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Linda, the hottest sportswoman!

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Solo Male

Linda, the hottest sportswoman!This story begins one day of the month of June. I remember that I left work at the hospital and went to the park. There I sat on a bench that was near a small lake. It was a little hot, and I needed to disconnect a bit from the difficult day of work I had had. While breathing fresh air, I looked at the sky and saw the sun fall, -It was beginning to get dark- I feel a very strong cry from a lady. I stop, look back and see a lady on the floor. I approach very fast. When he saw that delicate face, with big green eyes, black hair, very thin red lips and white skin, he was paralyzed, as bewitched, he could not speak to him. In that instant she screams at me and tells me if I could help her !! I say yes, I work in hospital! I asked her what happened to her and she told me that while she was exercising in the park she had bent her ankle and she had fallen. She was wearing a red sports bra that marked her small, firm tits and a small black sports shorts that allowed me to see a firm, hard ass and long, delicate, white and sensual legs. I checked his ankle and he had nothing, only the pain of the blow. I help her to stand and I asked her name. He told me his name was Linda. I told him my name. He told me that he was 37 years old and that he always liked to train in the park. He tried to walk and told me that it hurt a lot and that he could not support his foot. Then I told her that I was accompanying her to the Hopsital to examine that ankle. We went to the hospital, we did the corresponding studies and after waiting a few hours, those studies gave all well. I did not have anything serious. Then we left the hospital and it was already dark. She told me that she still had trouble walking and that she did not want to go home alone. I buca escort offered to take it. During the trip in the car, we talked a lot and managed to make her laugh a little! I had a beautiful smile !! Then we arrived at his house. We got out of the car and helped her to get to the door. At that moment Linda invited me to come. I accepted. His house was small, but very beautiful. He told me to sit on the couch, I’m coming. The chair was in front of a large window! Minutes passed and Linda did not appear. At that moment I see the most precious lady in the universe leave her room. Her loose black hair, combined with a black bra that marked and enlarged her tits and a black panty / panty. She turns around and I see that firm, small, hard, exercised, white, soft ass that wanted a cock. She asks me how it looked. I could not speak but my penis, which had begun to harden and enlarge, made a bulge in the pants I was wearing. Linda smiled and enjoyed that I was excited. She sits next to me and I caress her and start to kiss her, first on the neck and then on the mouth. In that instant something unexpected happens, she with her arm separates me from her body. I ask if he had been bothered by something he had done. Linda answered me no, but I had to say something. I tell him to tell me what was happening. She tells me I’m a transsexual !! I answered that it does not matter, that she is the most beautiful princess in the universe !!! She smiles and from here begins a night of wonderful and very hot sex.She begins to massage over my pants, my penis, very slowly, very gently. When he noticed that my cock was hard enough, he lowered the zipper and took off my pants. He took my hard, thick, hot penis from the base and put it in his mouth !!!! To the escort buca bottom! He almost throws up! And he began to lick it with lots of saliva from the tip down, over and over again while the saliva lubricated the movements. Part of the red lip paint was on my penis. I can not explain the pleasure I felt when Linda put my penis in her mouth, and she did it very slowly to keep me from ending up. That’s how it was for a few minutes. My cock was totally covered with saliva. Then I lifted her up and started kissing her first on her neck and then on her lips, with lots of saliva we stuck our tongues to the bottom, both of them. They were very passionate kisses. Then I removed the bra and saw these small hormones, firm, beautiful, white, delicate tits and began to suck them, first the areola and then the nipple. Her nipples were erect and they became very hard. I was licking and kissing them for a long time, until a white discharge came out that I swallowed, it was very rich and Linda cried out with pleasure. Then I lowered her panties and had a small penis that was a bit erect, she blushed. At that moment I approached her princess body and pressed it hard against mine. We rubbed our bodies for a few minutes, and felt his small cock rub my hard, thick penis, while I put my hand on his ass and then took his buttocks hard with my fingers. It was a pleasant sensation. Then when my penis was really hard, I made her turn and I supported my cock in her ass, to make her feel pleasure and desire and to ask me to penetrate her. She started asking to be penetrated. Primeto put spit on my fingers and then I passed them around his anus, pink and narrow. His anus was very closed. I love the narrow anus of a lady. Then he gave me lubricant, I put it buca escort bayan with my finger while I penetrated it very slowly with just my finger, she moaned with pleasure. When I feel quite dilated, I put the condom and start to introduce my cock in that wonderful ass. I did it very slowly, I wanted to feel the resistance of his anus to the passage of my thick cock and that she felt that pleasure. It was a unique experience. When I penetrated her completely with my cock, Linda gave a very strong cry of pleasure. We were both on the floor. They were in four leaning on the floor. I began to penetrate it with great force, again and again. His buttocks hit hard against my thighs. I caressed and kissed his ass !! She moaned like never, very strong !! The stronger I moaned the stronger I penetrated her and the stronger she squeezed my cock with her ass !!!!! His anus is very hot and reddish and very lubricated by his secretions. I put and pulled my penis again and again. Then I put my back against the floor, I put Linda sitting on me, and she started to jump on my body with my cock inside her. He did it with great force. We both enjoyed them. It was pure pleasure. I was excited to see her loose hair come and go and hear her screams and moans !! At that moment of his little penis comes a little transparent secretion that falls on my abdomen. She moans and has a very strong orgasm, then she smiles. That meant that I was giving him a lot of pleasure and that excited me even more. After a few minutes I feel like I’m about to finish..Linda lies on the floor, I took off the condo, she sucks my penis and when I feel that I’m coming, she ejaculated my hot white cock on her abdomen and part in her penis. She takes it with her finger and plays with my cum, shedding it for her perfect body. We both hugged, we kissed. His ankle did not hurt anymore. I always had the feeling that someone was watching us through the window. After a while we went to bathe together … and what happened there … I’ll tell you another time …

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Jerome sends me a black friend

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Jerome sends me a black friendMy good old Black Master Jerome had promised to send somebody home that night. I was alone again; my loving hubby out of town…The knock on the door came shortly after midnight. I checked my reflection in the mirror before letting him in. The stranger black man looked at me, a smirk played around his lips. I walked over to him and put my arms around his shoulders and felt his hands moved down my back and ass cheeks.I pushed my groin into his and kissed his lips gently before he suddenly took hold of the back of my head and grazed his teeth against my plump lips before darting his tongue into my mouth.His hands moved away from my buttocks and his fingers slid into the side of my satin panties that were now damp. His fingers reached up and caressed my clit, the thumb of his other hand caressed against my freshly shaved pussy that was very smooth…His teeth bit into my neck karabağlar escort causing me to shiver.Suddenly his fingers entered me. The man curled them and found my G-sport with ease. The expertise with which he played with my cunt brought me to an intense orgasm within just seconds.With the orgasm came the gushing; my juices flooded out of me and splashed my fishnet clad legs, in turn soaking his crotch.He grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly to him so I could feel the hardness of his huge dick in his pants.My desire for him of just to bend me over and fuck me hard was so strong but instead I began to unbutton his jeans before kneeling and pulling them down.His cock was straining to spring out of his boxers and I relieved it from its misery and took it out; the tip was already glistening.I was wearing red lipstick so the stranger could see how far I could take karabağlar escort bayan his cock into my mouth. I put his cock so deep in my throat and encircled the tip of his cock with my tongue.He tightened his hold on my hair and pulled my head down roughly on his cock; the tip hit the back of my throat causing me to gag and make my eyes water.I heard him groaning as my head was yanked over and over again onto his cock, before he ordered me to jerk him, harder and faster. I took his cock in both of my hands and started to pull him hard, spitting on the end of his cock to add lubrication. He pulled my hair and called me a dirty slut; saying he was going to fuck me hard.He dragged me over to the dressing table, pulling me to face him before smearing my red lipstick across my face with his fingers.He turned me around and made me bend over. I could see him in escort karabağlar the mirror, as he rubbed his cock against my clit, slowly inserting just the tip into me. The bastard loved to tease me…Suddenly he rammed his hard thick cock into me so hard the pain was unbearable. He could see how much he was hurting me and turning me on at the same time.But he promptly withdrew and pulled me round to continue with my sucking. Kneeling down, I inserted my fingers into my pussy and started to play until some waves overcame me and the gushing started again…I was sucking his cock; again I felt it begin to pulse, sure that his orgasm was imminent before he interrupted it again and pulled me up. This time he threw me onto the bed and knelt between my legs pulling them up in front of him to rest on his shoulders.He was determined to give me a deep penetration and he fucked me hard and fast.The position was perfect and the gushing started again…He pulled me harder to him as he reached orgasm, pulled out his cock and came all over my tits and my face.I licked the cum from my tits as he knelt back and rested, a horny satisfied smile dancing across his lips, his eyes twinkling with sex.“Nice to meet you, Anita…”

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Online cuckold hook-up

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Online cuckold hook-upThis is based on a dialog with a fellow Xham user. He publishes pics of his wife’s tits and encourages comments and tributes. I offered to write a story and we went from there. I never finished it because his preference is for pretty serious abuse of the tits, and that’s not really my thing. Tits are too magnificent to be tied up or beaten, in my opinion. He also said she’d never willingly go along with a threesome, so it had to be a non-cooperative scene. If I get any feedback that I should continue I will. IM me, or leave a comment.Here are a couple of the inspiration pics. Love her little pink nipples. Here’s the set up.Chapter One.I drove slowly down the street and there she was, exactly where he had said she would be. As I pulled up, she looked towards the car and I smiled and waved. Rolling down the passenger side window, I leaned across and called out “Hi. You must be Enrico’s wife. Jump in, he’s going to meet us at the hotel.” She walked over and leaned on the car door to balance herself as she bent down. God, she was fucking huge. In person, her tits looked even bigger than in the pictures her husband posted online for everyone to see. She was wearing a blue denim shirt with short sleeves. The stitching on the side-seams showed white where it was stretched tight by the sheer volume of tit flesh. She leaned forward, extending her hand through the window, and I got the tiniest glimpse of the top of her tight, plump cleavage. “Hello.” she said reservedly, “It’s so good of you to pick me up like this. This is much nicer than walking.”I took her hand gently. It was warm and soft and as I felt the first touch of her skin, my cock, which was already rock hard in my pants, leaked a little precum. “I’m happy I could help out. I’m Dan, it’s wonderful to meet you. Hop in; please don’t be shy.” I released her hand and she opened the door, sliding into the seat beside me. There she was, all the right junk in all the right places. The woman whose pictures I had jerked off to so many times was in my car, and in less than an hour, that body, those massive, beautiful tits with the tiny pink areola that I loved so much, would be u*********s on the bed in my hotel room, ready for me to use however the fuck I wanted.I smiled across at her as I slid slowly into the traffic. “Don’t forget your seat belt. Enrico would be really upset if I let any harm come to you.”Chapter Two.At the hotel, I ushered her into an elevator and headed straight for my room. I settled her down on the love seat, and glanced at my phone. “Oh here’s Enrico now. He says he’ll be here in twenty minutes. Can I offer you some water, or a drink, perhaps?””Just some water for now, thanks.” she said with a smile.”Pellegrino ok?” I asked. “I think buca escort I drank all the Evian.””Pellegrino would be lovely, thank you.”I cracked open the bottle cap and poured it into two glasses on the armoire next to her. Picking up the one I’d prepared a couple hours before, I handed it to her and raised my glass in a toast. “To you. It’s such a pleasure to meet you, finally.”I knew the bubbles in the water would dissolve the fine white powder more quickly, and help to disguise any slight taste, but it was a hot day, and she drank almost the whole glass in one go, so I needn’t have worried too much about her tasting it. Still, better to be over prepared than under. I sat down in a club chair across the room from her and waited for the inevitable to happen.We chit chatted about this and that. She emptied her glass and I refilled it, placing it carefully next to her, rather than in her hand, because I could see she was already starting to lose co-ordination. “Are you ok?” I asked. “Yes, just a little dizzy. It must be the heat.” As the last words of the sentence dropped from her lips, her eyes glazed, the lids flickered a few times and she fell back onto the couch cushions completely a s l e e p.I took her hand and pinched the web between thumb and forefinger hard, turning the pinkish skin white. She didn’t stir. Fishing my phone from my pocket, I texted Enrico – “she’s out. it’s go time.” I had about 45 minutes before he arrived, and I wanted that time to myself. I locked and bolted the door, closed the blinds and stripped off my clothes. My thick cock was as hard as I’d ever known it, the tip already shiny with precum. The black ring around its base, which I’d been wearing all day, bit into the shaft like fence wire on an old tree. My balls were tight with anticipation.I quickly pulled off her tennis shoes, leaving the cute little white ankle socks on her feet. Pulling her limp body further down onto the couch, I undid her belt and zipper and slid off the loose floral pants she was wearing. Perfect! Large, white, full coverage granny panties. My favorite. I ran my hand across the soft white cotton where it stretched across her belly. Tossing the pants aside, I slid my arms underneath her and stood up, her chubby, defenseless body cradled in my arms. I took the few steps to the bed and dropped her down hard. Her massive udders wobbled as she bounced on the mattress, and I licked my lips in anticipation of what was to come.Taking her by the wrists, I dragged her into the position I had fantasized about for months. Stretched across the bed from one side to the other, her head hanging off the edge. I’d booked a room with a tall bed, specially – spinning a tale about a bad knee to the hotel to get escort buca what I wanted. Her head hung down, neck arched, mouth open at exactly the height of my cock. I took a few strokes with my hand, milking a little more precum from the slit, and stepping forward, wiped a glistening trail of it across her cheek.Chapter Three.I reached for the top snap of her shirt, pulling it open quickly, then another, and a third, exposing the tight line of her cleavage. I tore at two more, pulling the denim aside, exposing her bra. It was white, utilitarian, a sturdy cotton lace. She clearly hadn’t known it would be on display today. I ran my fingertips along the top edge of one cup, luxuriating in the simultaneous feeling of soft skin and hard seam. I edged my feet closer so that my cock lay across her mouth, the lips parted in sleep. I settled the sensitive underside against her bottom lip and reached forward for the last two fasteners.As the shirt fell open, I stepped over her face, my balls on her lips, and ran my hands over the stretched lace that covered her tits. Through the white lace I could see the faint outline of her beautiful areole. Pale pink, oval shaped, and tiny in comparison to the ample swell of her breasts, they were the thing that i most loved about her tits. I covered each cup with a hand and moved forward until the tip of my leaking cock touched her cleavage. I stayed like that for several minutes, my hips moving almost imperceptibly, working the hyper-excited tip of my cock against the fleshy V where her tits joined. I rolled each nipple through the lacy fabric, pinching and pulling, crushing her cleavage against me. I could feel her breath on my ass, and I let go of one breast to reach back and grab a handful of hair, pulling her head higher, burying her face between my butt cheeks. I squatted lower, spreading my ass across her face, feeling her nose against my ring. I leaned forward more, my cock head sliding between her fat tits, pulling hard on her hair and grinding my ass into her nose and mouth as I rocked my hips in ecstasy.Fuck that felt good, but I had to keep moving. I let go of her and scooted around the bed to her feet, pulling her further onto it so her head was supported. Moving around, I rolled her sideways and roughly pulled the shirt off of her arms before snapping the four hooks on the wide strap of her bra and letting her fall once again onto her back. I scuttled around the bed, still conscious of the ticking clock and wanting to get as much time alone with her as I could before Enrico knocked at the door.I climbed onto the high, soft bed and swung a knee across her head, spreading my ass cheeks with both hands as I settled down on her face. Wriggling and shifting into buca escort bayan position, I felt the tip of her nose against my ring and leaned back heavily, both hands briefly working my aching cock as I ground her face between my butt cheeks.Keeping my left hand on my cock, working the shaft hard and fast, I reached down with my right to grab the center of her bra like a rodeo rider grabs the reins of a stallion, and pulled it upwards. Her arms lifted in the shoulder straps as I hoisted the huge bra higher, flopping back down at the apex like so much dead meat as I held it aloft and feasted my eyes on her massive breasts.Dr****g the heavy bra around my neck, I reached for her beautiful nipples, pinching each one and lifting the heavy mounds of tit flesh from her chest. Shaking them slowly. Watching the delicious weight of each perfect tit undulate with the movement of my hands. I ground hard on her face, working my ass down deep on her nose and mouth, then … knock, knock … knock, knock. Ahhh Enrico 🙂 And just in time. Chapter Four.I let go of her tits and they flopped heavily to the sides. Running my palm across one nipple, I felt its satisfying hardness. So, even under the spell of this powder, her body could still feel arousal. That could come in very handy. I slid backwards off of her head and stepped to the door.”Hello? Enrico” “Yes, yes, it’s me.”I pulled the bolt and opened the door just enough for him to slide into the room. He was flushed with excitement. I relocked the door and turned, and his eyes fell for an instant to my turgid cock and the black ring at its base. “Sorry. I didn’t have time to change.” I said with a grin. “She’s in there.”He stepped into the room, stopping short, his eyes widening at the sight on the bed. His u*********s wife, nipples standing out like fingertips on her massive tits. I took his arm at the bicep and lead him towards the bed. “We have about six more hours with her a s l e e p like this. We should make the most of it.”Slipping by him, I climbed on the bed, swung a leg across her, and sitting my full weight on her belly, lifted both tits up by the nipples until the areole were stretched white. I scooted up and slipped my leaking cock between them and started to fuck her cleavage hard. I wanted to see how far I could go. I hardly knew Enrico, we’d only met online before to set up this plan, so I wasn’t sure just where he would draw the line at my using his wife as a fuck toy. I let go of the nipples and scooped up a handful of tit flesh in each palm, digging my fingers in as I crushed her mammoth cow-tits together and fucked them hard. “Spit” I said over my shoulder at the still stunned-looking Enrico. “Huh?” he said. “Spit in here, I need some slippery.” I slackened my grip, showing him my cock between her tits. “Spit on my cock. Come on, don’t be shy. We don’t have time to fuck around. Give her some spit lube, or I might tear her skin.”He stepped closer, hesitating. “Spit on my cock, dude. It won’t bite.”To be continued (maybe) …

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At the Cafe

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At the CafeAmanda leaned over the breakfast bar. The tall mature gent she had met at the beach used one hand to hold her down the other hand had two fingers fucking her wet pussy. “Oh god I need this” Amanda moaned. He had moved his hands on her hips. His blood engorged circumcised head split her pussy lips. The long thick shaft stretched her cunt as he roughly thrusted forward, ramming the shaft deep inside her. The stranger continued his rough fucking of Amanda reaching forward ripping open her blouse. His big hands grabbing her hard nipples pulling them out and up. The pain was unbearable. Her pussy juices flowed, dribbling down the inside of her leg.Amanda was enjoying this rough fuck, this mature gent had taken control, giving her what she needed. As David typed these words on his laptop in the busy café he felt someone close by. He turned his head to look and his lips touched the cheek of a young blonde lady. She had been buca escort reading as he typed. “Oh sorry ” Tanya said ” I’m a bit of a nosy parker”David closed the laptop wanting to keep his writing private. Tanya leaning over his shoulder noticed the big bulge in his jeans. Placing her hand on his thigh caressing the bulge, running her hand along the length of his big cock. David tried to behave as nothing was happening took a sip from his coffee cup. It was empty.Tanya sat in the vacant chair to his right, her left leg pressed against his body as her hand continued to stroke his bulge. David could feel her fingernails through the denim travel the length of his shaft and move ever so slowly on the head of his hard cock. He dare not look down. He was so close to coming. She had opened the laptop.”What happens next” she said in her husky voice. He felt the buckle of his belt being undone, then the zipper being escort buca pulled down. Her hand felt his clean shaved balls.”Commando. ” she whispered in his ear as her hand wrapped around his shaft and pulled out his cock. She looked down to see how big his cock was. Dave was well endowed. At Uni his team mates called him The Thorpedo because his surname was Thorpe and his big cock had literally destroyed a mature prostitutes pussy.”Do you like to write sexy stories?” Tanya said as her hand stroked his cock under the table. Up and down the length of his footlong shaft slowly.”Yes” Dave replied unsteadily. He was getting very aroused. His hard nipples were visible through the taut T-shirt. Dave kept himself in good shape swimming and cycling. “Are you going to cum” Tanya’s husky voice “You have to ask permission””Yes” “Yes what? You have to say ‘Mistress may I have permission to cum” Tanya said as the soft buca escort bayan palm of her hand caressed the circumcised head of his penis.Dave could feel his swollen balls and big hard cock grow bigger, throbbing under this woman’s touch. He was so close to coming. His breathing was raspy and short.”Mistress may I have permission to cum””No. You have to say the magic word” Tanya stopped her stroking. Ran a finger across the eye of his penis collecting some pre ejaculate then put it in her mouth. A smile formed around her finger. Dave liked this game. He tried to think.”OH. Please””Please what?” Tanya said.”Please Mistress. May I cum? Dave pleaded he could feel …”Yes”Dave’s big cock erupted. Cum hit the bottom of the table and splashed to the floor. Tanya stroked his cock firmly milking more spurts of cum on his shirt, his jeans, everywhere around him.”Good boy” Tanya said. She sucked her fingers. Her bright red lips wrapped around them. Dave came again.Tanya reached over to her pram and removed a flannel she had used for wiping her babies dirty bottom and handed it to Dave.”Clean it all up” she said as she got up and pushed the pram out of the café.” I will see you next week Dad”

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My first stinky feet fuck

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My first stinky feet fuckOn this day I was at home particularly horny , because I hadn’t released or masterbated in a week. I was saving my man juices for a gorgeous Latina girl I was dating at the time. She was absolutely divine , but that’s a story for another time. While on the computer I had gotten a private message from a black girl I had a crush on for a while , it was completely random because we only hung out a few times. She was asking to come by my house and it was in the late evening, so most men know exactly what that means, the female wants to be Fucked. I was technically dating the Latina girl I mentioned earlier so I was trying my damn hardest not to cheat on her , so in my twisted mind I invited the black girl over to test my temptations. A friend dropped her off at my house and we hugged and chatted for a while. I took her to my room and we watched Netflix for hours. I was still trying so karabağlar escort hard to resist jumping on this girl and pummeling her juicy vagina. She was laying on her stomach to my side watching the television while I was opposite laying on my back mostly staring at her ass. She was wearing tight black pants and her butt was so nice and fit. Her feet were practically by my face still enclosed in her socks. She crossed them and I got a little whiff , It got my so excited because they kind of smelled. Now at this time I never really got to worship a woman with smelly feet because the women I dated always had clean smelling feet. When she got up to go the bathroom I quickly sniffed the inside of her shoes and holy shit did the stink turn me on. A while later we were both tired and I figured it was time to try and sleep , all the while still trying to resist having sex with karabağlar escort bayan this girl. Once the lights went off she politely asked if I could cuddle her and I had to oblige. We cuddled for a little while until i gave in and started to dry hump her , that’s when I jumped on top and ripped her tight pants off to forcefully slip my cock in her tight pussy. It felt wonderful and I was giving her quite the fuck. All while staring at her sock covered feet pounding away, she had to cover her mouth so she wouldn’t scream. Her pussy juices just kept getting wetter and wetter until she had to stop me and asked if I could fuck her from behind so she could scream in the pillow while I pounded her pussy in doggy style . I was so crazy horny I was fucking her like a mad man and she was screaming away in the pillow , it felt like a hurricane of pussy juices flying all over escort karabağlar my cock and bed. After a while I flipped her around again to missionary, this time taking off her socks throwing her feet in my face and oh boy the stench hit me. She had the smelliest feet I had ever encountered , the first at least. And my god it drove me insane , it smelled like sweaty corn chips, and I fucked away. I sniffed in between her toes like a cocaine addict in utter amazement of how good it felt with those stinky ebony soles in my face , and my dick lodged in her pussy which was cumming over and over again. I didn’t last very long after that , as. A matter fact it was the first time I ever had an orgasm while fucking a girl, I would always have to masterbate while the girl put her feet on my face. It was really great I ended up shooting all over her stomach, afterwards I noticed th huge pile of female wetness all over my bed and She apologized and said that was her first time squirting, I replied there’s a first time for everything. Afterwards we went to sleep ending the steamy fuck session. *let me know if you guys want to hear another , I have plenty of real stories. Below is a picture of her smelly feet in he pose.*

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Wifey Mature Slut…… Swap / Swing Encounter #1

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Wifey Mature Slut…… Swap / Swing Encounter #1Wifey is 54 and is a pure slutty CFM Milf….. Nice body size 8-10, great tits and a CFM sultry face that will drive you crazy. Started swapping about 18 months ago and now she cannot get enough strange cock in that horny pussy. We have 4 couples we swap/swing with and while I enjoy fucking the other wife’s pussy it is hotter to watch my slut wife get her pussy filled with another man’s cock, listening to her scream and moan, tell him how much she loves being filled deep and hard. Wifey (Shelly) likes it just a little rough, and the more you bite and suck her nipples the more she spreads those legs so she can get pounded……….. So the very first swing encounter was with a couple we found on swingers site. Debra & Tom, She is also about Shel’s age, a bit smaller build. Her hubby is well built but early 60’s and the things he did to Shel are off the charts erotic. After exchanging pics and meeting for drinks we went to their very swank home the next night. They have been swinging for quite some time and only mix with discrete upscale couples. They have special sex rooms in this 8 bedroom estate. Complete with cameras so anyone in the other buca escort sexy room can see what is going on in the opposing sex room. I mean they have everything in these rooms, sex toys, oils, lotions, masks etc etc….Shelly wears this CFM slutty one piece short tight black dress to their house, tits just sticking out, no bra and her huge nipples were pointing straight out. We get there and Debra is wearing this one piece leopard print outfit that is clinging to her hot horny body…… The swap process started instantly as Shel sat next to Tom and me next to Debra, not to far into the first drink Tom is fondling Shel and the hot kissing and panting starts… He had her dress off to her waist and was working over her tits in his mouth…. Loved hearing her moan and they were both talking about the dirty things they were going to do to each other all night……. I started my exploration of Debra, what a great body for early 50’s, loves a lot of foreplay and then loves it hard and rough and I mean she likes it rough, what a screaming, moaning slut…..We went to the first sex room to watch Tom have his way with Shel, fuck that was so hot to watch him undress her and escort buca throw her slutty body on the bed, start eating and fingering her pussy, I was standing behind Debra and my cock was throbbing up against her little size 6 ass….. Tom is eating Shel and looking back at me and telling me, ready for me to fuck your slut wife’s pussy….. Could not get the words FUCK YES out of my mouth quick enough!!!Tom got on top of Shel and slid his very large cock into her pussy and holy fuck you would have thought my wife had never had cock in her pussy…. Maybe it was due to be strange cock but fuck he was pounding her and she was screaming OMG OMG OMFG OMFG fuck my pussy don’t stop fuck me hard and fast….. Me and Debra joined in and began pinching and biting Shel’s nipples…… the screaming and dirty talk was off the charts…. Tom calling her a horny whore, fucking slut…. he had been thrusting in and out her for about 20 minutes or so and Shel screams that she is cumming, ready to orgasm, telling him OMG OMG fill my pussy with your cum….. He went even faster in her horny wet pussy and shot so much hot cum in her pussy, she was quivering as he was filling her with buca escort bayan his cum, she was clawing at his back and arching so she could feel more cock and cum in her pussy…… He looks over at me and says “like watching your wife get fucked” want me to do more to her? Shelly is screaming OMG yes keep fucking my pussy I want to feel more of your cock I want more of your cum you bastard fuck my pussy fuck it fuck it hard I want more…..All of this has me and Debra very ready to play but this being the first time I have seen Shel fucked by another man we stayed and watch round 2 of their erotic fuck session. Once he pulled out of her pussy, he went down and licked her just a little, then fingers her pussy and then grabs her and puts her on top of his shaft…. this guy is still rock fucking hard…… He has her on top and grabbing her waist and I mean he is bouncing her up and down his shaft fast and hard…. reaching up to bite and suck her nipples, then Shel arches backwards and his cock really goes deep inside of her… She is screaming OMG I want this all the time OMG go harder you MF fuck me cum in me again OMFG go deeper…. He unloads in her again and she lets out a piercing screaming moaning of fuck fuck fuck OMG fuck keep fucking my pussy………So as you can see our first swap swing encounter set the stage for so much more. Want to know more details and here about other hot encounters, drop an email and we will share it with you.

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Inspired By Cherry (thank you)

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Inspired By Cherry (thank you)I feel the cold draught rather than hear the bathroom  door open, and turn to see you standing there. half in, half out… hesitant.  You stare at my penis, then, catching my eye, blush heavily.  ‘Sorry, didn’t realise you were in here, only wanted a new toothbrush…”Sorry it’s my fault,’ I reply, ‘I probably should have locked the door, but either come in or go out and close it please, there’s a cold draught in here.’  You pull the door to behind you, trying to avoid looking in my direction as you occupy yourself searching the shelves and cupboards.  Finding a new brush, you turn to leave..’I didn’t mean to stare… honest.’I now feel embarrassed for you: ‘That’s okay, it’s perfectly natural to be inquisitive about these things, you wouldn’t be normal otherwise’ I try to reassure…’It’s just…’ you start, unsure as if to continue, ‘it’s just that it’s so different to the ones in the books at school’ you add, staring at the floor… red faced.’Different?… why different?’  I ask, ‘I can assure you I’m no freak of nature’ I laugh, trying to inject a humorous tone into a conversation you appear to be uneasy with.’I don’t know… it’s hard karabağlar escort to explain…  but the ones in books always look as if they’re in two pieces… like a stalk with a head, not like…’   Your eyes drop to my cock again and linger there, your attitude braver now the subject has been broached.’Perhaps they only show circumcised ones’ I venture, noticing the puzzled look on your face.  ‘Circumcised… no foreskin… cut… roundhead..’ I add, hoping you’ll be satisfied with the answer.  But you still look at me as if I’m from Mars.  ‘Look’ I say, pulling on the loose flesh covering my glans, ‘That.. is a foreskin’ I add, stretching the skin forward as far as it will go.  ‘For religious, medical and hygiene reasons, some parents choose to have it cut off when at birth… leaving you with…’  and to illustrate my point I jam my foreskin way back, the glans now bare and exposed… ‘a ‘cut’ cock.. which is probably more like the one’s they put in your books.’You remain silent, eyes riveted to my penis now, my own mind in turmoil as my cock twitches from the mauling it’s just received and your obvious attention.  Now it’s my turn to karabağlar escort bayan feel embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted even, that I can be so easily aroused in these circumstances.I put both hands on your shoulders, stare you straight in the eyes, as I say: ‘Look, one day you’ll find a nice young man and you’ll both be eager to experiment with sex, which is only as it should be, but please, please be aware, take precautions… no unwanted babies, no diseases…. sex IS fun, but do be careful… okay?’I try to hold your gaze, embarrassingly aware that my penis is now throbbing towards an erection, the wet glans pushing up through the loose skin, weeping, eager for attention.’Okay, schools out’ I joke, trying to hurry you on your way, hoping you’ll not catch me in such a state.’Love you’ you say, pecking me on the forehead as you turn to leave, ‘And thanks for the lesson’ you add, before your eyes drop to my now rampant erection…. Do I see fear?  Surprise?  Admiration?I lock the door behind you, anxious to relieve myself and end this episode the only way I can.  Reaching for the soap I lather my genitals again, washing away the pre escort karabağlar cum oozing from my helmet. Did I imagine it, or was that floorboards creaking outside the door?  Do I see shadows under the door or not?  I try the lock again.. secure… but then decide to remove the key, if you want to further your education, who am I to interfere?Returning to the bath I lean back against the wall, no pretence now as I stroke myself fully erect again, then circling the shaft start pumping my foreskin up and down, smooth long strokes that feel so good as the tight flesh rides over the ridge of my glans , bunched forward at one end, then skinned hard back, helmet taut and straining at the other.The shaft feels oh so big and solid in my hand as my balls tighten, my breathing deepens as climax approaches, my fingers fly, finding that sweet spot as the pressure builds, climbing closer as I tip ever closer, then…. just as the release arrives, I imagine your face, staring, eyes burning into my bulging helmet as it rears, jerks, and finally spits it’s load, wave after wave of hot, silky semen scything through the air as I cum, cum, cum…. draining myself but feeling oh so satisfied too…Did I hear floorboards again? Perhaps… perhaps not?  I smile as I wash my rapidly wilting cock, drying myself off I reach for the door key.. then notice the copious streams of semen I’ve left all over the floor.Should I wash them off?No…  I’ve a feeling you may want to use the bathroom after me

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Journey of my Marriage life…1

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Journey of my Marriage life…1usunietoWe both are having decent married life, loving each other, yet to have k**s. Its a arranged marraige, and we both working in private companies. Our sex life was too good and i was bit charm with average color, 5.2 FT and have good shapes. I am maintaining it even after marriage through regular work outs.My hubby was well built, and very good in sex. Though in the early days of marriage i was bit conservative but started opening up after few months and my hubby also enjoys me initiating and asking for new things.I normally used to wear Salwars or sarees, though traditional, i would wear tight chudithars showing my shapes and sarees almost around the navel. My dhubatta will be always round the neck so that it shows good view of 34 C boobs. In office all the men would give a second look to my breast which i normally ignore.It was morning around 9 AM, Me and hubby getting ready for office. He usually drops me in my office and will leave. In the eveining i used to come around by 6 through bus or Auto. My hubby will come by 8.Today there was client visit in office so i decided to go in saree. My hubby saw me and hugged from behind..revaaa….hmmm…you look so beautiful today….hmmm…any one special coming to office…no…then y this saree special…i said, only for my boss…he should be lucky today…if he see you like this, he wont leave you today….will u come home tonight ?if my boss doesnt leave me how can i come…hubby hugged me tightter… he is getting hard on…i said..u are going to start morning itself…?hmm…seeing you in sareee, i cant control…saying that, he caressed my hips…y u r wearing saree above your navel…wear it bit down, so that your boss can see…now, i was also starting to feel the itch between my legs…i replied…if he asked me show, i will remove my saree and show..this reply made him hotter,, he pressed my hips and started kissing my neck…Sathya, leave me and get ready, we need to go….he turned me and started to kiss my lips…My phone ringss…i took the phone and see the display…My boss shiva on the line…Revathi, what time you are coming to office today….i will come around 9.30 shiva…he is eagerly waiting to see u, said my hubby…come soon, i need the reports….and he cut the call…your shiva needs you soon ? i think he wont leave you tonight…lets have a session before we go…you dirty purusha, i need to send him some report, get ready quick and i pushed him away…he smiled and went to bath…we both finished our breakfast quickly….and started..during the ride, my mind was in the report that i need to send to shiva, i was supposed to send it 2 days back but still not finalised…once i reached office, hubby gave a winked smile and said enjoy and left..Shiva was already there..in his cabin, i directly went to his cabin, i being personal secretary to shiva, my seatalso inside to his cabin …He is in angry mood and i can see it in his face..sorry shiva, will send the report in 2 hours…as soon as he saw me, his eyes popped out and his anger gone…He said, ok take your time, you look gorgeous today, his eyes starring my hips and side view of my boobs..I blusehed and smiled, thank you shiv..i switched on the system and started on my reports…Shiva after starring me for few minutes, came from his seat.. i kept my one eye on my system..and one on him,he went behind me and looked at my back, i was wearing a sleeveless blouse which shows most of my back..with also low neck in front…i know he is watching my bare back and acted as unknwingly brought my tied hairs to front, so that he can get a clear view of my back…he was stunned looking at my backview and since he is standing, he also got a slight view of my clevage..i still working on reports, he then bend near me and checked the status of the report, i said, its almost over shiva, i will give in 30 minutes,..his face was near to my shoulder and i can feel his breath in my neck..he said, ok revathi, i am just seeing how it looks…after smelling my neck for couple of minutes, he then a pulled a chair and sit close to me…now his eyes were in my hips and he tried to have a look on my armpits…i unnecesarily adjusted my hairs to show him clear view of cleanshaved armpits…what perfume you are using revathi, its realy nice…i said, my hubby bought from him last abroad visit…he then came further close to me and tried to grap the mouse…and he clicked and view the reports and his elbow was touching my breasts..i trying to avoid the touch went a little back, but then he asked some query on report, for which i have to come front againto check the report and reply…again hiw elbow was in my boobs…now, i ignored that and replied to his query…he had a happy smile in his face….good revathi, it really comes up nice…thank you shiva….he then went back to his seat, and i send him the final reports..and started my routines…Then i have some chit chat with collegues…there are around 20 Male staff and 11 females working in my office…All male staff were trying to see through my saree and was enjoying all the attention…one of them, named Rajesh, who is always trying to flirt me, came to me…and said oh reva you look too hot today and patted my bare back above the blousei said, ok enough touching, take off your hands…he gave a tight squeeze on my shoulder…i gave a angry smile and said..go and press your wife da porukki…he with a sad tone, sorry reva my wife went to her home town, i smiled mischevosly, and said..oh cho sad….he then keep his hands on my hips, and said, can yo help me di….poda loosu, and pinched his face and removed his hands…he gave a deep sigh of breath, i laughed and came back to my seat…i always liked rajesh, as he is the only men who dares to tough me and speak naughty things openly…all other men act decent but always **** me with their eyes…Even one day, he hugged me in a dark lonely place in office and said, i need you in bed revathi….i slapped him and said no rajesh, i am already married, if u cant control, use your hands and smiled…he then left me, but i am sure one day i am going to open my legs for him….Shiva called me happily, wow revathi, clients are really happy with your reports and we are getting a big deal….i shaked his hand and congratuled…he said, all because of you revathi….i am going to give a special bonus for this…ok revathi, you need to give a presentation about this to our clients…i was shocked, no shiva, i am not that much talented..no revathi, you can…i will help you out to prepare….i was bit hesitent, instead teaching me, you can itself do that na..Clients will be happy if a beautiful girl like you presented, they will ask less questions and i want you really wear some sexy dress…but shiva…he came close to me and took my hands and look deep in to my eyes…pls reva, you can do this…i was mesmerised by his look and said…ok shiva, i will do that..thats my sweet revathi…he said and caressed my cheeks….i blushed…ok, reva, whats your lunch plan…i said, i need to goto to canteen…He said, today we will go to hotel..i will give you a great treat….ok shiv…then i whatsup to my hubby “going to lunch with my boss shiva” he replied, ” only lunch or dinner too” …pls come home da….dont stay with him…i said..poda loosu…dont be jealous…during lunch time, shiv came and asked are you ready reva…yes, shiva, we can start…he gave close look to me from top to bottom and said…reva you look really beautiful..i said, hmmm thanks shiva with a smile…but one thing is missing…i saw him with question….Jasmine flower is missing in your hairs..it will increase your charm…i blushed..then he took his laptop with him…oh shiva why this ? we are going in car and will tell you about the presentation during travel…Oh that much distance is our hotel ? i asked…ya, its a special place and will take an hour to reach….he ordered driver to bring the car to the entrance…before driver came, he purchased Jasmine for me in nearby shop and gave to me….i sighed and thanked him…while i keeping it to my hairs, he was starring my armpits and i watched him starring and ignored his look..i thought something going to happen today and i started to getting exited…then i asked shiva, is that ok now..he went behind me…grabbed my bare shoulders and came near to my hairs and smelled…wow reva…you are really beauty now..i can feel his tent slightly touching my ass crack..i said, oh enough shiv, you are always praising my beauty….its truth, reva, your hubby is really lucky and gave a winked smile…I blushed and put my heads down..then driver came, we both get into the back seat…he sat too close to me and his right side was touching my left side starting from shoulders to thighs…to toes…he then opened the lap and kept in my lap and started to operating it…all the time his elbow was touching my hips and i started feeling hot…he started to explain how to present to the client..i understand what i need to speak in the meeting…After the professional part is over..Reva, i need you dressed special for this client meeting..yes shiva, what should i wear, i normally dress in saree or chudithar only..he said, saree is ok revathi, but it should be bit more…..then he hesitated..i understood what he is trying to say…but i want to hear from his mouth…Bit more ? what shiva..bit more ….sexy….i showed some shy in my face and put my face down…i donno, how to be more sexy in saree…said this still face down..He then took my hands, and touched my cheek and raised my face and saw my eyes…i really felt shy…sorry, reva, dont mistake, you are the one can get this deal…i said seeing his eyes, ok shiv, tell me what to wear…you wear saree below the navel, saying this he carassed my hips…though i wear some exposing chudi and saree, i never weared it below my navel..shiva, but i feel shy…he then took his right hand and put over my shoulder and gave a pat in my right shoulder..he took his left hand and bring near my cheek, and softly touched my cheek near the ears…and said in husky…hey beauty, pls di….i was almost started to get wet down and i can also see the buldge in his pants..i said, ok shiva…and with this reply, he got exicted and planted a kiss in my cheek, and said thank you di…i was shocked and gave a shocking look to him..he then realised his mistake and said sorry revathi…i was bit over-reacted…sorry reva…i then came to senses and smiled within myself…he then put his heads down in guilty…For few minutes, no one speak, i was thinking about his kiss and enjoying…i donno what is running in his mind…Then i slowly saw his face, he is still in guilty with his face down..i dont make this moment end like this, so i thought to take a step forward…sorry revathi, he said againi said, Ok shiva, cool and smiled and took his hand to my hands and give a close look to his eyes..He now bit releieved and smiled…And can you wear a see through transparent saree,,,saying this he again put his hands in my shoulder,,,i blushed and said…shiva, i am feeling really shy…now he boldly give a squeeze to my bare shoulder…and my panties is getting wet….i said in a husky tone, i dont have a transperent saree…he said, we will buy it right away after the lunch…i smiled and said ok…then he just turned me and make me sit like my back is visible to him, took his hands from his shoulder and keep it in the bare back above my blouse and said, can you wear a blouse with rope, so that client can enjoy the site of your beautiful back…i was smiling in front and with a false angry in my face turned and said shiv, this is too much for me…his face became pale and saddened…then i gave squeeze to his thighs, i donno what my husband will say, if i come dressed like this to office …also all the office staff will give a bad look to me…No revathi, client meeting will take place in a hotel you can come directly to hotel and wear you dress there and thenafter finishing the meeting, you can go back to home normal..oh shiv, you already planned everything….i gave a winked smile…then i said, is that over, or do you have anymore sexy plans to my costume…For which, he smiled and said…thank you reva…thats it…he was very much happy since i accepted…also i could see a big buldge in his pants…i think he wanted to make the most of the situation….so with the happy face, he turned towards me and came closer to me…i was looking at his face in a exiting mode, thinking what he will do next…he then hugged me in the car in the sitting position…and said…you are realy sweet reva…i smiled and blused…he bring his face closer to me and said, shall i give one more kiss reva…i suddenly showed a false anger in my face….then his face became sad…sorry reva, cant control myself..then i smiled and brought my cheek closer to his lips…he suddenly brightened and planted a soft kiss in my right cheek…and said thanks sweety and smiled…he then about leave the hug…i again pulled him and showed my left cheek..and smiled…He was so happy and gave a tight kiss on my left cheek and kept his lips there for more than a minute..then i came to sensus…and pushed him….and smiled…we reached the hotel…it was great star hotel like one, he went to the receptionist and enquired karabağlar escort and she guided towards the supervisor,he took us to cabin and asked us take our seats..i was shocked to see the place…in the hotel there are quite few small cabin like rooms and we were placed in one of it..shiva came near me and grabbed my shoulders, reva, lets have a enjoyable private lunch…i gave a winked smile, and said, you have planned something…inside the cabin there was 2 seater sofa with dining table..sofa was very short and almoost only one and half person can sit therei gave a mischeous smile, shiv, it doent look like you are giving treat to me, it looks like you are getting treat from me..he smiled…and said, its a treat for both…i need to take off your shyness to meet the client during presentation..so this is going to be trial for you to present the client without any shy…i kicked his chest, shiv, am i going to present our project report or something else…shiv, smiled mischevosly….ok, sweaty, lets take our seat and discuss…and planted a kiss in my cheek…i then went to sit and almost sofa was full and there is only few space where he can park only half of his back…shiv this place is not enough…oh, reva,, you can sit in my lap…i was very much got exited and turned on…i stood up with shy face, facing down and asked him to seat..he then took his seat and he gave a few space in front of his legs and asked me sit…i sit there and he pulled me back bit closer, my back was very close to his tool and i could feel his hard rock thing behind my back..his hands were on my hips and i could feel the heaven…he came close to my ears, and said, sweet revathi darling, this is going to be my best ever lunch…his lips were touching my ears sending thunderbolts to my bottom…i took my phone and messaged my hubby “i am sitting in the lap of my darling shiv and his tool is in my ass crack” i am surehe will tore my pussy tonight if i explained what is happening now..then shiv, took the next stp, he adjusted my saree near my right boobs to get a clear view of clevage…i was shocked and turned to him and asked, hey what r u doing…Revathi, pls show it to me, so that you can show those to clients in transperent saree without any shy…saying this, he gave a soft bite in my back next…i left a soft moan,,,hmmmmm…aaaai was in total control of shiv now and even if he fuck me right now…i will be opening my legs…he then removed the pin that was tying my pallu to my blouse…since he was squeezing my hips i was not aware of what his other hand was doing….he came near to my ears and asked shall i remove your pallu….i turned to him,,,,and said no shiv, pls…he then kept his hands on my shoulder near pallu and slightly started removing….i was looking in to his eyes withoutany objection…he fully removed and looked directly in to my boobs,, his face was right there near my boobs..i took my pallu and place back in its postion…he then again removed it…i again placed in its position…this time he didnt remove it, instead looked into my eyes…his eyes begging me to remove the pallu…after few mins, i myself removed the pallu and dropped it down…And asked shiv, are you happy now…he placed a kiss right above my clevage,…since it was closed cabin, it was not visible to anyone..now shiva called for the waiter…i tried to correct my pallu…but he stopped, let him enjoy this beauty, imagine him as our client..i give a shy smile…and you are really dirty shiva…waiter came knocking the door, i was sitting without my pallu and ample of clevage for show…shivas one hand was in my hips..and other in my shoulder..shiva asked him to come in…i tried to avoid eye contact with waiter,,,and looked down…shiv, placed the order for starters and asked him to bring after 30 mins…waiter after having a good look at my show about to leave, and shiv called him again…hey can you tell, how the boobs of this madam…me and waiter both shocked at the same time…he then turned to me and said, reva, can you ask waiter whether the showwas good enough or need moreMy bottom dropped lot of liquids for this comment…i then looked into the hungry eyes of the waiter..words doesnt came frommy mouth..he replied…sir, it was too good, i would like to see with top 2 bottons of the blouse…Shiv, said,, reva, can you remove or shall i ask waiter to remove the top 2 buttons…i dont how i gave that reply, i said, let him unhook the buttons and see what ever he wants…waiter was shocked hearing my words, shiv, said, y u r waiting man…common do what her say….and shiv insert his hands into my peticoat…i was eagerly waiting for him to unhook my blouse…waiter with trembling hands, came to unhook my blouse..he inserterd few fingers inside my blouse and unhooked my 2 buttons..his fingers touched my nipples in the action, and my body shacked and my bottom released all the fluids…r u ok baby, shiv asked….yes, shiv i am alright….waiter planned to remove my third button, but shiv stopped and asked him to leave….he left with a happy and sad face..as soon as he left, i turned and slapped shiv, u ugly bitch, u made me show infront of that waiter, he smiled andreplied cool baby, u realy enjoyed it…my mobile ringed and it was my sweet hubby sathya..i asked shiv to be silent and attend the call..Right away, he asked, how is the fuck going on…i replied, hi sathya, i am in a important meeting with my boss…he asked, are you naked, i replied, no not really but may happen soon…i can feel my hubby is getting a hard on…ok baby, pls finish it soon, and come home tonight…sure sweetheart,,,dont worry…and cut the call…shiv kept his one hand on my open breasts, tell revathi…how is ur trial client meeting experience….u dirty dog, i gonna kill u….sweet reva, this is going to be a big deal and you are the one to grab that, if we get this, i will make you partner of thiscompany…u just need to come out of ur shyness and make the clients happy ….even though he doenst make me partner, i am going to do this ..and becoming a partner is extra bonus for me, i said to myself and hugged shiv…his face was in my boobs and he let his toungue out and licked my bare clevage…my bottom is getting ready again after my first orgasm… can you pls kiss me…i immediatly started kissing all around his face with my toungu out…licking his cheek and ear lobe…he doesnt expect this much aggression from me and he started pressing my breasts…after 3 minutes of kiss and press, i depart…his hand still in my boobs, ok darling, its time our client will come withou starters, so we need to show him bit more…i said, i already showed him a lot, thats enough,,,,no baby, its still a lot behind and he started unhooking rest of the blouse buttons…my pink color bra just hidding my nipples, came to the view now…he started licking my nipple above my bra, and said, lets our client enjoy this…at the same time, i heared the knock in the cabin door…shiv said yes come in and started licking my bra…i was also excited to be in that position in front of waiter…but to my embrassment 2 person came, one who took the orderand the other with our orders in his hand…we both turned to the door and i shocked to see 2 person..then immediatly recoverd myself and thought this is getting better to best…both the person came in and the waiter placed our orders in the table with eyes on my boobs..and about to leave..i said, hey guys pls wait, shiv can u check all the orders were received…he slowly took his face from my boobs..and checked the food..by that time both the men were looking at my breasts and i enjoyed their stare…my pussy started oosing out…shiv said,yes revathi everything was here… and looked at the new person…hey, can you pls wait, till we taste those…shiv said…aahaaa this is going to be great time, i thought..then shiv took one and tasted and then transfered it to my mouth…one by one he did for everything and we both tasteed andconfirmed it was good…shiva then turned to waiter, and asked did you want see more of this sweet boobs…they both nodded yes..i then removed my blouse from my shoulders…and saw both of them, can you pls help me to unhook the bra …they both were ready and the new guy came forward and unhooked the bra from my back and removed it completly from my shoulders..now i was topless in front of 2 strangers…and my boss..shiv stared to culp my nipple and licked it…they both were watching it shockingly….then he said, hey reva one of your nipple is vacant…can you allow any of them to play with that,,,i took one of the guys hand and placed it in my other boob and said, it is yours now…he squeezed it for a while and shiv stopped and said, ok guys you can leave now and they both left…we both finished our lunch quickly…shiv ate both my nipple and i finished the lunch…i took a selfie with shiv licking my boobs and send to my hubby…my panties is fully wet, when i finished my lunch, hope the same to shiv…then shiv call for bill and the first man bring that..i was still topeles…shiv asked me to stand up and gave waiter minutes to play with my boobs…he then started sucking and licking my nipple, he licked all over my face…and exactly after 5 minutes..shiv paid thebill and asked me to ready for leave…i placed my bra inside my handbag and weared only blouse and got ready…as soon as we get inside the car, he ordered driver to goto the garment shop to purchase see through saree for me…he immediatly removed my pallu, and i said, shiv driver is ther….he said to driver dont see what is happening in the back, see the road and drive…this gave the hint to driver what he needto do..i smiled wickedly and slapped shiv…driver saw through the mirror and excited to see our position..i was without pallu and shiv was all over me…he inserted his toungu inside my mouth and split his salive inside….he kept his one hand on my pussy and pressed it..i gave loud moan…driver turned back and watched us…after few minutes of moan, we reached the parking slot of garment shop…shiv opened my blouse and was licking..it…driver turned back and said..sir, we reached the place…i too gave him with a mischevous look, and he smiled…then i put my buttons and we both went to the shop…in the shop, he selected transperent saree for me along with blouse material, he also selected few panties for me…saree was so thin, that everything inside that saree can be seen…i said, this is unnecessary, its almost like , i am without saree in front of client..he smiled, sweet darling…this saree is just a formality, anyway u need to be withoutsaree after presentation…he hugged me from behind infornt of shop keeper and said to me in my ears, after u presented project, then i will present uto the client…i slapped in his cheek, u dirty pig…then we reached the tailor shop, to stitch my blouse…shiv ordered the tailor, that back should bare only with ropes and front start just 2 inches above the nipple…since i dont have measurment blouse, they were ready to take sizes..there were 2 men in the shop, and i know what is going to happen…shiv told, revathi, can remove your pallu, so that they can take correct measurment..he asked me to make my hands up…Then came that naughty idea, for tailor, he said, madam, can you remove your blouse so that the sizes are accurate…i know, this will happen and i looked at shiv, he showed his thumbs up…i started removing my hooks without any hesitation.i was now topless infront of another 2 strangers…one lucky guy took the measurment and another one noted the same…while taking measurment, he hugged, pressed and squeezed my boobs…i was getting hornier and getting week in my pussy…after measurement is over…he said, you have nice shape madam….i smiled and hugged him,,,tightly…other man who noted measurement, came nearly and said, madam can i hug you…i said no in soft angry tone…then put my hands over his shoulders..this boobs is yours for next 5 minutes…u can dowhatever u want…he couldnt imagine his luck…he immediatly started pressing and licking…seeing this the other guy came near and askedshall i join..without waiting for my reply, he started licking all over my face…dear shiva, started tooking photos of this scene…i was in heaven and 2 hands went inside my peticote and untide the knot…and it dropped down to legs…now i wasted there only with wet panties in front of 3 males…one hand went inside my panties and started playing with my clit…i came 3rd time for the day…and was breathing heavily..all my jucies were in my panties…shiva came in and stopped both the men…i asked for restroom to clean myself..one tailor said…u can clean there, but canyou give your panties for us…i removed my panties infront of all 3 and gave it to him and went inside…after cleaning myself, i came out naked, searchedmy petticoat saree and blouse and weared…Shiv asked to deliver it day after and they agreed…they asked both of us to come to wear and check if everything is ok..i said,,.ok and we left…Inside the car, i hugged shiv and said, this was great day for me..he again, removed my pallu and unhooked my blouse..he kissed my forehead and asked, howmany times you came,i said 3..he sadly said..i yet to come…i kissed his lips, karabağlar escort bayan and said…oh sweet..i will get that out now…driver was about to start the car…shiv said…hey pls wait…i will said when to start…he asked shall i get down…i smiled and said….no need to get down but dont turn back…he adjusted his mirror and said, shall i see through this…for which we both laughed…i unzipped shiv’s pant and took his tool out…and started shaking…Ram(driver) said, madam, you can also use your mouth…sure, ram, i will take ur advise and started licking shiv’s dick…i took his dick full inside my mouth and started to give him mouth fuck…after 2 minutes, i need a break, so i took mymouth out and rested for a while…i saw Ram was looking at my boobs..i smiled and said..is that ok ram..he said, revathi mam, it was super…but can youremove your blouse fully, it is distracting my view….i readily removed and gave it to him…he smelled and smiled at methen again i get back to my job…after 3 minutes..shiv shouted revaaa, iam coming…and tried to pull his dick out ofmy mouth…but i doesnt leave it and take the full load in my throat…when i get up, Ram readily handled me the water bottled, i thankfully smiled at ram and goggled and cleared my throat…then he gave my blouse…and started the car, drived toward the office…shiv, came near my ears and said, this is how u need to present to clients..i blushed and slapped him and asked, how many clients..he said, 3, enough for you ?i said, not enough but i will manage…and smiled…i started to wear the blouse and adjusted my pallu…as we are nearing office…shiv get down at the office and said to ram,drop reva in her house and come back, she must be tired and gave a winked smile….Ram started to move the car and said, mam your boobs are so cute…i smiled and said, dont call me mam, call me revathiwhen we are alone….thank you mam…i slapped his head..and he smile and said,,,thank you revathi…Around 5 PM we reach home, it will take atleast 2 hours for my hubby to come home…though i got wet thrice today, i still didnt get anything inside my pussy and i cant wait for 2 hours for that…so i asked ram, come in, i will give you a coffee…innocent ram replied, no revathi, i will take leave..i again went near his seat and come on Ram, atleast a cup of milk…with that he understand the reason, smiled and get in..as soon as we get in, i put my hands in his shoulder and asked, coffee or milk ?he smilingly said milk…i removed my pallu and said then drink…he removed my saree fully from my body…and placed mein the sofa…he sat overme, unhooked all my blouse buttons and made me topless..he kissed all over my face..and said you are a real bitch…that turned me on…i smiled inside, slapped him and said…dont call me bitch, i am a family girl…he again said,,nee thevidiyaa thaandi…(you are a bitch)…i removed his shirt and unzipped his pants…and puled it down along with underware…in the same speed, he removed my petticoat and throw it…we both got naked..and he take me to the bedroom…put me in the bedand get on top of me…suddenly Ram’s mobile rang…he went and took and saw it was shiva…he donno, what to say..i switched on his mobile and putin loud speaker…and heared shiv’s voice..hey ram, how long will it take for you to come…i replied, shiva, i am practicing few client presentation with ram, i will send him in an hour…he laughed loudly and saidok, sweety, practice it fully and send him once over..i am in no hurry…i said….cho sweet…thank you shiv and cut the call…then ram, started kissing me from my neck, ears, boobs and slowly went down…he started licking my pussy which was alreadywet..after 20 mins of kissing and sucking..he asked shall i get inside…at that time my mobile rang…i took the call and it was my hubby….i said, honey i reached home, where are you…he said, he will start in now,,. and asked how is the fuck with shiv..i said no sathya, it doesnt happen…i will breif you later once you reach…by the time, ram got impatient and inserted his cock into my pussy…i gave a soft moan and sathya heared it…hey, who is there with you…i replied…i will tell you later…and cut the call..i know he will immediatly start now and asked ram to proceed..after 3 minutes of ups and down, Ram asked shall i come inside…yes, pls…he filled my cunt with a lot of juice..i came 4th time for the day….thinking how much water my sathy going to take out tonight…then i hugged him and give a soft kiss to his lips…and said, my hubby will come in few mins…he was shocked and pushed me to get ready and leave..i laughed,,, and said…Ram be cool…i took a towel and **** it around to go for a shower..Ram got ready and about to leave and the door bell rings…he was shocked, i smiled coolly and asked him to open the door…there came in sathya, seeing me with towel with unknown stranger Ram, he shocked for a while..i said, hey sathya, he is my boss shiv’s driver, he just dropped me and about to leave…he smiled and said a hi to him..ram, said bye and left, and immediatly sathy came and hugged me…i said, you are late by 30 minutes,,,i would be fresh, now only ram took all my waters out…Dont worry dear, i will dig deep and get some fresh juices…saying this he untied my towel….oh no sathya, not now, i need to take bath…but he didnt allow me, he started to examine the pussy, it was full of Ram’sjuice, i felt shy to show that to sathya and tried to cover…oh no baby, let me see how my sweet pondaatti got fucked…i slapped his head and went to bathroom to take shower…sathya changed his costume and joined me for the bath…he hugged me and started pressing my boobs…then he filled the bath tub…he also get naked and we both get into the bathtub…he started kissing my earboles, cheek and lips and asked tell me dear, what happend today…i asked did you saw the photo which i send, shiva licking my boobs…hearing this he got a hard on…and gave a soft bite …that was hot reva…but y only toplesss, y dont u send me the full naked photo…i slapped his face, u dirty hubby, it was a hotel and we were just taking lunch…you know today 6 men pressed this boobs..but i got only one cook inside…he is getting hard on and i can feel his cock getting bigger…i started narrating the event right from the morning…hearing all this, he starting playing with my pussy and he getting aggresive once or hotel incident was started…once i finished with rams session, all the time playing with his cock, he released his fluids…that was really hot di, he said…so you are going to be with 3 clients…yes, shiva…3 cock is not enough for you di…yes da, i need atleast 30….dont worry di, i will arrange you atleast 100 cock for this pussy…i smiled and said, cho sweet of you mama (tamil word for Pimp)….he laughed and slapped me…then we both finished our bath…i started preparing for dinner…he meanwhile checked my phone…shiv has send to me the photos that he took in tailor shop (2 men licking my books and was only in panties)…we then finished our dinner and get back to bed…shiv hugged me and showed me the photos…seeing his face, i came to know, sathya is getting ready for another session…i asked how was that sathya…he hugged and gave a tight kiss to my lips…that was very horny di…ur face lookslike a bitch…..i slapped him, u dirty…i asked him, do you like me sleeping with other men….he kissed and said…i loved that..so shall i sleep with clients to get the deal…he again hugged me hard…and said…pls do that…i kissed him…thank you sathya…he also added, i need to see you 2 men riding you …i will bring my boss or friends to home…i smiled and said…you dirty hubby,..bring me 20 men, i will take every cock inside ..and kissed him…then we both stayed there for a while looking deep into our eyes….i heared message tone in my mobile…i checked , it was whatsup from shiv…”thanks revathi for every thing today”i replied…anything for you shiva..i saw a smile in hubby face…he unzipped my nighty and made me naked….and he also got naked…what are u doing ? shiva asked…i am in bed with hubby….oh sorry, disturbed you in wrong time…not like that shiva…we are having some chit chat and about to sleep…i was still thinking about your blowjob, that was real hot …shiva said..i replied with a smily..how was trial session with ram…he was very rude and fast…i liked it…did he fucked you….yes, after 10 minutes of riding, he came inside me..we 5 men tried you but ram is the lucky guy….i replied with smily, added, u dirty pig…u made me hornier and left alone..so i have to go with ram…ha haha…shiv replied…sathya, hugging me from behind…watching this chat convo, he getting hard on and started kissing my back, shoulder and neck…shall we try something more tomorow..shiva asked…yes shiv, i need some more training from you on client presentation…he said, wow super…i will train you…i send a smily…wow, your pussy going to be busy from tomorow…my hubby said…meanwhile, rajesh messaged, hi reva, had great fun with boss, afternoon…?i said, no da porukki, we went for lunch and for some purchase…he replied, ok di, i beleived what u saying…i send an angry smily…he replied cool revathi..then i thought for a while..and replied…yes me and shiv had some little fun…wow super, what is little fun ?he enjoyed my boobs and i gave him a blowjob, thats all…oh woww…when is my turn…?asked rajesh…seeing this message, my hubby gave a bite in my earlobe…i was also getting hornier…no, only my hubby and shiva will taste me, i cant give you, i added a smily and send…he send me a sad smily….i replied…use your hands and sleep…i send him the photo of shiv playing my boobs in the hotel…he said, yes, that was i am doing now….wow this photo helps a lot…thank you di…i smiled and kept the mobile away….then my hubby came on top of me….i know he will be in full mood after seeing my convo…he kissed and licked my boobi…then he went down to my navel…then he started licking my pussy…after few minutes of licking, my body shaked and i let out the juices 5th or 6th time for the day…then he started ridding his cock…came inside me …and then we both hugged and went to sleeep..i waked up around 7 in the morning…and started to think of the yesterday’s happening…and thought what shivwill do today..it gave me a itch in the bottom and made me excited…i saw my hubby already waked up…he came in with coffee and said,,,hi, darling…had a good sleep, u have lot of worktoday…and smiled mischevously…i said poda porukki…he came and hugged me and said, good luck for your session with shiv today…and kissed my forehead…i can see the lot of love he had me in his eyes…i also kissed him and said…thank you da…then we both take bath and started to get ready for the office…after we had breakfast,i went to my room, and started to wear my dress, i selected blue color tight tops…that showed the shape of my boobs and hips..it was bit deep in fromt and back showing bit of cleavage if i bend down and good view ofmy back….that tops was a short one just till my pussy and had a cut in both sides…while walking itself, it will show my pussy and ass,,curves…and i selected matching tight leggings for the bottom…i putin my bra and panties…at that time door bell rings..sathya went and checked…it was Ram…he smiled and asked him to get in…Ram said, shiv asked to pick revathi from home…sathya asked him to sit in the sofa…he came inside and hugged me, i was still trying to hook my bra..he said, your darling Ram has come to pick you, shall i call him in to help with bra…i smiled and said, no, he will only remove, he wont wear it…i shouted, ram, pls sit, i will come in few mins..sathya said, hey go outside and welcome him , this is not manners..i smiled, porukki, i will wear the dress and go…hubby kissed my cheek, he already saw you naked, y worry…i kissed him, you dirty hubby…then i went outside with my bra and panties…hi ram, pls wait, i will come wearing my dressram was shocked to see me in such dress infront of him, when my hubby is there…suddenly my hubby came and hugged from behind, planted a kiss in my shoulder and said, y dont you give him coffee first…my pussy started itching …i asked sathya to leave…he turned me and kissed my boobs and ram was watching….ram will you drink coffee if revathi mam serves it in this costume…he struggled to reply….yes sir, i wil…sathya then asked me to prepare coffee, then i went to kitchen….sathya called me again…reva, still you doesnt put yourbra hook,, dont be half dressed…saying that he removed my bra from my shoulder…after finish coffee, you can wear this..i blushed for a moment and thought what a nice start for the day…its time to show my courage…i went near ram, sit near him and put my hand around his shoulder and asked, ram tea or coffee..seeing my boldness, hubby got a hard on…he came near me, pressed my bare boobs and said, y dont you give him some milk..i smiled and said, i am not a mother, there is no milk here…and ram is not my c***d…hubby said, its ok, let him suck and try…i get up from sofa and sit escort karabağlar on ram’s lap…come on ram…you try…then he started pressing my boobs and started kissing me..this is the first time, i am doing this with some one else, infront of my hubby…i turned and saw my sathya..he removed his tool out and started shaking it….i asked him to come near and opend my mouth…he inserted his tool in my mouth while ram busy with my boobs, his went inside my panty and started fingering…after couple of minutes, my body showed signals of my first orgasm for the day…i suddenly removed my panty, dont want search for another one..all my juice came out in rams hand and thighs,,,sathya also came inside my throat…and i swallowed…i took a towel and cleaned my thighs and gave it to ram to cleanhimself…Ram said, reva you and your hubby came, can you help for me…i smiled and kissed him and said, sure ram..then i take it out for a second blowjob…for the day…hubby sat near ram and started watching it,,,and asked, ram, is this your first time…he said, i already went tofew prostitiutes but first time with a family girl…i smiled and said..thanks ram you only agreeing me as a homely girl,my hubby saying me as bitch…Ram said, both are true revathi….with that he pushed my head deep into the cock…and he came out with a loud moan..i swallowd that also, smiled at my hubby and get up…ram pulled me closer and planted a kiss in my pussy and said thanks revathi…seeing this, hubby pulled me and planted kiss in my pussy…again ram did the same thing…i smiled and said, enough da….shiva is waitng for me…i need to keep some thing for him…and all of us laughed…i went dressed up, took one extra panty and kept in my handbag…and we all started..once i reached office, rajesh showed a mischevous smile and called me…i went near him, he immediatly put his hands on my boobs, and said i need this…i pulled his hands out..and said..shivais waiting for this…he then said, if you dont give me, i will keep this photo as my system wallpaper..he showed me the photo from his phone which i send him yesterday…i looked around and make sure no one watching me and planted a kiss in his cheek…and said with a smile, you take a print out of this photo and hang it every where, i dont worry…and started to leave…he pulled me and gave a tight squeeze to my boobs and leaved me..i smiled and went to shiv’s cabin…as soon as i entered the cabin, shiv stood up came to me and gave a tight hug..he then started kissing me all over my face…shiv, stop stop, this is office anyone mught come…he said, no one will come, this is my office, i will do anything here…and pulled me to the sofa, placed in the cornerof the cabin…shiv, pls lock the door..i said..dont worry reva, no one will come, even if some comes, i know u will get lot more hotter..i blushed and said, yes shiv, but this is office…he said dont worry, ignore them, today or tomorow every one will come to know our matter…ram cant hide secrets..he will say to someone and the news will spread, so ignore them..i started imaginig, everyone watching us while we are naked in cabin and instantly my pussy juice oosed out a bit..i smiled and thought, that would be really hot..then i started kissing him all over his face…i gave deep kiss in his mouth, inserted my toungue and started playingwith his for a minute…then he came down to my boobs…he started pressing and sucking it above my tops…i took my mobile and captured it and send to rajesh…with note “keep this one as wallpaper”…he replied, u are dirty bitch…i send him a smily…he then removed my tops and i removed his shirt…he unhooked my bra…astarted kissing the cleavge…shiv today you can just enjoy my boobs, i needa full trial session on client presentation..sure darling…i cancelled all my appoinments, i will train u whole day…and we heared knock on the door…shiv asked, who is this…its me sir, rajesh, i need to get your sign in the reports…he looked at me and asked, shall i let him in…i smiled and showed my approval…he gave a kiss in forehead..and said sweet reva…i prepared myself for getting a double fuck today…rajesh came inand aacted as if shocked…shiv, smiled and asked him to come near..he was seeing my clevage and gave a wicked smile…i also smiled and removed my bra completely to give him a full view of my breast..rajesh and shiv both shocked now…rajesh showed the report to shiv and asked him to sign…shiva get that and keep it aside..come on rajesh..revathi is showing you something, y dont you praise that..he asked him to sit in the sofa..he sat hesitatingly…next to me, now i was in the middle of shiv and rajesh…shiv, rajesh is eagerly waiting for this long time, now he is acting..i said..i turned to rajesh, your wait is over da, come take what you want…he looked at shiv and he nodded..he then started to kiss me..and fondle my boobs..shiv concentrated on the other boob..rajesh rolled his toungue all over my face and licked it everywhere…he said in my ears, you are a sweet little bitch..i smiled and accepted the compliment…my pussy started to ooze out my juices…i said, who is going to remove my bottom….they both hurried and removed my legings..i said, make me naked da…then rajesh removed my panty…i then removed both their dress and made them naked…then rajesh came down to my pussy and started licking it..it sent a shiver in my spain…he inseterd his full toungue and licked my clit…shiv, licked all over my face..i took my phone, take a pic and send to my hubby….and asked how is it ?i reached my second orgasm due to his toungue work…shiv then took me and laid me in the floor and came on top of me…he kept his penis, near my pussy whole and said,shall i come inside…i said..yes shivaaaaaaaaaa..he inseted his cock in one thrust…and started riding me…i gave a loud moan…and worried it might hear outside..but i cant control and thought let them hear…after 3 minutes, he asked me inside or outside…inside pls, you need to make me pregnent shivaaaa..hearing this, he get instant hard and loaded all his juice inside…then he lay on me and kissed and licked my face…then he moved from me and laid beside me…all the time rajesh watching us and taking photos..i said, rajesh your turn…he immediatly came all over me and started pushing his tool, inside..he started giving slow push …after few mins, he increased the speed..i said, yesss fuck mee..fuck this bitch pls…he then released everything inside me…i too released my 3rd one for the day…he laid to the left side of me, while shiv was in right…i rolled over rajjesh and asked…happy yaa da…i kissed his lips…and said…i love u daa..porukki…he kissed me and said..me tooo di…then i took his mobile, took a slfie with me and raj and said, this should be ur wall paper…he kissed my fore head and smiled..i said, show to your wife…he smiled and get up, went to washroom cleaned himself, came out and dressed…and left..now i rolled over shiv..and asked when is the client meeting…i planned for next week reva…he said..and added, there might be 4 clients di…i kissed his lips and said…i can manage 7 in a day and smiled…he asked me, does this trial session is enough for you..i said,, no i need more..ok, tomorow, we are going to tailor shop to collect your blouse…we will have a big session there..i kissed all over his face and said..porukki…he then rolled over me, his cock was below my navel…and he started licking my face, ear and neck…you are so sweet revai can feel his tool is getting harder and getting ready for one more…shiv, i need coffee…he stopped kissing and stood up, i too…he went to wash room and i followed…hey reva, wher are you coming, i am goin to pee..i ingored and followed him inside the bathroom…and then i kniled down, took his tool near to my mouth and said,shiv, pee in my mouth…his face was brightned and started to pee in my mouth…i drank few and few came out of mouth and rolled over my boobs…then i stood up and he bend down to took my piss..i smiled and pissed on his face…and he too swallowed…then he stood and started kissing my lips, he let his out and played with my toungue…, we then washed ourselvesand came out…i was about to wear my bra, to get ready to have a coffee..he stopped me and said..no bra..i smiled mischevosuly and put it down and took my tops..he again stopped and said no tops..i thought, does he need me to go out naked..and i felt itch in pussy..shiv, should i come out naked..he then went to his briefcase and took one tops and skirt…wear this…he said…i take a look at it , that tops was sleeveless and with thin material..there is only ropes in back..and the length is just to near my navel…shiv, if i wear this, everyone will camme to know, what happend inside..andthey will call me bitch..he came and hugged me, kissed my forehead..ignore them reva…i want everyone shouldknow, you are mine..i feel shy shiva..reva, i need you to come out of that shy…today only this dress..from tomorow no dress for you inside the office…and iknow you will enjoy everyones look..hearing this, i gave a tight hug and said, you making me real bitch….i started wearing that tops..and he helped me tying that knots behind…..i then took the skitrt, which was kneelength andweared it …shiva shall i wear panties…he said ok, but u should not wear skirt,,,only one is allowed…i kicked his chest and said…you are getting too much naughty daaa…he also changed to a different cloth..he then took me to the sofa,,and started kissing allover me..i am getting hornier…shiv lets start after finishing our coffee, he said, no honey, you need to be hot while going out…then he came down to my thighs..and started licking..i was imaginig how people will see me now and that thought itched mypussy ….enough shiv..i am as hot as fire now…he smiled and get up..and i too ready for the show…he pushed my hairs to front and said…let everyone see your full back..he put hands on my hips and we came out…all the eyes were staring at me..with a shock in face…even rajesh wouldnt expected this..he suddenly came near to me and pulled me and gave a tight hug while everyone watching..i started kissing rajesh..for which shiv also shocked…then after tasting his lips for a minute, we departed…all eyes were jealous of rajesh…then shiv took me to one of the collegue,,,and asked about his work…he seeing me and said…fine shiv, shiv, then placed his hands on my boobs and pressed in front of him …he said, hi every one today i will pay the canteen expenses for all you..come join us…all the male staff follwed us…female staff, not knowing what to do…stayed there…we went to canteen and shiv sit on a chair…i decided to show some corauge…i went and sit in his lap…put my handsaround his shoulder, my boobs was right near his face…everyone ordered their soft drinks…and shiv started fondling my boobs…all the 17 pair of eyes were on me and my pussystarted to leak…i took some corauge and started looking at all the mens with smile…i could see the lust in all their eyes…then said, could some one bring coffee for me and shiva…no one moved…they dont want to miss the show…i smiled…and said..rajesh, can you pls…he then went to bring the coffee…shiv started kissing allover my back, his one hand in boobs and other in between my thighs..then shiv, looked at the crowd and made the darring announcement…guys from now on revathi is ours…anyone can come to my cabin anytime and start playing with revathi…only 2 person allowed in a day…be gentle with her and enjoy her…good performer of the month can stay one whole day with her…all wil be inside my cabin only….this send me shiver in my spain..and my pussy started oozing out..i started imaginig all the males fucking me..he then turned to me, is that ok reva…i blushed and started kissing shiv in his lips…and said, sure shiv..i will make everyone happy…everyone clapped..and i accepted the appreciation with the smile…by the time, coffee came and we started sipping it…shiv..took one sip and poured it to my mouth..and i did the same..and we finished the coffee..meanwhile..his other hand started to untie the knots in my back…i realised what shiv is upto and gave him mischevous smile..he whispered into my ears r u ready to show more….i said yes shiv…guys, to enjoy this beautiful moment, reva will become topless and will show everyone her real beauty…i kissed shiv, stood up, with a smile in my face…i removed my tops infront of 17 males…everyone whistled…and clapped..i rotated, so that every one gets a clear view..one bold guy from the crowd shouted, remove skirt also….i called the person who said…he came near to me…i gave him a tight hug and kissed his cheek…and said, i am ready to remove my skirt…but you need to get naked first…everyone started shouting at that guy to remove his dress..he was bit hesitent..then i went near him and removed his shirt..and unzipped his pant, get it down..and give a press in his bottomand removed the underware…he then bent down and removed my skirt…he then started kissing my thighs…i pushed his face closer to my pussy…and he started licking it…all the men were turned on seeing this,,,and then came closer to me…started taking pics and videos…few female staff came to canteen, saw this scene and went back again…2 men tried to fondle my boobs..shiv shouted only one at a time..and they took their hands away…i gave a thanking smile to shiva…cant imagin if every started coming over me at the same time…TBC…..

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Wife’s Ultimate Betrayal

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Wife’s Ultimate BetrayalHe is a 24 year old software developer that had developed several security add-ons for popular social media programs. His name is Darin Davis, is 24 years old, 6’2” with a toned body, and he works out just about every day. He had brown hair and eyes and a 9” cock, and was very handsome, at least that’s what his mother says. He was stupid rich, living on residuals of over a million dollars every month. He had a huge house on the ocean, a cabin in the mountains, and a penthouse in the city. He had about every toy money could buy fast cars, boats, clothes, but what I didn’t have were friends, and love in his life. He met with his business manager and told him he was going to drop out, his plan was to rent an average apartment, purchase a nice Camaro and get an average job. He wanted to meet and mix with average people and see where things lead to.He rented a nice one bed room apartment, had a designer furnish it, and purchased a new Camaro. He got a job as a programmer with his software company and joined a local gym. He developed friends both at work and at the gym. One Saturday morning he was working out with one of my friends from work Henry, when a beatiful woman, jumped on one of the treadmills in front of him. He whispered to Henry who is that, he said her name was Wendy Baker, but she hardly ever talked to anyone. He said she had three guys she had grown up with and that were the only people she had ever spoke with. He said she worked out every day and god her body showed it. She was 5’4” tall, long red hair, her body was tones and rounded. Her boobs were 36C, she had a tight ass, pure white skin she was beatiful beyond belief. She appeared to be shy rather than conceded, but she had a dark secret she was nymphomaniac! When she would go out with her girlfriends for maybe dinner and a club and some dancing they would head home around mid-night maybe one on a weekend Wendy would go home shower try to get one or more of her three fuck buddies to come over if they were not available she would put on thigh highs, garters, and her whore top basicly a crop top that was cut so low the tops of her aerolas were exposed, add a pair of 6” spiked heel and she would head out the wrong side of town visit the strip bars and biker bars and it would not take long to get picked up and royally fucked by one or more guys or maybe lesbian.Over the next few weeks he made sure to accidently bump into her and finally one day her regular gym partner was not there and he spotted for her. We exchanged names actually he admits to her that he had already asked around and knew her name. She laughed and admitted she had asked around about his name also! He says well we are obviously interested in each other how about we go to dinner tonight and see where things go Wendy smiled and said why not he said how about I pick you up at 7:00, Wendy thinks and says 7:30 he says great where do you want me to pick you up, she gives him her address. They both shower and go to their jobs. Wendy thinks about Daren all day, there is something different about him for the first time in her life she is thinking long term, but she has desires so she calls her three buddies, Jeff this is Wendy, can you and Pete and Joe come to my apartment right after work. She says she has a date at 7:30. He asks who it is and why she didn’t just fuck him all night, she tells him it’s their first date and there is something different about him. Wendy gets home at 5:00 Jeff, Joe and Pete her three life long black friends are waiting for her, she says come on boys we don’t have a lot of time NO MARKS to day I like this guy I don’t want him to think I’m a slut! Joe says right bend over and grab the chair, he pushes up her skirt pulls down her pantys and throws them across the room and onto the sofa. Pete and Jiff strip, then they strip Windy as Joe strips, Pete lays on the sofa with his hard cock pointing stright up, he sees her thong, the crouch is wet he smells it so sweet and stuffs it under her sofa pillow. Wendy comes over straddles his cock and lowers herself on it, she throws her head back as she rides his cock up and down, and says Jeff grab the lube from the bed room Jeff comes back lubes up her little pink ass hole and his cock grabs her hips and pushes forward she moans as Jeff slides his cock into her ass. Joe grabs her hair and shoves his cock in her mouth, she sticks out her tongue and he pushes his 7” cock all the way in her mouth till his balls are on her chin she climaxes covering Pete’s cock and balls with her sweet pussy juice. Pete explodes in her pussy setting her off yet again, they rotate positions, this time Jeff cums first in her ass. They rotate again one last time and Joe puts a second load in her sweet pussy. They lay in a pile of sex and sweat soaked flesh, the living room smells like cum and pussy. Her phone rings its Daren she thinks he’s dumping me, Daren says I’m about 15 minutes away Wendy says WHAT! What time is it Daren says it’s 7:10 Wendy says sorry baby I fell asleep after work hard day, Daren asks would you like to make it another night, Wendy says NO! I’ll see you when you get here I’m apartment 7 on the first floor just come in and sit down, while I get ready to go. She disconnects and says you bastards, get off me you knew I had a date, get dressed and get out , wait spray this place down with Febreeze and open the windows than get out, she grabs her clothes and heads to the bathroom. The guys get dressed spray down the furniture open the windows and leave. As Daren walks to her apartment building he passes the guys, they chuckle Daren has a bouquet of flowers for Wendy, he taps on the door opens it and says Wendy, he hears the shower running Wendy is douching her ass and pussy the last thing she needs is cum running down her legs on her date. She shuts off the water climbs out, Daren calls out I’m here Wendy, she calls back ok, sorry I’m running late baby, make yourself comfortable I’ll be a bit yet, he yells back I’ll call and change the reservations. Wendy thinks reservations fancy. She walks into her bed room drying her hair with a towel and of course she left the door open, Daren notices movement to his left and there is Wendy in all her glory! She pulls the towel off her head and sees him staring at her and yells don’t look, he says sorry she giggles and closes the door. Daren hears her hair dryer running sounds like progress, then drawers opening and closing, then the sound of heels clacking, on the floor. He looks down and sees her thong sticking out from beneath the pillow, he pulls it out and holds it up just as her bedroom door opens, she says give me that, and snatches it out of his hand, then she is standing holding it and Daren says here these are for you and holds out the bouquet of flowers. Wendy takes the flowers she doesn’t know what to do or say, she has never had a date bring her flowers, she is standing there with her mouth open, holding her thong in one hand and flowers in the other. Daren says capture and a clear click is herd. His cell phone is in his top pocket the camera lens is above the top so he captured a photo they will laugh at for years. Wendy throws her arms around his neck kissing him with a loving kiss as tears run down her face. She steps back and says thank you no one has ever given me flowers before. He pulls her to him and says someone as beatiful as you deserves flowers every day. Then bends down and kisses her. Daren says why don’t we put these in water and those referring to her thong, she says the hamper. She goes to the kitchen try’s to reach up to the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet to get a vase she got as a house warming present, Daren comes up behind her reaches above her and retrieves the vase. She puts water in it and arranges the flowers and says there. She turns their eyes meet they kiss again they break she says what are you doing to me! Daren says we need to get moving they get mad when you change the reservations twice.They walk to Daren’s car, he opens the door for her, she says nice car, Daren says thank you, as they drive Wendy asked him where he worked and what he did, he told her he works as a programmer for DDtel, she laughed and said that she worked for DDsales, the exclusive sales rep for DDtel software. Actually the company was a subsidiary of DDtel so she actually worked for Daren. When they arrived at the restaurant he was given the total VIP treatment, Valet Parking, with the valet saying good evening Mr. Davis as they entered they entered the restaurant the Mater D, again greeted him with a hello Mr. Davis right this way your table is waiting both the Mater D and the Hostess lead them to their table pulled out their chairs and seated them. Wendy’s plate had a single red rose on it. Wendy says who are you! Daren laughed and said his college roommate’s father owns, the restaurant that he had written a program that generated menus based on seasonal availability of food, which has saved them a boat load of money. Actually it’s all true but the fact that is just short of being a billionaire had more to do with his treatment. As Wendy reviewed the menu she sees that there is no prices on it and asks Daren how much are our meals going to be, Daren says our meals are free I traded my software for free meals for life, including partys, or rehearsal dinners, or even wedding receptions! They have their meal and the Mater D says your desert is waiting in the garden Sir. Daren stands slides Wendy’s chair out, as she is not looking he leaves a five hundred dollar tip on the table. He leads her out to the garden it’s covered in clear Christmas lights strung thru small trees and bushes, they walked down a path to an area with a table and two chairs a small wedding cake 2 glasses of Champagne. Wendy with tears in her eyes puts buca escort her arms around his neck, gives him a passionate kiss and says this the most romantic date I have ever been on and I will never forget it! Daren pulls out her chair as she sits, then moves his chair beside hers and pulls her into his arms kisses her, she lays her head on his shoulder, takes her fork gets some cake and feeds it to him, then takes a piece for herself, Daren picks up the Champagne flute and feeds her a bit than takes a taste for himself, she takes the flute from him sets it on the table straddles his lap wraps her arms around his head and they kiss a long hot passionate kiss Intermingling tongues. Daren stands with Wendy wrapped around him as he dances to the soft music piped in. Wendy lays her head on his chest and says Daren never let this evening end, never let me go, hold me in your arms forever!They dance like that for a long time, then the Hostess comes out and says I’m sorry but we closed half an hour ago and need to lock up. Wendy kisses Daren and drops her feet to the ground and walk out to the parking lot arm in arm. When they get to Wendy’s Daren walks her to the door they wrap their arms around each other kiss a long loving kiss. Daren asks if it would be ok to call her tomorrow, she says you better! When Daren gets to work and he calls Charles North his business manager, Chuck this is Daren everything ok yes boss how about with you, great really, really great actually, he says Daren are you trying to tell me something, Daren says well I met someone, Chuck says and, Daren says I really like her a lot. We went out on a date last night. Chuck asks what is her name, Daren says Wendy Baker funny thing she works for DDsales, Chuck says really as he is pulling up her personnel file and back ground report. Darren is going on and on about their date but Chuck was busy checking Wendy’s back ground and he is impressed, excellent grades in both HS and in the top 5% of her class in College, spotless criminal record not even a parking ticket. She has an 834 credit rating, has a very concretive social profile, WOW she says on Facebook this morning she went out with the most wonderful man in the world last night, then he sees her picture on Facebook, Chuck thinks if Daren doesn’t want her he did, oh wait Chuck is married. Chuck, Chuck are you still there, oh yes Daren she checks out a wonderful woman I’m very happy for you two keep me posted maybe we can get together and double date, I would love to meet her.The next morning Wendy is sitting at her desk surrounded by her girlfriend’s at work pumping her for details of last night’s date, Sara says there’s no way no guy’s that romantic, than a special delivery package, Wendy opens it in front of her work friends, it’s a framed picture of Wendy with her thong in one hand the bouquet of flowers in the other and her mouth open. Sara says I love his sense of humor. Her boss rings her and tells her to report to his office immediately, she says I just got called to Mr. Drake’s office, Joan asks for what, Wendy says I don’t know, Ill let you know.Wendy walks into her boss’s office and is told to sit down. He tells her he has been promoted to Regional Sales Director and she was taking his place with a 100 percent increase in salary. I am to start training you tomorrow. He says be here in your office tomorrow at 8:00, that’s it for now you’re excused. Wendy walks back to her desk in a trance her friends gathered at her desk Joan asks are you okay, Wendy doesn’t answer, Sara says you didn’t get fired did you, Wendy shakes her head no, and says Mr. Drake got promoted, they want me to take his place. Joan says that’s huge! It’s 10:00 am and a dozen American Beauty Rose’s are delivered to Wendy. The girls say who are they from, Wendy opens the card, it says I and is signed Daren. Sara asks what does I mean Wendy says I don’t know! They go back to work, 11:45 a delivery guy with another dozen roses walks towards Wendy’s desk followed closely by Sara and Joan. They ask what does the card say, Wendy opens it, it reads LOVE and is signed Daren. Sara says Love Wendy shrugs her shoulders, Joan asks has he called or emailed you, Wendy says no, Sara says he’s too busy buying flowers. Two hours later the delivery guy is headed back to Wendy’s desk the girl’s are right behind him, Sara says what does this one say, Wendy says YOU Sara says what does that mean, Joan says I can’t believe you two give me the cards she lines them up I LOVE YOU. Joan says he just committed to you. Wendy says we both felt it last night but were afraid to say it. Wendy’s phone rings she hears Daren’s voice Wendy this is Daren she shouts I LOVE YOU too BABY if you were here I’d give you the biggest kiss, he says I’m right outside your cubicle, she drops her phone runs out turns sees Daren standing there jumps into his arms wraps her legs around his waist and arms around his head and they kiss. Mr. Drake walks by sees Daren immediately recognizes him, Daren suddenly shakes his head no Mr. Drake says Baker if you get that florest shop out of here you can have the rest of the day off, OH and I’m taking my two assistants with me so you are going to need to appoint two assistants. Wendy says Joan, Sara your it, now grab those flowers and follow us! Daren carries Wendy out of the building and to her car, Daren asks do you have a little black dress, Wendy says of course, Daren says good go put it on we are having a picnic dinner on the beach wear heels too please she says heels on the beach. I’ll pick you up at 7:30. They kiss a lovers kiss and go their separate ways. On the way home Wendy calls her Mom on the way home, Hello Mom I’m in love with the most wonderful man in the world. Her Mom says how big is his cock, she says I have no idea we are in love not in lust. He sent me a dozen roses three times today the first card said I, the second said love and the third said you. Her Mom says this sounds promising, DON’T SCREW IT UP in fact just don’t screw at all till your wedding night if it gets that far and then only him! She says ok Mom I hear but I have no desire to be with anyone else but Daren. Promptly at 7:30 Daren is at her door knocks Wendy swings the door open wraps her arms around his neck and they kiss a long sweet loving kiss, Wendy breaks their kiss and says I love you so much! Daren steps back and hands her a bouquet of flowers, and says god look at you , you’re the most beatiful woman in the world, and I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be with you. Are you ready to go, she says yep lead the way and off they go. They drive to the coast Daren grabs a picnic basket out of the trunk, Wendy takes off her heels carries them and a blanket and follows him across the sand he says right here spread the blanket please, Wendy says baby this is very close to that big house the people will be able to see us. Daren says please trust me Wendy spreads the blanket Daren places the basket opens it up hands her a plate silver ware, a wine glass he pops open the wine and pores her glass and reaches in and hands her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Wendy says I love PB&J haven’t had it in years they eat their sandwiches then cuddle on the beach watch the moon rise over the ocean. Daren asks what do you think of that big house. Wendy says I love it, some day we will live in a house like that I know we can work together and get a house just like that. Daren says I have to tell you something actually I have a lot to tell you, Wendy stops him and says I don’t care about your past, I just care about us and now I love you, I have never said that to another guy you are my world. Daren says well that’s the whole thing I have no past. I went to private male only boarding schools, in collage my time was spent studying at MIT stright thru my PHD, our first date the other night, was actually my first date ever! Wendy looks at him and asks you have never been with a woman before, Daren says no my Mom told me I only ever need one good woman in my life to love and respect, and made me promise I would not disrespect her by having sex with her till our wedding night. He asks Wendy is that too much for her to accept. Wendy says I love you so much and let me tell you, you’re a natural you have done things to me that no guy has ever done, and I love you and never want to lose you. Daren says are you ready for desert, Wendy says what are we having he says strawberries, whipped cream and Chilled Champaign, she looks in the basket, it’s empty then looks up at him, he says grab your heels and purse, he takes her hand and walks toward the big house, when they get to pavement she puts on her heels, he leads her towards the door and she pulls back and says we can’t go in there it’s, she looks inside on the table is a bowl of Strawberry’s, another with whipped cream, and a chilled bottle of champagne. She goes numb and follows him into the house. He says before we go any farther I want you take out your phone and google my name. Wendy does she says holey shit your famous, son of a bitch you’re my boss. Daren asks does that change the way you feel about me, she looks at him and says holding up her phone I don’t know this guy, but I know you and I love you and I never want to loosed you damn you why are you doing this to me, he holds her in his arms, she is crying I love you so much please never let me go. Daren gets down on one knee and says Wendy Baker will you become my wife, and spend the rest of your life with me. Wendy looks down he is holding the biggest rock she has ever seen, and says baby you don’t really know me, hell you might find out you don’t even like having sex with me. Daren says honey I know how we feel when we are together, how could having sex be anything else but fantastic, Wendy says your right escort buca the way we feel about each other sex can only be wonderful, YES Baby I will marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.They drink the champagne, feed each other the strawberries dipped in whipped cream. Then he takes her on a tour of the apartment, he saves the master bedroom bed room for last he opens the doors, the master looks like the rest of the house looked like something out of one of those design programs on TV, because it was, his only instructions to Johana were to make it a family friendly home. Daren asks how do you feel about having k**s, Wendy says I want k**s how about you, he says I want one see how things go with the first one and go from there! Wendy sits on the bed pats the mattress and says sit with me. They hold each other Wendy asks is this where we will make our c***dern Daren says yes but we are still negotiating numbers. Daren says lets be bad Wendy says what Daren says we gota go clean up the beach, let’s do it nude! Wendy starts stripping off her clothes Daren does the same when Daren drops his briefs Wendy just stairs then says please put you briefs back on or you are not going to make it out of this room much less to our wedding in three months a virgin. Daren says it’s ugly isn’t it Wendy says please don’t take this wrong but I am not a virgin and I have seen a few cocks in my life and you have the most wonderful cock I have ever seen, don’t let any other woman see it , your all mine now and I’m not sharing! Wendy says tell you what let’s do in our under paints, they go out and clean up the beach and head back in place the dishes in the sink, in the process watching Wendy’s boobs bouncing and her barely there G-String Daren’s cock became fully erect with 3” above the waist band of his briefs, Wendy notices walks up to him puts her arms around his neck presses her body against his and kisses him feeling his huge cock pressing against her, her body reacted automatically with her mound rubbing against his cock. She asks can we sleep here tonight together, I promise I’ll be good if you do. Daren says of course we can she pulls him into the bedroom, he pulls back the bedding, she jumps in, with him close behind her, they turn and face each other kiss Wendy says I’m living my fantasy please don’t let me wake up tomorrow and this all be a dream, Daren reaches down and pinches her ass, she jumps and yells OUCH!, then smiles at him and says thank you Daren kisses her and says good night I love you she hugs him tight and says I don’t ever want to get used to being thrilled hearing you says that, she kisses him and says good night Daren I love you with all my heart and soul, then turns over Daren spoons her against him she feels his big cock on her ass smiles knowing it was all hers, and they drift off to sleep…. Finally Wendy’s life is complete her love for Daren has fulfilled her, her only desires are for him and him alone no more need or desire for her late night whoring.Wendy wakes up the next morning, hearing the surf crashing on the beach, she sat up looking out the row of french doors, out onto the beach and the waves washing across the beach, with the sun just starting to break the horizon, she shook Daren and woke him out of a dream of making love to her, Daren, Daren look the sun is coming up! Daren shakes his head grabs her gives he a big hug, she look, look the sun is coming up, Daren says it does almost every day, except when it’s cloddy and smiles at her. He sits up cuddles her into his arms, and watches the sun come up even though he has seen it hundreds of times before. As she watches he cups her left boob and plays with her nipple, as the sun clears the horizon and climbs into the sky, Daren has turned her on playing with her nipple, she turns into his arms, then instinctively reaches down and grabs his cock, then jumps back and says what are you doing we can’t do this your bad look at that thing go take a cold shower! They get up go into the bathroom Daren gives her a new tooth brush there is a duel vanity, they brush their teeth, and share the first kiss of the day. Wendy asks can we trust each other to shower together Daren says yes, so they hop in the shower Daren washes Wendy spending a lot of time on her boobs, Wendy spent the majority of her time washing his balls and cock stating she could do a great job with her tongue and mouth! They get out dry each other, Daren asks if she has her make up with her Wendy says yes and she goes and get her bag she comes back and starts to dump her bag on the vanity Daren says no not here he walks over to a pocket door just past the vanity, that opened to a huge walk in closet with a dressing room and table with adjustable lighting. Daren sits beside her and says if you like this weekend we can go out buy you some things to keep here when you stay over till we get married. Wendy says honey I love you but I can’t let you buy all my things I have a job I can pay for my things. Daren says honey I make over a million dollars a month clear just from residuals! She says ok you pay they laugh hug, Daren says ok you can try and put makeup on and make yourself look better but your perfect without it. He ask her what she would like for breakfast, she ask if a sausage and egg biscuit is possible, he asks how about a croissant rather than a biscuit she says even better. As he is putting her sandwich together she comes up beside me puts her arm around me and says I love you, and you know how much, turn on your garbage disposal and she dumps some bubble wrapped pills down the drain to be chewed up by the disposal unit. I asked her what was that, she said her birth control pills, I want to get pregnet with our baby! They eat breakfast and as he drives her to her apartment they talk about when they wanted to get married and decided in about three months it will be warm still and they can have it on the beach in front of the house. They figure three months will be enough time for the mothers to put it together but just to keep things going in the right direction they decide to hire a wedding planner. When they get to Wendy’s apartment she tells him to come in and watch her change, she wants to make him horny and keep him horny till their wedding night so he impregnates her their first time. She makes him promise not to masturbate, so he will be full of seed for her. Then she lays out a bunch of clothes on the bed and tells him to take them to the beach house.Wendy gets to work about 10 minutes early as usual and goes stright to her new office. Her old boss is not there, there is a set of instructions and binder with instructions on performing her position, and the same was true for her two assistants. Promptly at 8:00 she call Sara and Joan into her office. Sara asks how was her picnic, what did he feed her, did they have sex, Joan says Sara look at her hand, Sara says what why HOLEY SHIT THAT’S HUGE, Wendy brags so is he, as Sara grabs her hand and the girls examine the ring. Wendy says Joan google Daren Davis, she says damn he’s rich and shit he’s our boss!Over the next three months their life is like a fairytale, by their wedding day they had been living together full time for two weeks, There is a huge tent set up on the beach for the reception, they are married on the beach at 3:00 in the afternoon and they party long into the night, Chuck’s wife tells Wendy how beatiful she looks and how happy she has made Daren, the girls Sara and Joan are all over Wendy attending her but mostly feeding her drinks, Jeff, Joe and Pete, Wendy’s old friends and fuck buddies are there steady feeding Daren booze, they want Wendy back and have a plain to get Daren drunk and passed out and fuck Wendy. As it turns out both Wendy and Daren wind up passed out. Jeff, Joe and Pete carry them into the master bed room they throw Daren on the bed, they hold Wendy up and strip her nude, then they take off their clothes, Pete says we better strip his too so when they wake up they think they had sex. They spread her out on the bed and Joe moves between her legs and burry his tongue in her pussy once her juices are flowing and she is humping his tongue he moves his black cock to the entrance of her ovulating pussy and pushes it in her balls deep in one thrust, in her drunken state she thinks its Daren and fucks him with all the desire of a bride with her new husband. Joe fills her ripe womb full of his black seed and gets up he reaches down scopes up some of his cum leaking out of Wendy’s pussy and coats Daren’s cock, as Pete climbs up on top of her to take his turn in her pussy. Wendy says again baby yes, as Pete fucks Daren is passing in and out of consciousness getting brief snap shots of Wendy fucking her black lovers. Pete’s cum joins Joes in her womb and he gets off her and Jeff hops right on Wendy realizes this can’t be Daren again so fast, and comes out of her stupor she realizes she is being ****d by her old friends. She screams for him to get off her and try’s to push him off but he is too strong and he pumps his cum deep in her womb he gets off her and says that was just for old time’s sake, they dress and leave. Wendy gets up goes in the shower turns it on and takes the shower wand pushes it into her pussy trying to wash out three huge loads of black cum, but the damage has been done she is pregnet. She feels hands on her hips and thinks they are back and swings the wand back trying to fend them off but its Daren and in his drunken state he loses his balance fall back cracks open head and winds up u*********s, bleeding and seriously injured, Wendy screams out so loud she is herd in the tent Chuck, Sara and Joan rush in the house and find Wendy in the shower clutching an u*********s Daren in her arms in the still running shower. Chuck calls buca escort bayan 911 the paramedics have to sedate Wendy to get her to release Daren. They bandage his head, put a neck collar on him strap him to a back board and called for the life-flight to fly him to the hospital due to the seriousness of his injuries. Chuck, Sara and Joan take Wendy to the hospital Daren has a fractured skull, massive concussion, fractured neck, is paralyzed from the neck down and is in a c***. He is in the ICU unit connected to life support. When Chuck walks Wendy in to be with him she sees him with all the tubes and attached to his body and passes out. Chuck lifts her into the chair next him. The nurse waves smelling salts under her nose and she comes to. Chuck tells her we have to be strong for Daren, and for the next two and a half months Wendy stays glued to his side.Chuck comes in one morning finds her throwing up, she was pale and blooded, he calls Joan and tells her to come get her and take her a doctor he is very concerned about her health. Joan picks her up and Wendy tells her to take her to the GYN. The GYN examines her gives her a sonogram and tells her congratulations she is pregnet with triplets! She leaves the doctor’s office tells Joan the doctor says she is run down and needs to eat better, take vitamins, rest and distress and has Joan take her home. She is almost in a trance like state. For several hours she just stares into space, then takes a shower and shaves her pussy and ass, sits at her dressing table and puts on her heavy slut makeup. Then gets out her slut clothes and at 1:00 am she drives to the bad side of town to get fucked senseless by a gang of black men. Shortly after Joan took Wendy to the doctors Chuck was sitting with Daren when he moves and try’s to talk, he calls the nurse who comes in sees him moving and trying to talk and calls the doctor. After a day of scans and test in late afternoon Daren is moved into a private room is sitting up in the bed eating his dinner talking to Chuck. His scans show that his brain swelling had gone down, and the swelling around his fractured neck had gone down eliminating his paralysis, much to Chuck’s susprise Daren gets up and walks to the bathroom to take a piss and walks back. Then he looks at Chuck and says I want a devorce. Chuck says WHAT that woman worships the ground you walk on, she has been here every second until this morning when I came in and found her throwing up in the bathroom, pail as a sheet and blooded. Daren looks at him she is pregnet with one of her black friend’s babies. On our wedding night they threw me on the bed striped me and her I was passed out and would come to on and off and see her fucking them and her telling her how good it felt. Then I woke up she was in the shower I went in she was fucking the shower wand when I touched her she hit me with the shower wand knocked me down and that’s the last I remember. Chuck try’s to call Wendy but gets no response, he calls Joan and she has not been able to talk to her ether. He tells her that Daren is awake and able to walk and should be coming home in a few days. Then he tells her about what happened on their wedding night and that he wanted a devorce. The next morning Joan goes to the beach house it’s unlocked she walks in Wendy is laying on the bed clothes all ripped cum in her hair, on her face, boobs, leaking out of her ass and pussy and all down her legs and her belly all puffed out and no doubt pregnet. Joan yells WENDY WHAT THE FUCK, she turns over and looks at Joan and says this is me I’m a slut I’m knocked up with three black babies, I went out and fucked 20 black guys last night, I murdered my husband it’s only a matter of time before they take him off of life support. I got devorce papers this morning guess Chuck found out he has power of attorney so I guess he is cutting me out before Daren dies. Joan says Wendy honey you were ****d, Chuck told me this morning he could prove it to Daren, speaking of which is off life support. Walking talking, and coming home in two days, Wendy grabs her belly and stumbles to the bathroom sits on the toilet and a stream of blood and fluids floods the toilet, Wendy pass out and falls on the floor, Joan calls 911 and Chuck, she cleans all the cum off her before the paramedics arrive and she is taken to the Hospital. Between the fucking she had gotten the night before, her poor physical condition, and the shock of being divorced and finding that Daren was ok she lost the babies. The next evening she wakes up in a hospital bed looks over and sees Darren holding her hand and she can see he has been crying. She looks over at Daren who is actually dozing and says I’m sorry Baby please forgive me I love you so much. Daren bends over kisses her and says I know you were ****d they filmed it and put it on line and Chuck found it and showed me. I’m the one that’s sorry please forgive me I love you so much, I doubt I’ll ever get in a shower with you again though! She smiles, and holds Daren’s hands that are all cut and bruised, she is about to ask Daren what happened to his hands when Chuck and his wife Heather walk in and Chuck reaches out and holds Wendy’s hand, his hands are all cut and bruised too Wendy asks what happened to your hands, Heather says I asked them that too but got some bullshit answer. I found them out back burning their clothes and shoes in the BBQ. Daren isn’t even susposed to be out of the hospital yet. Heather says you two move and she sits holds Wendy’s hand and says how are you feeling baby. They all talk for a while Heather says she will be back tomorrow to see her. Wendy moves over pats the bed beside her and Daren climbs in with her and they fall asleep in each other’s arms. Down stairs in the emergency room three black John Does are brought in, their hands have been crushed then nailed to a wooden frames, their feet have been nailed to the bottom of the frame, their faces have been beat into a bloody pulp, their cocks and balls were cut off and the area where they were removed burned with a propane touch to prevent them from bleeding to death. The purpose of the beating was to inflict maximum pain for years to come without actually killing them. The next day a doctor comes in making rounds and says I’m releasing you two tomorrow. I want you two to take it easy NO SEX for two months, Wendy’s female organs have been through a lot and she needs to heal but she will be fine. I suggest long walks on the beach, then slowly working up to gym workouts. You can go back to work part time in two weeks no more than 3 hours for the first week. The next morning when the sun came up Wendy reached under the bed grabbed a calendar she had stashed under the bed and put an x on it. Then finally two months later Daren wakes up Wendy is straddling his face and says lick me baby Daren says we can’t do this Wendy, you know what the doctor said, she hands him the calendar he tosses it and buriers his face in her pussy, she grabs his head pulls his face tight to her pussy and says finally rubbing her pussy over his tongue, it had been months and it didn’t take long for her to cum in his mouth and slides her body down his till they are face to face. They kiss a long passionate kiss, she says umm I taste good, she sits up straddles his cock and slowly slides down it’s big, bigger than any cock she has ever had, she bites her lower lip turns her head and sheds a tear in both pain and pleasure. Darren holds very still as she slowly continues to swallow his 9” thick cock with her hot juicy pussy. Finally her pussy lips rest tightly against the base of his cock, she just sits there allowing her pussy adjust to his huge cock. She starts to raze up just and inch then back down, Daren holds her tight against him and rolls over on top of her and starts to pump his cock in and out of her, she yells out OH DAMN YES BABY he continues pumping at a slow and steady pace, he pulls her into his arms, he lifts head and starts quicken his pace, then holds her tight to him and rapidly pumps his cock into her she feels his cock swell then begin to pump load after load of hot cum into her, she explodes with her own massive orgasum, Daren continues pump his massive cock into her long after he has stopped cuming, and she continues to cum time after time then he explodes a second time in her hot wet sweet pussy then passes out on top of her. His cock is still hard and buried deep inside her, he wakes up and rolls them over on their side. At work Chuck is calling Daren every 15 minutes and not getting any answer, over at Wendy’s work Sara and Joan have been calling Wendy with no response, Joan calls Chuck they agree to meet at the beach house. When they there Chuck has a key but he is about to knock when they hear Wendy scream, Chuck immediately unlocks the door and they all rush in Wendy is on top of Daren completely raising herself off his cock and plunging herself back all the way back down each time with a moan and a screak. Chuck, Joan and Sara just stand there with their mouths open, Joan grabs Chuck and Sara and pulls them out of the bedroom and into the living room. They hear Wendy yell out YES DAMN YES AGAIN BABY, then painting and kissing. Sara says did you see how big his cock is, Joan and how easy she was able to take it! Chuck says don’t ever tell my wife how big he is, Wendy yells out WE CAN HEAR YOU! Wait out there we will be right out. Wendy and Daren, walk out wearing robes Wendy says no Sara I’m not sharing him, Daren says we are starting our honey moon today we will be traveling for the next few months, Chuck asks how long, Daren says till we miss you guys!Its five months later Wendy comes waddling in her office Sara is sitting behind her desk Joan next to her going over the latest sales records, Sara says damn girl did you eat a watermelon, Wendy says as it turns out two, Sara says twins, Wendy says yep I gota pee A few months later Wendy is off again raising her baby girl and boy. During labor she told Daren if he ever came near him with his big cock again she would cut it off!

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