my cock for emphasis.

“But güvenilir bahis it can be attached over a flaccid penis as well. I am going to put it on you just this first time.” She took the arousal sensor off of my penis, then continued, “Pay attention as you will be expected to know how to do it yourself.”

Madam Christina grabbed the base of my dick with one hand and, moving the silicone loop to one side, she slid the sheath over my penis. Then she took my balls and pulled them, one at a time, through the silicone loop so that the sheath was firmly in place. Then she took each strap and pulled them behind me and attached them to one another with Velcro.

It felt snug, but cold and my penis began to shrivel.

“Now look at yourself in the mirror, Tom. Did you ever think it was possible for a sissy like you to have an 8 inch cock?” Madam Christina taunted. “It won’t matter to Kelli whether you are hard or soft, and it won’t much matter to you either because you won’t be able to feel any stimulation,” she seemed to find this particularly amusing.

“Kelli won’t have to worry about you prematurely ejaculating, and even though it will be you doing the fucking, Tom, she will have the sensation of being fucked with a real manly cock. Aren’t you happy for your wife, Tom?”

“Yes, Madam Christina, she deserves it,” I replied.

“Okay, let’s get to work teaching you how to fuck a woman. This will be the first time that you have a cock that doesn’t squirt as soon as it enters a pussy. Looks like Dolly is ready if you are, Tom,” and she laughed wickedly.

This training station contained a twin size mattress. The plastic fuck-toy, Dolly, was perched provocatively with legs spread and knees up. Realistic-looking breasts projected at least six inches. The doll’s pussy had a faint patch of neatly groomed hair, and the labia glistened with some kind of lubricant.

“Dolly is ready for you, sissy,” and Madam Christina pointed to her love nest. “Kiss it, Tom, and ask Dolly for permission to service her.”

Feeling foolish kissing a plastic pussy, but wanting to get on with the training and fearing Madam Christina’s disapproval, I complied. “May I service your pussy with my cock, Dolly?” I ventured, nervously.

“Wait a second, Pantyboy, it’s not really ‘your’ cock, now is it? Listen carefully to what I want you to say, and this is what you will say to Kelli when you have the opportunity to service her,” she paused for effect.

“Now repeat after me, ‘I know that my cock is inadequate to properly satisfy you. And I know that it is not worthy to experience your pussy. May I be allowed the privilege of servicing you with my penis extension?’ Say it, Tom!”

Humiliated, I lay between the legs of this plastic representation of a woman with my lips just inches from the plastic pussy I was about to fuck with the humiliating penis extension. With halting speech I repeated just what Madam Christina had taught me, “Dolly, I know that my cock…”

“Very good, Tom. You are a quick study,” she laughed. Now before you enter Dolly with your fake cock, Tom, I will explain what you will see on the monitor,” and she flicked it on. The 40-inch monitor was mounted on the wall just above where Dolly’s plastic head lay on a pillow. “First, on this side of the screen, you will see this graph and this black line will indicate your stimulation of the arousal sensors in Dolly’s vaginal canal and clitoris.” I looked at the numbers ranging from one to ten on the side of the graph.

“Your goal is to maintain a high level of arousal, and eventually to give Dolly an orgasm. These lights will flash when you achieve that, Tom, and Dolly will squeal like, well, you’ll see.”

I focused on the graph and just as I was thinking that this was all very clinical and not very sexy Madam Christina hit some keys on a keyboard and the monitor screen was split, and I was dumbfounded to see, in freeze-frame, a glisteningly wet pussy that, unmistakably, was Kelli’s.

“Yes, Tom, it is Kelli. She allowed us to video-tape her masturbating while she was here. She agreed that it would motivate you. You will türkçe bahis be allowed to view her pussy as you fuck Dolly. If you succeed in making Dolly cum then you will be rewarded with video of Kelli’s face in orgasmic ecstasy.” I was spellbound with the image.

“Since she told us that you never succeeded in giving her such pleasure with your cock, I’m sure you’ve never seen her experience such pleasure. She told us that your face was always buried between her legs whenever she really got off.”

Madam Christina seemed to find this exceedingly funny, and laughed so hard she had to stop to catch her breathe. “She told all of us here that she has only orgasmed with your face buried deep between her legs or when your tongue has been in her ass.”

She reached into a bag she’d brought with her and produced a pair of the ‘mommy panties.’ “I know that you like these, Tom, and Kelli wore them for two days and nights without showering. I am going to keep them in the ziplock, but once you have Dolly consistently at 7.5 on the graph, I’ll put them over your head. Would you like that, Tom?”

“Yes, Madam Christina, very much,” I said.

“Okay, let’s take it from the top. Kiss Dolly’s pussy and ask for permission to service her with your penis extension. Then you may mount her.”

I did as I was told, then tentatively lay on top of Dolly. I couldn’t feel my cock, but I could sense that it was erect. I fumbled to insert my artificial cock into the artificial pussy, and I missed the target entirely with the first couple efforts. Madam Christina hooted with laughter, then sharply spanked my ass, “Not used to having eight inches, huh sissy? We’re going to have to practice your aim. Women don’t like a man fumbling like a virgin.”

Finally I found the opening and I began to push in. The plastic pussy offered moderate resistance, but soon I could feel that I had succeeded in plunging the entire length into Dolly’s pussy. The monitor lit up, and I could see that the entry had spiked the arousal monitor to 60. Then the freeze-frame of Kelli’s pussy began streaming and I could see her well-manicured fingers plying her pussy lips with abandon.

I was so aroused at this image that I feared that I would ejaculate, even without any sensation of stimulation to my cock.

“Oh, Madam Christina, seeing Kelli’s pussy is…oh…I’m, I’m, I’m worried that I might cum.”

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my buttocks, then heard the swish of Madam’s cat’o’nine tails. “Do not cum without permission, sissy, or I will have Ms Panington call Nurse Pyre to bring you back to the nursery. You must learn control and learn to at least fuck like a man,” Madam Christina shouted in my ear.

That quickly settled the pressure in my loins and I returned from the edge, but remained mesmerized watching the video of Kelli playing with herself, knowing that she had often done so in order to achieve satisfaction after I had lost my load early in our lovemaking.

I tried to settle into a rhythmic thrust and withdrawal, but soon Madam Christina was criticizing my technique and I could see that the numbers on the graph had fallen below 4.

“You are fucking like a machine. No woman wants that. Vary your speed; vary the length of your thrusts. That’s it. Sometimes leave it deep inside her, picture the fake cock touching the tip of her cervix, grind into her clitoris, watch the monitor, when you see what makes the numbers jump, do more of that.”

I tried to focus, more deliberately fucking than I had ever done before. I thought about what would stimulate Dolly’s arousal sensors, knowing that they had been designed after Kelli’s own anatomy. I was rewarded with the numbers going up, now consistently over 6, sometimes reaching 7.5.

“Good sissy, good sissy,” Madam Christina was now saying softly. I almost lost my load for a second time when I felt her pull Kelli’s soiled panties over my head and position the gusset just over my now. Soon I was delirious with Kelli’s scent and enjoying the sensation of thrusting.

Madam Christina instructed me to sometimes hold the fake cock in place deep in the pussy güvenilir bahis siteleri and to simply wiggle my ass. Doing so seemed to keep Dolly’s arousal solidly in the upper range.

“Okay, she’s ready. Now fuck her hard. Keep fucking deep thrusts until she cums. Yes, yes, you almost have it. Keep it going. Fuck, sissy, fuck!”

All at once the graph spiked to 10, Dolly let out a guttural squeal, and the video of Kelli switched to her face contorted in orgasmic pleasure. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

“Good for you, sissy Tom. The first orgasm you have ever provided through fucking. Okay, you may withdraw.”

As I pulled out the extender sheath, the screen went black. I was covered in sweat. Kelli’s panties remained over my head with the gusset carefully taped over my nose. My nostrils continued to be intoxicated with her scent.

“You may stand up, Tom. But first thank Dolly for the privilege of servicing her and kiss her pussy like a good sissy,” Madam Christina said in a comforting tone. “Isn’t it wonderful to know that you can do it, Tom? A little more practice, though, I want you to be able to get Dolly off without my coaching you.”

I kissed Dolly’s plastic pussy and foolishly thanked the plastic doll, then I turned to Madam Christina, “Thanks so much for teaching me. It will be wonderful to be able to fuck Kelli to an orgasm.” And I meant it.

My panties remained in place with the front pulled down just below my sack and my ass covered in silky pink. My breast forms had been dislodged slightly and I reached to adjust them in my bra. I looked in the full-length mirror and saw how my garter belt framed my penis extension and made it appear even larger and even more out-of-place. My stockings and heels completed the outfit and I teetered a bit as I stood.

“Get your bearings, Tom. We’re going next door to tell Ms. Panington of your accomplishment.”

I gingerly followed Madam Christina through the door to Ms. Panington’s adjoining office. “Ms. Panington, Tom was able to give Dolly an orgasm on his first try…took a bit of coaching, but he did it.” Madam Christina said proudly.

“Well, isn’t that something. That is the first time you have made a pussy cum by fucking, isn’t it Tom?” Ms. Panington picked up the phone, “Ms. Sweeney, would you get ahold of Ms. Jenson and Nurse Pyre and ask them to come into my office. When they arrive I want you to come in with them. Thanks.”

“Let’s take the fake dick off of him, Madam Christina. I don’t want him to get too attached to it,” she laughed.

I stood at attention in front of both women as Madam Christine instructed me on removal of the device. Then she quickly put the arousal meter back on my now flaccid penis. Kelli’s panties remained over my head.

“Would you like Kelli’s panties on or off, sissy?” Ms. Panington asked.

Without hesitation I told her that I wanted them left on my head. I knew that I looked foolish, dressed in women’s lingerie, large breast forms pushing out my bra cups, and with a pair of nylon and lace panties taped with the gusset over my nose. But, I did not want to give up the scent of Kelli.

Soon the other three women arrived. “Tom, as a reward you may masturbate for us. You won’t be cumming, so I will stop you when you seem to be on the edge. Let’s see how long you can make it last.”

So, I began to stroke my small penis in front of these five powerful women. I endured their taunts about my inadequacy and Madam Christina gave an occasional sweep of her whip over my pantied ass.

“Next we will be training on the cunninglus machine, Tom. You do love to eat pussy, don’t you sissy?”

“Ooooh, yes, Madam Christina, I love to eat pussy. Aaargh. I’m going to …”

The alarm sounded on the arousal meter. Nurse Pyre rushed forward with a glass of ice water and doused my crotch. Madam Christina roughly grabbed my hand away. They all watched as my twitching penis began to shrivel under their supervision.

“Okay, Tom. Enough. Back to your training. We will be tucking your wee-wee tightly between your legs and secure it with a tight panty girdle to keep you out of trouble while you first practice pussy worship, and then hopefully graduate to ass worship. Let’s go.” And with that Madam Christina grabbed my now flaccid penis and led me back to the training room.

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A New Beginning Ch. 03

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The next morning, I woke to an empty bed and the smell of fresh coffee, and ham and eggs being cooked. I forced myself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen to see Elke standing at the stove, wearing only an apron, cooking breakfast. Both of my dogs were lying on the floor at her feet, tails wagging.

“Hi honey,” she said happily, when she saw me standing in the doorway, watching her. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving! I hope you don’t mind, but I decided to fix us a little something to eat.”

“No problem,” I replied. The dogs looked up at me, wagged their tails some more, but didn’t move. “My house is your house.”

“Good, because it’s too late to stop now,” she laughed as she laid out the food onto the plates.

I watched, still amazed at my luck, as she put the plates on the table and then untied the apron, showing me her naked body. As we sat and started to eat, Elke smiled at me. Both dogs moved over and lay down by her.

“Why are you smiling so bright?” I asked, between bites.

“Why not?” she replied. “I’ve got a great man, who gave me one of my best fantasies last night.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed,” I told her. “I can’t wait to start working on the next one, now”

Elke chuckled lightly, and we finished our food. After we were done, I told her we could spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool.

“That sounds great!” she replied. “But I think we both need to shower, after last night.”

When I suggested that we shower together, so I could get to those “hard to reach places”, she lightly pushed me away and laughed.

“As nice as that sounds, you had enough time with those ‘hard to reach places’ last night. I think we should shower separately. You go and make sure the pool is ready,” she told me.

“Oh, alright. You go clean up, and then I’ll go shower…alone ,” I replied, playing up my disappointment.

Laughing, Elke ran into the master bath and started up the shower. The dogs looked up at me, seeming disappointed that she was gone, and I shook my head, chuckling to myself.

A few minutes later, she came out, still nude and dripping wet, and said simply, “Your turn,” as she walked onto the patio towards the pool.

I watched as her tight, firm ass, the one that less than twelve hours earlier had taken my cock deep inside for the very first time, moved away from me, and shook my head, smiling.

By the time that I finished my shower, Elke was laying on a lounge chair, taking in the late morning rays, as the dogs lay in the shade under their favorite tree. I saw that she had one hand slowly moving between her legs.

I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, and she smiled, moaning softly, keeping her eyes closed.

As I sat in the chair next to her, I watched her open her legs and slide a finger into her wet pussy. I heard her moan as she started to slide her finger in and out of her hot little hole, and her hips soon started moving in rhythm with her hand.

She brought her other hand up to her chest and started softly squeezing her breast. As she began pinching her nipple, she slid her wet fingers out of her pussy, and started to slide them across her stiff clit, slowly at first, then quickly picking up speed.

It only took a couple of minutes before her breath became shallow and her hips started moving up and down. Shortly after that, she slid her other hand down her body and slipped two fingers deep into her wet pussy.

Elke let out a loud, low moan as she stroked her clit and fucked herself, and she dropped her legs, her feet hitting the patio pavement.

“Ohhh goddddd!” she groaned, as she planted her feet and raised her hips.

Soon, she collapsed back onto the lounge chair as her orgasm swept over her body.

I sat and watched, slowly stroking my now hard cock as she shook in climactic bliss, moaning and gasping.

As she started coming down from her orgasmic high, she slid her wet fingers from her pussy and started licking her fingers clean.

When she finally opened her eyes, she looked at me and licked her lips as she looked at my hard cock, encircled by my fingers.

Before I could say anything, Elke slid out of her chair, crawled over to me, and wrapped her fingers around my shaft.

“Oh yeah!” I softly moaned, as she slowly lowered her mouth over my hard cock, looking me in the eyes.

Elke raised her head just enough to keep the head of my cock between her lips, and started sucking firmly while she stroked the length of my shaft, the whole time maintaining eye contact.

She began to quickly bob her head a couple of inches, never going any deeper, and I could feel her tongue flicking along the bottom rim of my cockhead.

“Oh my god! That’s so good!” I moaned, as I reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair, placing my other hand at the back of her head.

At one point, she stopped bobbing and started to slowly lower her head, taking my cock deep into her mouth.

“Mmm,” she moaned, when she had the head of my cock pressed against her throat. She bobbed güvenilir bahis her head again, trying to push the tip even further.

“Oh my god, baby!” I gasped. “I’m gonna cum!”

Suddenly, Elke released my cock from her warm mouth and jumped up. “No, you’re not,” she said.

I sat back, gasping, and said, “Huh?”

“You heard me,” she said, grabbing my stiff shaft and pulling me up. “You’re not going to cum, yet. You’re going to fuck me first.”

She reached down to her chair and grabbed her towel, and then led me by my cock over to the diving board.

I stood and watched as she climbed up onto the diving board and spread her towel over the end. She got down on her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder at me.

“Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to join me?” she asked, wiggling her ass at me.

Now, I may not be the smartest man on the planet, but when a beautiful woman is right in front of me, on her elbows and knees, waving her naked backside at me, I know what to do, even IF my “little head” is doing the thinking for me!

I climbed on to join her, and Elke sighed. “It’s about time,” she said. “I was starting to think that I was going to have to finish myself off.”

Her last word came out more as a grunt, as I shoved my hard cock deep inside her pussy, burying it in one stroke.

“Oh yeah!” she moaned. “THAT’S what I’m talking about! Now fuck me!”

I held on tight to her hips as I ground my pelvis against her ass, and started thrusting forward.

“Oh shit!” she moaned, dropping her head to the board, which lifted her ass higher.

I started sliding my cock in and out of her wet hole, trying to maintain my balance as the diving board bounced with my movements.

After a couple of minutes, I pulled my shaft out of Elke’s tight pussy and had her lay flat on her belly on the board. As I crawled behind her and slid the wet head of my cock up and down her slit, she slipped her hand underneath her body and started rubbing her fingers along her clit.

I placed my cock at her hot opening, and thrust forward, bottoming out again. We both grunted as I filled her pussy, and the board shook again.

“Oh yeah, baby! Fuck me good!” I heard her moan as I slowly slid in and out of her.

I felt her fingertips graze across my shaft as she continued to tease her clit, and I knew that both of us were getting close to the end.

Soon, Elke started pushing her ass back at me, and her breathing was getting shorter. I could hear her pussy sloshing as I fucked her.

“Oh baby! I’m gonna cum!!” she moaned loudly.

“Oh yeah!” I replied. “You feel so good!”

“Yeah baby! Cum with me!” she gasped.

“Oh, yeah!” I bellowed, as I slammed forward and my cock started spurting my load deep inside her pussy.

“Oh yeah! I’m cumming! Oh baby, I’m cumming!” she exclaimed, as she pushed back at me, with her hips shaking.

As my shaft spewed it’s final drops into her wet hole, I collapsed onto her back, and we both lay there for a minute, catching our breath.

After a couple of minutes, I held tight to her hips, and rolled over, taking both of us into the cool water.

As I came up, Elke was laughing and yelling at me.

“That was mean!” she whined. “You could’ve at least warned me!”

“Yeah,” I replied. “I could have.”

She swam up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Pulling our bodies together, she brought her lips to mine, and we kissed passionately.

After we separated, I climbed out of the pool and got a large inflatable raft, and we both climbed on.

“So, what are you going to do with the guest house?” she asked, after a while, her fingers stroking my inner thigh.

“Well, I’d like to find someone that I know, and trust, to rent it to,” I told her. “That way, I know everything is safe, and I can spend more time at your place.”

“Well,” she started, with a sly grin on her face, “I just happen to know that Anita is looking for a place.”

“You ‘just happen’ to know this do you?” I asked, chuckling.

“I think that this place would be perfect for her,” she replied, ignoring my taunt. “It’s close to the train, so it’d be easy for her to get to work and school, and you’d have someone here on a regular basis.”

“This is true,” I said, thinking about the arrangement.

“Plus,” Elke added, “she’s still living at home with her parents, and she really wants to get out. And, having her here would make seducing her a LOT easier…for BOTH of us.”

“Aha,” I replied. “Your infamous ‘ulterior motives'”

“Who, me?” she retorted, her long eyelashes fluttering. “I’m sure I don’t know WHAT you’re talking about!”

I laughed and laid back as I felt her fingers wrap around my soft cock, coaxing it back to life.

Later that evening, as I was driving her home, Elke told me that I should drop in to the spa Tuesday night, to talk to Anita.

“I’m not going to be there, so she’ll probably be a lot more comfortable talking to you about it that way,” she said.

“Ok,” türkçe bahis I replied. “That sounds good.”

As I walked in the spa Tuesday night, just before closing time, Anita greeted me and gave me a tight hug. “Elke’s not working tonight,” she told me.

“I know,” I replied. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“Me?” she asked, sounding surprised.

“Yes, you,” I answered, chuckling. “Are you doing anything after work?”

“No, not really.”

“Good. Let’s go out for a drink, and we can talk for a couple of minutes,” I told her.

“Ok, that sounds nice,” she said excitedly.

A half hour later, Anita joined me outside, where I was waiting for her, and we walked to the pub/grill at the opposite end of the mall. Excuse me, I mean “Life-style Center.”

As we sat down at a table, I noticed that Anita had obviously spent some time freshening up and re-doing her make-up.

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” she asked, after we ordered our drinks.

I told her about my coach house, and made her the offer to live there, cheaply, in exchange for doing some of the yard work and pool maintenance.

“That sounds great!” she exclaimed.

I went on to tell her about the area, how easy it would be for her to get to school and work, and all of the other perks that would come with staying there, and she was very excited.

“There’s just one thing that bothers me,” she told me as we worked our way through our second drink. “What about Elke?”

“What about her?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t want to…interfere…with your relationship. I like her, and I like working for her,” she explained.

“Elke and I are friends,” I told her. “Granted, we’re very good friends, with very good benefits, but we’re friends. There is no way that you can ‘interfere’ with our relationship.”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “I just…”

“Look,” I interrupted, “before you make a decision, come out and look around, and then talk to Elke tomorrow.”

She sat and thought about that for a minute. “Ok, I guess that sounds fair,” she finally responded.

“Good. Do you want to come out tonight, before it gets too dark?”

“Ok,” she replied. “Let me call home, first, and let my parents know what’s going on.”

“Sounds good,” I told her. “Tell them that I’ll drive you home, too.”

A few minutes later, after we finished our second drinks, we were in my truck, and on our way to my place. On the drive, we were able to talk, and I found out some more about Anita.

She told me that she was 23 and going to college to get her degree in American History, and after that she wanted to teach.

She also told me that she was raised in a strict, conservative, Italian-Catholic family, and was the only daughter. She was a gymnast in High School, and it was considered a great triumph that her father let her compete, despite his feeling that sports, especially something like gymnastics, was not the proper thing for a young lady.

Her parents had met Elke, and really liked her, and after they heard about what had happened at the party with her now ex boyfriend, Billy, they liked me, too, even though they’d never met me.

“So they didn’t like him?” I asked.

“No,” she replied meekly. “After I got to know him better, I understood why. I was ready to break up with him after the party, but he just made it so much easier that night.”

“I can imagine,” I chuckled.

“Besides, he was lousy in bed. He was too selfish,” she told me.

“Oh my gosh!” she gasped. “I can’t believe that I said that! It must have been the wine! I’m sorry!”

“That’s not a problem,” I assured her, as I turned into my driveway.

As I pulled up to the house, the sun was setting, but Anita still looked around wide-eyed.

“This is all yours?” she asked.

“Yes, I inherited this place from my uncle,” I explained. “He designed and built the entire place.”

“Wow! This is nice!” she exclaimed, as we walked to the coach house.

As we walked through, Anita was in awe. I was in awe, too, as I watched her tight, young body. She was maybe 5’3″, and couldn’t be more than 115 lbs. She had a tight little ass and nice, firm, perky breasts on her frame, and it was obvious that she continued to stay in shape.

“This is where I’ll be living?” she asked, breaking my train of thought, after we went through the entire house.

“This is the coach house, yes,” I replied. “You’ll also have access to the pool.”

“This is bigger than my parent’s house!” she exclaimed.

We then walked over to my house, and I introduced her to my dogs. They all took to each other, and I knew that we would have a deal.

As we walked back to my truck, so I could take her home, Anita stopped and looked at me.

“I’m really sorry that I said what I said before,” she told me. “I swear, it must have ben the wine.”

“And I told you, it’s not a problem,” I re-assured her. “There’s an old Roman saying, ‘In Vino, Veritas.’ In wine, there is truth.”

“I guess so,” she güvenilir bahis siteleri said. “Too much truth”

“Don’t worry about it!” I told her. “You’re not the first person to spill their guts under the influence.”

“Well, thank you for being so understanding,” she said, as she hugged me tightly. I could feel her breasts poke me in the top of my stomach as she held me.

As we finally pulled away from each other, we made eye contact, and I could see by the look in her eyes that Elke was right. It wouldn’t be difficult at all to seduce Anita.

When I brought her home, I went into her house with her and met her parents, in order to explain my offer to them, knowing that would help seal the deal.

When I explained all of the duties that would be expected of her, in exchange for living there and the use of an old car of mine, her father was agreeable, especially when I explained that I would be there at night for protection, along with the two dogs.

“It will be good for her, the extra responsibilities,” he told me as we shook hands over the deal. “Plus, with you and her boss, the German girl, Elke, we know that she’ll be safe.”

“Yes, sir,” I told him. “Between the two of us, we’ll take very good care of her.”

“Good!” he exclaimed. “Anita, you start packing, and we move you next weekend.”

“Sir,” I told him, “moving her won’t be a problem. I’ll get a couple of apprentices, and they’ll do all of the heavy lifting for us.”

After a couple of glasses of wine, I left for home, and called Elke to tell her the news.

The day that she moved in, Elke was there, and it was the first time that Anita got to see all of the property in the full daylight. She marveled at the pool, and I told her that the way it was laid out, the pool was completely private.

“That means that if you want to get an all-over tan, no one will see you,” Elke told her.

“Oh,” Anita giggled. “I couldn’t do that!”

“Sure you can,” Elke assured her. “You’ll be surprised at how sensuous it feels, with the sun warming up your entire body like that.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Anita said softly, blushing at the thought. Elke looked at me and winked.

After my guys had moved everything in, Elke announced that she had to leave, telling us that she was going to her sister’s for the weekend, and told Anita to “take good care” of me while she was gone.

Anita blushed and laughed as she walked back to the guest house to start unpacking, and Elke hugged me to say good-bye.

“She’s all yours,” she whispered in my ear. “Have fun, and I’ll try to stop by later, after I’m done abusing my vibrators, thinking about what you’re doing with her.”

A couple of hours later, I stopped in on Anita and told her that I was going to cook out that night, and when she was done, she should come over and eat and take a dip in the pool.

Just as I was firing up the grill, Anita walked over wearing a pair of flip-flops and a cover up. I could see a cute, firm pair of legs sticking out from under her wrap, and started wondering what else she was hiding.

I poured her a glass of wine, and told her to take advantage of the pool while I got the food ready. Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched as she dropped her cover-up to the deck and started walking towards the edge of the pool.

“Wow! You look great!” I told her, as my eyes took in the sight of her firm, petite body in the bikini that she was wearing. It showed off a pair of firm breasts that were bigger than I had expected, and a nice, tight little ass.

“I’m sorry,” she replied. “I hope this is ok. It’s really the only swim suit that I have. I wore it last year, when a few girls from school and I went to Jamaica for spring break.”

“It’s fine,” I assured her. “If you wore that on spring break, you must have gotten a lot of attention from all the drunk college boys.”

“Yeah, a little,” she replied, blushing. I continued to watch as she dove into the pool, and I started cooking a couple of steaks.

A few minutes later, Anita climbed out of the pool and put her wrap back on, not tying it, and walked over to the table where I was setting out dinner.

“On my god!” she exclaimed as she sat down. “That felt SO good! I may have to come over and use this pool all the time!”

“I told you, you’re welcome to use it whenever you want,” I said as I took in the sight of her wet body finishing her glass of wine.

“Well, I don’t know if I could come over when Elke is here,” she said, taking another glass of wine from me.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Well, she’s so tall, and beautiful, and, well, I just wouldn’t want to do anything to be in the way,” she answered.

“I guarantee you that Elke won’t mind, and I’m certainly not going to complain about having TWO beautiful women running around my pool,” I joked. ” Especially when I’m the only man here!”

She blushed again as she sipped her wine, and then started cutting into her steak.

We talked some more as we ate, and she helped me clear the table when we were through. As we walked towards my house with the dirty dishes, she complained about how sore she was from the move.

“Do you have a hot tub?” she asked as we walked back towards the pool. “I could use a good soak.”

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A Perfect Day

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Michael woke up first, to the sound of the radio alarm. Static and raucous, early morning D.J. prattle drew him out of bed to hit the snooze alarm brusquely.

“Eight days and a wake-up,” he muttered as he crossed back to the bed and under the covers for another nine minutes of sleep. His head had no sooner touched the pillow than he was back in that place between waking and dreaming.

“The alarm baby,” came a murmured reminder in his ear nine minutes later. It was that which finally roused him from his rest, and not the loud, unclear announcement that the number one hit this week was the new hit single from the current number one pop sensation.

“I know,” was Mike’s mumbled reply, as he forced himself out of bed again, shutting the alarm off this time instead of hitting the snooze button. “Got it,” he said again as he made himself head for the bathroom instead of the bed. He pushed open the door, shouldering the sticky door jamb open. He flicked the light on and turned on the water without thinking, the cold liquid splashing on his forearm. He waited a moment for the water to warm up, glancing over at the still sleeping form of his girlfriend. She’d take her shower after his, as usually went their weekday routine.

It wouldn’t be the routine for much longer though, he thought as he stepped into the small, one-person shower an adjusted the nozzle. Warm showers never really woke him up very well, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to be taking a cold one: that was for if you needed to kill an erection or if the hot water was out.

Fortunately, he was in neither condition. In fact, the sex last night have been downright nasty; lately he and Misti had been expanding their sexual horizons, and it had yielded some incredible results. Just the thought of it was enough to get him a little horny, and a little more awake.

He opened the shower curtain slightly and glanced at the pocket watch he kept on the door handle, so he’d know how long he could shower for. His time was just about up, so he stepped out and grabbed a towel from the rack, moving over to the bed and drying himself.

“Come on baby, time to get up,” he whispered to Misti as she forced herself awake. Mike leaned down and kissed her cheek, and she made a vague attempt back as she slid out of the bed, naked, and ambled into the shower.

He went over to the computer and turned the volume back up, playing some wake-up music. He dressed in uniform quickly, the Air Force blues of Monday through Thursday being replaced by Friday’s BDU’s.

“Certainly hope if we get attacked it’s on a Friday,” he said to himself under his breath, in sarcastic commentary about the policy of wearing dress uniform four days of the week, but battle dress uniform for the last. “Since we’ll all be dressed for it.”

He heard the shower water shut off just as he finished dragging a razor over the stubble on his chin. Sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his boots up, Mike watched Misti emerge from the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and clutching the towel to her body for warmth. He loved her slim, water soaked figure, and more importantly the smile that adorned it. He watched with a small measure of amusement and curiosity as she dried her face and hair; the water beaded up nicely on the hair between her legs. She usually shaved her pubic hair, but when she spent time on base with him, the one-person bathroom didn’t afford enough room to maneuver well enough. He didn’t mind, really; her pussy still tasted the same either way.

She smiled at him as she caught him looking, covering up and drying down there so he wouldn’t have anything to look at. They were both like that: demons in bed, but when out of it could blush at the wrong turn of a phrase. Or, in the right mood, be as irreverent as hell. It was one of the most fantastic things about their relationship: it covered everything. The whole gamut.

“I’ve gotta get going hon; I’ll see you at lunch, ok?” Mike said as he stood up, the camouflage gear framing his figure. He was trim, athletically muscular; his normal shock of hair on top had all been trimmed close. Not only was summer in the south unbearably hot with hair, but Misti really liked him with short hair. Not many people agreed, but he didn’t really care. If she liked it, she got it.

Misti smiled and nodded, brushing her teeth and mumbling an “I love you” around the toothbrush. Mike laughed and kissed her on the forehead, and then left the room, closing the door behind him solidly.


Whenever Misti was around, work dragged by incessantly. He knew she was going to be online, waiting for him to get home for lunch so they could spend it together. He was actually pretty confident that he’d be able to get off work early, since there wasn’t that much to do at the office today. And if the NCO’s let their troops go home early, that meant that they could go home early too: everybody won.

He was sitting at his desk, moving back and forth in the wheeled swivel chair when the email notification sound went off on his güvenilir bahis computer. He arched an eyebrow and swung around to face his computer, quickly clicking his mouse to open it up. As he’d both expected and hoped, it was from Misti.

TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]
SUBJECT: Hey baby…

Hey baby! Can’t wait to see you for lunch. Do you think you’ll have the afternoon off? If so we should go out to eat, maybe take a walk down to the Waffle House like we used to. Love you ooches and bunches!


TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]
SUBJECT: RE: Hey baby…

Sounds wonderful hon; and yeah, I should be able to get off this afternoon. Can’t wait to get lunch with you! Love you tons and infinitiestest!

Mike smiled as he hit the send key, and then looked at the clock; half past ten. Only another half hour. It wouldn’t be long before it was…

“…time to go, man.”

Mike glanced from the clock to his co-worker and fellow airman, Jeff. Jeff was the closest thing to a friend he had down here.

“What do you mean? We’ve got another half hour, don’t we?”

“Nah,” he replied, while gathering up his things. “Sergeant Kahney said that we could cut out; the rest of the day is a bust, so no need to just kill time until we get to leave. We’re outta here.” Jeff snatched up the keys to his truck, and headed towards the door. Mike blinked once, shrugged, and snapped off the power on his computer without bothering to shut it down properly. Hell, it was the weekend: he could deal with computers again on Monday.


“Careful hon, walk on the other side,” Mike said as he and Misti walked along the side of the highway. They had just had a wonderful lunch at the Waffle House: they’d packed away enough coffee, juice, toast, eggs, hash browns and grits to last the rest of the weekend.

They were trying to beat the approaching storm clouds; they were about half a mile from the base, and the streets were practically deserted with, unbeknownst to Misti and Michael, a severe weather warning issued for the state of Alabama.

They had only gone another few dozen yards when a car pulled off the road a little bit in front of them. Mike and Misti both watched it but thought little of it; the driver was keeping the motor going, so the two assumed that they were just checking a map or some such.

When they were within ten feet or so of the vehicle, the passenger side opened up, and out stepped a tall, lanky black man with the biggest afro that Mike had ever seen. He walked with purposeful strides towards the couple, and Mike was immediately suspicious. Misti tightened her hold on his hand slightly.

“Gimme your purse,” the guy said with a southern accent almost too thick to understand. Mike stepped in front of Misti, pulling her behind him with his right hand, the other out in front of him, palm out and fingers splayed unaggressively.

“She doesn’t have a purse, and I don’t have my wallet on me,” he said off the bat, the quickest lie he could come up with. The thug had his right hand in his pocket, and something was jutting against the fabric. Whether it was a gun, a marker, or just his fingers Mike couldn’t really tell. He was trying to feel out the situation, but he knew that a situation like this usually didn’t last long enough to feel out. This was a hit-and-run heist.

“Fuck you nigga, gimme your motherfuckin’ wallet man! The bitch’s too” he shouted, taking another step forward. “Or I’ll fuckin’ blow your ass away.”

The man was half a step away from Mike and Misti, Mike between the two of them. He wasn’t sure, but he -thought- the guy was bluffing about the gun. He frowned, and hesitated for just a moment before making up his mind.

He didn’t say a word, just made the motions that he’d thought about in his head, in case something like this ever happened. He started to turn to his left, moving his body at the waist. With his left hand pushing back behind him, he forced Misti to move to her right; he felt her stumble against the sudden push. He didn’t have time to tell her to go right and duck, so he had to push her out of the way. With his other hand shooting out, he made a grab for the man’s left arm, hoping to spin him to the man’s right, so that the gun would be pivoted away from himself and Misti.

He almost made it; he had the man’s arm for a half second, before he wrenched it away. Mike hadn’t been able to push forward far enough to get a good hold, because he had to lean back a little to push Misti to the ground. “Shit,” he thought, as he saw the guy start to pull his hand out of his pocket. “Should’ve given him the wallet.”

It wasn’t a gun, though; Mike had a second to thank whatever fates were watching over him right then before realizing that it was still a weapon; a switchblade in fact. At least, he was pretty sure, that Misti was safe for the moment. He could hear some kind of yelling from the guy who was driving the car, and for a moment his attacker hesitated.

“Fuckin’ lucky, türkçe bahis nigga; I’m gonna kill you next time I see you,” he threatened, and then slashed at him almost nonchalantly. There, Mike made his second mistake and threw his arms up reflexively. His form was good, if he had been struck at with a fist. As it was, however, the knife cut across the top of his forearm as slickly as a hot knife through butter. The man got into the car, and peeled out back onto the highway.

It had happened so suddenly that at first there wasn’t even any pain. He had felt the knife cut him, and there had been a shocking sense of revulsion, as immediately he thought “Oh man, there’s going to be blood, it’ll probably be pretty bad, and Misti’s going to freak…”

He was right, there was blood. He wasn’t sure if he was right that it was bad, but he did know that he was wrong about Misti. She was at his side almost immediately, swearing profusely at their attackers and looking at his arm.

“That was stupid you know,” she chided him sternly, as she looked over his arm. “You should have just given him the wallet.”

Mike sighed and nodded; even if the wound wasn’t bad, listening to this -would- be. Both because it was something he knew she would say, and because she was right. The trip back to their room was long and arduous if only for that fact.


It took the better part of the day to fill out the forms, both civilian and military, and at the end of it the two of them were ready to settle in for an evening together, in their room. The door opened, they shuffled in, and it closed resolutely. They both collapsed onto the bed heavily, Michael with a slight wince.

Eventually they got up, and went about preparing for the evening.

“That was still a stupid thing to do in the first place, you know,” Misti said again, swatting him weakly on the ass. She was on her back, and he was laying on his stomach. The two of them had just finished taking showers, and both were wrapped in towels.

“Yeah, I know,” he muttered, wiggling his ass back appreciatively at the slap. He couldn’t tell if he had done it out of habit or because he really was feeling wiggly, but he decided it didn’t matter.

“Does it still hurt?” she asked, rolling onto her tummy and laying partly on Mike, resting her head on his shoulder, looking at the small, fine hairs on the nape of his neck.

“Lil’ bit,” he mumbled, resting his chin on the bed and letting his eyes slip closed. She was still a little strung up on adrenaline from what had happened; while everything was going on it had just been a shock of anger and frustration. Afterwards, the adrenaline had kicked in. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to get any sleep tonight.

But that was ok; she was sure she could think of other things to keep her busy. She smiled a little and ran her fingers over his neck, lightly playing with the hairs there. A small sound of enjoyment rumbled from his chest as she slowly traced her hand lower over his bare back, tracing the tattoos there and continuing lower.

Her fingers hit the ridge where the towel and his skin met, and with a deft hand nudged it lower, tugging it and pulling it open. Mike turned his head to face her, but she was looking down at the curve of his ass as her fingers played over the supple flesh there.

“What’re you doin’?” he asked slowly, curiosity mingled with anticipation. There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked back at him, resting her palm on his ass cheek, cupping and squeezing it. She was feeling particularly aggressive, he figured; probably had wanted to take that guy by the afro and smack him around, calling him Susan.

“Just hush and enjoy it,” she said, knowing he loved having his ass played with. He smiled and shrugged slightly, crossing his arms above his head and resting on his forearms, his eyelids closing as he laid back to enjoy it.

She turned her attention back to his ass, intent on enjoying the evening to the fullest, however she wanted to. It was, she knew, going to be a very fun evening. Her fingers continued to tease lightly over his ass, playing through the very fine hair over most of his ass cheek, and then closer to the spot where his cheeks curved and met, the hair darker there. She brushed through the hair there, her fingertips lightly teasing over his asshole. She spread the cheeks a little and caressed it, grinning when she noticed how it puckered a little. He moaned at the sensation, which was always a good thing too.

She didn’t say anything yet, just kept his ass cheeks spread and slowly dragged the pad of her index finger up and down that valley, watching his body react to her touch. She loved how she could turn him on, how one minute he could be fighting violently and the next be just putty in her hands. Well, she was going to enjoy the hell out of this putty tonight. She knew he loved it when she took control, when she was aggressive and just used him for her pleasure and enjoyment.

Her finger moved up and down, occasionally moving lower and tangling through güvenilir bahis siteleri the hair by his balls. She loved the thick curls there, and played her fingers through it, occasionally teasing his balls. She noticed his cock getting harder, and it gave her a rush. Such a gorgeous body, and she could make it react however she wanted. She loved it.

“Yeow!” he yelped as she suddenly smacked his ass sharply, a devilish grin on her lips. She uttered a light chuckle and rubbed the spot that she had slapped, caressing it with her palm and fingers. “Mmmm… you like that, bitch, don’t you,” she whispered as she massaged his ass cheeks some more. The low groan was enough to tell her what she couldn’t make out from his whispered reply. She spread his ass cheeks wide again, and this time leaned down, dragging her tongue the length of that valley; from the base of his ball sack, up over his ass hole, and past over his back.

She dragged her tongue back down again, retracing the route she had taken, pausing and licking his asshole a little more, pushing down and sliding her tongue inside his ass. She could feel his legs and the rest of his body tensing up, shifting and grinding against her mouth. He groaned loudly, pulling his legs underneath him slightly and spreading them wider apart, giving her better access to his tight, puckered hole. She tongued his asshole, licking and probing inside of it, loving how much she knew he was getting off on the idea. Finally she stopped, licked her finger and started to tease his asshole, watching him push against the bed, clutching at the sheets and wriggling his ass in her face.

“Mmmm, you like that don’t you, you dirty little whore. Love getting your ass teased and played with. God, you’re such a naughty little bitch.” He writhed and moaned, whispering back: “Oh yeah… yeah, I love it… love it because I’m such a good little bitch for you.”

She continued to tease his ass with one of her hands, while she licked the palm of the other. Her saliva coated it slickly as she reached underneath, between his legs and grabbed his hardening cock lightly, rubbing it up and down, jerking him off slowly while her other finger played with his asshole.

She stopped for another moment to smack his ass again, loving the red handprints that rose up after a few moments. She grinned and smacked him again. “Such a good little bitch; I love smacking your ass you nasty little bitch. Tell me how much you love it,” she said as she slapped him again.

“Oh yeah, I love it… love it when you smack my ass… please, please smack my ass, fuck me good baby…”

“Oh, I will,” she said as she pushed him onto his back, the towel pulling off as his cock, stiff and rigid, laid on top of his belly. She grinned, and licked it as she started to crawl up his body, cat-like in her grace. He watched her approach with wide eyes, his body anticipating everything that might come. She paused at his nipples, a wicked glint in her eyes as she viciously grabbed one and pinched hard, tugging it away from his chest.

“Mmm, good little bitch… you like that don’t you bitch… fucking love it don’t you.” She loved the chance to cut loose, to be as lewd as she had ever wanted with him, loved that he was comfortable enough with her to let her call him those names and how turned on he got by it. She used her other hand and grabbed the other nipple, squeezing them both mercilessly; the harder she pinched and pulled, the louder his moans got. His hands covered hers, strong and compelling, and pinched with her, urging her on harder. Her hips were straddled over his, and she ground her pussy against the length of his cock, slicking it up with her juices.

She finally finished playing with his nipples and crawled further up, moving over his chest and to his neck, her knees on either side of his face as she looked down at him. The view was imposing, and she loved it.

“I’m gonna fuck your face so good, you little whore. I’m gonna fuck you reeeeeally good.” She turned around so that she was facing his cock, so she could play with it if she wanted, and then lowered her pussy to his chin. She was soaking wet, and she could hear her juices squelching into his face as she rode him wildly, humping his mouth and slicking his face with her wet cum. She shivered and massaged it into his face, feeling his tongue and lips wildly eating her out, his chin rubbing against her clit over and over as she fucked his face. “Mmm yeah… yeah, eat me out baby.. that’s it…” She felt his tongue go for her ass, and then straightened a little, moving forward just a little. If he wanted at her ass, well, she’d definitely let him.

“That’s it, you nasty little bitch… eat my ass. Lick my asshole baby…” she didn’t wait before she put her weight on her knees and then reached back, spreading her cheeks widely, her nails digging into her skin as she gave him access. His powerful arms were wrapped around her thighs as his wet, strong tongue snaked between her ass cheeks, teasing the pink, puckered hole. She hissed with pleasure and whispered “Thaaaaat’s it my little ass licker… open your mouth wider… get it up there nice and good… lick that asshole… yeah, oh yeah god yeah… lick it, bitch… lick my ass like a good dog.. lick it all up you little fucking bitch…”

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A Bachelorette Party

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I looked at the computer screen; it was populated with the site addresses of bachelorette party organizers. I was looking for a bachelorette party organizer to arrange a bachelorette party for my childhood friend Cherry.

Cherry & I have been friends since first grade so when John proposed her it was automatically decided that I & Kelly, our other best friend, would be the bridesmaids.

Kelly, Cherry & I were best friends. We called ourselves “The three musketeers”

I choose an expensive site from the list and made my booking. I want to give cherry a memorable bachelorette party. Kelly & I planned this for days. We decided it should be a wild party and a very private one too. We cut down the guest list to only ten women. The female guests who were invited to the party were extremely close to three of us. It was an intimate circle of friends.

The next day I received a phone call from the site. They asked me many questions. They want to know about our preferred body type of the strippers and how far we want to go with the strippers. They explained to me that we could take as much freedom as we wish with the strippers.

They informed me about the extreme package which includes sex with the strippers. I was surprised by that. I never knew that sex was done at the bachelorette parties.

I knew cherry was a shy girl. She could give a public blow job maximum. On the other hand, I & Kelly are the wild ones. We wouldn’t mind a public display of our boobs or vaginas.

I knew that if I include sex in the package Cherry wouldn’t be happy with it so I came up with a solution. I told them we were ok with the touching and teasing, but if things went too far and any one of us want to go further then touching and teasing their wish should be fulfilled by the strippers accordingly. The correspondent from the site agreed with that and they gave me a safe word. The safe word meant that if a girl didn’t want a stripper to continue with his act with her, she could say the word to the stripper and he would stop the act. I agreed with them and confirmed my booking.

The next day, I called all ten guests of the party and informed them about the location.

Kelly was very excited when I told her about the safe word. She wants to know everything. When I told her they were offering sex too, she was not surprised by it. She told me she had heard about it from her many female friends.

Then suddenly she asked me, “Hey, Irene, How far will you go with a stripper? “

I was surprised by the question, “Well, I don’t know, I am not seeing anyone currently, so I don’t know. What about you?”

“You slut,” She laughed,” well, after Mark (her ex-boyfriend) cheated on me, I am looking for a revenge sex with someone so I don’t know either.”

“Ok, see you at the hotel.” I replied.


It was started like any other bachelorette party. We brought Cherry in the hall. Strippers started dancing and striping. Head stripper was controlling everything with a microphone. We started dancing with the strippers.

Cherry got a special attention from the strippers. They brought her in the middle and set her on a chair. They started dancing around her.

After some time they brought their specially wrapped penises around her. Cherry was embarrassed by three dicks around her mouth. We were cheering her up. After that, their dicks were unwrapped, right in front of her mouth. Cherry was stunned by the view of three huge dicks.

“Wow, impressive packages,” Kelly said from behind.

Then the head stripper announced,” Now, the bride will be testing her last three stranger’s dicks. It’s a pity that after this night she will taste only one dick for a life time.” We started laughing and cheering.

One stripper suddenly went behind the chair and pulled down Cherry’s dress to her waist.

Cherry’s full 34-D güvenilir bahis breasts were out on display. We cheered stripper’s attempt. Cherry was embarrassed and turned pale with the shame.

We started taking pictures with our cell cameras. She was still a bit reluctant, but was smiling.

The head stripper, whose name was Rocco, was strongly built and had one of the thickest cock I had ever seen, came forward and presented his dick to Cherry and told her to touch it. Cherry touch it slowly and reluctantly.

Then a stripper with the blonde hair, whose name was Thunder, approached Cherry and presented his dick to her and told her to stroke it. After some time my topless friend was stroking two dicks and that was a great site.

The third stripper who had a beautiful tanned body was roaming around the dancing guests and pulling their tops and T-shirts up.

The women were drinking and giggling. I and Kelly were cheering Cherry for sucking a dick.

The head stripper told Cherry to suck it and she did put his dick head in her mouth. We captured that moment in our cell-cameras. Then Thunder, whose dick was stroked by Cherry, pull out his dick from her hand and put it in front of her lips and told her to suck it. She obeyed him and pulled out the thick one from her mouth and put the long one in it.

Kelly and I were amazed by the show. We didn’t expect Cherry to do something like that.

Then all three strippers lift Cherry from the chair and brought her on the stage and they started pouring champagne on her. Her clothes were wet and clung to her body.

Rocco, the head stripper took her from the waist and put her on a table. Then two strippers parted her legs. Rocco put himself between her legs and started a dry humping. We were laughing at his attempts.

After he finished his dry humping, he asked, “Who are the bride’s maids?”

Everyone pointed at me and Kelly. They approached us and two of them started dancing around us.

Kelly was dancing with Thunder, the blonde one, who had a long penis and I was dancing with a tanned muscular body owner.

He whispered in my ears,” Hi, my name is Bullet.”

“Bullet, that’s a strange name, why they call you that?” I asked.

“Because I am fast like a Bullet,” He answered with a grinning smile.

He got himself behind me and pulled up my T-shirt with my bra. I tried to stop him but he was quick. A shiver went through my spine as the cold air hit my exposed breasts. They were 36-C and full. I am always proud of them.

Bullet pressed his body on my back and fondled my breasts. His semi hard dick was pressing into my ass.

I looked at Kelly and found her in the same position as mine.

Kelly’s T-shirt was also pulled up by Thunder and she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were 34-C sized, but her nipples were huge. She was always extremely free about her sexuality. I wondered maybe she was not wearing her bra on purpose. She was pressing her ass on the dick of Thunder.

Then Rocco announced to bring us on to the stage.

They lifted us and brought us to the stage. They removed our T-shirts and my bra.

Rocco announced,” Now, We will punish these two beautiful creatures for abandoning a beautiful girl’s (Cherry’s) sexual availability to the whole mankind.”

They poured a whole champagne bottle on both of us. They started dancing around us. They pulled my short skirt up and tucked it to my waist. They unbuttoned Kelly’s jeans and pulled it half way through her thighs. Their dicks were now erect and on display.

The women gathered around the stage. They were clapping and cheering us.

Rocco came close to me and joined by Thunder. They sandwich me between them. Their dicks were touching my ass and thighs. Kelly was dancing sensually with Bullet.

Rocco came close to my ear and told me,” If you türkçe bahis want to stop us you can use the safe word any time.”

“No, do your stuff I am enjoying it,” I replied with a smile.

Then, Rocco pulled my panties down in a flash. I was surprised by that. I tried to hide my pussy with my hand. Thunder grabbed my hands and pin them behind my back. I was naked; accept a mini skirt tucked up at the waist area like a small band.

I was aroused by all the touching and fondling from the strippers so I was wet down there, but thanks to the poured champagne no one would be noticing that.

Meanwhile, Kelly was putting a show with Bullet. She was letting him remove her jeans and panties. She had a little landing strip of pubic hair around her pussy area.

Then, Rocco announced that they were starting their punishments. They put us together on a table. They positioned us in a way that our boobs were pressing the table surface and our faces were facing the cheering girls.

Kelly was right next to me. She asked me with a vodka smelling voice,” Are you going to use the safe word?”

I said, “I don’t know. I am enjoying this.”

She said with a smile, “Me too.”

Rocco put his mouth at our faces and spoke,” If you don’t like anything, you can use the safe word any time, Ladies. Are you two sober enough to understand me?”

We nodded our heads in agreement.

Then the head stripper started rubbing his finger at our pussy lips. I was gasping due to the touch and Kelly moaned with the pleasure. Then he put a finger in our pussy entrance. Kelly grabbed my hand in the excitement. His finger was couple of inches in our pussies.

I watched Kelly, her eyes were closed and she was biting her lips. Then he withdrew his fingers from our pussies.

Then after a couple of seconds I felt a breath around my pussy. I grabbed Kelly’s hand. We knew what was coming. A tongue came in contact with my pussy lips.

The tongue started licking and I was in a heaven. A flame of desire shot through me. I was aroused beyond the limit. I was so aroused; I could have fucked a football team.

I grabbed Kelly’s face and kissed her hard. Her pussy was licked by Thunder and mine was licked by Rocco. The cheers of the girls became louder as we continued our kissing.

Then they stopped licking us. After a few seconds I felt a thick dick head at my pussy entrance. I looked at Kelly’s face. She was gasping for air and I knew the dick of blonde stripper was inside her. I want the thick dick in me, I want it badly so I pushed back on his dick but he withdrew. He was teasing me by touching his dick head to my pussy lips and withdrawing it.

While Kelly was moaning and I knew Thunder was fucking her.

Then suddenly, the thick dick head entered me in a one stroke. I grabbed the edge of the table and let out a loud cry. He was extremely thick. My pussy was full with his dick meat. He started thrusting in and out of me. His strokes were slow and measured. After some time he picked up his pace.

“Fuck me, please, Fuck me.” I said in a sensual tone.

I want this to continue forever. My pussy walls were tightening around his thick shaft. My mouth was open in an “O” shape suddenly I saw a dick right in front of me.

Bullet quickly placed his dick in my mouth. This was too much for me and I came hard around the thick one. My pussy walls started pulsing around his thick dick meat. I was shivering with the pleasure.

Rocco pulled out of me and switched his place with Thunder. Then Thunder was inside me. He was not as thick as Rocco, but he was long and he started ramming my pussy with some pace. Bullet’s dick was fucking my mouth with some pace.

From the corners of my eyes, I watched Kelly, who was taking the thickest one in her pussy and enjoying it. Bullet pulled out from my mouth and switched güvenilir bahis siteleri to Kelly’s mouth and Kelly came with his shaft in her mouth.

Rocco announced to bring Cherry on the stage. They brought her to the stage and placed her on a chair.

Rocco said in a loud voice, “Now it’s time for our final act.” Then he turned to Cherry and asked, “Boobs or face?”

Cherry didn’t understand and asked, “What?”

“Boobs or face?” asked Rocco again.

“Ahh…Boobs.” replied Cherry.

My best friend Cherry was sitting on a chair right next to me and a stripper pull down her dress again. Her breasts were exposed again. I could see her erect nipples, craving for some attention. She didn’t have any clue what would happen next.

They lined them selves behind me and Kelly.

Then Rocco asked Cherry, “Pick a bridesmaid.”

“What? Ah.., Irene, the right one.”

When she picked me, I knew what was coming. Rocco told Thunder that he was first. The blond stripper puts himself behind me and entered me in one stroke. Then he started ramming my pussy. I was wet and ready for his dick. He was fucking me with some pace. It was a careless fuck. He was giving me everything he got in his thrust. It was a fuck by a possessed man, searching for his release. My orgasm was also building in me.

I grunted. Kelly was right next to me on the table. She grabbed my hand and I came. My pussy walls started pulsing around his dick but he didn’t stop his thrusts. He was looking for his own release. I knew he was close. He would spray his load in my pussy any time.

Then suddenly he pulled out from my still pulsing pussy and rush to Cherry and started stroking his dick in front of her. After a few moments, He started spraying his load. First jet hit her left boob. Second and third hit the upper area of her boobs.

That was some sight. My best friend’s breasts were getting a semen shower.

Bullet placed himself behind me and started entering me.

Suddenly, Cherry said, “Wait, now Kelly and face.”

I was disappointed with her call. I wanted another orgasm. Bullet pulled out from my pussy and entered Kelly.

Kelly garbed my hand. Bullet started a savage ramming of her pussy. Kelly was enjoying every second of it. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning with every stroke. I couldn’t hold back myself and kissed her lips. She responded furiously. She pressed her mouth on mine. I could test some pre-cum from her mouth.

Bullet pulled out of her and rushed to Cherry and started unloading his load on her face. It was a huge load. Cherry’s face was like a canvas with semen on it.

Then it was Rocco’s turn. He placed himself behind Kelly.

“No, come here,” said Cherry to Rocco.

He smiled and went to her.

“I’ll finish this,” She said with a semen drenched face.

I couldn’t believe what she just said. My shy and reserved girlfriend was telling a male stripper that she wanted to finish him by giving him a hand job.

Rocco placed his huge dick right into her face. She grabbed it with one hand and started stroking it. The girls gathered around her and started, clapping and cheering her. She picked up some pace after a few moments.

“Don’t be shy and come on my face.” She said to Rocco.

“I won’t be,” said Rocco with a smile.

My friend just took two loads of semen on her breasts and on her face wanted more from a huge dick.

Rocco’s eyes were closed and I knew he was getting close to release.

Cherry knew that too, so she picked up the pace. Suddenly, Rocco started shooting his load on Cherry’s face. First few jets hit her cheek and lips, and then she aimed for her breasts. Rocco emptied his balls with jet after jets.

“That was last spray of seeds, you are getting from an unknown man,” said Rocco with a smile.

We dressed up and went to Cherry. She was smiling.

“That was quite a show you two put on there,” said Cherry.

“You are not far behind,” said Kelly and we laughed in unison.

(All the pictures from the party was deleted by us so don’t ask about any pictures)

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A New Beginning

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This is how it all began…

I have been married for nearly 7 years. About 6 months ago, my wife and I had a very big fight. Names were called, accusations made and threats leveled. In the end, she moved out, back home to where her parents lived. We had agreed in the past that our intentions were to relocate there, however, we just had not been able to financially afford the move. This devastated me. I didn’t know what I would do or if the marriage was worth trying to save. Over time, anger subsided and conversations between us began to show promise of a future together. I began to travel and visit her and the children and we became more amicable towards each other. Except in one way…Our sex life had come to a screeching halt.

I am a very sexual person. I enjoy the feelings of flesh on flesh, the heat of passion, the smell of wanton sex, the sight and sound of carnal pleasure. I was missing this terribly. Through our talks, I realized it would be awhile before our love life would ever resume. Enter ” the other woman”.

Jennifer and I had dated in high school and briefly after college. I guess you would call it dating , it was more like we were friends with “benefits”. We would party together or whatever, but we would always end up together in bed. Now let me tell you, she was definitely not your ordinary “partner”. She was rather uninhibited about sex. She did things to me I still have a hard time getting out of my mind. But I digress.

Over the past couple of months, I had been talking with Jennifer. She was aware of the situation I was in with my Wife. She was very sympathetic to me about what was going on. Like a good friend , she had been there to listen and offer advice. She had also been flirtatious with me a couple of times, bringing up different “escapades” in conversation. This part really helped boost my ego. I knew in my heart, she and I didn’t have a chance for anything to happen, but the thoughts of things possibly taking place kept my fantasies going when I had to “relieve” the pressures.

A couple of days ago, my wife and I had a heated discussion about different things, Money, our relationship, SEX. I had been feeling depressed due to the lack of any commitment on her part or advancement on our part. I was also Horny as Hell. I needed to pick up a couple of things in her store, so I decided to pay Jennifer a visit.

I stopped in at her store near closing time. I didn’t plan it that way, it just happened. Unfortunately, she had several customers ahead of me to wait on. Normally, I would have left and come back at a later time, but I needed some of the stuff she had ordered in for me. I sat on a stool beside the counter and waited my turn. When time came for Jennifer to wait on me it was past her closing time. She told me to wait a minute and proceeded to lock the door and flip the sign over to closed. I didn’t think anything about it at the time, I knew she had to go home soon anyway.

Upon returning to the counter, she began with the typical friendly conversation, asked what I was up to, how things were going, etc. I returned the small talk and steered the conversation to the reason I was there. ” I really need to get those cases and the battery pack for the phones.”

She proceeded to go into her little office and rummage around for a minute before returning with my stuff. She placed the items on the counter and teasingly asked, ” Is this all you need today?”.

Jokingly and with a wink, I replied that what I really needed was some relief. Jennifer just giggled and turned around. I immediately leaned over the counter some to try and take a look at her gorgeous rear. She had the kind that you want to lay beside and eat off of. She turned around abruptly and caught me in mid-stare. ” Caught you looking,” was her response to my obvious stare. Needless to say, I laughed lightly and tried to make some remark to blow it off.

As Jennifer rang up the sale, we continued with the light banter. I noticed her shrugging her shoulders and asked if there she was having a problem. She told me that she had slept wrong the night before and had stiffness in her neck and shoulders. I innocently offered to rub them for her and güvenilir bahis she accepted. I got up from my seat and moved around behind her. She was standing behind her register/computer and there wasn’t much room for the two of us, but I squeezed in as best I could.

I pulled her long golden hair out of the way and began by placing my hands around the upper portion of her neck and slowly working my fingers down with moderate pressure. I didn’t want to choke her, so I started working my way down towards her shoulders. The tension in her muscles was easy to feel. It was as if they were made of stone. I tried to move around to allow myself better leverage, accidentally grazing her behind with the front of my crotch. She let out a low moan.

I wasn’t sure if the moan was from the massage or my rubbing her rear, so I told her that there was not enough room to give a good massage and stepped out from behind her. “You are not getting away that easy. What you start you have to finish.” I just looked at her and let a sly grin appear.

Jennifer finished her work at the register and said to follow her. She took me into her small office. The room was dark and small. There were piles of stuff everywhere, all over the floor, on the table, on top of the desk and even in her chair. She went straight to her chair and sat down. Turning the chair to face away from me, she pulled her hair out of the way and said, “Now, is this enough room for you?”

“We will see,” I replied as I stepped up behind her. I returned my hands to her neck and began again with the massage. Slowly I worked my way out over the Trapezius muscles and finally ended at the outsides of her shoulders.

I sighed lightly, stepped back a step and told I was done. She leaned back in her chair, with her head draped over backwards and asked me If that was really all I could do.

“Well no,” I replied, “but I don’t want to create any problems for myself.”

“Don’t worry about that. Remember, I have had you inside me before so don’t feel ashamed if you get excited.”. How could I say no.

I stepped back up to her and began again on the top of her shoulders. This time instead of the deep pressure style, I tried a more flat palmed pressure approach. Easing back and forth, then slowly wrapping my fingers down, I started moving up and down. My fingertips coming into contact with her bare skin of her chest, exposed by her shirt. As I was massaging, her moans became deeper and more guttural.

In a move that surprised me, Jennifer reached up and started unbuttoning her shirt. I took this as a good sign and began to move lower on her chest with my hands, continuing now in a slow circular motion.

Each time around I would allow my hands to inch ever lower, until I finally began to make contact with the fabric of her bra. Not receiving any resistance from her, I went farther and farther down as my fingers began entering under her lacy fabric. With each successive drop, she became more verbal.

Catching me by surprise, she raised up and said ” Stop Right There.”

I asked if I had done something wrong

“No, not yet” she replied as she reached in , unhooked her bra, unbuttoned her shirt and removed it.

Settling back into the chair, she reached up and took my hands. She directed them directly onto her breasts and with a smile, looked up and said “Now that is better.”

With her looking up at me in that way and my hands covering her breasts, I couldn’t hold back anymore.

I leaned down as I began caressing her breasts again and placed my lips to hers. The passion for me was returned as she immediately thrust her tongue into my mouth. Our lips did their dance of passion as she reached above my head and pulled me closer.

Drawing away to get my breath, I removed my hands from her breast and slowly spun her chair around so we could face each other. Kneeling between her legs, she leaned forward and resumed our kiss. Our hands roaming over each other, trying to make as much contact as possible.

Our passions were growing. She asked me to stand up, then did the same herself. Without hesitation, Jennifer reached out and began pulling my shirt up. As I pulled türkçe bahis my shirt over my head, she placed her hands on the sides of my chest and leaned in close.

The sensation of her hot breath against my chest was incredible, but it was nothing compared to the jolt of electricity that went through my body as she darted her tongue out and made contact with my nipple. On seeing my reaction, she moved to the other side and did the same thing.

I pushed her back a little and looked her directly in the eyes. “Do you realize the consequences we face if we let this go any farther?”

” I know what I stand to lose, but I remember the incredible sex we use to have. I want to relive it once, if for no other reason than for the fun of it,” came her reply.

I was incredulous. Here we were two people, married to someone else, about to have sex, and I was not thinking one whit about my wife. In fact my brain wasn’t really thinking of anything but getting her clothes off.

Our kissing began again as she placed her hands on my head and pulled my lips to hers. Our tongues began their dance again as I pulled my hands from her sides and slowly reached up to cup her breasts. I began to slowly squeeze and fondle her as she removed her hands. I realized why when I felt a tug at my pants.

She fumbled for a second because I was wearing button fly jeans, but as soon as she figured it out, she gave no hesitation in opening my fly. I began squeezing her nipples between my fingers and she let out a gasp.

“MMMMM that feels good,” she responded to the work of my fingers.

“But this feels better'” she finished as she reached in and grabbed my now hard cock.

” I agree,” I said , momentarily breaking our kiss.

She tried to stroke me slowly , but there was not enough room for both me and her hand. To better the feeling, I removed my hands from her breasts, and began working my pants down over my hips.

When finally free, she wrapped both hands around my shaft and began stroking in earnest. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not hung like some porn star, but Jennifer has these petite little hands that make anything she grabs look big.

I moved my hands to her pants and began undoing unfastening them. Fortunately for us, they came open in a flash. The increased urgency showed as we began kicking our pants off.

Standing there in her office I drew back and took a long look at her up and down. “Just as nice as I remembered except for one difference,” I said to her.

“I like this better than before,” I breathed into her ear as I placed my hand on her clean shaven crotch.

Our kisses began again as I stroked the smooth skin of her outer labia. I could feel the swelling of her lips as her passion grew. The warm moisture from inside could be felt as I stroked my finger over the slit of her lips. This sent a shudder coursing through her.

“I remember something I never got around to when we used to go out.” I said softly. ” What’s that/” she asked

“I’ll show you,” I replied. “Get up here,” I said as I turned her and helped her up onto the edge of the desk.

“Could this mean what I think?” she questioned.

“Oh yes it does” was my reply as I slowly began tracing kisses down her neck.

I reached her chest and paid particular attention to her nipples, which were by now very erect and wonderful to suck on. Each time my tongue circled her areola, her chest would rise as she tried to push more of herself into my mouth. I switched to the other side and proceeded to do the same there. Again being met with the rising of her chest, this time with a hand behind my head pulling me into her flesh even harder. I knew she was enjoying this, but I had other things on my mind.

I began to trace little licks down her stomach. I began to notice the undeniable scent of her sex below. She anticipated my moves as now she had pulled her legs as far apart as she could and moved forward. This allowed an unobstructed view and easy access to her.

Upon reaching her lips, I slowly traced a line down one outer lip then the other. ” That feels wonderful,” she moaned. Not wanting to disappoint, I continued with slow flat licks güvenilir bahis siteleri of her lips, running from top to bottom and then back up.

This was the first time I had ever gone down on her. When we dated before, I had no experience and was afraid I would be bad at it. However, after watching a few porn movies and talking with a girl I knew that was a lesbian, I felt confident in my technique.

Next, I placed two fingers onto her very swollen lips and began easing them apart. To my excitement, her clit began to show itself proudly before me. Immediately I reached out with my tongue and flicked it lightly.

“Oh my, yes,” she barked. ” Do it more and don’t stop till I tell you to”

Happy to do so, I continued my attack. I would lightly flick her clitoris once or twice before placing my lips around it and sucking in. Each time with a hearty reply from Jennifer. Next, I let my tongue trace down until it was above the soaked opening of her passion. Reaching out until it hurt, I started pushing in, past her inner lips, until I felt her walls surround my tongue.

I eased a finger over and began rolling her love button around. It felt as if each successive touch of my finger sent a wave of contractions through her insides, each one squeezing my tongue buried deep inside.

“FASTER WITH YOUR TONGUE,” she said loudly as she reached down and pulled my head up a little.

Who was I to argue. So off I went, flicking my tongue up and down as fast as I could. ” THAT”S IT…OH YEAH…YOUR GONNA MAKE ME CUM…”she wailed.

I was looking forward to this. I had always wanted to give her an orgasm like no one else, so I slowed my tongue and inserted my finger inside.

“What are you doing,” she asked. ” I was so close.”

” Just relax and enjoy,” I replied before returning my mouth to the job at hand.

I began to reach farther inside until I could reach her g-spot. I drew my finger back across it and nearly got a bloody nose from the reaction. Jennifer had bucked her hips forward involuntarily and popped my nose with her pubic bone. I inserted my middle finger along with the first. “That’s even better,” she purred as she slowly ground her hips back and forth.

Unfortunately, I could not quite reach her g-spot with both fingers inside her so I pulled the middle one back out.

“Why did you do that,” she asked.

“Because I can’t do this,” I replied as I again drew my finger across her g-spot.


I eased my soaked middle finger down a little and began pressing it between her cheeks. I had eyes on her other prize too, but I didn’t plan on telling her about that yet. I continued to slowly flick my tongue across her clit, draw my finger across her spot and press my other finger farther down until it came into contact with her little rosebud of an anus.

“Whoa, You’re going to far there” she said.

“Just relax, I know what I am doing”

I continued to lick and flick her as I put steady pressure on her anal opening. I did not intend to enter her, but I did want to give her the best orgasm I could.

” Ooooh, Don’t stop now…JEEZ, you have got me so turned on…” she panted out while I worked away at pleasing her.

I could tell she was getting close again as she was driving her hips into my hand harder and her breathing was getting heavier.


I started pressing harder at her anus.


I closed my teeth lightly on her clit


I pressed harder and drew my finger across her g-spot.

” HOLY SHIT… I’M CUMMING…” she yelled out as her body became rigid. She began grinding her hips into my face while pushing my head into her sex.

I stopped my actions and just left my fingers in contact where they were as she came down from her orgasm. I knew that once she had calmed down I could remove myself from her, but at the same time I had to tease her a little. Lightly I moved my fingers and tongue just once to see what she would do. And was answered by her literally jumping back and removing her self from me.

“That was the most intense orgasm I have ever felt. How did you learn to do that?”

And with a sheepish grin, “I’ll have to tell you about that later,” was my reply.

“Well I guess I need to try and return the favor…” But that is another story entirely…

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Emma Finds her Mistress Again

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Andrew had recently got a new job. We were driving to spend Saturday with his new boss, John, and his wife. I had not met either of them and I knew I wanted to make sure that they liked me. Their house was about 45 minutes away from ours and on the drive I found myself daydreaming about the past. About my adolescence.

Just before I left school I had a crush on a young teacher. It was her first teaching post and she was only just older than me, though she actually only taught me a couple of lessons per week. She also lived around the corner from me. It was an all girls school so apart from talking about boys all the time there were the relationships that sprang up between girls and, though often derided, were fairly frequent. I had never had a crush on a girl before, certainly not a teacher before.

The teacher I liked was called Miss Pembleton, Susan, and she was beautiful and everything I wanted to be. I tried to hang out with her as often as possible. It wasn’t always possible and she could have laughed at the doe eyed girl that I was and told me to go away but she didn’t. I suppose it must have been very obvious. My friends often poked fun at me and made me embarrassed but she would just smile at me as though she found the situation amusing.

It wasn’t the humiliations from the others that caused me the most problem to be honest, it was to be expected, even I realised that. The humiliation of knowing that I had little, if any control, over my own responses or my own body was the worst thing. It was that knowledge; that my sex filled with liquids whenever Susan was near me, when I heard Susan’s voice, and if she asked anything of me. I wasn’t even thinking in terms of Susan as a lover, I hadn’t even thought that far, it was simply that she caused such a sexual response in me. The knowledge that Susan was in control of my arousal was the worst, even though of course she didn’t know anything. I presumed that I could keep this secret to myself.

One eventful afternoon I had raced to find her and had found Susan talking with other girls. I hung around self-consciously and gradually all her students went there separate ways. I was excited as I had never just been left alone with her without others being there. I could feel myself trembling.

“Do you want to come to my place?” I couldn’t believe my luck. My face was beet red and I was frightened I would make a fool of myself by speaking. I nodded and walked alongside her listening to her tell me about things that were going on in her life, leaving me to nod or shake my head. At the house she got us both a coke and we went upstairs into the room she rented. It was a large wonderful room, a little more untidy than I expected in my mind but it was cool.

Susan lay on the bed and I sat on the sat on it by her feet, twisting around to see her as she lay with her hands behind her head. Her legs were exposed high up her thighs and her breasts were pushed forward. I could feel myself blushing and leaking.

“You don’t have a boyfriend do you?”

“No.” Embarrassed, my voice croaking somewhat.

“Do you want one?”

“I don’t know really. I have never really thought much about it.” Feeling foolish. Not wanting to suggest any other allegiances could hold anything for me.

“Does your pussy ever get wet and itchy?” I nearly died. This was Susan, my teacher, my dream woman. I felt my face explode even though I thought I was red before. I looked at the bedcovers with great attention. I thought I might cry. Eventually I nodded. She looked at me, her eyes boring into me, though she smiled, a smiled which made me feel so naïve and young.

“Are you wet now?” The silence grew and grew again. Finally I nodded.

“What makes you wet?” Did she know? Was this innocent? My breath was problematic. I nodded my head dumbly. The silence grew. I wanted to go. I wanted to stay. I was caught in the headlights of the biggest truck of my life. A tear rolled down one cheek. I was afraid to move, even to hide it. I felt the bed move, felt her hand softly caress the tear across my burning cheeks.

She pulled me back slightly so I lay down over the bed with my legs over the edge. She was kneeling next to me, bending over me now as I stared up at the white ceiling. Soon her hair fell over my face, blocking out my view of the ceiling, all I could see was her face. I could smell her perfume. Her face was inches from me.

“Emma, you want to tell me don’t you? What is it that makes you so wet?” Her voice was husky and her breath smelt of past peppermints. I closed my eyes and felt them fill with hot salty tears again. “Tell me.”

“Oh you know…”

“Tell me.” The silence was never ending as she looked down at me.

“You.” A whisper pulled from me to fill the silence.

“Me? I make you wet? I can’t believe that.” Oh she could.

Her mouth touched me and her lips were burnt from my cheeks. Little kisses covered my eyes as wetness leaked from there too. “You are wet now aren’t you?” I didn’t know whether she meant my eyes or güvenilir bahis not. I simply whimpered. Her mouth moved until it covered mine. Open over mine. Mine open to hers in shock. I couldn’t move other than that. I was aware of the crack in my buttocks feeling wet as liquids ran down from me more and more. Her fingers slid under my blouse and over my stomach, over and over in the space between jeans and bra. Cool fingers, soft, touching me, Susan’s fingers touching my flesh. I lay passively as her mouth caressed my lips and her fingers traced under the fastening of my jeans tantalisingly. My body felt as though I was liquid as her lips continued to touch mine. My eyes were closed allowing the sensations of touch to take me. I felt her fingers deftly under my jeans and the zip opened as her hand slid inside over the lower half of my stomach. My back arched under her touch. My breath was so shallow I wondered if I might faint.

I was very aware that my pubic hairs were covered more and more by her fingers and her hand clutched me tighter and tighter in the confines of my jeans. Agonisingly her finger tip played just short of my sex. The longer it stayed there the more my feelings of sheer panic turned into desperate need.

“Lift, and push them down. Just a little.” Her mouth breathed the command into my face. My hips rose a fraction and my jeans were slowly tugged a little lower, just allowing cooler air to reach my lips before her fingers settled over them. I jerked suddenly up at her touch. She soothed me still.

“Oh God you are wet, little one.” Her head moved away. I dare not open my eyes to see, knowing what she was looking at. I shuddered. “You and your panties are sodden. I didn’t realise you were so wet, little one. Is this all because of me?” I couldn’t move despite the total shame. I didn’t want her to stop touching me. “Well is it?” I tried to say yes but my voice wouldn’t work. I choked vaguely then nodded. Her fingers began to play with me. I felt her all over my wet and puffy lips and gradually more insistently around my clit. It was totally humiliating and yet I was totally spellbound. Her mouth reached down again. Kissing and licking my face she made me feel so wanted, so alive. Her fingers at one end of me her mouth at the other and my face covered with her hair so I could not see any of it, just feel.

She stopped a moment. “Emma do you want me to carry on?” Her voice deeper now.

“Oh yes. Oh yes.”

“Do you want me to kiss you?”


“Do you want me to do anything else?”

“Oh yes.” A soft husky voice came from me. “Please.”

“Tell me what you want my baby. Tell me exactly. Come on.” She spoke into my face. Giving me kisses as full stops. I was embarrassed and shamed. I couldn’t speak. Her fingers touched me again briefly and then were not there. “Tell me!”

“Please. Please… I want… I want you… to touch… finger… me… my… my pussy.” She did and I came almost immediately. The world seemed to stop for an age. I seemed stuck by pleasure. I didn’t want the situation to change, ever. A pink cloud invaded me thoughts, then my body shook with the ferocity of it. I spasmed and spasmed under her mouth and under her fingers. My hairs and hers were stuck to my face. My breathing was ragged. She kissed me softly.

I lay compliant as my blouse and bra came off. Susan’s hands and mouth explored my small pert tits. Pleasure pulsed through me still, it was like a warm haze in me. My jeans were pulled off. I realised that I was naked, Susan had made me naked, had wanted me naked. I watched as she stood and pulled her own clothes off revealing her beautiful body. She was really beautiful. She lay next to me. I could feel the heat from her skin on mine; I could feel the thumping of her heart inside her as she pulled my face to her breasts. I rubbed my face over them, took the nipples in my mouth and suckled as her fingers played in my hair.

“You’re mine now aren’t you?”


“Who do you belong to now, little one?”


“Just me?”


“Is that what you want?”

“Oh yes.”

I felt a push onto my shoulders and wasn’t sure what to do. I looked up at her face.

“Kiss me.” I began to move up. “No. Kiss my pussy. Pleasure me now. That’s what you’re for now isn’t it? To give me pleasure.”


I had never done this before but it seemed to come naturally. I slid down between her thighs and she lifted them on each side of me. Looking up I saw her hands on her own breasts, the nipples standing proudly to attention. I kissed her skin. I kissed her thighs that enveloped me, then moved to her pussy. I had never seen another girl’s pussy before. It seemed similar to mine but seeing it so close and looking so open was a shock and my heart raced. She was wet, I could see it on the pin folds. I could smell her perfume of excitement. She wanted me to do this I thought happily. My mouth moved forward and I kissed her mound delicately. A hair attached itself to me and I rubbed it clear türkçe bahis before kissing her labia. They seemed large and swollen, they gaped with her spread legs. I licked her and her taste overwhelmed me. I didn’t know what to do and fear washed through me thinking I may not do it correctly, not give her pleasure. I pretended my tongue was a finger, and thought of what I would like. It was far better than a finger. It could lap and stab and probe and all the time I could taste my new wonderful lovers juices.

I licked and kissed her and slowly found both a rhythm and the things that she seemed to respond to most. Her body moved and jerked as I held onto her bottom. Soon I could tell that she was going to cum. Her hands grasped my head and forced me against her, rubbing my head over her, taking control. My face was covered in her earthy juices. I felt her hot slippery flesh grinding over my mouth and face. I thought I might suffocate. I desperately needed her to cum too. Against me, using me, because of me. She did and I almost came again as her body jerked and arched against me.

We lay there like that together for a while, me between her spread legs, her laying back breathing heavily and staring vaguely at the ceiling. My face pressing against her pussy and my tongue moving lazily over her.

“Will you think of what you have done later? Will you finger that wet pussy and think of me, little slut?”

“Oh yes.” Blushing at the name and seeing myself later fingering myself wildly at my memories.

“Would you like it if I let my little slut do it again?”

“Oh god yes.” My pussy felt like it had been touched.

Andrew’s voice intruded suddenly. “What was that? I didn’t hear you properly.” I looked at him realising I must have spoken aloud.

“I’m falling asleep. That’s all.” Trying desperately to cover up.

“That’s OK, I’ll wake when we are near.” I closed my eyes feeling my face redden. My thoughts wandered again quickly. I realised that my panties were damp.

“So why are you here?” I was unable to read Susan’s face. I was standing in her downstairs lounge. It had been the first time that we had been alone since that fateful time a few days ago when she had loved me. Since then my head had been in a spin. Each time I had seen her I had been scared that she would reject me, but she hadn’t, nor had she done much about it. Obviously we had to keep it quiet but occasionally I had felt her hand on my shoulder or stoking my hair. Once she had kissed my cheek, but this was the first time with real privacy.

“To see you.”

“And what had you hoped would happen?” Her face changed and she grinned at me. I relaxed and literally felt my shoulders unwind.

“I just wanted to be with you.”

“I think you wanted more than that, didn’t you, my little pet?” She moved behind me and as she held my shoulders gently I felt her lips on my neck. My eyes closed as I moved my neck to allow her access but otherwise I was afraid to move. “I think you wanted more than just to see me, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Yes.” I mumbled.

“And what did you want?”


“I think you wanted more didn’t you? I think you wanted much more.”

“Yes. Yes.” My breathing was loud and I felt dizzy. My body pulsed. I felt her fingers on my tits through my blouse and I pushed forward into her hands. She was gentle and harsh in such sweet rhythms. I felt her fingers undoing the buttons and removing my blouse.

“Here? Not here, please, someone may come.” My eyes didn’t open.

“Oh yes Pet. Here. It’ll be you that cums. Eventually.” She laughed.

“Someone may see.”

“That’s right little one, they may. But I want you naked here, now. You want to please me don’t you?”

“Yes. Yes.” I murmured as her fingers undid my bra and both that and my blouse fell to the floor. Her fingers took my tits. Her hands took possession of me. She squeezed and caressed. Her fingers teased and pulled my nipples until I was lost in pleasure. I pressed my naked back against her softness and eventually I felt her she unfastened my shorts and they slid down my legs.

“This is the last time….” Her face was at my neck still.

“Oh no. Please. No. Susan please.” She chuckled against me.

“You want to see me again?”

“Yes. Of course. Yes.”

“I wasn’t going to say I wasn’t going to see you again I was going to say that this is the last time that I undress you. I like you naked and I have undressed you enough. You will do it in future wont you?”

“Oh yes. Oh yes.” Relief.

“When you see me again and we are alone you will immediately strip for me wont you my pet?”

“Yes.” One hand was at my tits the other lower, fingers were at my sex, touching and rubbing me through my panties. My head was thrust back opening up my neck, allowing her to know that I was hers.

“You’ll strip for me as soon as we are alone without being told and you’ll make me happy knowing that my little pet is giving her rude little body to me. Will you like that?”

“Oh yes. Oh güvenilir bahis siteleri yes!” She had fingered me through my panties now until I was whimpering. I wanted her to touch me directly. I wanted to feel her directly on me.

“What will you do?”

“I’ll undress for you. Be naked for you.”

“Yes that’s a good girl. You will. For me.”


Her fingers were more and more insistent. I could feel the pleasure mounting but then she stopped and walked away from me as I stood shaking. I stood watching as she deftly undid her skirt and stepped from it, and then, as she sat, pulled off her panties as I stared at her, yearning filling me.

“Now take off those sodden panties of yours and come and lick me like my slut.” I did as I was told eagerly.

“Come on Emma, wake up, we’re there.” I opened my eyes as we pulled into a large drive. My body was aroused. I sat up and tried to empty my mind desperately hoping my wetness had not come through onto my trousers.

The house was lovely. We parked in the drive and knocked the big knocker on the old wooden door. I knew Andrew would be good, he was in these situations and if not he would respond quickly to my suggestions. John opened it and was effusive with his welcome. The hall was large and sunny, decorated with style, real paintings on the wall. John seemed quite pleasant, quite a few years older than Andrew I guessed but very pleasant and quite attractive. He took my jacket and showed us through to the lounge, sitting us down and asking us if we would like drinks. The room was large and decorated as the hall with taste, I was beginning to be quite impressed.

John returned. “I’m sorry I am informed by my dear wife that lunch is ready for serving and we have to go through.” He looked amusingly sheepish. I had seen the same look on Andrews face at times. A man controlled by his wife and accepting it. I smiled and we walked through. And then I nearly died. Susan stood there smiling at us all. My legs felt weak and my breath caught. People moved and I moved, I felt like an automaton. Susan came over and kissed my cheek, her perfume enveloping me, her hands on my shoulders. Everyone sat down and the chatting began, becoming less formal as we began to eat the starter that was already on the table. No one said anything about me and Susan, about us knowing each other. I was afraid. I couldn’t say anything.

During the meal I found that my appetite had virtually disappeared and my stomach felt queasy. I sipped wine as little as I could but needed desperately to do something. Susan had left teaching apparently. Now happy to stay at home. When I replied to questions I admitted my teaching position. The long holidays that were just beginning for me were a focus of debate for some time. Susan amusingly told the group her experiences of teaching without mentioning the fact that she had taught me. Each time I looked up I saw her eyes on me, felt them burning into me. I tried not to look at her beautiful smile but I knew it was always there. I felt as naked as when I had stood naked before her. Yes, she had liked that, and so had I. I sat blushing furiously. I tried to think of making love to Andrew instead. I looked at him as he talked enthusiastically about everything. I imagined us in bed but it actually seemed so mundane and other thoughts seeped in without asking.

Standing behind a rack of dresses in a clothes shop feeling her hand on my thigh, feeling the hem of my skirt being pulled higher until fingers found my pussy wet and ready, always so wet and ready for her. Without knickers of course, she would forbid me to wear those whenever she chose. It both scared and excited me. Her finger teasing my clit until I was literally shaking with the need to cum, desperate to keep some control over my body so I would not totally embarrass myself or her in the shop. Being left on the edge whimpering as she laughed and moved away. Being left full of need until she decided I deserved it.

I felt like that now I realised. I knew I was sodden, my nipples ached. I thought of excusing myself and going to the toilet but couldn’t stir myself from the stupor. I couldn’t understand the lack of control I had over my body, its refusal to do my bidding. The control over my life that I had studiously attempted over the years had simply evaporated in her eyes. I knew that I had married Andrew because I could control him and that I wouldn’t be at the mercy of his whims. I wanted to cry. Andrew was so full of conversation that luckily my lack of it seemed to go unnoticed.

We took our coffees and drinks into the lounge. The wetness between my thighs obvious with each movement of my legs. I desperately hoped that it wouldn’t show on my skirt. We hadn’t even sat down before John’s mobile rang. He apologised and wandered from the room listening and with the occasional comment or nod. In moments he was back.

“I’m sorry but there is a problem at the office. I think I need to go in. I am sorry.”

“Can I help?” Andrew always so enthusiastic.

“Yes I suppose you could if you don’t mind. Would that be alright with you too ladies? We shouldn’t be more than an hour or so.” I sat there with my eyes wide, a rabbit caught in shock. I heard the conversation quickly move around me.

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