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Happy Ending ! Part 3 !Happy End – Part 3The alarm went off . I was still tired . After several rings , I expressed the alarm clock , and realized that my husband was already up and stood under the shower . I pushed the curtains aside . It rained what a horrible day in autumn . I liked this time of year not too , it rained a lot and it was much too dark . I also felt somehow limp and listless , so I decided to stay home today.When my husband was out of the shower into the bedroom , I asked him to apologize in the company for me today . We usually eat breakfast together , but today he went without leaving our home . I turned again in bed, and slept for now again.Around 10:00 clock, I was awakened by the ringing of our doorstep . I pulled myself together , to see who was there . Even through the front door I could see our postmen and opened the door . He handed me a packet that was addressed to our neighbors , and asked if I could accept it , because it was on vacation . I signed and put the package on the dresser in the hallway .I noted that it already went much better. But decided not to drive to the office . I went into the kitchen to make me a coffee . With coffee in hand, I made myself in our cozy living room sofa comfortably covered me a rug to , and grabbed the TV remote . How long it might have been since I switched on the television at this time ? Anyway, nothing was what interested me .So I took the laptop from the coffee table and hatay escort started the computer . I rummaged at Zalando , Amazon and at several other sites where you could find fashion for women . But noted that I already had the most , or was not my taste . So I called on the page of google / images . I gave a more Keywords: Africa , sex , white woman. I pressed the Enter key , and before I could think at all what I had just entered , the page was already opened.I was immediately wide awake , and I felt that it was very excited me , what I saw there . In the pictures I could see black men who have sex with white women . I clicked on one of the pictures , which led me to the next page xhamster . Behind the screen is a picture , but a video clip , which also launched the next moment of self- hiding . I heard the woman moaned . It scared me , but the speaker was asked out loud. It was afraid that neighbors would hear this , but excited at the same time I am very . So I fixed the volume just a little lower.I discovered that you could search by category , and then clicked the Interracial – category . It excited me so much to see how some black men pushed their big black dicks in white women . From a movie I was particularly intrigued , so I ran from the start the film again . I put the laptop a little further back , leaned back and slid my hand into my sweatpants.Both were unfortunately already naked . I would have liked to seen the woman’s escort hatay eyes , the moment when the colored man had left his pants down , and she saw his big cock for the first time . But now he stroked her and she stroked him . Passionately they kissed it. My hand I slipped under the elastic of my panties . I felt very light bristles . Normally I shave every morning , but that was yes today . It bothered me not at all today .When he slid his hand between her legs , I let my hand slide further down , and imagined that it was the hand of a black man . I was shocked a little bit , and found that I was quite humid . When he touched her, I also touched me . She had become his truly magnificent cock in her hand and let her lips slide over his glans . For me there was no stopping them. I groaned a little when I slipped two fingers into my pussy .My fingers made to create more and more intensively on my pussy . I let her repeatedly in and out slide . Again and again they pushed apart my labia . I enjoyed the moment when my fingers penetrated in me and the sight , as the white woman I thought she is in the same age as me, the tail of the Negro Blas , while the Negro was licking her pussy . I was getting hotter and I pushed the rug completely to hand .Then the man sat up. Wow , what a sight I thought. His cock seemed to be still huge , as I would have thought at the beginning . My husband’s penis was not really small, but the African cock hatay escort bayan towered like a skysc****r in height .Then the woman sat on the Negro ( I must write so that at all ? I just do it , so please do not be angry because of it) and I was able to see exactly how his dark head disappeared between her delicate pink labia. Deeper and deeper his cock disappeared in her pussy . With gentle but firm groan she sat down deeper on him , until she began to ride slowly .My fingers were now soaking wet , and I felt that even my panties now was even through wet. But at the sight , as the white woman was riding on the huge cock of the Negro , I shoved two more fingers in my pussy . Her moans grew louder and louder , and I had to be clearly heard in the house now . But luckily no one was indeed at home .Meanwhile, the two had changed position . The woman was sitting now in front of the sofa and the black behind her . She moaned like crazy while he rammed her repeatedly laid his huge cock inside. As his moans grew louder , I knew he would come right . I made it now even more violent . A woman can feel when a man is about to shoot. Even when pulling he inject his white semen on the woman’s back , but quickly turned to cost more from the rest of his juice .dI was totally exhausted but this adventure had deeply satisfies me , and certainly was me : I would have been this white woman only too happy ! That same day I signed up for xhamster and enjoyed as much as I could the sight of the great videos and pictures .End of Part 3 The story is not over yet ! Do you want to know what happens next ? I appreciate your nice comments and letters as you like my stories !Lovely ! Yours Julia <3
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