She Waits

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She rose from his bed on trembling legs and took a few shaky steps towards the bathroom. It was late afternoon and he’d left her in a highly aroused state, to the point where she was begging him, pleading with him to take her, use her, promising to do unspeakable things for him if he’d only give her the release her body craved. It was such sweet torture and her body ached with need, the need to please and be pleased, but he had something else in mind and left, closing the door behind him, leaving her alone for the remainder of the day.

She stood at the door leading into the bathroom and slides her palms across her full breasts, cupping and squeezing them, while her thumbs drew circles around her nipples. She felt them stiffen and continued to toy with her nipples, stretching them out painfully, rolling the taut flesh between thumb and forefinger. She let out a sigh, which ended in a soft groan and allowed her hands to travel down to her belly. She felt her belly draw in, so sensitive to the slightest caress, and moaned softly. Stepping out to the side, spreading her legs until they were about shoulder width apart, she smoothed her hands over softly curved hips to the crease of her thigh. She brushed fingertips across the mound of soft curly hairs, still damp from earlier that day, than grasped a few hairs between her fingers of her right hand and tugged sideways. The delicate petals of her sex pulled open, swollen and glistening, Ataşehir Escort her womanly scent perfuming the air around her.

Her palm slides over her mound, the middle finger gliding between the neatly trimmed crease, her palm pressing against that tiny bud of pleasure while she slides into her opening, up to the first knuckle. She wiggled her finger, making a come hither motion and this brought another moan to her lips and a deep aching feeling between her legs. She pulled her hand back, dragging a slick finger up until she felt the hood slide back, exposing the tiny pink bud that lay within the moist folds of her sex. She fingered the tiny pink bud, teasing it with soft strokes and a vibrating motion until she felt it throb and ache. She shuddered and felt herself easily approaching orgasm. She jerked her hand away and cried out, ‘No! No, I can’t! ‘ She must wait for him. He would be returning soon for her and when he did, she must be ready.

Every nerve in her body was on fire. The slightest hint of a breeze across her nipples, the lightest touch to her flesh brought on feelings of hunger that only One could satisfy.

She ran a hot bath thinking it might calm her nerves. She added some perfumed bath salts and swirled the water with her foot. She knew to prepare herself, he didn’t have to tell her, it was expected of her.

She gathered her hair up and loosely Ataşehir Escort Bayan pinned it in place with a couple of silver pins. Stepping into the tub, she sat down and eased back until the water reached her neck. She closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. As usual, her thoughts turned to Him. She recalled his hands on her body, so powerful, possessing her, bringing to surface those desires she held deep. He was fully aware of her need and with the expert touch of a true master, he would caress and tease, bringing her to the edge then easing her back, always in control. She had been helpless, depending on him, completely at his mercy. He’d worked her body like a fine-tuned instrument until she was begging for more.

She groaned, low and deep in her throat. Never had she expected to feel this way with him. Taking the sponge in one hand, she held out her arm and squeezed warm water down the length of her arm. She found marks on her wrist where the bindings had cut into the soft flesh. She switched hands and did the same to the other arm, noting some marks there as well. No doubt they would fade soon but best to keep covered until then. She washed her breasts and winced; her breasts ached and the nipples were still tender. She quickly rinsed, trying as much as possible to avoid brushing against her breasts with the rough sponge.

Raising a foot out of the water, she squeezed Escort Ataşehir the sponge down a shapely leg until she reached her ankle. She noted the fading lines around her ankle and wasn’t at all surprised. She thought it wasn’t so bad being ‘marked,’ and smiled at the thought.

She quickly finished washing and rinsed off a few times. She felt wonderfully refreshed and stepped out of the tub, her feet hitting the cold tile floor. Her skin goose bumped and she shivered. Reaching out for the oversized bath towel she quickly dried off. She smoothed perfumed body creme onto skin flushed from the hot bath and brisk rub down. She finished off with powder and a spritz of perfume.

She returned to the bedroom with a sensual gracefulness that spoke of a woman fully aware of her body. She reached into the closet and took out a short, dusty pink silk chiffon robe. She pulled on the sheer robe and tied the satin sash around her waist then moved around picking up and straightening. She found the bindings discarded on the floor, next to a set of rings. She picked them up then slide the cord through her fingers until she came to the end, which she caught in her hand. Her heart rate picked up, her breath caught in her throat. She recalled how he had quite suddenly taken her with such force, it was enough to make her groan out loud and beg for more.

She lay down on the cool satin sheets with the bindings draped over her body. Her robe had pulled open to the waist, exposing the rounded edges of her full breasts and her small, rippled belly. She turned on her side, wrapping the bindings around once. She would rest a while; she had a feeling she would need it tonight. He was rather demanding of her, she dared not risk his displeasure.

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Karım Ameliyat Olunca Kızımla İdare Ettim

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Merhaba millet, sizlere kızımla yaşadığım ilişkimi anlatacağım. Bu olaylar aslında karımın rahatsızlığı yüzünden ameliyattan sonra rahmi alınması ve ilişkimizin bitmesi ile başladı. Eşimin ameliyatından sonra ben porno filmler ve hikayeler ile mastürbasyon yapmaya başladım. Artık bu alışkanlık haline geldi ve sık yapıyordum. Gece herkes uyuduktan sonra videolar ya da resimleri önüme serip mastürbasyon yapardım. Buna Karım hatta kızım da alışmış ben odadayken asla vurmadan girmez olmuşlardı. Bir gün Alanya ya tatile gittik. Otel birkaç odadan oluşan bir daire benzeriydi. Gece herkes yattı. Ben de 31 çekmek için işe koyuldum. Bir yandan da bira içiyorum. Bir ara çişim geldi wc ye gitti. Çıkışta kızımın kapısı yarı açıktı ve yaz günü o sıcakta her şey fora. Üzerinde bir külot ve bir de tşort vardı. Külot öyle sıkmış ki kalçalarını kapıda dondum kaldım. Sikim sertleştikçe sertleşti elimle oynamaya başladım ama bu anı nasıl kaçırabilirdim. Hemen kamerayı aldım ve hem kaydediyor hem de 31 çekiyordum. Arada bir bacak arasına o mükemmel kutusuna burnumu yanaştırıp kokluyorum. Bu birkaç gün sürdü böyle. Kızımın o amının görünüşünü çok merak etmeye başladım. Bir gün yine kamerayı açıp bir yandan da bir elimle kızımın amına sürtmeye başladım. Hafifçe külotunu sıyırıp baktım birkaç günlük bir gaziantep escort kıl var ve çizgi gibi harikuladeydi. Burnumu uzattım ve amcığa değdirip içime iliklerime kadar koklamaya başladım. Ertesi gün uyurken yanına tekrar gittim ve bu defa da eline verdim kızıma 31 çektirdim. Tam belim geleceğinde çektim. Hani uyanır korkusu da var malum. Tatilden döndük; aradan birkaç zaman geçti köye gittik. Köyde dayımları ziyarete gitmiştik. Dayımın ahırında daha sıpalıktan yeni kurtulmuş bir eşek vardı. Dayımın karısı bana; “Bizim eşşeğe biraz saman biraz arpa verir misin ben yaşlıyım işte” dedi. Ben de bunu fırsat bildim hemen fırladım ahıra gittim. Çok hızlıca eşeğe yem saman verdim ve arkasına geçtim başladım sikmeye. Hayallerimde eşek başka bir şey oluverdi biranda ve kızımın; “Baba dayının eşeni mi sikiyorsun, o tanrım” demesiyle sadece irkilmedim boşalmıştım da. Kızım kapıda bana bakıyor ben eşeğin arkasında elim eşeğin kalçasında öylece kaldım. Kendimi toparlayarak “Sen çık da bende geliyorum birazdan” dedim. İki gün kızımdan kaçtım tekrar eve geldiğimiz gününün ilk gecesi videoda porno seyredip 31 çekiyordum. Birden odamın kapısının açıldığını hissettim ve arkamı döndüğümde kızım kırmızı pijamasıyla bana doğru geldi. Benim halime üzüldüğünü ve bana yardım edebileceğini ama sadece onu okşayabileceğimi ve onu seyretmeme müsaade edeceğini söyledi.Yanıma uzandı üzerindeki atleti ve üstünde ne varsa çıkartmama ses etmedi ama aşağılara dokundurtmadı. O ne mükemmel memeydi daha birisinin ucu çataldı. Taptaze ve diriceydi. Memeleri sevmeye okşamaya başladım. Bir ara kendimden geçmişim bana “Baba acıtıyorsun lütfen yavaş yap” dedi. O zaman kendime geldim ve yavaş yavaş sevmeye başladım kırmızı pijamalarını çıkarmadan bacaklarının arasına girdim pijama üstünden kerkinmeye başladım bir yandan da memelerini ve vücudunun her yerini seviyordum. Altımda tuhaf iniltiler çıkartarak beni okşamaya başladığından göbeğine doğru belim geldi ve öylece üzerine yığıldım kaldım. Ama avuçlarım hala o tombiş memelerindeydi. O günden sonra zaman zaman bu şekilde yaptık. Ve her defasında gizli kamerayı kurup kaydettim ona çaktırmadan. Daha sonraki günlerde porno yerine o filmlere bakarak 31 çektim. Bir gün kızıma masaj bahanesiyle vücudunu okşamaya başladım. 19 yaşlarına gelmiş dipdiri bir kız. Ama kız olmadığını tahmin ediyordum. Masaj yaparken bacaklarından kalçalarına doğru uzun uzun masaj yaptım. Öyle bir an yakaladım ki iki parmağımı birde amına kaydırdım. O da ne parmaklarım dibine kadar girdi. Girerken silkindi tepki vermek istedi veremedi. Neye uğradığını o da şaşırdı. Parmaklarımı amına sokup çıkarmaya başladım o mükemmel kalçalarını sağa sola bükmeye başladı. Bende bir diğer elimle pantolon külot ne varsa indirdim. Kendim hazır olunca kızımın altındakileri de huylandırmadan ve zevkli anını bozmadan sıyırmaya başladım. Kalçalarını ayırıp dillemeye başladım ben dillerken acayip nefes alıp veriyordu. Fırsat bu diyerek arkasından amına daldım. Önce “Baba arkamdan sokma, ne olur lütfen arkamdan sokma” diye zevkle karışık iniltili sesler çıkartıyor. O Arka pozisyondan yapma dediğini anladım ama ben bir yandan yerleştiriyor bir yandan ensesini boynunu yalıyor seviyor biryandan da “Arkandan yapmıyorum bitanem sadece kalçalarının üzerine sürterek yapıyorum.” Diyorum. O an anlatılmıyor yaşanıyor. Belim geleceğine yakın “Baba içine gelme lütfen, yalvarırım içine gelme” dedi ve bende kalçalarını ikiye ayırarak nokta büyüklükte götünün üzerine sürterek sırtına fışkırttım. Uzunca bir süre kızımın sırtında öylece kaldım. O an öyle çabuk oldu ki kameraya çekme fırsatım olmadı ve hala o anı çekemediğim için çok üzgünüm. Ama sonraki zamanlarda kameraya çektiklerim oldu. Kızım hala evli değil ve işi gereği bizden uzakta ama arada bir yanımıza geliyor veya ben onun yanına gidiyorum. Yine yapacağımızı düşünerek çaktırmadan leptop veya PC kamerasını hazır bulunduruyorum. Yaptığımızda hala o güzel kayıtlara sırasıyla bakıp 31 çekiyorum.

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Beni Kandırarak Kızlığımı Bozdu

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Selam dostlar ben Yeliz, sizlere anlatmak istediğim öyküm benim için ilk tecrübe kazandığım şehvet dolu anlarımdır. Ergenlik çağlarımda sex izle diğim için sekse olan alakam oldukça çoğalmıştı, porno mecmualarındaki pozisyonları merak ediyor benim yaşayacağım ilk sex tecrübemde nasıl bir zevk alacağımı varsayım dahi edemiyordum.
Bu hayallerle yaşadım artık evlenmek istiyordum, birlikte olduğum bir şahısla adını vermicem konutluluk tasarıları yapmaya başladık. Yalnız kaldığımız zamanlar evliğimizin nasıl geçeceğini bir birimize nasıl davranacağımızı konuşurduk. Konu ilişkiye gelince pek rahat konuşamıyorduk arkadaşım bana bunlar anlatılmaz yaşanır diyordu zamanla bizde rahat bir şekilde konuşmaya başladık. Beni ara sıra ıssız yerlere götürürdü deniz yakında bir ormana gittik, bana burada bizi kimse görmez biraz sevişelim diyordu. Çalıların arasına geçtik hava sıcak olduğundan ince bir askılı tişort giymiştim. Oturduk biraz öpüştük benim boynumu öpüyor o öptükçe benim içim bir tuhaf oluyordu, elleriyle göğüslerimi ellemeye başladı taş gibi gaziantep escort olan göğüslerimi okşuyor o okşadıkça ben kendimden geçiyordum. Beni yere uzattı göğüslerimi çıkarıp yalamaya başladı, bu benim ilk kez bir erkekle yakın temasımdı. Sanki işin sonunda sex yapacakmış gibi kendimi çok güzel hissediyordum bu harika bir zevkti göğüslerimi yalarken bir eli ilede pantolonumun üstünden amımı okşuyordu. Ben arada yapma diyordum ama bende çok istiyordum elini pantolonun içine atıp amımı yakalamıştı. Ben bir tuhaf olmuştum aldığım zevk beni uçuruyordu, kendimden geçmiş bir şekilde uzanmışım oda yavaş yavaş parmağını sokuyordu. Size şu an bunları yazarken yaşadığım fantazi gözümün önüne geliyor, sanki yaşıyorum kendi elimi vajinama sokarak anı hayal ediyorum. Orta parmağın hepsini soktu bana bakarak acıdı mı kızlığına gelmesin diyordu ben bir anlam verememiştim kendi parmağımı o kadar sokamıyordum. Ama sevgilim tam sokmuştu bana parmağım bu kadar giriyorsa benimkini de bu kadar sokalım dedi. Bende senin penisini sokarsak fazla gider bozulurum bana ben halledeceğim sen merak etme nede olsa evlenmiyecek miyiz diyordu bende dayanamadım sevgilimin penisini çıkardım dim dikti bana doğru tutuyor bana bakarak korkma hepsini sokmayacağım diyordu. Penisini elime aldığımda çok tatlı gelmişti bana nede olsa ilk defa canlı canlı karşımdaydı dayanamayıp öpmeye başladım sevgilimin çok hoşuna gitmişti. Taşşaklarını okşuyor penisini de iyice ağzıma alıyordum, bacak arama geçip kafasını sokmaya başladı ben çok korkuyordum bana istersen Anal sex yapalım dedi bende denemesini istedim. Penisini arkama dayadığında canım çok yanmıştı biraz kafasını soktu ben dayanamayıp bağırdım olmuyordu yanımızda krem falanda yoktu. Olmayacağını anlayıp bıraktı tekrar vajinama doğru geldi vajinam çok sulanmıştı kafasını rahat bir şekilde sokmuştu benimde canım hiç yanmamıştı yavaş yavaş git gel yapıyordu gidip geldikçe biraz daha sokuyordu penisini ben girişlere bakmaya calışıyordum. Bir yandan da yaşadığım ilk sex anlarımın tadını çıkarıyordum sevgilim üstümde hızlanıyor benim aldığım zevkte katlanıyordu kızlığımı hiç düşünmüyor bekaret aklıma gelince, ne de olsa sevgilim evleneceğimizi söylüyordu bu yüzden hiç korkum yoktu sevgilim penisini tam sokmaya başladı harikaydı. Böyle bir zevkten mahrum kalmışım yıllarca bunun özlemini çekiyordum, sevgilimde bende çalılıkları inletiyorduk, ben bir kaç kere boşaldım sevgilim de tam boşalacağı zaman penisini içimden çıkardı dölleri ileriye doğru fırlıyordu elimi vajinama attığımda az bir şey kan vardı açık kırmızı bir kan kızlığım bozulmuştu. Ben daha fazla kan bekliyordum biraz da belim ağırmıştı ikimizde çok rahatlamıştık çalılıkların arasında kızlığım gitmişti mekan hiç önemli değildi bu fantazimi yalnız kaldığımda hayal ediyorum o çalılıkları mekan yapmıştık sevgilimle beraber çok gittik oraya her seferinde beraber olduk.

Aradan yıllar geçti evlendin mi diye soracaksanız hayır evlenmedik ayrıldık şimdi hayatıma kimseyi sokmuyorum bu olayı yaşayalı fazla zaman olmadı. Benden genç kızlara tavsiye kendini evlenecek erkeğe saklamak isteyenler gerdek gecesine kadar kimseye inanmayın seksi anlık yaşıyorsunuz ilişki bitti mi ya yatar uyursun yada bir sigara içip uyursun.

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Üzerimi Değiştirirken Sevgilim Kızlığımı Bozdu

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Ben 19 yaşında 1.68 boyunda 52 kilo bir bayanım. Bu olay yaşandığında lise son sınıf öğrencisiydim. Annemler şehir dışındaydı ve bende ders çalışmak için okula gitmedim. Yaklaşık 2 yıldır sevgilim var ve öpüşmekten ileri gitmemiştik. Saat mğleden sonra 1 gibi zil çaldı ve gelen sevgilimdi. Sevgilim kalıplı satı saçlı ve kahverengi gözlü inanılmaz yakışıklı biridir. Bende nerde olsa kimse yok diye onu eve davet ettim ama üstüm başım çok dağınık olduğu iöin onu salonda bıraktıktan sonra kendi odama üzerimi değiştirmek için girdim. Üzerimdeki tşirtü gaziantep escort çıkardığımda arkamdan biri sıkıca sarıldı yani sevgilim. Bende napıyosun ya giyiniyorum dediğimde beni kendine çevirip dudaklarıma yapıştı ilk defa öpüşüyordum onu itmeye çalışsamda çok güçlüydü az osnra bende ona acemice karşılık vermeye başladım kendimden geçiyordum çok zevkliydi bir ara yanlışlıkla inşeyince sevgilim gülüp beni yatağa yatırıp üstüme çıktı olacakları tahmin edebiliyordum onunhafif ittirip bakireyim dedim o da. Girmiycem dedi. Bi öpüşürken bir yandanda sevgilim göğüslerimi sıkıyor boynuma iniyodu en sonunda sudyenimi ve pijamamı çıkardığında bende onu soydum amıma inip inanılmaz birşekilde dil atmaya başladığında hemen boşaldım ve ona sakso çektim ama yinede bakeretimi vermemeye kararlıydım. Göbeğime boşalıp ayağa kalktı ve göbeğime boşaldı ve tekrar öpüştük artık içime girsin istiyordum içime gir dedim ama o bakireydin dedi senin olmak istiyorum dediğimde kalkıp bacaklarımı acıyıp dikti ve aletini bacajlarımda dolaştırmaya başladı git artık diye yalvarıyordum aletinin başını hafifce soktuğunda canım inanılmaz yanmıştı canım yanıyo çıkar şunu dediğimde hafifce biraz daha soktu ama organı inanılmaz kalın ve uzundu çıkar deyip inlediğimde kökledi içimde bişeylerin yırtıldığını hissettim. İnanılmaz bi çığlık attım ama bana aldırmadan gidip gelmeye başladı. İnanılmaz canım yansada zevde alıyordum sonra dudağıma eğilip dudaklarımı emmeye başladı dudaklarımı ısırıyordu yaklaşık on dakika sonra içime boşaldı be yanıma yzandı bacağımı kaldırıp beni bağırta bağırta içime yerleştirdikten sınra yanıma uzandı çıkar desende diblemedi sabaha kadar içimde aletle uyudum sabahta bişey olanış gibi kalkıp okula gittik.

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Online Adventures Vol. 05: Monique

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Greetings readers!

Been a little while! And for that I apologize.

For anyone who has been looking forward to Volume 4.1, featuring Kristin AND Tasha, I assure you that story is still forthcoming. I’ve been sitting on the story you’re about to read for some time now, not fully sure how to approach it. It was special for me, and as such it was important to me to do justice to the characters and events. With that said, I’m very excited to have shared it with you all. And as with every story in this series, all characters and events are true, with only very minor details edited, omitted or embellished. Enjoy!


Volume 5: Monique

“Where my BIG FUCKING DONGS at, fellas?!?!” She wrote.

Or at least someone going by the name MzAmazonia wrote. This of course followed by all the customary emojis– the eggplant, the drips, the emoji heart kissy faces, etc. These adult chat rooms were silly, but definitely a good place for some fun chat, lots of fun adult pic trading, some good cyber if you could get even that far. But that was probably about it. My experiences in these rooms were mainly that. In addition to responding to local adult classifieds, I’d find myself dabbling in these chats in search of a kinky cyber partner to play with. The rooms, like I said, tended to be a bit silly and over the top, but if you could get into a direct message chat with the right person, there was always some potential for a good time.

I had definitely seen her name before in this room and her thumbnail photo was a drool-fest for a guy like me. It was a bit tough to tell just how tall MzAmazonia actually was, but she was for all intents and purposes an enormous black woman. Fitting, considering this room’s title “BBW Goddess Worship.” Considering what nonsense the chat rooms were, my time was solely spent identifying the women in the chatrooms and seeing if I could in some way shape or form strike up a conversation. And considering how many horny men must be messaging these women, striking up these conversations was a real game of the law of averages. I might direct message 25 women in a single sitting and be lucky to have somewhat of a hot conversation with one or two of them, but every now and then, things would work out and I’d find a cool chick to talk dirty and swap photos with. But as these chat rooms were global, the idea of these interactions ever going beyond the cyber realm wasn’t usually probable. But who knew?

For a few seconds, MzAmazonia’s message was the most recent. That was, of course, until every thirsty dude in the room (myself included) saw the bait and jumped in with every pseudo-chivalrous thing or kinky comeback in the book. She was probably getting private messages galore. Landing some quality attention from MzAmazonia, if such a thing were even possible would be a real study in psychology and I always got a kick out of the game.

Should I be filthy? Should I come across like “Heyyyy you must get a lot of messages from guys, but I’m not like those others, etc.”? I had a few scripted replies and conversation starters always ready to go depending on what quick information I could deduce from whatever little information I had about the woman I was about to message. Sometimes they’d work. Sometimes they’d kinda work. And sometimes they wouldn’t work at all. But again, it’s a numbers game. And it was fun.

Rather than jumping into the free for all in the chat– that was the dozens of horny men who were replying to her initial question about dongs. Those replies always came in a variety of ways, running the spectrum from the polite and romantic to the downright filthy.

I went right for the direct message. While it can be frowned upon– the whole “sliding into DM’s” thing, it’s usually far more effective than having your corny, unoriginal message get swallowed up in the chat. At least this way, there’d be a chance she’d at least see my corny, unoriginal message to her.

“No love for the heavy, low-hanging, man balls that go with them? Just the dongs? Ok…” I typed and hit send.

There was really no telling what might prompt a reply from MzAmazonia but perhaps low hanging balls were her thing? This tended to be a winner for me in the past (see earlier volumes), so why not?

I had a couple of images on my user profile– me at the beach shirtless in shades and a close up of my face. Plenty of dudes on this site had their junk plainly visible in their profile thumbnails, but that was never my style. If she wanted to see, she could ask. Between my photos, my (hopefully) intriguing mention of big balls and the fact that I spelled everything correctly, I figured I was in there with at least a shot.

“Oh?”, She replied.

Not that I was shocked to get a response, but the odds here weren’t exactly in my favor. My cock perked up.

“Just stickin’ up for the big, low hanging balls of the world… Ya know.” I shot back, with an emoji smile to keep the tone flirtatious and fun, still half in disbelief of my Ankara bayan escort luck.

“And is that you? Or are you wasting my time, like everyone else here?”

“My opinion on this matter isn’t nearly as important as yours. Wouldn’t you agree?” I replied.

I immediately pulled up a purposefully-framed shot of my balls hanging low; that I had taken myself at a nice angle. I had taken some great photos last week when the light in my apartment was perfect. My penis my and balls were as manscaped as could be. I threw on some porn, got rock hard and shot away. I took close to fifty filthy shots, deleting all but my few favorites.

In one photo, I squeezed the base of my hard shaft tightly, so as to highlight how fat and purple my mushroom head can get. And I assure you, it gets very fat and very purple. The vein which ran the length of my shaft, bulged. I added a nice string of saliva to the tip and waited till it hung off just the right amount to resemble some precum. In another, the angle showed my balls hanging very low, stretching my sack with their heaviness. Another had me squatting with my balls hanging almost to the ground, my engorged dick hanging with them. The last was the classic cock shot: no hands, hard as a rock, sticking out its full 8+ inches, balls hanging. Literally the whole package. I started with the classic shot and several seconds later sent the rest.

A minute passed.

“You weren’t kidding.” She finally replied, with emoji smileys and hearts to accompany her message.

My penis twitched. MzAmazonia was on the hook!

Before I could say anything back, she hit me back with three of her photos. The first was a nice closeup of her face, make up, lip gloss, lashes. Dark mocha meets caramel skin, big, dark lips, flowy brown hair. She had a look that reminded me of adult film star Vanessa Blue.

The second delicious photo found her standing up completely nude with her legs spread, her back to the camera, her gigantic ass on full display, and her head turned somewhat to the side just enough to make out her face. Her thighs were large, but tone and she appeared very proportional. Not being the best with estimating heights and weights, my initial guess put her a hair under six feet and at least 225lbs. She carried it very well.

The third photo was a full frontal with her arms just barely covering her tits. Her tummy hung just over her pussy and she had a HUGE smile on her face. All of it was sexy as hell. But that smile…

“This is the part where you warn me not to fall in love… right?” I typed to her immediately. And we were off to the races.

Mz. Amazonia, or Monique (as she reintroduced herself as) and I exchanged all the normal information that two complete horny strangers might exchange in this situation. My pictures obviously said a thousand words, and the three she sent back to me did the same. My initial guesses were actually quite good as Monique turned out to be just over 5’11”. We didn’t discuss her weight but by the end of a few minutes of chatting she was very well aware that my love for big, beautiful women was boundless. Oh… and her tits were a DDD cup.

At 47, Monique was single-ish with an on-again (mostly) off-again boyfriend. She made her living running the beauty parlor game in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she owned several salons. Monique was not a boss. She was the boss– which was wildly sexy, but equally unfortunate as we were several hundred miles apart.

Monique hit me with all the usual “Why is a cutie like you still single? And with that big dick? And those balls? Yeesh…I’da never let you out of my sight, a cutie like you with a big dick…”

I, of course, found that to be super flattering, my cock responding in kind.

With the formalities out of the way, our chat became a bit more focused.

MzAmazonia: So Mr. Jay… what is it about us big beautiful black women that drives you so wild?

Jay1415: Hard to say it’s any one thing… your curves, the softness, your delicious caramel skin… it’s all so yummy, if you don’t mind my saying. And the fact that you’re like a super successful entrepreneur is super hot too. There is nothing sexier than a successful woman.

MzAmazonia: Wow! Thank you. All of that. I wasn’t expecting that. Ya know the part about success being sexy. Most of the conversations I have here are men being like “show me your pussy.”

Jay1415: I’m sure you get all sorts of messages.

MzAmazonia: Oh lord. You wouldn’t believe it. I mean, I guess I do go looking for it though. I’m pretty much on this site to have fun, chat with whoever’s out there, look at some big dicks, play with my pussy and call it a day. Ass man? Tit man?

Jay1415: Hehe… I enjoy it all– all the good stuff, all the nooks and crannies. =)

MzAmazonia: I have many nooks and crannies. You might get lost.

Jay1415: I hope so…

MzAmazonia: Keep going…

The conversation went on and on into the night. Our chat Escort bayan Ankara had gone everywhere. My cock was ready to burst. Her pussy (by her own admission) was sopping wet. Among other things, we had discussed at length our mutual love for all things oral and just having our mouths full at all times.

MzAmazonia: I hope you like creamy pussy, baby. Like SUPER creamy…

Jay1415: I love creamy pussy, baby… though I’ve only seen real grool in porn. I mean, I’ve definitely eaten some creamy pussy, but I have yet to have the real grool experience.

MzAmazonia: Gahhhh…. The mere fact that you know the lingo is insanely hot, baby.

Jay1415: I’ll bet your vagina is fucking delicious. I won’t miss a drop… I promise.

MzAmazonia: Jay… you can have a faceful of my vagina anytime you want. =)

It went on and on like this, as we went back and forth, talking all things sexual– from pussy eating to ass worship; 69’s and fingers and toys and tongues up our asses, as well as all the filthy fucking positions we love. We had covered A LOT.

MzAmazonia: You are fucking scrumptious. You know that?

Jay1415: The feeling is more than mutual, Monique.

My computer’s clock read 2am when we finally said goodnight.

I closed my computer and hopped into bed. I came like crazy all over my sheets and passed out seconds later.


I awoke the next morning hard and excited. Thoughts of Monique rushed into our mind as I played back last night’s conversation. I could not wait to talk to her again. But that would have to wait till after work. I figured I would send her a message in the meantime.

I logged in and to my delight, I saw a message waiting for me from none other than my new bestie. And to my even further delight… It was Monique’s phone number and the words “Use it anytime…” written directly underneath, with a smiley face and heart.

“Well that progressed a bit quickly.” I thought to myself, noticing my increased heart rate. What was going on here?! To this point, I had definitely met some cool chicks on the internet (see Volumes 1-4), and definitely had some fun conversations that led to some fun places. But for some reason this one felt a little different. All the dirty talk was hot as hell, but there was a very nurturing, supportive quality to this woman. And something about that made me tingle.

Was I really already having butterflies in my tummy for a woman I had only spent an evening typing to? Butterflies for my big, beautiful, Amazonian Goddess? I thought of her caramel skin, her enormous black breasts and creamy black pussy. I texted her immediately.

Jay: Mornin’ gorgeous.

Monique: There you are! =) Miss me?

Jay: SO much.

Monique: Awww you’re sweet… But you’re just saying that because you wanna suck my big black titties and eat my chocolate pussy. =)

Jay: Don’t forget about your delicious butthole too =)

Monique: You nasty boy…

Jay: I’m glad we’re chatting. =)

Monique: I’ll bet.

Jay: Are you?

Monique: =)

Monique and I texted throughout the day, which was super hot, but super annoying because being in a state of high arousal at work, though fun, was not ideal. At one particular trip to the bathroom, I contemplated jerking off, but settled instead on taking a couple of glamor shots of my throbbing erection for my new best friend. I hit send.

Monique: I need that in my life…

Jay: It’s all yours. I haven’t stopped throbbing for you since I woke up hard.

Monique: Good. Stay like that for me. I like your balls heavy, and tugging on your fat dick.

Jay: Yes baby.

Monique: Call me when you’re home…and naked. It’s time for me to hear the voice that comes with such manly balls.

Jay: Muah!

The afternoon dragged, but just shy of 6pm, I was home and showered from a long day. I was completely exhausted and equally aroused. I hung up my towel, laid down in bed, grabbed my cock and did the only thing I wanted to do all day. I dialed Monique.

“Hello Jay.” Her voice was very sultry. I was already in love.

“Hi baby.” I replied. “I’m home… and I’m naked… and I’m here.” I went on.

“Good. That makes two of us then.”

“Oh really?” I responded flirtatiously.

A photo came through. There she was, laying in bed as well– her pussy in the foreground, her tits and face in the background. “Now THAT’s a selfie.” I thought to myself. Her tits flopped to the side. Her tummy was visible. But the crown jewel of this photo was her very wet pussy. In this closeup angle, the meatiness of her pussy lips, her prominent clit, her folds, her wrinkles, and a nicely manicured bush, were plain to see. A moment later, a second photo came through. She had clearly been playing with her pussy because the cream was starting to flow.

“I wanna eat that… In fact, to say I want to eat your cunt would be an understatement.” I said to her.

“Well then, what wouldn’t Bayan escort Ankara be an understatement? Why not tell me exactly what you want then.” She immediately came back with.

“Well what wouldn’t be an understatement then, is that I want to suck your pussylips and feel them with my tongue and my lips. I want to feel how it all just feels in my mouth. And I want to slide my tongue deep inside you…and out and in and out and back in… till I have a mouthful of your creamy grool. Maybe squat on my face and just cream down my throat?”

“And then tonguefuck my chocolatey butthole for dessert?”

“Gahhh… Monique, I couldn’t have said it any better…”

“You’re gonna love my chocolatey hole baby… It’s soooo yummy.” She went on with a moan. “In fact…”

I could hear some movement in the background. A groan and an “mmmmmmmmmmm….” accompanied by the unmistakable sound of Monique licking her lips. “That was yummy.” Two photos followed. A before and after of what was safe to assume had just taken place. In the before shot, Monique was laying on her side. One hand held one asscheek up. Her other hand held her phone in position just inches from her very visible asshole. The after shot had Monique with a finger on her tongue and a devilish look in her eye as she grinned at the camera. Her asshole, to say the least, looked beyond scrumptious (to steal one of her words). Nestled between enormous cocoa buttcheeks, her hole was brown, wrinkly and beautiful. And I wanted it.

“You like, baby? You want a taste of my chocolatey hole?” She asked innocently.

“Oh God yes.” I moaned, completely fixated.. “Can I please put my tongue in there? Pretty please?”

“Mmmmm… yes please, Jay… But please understand that this is a two way street and I fully expect you to share your asshole with me as well. I assure you I have quite the appetite too.” She replied.

“Well that should make for some hot making out; ya know– with the taste of both our assholes all over our tongues…” I shot back with.

“You fucking nasty boy…” Monique moaned. This chat was clearly going to put both of us over the edge soon.

I placed my phone on the floor, pointed upwards and set the timer. I got into a nice wide squat, spread my cheeks and shot Monique a perfect shot of my asshole. Because of the squat, my hole was even open just a little. I hit send.

She moaned again. She squealed and squeaked. She came.

Then came the photo.

Monique was shiny– her pussy, her belly, her tits. Cream, goo, all of it. And as always, the sexy smile I was getting very used to seeing.

“Safe to say that photo of my asshole was a hit?” I asked sweetly.

She moaned, still coming down from orgasm. “Mmmmm…. Yesssss.”

“You made such a mess baby.”

“You gonna come lick me clean?” She responded.

“No… I’d let you stay like that, sticky and sweaty and creamy. And then I would cream all over you… and as we cuddled, getting ready for round two, I’d slowly lick you… and inhale your scent because your cunt and your butthole turn me into a fucking animal…”

There was silence. After a moment, she spoke.

“Ya know Jay… That has to be one of the hottest answers I’ve ever heard to any question ever.”

“You are so fucking delicious, Monique.”

“You are.”

“Is it my turn to make a giant creamy mess now?” I asked.

“Yes please.” She enthusiastically came back with, before I could even finish the question.

I pulled up the photos she had sent. Exploding would only be a matter of seconds.

“You squeezing that dick, Jay? Thinkin ’bout me, baby?” She began.

“Yes baby… staring at your chocolatey butthole, squeezing my shaft and drooling baby.”

“Goooood baby…” Her voice was extra throaty. “Look at my asshole, Jay… Imagine me bent over, spreading wide, inviting you into my asscrack for a taste… Come over here, Jay… Come put your tongue riiiiiight here… put it right on my butthole… yessss… that’s right…” She cooed and giggled, playing up the sweet and innocent act. “…Put some cream from my pussy on my hole and get it nice and wet… and nice and loose so you can tonguefuck my asshole, baby… yeah… just like that Jay…mmmmm”

“Unnhnnhn…” I groaned. This was some of the most hypnotic dirty talk I had ever heard.

“You gonna nut with your tongue up my ass baby? Is that what you want? You wanna taste of my chocolate? No, no no… I know what you want… you don’t even want a taste… you want the whole fucking chocolate cake… don’tcha baby? Well it’s all fucking yours baby… eat up baby… suck on my asshole… lick my hole… EAT it… Let my asshole take care of you… That’s right… Right there… Put your tongue right therrrrrre……. Unnnnhnhnhnn.”

And with that… an entire day’s worth of cum went absolutely EVERYWHERE– my chest, my sheets, all over my hand, and even on my face. THIS would be the photo Monique deserved.

“That sounded wonderful, baby.” She said, referencing what was in fact one of the more powerful orgasms I’ve ever stroked myself to.

“Looks even better.” I said, firing off the photo I had just taken. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m covered in cum.” I said coyly.

“You are somethin’ else.” She said, instantly responding to the photo on her phone screen.

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Insignificant Ch. 04

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It was Friday afternoon when Neal came home from work and after changing his clothes he came to my cage. I could not get used to those moments when his huge face came close to the bars, filling my entire field of vision. He made me feel more insignificant than an ant and I think that for Neal there was not much difference in those moments.

-Tonight a friend is coming to watch the game. I don’t want him to see you. He’s a nice guy, but quite nosy. He can start asking questions and go off the deep end. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to stay in the bedroom.

Said and done. Neal took my cage to his bedside table, where I used to sleep, and, not content with that, covered me with a towel. I resigned myself to spending a few more hours alone in the company of the computer.

Quite some time had passed when I felt movement in the room. I assumed it was Fernando coming to get something. However, I heard a quiet voice:

-Where can he be…? -that was not Neal’s voice. I felt my heart stopping. Even more so when I felt the ominous presence approaching where I was.

-And what is this? -said the same voice, to himself. The towel covering me suddenly lifted and I was confronted with the face of an unknown giant. The stranger’s face turned from surprise to a smirk:

-WOW, WOW, BUT WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE! -he said in a powerful voice.

-MIKE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? -Neal had just appeared in the doorway.



In my immense terror I understood why Neal was lying. If the authorities discovered any link between us, he could be in trouble. Helping a homosexual was a very punishable offense.

-CAN I TOUCH HIM? -asked Mike.

-Of course -answered Neal after a pause.

Mike opened the cage and in a second I was surrounded by his hand. The new giant was also a bear of a guy, a little older and shorter than my godfather and certainly a lot fatter. He had a nice beer belly and looked like he didn’t care about his body at all. He was also wearing a T-shirt and jeans and was quite sweaty that hot day.


I found myself transported to the living room, trembling with fear in the giant’s huge fist. Both giants sat down on the couch and put me in the middle. The sensation of seeing myself between those huge bodies was terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

The game started and the two friends started drinking and smoking, while eating some snacks. At first they didn’t pay much attention to me, however, that changed as soon as I started to notice the effect of the alcohol on them. Mike brought his face close to me and blew all the smoke from his cigarette on me, laughing loudly when he saw me choking and coughing.


And taking me in his hand, he brought me closer to his huge mouth and let out a thunderous belch in my face. The smell, a mixture of tobacco, alcohol, bad breath and food enveloped me completely, almost making me vomit. He burst out laughing again and, to my desolation, I saw my godfather start laughing too.

– THE TRUTH IS THAT MY FEET ARE REALLY TIRED. WHY DON’T YOU BE A GOOD BOY AND HELP ME A LITTLE WITH THAT? -He lowered me to the floor and started to unbuckle his huge sneakers. It was the first time I had seen those colossal men from the ground, and their enormity overwhelmed me. I waited there, shaking like a leaf, while Mike took off his shoes and socks, and then placed in front of me his feet the size of buses, completely sweaty and whose smell hit me like a punch. I didn’t know that feet could smell so much, something that with my size was incredibly amplified.

-C’MON LITTLE BOY, MASSAGE MY FEET A LITTLE AND BE USEFUL IN SOMETHING -I looked towards them, but didn’t move. Mike frowned and raised his voice: -COME ON! DO IT OR I’LL SQUEEZE YOU RIGHT NOW!

Terrified, I moved towards one of those monstrous feet and started with all my strength to apply pressure to massage it. The immense heat, the terrible smell and the sweat enveloped me completely. Mike moaned with pleasure.

-USE YOUR TONGUE! -I was forced to lick the wet soles of those giant feet.


No sooner said than done. Escort bayan Ankara My godfather, already quite drunk, took off his shoes and socks and I was also forced to lick and massage his feet, bigger and -if possible- even more wet and smelly than those of his friend. I must confess that, despite the fear and humiliation, I found the situation terribly exciting. Seeing myself there, insignificant, tiny, worshipping the feet of those incredible males, of those gods, seemed like my place in life, as if I had found my reason to live. I had a tremendous erection, which fortunately hid my tunic. I don’t think that the two giants would have noticed it either, in the ethyllic state they were already in.

As focused as I was on worshipping those feet, I noticed a hole in the nearby wall at ground level. It was very small, but I thought that crouching down I could fit through there. Strange things one thinks of in the most adverse circumstances.

My night was yet to get worse. I noticed that they were using an old fishbowl of Neal’s as a spittoon, so they wouldn’t have to get up. At one point, while I was still licking Neal’s feet, Mike said:


He took me again in his hand and violently dropped me into the fish tank, where his spittle was. Not content with that, he started spitting all over me, laughing loudly at my efforts to keep it from hitting my body. Neal willingly joined the game and they began to take turns to see who could get his saliva more fully on my body and especially on my face. I was frantically running back and forth inside the fish tank, trying to avoid the huge spits.

-That’s OK, but I think you still need a good shower, hahaha… No! No way! That couldn’t happen! Mike got up and unbuttoned his jeans. He took the fish tank in one hand and in the other I saw a cock appear, still flaccid and gigantic, and in a second it began to release a torrent of piss, with a very strong pressure and such a nauseating smell that I thought I was going to die when it hit me squarely. The huge cock continued to fill the tank, while I, terribly dazed, tried as best I could to avoid the powerful stream. When it languished I didn’t have much time to relieve myself, as the next thing I knew the fishbowl was in another giant hand, Neal’s, Bayan escort Ankara and another cock, even bigger than the previous one, was starting to hurt me with a huge stream of stinking piss. While all this was going on, the two giants were laughing loudly at my efforts to avoid being in the path of the piss. I was surprised that my godfather, always so calm and so serious, could have such a sadistic streak to be behaving like this. I wondered if he was simply giving free rein to his -suspected by me- deep homophobia, which he usually hid out of deference to me.

When the two of them finished, they left me there for quite a while, swimming in the disgusting liquid, the smell of which made me sick. The game was over, but my humiliations that night were not over yet.


My godfather agreed again willingly. He put on a porn movie and both giant cocks came back out into the open, rubbed furiously by their owners. After a few minutes, Mike said:

-AAAAH, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING… -then suddenly grabbed me from the fish tank with his free hand and put me in front of his cock. A white, viscous, foul-smelling explosion slammed into my body, in several powerful spurts. At that moment, Neal moaned:


-THROW IT ON HIM! -Mike, still with me in his hand, put me in front of my godfather’s cock. That member, of which I had dreamed so much in the last few days, stood before me, in all its splendor. Erect was more than twice the size of my own body. Its enormity took my breath away, a mixture of terror and desire, but I didn’t have much time to bask in the sight. In a matter of seconds that monster began to expel with incredible violence all his macho essence on me. I don’t know how long or what enormous amount of viscous liquid he was able to spill over my body. Mike made sure that the vast majority of the jets hit directly on my face.

At last Mike’s hand violently released me onto the side table and the two giants collapsed on the seat. Shortly after Mike announced he was leaving and mockingly said to me:


He said goodbye to Neal and left the house. I lay there, completely dejected and soaked in saliva, sweat, piss and semen, waiting on the small table for Neal to help me. Moments later, however, I heard my godfather’s loud snoring on the other side of the couch and knew I would no longer be counting on him that night. Utterly shattered by the violence and humiliation I had received, I was knocked unconscious.

To be continued?…

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Andi’s Summer – Day 05

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Thursday morning after Mom and Daddy had left for work; I tidied up the kitchen, dusted and vacuumed the entire house while doing my own and my parents’ laundry. I had energy like I had never experienced before. I had always helped out around the house but today I gave it more than just a once over. I was also trying to keep busy so I wouldn’t start in on myself. I wanted to — needed to — pleasure myself but I knew I would be disappointed.

As I played homemaker I did my homework exercises and jotted down my sexual desires and fantasies. The list was quite long and specific. I considered paper clipping some of the explicit pictures from my magazines for Mr. Jacoby’s consideration before realizing that doing so would make him aware that I was more versed in sexual perversities than I wanted him to comprehend. I had already spilled the beans about Roxi’s influence and guidance.

On my pink stationary in my best handwriting I reduced my confessed list of desires to a simple statement that I would leave my sexual education up to Mr. Jacoby’s judgment. Thinking I was being quite clever I didn’t consider that his range of interests and experiences were far more extensive and darker than my own.

I had spent the entire evening on Wednesday reliving the wonderful orgasms Mr. Jacoby had given me. Not one — not two — not three — but many, many marvelous, nearly continuous escalations dwindling to the most previously visited plateau before soaring again. My hands and fingers tried to duplicate the sensational feelings I had experienced but after Mr. Jacoby’s mouth and fingers, they just weren’t up to the task.

Finished with the housekeeping by lunch I didn’t look forward to a long afternoon alone. Maybe I should go over to the park. HELL no! The boys were history; I had found a real man — two – in fact.

Mr. Cooper’s invitation was foremost in my mind. I was running out of time and opportunity to accept his invitation to visit this week to pick up my birthday present. I was sure his offered gift was made spontaneously as an excuse for us to meet again to resume our liaison. No doubt, showing up at his store would imply I was curious, willing and interested too.

I felt an intense sense of guilt even thinking about going to see him since I was now employed by Mr. Jacoby. Wouldn’t I be cheating on Mr. Jacoby if I went to see Mr. Cooper on my first day off? But then, didn’t I owe Mr. Cooper at least one completed blowjob in gratitude for what his magic fingers had done to me? Hadn’t I wanted to suckle him — and would have — if we hadn’t been rudely interrupted?

To clear my mind of its confused state I decided to separate my thoughts of the two men. Today I needed to concentrate on Mr. Cooper; who was after all a part of my known world. Tomorrow Mr. Jacoby would have my undivided attention and my continued immersion into the unknown.

My blackmailer was treating me like a woman; I was sure Mr. Cooper considered me a naïve little girl. I should play up my innocence. Mr. Cooper didn’t know anything about Tony and Jimmy so he surely would consider himself to be one of my first lovers, if not the first.

For my own well-being I needed to establish some rules for my meeting with Mr. Cooper so I wouldn’t fall prey to him as I had with Mr. Jacoby. I had let him fondle me and I had held his manhood in my hand. I couldn’t imagine me walking into his store and the two of us starting up where we left off.

I would have to tease him, flirt and make it obvious that I was anxious to play. He needed to make the first move. Once he thought I was putty in his hands I would surrender to his needs — and my desires. My reward would be his cum filling my mouth.

Rule number one: I wouldn’t let him fuck me. That benchmark was to be navigated by the more ‘Prince Charming’ equivalent – Mr. Jacoby.

Rule number two: I sure wasn’t going to get naked for him like I had been required to do for Mr. Jacoby. Wouldn’t Mr. Cooper expect me to be shy and unpretentious?

Feeling naughty, yet daring after last night’s and this morning’s mix of moral apprehension and erotic sensual buoyancy I decided to venture out in a pair of three-year old shrunken cotton short-shorts without panties that clung to me like a second skin and my tightest, shortest hacked-off shrunken tee-shirt that exposed the underside of my bra if I shrugged my shoulders.

Checking myself out in my mirror I saw my only strapless bra encased breasts stretching the material to its limit, the shape of my puffy muffin was clearly visible and majority of my butt cheeks were hanging free of shelter. I decided to lose my bra. Checking again I saw my squashed boobies spread from under my arms across my front revealing even more flesh and broad smiling creases below. Perfect for my mission!

I intended to tease the hell out of the first adult man that had shown enough interest in me to actively pursue his attraction.

To be inconspicuous on my saunter downtown I wore one of Daddy’s old tee-shirts over my slutty seductive Bostancı Escort choice of attire. The neighbors and townspeople had seen me in this summer casual and unfashionable uniform for years. Even so several of the men outside in their yards or on their porches that I passed blatantly stared in impulsive admiration at my robust chest and rippling bottom. As I passed them I felt myself begin to glow from their attention.

Since way back last summer I had noticed that the men in town; not just the boys in school were paying attention to my developing figure. I never flirted or gave any indication that I knew I was being looked over or that their appraisals made me feel all warm and gooey.

Still, it was unnerving that so many adult males that had watched me grow up had become lechers and perverts upon my reaching the age of consent. I didn’t acknowledge their adoration. I didn’t make a fuss; I slouched and shuffled along with my eyes down as my heart fluttered and my spirit soared.

Several ladies were in the store when I entered and I went to the far back, a darker section of the large single showroom and began looking through the racks of girls’ and women’s clothing. Being mostly end lots, overruns or donations they were cheaper than the in season selections at the Five & Dime or Miss Sally’s Dress Shoppe.

The store grew quiet and Mr. Cooper came back to greet me.

“Hi Andi! My, my you are a welcomed surprise! How can I help you?” Was he going to pretend that he hadn’t invited me to visit?

I drew Daddy’s tee-shirt up and over my head, casually setting it aside after checking the expanse of showroom for any prying eyes. We seemed to be out of sight of any curious gawkers. I could play this game of his.

“I’m looking for some casual blouses and skirts for college in the fall.”

“You certainly have become the young lady. You might want to look at some of the summer clothes as well; I can see that you have outgrown those you have on.” I felt a naughty thrill knowing that my chosen outfit had warranted his close attention and suggestive comment.

“Yes, I seem to be popping out all over.” I shrugged; twisted to face him letting him see more of the underside of my titties. I couldn’t very well look down to confirm how much more without letting him realize I had exposed myself deliberately, but felt the whirling air from the nearby upright floor fan brush over my right (closest to him) nipple. It seemed that my hard extended nub on that side was not allowing the unhemmed frayed edge of the tee to hang freely again.

“Let me look at what you have.” I stared at his crotch.

I wasn’t talking about clothing but I didn’t think he caught on to what I was requesting. I wanted to see his pride and joy even though there were other customers in the store. Wouldn’t that be daring fete?

With courage and confidence that I couldn’t explain I just said it out loud, “After I try on some things I’d like to continue where we left off when we were rudely interrupted in the basement.”

Mr. Cooper ignored my proposal; he looked dismayed at my directness. He stuttered, “I… will help you try on some things, if you like.”

I pretended to search for something that caught my eye. What was wrong? Mr. Cooper didn’t seem nearly as confident here in his store as he had at church. Had he had too much time to think? Had he decided not to let me play with him?

I’ll be right back, Andi.”

I continued to seriously look through the available selections that screamed second-hand small town apparel. I heard his hand-cranked register broadcast its use once and the cowbell on the front door clatter several times before Mr. Cooper rejoined me.

“The other customers have left.” He held out a freshly unwrapped red sucker that he always gave to kids when they were leaving the store. “I thought you might like one of these.” He held it in front of my mouth so I let him lay the fat tube on my tongue.

His lollipops weren’t your standard every-day round pop on a stick; his were like the stem of a candy cane on a tongue depressor much like a fudge or ice cream bar.

“Gee thanks, Mr. Cooper.”

I had been right in thinking he wanted me to act like a little girl, instead of a grown woman. If he wanted to seduce a young virgin, I was more than willing to play along. Was he thinking, as I was, that the sweet hard candy was a stand-in for his cock? I gave it a series of sloppy sucks and long loving licks. To stimulate and focus his imagination I let my saliva gather and then noisily slurped it down.

“You may call me Otis when we’re alone, Andi.”

Mr. Cooper hovered close-by and watched my every move. There was no question he was enjoying my near naked curves. I found excuses to stretch, twist, bend and squat for his benefit. I would glance up, smile, bat my lids and pucker my lips when I caught his gaze the few times his eyes abandoned my titties or my butt.

Why didn’t he reach out and touch me since we were alone?

Soon Bostancı Escort Bayan my top after some casual effort on my part was resting on the crest of my breasts with both nipples now on display. I was tempted to shout out, “Hey Mister, my tits are right here waiting for your masculine caresses!”

Several deliberate squats wedged the gusset of my shorts inside my lips spreading my vulva wide; wide and wet enough to welcome his magic fingers.

From his dazed expression I wondered if he had gone temporarily blind.

To keep from overdoing it I picked out two blouses and skirts, asking him if I could try them on and if he wasn’t too busy I would like to have his opinion about how they looked on me.

Returning to earth he drew back the curtain of the small changing room and turned on its own bright light. The thin curtain on the small changing room didn’t stretch all the way across the doorway; centered, it left a good six inches on either side. The top was set at my shoulder height and the hem was well above my knees; a tall woman’s bust line would surely be viewable over the dinky drapery.

A ceiling blocked the overhead fluorescents. The blinding bulb was set midway on the back wall and full length wall mirrors and benches were on each side. From time to time the light would flicker but I dismissed it as caused by a loose bulb.

I saw my own silhouette on the curtain as I undressed and dressed thinking that perhaps that was how Mr. Cooper got his thrills. My shadow would make it appear that I was naked — and I was. I had read about exhibitionists and voyeurs. I was the show-off and Mr. Cooper was peeper.

I did see Mr. Cooper flit by in one or the other mirrors several times. He seemed to continue straightening the clothing displays and just happened to be facing the booth so he could sneak peeks at me through the gap of the curtain or the reflections in the mirrors. I was well aware that he could see portions of me completely naked at times.

Rule number two came to mind, but I justified that fleeting flashes of my moving body didn’t count.

Tingling all over I felt my juices filling me up. I took a good long time trying on each item to tease him more. I made sure he saw limited views from every conceivable angle. I realized that today I had the power, not like last Sunday when he had the upper hand. Actually, I giggled to myself remembering that it was his lowered hand that did the damn-damn on me.

Not liking either outfit even when I tried to mix-and-match them I opened the curtain with the clothing returned to their hangers and saw Mr. Cooper’s obvious disappointment as my tee was in place and my shorts again hid the outline of my womanhood at least until I stepped forward or back.

“Sorry, I didn’t like how these looked on me.” He looked devastated.

“Not to worry, Andi, take your time; I have a lot in your size to choose from.”

That really wasn’t the case because I had looked through most of the selections before my try-ons. I held out the rejected outfits for him to replace them on the display.

I had to get him to do SOMETHING! “No, not today — I’ll stop back another time.”

He acted out a genuine panic. He held up two skimpy bikinis from the rack next to him.

“Don’t go yet! Here, look, these two bikinis are 50% off today only!” He sweetened his bribe. “You can have either one for free!”

I already had a modest two-piece suit. I knew Mom and Daddy would never approve of the strings and triangles.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Oh, don’t be shy. You are getting to be a big girl; I bet you could be a glamour model.”

That was certainly not true, models were tall, thin and practically flat chested, but his comment made me curious as to how I would look in the suits and it would give us both an excuse to continue playing our game.


“Go on — try them. I’ll give my honest opinion when you model them for me.”

I hadn’t even considered modeling the suits outside the booth. One minute I was hell bent on being a seductive woman and the next retreating to being an apprehensive little girl. What the hell was wrong with me?

I took the suits from him and barely closed the curtain on purpose.

Each suit was designed differently from the other; one suit was red, the other was white. I decided to try on the red one first as it appeared to be able to be worn both modestly and more brazenly. I wondered if I could get this one past my parents or if I should hide it until I left for college.

I tied the top strings around my neck and the side strings around my torso. I centered the two triangles over my breasts. The strings on the bottoms weren’t easy to get tied; I had to squeeze the tiny triangle of material between my thighs while tying the first side. Looking in the mirror I thought I really looked amazing yet felt insecure and awkward because I was witnessing a tramp advertising her wares.

When I timidly looked out Escort Bostancı the side of the curtain Mr. Cooper was standing right in front of the booth a few feet away. Being taller than me he reminded me of Kilroy with his eyes and nose right above the curtain rod. His hands were extremely active in his pockets.

He was standing there with a big grin on his face and both of his hands in his front pockets. It looked like he was digging around for something, but I knew what he was doing. I wanted to do that for him. Should I be bold and just grab his manhood? He had made me feel it at church; why wasn’t he making the same demand now?

I wanted to let him see me, but there was an awfully lot to see. I started to step out but scooted back in the booth.

“Uh, I don’t know Mr. Cooper.” I suspected my modesty could have been interpreted as being coy.

“Come on out, Andi; let me be the judge.”

“Oh… I don’t know.” I wasn’t sure if I should continue. This bikini was very, very small and didn’t cover much, but it had more material than the white one. After several moments as I stood still Mr. Cooper assured me that I looked beautiful. I was less gracious with my self-appraisal; I looked like a pale and pasty imitator, not the mysterious and seductive woman I wanted to be.

The sides of my titties were bulging out the sides. Thinking I had tied it too tight, I loosed the strings as Mr. Cooper moved closer as he watched my fumbling embarrassed effort. That adjustment helped but it let my titties roll around when I moved. My pubic hair was showing above and on each side the lower triangle; I couldn’t hide it.

I knew I was being ridiculous. I had paraded around nude for Mr. Jacoby yet in this bathing suit I felt more naked than nude. That didn’t make sense. Was it because I didn’t think Mr. Cooper was as perverted as Mr. Jacoby? That was even more ludicrous because they had both had their fingers inside me. FUCK, what was my problem?

“Come out, Andi; you promised to let me see how the suit fits.”

I had made no such promise but felt obligated to let Mr. Cooper see the top at least.

I held my hands in front of my unruly thatch and stepped to the front of the booth. He was beaming.

“I was right you do look like a model! Put your hands on your hips.” I struck the pose to please him not thinking doing so would expose my muff. Damn! He hoodwinked me with that simple subtle ruse.

Following the line of his intensive stare I looked down and realized that there was no doubt that he could see my dark patch. Were my lips as open as I sensed they were? When he asked to see the suit properly so he could give an honest opinion I stepped forward thinking the closer I stood to him the less he could see.

“Just as I thought; the fit is perfect in the front. Turn around let’s see the back.”

I had already checked that view in the mirrors and knew that my cheeks were all but entirely exposed since the string was hidden in my crease but I turned around for him grateful to hide my public hair from his view. I couldn’t determine if I was relieved or frustrated that he hadn’t taken the obvious opportunity to touch me.

“Nice, very nice Andi.” I felt two of his fingers, one on each side slide under the sides of the brief teardrop gusset, stretch out the material and snap it in place. “Perfect!”

Warm hands casually glided over each of my cheeks and his thumbs spread them to view the hidden string stretching up and joined to my waist ties. I suspected that my starburst was at least partially viewable under the string.

He stepped forward which nudged me back into the booth. As if it was entirely normal he stepped in behind me.

“Did you notice that the bra cups on this suit can be widened or narrowed to your liking so you can adjust them any way you want?”

Now we were getting somewhere; he had finally made his move.

Before I could answer, he reached over my shoulders and demonstrated by gathering and shrinking first one triangle and then the other. That was so unnecessary because I had already discovered that and had stretched both of the triangles out as far as they would go which still gave him a lot to look at.

I smiled at his stealth. Now the fun would begin. I also felt a pressure right between my big butt cheeks. Mr. Cooper was rubbing his penis up against me. I reached behind me and palmed his projectile that was appropriately standing straight up. Was the tip up above his belt?

To encourage him and calm my own unwarranted heebee jeebees I forced myself to make a commitment. I clasped his manhood and squeezed, then as if confirming its rigid length I rubbed my palm up and down the surface of his baggy trousers before clutching it again. Wow! I was amazed that a man of his age had such a hard erection.

Why hadn’t I considered that in the basement at church? He had been just as hard then, although I hadn’t been aware that at least half of his penis was hidden behind his zipper. I looked in the mirror in front of me and saw he had a big delighted smile on his face and a devilish gleam in his eyes.

He had me where he wanted me. I was doing what he wanted me to do. I was where I wanted to be; preparing to do what I wanted to do. Returning his smile, I wet my lips, winked and pushed my hips back against him and my hand.

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Just a Dream…?

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It was unusually warm for this time of year in North Carolina. It was late in the winter and heading into early spring, yet it was incredibly stuffy in every room. Fans were useless and it was too early for air conditioning. It was quite late evening and the sun had been set for some time, however the stifling warmth hung in the darkness.

Kitty laid awake as she had many other nights, seemingly unable to go to sleep as always, though she didn’t know why. Sleep was never an easy thing for her and the heat that surrounded her was doing her no favors. She was on her back partially covered by her sheet as she looked up toward the ceiling. She paid no attention to the dark as her mind began to wander into thoughts about the things that always kept her awake. All of the meaningless tasks that were entirely mundane but always drove her mad every day, such as her anxieties, worries and the like. At some points, she just watched the clock pass minute by minute into the middle of the night, driving her even further into madness as she got further away from the night and closer to the morning. The thoughts of it making her mind-numbingly ill. As she thought more and more about when she’d finally get to sleep, it got harder to convince herself that she would. The depressing thoughts and strange feelings from some of the incomplete dreams persisted but were rarely remembered other than just one or two small details. All she knew was that they were unsettling and enough to cause her to wake abruptly, usually in a heavy sweat.

A large sigh came from her chest and out her mouth with a large breath being expelled audibly. Kitty rolled to her side and picked up her phone. She opened facebook and began perusing what was there, though she had no hopes for anything new; at least not new enough to keep her attention.

As she scrolled mindlessly for what seemed to be hours (solely in hopes that it would cause her enough boredom to go to sleep, though no matter how many times she attempted it, it always failed.) She finally realized that it was futile and put her phone down and rolled back onto her back and again stared toward the ceiling. Her skin was warm but finally not sticky from the humid air that had persisted since late yesterday morning. Her hand was warm – warmer than her skin on her chest – and actually felt comforting. Smoothly she caressed across it from side to side, actually providing an unexpected but very welcomed relaxed sensation inside her in the process. Feeling the relief, she moved her hand over her stomach where the area was much larger to cover in hopes that the larger area would provide more comfort. Starting from her waistline to the bottoms of her breasts and back, the feelings continued to build for several minutes and she finally began to feel her body become less aware of the millions of things that kept her awake and stimulated. The feelings of being uptight she had originally felt seemed to melt away as the pleasant increase in entire sensations built within her. Smiling slightly to herself, Kitty placed her hand further up her body again, stopping short of her chest. Her hand now rested on her right breast which Kadıköy Escort caused her body to tingle at the touch in every way possible. Closing her eyes, Kitty began to caress her breast and carefully stroke and pull at her tender nipple.

Kitty maintained the massage on her tender skin. Keeping her eyes closed, she contemplated her body. Her breasts were proportionate to her strong frame and her hips were wide, giving an impressive view of physical appearance; both of which had caused some complex as to her appearance as she moved through adolescence into adulthood. She still compared herself to other women in an attempt to gain perspective on what seem to be perceived as less feminine in school, which she actually was, but rather at this point in her life it was used as a comparison to how other bodies of women her age had changed as they aged. These comparisons were encouraging to her, as she was maintaining a healthy perspective and appearance to her body based on that comparison. Almost all of the women who she had been associated with on the fringe of her adolescence had seemingly added weight, their heavier breasts had started to sag (which was visible even if the woman was wearing a bra, which normally occurs when having children. She was delighted that even after having two girls earlier in life that this had not happened to her) and allowed her to think boldly to herself that she certainly looked good in respect to others.

Almost unintentionally, her hand had moved to her lower belly and to the top of her mound above her very smooth and freshly shaved pussy, tended to just prior to getting in bed a few hours prior. Kitty thought for a moment and with a slight grin on her face, slid her fingers down over her pussy lips, which were very swollen and slippery, something she didn’t realize the magnitude of until this point. As ran her fingers parted her tight folds, a sudden change in her feelings and thoughts came to mind, however it was one very potent thought she had focused on in particular – the one particular dream that always seemed to come back to her over and over, but never completed. Slowly sliding her finger further into her tight pussy lips, stimulating the outside while being extremely careful to not touch her engorged clit that was screaming for attention. Consciously she knew she wasn’t ready for this and pushed further down between her folds, two fingers now addressing the wet pussy she had prepared for the last ten minutes as she had caressed her body.

Kitty began to visualize the beginning of the dream. She could see herself in an opening outside just as the dream always began; one that was on the edge of a river as the evening set in and the sun started to make a slow descent. The sky was full of oranges and yellows; the kind you see just before dusk. The thing that confused her most was the fact that this was definitely not anything like she knew in the area around her, but a place far from there as it bordered a lush wooded area opposite the river. She was familiar with the scene in some way as it seemed familiar, almost as if she had seen it somewhere before but couldn’t put a finger on just where Kadıköy Escort Bayan it was. It was quiet and she felt nearly alone thought. There was a man on the edge of a path to her left, perhaps fifty feet or so from where she was standing. He seemed to be working on starting a fire with the previously collected sticks that were already built up. There were early wisps of smoke and slight flames that had just started in the middle. The sun seemed to be setting quickly with the orange flames lighting up the area with an accepting glow. The glow sent incredible warmth through her. Lifting his head, the man looked over toward Kitty but didn’t speak.

Instead of fleeing from his glance, knowing she had been caught, she took a minute to study him instead. He wasn’t very large at maybe 5’7″ or so, had an average build and dark hair that was cut very short. He was dressed in a red t-shirt and dark colored shorts and had narrow rimmed glasses on. A mustache and goatee adorned his face to round out his appearance. Intrigued, she found comfort as his appearance seemed relaxed.

“Kitty? Are you coming over here or not?” The man smiled widely. “I can’t believe it, but I left the chairs back at my house, so I set up the blanket from my car in the grass so our asses don’t get beat up by the rocks off from the riverbank!” A slight chuckle escaped as finished his sentence.

Kitty felt a sudden urge to run again but couldn’t seem to make herself do it. For some reason, this complete stranger knew her even though she had no idea who he was. Once the sudden urge passed however, she almost immediately relaxed and felt comforted. Instead of wanting to flee now, she was compelled to walk to the man and had unknowingly reached the blanket next to him.

The man extended his arm invitingly. “Come on babe, come sit next to me. It’s nice to be alone. It’s a warm evening, we really need to make the most of this.” It now felt that she really belonged here. Sitting down, she reached the edge of the blanket; tipping her head on his shoulder and up toward his chin, which was very unusual for her, as she tended to be the aggressor in this type of situation but accepted the situation subconsciously but still didn’t speak. She didn’t know why but it appeared almost as if she didn’t have to. That her body language was doing all of the speaking though she didn’t know it was more for his sake or hers.

“I can’t believe it took this long for us to just get away and enjoy an evening together, but the fact that you were able to escape with an empty house certainly has worked in our favor,” the man said. “It’s completely an unlikely time to share with each other, but now we’re here and are going to make the most of it.” Both Kitty and the man laughed, knowing exactly what he meant.

A content but devious smile crossed Kitty’s lips, her eyes appeared to be full of expectant thoughts that indicated her mine was thinking very wickedly sexual thoughts. She was oddly feeling the same things the man had said, her pussy fully soaked and practically running down her ass cheeks. She lifted her head up to look at him again, trying to examine his face Escort Kadıköy in hopes to recognize him, though the thoughts of still not knowing the man fueled even more thoughts of lust of anonymous sex and even more tingling between her legs. She lifted her head up to look at him again but instead was interrupted by his lips as they pressed against hers. His lips were as welcoming as what was pressing against hers; soft and unusually tender for what is normally expected by a man, more than any man she had kissed in her entire life.

Kitty surrendered her entire self to him during this kiss, but only for the kiss. This is where they were meant to be that night, with an open area that allowed so much time and space to explore their naughty intentions. Kitty allowed the man to push her onto her back somewhat aggressively, something she had never let anyone do before and then watched him get on his knees and reach up to the button on the fly of her shorts. Maintaining this moment, his hand ran down her side and stopped at her hip.

Every nerve in her body was alive. She was full of aggressive passion and excitement and couldn’t believe what was happening. The cool air had enveloped them since the sun had gone down, which made his hand feel extra warm as it moved under her shirt and touched her soft skin. Her pussy was surged with blood flow as this continued, her body was taken over by her lustful arousal entirely. She didn’t understand what was happening but had no second thoughts as he moved his hand back downward. She was his for the taking -for now – for anything he wanted.

The man lifted her shirt to just below her braless breasts under her pajama top and kissed along her belly, down to the waist of her shorts. The kisses felt like heaven to her as she felt him unbutton and unzip her shorts. Pulling them down just a short way, he exposed her hips which transitioned smoothly across her pelvis. His kisses spread widely across her lower belly, from hip to hip and the tingling had built to a point that she was giddy as if it was a reflex reaction, probably because her body didn’t know how to handle it. Her shorts moved another small amount as her bare mound was obviously visible, the near reveal of her entire pussy was almost entirely accessible to him. Seeing the creases that led into her legs, he kissed them as well. Kitty had never experienced heaven before, but was sure this had to be as close to it as she could get.

“I’m going to fuck the hell out of your pussy and you had better be ready. I’m going to fuck you so hard, make you cum more times than you thought possible and fill your pussy so full of cum that it’ll never be able to hold it.”

An evil grin crossed his face. Still unable to speak, returned the same grin to him. Smiling widely with intense knowledge that he had her entire permission to fuck her and make her cum just as he said, the man grabbed the waist of her shorts and carefully but aggressively pulled them down.

This is where the dream always stopped. She wasn’t sure at this point though if it was really her dream or her imagination, but it had her at the exact same point it always did when she had this dream – wet until her sheets were soaked with cum and sweat, whether she knew if it was real or not. She wanted to find out so badly which one it was, but didn’t know if she could; because, after all, it might be just a dream…

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Caught Dad Fucking the Maid Pt. 06

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Part 6 continues below.

Dad pulled out of Sushila’s cunt leaving her bent over the sofa, her sari raised up above her ass, her long hair disheveled and open.

After pulling up his pajama, he smacked Sushila’s ass and said “Jaa Randi bai. Ab naashta banakar lekay aa humaray liye” (Go now, whore maid, and make breakfast for us).

Sushila slowly and unsteadily stood up using the sofa armrest for support given that she had just received two loads of semen, one in her mouth & another in her cunt. She flung her sexy long hair back and tried to make a bun. It was not to be. Dad was standing right behind her and grabbed her bun and yanked it hard, laughing.

She said “Sahab nako karo. Bandhnay do maalik. Kaam karna hai”. (Master please don’t do that. Let me tie it up. I have to do work).

He let her go.

We both sat back down on the sofa, satisfied. It was only 10 am! Over the next 30-40 minutes Sushila served us breakfast. She was still completely naked underneath her sari. Hair in bun. Dad grabbed her ass and tits each time she bent over the table to put or pick up the food or plate.

I asked him how he got her to be so obedient and submissive to his needs. He said that it was essentially to use a ‘carrot & stick’ approach with maids. On average once a week he said he gave Sushila a good beating which usually involved whipping her with his belt or horse cane and slapping her face, ass and tits until she was nearly unconscious. He balanced that with fingering & eating her cunt, gently sucking her tits and even sometimes kissing her. He made sure that she orgasmed regularly and was sexually satisfied. Given that he had been ‘training’ her for almost 20 years at that point, he said she knew her ‘aukaad’ (role / position in life) well and knew his needs very well. She knew that he had certain desires that Mom could not fulfill and she was happy to please him in any way he desired. He did say that even after so many years of fucking her, she still cried in pain when he anal fucked her. He said he was frankly surprised by that because by now her anus should have been used to his cock, but it wasn’t. Anyways, he said it was important that men like us imposed our desires & will on lower class women like maids. It was important that they never forget their position in life.

He said in the early days of their relationship, Sushila was under the notion that she was his lover & wife-to-be. He said even though he was fairly rough & abusive with her, she continued to think of him as her ‘husband’. He eventually he took her away to our family house in Lonavala (pleasant hill station outside of Bombay) for 5 days. She thought she was going on a loving honeymoon with her man. Instead, she was caned 2-3 times a day, pissed on and forced to give blowjobs to 3-4 of Dad’s friends. After they had covered her face with their cum loads some Polaroids were taken and shown to her later. After that incident, she understood her position fully and gave up any romantic notions of marriage.

He did admit that given the length of their relationship that he had a soft spot for her and took good care of her finances. He said she would be the wealthiest person in her village.

Soon it was around 11am and we had finished our breakfast. Sushila had cleaned the table and was in the kitchen. It was a rainy Sunday, so we could not go out anywhere.

Dad called out “Chal Sushila. Meray saath nahanay chal abhi” (Come Sushila, bathe with me).

Her reply: “Ji maalik. Mein ayee abhi” (Yes master, right away).

I decided to go for a bath as well (alone, unfortunately) and the last sight I saw before going into my bedroom was Dad grabbing Sushila by the back of her neck and walking her to his bedroom (bathroom was attached to room). Then to my great surprise, he stopped, bent down and indulged in a passionate kiss with Sushila bai. I just stood there mesmerized. They were kissing like lovers. She put her hands around his neck and he opened her bun with his right hand. Then he grabbed her luscious hair in one hand and one breast in the other and continued kissing her. I could tell that their tongues were intertwined in their mouth.

After a minute or so, Sushila jumped into his strong arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and he carried her into the room and shut the door.

I was truly shocked!

Going in for my shower my mind was full of images & thoughts of what I had witnessed over the past 24 hours. It was hugely erotic to see something so taboo as my Dad fucking our ‘loyal’ and long serving maidservant Sushila bai. What made is so sexy was the fact that I had always seeing Sushila bai as a traditional, conservative Hindu ‘sati savitri’ (traditional pure virgin) type. She always had her head covered with sari pallu and her long hair always tied in neat bun, with a red bindi adorning her forehead. So demure and shy. Seeing her become a sex toy to Dad was very erotic. Not to mention that I got my first two blowjobs ever from her. I could not wait for Indu Ankara escort bai to come back so I could finally fuck a woman.

I finished with my shower and came out in living room after about 30 mins. Dad’s room door was still shut. I looked through keyhole but they didn’t appear to be in the room. I figured that they were still in shower and after the passionate kissing scene I had witnessed, I guessed that they were at it again. I was amazed at their stamina, particularly Dad’s ability to keep fucking Sushila almost continuously over the past 24 hours.

It was around noon when finally the room door opened and Dad came out. He asked me if I wanted a beer and I said yes, I will get them. I wanted to go into his room to see what Sushila was up to and since beers were in the mini-fridge in his bedroom, I got my chance. Sushila was sitting on stool by dressing table (where my Mom usually sat). Her long hair was open and wet and she was combing it. She only had a towel wrapped around her body. I got the beers and walked to the living room. I told Dad that I had seen them kissing passionately and him lifting her up and carrying her into the room.

He smiled and said: “Yes, sometimes he got carried away with her, but she knew her place so it was ok”.

I asked if he fucked her again in shower and he said no. He said they just kissed and fondled each other in shower and she gave him a blowjob. He rewarded her with a facial cumshot and then he pissed on her face. I asked if she was shocked or surprised, and he said no. She knew what was coming to her the minute to told her to pull off his cock and turn her head up towards him so he could cum on her and piss on her.

It was well past 1PM and Dad and I had finished 3 beers each. Sushila came out of the bedroom and I was shocked. Her hair was neatly tied in a big juda (bun). She was wearing a lot of gold jewelry — nose ring, multiple bangles on each hand, payals on each ankle, kamarbandh, mangalsutra (sign of a married woman in Hindu culture), earrings, another thick long gold chain dangling down her cleavage. She was wearing a 9-yard traditional (and very expensive, I learned later) Paithani sari (with blouse & petticoat this time). I clearly remember it being a bright red color with a blue border. I even detected some sexy perfume and a little bit of makeup and red lipstick. There was no way anyone would have guessed she was a maid. She was looking sexy & fuckable.

Dad said “Aaray Sushila tu to bahut mast dikh rahi hai aaj. Aaray wah. Sab zaywar peheni hai aur paithani sari bhi jo teray ko mainay iss saal teray janam-din par di thi. Uff aur kitna chudayaygi tu meray say meri Randi Bai. Idhar paas aaja”. (Sushila you are looking very sexy today. Very nice. You are wearing all the jewels I gifted you and that beautiful paithani sari that I gave you on your birthday this year. Wow. How much more do you want me to fuck you, my Maid Whore? Come here).

He stood up (he had consumed a few beers already and was a bit tipsy) and grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her to him. She sexily put her hands around his head and nuzzled on his chest. Dad put his hand on her bun and pulled it open and grabbing a bunch of her long hair he smelt it and sighed.

Sushila pushed him away saying “Sahab mujhay jaanay do ab please. Aapka khana banana hai.” (Master, please let me go. I need to cook food for you).

But as she turned around to walk away he just grabbed her hair with force and pulled her back to him. Sushila let out a yelp and fell back into his arms. He roughly bit her neck and mauled her tits from above her blouse. Her sari had come half undone and was dragging on the floor. She continued to struggle and eventually Dad let her go with a laugh.

We went back to our beers.

Seeing Dad and Sushila so openly intimate repeatedly was making me horny. I could hardly wait for Indu bai to come back home so that I could make my move on her and get a regular pussy to fuck myself.

Sushila was in kitchen preparing our lunch. From time to time she came back into view to put utensils & cutlery on the table. Every time she bent over the table to arrange plates or put utensils I watched Dad follow her with his eyes and sigh loudly with lust. Her hair was in a loose bun after Dad had yanked it open earlier. I could tell from Dad’s breathing and the clearly visible erection (his pajamas were tented) that he was ready to nail her again.

Around 1.45 pm, Sushila came out of kitchen and after putting down the dishes on the dining table she turned to Dad.

She said “Maalik, khaana tayyar hai. Aap aao” (Master, the food is ready. Please come).

We got up and went to the dining table. As Dad sat down, he smacked Sushila’s gaand (ass) startling her slightly.

She just smiled down at him and said “Aaa. Maalik, uff, aap bhi na”. (Oh Master. You are so naughty).

She almost ran to the kitchen saying “Mein garam roti lekar aati sahab” (I will bring warm bread).

Dad Ankara escort bayan and I were quite buzzed by then since we had been drinking for almost 2 hours. After a few minutes of eating in silence, Sushila came by with a plate with fresh rotis. She kept one in Dad’s side plate and one in mine. As she stretched to keep it on Dad’s side plate, Dad bit her neck forcing her to drop the empty plate. She cried out in pain (and probably pleasure) “aaa…sahab…ufff…aaaaaaaaaaa”.

Dad just laughed as she quickly ran back to kitchen. A couple of minutes later he called out to her “abay kuttiya paani lekar aa saali raand” (Bitch bring some water you fucking whore). She quickly came back with a jug of water and poured it into our empty glasses. Dad didn’t maul or touch her this time. Eventually we finished our meal and got up to go wash our hands. However, as I walked to the bathroom adjoining my bedroom, I noticed Dad walking to the kitchen instead of his bathroom. Less than a minute later when I came out into the living room again after washing hands, I saw Dad and Sushila bai coming out of the kitchen.

She no longer had her sari on. Just blouse & petticoat. Dad had his hand around the back of her neck and was forcefully pulling her along towards his bedroom. Then he put his hand on her loose juda and violently pulled it open undoing her luscious, long black hair. Then he wrapped her hair around his wrist and pulled her viciously. She screamed in pain as she stumbled and fell. Dad was now in front of Sushila bai as he dragged her by her long hair as she struggled to stand up again. It was so erotic seeing his previously ‘sati-savitri’ being dragged by her hair, half naked, screaming in pain. Eventually Dad got her into his bedroom. This time he didn’t shut the door. I quickly followed and watched from the entrance to the room.

By then Sushila was crying. The hair pulling must have been painful given the distance she was dragged across the flat. Dad lifted her by her hair and dumped her on the bed. Dad got up on the bed and straddled her. Then her ripped apart her blouse. The buttons flew everywhere. Obviously she wasn’t wearing any bra so her tits were exposed. Then, to my surprise (I found out later that the reason for his brutality that time was that when he had gone to the kitchen after finishing his meal, he had told Sushila that he wanted to fuck her right away. She had stupidly said that she had to eat her lunch and would come to his bed quickly.

That lack of immediate obedience led to what I was seeing then), Dad began to slap Sushila’s tits and face. He was abusing her, calling her “randi hamarzadi kuttiya..meray say muh lagati hai..teri himmat kaisay hui mujhay bolnay ki yeh…madarchod saali chinnal” (whore, fucking bitch, how dare you question my orders, motherfucking whore bitch). Her breasts were getting red and she was screaming loudly for mercy, trying to shield her face. But there was no stopping Dad. He continued to smack her hard even spitting on her face. After about 5 minutes he stopped. Sushila’s face and breasts were red. She was crying, tears covering her cheeks. Hair disheveled. But Dad wasn’t done. He got off her, took off his pyjamas, lifted her petticoat and rammed his cock into her pussy. She screamed loudly as he entered her with force and her eyes rolled into the top of her head.

As Dad fucked her, he put one hand on her throat, choking her. With the other hand, he commenced to slap her face again as he resumed abusing her and spitting on her face again. Sushila’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets and she was flapping her legs trying to struggle for air. The sound of her payals and bangle clinking as she tried to get Dad off her or atleast try to breath filled the room. I interjected. I told Dad “Dad you’re going to choke her to death..ease up please”. But he wasn’t listening. I was truly afraid. Dad is 6 feet 3 inches tall and big built. Sushila bai was 5 feet 5 inches and slightly built. Luckily for her, Dad ejaculated into her cunt with a roar with a minute or so of being inside her. Then he let go of her throat and rolled off her. Exhausted. His anger and lust satiated for the moment.

Sushila sat up coughing. Still crying. Glad to be alive. Topless, hair open. Wearing kamarbandh, nose ring, earrings, bangles, payals. Sindoor in her maang was ruined. Despite her condition, once she stopped coughing she went down to Dad’s crotch and took his deflating cock into her mouth and licked it clean. Dad just looked down at her and said “kuttiya tunay sabak seekh liya theekh say..agli baar tu zindaa nahi rahegi samjhi” (bitch you better have learned your lesson properly. Next time I won’t spare you). She was too busy licking Dad’s cock clean to reply.

It was now around 2.30 pm in the afternoon.

Sushila bai had licked Dad’s cock clean. Dad told her “Sushila tu apna petticoat utaar aur poori nangi ho ja” (Sushila,take off your petticoat and get completely naked). By Escort Ankara now it was ‘normal’ to have me watching them. Neither of them had any qualms about having me in the room.

Sushila obediently undid her petticoat and threw it on the floor. Then Dad said “apni chuth dikha. Mujhay dekhna hai ki mera muth theekh say andar gaya ki nahi” (show me your cunt. I want to see if my semen has gone in properly). Dad lifted her legs up exposing her cunt. I could see semen dripping out a bit and when he spread open her cunt lips, he told me “look navin..this is how you should mark your property when you start fucking indu later today. She’s barren so there is no need for you to use a condom with her.” I just sat there staring at Sushila’s clean shaven cunt with Dad’s cum dripping out of it.

Dad put her legs down leaving her lying on her back. Then he slapped her tits again and ordered her “kuttiya..ab jaa..apna khana khatam karkay aa. Aaj to tunay ghar ki safai bhi nahi kari hai..jaa ab” (bitch, go now. Finishi your food and come back. You haven’t cleaned the house yet today either. Go)

Sushila slowly got off the bed and reached for her blouse & petticoat. Dad saw that and said “haramzaadi saali..mainay teray ko bola ki kapday pehen..nahin na? Phir kyon pehenti hai kutti. Aaj tu nangi hi ghoom jab tak mein tujhay kapday pehenay ki aagya nahi doon..samjhi raand?” (You fucking bitch. Did I tell you wear clothes? Why are you wearing them then bitch. Today you will remain naked until I tell you to wear clothes. Understood slut?). Saying that he smacked her ass a few times. Sushila was humiliated but had no choice in the matter. She flung her long hair back and started to make a bun..but then looked at Dad and asked “maalik mein baal juda mein karoon? Kaam mein aasaani hogi sahab” (Master, can I please tie my hair into a bun? It will be easier for me to do my work then). Dad said “theekh hai..baandh le. Ab jaa..meray liye paani lekar aa aur apna kaam khatam kar” (Ok. Tie it. Go now. Get me some water and finish your work)

It was an awesome sight to see this ripe, full bodied marathi kaamwali bai, buck naked except for payals, kamarbandh, earrings, chains and bangles..her long hair in an untidy juda..limping away from the room after having been mindlessly fucked and abused.

Dad put his pyjamas back on. He was on the bed, I was sitting on sofa in room. The phone rang. I picked up. It was mom. She had been in delhi since the previous 3 days. She was calling to ask how things were going and to see if Indu had returned. I told her that Indu was due to come back later in the day but that Sushila had been doing all the housework & cooking in her absence. Once I mentioned Sushila’s name, there was silence on the other end of the line. Then mom asked to speak to Dad. Dad sat up on the bed, his legs on the floor and took the phone from me. He and mom started talking. Within a few seconds, Sushila came back into the room. Naked as before. She had the cleaning water & wet mop with her and she began to sweep the floor. Immediately but Dad and I started ogling her. Even though Dad was talking to mom on the phone, I could tell that he was paying attention only to Sushila bai. I also noticed a raging erection in his crotch area, clearly visible through his pyjamas. Sushila saw it too. With one hand, Dad signaled to Sushila bai to come to him. He was holding the phone with the other hand still and mom was still yapping away.

Sushila put down her mop, went to the attached bathroom and a few seconds later came out with her hands washed. Dad lay down on his back on the bed. Cordless phone still in his one hand and set to his ear. Sushila bai got onto the bed on her hands and knees, straddling Dad’s legs. She wordlessly undid the knot of his pyjamas and pulled out his penis. His erection was rock hard. And yet he continued to make conversation with mom on the phone. Sushila let go of his cock and very slowly and sexily pulled open her juda and flung her hair on his torso. I could tell that his breathing was getting very heavy. Also, I was quite sure that mom must have heard Sushila’s bangles jiggling when she opened her juda.

Then Sushila grabbed Dad’s cock in her right hand and jerked it slowly a few times. Then she began to lick his balls and ran her tongue up & down his erect shaft. All the while she kept her eyes on him and was smiling like a whore. Dad was beginning to lose control. His breathing became heavier and it was getting difficult for him to talk. At that point, Sushila clamped down her mouth onto his cock and began to suck him furiously. Her face disappeared into his crotch and her hair was covering his torso. Her bangled hands came up to Dad’s nipples and she was stroking his upper body while bobbing her head up & down on his cock. Dad quickly told mom “darling I will talk to you later. I need to take another call. Bye” and hung up the phone.

He put his head back in ecstasy and one hand on Sushila’s head as she continued fellating him. He was really enjoying this. He started talking dirty to her “saali Sushila wah wah kya choosti hai too..bahut zyada randi bann gayi tu..uff…poora lund lele apnay muh mein..aaahhh..shabaash” (fuck Sushila, you are a great cocksucker. You have become a total slut. Take my cock fully into your mouth. Good..).

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Lady Of The Loch (Part 3)

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They shared a quiet moment slaking their thirst from the cold, clean, crisp waters of the loch. The Knight adjusted his position, letting his calves dangle in the limpid water to cool off.  Upon finishing her drink, the Sylvan Maiden, lay down, her head and one hand resting on his closest thigh, while her free hand gently stroked and pet his resting sword.“What is your wish, my master?” she spoke softly.In response, his hand, caressing the back of her head, slid down to her seductive back, and he let his fingers gently glide all around her velvet skin.  “My wish would be to freeze this moment of time forever!”  He quietly answered back.“I too wish that could be so,” she said, a gentle smile lighting up her face.  “However that is not an action I can grant, as I have no control over the flow of time.  What I await now is the action you wish me to perform as the winner of our inaugural contest.”“Our inaugural contest?” he repeated in curiosity.“Surely you do not think that will be the last time I challenge you?” she returned with a seductive grin.“Surely not!” the Knight laughed heartily.  “I looked forward to many a future match with you, no matter the outcome!”“Now my good sir,” she entreated him, “Tell this fair maiden, what task she must perform for your pleasure.”“You shall dance for me!” he announced.“Dance?” she repeated in surprise.  “I would have expected something more intimate, but I shall certainly dance for your pleasure if that is your desire.”“I wasn’t finished,” he returned.  “You shall dance for me, while upon my aroused sword.  You must not allow it to leave your garden passage until we both have ascended.  Only then may your performance come to an end.”The Lady flushed slightly as she smiled excitedly.  “Now that sounds more like what I expected!” she whispered seductively.“Additionally,” he continued.  “You cannot use your hands to awaken my blade.”“As you wish, my master,” she purred.  With that, she slipped into the water and waded around his knee to stand between his thighs.Placing one hand on either of his thighs, she opened her mouth and started to bend over towards his shaft.  Her peeking tongue extended expectantly.“You cannot use your mouth either,” he quickly added.She looked back up at him, a pout across her face.“Your mystical mouth is too good, my love,” he explained.  “This is meant to be a challenge.”“Then I must accept,” she said slyly.Leaning in, she cupped the outside rim of her mighty melons and gently pressed them together, enveloping his shaft completely with their soft, velvety skin.  Seductively she began to rub them up and down in alternating motions, letting her silken skin caress and massage his manhood.This new sensation, send little tingles throughout his loins, and the Knight reveled in every touch of her silky, succulent bosom.  “This feels marvelous!” he whispered as he closed his eyes.“I am glad my master approves of my choice,” The Elf purred back.  “If not, I fear he would have to discipline me,” she teased.Her words brought visions to his mind’s eye of other games they might play—perhaps before their festival of love was through.  For now, he allowed the tingling sensations to wash through him as his hot blood rapidly began to flood his loins.The fey Maiden, felt his sword begin to lengthen and harden as it warmed between her undulating mounds.  Looking into his face, eyes closed as he breathed deeply, enjoying her caressing embrace, she smiled with satisfaction knowing her lover derived such pleasure from her touch.Shortly his engorged sword peeked out from between her mighty melons, like a tiny sapling first pushing out of its native soil.  She nurtured it with her soft, supple, breasts, and watch it grow to its full height, firm, strong, and resolute.  Her darling little seed was ready.She looked back up at the Knight’s face.  She found his eyes still closed as he drifted upon the pillows of her velvet breasts.  Coyly she smiled and reached down, gently licking the tip of his sword.“Hey!” He came to with a start.  “I told you—““But my lord,” she interrupted.  “The preparations are complete, and it is time for me to begin my main performance as you requested.”Looking down at his hard, meaty member sprouting from between her loving mounds he knew she was right.  Releasing her buxom bosom, they gently parted to display his full sword nestled between their lusty peaks, as she held out her arms to him.“Will master be so good as to help me up?” she requested.Smiling at his elven lover, the Knight reached down and gripped her under the pits of her arms.  Then, her wondrous melons lightly brushing his hands along his thumbs, he lifted her up as she hopped out of the cool water.Cold rivulets rained down upon his thighs and sword. His man purse contracted from the cold water lifting his pearls as he brought her onto his lap.  She placed a comely knee outside either of his thighs, so that she straddled him as she settled upon his loins and faced him.“As my master has commanded I cannot use my hands,” she teased, “would he kindly insert his mighty sword into my garden entrance?”  Biting the corner of her lip and staring seductively into his eyes, she rose up.  The delicate folds of her garden veil hovered above his prestigious sword head.Grinning in lusty zeal, the Knight directed his mighty member as she slowly lowered herself onto its head.  She paused as he adjusted it to slide directly into her garden passage.  Once she felt it nuzzle into the entrance, she resumed her descent upon it.  Letting it slide in deeply she impaled herself, fully accepting his manhood.Again she paused eyes closed, a little whimper Anadolu Yakası Escort of pain escaping her quivering lips as a single, crimson trail ran down his shaft.  Small tears welled up in the corner of her eyes, as she breathed deeply waiting for the sting to pass.The Knight, gently sliding his hands up and down either side of her back, tried to soothe her discomfort.  Shortly her breathing eased and she lovingly smiled as she opened her emerald eyes to look into his.“At last, we are one,” she beamed with overflowing joy, a tear escaping her eye.Together they reveled in the moment, savoring the feeling.  His long sword was deeply enfolded within her warm, wet, tight garden passage.  The sensuality was both sublime and perfect.  He felt the embrace of her love as her carnal canal enveloped him.  She felt replete and complete as his enlarged shaft penetrated and filled her.“Now, I shall dance for master,” the Elf coyly continued.Raising her hands high above her head, they began to roll and wind to the beat of an unheard song.  Her arms came alive and twisted and writhed as though possessed by serpents. Slowly her perfect breasts began to succulently sway as her shoulders shifted and rolled.  Her body became a living pool of liquid as her navel undulated in rolling waves that cascaded down her shapely form.  Her hips, staying low and keeping his sword within her warm, wet garden, began to twist and sway from side to side as each belly wave shimmered down her stunning, flowing body.  Her long hair billowed and rippled to the waves of her figure, like a golden veil twinkling and flowing in the background.The Knight was hypnotized!  He had expected a delightful performance, but had never conceived of such a sight as this!  His eyes feasted upon the shapes and curves of his lover’s form, as they shimmied and shimmered like flicker flames before his dazzled eyes.  His gaze darted from her heaving bosom, to her seductive face, across her rolling navel, and down to her gyrating hips.  He simply couldn’t keep his focus, so much was there to drink in and see—all of it erotically arousing!Feeling his ogling eyes upon her naked skin, and seeing his bewitched gaze, the Sylvan Maiden blushed.  Her provocative smile further enriched as deep satisfaction swelled inside.  Slowly she began to rise, then fall as her thighs lifted and lowered her slightly to the tempo of her dance.  Her garden passage, already wet, began to grip and slide along the Knight’s sword shaft. It sent tingles running up both their loins at the sensation, but though she let out a little murmur at the feeling, never did she stop or lose time in her performance.Sinuously her hands began to part, as her arms swirled and opened to pose straight out from her sides. Her muscles dancing beneath her velvet skin, her arms still vacillated like snakes though her wrist seemed bound by unseen chains.  Her torso started to slowly sway left and right, while the undulating belly waves continued to roll down her navel.  Synchronously, the Sylvan Maiden’s hips began to shake twice on each side as her lavish bottom, flexed and bounced before swaying across to the other cheek. Her passage twisting and pirouetting about his meaty member, whose head rubbed and poked against her honey-covered walls, built fierce passion in them both.The Knight’s desire for his elven lover rose ever higher as he watched her sinuous, seductive moves.  He marveled at her shapely, curvaceous form and ethereal, divine beauty and blessed whatever unseen hand had brought this union together. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine such a sublime experience or so ravishing a lover!With each sway and roll of her hips, her garden passage squeezed and stroked his manly sword, while the cheeks of her voluminous bottom bounced and slapped his thighs in time with her erotic dance.  Each bounce, each stroke, sent surges of warm needles shooting forth from his loins and thighs, to tickle and tease the surrounding body parts.The Lady, careful to never stop her undulant dance, looked upon her man with love.  It was her fondest desire to please every sense of his large muscled frame, as she pleasured his mighty sword thrust deep within her.  With each lift of her hip, each roll of her navel, each bounce of her bottom, she felt that meaty member as it poked and pierced her within, sending waves of hot passion interspersed with icy needles that raced from inside her aroused passageway, through her body, and across her lower extremities in effervescent waves.Arching her back as far as she could comfortably go while maintaining her balance on her knees, she started to do long, slow, circular gyrations with her hips.  Her magic melons shifted and swayed as she tilted to and fro.  The Knight’s meaty manhood, slid further out as she rotated her hips back, and then penetrated deep as her hips came forward.  The slow piston action of his shaft felt very satisfying as she rolled her hips, each time a little faster.  She savored the pleasurable feeling as it slid and rubbed inside her wet, sticky passage.  She began to move her arms forward in waving serpentine motions as her hands, twisted and twirled, at last coming to rest on his broad shoulders just outside the base of his strong neck.Once her enchanted hands were anchored on her lover’s thick trapezius, she slowly pulled herself in, all the while keeping her silken belly rolls going in time with her sashaying hips and swaying breasts.  Closer and closer she came, till her belly began to provocatively brush against his chiseled abs as they swelled to their apex, before Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan flowing back in.  With each touch, electric tingling waves danced across her navel and his abs in unison!As she pulled in ever closer, her pert peaks began to caress against his firm chest.  At their contact, hot and cold shivers raced through their bosoms to ricochet across their skin as alternating waves continued to spread from below.  Closer she came, her massive melons squashing against his unrelenting muscles, her rolling navel began to bump and tickle along his abs with every seductive wave.Closer still she came.  Her eyes closed and her head tilted while her lips of wine reached out longingly waiting for a kiss.  Her lover did not hesitate at the invitation.Wrapping his iron arms about her curvaceous form, he pressed her against him, drinking deeply from the well of her luscious lips.  Yet even in their ardent embrace, the Elf’s hips continued to shimmy and sway, her bottom to bump and bound, his long shaft to pierce and rub her honey-laden passage.Again their tongues intertwined! Wrapping passionately, they danced between their eager mouths.  The Knight’s left hand held her head against his lips, while his right caressed and glided along her silken back and velvet buttocks.  Her hands remained wrapped around his neck, as her gyrating curves danced across his skin.  Inside them both, shivers ran up and down their torso and spine as they drown in the sensations of each other’s body.At last, they parted for air, and smiling bewitchingly, the Elf pulled away from her Chevalier’s strong embrace.  His hands glided along her back and breasts as he let her retreat.  His chest still prickling and tingling from thousands of tiny pins, he felt the ghostly presence her pressed stems and crushed breasts left in their absence.Her serpentine arms again stretching out to either side, the sultry elven Maiden now increased the tempo of her dance of seduction!  Her beguiling gaze looking straight into the Knight’s entranced eyes, she smiled bewitchingly.  No longer did it slowly sway and flow, instead in great zeal her whole frame began to quiver and shimmer in nimble motion!Her shoulders rapidly shook as her ample bosom, rippled and bounced to each tumultuous tilt.  Her hips, as though possessed by some mammoth fish, shimmied and shuddered with pitch alacrity—seemly seeking to remove every drop of heated sweat by rapidly shaking it off.  Her bottom bounced fervently slapping against the Knight’s legs as her lusty thighs rose and fell in miniscule pulses from the rippling muscular ballet dancing beneath her skin.In response, the Lady’s garden passage tightened and constricted more about her lover’s engorged shaft as the surrounding hip muscles all activated for the vigorous performance.  The small quick pulses of her thighs causing her hips rapid rise and fall, made the Knight’s sword stab fiercely within her tight passage.  Piercing and pressing vigorously against her wet honey-soaked inner walls, it sent fresh tingling waves reverberating throughout their joined loins.A little hiss escaped the Knight’s lips at the feeling of her constricting tunnel, as the pressure and stimulation increased.  New icy-hot needles tickled his shaft as his man sack pulled taunt, loading the family jewels as a feeling of pressure rapidly began to build within them.The Elf moaned softly, as she felt her own waves of burning pins reverberate within, but her relentless roiling hips didn’t miss a beat.  Nor did her quivering melons stop their hypnotic tremors, even as she could feel the pressure of her dam start to fill.Again her arms enclosed her lover’s neck, as her whole body began to ripple.  Beginning in her upper back, her bosom would roll forward, its pert peaks grazing and pressing against his muscular chest in titillation. The surging wave would continue down her belly, her navel sending the undulations into her hips, which rose and fell in swift succession.  With each cycle, the delicate folds veiling her lady garden would glide along the Knight’s long shaft, while her tightened passage stroked it from all sides in relentless rhythm to her round rump cheeks smacking against his loins.Wave after wave of ardor, pricking every pore, shot through the lovers’ merged members and radiated outward waltzing across their skin. Their breathing grew heavier as their hearts raced, passion welling up within both.With each bounce of her hips, the Sylvan Maiden’s arousal drew whimpers and moans as they slipped forth from her luscious lips.  Ambrosia seeping out of her lover’s sword head, it mixed with her honey and coated his shaft as the ridges of her walls tingled in delight.  The burning fires began to pour into her veins, as a warm glow from within began suffusing throughout her silken skin.The Knight’s iron arms wrapped his lover in another caressing embrace, as he closed his eyes and listened to her sultry moans synchronized to the beat of her thumping backside.  His head tilted back as her stroking garden passage, clamped firmly around his shaft, stimulated every inch—the profuse pressure threatening to burst forth from his manly pearls with each tingling slide.Unable to contain himself, the Knight’s loins began to rise and meet her glistening peach bottom each time it fell.  The increased motion further arousing the couple’s passions, the waves of searing needles across their bodies provoked his sword to its limit as it began to quiver and throb.The fey Maiden felt the shivering throbs of his meaty member deep inside her passage.  Her dam’s pressure nearly Escort Anadolu Yakası unbearable, the Lady tightened her arms about her lover’s neck—crushing her mighty melons deep into his heaving chest.  Her head was thrown back as her moans became long and labored.A final thrust of his loins as it met her descending derriere, and the Knight’s throbbing sword, unable to hold at bay the unrelenting pressure any longer, sprayed his nectar deep into her garden passage in rhythmic jets. It spattered and coated the already honey-drenched walls.  In rejoinder, the Elf’s dam burst to release the tidal wave within.Screaming in ecstasy to the sky above, the Maiden’s body quivered and convulsed in the uncontrollable pangs of pleasure as her lover’s nectar streams spurted into the torrential flood unleashed from within—her burning emotions at last cooling from the flow.  The lovers froze in their position as if time itself had stopped while they basked and relished in the transcendent pleasure of their culminated union. As the Knight’s throbbing sword quelled and the Sylvan Maiden’s quaking subsided, their bodies relaxed and collapsed together, his strong back taking the impact of the ground while she slumped atop his prone figure.  There they lay, his strong arms still wrapped around her sublime form, while she rested—head and arms on his broad chest.For a time the only sound was the gentle lapping of water as their heavy breathing gradually returned to normal.  His eyes closed, and waves of love poured through the knight as he gently caressed his lover’s silken hair and velvet skin.  Her scents of jasmine and citrus soothingly lulled his senses, as his fingers wandered aimlessly, exploring every hollow and every rise of her sensual curves.  He was madly enthralled with each tiny detail of her graceful form and was doggedly determined to learn every secret it might hold!  Though her perfume was so pleasant and calming he couldn’t help drifting off to sleep.For how long he slept he was unsure, but her stirring awoke him.  She sensually stretched in his loving embrace.  Opening his eyes, he found her emerald gaze devotedly staring into his as she softly smiled.“Was my performance to my lord’s satisfaction,” she teased as her hand lightly caressed his right nipple.“You have surpassed all I could have ever dreamed,” The Knight replied in honest admiration.  “I can only hope to experience such consummation again!”Her velvet cheeks flushing, she laid her head back down on his chest as she softly whispered.  “You shall!  In matters of love, we elves will not be bested.”  She let her shapely calf and comely foot caress and glide along his leg.“I have no doubts!” her lover replied in quiet adoration. “I could spend the rest of my life searching and never would I come upon such feminine perfection as I hold in my arms now!”She sighed sweetly at his open confession, as her hand slid along his abs, past his navel, and down to his resting sword which she began to fondle and pet with the tips of her fingers.Enjoying the arousing sensation, the Knight’s own hand floated across the fey Maiden’s graceful back, and dropped down under her armpit to begin gently squeezing and stroking her breast.  Her soft giggle informed him she enjoyed the attention.“What part of me do you like the best?” she asked with a coy smile.“Everything!” her lover answered emphatically.  “From your emerald eyes and golden hair, to your dainty feet, and all that is in between.”“Your words embarrass me,” she lightly protested as her blush turned brighter.  “But if you had to pick one?” she pressed.Sighing in compliance, the Knight thought a moment.“If you are forcing me to choose a single aspect,” he began, “I would have to choose your soul.  For it alone defines the maiden I love, allowing all else to be possible,”“A very astute and insightful answer,” she complimented him.  Then with a Cheshire smile added, “But I want to know what physical feature of mine you are most drawn to.”He groaned.  “Why must you vex me so?” he asked half teasing.“Because it is my precocious nature to torment my lover from time to time,” she taunted back.Taking a deep breath he blew it out hard.  Silence followed as he thought deeply.  She continued to smile as she waited expectantly.“Your alluring face arrests my eyes, while your voice tantalizes my ears, and your fragrances tickle my nose.  Your bountiful bosom delights my hands, and your lady garden’s honey pleases my tongue,” he said at last.“That is five selections, not one,” she pointed out.“It is one for each of my senses, as a different aspect of you holds them in rapt attention,” he countered.  “I didn’t know which one you wanted so I have provided them all.”“I suppose I can expect no better an answer,” she teased in mock derision, though her crimson cheeks betrayed her unspoken delight.“What physical aspect of me do you most adore?” the Knight asked attempting to turn the tables.“I cannot deny that your sword holds much of my attention for its sweet, succulent, warm nectar and savory flavor,” she began as she continued to stroke it softly.  “However if I must choose one, I choose your heart,” she concluded laying her head back upon his chest.  “For without its beating within your mighty breast, nothing could give me joy.”Gripping his elven lover under both arms the Knight drew her face to his and drank the wine of her succulent kisses as they lovingly embraced.As their lips locked in ardent pleasure, the Elf’s hand continued to fondle her lover’s sword while her pleasing calf and shapely foot caressed his legs.  Letting one of his hands drift down to caress her round bottom, it reached between her cheeks and tickled the dainty velvet folds of her lady garden—his other continuing to squish and stroke her fantastic bosom.Parting early, the Lady let her lips wander beneath her lover’s jaw and to his ear, where, with a soft giggle, she latched on with her teeth and began to nibble its upper edge.

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