karimin halasini sike sike aglattim

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karimin halasini sike sike aglattim

t atil hazırlığı yapıyordum. Bir haftalığına karım olmadan Antalya’ya tatile gidip stress atıp gelecektim. O sırada karımın halası ve eniştesi bize oturmaya geldiler. Konu tatilden açılınca, onlar da Antalya’ya tatile gideceklerini söylediler. Baktık ki benimle aynı zamanda gidiyorlarmış. Teklif enişteden geldi, “Neden beraber gitmiyoruz?” diye. Pek istemeyerek, ayıp olmasın diye kabul ettim. İzin zamanı geldi, herşey hazırlandı ve uçak Antalya’ya indi. Otel odalarımızı da yan yana aldık. Ve tatil başlamıştı.

Tatilin dördüncü günündeydik, ben havuz kenarında güneşleniyordum. Yanımdaki güneşlenme yeri boştu. Birden karımın halası çıkageldi. Karımın halası 35 yaşında, 1.60 boyunda, normal ölçülerde bir vücuda sahip, güzel bir kadındır. Tabiki bikini ile daha seksi bir kadın olmuştu. Selamlaştık, sonra havlusunu Şezlonga serip, üzerine yattı. Güneş gözlüklerinden gözlerinin içini göremiyordum. “Enişte nerde?” diye sordum. “Bırak enişteni, geldiğimizden beri içip içip sızmaktan başka birsey bilmiyor adi herif!” dedi. Eniştenin içme bağımlılığını ben de biliyordum. Ayrıntıya girmeden, eniştenin odada sızmış olduğunu öğrendim.

Daha sonra karımın halası, “Hadi kalk, sahilde yürüyüş yapalım!” dedi. “Tamam!” dedim. Ben şortumla, o da bikinisiyle sahilde yürüyüşe çıktık. Oradan buradan konuşuyorduk. Otelden baya uzaklaşmıştık. Etrafta da fazla insan yoktu. Bir ara arkasında kaldığım bir anda içimden geldi ve bikinili poposuna bir tokat attım. “Hey, napıyorsun!” deyip döndü bana baktı ve gülümsedi. Gülümsemesinden cesaret alarak, “Napayım, çok güzel görünüyorlar, kendimi tutamadım!” dedim. O da gülerek, “Hmmm, hınzır seni!” dedi ve yürümeye devam etti. Ama ben kafaya koymuştum, elim oraya tekrar gidecekti…

Az sonra poposuna bir tokat daha attım, ama bu sefer elimi çekmedim, kalçasını okşayıp, sıkmaya başladım. Adeta devam etmemi istercesine kaldı öyle. Sonra döndü ve hiç birşey demeden sarılıp, birbirimizin dudaklarını emmeye koyulduk. Arkadan kalçasını sıkıştırıp, bikinisinin altından parmağımı götüne ve amına sokmaya çalışıyordum. Bu arada kendisi dudaklarımı adeta emiyordu. Çok ateşliydi. Eli birden aşağılara doğru kaydı ve kalkmış olan sikimi fark etti. “Mmhhh harika, hemen sertleşiyor!” dedi. Ben o ara etrafa bakındım, tenha bir yer arıyordu gözlerim.

Az ilerde gözüme bir yer ilişti. Elinden tutup oraya doğru ilerlemeye başladık. İkimiz de ateşin doruğundaydık. Oraya gider gitmez, önümde diz çöküp şortumu indirdi. Demir gibi sert olan sikimi eline alıp, başına bir öpücük kondurdu. Ben ellerimi belime koyup tadını çıkarıyordum. Dudaklarını açıp başını ağzına aldı. Sonra gözleri kapalı, güneş gözlüğü kafasına ittirilmiş bir vaziyette sikimi dibine kadar ağzına sokmaya çalıştı. Yarısına kadar alabildi. Hızlı hızlı yalamaya devam etti. Bazen tamamen çıkarıp diliyle başını okşuyordu. Benim sikim daha beter olmuş, kökünden kopacak gibiydi. Öyle güzel yalıyordu ki, o anda istesem ağzına boşalabilirdim, ama tuttum kendimi.

Sonra o kumlara uzandı, ben de diz çöktüm ve bacaklarını okşamaya başladım. Bacaklarını öpüyor, okşuyor ve dudaklarımla yukarıya doğru gidiyordum. Am bölgesine ulaştım, kokladım, bikinisini çıkarmadan dişledim o bölgeyi. Dudaklarım göbeğinde biraz oyalandıktan sonra yukarıya doğru devam ettim. Dirseklerinden destek alıp vücudunu kaldırdı. Benden bikinisinin üstünü çözmemi istiyordu. Çözünce, ancak elime sığacak kadar büyük olan memeleri ortaya fırladılar. Meme uçları sertleşmişti. Dudaklarımla hissettim o sertliği. Meme uçlarını yalıyor, elimle memesini sıkıp, tamamını ağzıma alıyor, öpüyor, emiyordum. Bu arada nefes nefese kalmış bir halde zorla da olsa bikinisinin altını çıkarmaya çalıştığını gördüm. Hemen çıkarmasına yardım ettim.

Traşlı amı, o güzelim amı, çırışçıplak gözlerimin önündeydi. Tertemizdi ve adeta ‘Ye beni!’ diyordu. Amının dudaklarını aralayıp içine bir öpücük kondurdum. Dilimle klitorisine masaj yaptıkça, beni saçlarımdan tutup amına doğru bastırıyordu. Artık ne o, ne de ben dayanacak haldeydik. Ben bir an önce sikimi o güzel amcığa sokmak istiyordum. O da sikimi içine almak istiyordu. Hazır olduğunu hissettiğim anda bacaklarının arasına sokuldum. Sikimi tutup başını tam amına ayarladım, niyetim sokmak değil, onu iyice deli etmekti. Sikimin başıyla amına vuruyordum. “Hadi sok!” diye inledi, “Sok lütfen, sok!” dedi. Yavaş yavaş başını soktum. Sonra devamı geldi. Dibine kadar içine girdim, dibe ulaştığımda, “Ohhhh!” diye bir inleme geldi. Öylece kaldım.

Sonra yavaş yavaş sikimi dışarı çektim. Tam çıkarmadan bir daha kökledim. Artık hareketlerim hızlanıyordu. O güzelim amcığa hızlı hızlı sokup çıkarıyordum. Bacaklarını belime dolamış, elleriyle kalçalarıma sarılmış, ben sikimi dışarı çıkardığım anda beni içeri ittirmeye uğraşıyordu adeta. Birden iniltileri hızlanmaya başladı. Artık sadece inlemiyor, ses de çıkarıyordu. Boşalmak üzere olduğunu anladım. Benim niyetim daha fazla pozisyona girmekti, fakat sırtımı tırmalayıp, omzumu dişlediği anda onun boşaldığını anladım. O anda sanki sikim amında sıkışmış, bir daha dışarı çıkmayacak gibiydi.

Kafasını geri yere kumlara koydu. Gözlerinden yaş geldiğini fark edince, ben artık sokup çıkarmayı bıraktım. “Ne oldu, niye ağlıyorsun?” diye sordum. “İnan mutluluktan ağlıyorum, sakın yanlış anlama!” dedi. Sonra ilerden sesler duyduk, birileri geliyordu. Çabukça kalkıp toparlandık. Otele geri dönerken ona, “Umarım bunun devamı vardır, çünkü ben doyamadım, sana doyamıyorum!” dedim. “Merak etme, ben bu tatili boşa geçirmeyeceğim, gece odandayım, ona göre!” dedi.

Tatil boyunca sikişmelerimiz devam etti. İstanbul’a dönünce de fırsat buldukça sikişmeye devam ettik. Kendisi benden 10 yaş büyük. Onu her seferinde daha fazla arzuluyorum. Karımın halasıyla seks muhteşem oluyor.


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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Evli Çiftler Tatilde Seks

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Evli Çiftler Tatilde Seks
Ben 40 eşim 35 yaşında 15 yıllık evliyiz seks hayatımız monotan ve sıkıcı olmaya başlamışdı degişiklik yapmaya renklendirmeye karar verdik ben ona internetteki seks hikayelerini okumaya başladım bu bizi bi süre idare etti ama pek iyi olmamıştı benim acımdan eşim 118d bu böyle ne kadar devam edecek dedi bizde icraat yapacagızmı diye agzımı aramaya başlamıştı bu beni tedirgin etti fantazi iyiydi anma gercek eşimi başkalarıyla paylaşmak beni tedirgin ediyordu

tatile side ye gitmiştik bu yaz tatilimiz inanılmaz keyifli geciyordu bu arada belcikalı bi kadınla inanılmaz samimi olmuştuk ama nefis bi yaratıktı inanılmaz arzuluyordum onu iki cocugu vardı ve benim kızla cok iyi arkadaş olmuşlardı denize beraber giriyor egleniyorduk ama ben onu her taraftan sıkıştırmaya onu arzuladıgımı belli etmeye calışıyordum tatilin altıncı günü eşi geldi istanbulda işleri oldugundan sonra katıldı ailesinin yanına 1-90 boyunda atletik inanılmaz yakışıklı bi adamdı cok espirili karizmatik bi adamdı bütün hatunlar onu kesiyordu baya kıllanmış karizmayı cizdirmiştik eşimde ne kadar yakışıklı degilmi diye bana devamlı soruyordu

bende adamın eşinden başkasını görmedigim icin umurama geliyordu denize beraber giriyor iyi egleniyorduk bi akşam iyice sarhoş olmuştuk artık birbirimize el şakası bile yapabiliyorduk cocuklar uyumaya cekilince bizde denizn kenarında icmeye devam ettik bi ara eric hadi denize girelim dedi tamam dedik ve denize girdik ama adam denizin icinde mayosunu cıkarmazmı eşide ona takıldı biz birimize bakıp afalldık eşim benden önce davrandı ve üstünü fora etti bende altımı dayanamıyarak cıkardım birbirimizle resmen oynaşıyorduk ben eşimi tutarak öpmeye başladım onlarda bi metre yanımızda sarılmış bize bakıyorlardı ama sahilde bi grup daha vardı ben bıraktım hadi cıkalım dedik ve cıktık yarım kalmıştı ama benim penisim şorttan cıkacakmış gibi dimdikti cok belli oluyordu eric bi anda penisimden tuutarak bagırmaya başladı kıpkırmızı olmuştum yokmu indirecek diye

cok komik duruma düşmüştüm eşim hadi odalararımıza gecelim dedi odalarımıza gecerken eric eşime dönerek onu indirmen zor olacak istersen eşimde gelsin yardımcı olur dedi gülerek odamısa gectik bu arada ben tuvalete girdim kapı caldı bizim odaya misafirlige geldiklerini merak ettikleri söylediler bende neyi merak ettiklerini siz yapmıyormusunuz diye sordum bu arada eşim kucagıma oyurmuştu ve israrla penisimle ugraşıyor onların gözü önünde beni azdırıyordu nasıl oldu anlamadım başladım eşimi soYmaya ve aldım bi anda altıma bu arada kendime inanamıyordum başkalarının önünde eşimle sevişiyordum bu arada eric yanımıza gelip cinsel organını eşimin agzına dayadı eşim bi bana baktı ok yaydan cıkmıştı artık adam sünnetsiz ve penisi benimki kadardı eşim iştahla yalamaya başladı

bu arada kadın benim dudaklarıma yapışmış adeta yiyordu ben eşimi kucagıma aldım kadında eşinin penisini agzına aldı bu arada ben dayanamadımve eşimi üstümden kaldırdım ve kadının arkasına o inanılmaz kalcalarının arasına gömüldüm öyle yalıyordum sanki ceşmeden su iciyordum inanılmaz bi lezzetti ve bu arada adam eşimi kucagına almış hoplatıyordu eşim cıglık cıglıga belk**e ücüncü defa boşalıyordu adam adam sarsıla sarsıla geldi menilerini eşimin üstüne boşalttı biz bu arada altalta üstüste sevişiyorduk herzaman erken gelen ben nerdeyse 15 dakikadır gidip geliyordum ve gelmiyordum ben bile şaşırmıştım müthiş bi zevkti bende artık dayanamadım ve icine patladım birer sigara yaktık onlar icmiyordu ama eşimin yüzüne bakamıyordum

bu arada eşim yanıma gelerek benimkini emmeye kaldırmaya calıştı bende onun vajinasını emiyordum karıştık birbirimize ben kadını üstüme aldımoda nesi adam bi anda karısının arkasına gecti ve benim girdigim yere zorlamaya başladı ikimizin penisini vajinaya sokmaya ugraşıyordu eliyle benimkiyle ugraşınca ben şaşırdım ve sertleşmem azaldı adam benimkini agzına almazmı ben şaşırmıştım ve adam benimkini bıraktıve arkadn eşinin arkasına giriş yaptı bende önden girmiştim ne oldugunu hale kavramamıştım yanlızca porno filmlerde gördügümüz olay gercekleşmişti kadını tost yapmıştık adam hemen geldi ben şaşırmıştım adam kadının üstünden kalkıp eşimin yanına gittive orda sevişmeye devam ettiler ben bu arada acılmış olan kalcalarınınarasına daldım ve emmeye başladım daha sonra kadınınarkasından giriş yaptım bu arada eric eşimle bizim gibi anal seks yapmak istiyordu ama eşim kabul etmedi daha önce biz denemiş fakat başarılı olmamıştık ama kadın inanılmazdı zaten adamınk**e tam sertleşmemişti ve adam bi süre sonra sızdı bende bu arada gelmiştim inanılmaz bi gece yaşadık iki gün sonrada otelden ayrıldık degişik ve zevkli bi tatildi…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Revenge is best served hot

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Thanks to Sid for the idea…

Chapter 1

Babu Ram was broken! Even though he was wailing at the top of his voice, he could hear his heart being shattered into a million pieces. It was as if the shriek was emerging from the dying embers of his heart and being transmitted via his vocal chords. He cried and he shouted, and very soon, turned to abuses. His wife was dead. So was his unborn son, his first son, his heir, his everything!

At 62, it was a miracle that his wife got pregnant again. They didn’t know his age but she was definitely above 40. Babu Ram was already in his 30s when he married her. As a relatively short man with a scarred black face and no money in his pocket, he had no suitors. It was only when he had worked for 15 years as a gardener that he earned enough to look for a wife.

And very soon, he found Vimla Devi. The adopted daughter of a village trader who just wanted her gone from his home. In India, it’s generally the groom’s family that pays dowry, but with Babu Ram, it was the opposite. He paid the trader a few thousand rupees to ask for his daughter’s hand.

Vimla Devi had no say in the deal. She was scared of the fact that she was marrying a much older guy, but for her the home she lived in was no paradise either. Deep in her heart, she hoped that she might finally get some love. And she did!

Babu Ram loved her from day one. She wasn’t exceptionally beautiful, but judging by his looks, she was a lottery. In just 8 months after their marriage, they were blessed with a baby girl. Babu Ram wanted a boy, but he was still fine with a girl as long as the next one could be a boy.

Though, the next time, it was a girl again. Then again and again and again. In a few years, the couple had 9 daughters. The financial burden was immense. They had to save up for their marriage. It was all very bleak. But Babu Ram still hoped for a boy. He just wanted someone to carry his name and existence. Even though he was poor and ugly, he too was human. He too wanted his identity to live on for generations. He too wanted a progeny to take care of him and wife when they were old. And after the life he’d had, he deserved at least this much.

But, it simply didn’t happen. Vimla Devi had given up and Babu Ram was at the last threads of hope. Then, as if like a miracle, Vimla Devi became pregnant again. After the shock died down, there was anxiety. What if this is another girl. Babu Ram wanted to be sure. He couldn’t afford yet another girl. Even though, sex determination of the fetus is illegal in India, Babu Ram asked around and got to know of a doctor who would do it for a fee. He almost emptied his life’s savings to get the test done and saved the rest for abortion, just in case.

IT WAS A BOY! Yes, God had heard him. It was a boy! Babu Ram was so elated that he distributed sweets in the entire village, oblivious of the fact that everyone judged him for becoming a father at 60. They munched on the sweets and secretly giggled.

Babu Ram didn’t care thought. He was gonna have a son. His dream would come true, albeit it was decades late.

Then – the accident. Babu Ram and Vimla Devi were returning from the doctor’s on his bicycle. Babu Ram was riding with a wide smile on his face. The baby looked healthy, despite the bizarre pregnancy. One more month and he would be born. He also had a name for him, Ram Prasad! While musing and ruminating, Babu Ram next saw himself in the air. He thought he was daydreaming a little too intensely. He looked around him, and he was really floating in the air. He thought about spreading his arms to try and fly, but right then he fell on the ground with a loud thud.

There were cries all around and sudden sound of brakes screeching. He saw Vimla Devi, she was in a pool, a pool of blood. Peacefully sinking into the realms of death. He turned around and a saw a young man in his 20s in a car. Their eyes met for an instant and then the young man bolted across in his BMW, but not before Babu Ram had noted his car’s number in his mind.

His wife was gone. His son was gone. His dream was gone. Babu Ram felt like dying at the same moment. His back was scratched and there were a few other wounds, but he was alright. He lamented that fact. He wanted to be dead. Not in physical and emotional pain in the middle of the read. He wanted to die. But not before he got his revenge.

“Mai tereko chhodunga nahi! (I won’t spare you)” He mumbled to himself.

Chapter 2

Babu Ram later found himself at the police station. There were a lot of policemen asking him questions, but all he heard was a buzz. A few minutes later, he spoke out the car’s number.

“Kumar, go and run this number plate!”

The inspector tried to console Babu Ram, but the old man was still stunned. Then, Kumar came running back.

“Sir, the number plate belongs to…” he lowered his voice, “Mr. Singhania’s son! “

“Oh, we’re so fucked! Get me Mr. Singhania’s number, I’ll call him.”

The inspector Escort called the business tycoon and soon, a fleet of around 10 cars arrived outside the police station.

Mr. Singhania, one of the richest men of India and an aspiring Member of Parliament walked in, followed by at least 20 people, all dressed up in suits. He was more than 6 feet tall and had a radiant demeanor around him. As he walked, it seemed as if the fate of millions kept changing. He was and appeared that powerful!

Babu Ram saw him and was startled. They must be almost the same age, but the different in class was striking. But, what happened next was the most remarkable. The big man folded his hands in front of Babu Ram.

“Babu Ram ji! Mai apne bete ki taraf se aapse maafi maangta hoon!” (I apologise on the behalf of my son)

Mr. Singhania’s voice was strong and mighty, but it appeared to falter for a moment.

“I can’t bring your wife back, but I can give you a new life.”

“I will pay you 50 thousand rupees per month to become my new gardener plus bonuses. Not just that, I will create a fund only for your daughters’ marriage. The oldest one is in her 20s, right? Start with her, then all 9 would be sponsored by me. You will work and stay in my property and would be given an independent hut inside it! All you have to do, is keep quiet about what happened. Are you okay with it?”

Babu Ram wanted to scream. He wanted to hold the rich man by his collar and slap him. He thought money would bring back his wife? His son?

“Theek hai, Singhania ji!” He meekly obeyed.

Even though he would do anything to kill this man and his son, but he had to be smart. He couldn’t fight someone so powerful, not without a strategy. He still had to think about his daughters. The pay was extraordinary! He would work there and silently think of a way to get his revenge.

“Thank you, Babu Ram! And I am sorry, again!”

Mr. Singhania folded his hands again and turned back. As he did that, one of his employees also left a bag full of cash at the inspector’s table, who bowed his head as a token of thanks.

Chapter 3

One week later

The week went by swiftly for Babu Ram. He performed his wife’s last rites, and then entertained all the people who visited him to console him. He didn’t tell anyone about what happened except his daughters. They were furious, not just at the rich asshole who killed their mother, but also at their father. How could he accept a deal so easily?

But they didn’t understand what Babu Ram did. He also hated himself for not being able to take revenge, but deep down he knew, one day he will get even. He was sure that he will get his revenge!

As he dug soil to plant new trees in Mr. Singhania’s garden, tears rolled down his eyes. This bloody family killed his offspring, yet he was bringing new life to their home. Unable to see clearly, he randomly struck his gardening tool on the ground. Just then, he heard the sweetest voice he’d ever heard.

“Babu Ram ji!”

He thought he had died and it was his wife’s voice–from the younger days. The voice called out to him again:

“Babu Ram ji! Chai lelo!”

He wasn’t in heaven. The voice was coming from behind him. He turned and was struck by lightning. In front of him, stood the most stunning woman he had come across.

She was almost 5’6, wearing a shiny red saree and holding a cup of tea in a tray. Her perfectly black hair flowed from her head till her breasts, curling over the right one. Her skin was so white that it put the sun to shame. Hanging from her ears were jhumkas that could stop men’s hearts within seconds.

Then, he made eye contact with her. He was old, but not that old that his knees would give away. But, they indeed did, as he fell down.

“Babu Ram ji!”

The woman lend him her hand. He got up but couldn’t leave her hand, it felt like he held a bar of gold. She carefully squeezed out her hand, bringing him out of his enchantment.

“Babu Ram ji, I am Aditi. Madhav’s wife and Mr. Singhania’s daughter-in-law. I brought you tea!”

“Memsahib, I am sorry. I just…wasn’t in the right state of mind.”

Babu Ram quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and stood firm in front of the gorgeous woman. He then grabbed the cup of tea and sipped on it.

“I can understand!”

“Chai bahut achi hai!” (The tea is fantastic)

“Thank you, Babu Ram ji!”

As the old man drank his tea, Aditi kept looking at him. It was clear that she wanted to say something but was gathering courage.

“Babu Ram ji! Jo mere husband ne kiya… I am sorry!” She finally spoke up.

“Memsahib, sab ne maafi maang li hai, siwaae aapke pati ne!” (Everyone has said sorry except your husband)

“Woh…woh desh ke bahar hai!” (He’s out of the country)

“Memsahib, what has gone cannot come back. I’m just thankful that Mr. Singhania offered me a job and promised to take care of my daughters.”

Aditi bowed her head.

“Chai ke liye Escort Bayan thank you! Lekin aapko kasht uthaane ki zarurat nahi thi!” (Thanks for the tea, but you shouldn’t have taken the trouble)

“No no, it’s okay. I like spending time with people. There’s not much to do around the house anyway.”

“Thank you, memsahib!”

Babu Ram saw her face closely for the first time. Her eyes were an ocean–the maang in her forehead, her nosepin, uff, if she was his wife, the things he would do.

“Mai chalti hoon, Babu Ram ji. Fir se milungi!” (I am leaving. Will see you again.)

Aditi walked back, giving Babu Ram a view of her back. Curvy at the bosom, then slender, then curvy at the ass again–it was as if God spent days just to make this girl his perfect creation.

As thoughts stormed through Babu Ram’s mind, one particular thing came to notice – he knew how he would take his revenge.

Chapter 4

Over the next few weeks, Aditi would keep bringing tea to Babu Ram. They became quite fond of each other, albeit both had different things in mind.

One afternoon, Babu Ram asked her:

“Memsahib, why do you spend time with us poor people. The rich ladies outside don’t even care about our existence.”

“Babu Ram ji, that’s because I am from a lower middle-class family.”

Babu Ram kept looking at her as if to say, ‘go on’!

“Umm, my father used to work for Mr. Singhania. He was a mere employee, but somehow they became good friends. When I was born, Mr. Singhania became my godfather. But, when I was just 10 years old, my father passed away in an accident–much like your wife. That’s why I can feel your pain, Babu Ram ji.

Mr. Singhania paid for my education our family’s regular needs, but he never visited us. Until last year, when I turned 20, he came to our home!”

Aditi’s cheeks blushed as she spoke.

“He asked me to marry Madhav, his son. Said it was meant to be. Even though, I thought it was too soon to marry, but my mother and I had to compromise – much like you. I wanted to continue my studies and become a banker, but it was simply a very good offer. Madhav ji is so handsome, Mr. Singhania is so kindhearted, it was something we simply couldn’t say no to.”

“But, things…umm, didn’t turn out the way they I imagined. But, I guess that’s life. Sorry, Babu Ram ji, I bored you with my details.”

“No no, Aditi beti. I am so sorry for you. And I am your friend. I will always be here when you want to talk.”

The old man referred to Aditi as beti (daughter). This soothed her heart.

“But, why didn’t it turn out as expected? What happened?”

“Nothing nothing! I am getting late, I promised Shiela I’ll help her make Rajma today.”


He called out but she rushed off. There was something wrong in her marriage, he just had to know what. Once he had that info, he could plan out him move and get his revenge. His heart paced with excitement, but his face remained calm.

Then, one day, the moment arrived. Aditi was bringing him his usual tea. She wore a silky green saree, her hair blew with the wind. Babu Ram’s jaw dropped looking at her slender yet curvy figure walk towards him. But, right then, she tripped on a stone and fell.

The old man rushed towards her.

“Memsahib, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“I am fine Babu Ram ji! Ouchh!”

It was an awful sight. Such a pretty young girl lying on the ground with tea spilled all around her. Babu Ram held her hand and tried to lift her up. She was so soft and smelled so good. But at that moment, he had nothing in mind except helping her.

“Ouuww, I think my ankle is hurt!” She screamed as soon as she got up.

“Madam, mai aapko kamre tak chhodh ke aata hoon!” Babu Ram walked her to her room.

“No, no. Mai chali jaaunga!” (I can walk)

But, as soon as she took a step, she was about to stumble. She held Babu Ram’s hand and almost leaned on to his chest.

“Sorry, Babu Ram ji!”

“It’s okay, madamji. Let me take you.”

“I feel bad…giving you trouble.”

“It’s my duty as your servant.”

“Aise mat bolo ji! You are not my servant, but a kindhearted friend. Like everyone who works here.”

Babu Ram’s chest expanded with pride. But there was no rest for his scheming mind. They entered the house which the old man saw for the first time. He was taken aback! It was a mansion. He had heard of old Mughal palaces and other royal buildings, but this place couldn’t be described in words. It was straight out of heaven.

Inside, he felt a little uneasy. He was entering the room of the man who killed his wife and son. The only saving grace was that he was doing it with the murderer’s wife in his arms. A few steps away from the room, Shiela, the cook, walked out.

“Ohnoo, Aditi di, yeh kya ho gea!” (What happened to you?)

“Mai gir gayi, Shiela!” (I fell down!)

“Babu Ram ji, let me take her. You must be tired.”

“Nahi, Shiela. You make a cup of Bayan Escort tea for madam. I will carry her till her room.”

“Okay!” Shiela rushed to the kitchen.

“Babu Ram ji! Aapme taakat toh kaafi hai! Bas dikhte boodhe ho!” (Babu Ram, you have a lot of strength, you just look old) Aditi giggled.

Babu Ram slowly dropped her on the bed. She looked so mesmerizing that he wanted to climb over her and fuck her right there. But he kept his cool, it was the hardest thing to do.

He looked around – there were life-sized pictures of her husband all around and just one photo of them together. He was an illiterate man, but he was able to learn more about their relationship with every detail he gathered. They were certainly not happy.

Then, Aditi rolled up her hair in a bun and turned around. That’s when he noticed – marks. That bastard had hit her! For a moment, he was stunned, he could not move and kept staring at her throat. Her husband must’ve choked her, and the poor girl kept it hidden with her hair.

The marks looked quite old though. Looking closely, he could fathom there were more marks beneath her clothes. He wasn’t sure, but there definitely were.

“What happened, Babu Ram ji?”

Aditi was surprised to see how lifelessly the old man stood.


But she was not stupid. She could see it in his eyes that he knew. She dropped her hair again and turned to lie on her back.

“I’ll go look for Shiela!”

Babu Ram went to the kitchen and asked Shiela to take Aditi’s tea and to massage her ankle softly. That entire day his mind was preoccupied. He felt bad for the girl and hated the asshole Singhania Jr. even more!

He was hellbent on revenge, but he also didn’t want to hurt the poor girl any further. However, when he woke up the next day, the devilish part of his brain won against the ethical. They were all the same – rich, entitled pieces of shit. He got down on his knees and cried to his wife asking for her forgiveness and blessings. Then, he rushed inside the room.

There, he saw Shiela was massaging Aditi’s feet, but the mistress of the house was shouting.

“Nooo, not so strongly. Shiela, stop!”

Babu Ram entered the room and requested to take over the massaging duties.

“No, Babu Ram ji! You are like a father to me. I can’t let you touch my feet.”

“But, can’t a father take care of his ailing daughter?” He smiled. “Go, Shiela. Do your work or have fun. Mrs. Singhania returns next week. You won’t have such freedom again.”

Shiela left the room.

Babu Ram took a few drops of oil and gently massaged Aditi’s feet. As he did that, he looked at her. She was dressed in a pink, satin nightgown. Her hair were messy and covered her breasts. But, he noticed how her chest heaved as he massaged her feet. She was half lying down, her head and neck resting against the back of the bed.

The old man then reached her sprained ankle and touched it softly. He rubbed some oil on it and ran his fingers in circles.

“Ouch, slowly Babu Ram ji!”

“Is it helping, memsahib?”

“Yes, thank you!”

Even though the old man’s hands were very rough from years of manual labour, Aditi found herself enjoying the massage. The creases almost made it better.

Babu Ram looked at her and she had closed her eyes to feel the sensations better. She looked majestic! Her juicy lips had parted slightly, her breasts were now rising and falling faster, and her throat looked so inviting.

Sensing an opening, Babu Ram made his way towards her calves.

“Thank you, Babu Ram ji! This feels so good.” She whispered in pleasure.

Babu Ram bent his neck and started massaging her calves faster. He was so close to her feet now that his breath fell on them. That sensation was something new for Aditi. Hot oil covered her feet and the cold breath gave her a very bizarre kind of pleasure, topped by the comfort she felt from the massage.

“Umm! Ahh!” She was moaning by now.

Though it was not completely sexual, Babu Ram could smell sex on her. His years of experience told him that her vagina was getting wet. He got bolder and reached for her thighs. Her smooth skin kept inviting him.

As he tried to advance deeper into her inner thighs, she locked her legs around his hands. She stayed like that for a moment and then suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at Babu Ram and their eyes met. He could see they were burning with desire – the heat he felt in her eyes was also radiating from her thighs.

All of Babu Ram’s blood rushed into his penis and it craved to enter her. But, just then, Aditi shouted.

“Shiela! Shiela!”

Babu Ram got scared and took his hands away.

“What happened, memsahib?”

“Nothing, Babu Ram ji! I just want to use the bathroom.” She was literally panting.

“I can take you!”

“No, no. I’ve bothered you enough for today. Thank you once again, the massage really helped!”

Soon, Shiela entered the room and took Aditi to the washroom. Babu Ram left the house to go back to his gardening. But, as Aditi sat on the seat, no pee came out. She wondered why she felt so wet down there. Deep in her mind, she knew, she just didn’t want to accept it. Yet!

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Seducing My Brother To Get Fucked

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I was confused because of the thoughts in my mind. I had taken the underwear of my brother and was smelling it. I got hot and horny. I knew it was a sin to think about my brother like that. But my heart and mind were encouraging me to sleep with my brother and take his cock in my pussy. I kept on massaging my pussy and felt wet between my legs. Oh God, save me from this sin! The more I think of moving away from this incest idea, my mind was not permitting me.

I am Sudha, 39 years old, married at the age of 25, and had a fantastic sex life with my husband for a long time. We enjoyed fucking like anything. I have a son who is a teenager. But since a few years, I am not satisfied. I wanted a harder fuck as I still enjoy taking cock in my pussy. Even at this age, I am fit with a nice maintained figure. I am 5.7 feet in height with 36 soft and firm boobs. I am sure lots of men get hard on seeing my boobs. I didn’t want to sleep with an unknown guy and I was thinking about what to do.

One year back, I went to my parents’ house to spend a few days. My brother was 27 and divorced recently as his wife was not educated and was short-minded. He was well-built and had a strong body with a height of 5.11 feet.

One morning, I went into his bedroom to wake him up and saw his erect cock. I felt it was big. It was a morning hard-on. I just started his cock and immediately started imagining Escort his cock. I watched his hard cock for a few minutes and wanted to touch but I knew it was a sin.

I came out of his room but I was thinking the whole day about his cock. I went straight to the bathroom and started rubbing my pussy thinking about my brother’s cock. I was hot like anything and started fingering my pussy and moaning his name.

“Oh Raghav, give me your cock ahh.. Fuck your sister right now..Ohh ahhh Raghav.. my brother, I am cumming” and I cummed heavily. I knew it was a sin but I was not in a position to control myself. I badly wanted that monster in my pussy.

I kept on thinking about my brother. Even when my husband fucked me, I started imagining that my brother was fucking me. I started comparing my husband’s cock with my brother’s. I was sure my brother had a long and thick cock than my husband. Every day in the bathroom, I masturbate thinking about my brother’s cock. I felt that if I didn’t get my brother’s cock, I will die.

My mind was completely dominated by my brother’s cock. I was constantly thinking about the ways and means of getting my brother’s monster in my pussy.

Nearly six months passed and there was not a single day where I had not thought about my brother’s cock. After a year, I went to my parents’ house for a few days. I decided that this time I will seduce Escort Bayan him and try to know what was in his mind.

The next morning, I went to his room to wake him up and saw his morning hard-on. My eyes were staring at his cock. It was tight and long. I stood near his bed, trying to gauge the length and girth of his cock.

I sat on the bed and was looking at his cock. He was sleeping and I tried to wake him up by calling his name. He was in deep sleep. I was feeling hot between my legs. I was confused and horny.

Then I placed my palm on his thigh and called him. I slowly moved my hand on his thighs. Oh my god, I was feeling hot and wanted to take his cock in my hand. I wanted to massage and press his cock. But I was in confusion that what my brother will think about me. The more I thought, the more I wanted his cock.

It was hard and tight and must be 6 inches long and considerably thick. I was wet in my clothes. My hand was moving on his thighs constantly. I felt his cock becoming tighter and harder because of my hand. I felt ashamed but my mind wanted his monster. It wanted to get fucked hard with this cock.

This continued for five minutes and then he opened his eyes. He felt awkward for a second as my palm was on his thigh. But somehow, he watched me for a few seconds and smiled. I smiled too and told him to come for breakfast.

He put his Bayan Escort hand on my palm and pressed a little. A current passed through my body immediately. I pressed my palm more on his thigh and he did not move. He noticed that I was looking at his cock and he smiled again.

I was feeling happy and smiling at him. We were in that position for five minutes and then I asked him to get up for breakfast. He sat in the bed and hugged me. I was feeling great as his body was touching mine.

My hands were moving on his back and massaging there. He too placed his hand on my back. The tightness of our hands was increasing slowly. It became a tight hug.

Our body was pressed properly against each other and we felt the warmth. We sat in that hugged position and he was caressing my silky hair. I said, “Raghav, come, get up.”

“Yes, Sudha..feeling good.”

I didn’t know it was a signal to me. Was he interested in an incest relationship? Of course, I was desperate for this relationship. I wanted to get fucked and fucked hard by my brother. I was very much horny with his hug. I stared at his tight cock and wanted to take it in my hand. I wanted to play with his cock. I wanted my brother to play with my boobs hard and fuck me hard and harder.

I was about to kiss his lips and my mother called me.

I got up from the bed but he held my palm tightly. He wanted me to sit with him. He wanted me to massage his thighs. He smiled and freed my palm with a little press. I was sure he was thinking along my line. I ran away from his room.

Let me see what happens next.

What did you think of this story??

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Lockdown V

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Lockdown VMegan stuck her tongue out as she was guided to Savannahs breast. As she flicked the erect nipple Savannah pressed her head firmly against her left breast. Cupping her head Savannah asked her to bite it. Throwing her head back Savannah moaned softly. Megan felt the wetness on her leg as her juices tricked from her vagnal lips. As she sucked hungrily Megan twisted Savannahs right nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Megan felt she was in heaven suckling the breasts she fantasized about as a youth. Her heart nearly stopped when Savannah wrapped her long hair in her hand and pulled her head back. What did I do wrong is thought. She wanted to ask what she did wrong but the words wouldn’t come out. Pushing her onto the bed Savannah said, my turn. Placing her hands on either side of her, Savannah leaned over Megan. Lowering herself down she kissed Megan again. After a long passionate kiss, Savannah traced a line down Megan’s neck to her chest with her tongue. Shifting her body, Savannah laid across her young lover. Megan’s pale skin shined in the moonlight. Her eyes took in every movement as Megan’s chest heaved from her heavy breathing. Bringing her hand up, she stroked the side of Megan’s breast. Her touch was like electricity as she moved her hand, causing Megan to flinch as she moved over her breast to her fully raised nipple. Clamping her finger around it and locking it in place with her thumb, Savannah pulled as she pinched it. Megan syed with pleasure Escort as her large nipple was squeezed and stretched before her breasts lifted. Releasing it sent a spark straight to her clit. Savannah looked into Megan’s eyes as she moved closer to her large breast. The sharp pain caused her to jump as Savannah bit her breasts. Opening her jaw she ran her tongue over the intentions made by her teeth. A second bite caused her to moan. When she felt the wetness of Savannahs tongue on her nipple, Megan grabbed Savannahs head while her vagina felt like it was on fire. Megan’s head was spinning from the sensation of having her nipples sucked for the first time.Savannah rubbed her face gently over one breast then the other. Megan breathed heavily recovering from her orgasm. Throwing her leg over Megan Savannah drew herself on top of Megan. Pulling herself up she pressed her nipples against Megans while they shared another passionate kiss. Savannahs inner thighs and pelvic reign were tickled while she ground against her. Megan felt a second orgasm building from this unfamiliar activity. Seeing tears pool around her eyes Savannah stroked Megan’s face softly. Do you want me to stop, she whispered. Wrapping her arms around Savannah god no, Megan protested. Never. Brushing the hair from her face Savannah asked, have you ever had your pussy licked. N,n,no Megan stuttered. Planting a kiss on Megan’s lips, Savannah slowly slid down, placing kisses as she desended. Escort Bayan Megan gripped the bedsheets tightly as she felt Savannahs lips inch closer to her burning nether region. Her stomach quivered each time she felt the wetness kisses land. It felt strangely exciting as Savannah jabbed her navel with her tongue. Covering her mouth Megan fought back a scream when Savannah kissed her inner thighs. She could feel her vagina fill with fluid when Savannah pulled her public hair exposing her now stiff clitortoise. A long stroke over her vagnal lips by Savannahs tongue started her third orgasm. With a fist pushed in her mouth Megan pulled at Savannahs hair. Her body began to shake uncontrollably each time she felt her outer lips being sucked on. Megan has trouble catching her breath due to Savannahs kisses along upper thighs while being pushed as far as possible. Savannah heard babbling sounds after she probed Megan. Her work was rewarded when Savannah opened Megan up for the first time.Between Savannahs tongue and fingers Megan thrashed about on the bed. With the combination of teeth and tongue on her cilt Megan thought she was going to pass out. With a forth and the most powerful orgasm to date she couldn’t help slamming her thighs against Savannahs head. Suddenly Megan arched her back. A squeal echoed off the walls as a body shaking orgasm ripped through her. Savannah climbed back up on top of Megan and buried her tongue deep in her Bayan Escort mouth. The sent filled her nostrils and taste over whelmed her senses. They were both covered in sweat when Megan’s head stopped spinning. Looking into Savannahs eyes she began to laugh. Wrapping her arms and legs around Savannah she squeezed her tightly. When she recovered Savannah kissed her forehead. Pressing her hands against Savannahs face Megan said, that was amazing.They lay in each other’s arms for several minutes but Savannah moved to get up. Wrapping her legs around her waist Megan said, I’m never letting go. Pressing her pelvis against Megan’s Savannah said, you’re going to do a few things before we do this again. Anything, Megan said joyfully. Leaning down and kissing Megan’s left breast Savannah said, first thing you’re going to do is get rid of everything in the dresser. Letting her legs fall to Savannahs sides she said, I need them. Especially while I’m line with my school. Rolling off Megan Savannah said, bullshiit. No one can tell what you have under your uniform. I proved it when I had you stop wearing that useless thing you call a slip. Reaching out to pull Savannah back Megan asked, can we talk about it tomorrow. Reaching between Megan’s legs Savannah pushed her fingers into Megan. Megan’s eyes rolled into her head as she exhaled. Rubbing her thumb on her clit Savannah said with will it be. Grabbing Savannahs hand and pressing it tightly against her Megan said okay. Giving her a kiss Savannah said, good girl. Taking a hand full of public hair Savannah said, first thing after aunt Ann and uncle Bill go to the store, this is coming off. Megan squealed with excellent and pulled Savannah down on top of her.

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Torn Between Two Beauties Ch. 01

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This is the first of a 3 part story.


After my girlfriend of 2 years moved to the West Coast, I was depressed. When we dated, I took for granted we’d get married one day. She promised to stay in touch, but I doubted it; I knew that once your mate left, the connection would fade away, like the famous saying: Far from the eye, far from the heart.

My best friend, Lucas, tried to cheer me up and, eventually, introduced me to his young coworker, Amelia. My first thought was that she was a model. In fact, she later admitted that when she was 19, she got two calls to have screen tests but declined both. Now, at 25, she was 5’8″, 130 pounds, with long brown hair, a pretty face, B-cup breasts, a cute bubble ass, and long, shapely legs.

Initially, Amelia looked quite reserved and shy, and we began dating officially 2 months later. Only when we started going out did she trust me enough to tell me the reason for her reluctance to date men. It turned out that her mother met her father at a young age. She got pregnant with Amelia, and he insisted she undergo an abortion. When she refused, he disappeared, and she never heard from him again. For several years, the mother struggled to work part-time, study to become a nurse, and raise Amelia.

Nowadays, the mother, Sophia, worked shifts in the nearby hospital, and the daughter started working in a pharmacy downtown.

Amelia and I discovered we had many interests in common: We both loved swimming, pop music, watching foreign movies, and eating Italian food. In our first year together, our only free time was during weekends, and we took short trips nearby, in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We frequently dreamed about traveling far away – To Japan, Sumatra, Morocco…

Our intimacy progressed at a slow pace as well. Her mother’s life story was a major reason, but her shyness also played a role. In the beginning, Amelia agreed to visit my house on condition I’d behave. There was nothing to show for more than a month except for kissing. One evening, we watched a French movie. I sipped white wine and concentrated on the screen. Suddenly, during a sad part, Amelia began crying. I hugged her and tried to make her feel better. Fifteen minutes later, the TV was off, and I found myself fondling her fantastic body. She touched lightly my groin, too, but refused to have sex. She begged me to be patient with her.

The following evening was the first time I was invited to her house to meet her mother and have dinner together. I was anxious to meet the mother who was so devoted to her daughter when she was young. According to Amelia, lately, they felt more like sisters.

On my way to their house, I bought a large bouquet of roses and an expensive bubbly wine. Amelia opened the door and looked radiant in a green dress. I kissed her softly, and as she let me inside, she asked, smiling, “Are these for me or you plan to bribe my mother?”

“Honey, you are mine already. The sparkling wine and the flowers are for the one who slaved to make you such a perfect lady. If she considers it a bribe to get into her good graces, that’s OK.”

She hugged me and whispered, “Thank you. She hates crowds and rarely mingles with other people, so she rarely gets presents.”

Their bedroom door opened, and a woman came forward to greet me.

I hesitated momentarily because I would have never guessed Amelia’s mother would look like that. Unlike Amelia, she was short, around 5’4″, with dark hair and a voluptuous body.

I was confused and heard my mouth say the dumbest sentence ever, “Ma’am, I am Will, the guy who annoys your daughter regularly. You are so much prettier than her that I may need to consider courting you instead…”

She laughed, “Will, my name is Sophia. Thank you for the nice flowers and the wine. I heard from Amelia you really are a good person. I know you didn’t mean to offend my daughter. You were surprised at how different we looked. I recall seeing her after she was born, thinking it may have been a mistake and she was somebody else’s child. However, genetic testing proved I was the mother. She is so different and beautiful because she inherited her father’s phenotype. He was tall and blonde.”

I continued ogling mother and daughter, stunned at how 2 ladies were so unalike, yet each was very attractive in her own way.

Sophia started serving the meal and said, “I asked Amelia if you were allergic to certain foods or disliked any. She answered negatively. Unfortunately, I neglected to find out what you DID like, so I hope you won’t suffer too much.”

“Ma’am, according to your daughter, you are an excellent cook, and I eat almost anything. The chances I would not like the meal are slim, especially knowing I am being joined by the 2 prettiest ladies around.”

She grinned, “Will, do me a favor. Call me Sophia. ‘Ma’am’ sounds old, and I am barely… 20 years old. My 25 year old daughter will attest to that…”

Amelia escort helped by placing cups of tomato-basil soup before us. It was hot and delicious. Next was a bowl of spaghetti with beef marinara. I’ve never had this dish before, but it was very tasty. The main course was Grilled Lamb Arrosticini with red peppers and white toasted bread seasoned with olive oil.

Amelia opened a bottle of Montepulciano wine and poured it in our glasses.

I licked my fingers, and the girls giggled. Amelia commented, “Honey, you can have more if you want.”

“Girls, I am so full, I think I’ll explode soon. However, my tummy reminds me that such a delicious food is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”

Sophia mumbled, “I don’t know who gave you that idea. As long as you are nice to my daughter, my dinners are yours whenever you choose.”

I moved from my chair, bowed to Amelia, and murmured, “Pretty lady, may I offer you a shoeshine?”

She smiled at her mother, “Mom, he earned another dinner.”

Sophia reminded me to continue sitting at the table – Dessert was coming next. The choice was between a big piece of Tiramisu and spumoni gelato. Tiramisu was one of my favorite cakes, but my stomach started complaining, so I took the gelato.

When we were done, I kissed Sophia’s cheek and whispered in her ear, “Will you marry me?”

She chuckled, “You two started dating only a few months ago and you try to cheat on her already?”

I whined, “But your daughter will never be as fantastic a chef as you…”

She grinned, “Will, Amelia and I come as a single package.”

As Sophia and I were bantering, Amelia leaned on her backseat and enjoyed the show.

I left at 10:30 pm, apologizing for taking too much of their time. Sophia reminded me I had an open invitation to visit and get a meal at any time.

After the successful evening, I visited them multiple times. I loved Sophia’s cooking but was reluctant to burden her too much, so I timed my visits to early afternoons or late evenings. All three of us felt comfortable together and used to chat about life, relationships, and destinations we would like to visit when we had the opportunity.

Occasionally, we went to restaurants together. Twice, the 3 of us went to the movies. I sat in the middle, hugging both ladies’ shoulders.

Initially, Amelia and I practiced sex in my house, but one evening, both were very horny and had the first sexual encounter in her room. We tried to be quiet, hoping Sophia wouldn’t know. However, before I left, the Mom smiled and said, “You and Amelia are adults now. If you want to go at it, do it.” I blushed and blurted, “But your daughter can be noisy.”

Sophia grinned, “Her mother also used to be noisy when she was younger and had sex. As long as the noises reflect pleasure and not suffering, I am all for it.”

Following that evening, we felt more comfortable having sex in Amelia’s room. Unfortunately, now and then, we forgot to close the door properly.

I still recall the time I was pounding her vagina mercilessly and noticed the door was ajar. It was too late to go close it, and I continued shoving my stiffy in and out. Amelia alternated between whimpering and screaming when I noticed Sophia’s shadow by the door. I thought she’d leave, go to her room, and shut her door, but she stayed behind our door and slowly pushed it slightly open. As I was ramming her daughter’s pussy, Sophia’s face peeked inside, and we looked at each other. Then she sighed, closed our door, and went to her room. We did not mention what happened to Amelia.

Our lives progressed well for a year: Sophia was contented with her job as a part-time nurse, Amelia received a nice year-end bonus at the pharmacy, and I got promoted, now having 8 employees under me in our landscaping company.

One day, I got a frantic call from Sophia, “Can you come to the hospital? Amelia had a bad car accident. The surgery team is working on her as we speak.”

I rushed to the hospital and found Sophia with tears in her eyes, “I do not have any details yet, but the operation started 2 hours ago. Somebody tried to bypass another car at the intersection and hit her side. All I know is there is major damage to her pelvic and left thigh areas.”

I hugged her, “I am sure everything will be fine. God will never let such a pretty girl suffer too much at a young age. Sophia, we may stay here for several hours. Shall I bring you coffee or a snack?”

“I am not hungry. In my heart, I am praying she’ll be OK soon.”

An hour later, the doctor came out of the operating room. After verifying who we were, he said, “The blood loss is being replenished. The good news is that she is stable now. However, both her pelvis and femur broke in 3 places. I realigned the bones, inserted metal pins, and added casts both above and below. It means that for several months, she’ll have to be in bed with certain parts of her body hung to give the fractures a better chance of perfect realignment.”

At escort bayan least she was safe, but the notion that she’d be stuck in a weird position in bed for months was devastating. I glanced at Sophia, “She is probably sedated and getting powerful pain meds. Let’s go home now and be back early morning.”

She stared at the doctor. He agreed it was a good idea. I drove her home. While inside, I told Sophia, “I want you to eat something while I make tea for us.”

She answered in a monotonous voice, “I am not hungry.”

“Lady, I’ll make you a sandwich, and you eat it like a good girl. Amelia is not here to protect you, so you better do as I say, or I’ll have to force you!”

She smiled, “Will honey, I know your intention is good, but I am just tired.”

“I noticed you didn’t eat anything since morning. If Amelia had a problem that would disappear in one day, not eating wouldn’t be so bad, but she’d stay in an orthopedic bed for months. You must have the strength to be cheerful when your daughter wakes up. She’ll need your help keeping her mood up. If you don’t eat, you’ll be weak, tired, and not in the right mood to encourage Amelia to be positive about the complicated days ahead.”

Her eyes explored my face, “I guess you are right. Please make me a simple ham and cheese sandwich with green tea. In the meantime, I’ll shower.”

I made the sandwich and tea and went to the bathroom door to tell her everything was ready. I heard her crying inside. I waited for 5 minutes, letting her vent her frustration about the new situation. Her cry increased, and I called behind the door, “Sophia, please, come out. Your stuff is ready. Afterward, if you wish, we can cry together. Tomorrow, I want you to be cheerful and happy for your daughter.”

“I’ll be out soon.”

I made sure she finished her sandwich and tea before asking, “Will you be all right if I pick you up tomorrow at 7:30 am, or would you rather I sleep here in Amelia’s room?”

“Your mother will be worried about you. Go home. I’ll manage.”

“Lady, I live alone in my own house. The last time my mother was worried about me was when I was in high school. To ensure you are really fine, I’ll stay here tonight. Tomorrow, if I see you and Amelia are in a better mood, you can kick me out.”

She grinned, “I don’t wish you to leave; I am simply stating that I do not need a babysitter.”

“Let’s decide the issue tomorrow. I’ll drive home, bring a toothbrush and a shaver, and be back in half an hour. If you are not in the living room and your bedroom door is closed, I’ll assume you went to sleep, and I’ll do the same. Let’s plan to leave your house at 7:30 in the morning.”

When I returned, her door was shut. I brushed my teeth and planned to sleep until 7 am.

I woke up at 6:30. When I was on my way to the bathroom, I saw Sophia wearing a robe and tears in her eyes. I approached her, hugged her shoulder, and said softly, “Please, Sophia, you and I need to be strong for Amelia. She has rough days ahead. Our job is to make her smile with good news.”

She dried her tears and tried to smile, “Willy, you are right, of course. But it’s not easy to pretend when your only close family member is severely hurt.”

I faked being offended, “And I thought you considered me family too.”

Sophia grinned, “You are never serious. Of course, I like you,” and she hugged my chest.

I felt good for being able to make her smile, but her large bosom awakened my penis. Unlike before, when Amelia and I could hardly take our hands from each other, I didn’t have sex for more than 24 hours, and my pecker reacted immediately to the feel of her ample tits.

I wasn’t sure if she noticed it or not, but next, we moved to the kitchen and had breakfast.

We hardly talked on the way to the hospital.

We found Amelia hanging on an orthopedic device in a weird way. She made an effort to smile, “Hi, guys. Did you come to visit the disabled?”

I smirked, “Honey, I talked to your doctor and complained you sashay, run, and dance too much. I even paid him to keep you from moving. So from now on, if I wish to kiss you, you won’t be able to escape.”

She giggled, “That’s true, but what will I do if anybody else among the employees has a similar urge?…”

I admitted, “That is a real problem… Jokes aside, how are you doing today?”

“I am still in shock about the accident. Certain areas in my body are swollen, and it hurts to be stuck like that, but the narcotics I get every couple of hours help. Mom, how are you holding up?”

“I cried before. But now I realize it could have been much worse. Will’s silly jokes helped me, too.”

Amelia pointed a finger at me, “You be nice to Mom. Since I am chained to the bed like a prisoner, I expect you to visit her regularly.”

I peeked at Sophia, “I’d like to, but I hate to bother her. She thinks every time I visit, I need a large dinner. If you can talk to her about letting me visit without the hassle, bayan escort I’d love to chat and take her to restaurants and movies.”

Amelia grinned, “Mom, will you?…”

Sophia blushed, “That is not true. I’d be happy to see him anytime, but he is young and should spend time with friends his own age. I hate seeing him feeling sorry and wasting his precious time on an oldie.”

Amelia interjected, “You two are the ones I love more than anybody. Can we agree on ‘visitation rights?’

I chuckled, “You mean like a divorced father gets to see his children?”

Amelia sighed, “Willy, stop the jokes, and let’s be serious for a moment. I’ll feel much better knowing you help Mom avoid becoming a recluse. Look, I’ve never mentioned it before, but my mother is shy and submissive, and after her traumatic relationship with Dad, she turned antisocial. If you don’t visit or take her out, she will be lonely and miserable. She won’t admit it, but I know. In the past, she used to stay at home all the time until I forced her to take an occasional stroll, watch a movie in the theater, and register at a health club, where she goes reluctantly and tries to avoid talking to other guests.”

I glanced at Sophia. Her face was crimson red, and her eyes examined the floor.

“Amelia, I’ll be happy to do it. What if she refuses?”

“She cares about me more than about herself. Hint that if she does not agree to see you, you will cheat on me. I bet this threat will work like a charm.”

I gazed at Sophia and smirked, “Sophia, my original plan was to visit my new lover tomorrow afternoon, but I can stop by your place and give you an opportunity to make me stay.”

She smiled, “If I serve only a drink and a piece of cake, will you still complain I offer too much?”

“I’d love it. Sophia, I recall you work the morning shift tomorrow, so I’ll see you for our first official date at 4:30 pm. But don’t tell Amelia…”

Amelia laughed, “Will is such a flatterer. Mom, half his talk is BS, but deep down, and I mean VERY DEEP, he is a good guy.”

Sophia mumbled, “That is exactly why I hate to hold him back. Because of your situation, he’ll feel obligated to come often and stay for a long time.”

I stared at Amelia, “Honey, we won’t solve your mother’s dilemma by sweet talk. Do you mind if I take charge and decide when and for how long I see your mother?”

Amelia giggled, “Do it. This was the same method I used to train her to do things that were good for her.”

I glanced at Sophia. She looked strangely at me but did not talk.

We kept joking and laughing, trying our best to avoid talking about the elephant in the room: Amelia was destined to stay in the hospital for several months, some of the time hanging helplessly like the way we just saw her. We chatted in Amelia’s room until the medical staff told us visiting hours were over.

On the way to her house, I declared, “Sophia, we are no longer in Amelia’s room, and it’s time to discuss the near future. If you have no objection, I’d like to stay in your daughter’s room for the next week and ensure you are holding mentally and emotionally. I want to take you out 2 evenings on weekdays of your choice and at least once on the weekend. What would you like to see or do when we leave the house?”

“Will, please stop that…”

I cut her off, “Sophia, Amelia asked me to get you out of the house, and I plan to do just that. However, you can select the time and places you want to go.”

She smiled, “You really wish to take over my life?”

“At least for now. Amelia did it before. I care about you and do not want to see you staying alone at home.”

“But I like being at home when I am not at work. I can watch TV and read good books. I feel safer at home.”

“When we are out, I’ll protect you. I am 6’0″ tall and fairly strong, working as a landscaper. End of discussion about going out of the house. You have one hour to review your work schedule, tell me your choice of days, and then think about destinations.”

Sophia had the strange smile again.

I went to Amelia’s room, called my workplace, and told them that I may be less available in the upcoming week due to personal reasons. Then I read my e-mails and watched the news.

Half an hour later, I heard a soft knock on the door, “Will, are you decent?”

I smirked, “I never was, but come in anyway.”

Sophia entered, wearing a long robe. She grinned, “I never know if you are serious or joking. Is it OK to go to a Thai restaurant Tuesday evening? I had never tasted the food, and Amelia recommended it.”

“Sure. What’s next?”

“Friday evening, I am free too, but if you have plans with friends, we can go out another time.”

“I thought of taking JLO to the nearest bar, but she reminded me she was still married to Ben Affleck. I may try again in a year or two.”

“You are funny. Are you a fan of Jennifer Lopez?”

“Yes. She is a good actress and a very attractive woman.”

“Will, she is more than twice your age…”

“So what? You are younger than her but still older than me, and I think you are gorgeous as well.”

“When you complimented me on the first evening we met, I thought you tried to impress Amelia by flirting with her mother.”

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The Captain Gets a Surprise Ch. 01

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Chris heard a gentle knock at the door, he wasn’t sure if it was even his door, then again this time a bit louder a bit more confident. He opened the heavy hotel door, standing on the other side was Lily one of the cabin crew on this trip. Chris was slightly taken aback, she was standing there in her hotel robe.

“I’m so sorry to bother you captain, I just wondered if you had a phone charger I could borrow?”

“Oh errr ummm, I probably do…what sort of phone do you have?”

“I’m sure it’s the same as yours Captain…I could come in while you see if you have one I could borrow?” Lily replied.

Chris nodded and turned around, he heard the door close behind him. “Please stop calling me captain, Chris is absolutely fine”.

Chris hated that some crew insisted calling him captain, it just didn’t hit his ear well. He bent down to look in his bag, he had a bundle of random cables at the bottom of his bag. He grabbed it and turned around.

What greeted him as he spun round was a nearly naked Lily, she was wearing a red bra and matching panties, the robe was on the floor by the door to his room. Chris had been attracted to Lily from the first time they flew together, she was 5’8 with a fuller figure, a pierced belly button and she was very pretty. He had seen her tattoo of a flower on her wrist but now he could see that she had one on her hip, another floral design that stretched halfway up her side and a heart on her ankle.

What really caught his eye though were her tits, big 36DDs hanging low, her large nipples visible through the see-through material of the bra she was wearing.

Lily smiled at him, laughing slightly she said “you didn’t actually think I wanted to borrow a phone charger did you?…you’ve been flying for 15 years…has no one ever told you that if a cabin crew knocks on your door asking for a phone charger they don’t reeeeally want to borrow a phone charger”

“Well…I…I’d just never imagined it would happen to me,” Chris replied looking down slightly at her magnificent chest.

Lily took a step towards him, she put her hands on her breasts and pushed them up and together, another step forward. They reached each other, their lips met, Lily’s tongue dove into Chris’s mouth, they frenched like long lost lovers. Her hands left her tits and moved down his sides, one hand moved up the inside of his leg, searching for his member. With slow gentle movements Lily brought Chris from a semi to a fully hard erection. She moaned…”oooo captain” his cock twitched.

Lily continued her gentle rubbing between his legs, his hands were touching her now too, running up and down her shapely thighs, behind her on to her thick ass, as he tried to move his own hand between them, between her legs, his hand was firmly removed. Slowly Lily parted her lips from his, she dropped to her knees, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of Chris’s shorts and taking them down as she dropped to the floor.

Chris’s escort hard cock sprang forth in front of her face, glistening slightly at the tip. Lily let out a long sigh onto the tip of his large member, it twitched again. She looked up at him, winked and took him into her mouth, straight into her throat, all the way until her nose was firmly nuzzled into his trimmed public hair. “Fuuuck” Chris groaned.

Lily held him in her throat for 10 seconds and slowly withdrew, his cock now glistening from tip to base, she started shallow sucking him, occasionally deep throating him. Chris was in heaven, he hadn’t had a blow job like this for a long time, Lily’s mouth was heavenly. She took him out of her mouth and whilst corkscrewing her hand up and down his length she looked up at him “I want you’re cum in my mouth Captain…I want to swallow every drop.”

She put her hands on his thighs and pushed him back towards the bed, he sat on the bed, Lily was up immediately, standing in front of him, she slowly removed her bra, freeing her gorgeous tits, she moved forward and down, wrapping Chris’s cock between them, now up and down, his cock slide between them. It felt amazing. Chris didn’t want to cum, he wanted nothing more than to fuck Lily, to feel his cock slide into her pussy. At 20 she was almost half his age, he’d never imagined he’d get the chance to fuck a 20 year old again.

Lily was unrelenting, the tit job was drawing the familiar feeling from within Chris’s balls, she sensed it and dropped back to her knees taking him back into her mouth, the change in sensation as she moved up and down sent Chris over the edge and with a groan he exploded in her mouth. She gulped hard as his cock twitched in her mouth and his balls emptied down her throat.

Chris was panting, his heart was racing, he felt Lily remove his cock from her mouth and plant the gentlest of kisses right on the tip, it sent a shiver through him. He laid back on the bed and tried to catch his breath. Lily got on the bed next to him and soon his head was cradled between her breasts.

Lily whispered “you better not be a one and done guy, your next load is going in my pussy”.

Normally Chris would probably doze off after he’d shot his load but tonight he was wide awake. He lifted his head from between Lily’s tits and looked at her, he took her wrists and pushed them above her head “don’t move” he whispered in her ear.

He stood up, went to his wardrobe and took his tie from the shelf, he went back to the bed and wrapped it around her wrists secured it with a knot. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under her head so she was comfortable. Getting his mouth right next to her ear he whispered “by the time I’m hard again you’re going to be begging me to fuck your brains out.”

Chris proceeded to slowly run his fingertips down her sides, starting just below her armpits and stopping where her panties were resting on her thighs. He hooked his fingers into the escort bayan fabric, Lily instinctively raised her bum off the bed to allow him to remove her panties, she opened her mouth. Chris took the hint and pushed them gently between her lips. He took a moment to look her up and down, the way her tits had fallen into the most stunning position now she was on her back, her nipples hard and inviting. Her legs slightly spread he could see that she had no hint of pubic hair and her pussy was already glistening slightly.

Chris could already feel the blood rushing back between his legs, she looked stunning. He leaned down towards her chest and blew gently on her nipples, Lily let out a gentle moan through her pantie stuffed lips, Chris moved further down, not quite touching her but breathing gently over her stomach, down further, around her mound toward her legs. He shifted himself on the bed so he was at her feet, he placed his hand on her inner thighs and parted her legs, leaning forward he again started breathing gently up her thighs, she was covered in goosebumps and breathing hard, his resistance to dive right into her and have his way with her was having the desired effect. He could tell she was well and truly worked up.

He moved higher up, right between her legs now, he leaned down and blew gently directly on her clit, her hips lifted off the bed, trying to get some contact, trying to entice him to dive his tongue between her lips, again Chris resisted.

He moved up her body, quickly this time so they were face to face, he removed the panties from Lily’s mouth, and kissed her deeply, his hard cock was now resting at the entrance to her very wet pussy. They separated, “Please give it to me, put your cock inside me…I neeeeed to feel you in me” Lily begged.

Chris whispered in her ear “I told you I’d have you begging for my cock…i think you can do better than that though” he stuffed the panties back in her mouth and drew away from her. He moved back down between her legs. Now he used his hands, gliding them gently between her thighs, she opened her legs wider, inviting him towards her pussy. Chris brought his fingertips up and glided them over her outer lips, avoiding her clit, he knew he couldn’t resist much longer, he wanted to see and hear her cum. He raised his hand up to her mouth and removed the panties from her mouth once more.

“Please Captain, please, make me cum, I can’t take it anymore. I’m begging you” her voice was soft, she was resigned to the fact that he could keep edging her like this for as long as he liked. Her body was alive, every nerve ending was on high alert, she’d never felt so incredibly horny before. She had never ‘needed’ to cum before.

Only one guy she had been with in the past had ever made her cum before he fucked her…but that was like a race, get her off as quickly as possible so he could put his cock inside her, once he did it never took more than about three thrusts bayan escort and it would be over.

Chris was still between her legs, his face just millimetres from her snatch, he put this tongue out and ran it from the bottom of her opening to the top, just missing her clit, she moaned “more please, more”. He blew gently on her love bud, her hips rose again, more desperate for contact than the last time. Chris couldn’t resist any more, he clamped his mouth over her clit and with a flat tongue licked her like a dog desperate for a drink. Lily exploded, her whole body convulsed, she almost threw him off her but Chris clung on as the her first orgasm hit her like a wave. “Fuuuuck” she literally screamed. Chris’s chest felt wet, she’d squirted all over him, he kept licking, she kept cumming, her hips still bucking up and down. After what felt like a full minute Lily’s body started to calm. Chris removed his mouth from her, put his hands under her knees and lifted her legs onto his shoulders, he folded her in half.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me” Lily pleaded.

Chris couldn’t resist any more, with one thrust of his hips he slid into her, all the way, his full length. He was looking directly at her face as he entered her, her facial expression as she took all of him inside her almost made him cum instantly. She looked so incredibly sexy, her big tits squished up to her chin, framing that cute 20 year old face.

Chris started to glide his cock back and forth inside her, occasionally pulling out completely and then sinking back as far as he could. They were both in perfect a rhythm. Lily was making all sorts of noises, there were “fucks…oh gods…moans…little screams” as she reached another climax she looked him in the eye and moaned…

“Cum inside me Captain, give me all your cum Captain, I want it, I neeed it.”

With three more powerful thrusts Chris exploded inside Lily, his cum flooded inside her, she came at the same moment squeezing him, bucking against him, heightening both their orgasms.

As they both came down from their orgasmic high Lily wrapped her legs around Chris, she wanted to stay connected to him for a long as possible. He collapsed on top of her, enjoying the feeling of their sweaty bodies melding together. They lay together entwined until their breathing returned to normal.

“Fuck that was incredible” Lily whispered in Chris’s ear. “I’ve never cum like that, the way you teased me…oh my god, it was unbelievable.”

After a short while Chris’s cock had softened and was now only just staying inside Lily, she released her legs but Chris didn’t move, he wanted to savour this moment just a little longer.

Eventually he rolled off Lily and lay next to her, he reached up and released her hands. “I think we need a shower” Chris suggested.

“Then we really should get some sleep, we’ve got to be up in 6 hours and it’ll be a long day tomorrow.”

“Are you kicking me out!?” Lily asked slightly sternly.

“God no, you should sleep here, I want to feel you beside me all night,” Chris reassured.

That’s exactly what they did, the fell asleep, Chris holding Lily until the alarm woke them in the early hours.

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Over the Table

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I had her over the table. Bent over, that is, her naked torso stretched out on the thick cherry table top. Her legs were apart, and my cock, buried deep inside her pussy. I was pounding her good and hearing those, “Uhs” which meant that every stroke was hitting its mark.

I paused with my ample rigidity still deeply inside. My oily hands rubbed with reduced friction over her oiled back. I dug my fingernails into her skin on an upward stroke along either side of her backbone, and then down again with my finger pads, giving her a plethora of sensations before I started ramming my manhood into her again.

I liked this position. It was the way most every male animal mates with the female of his species. I could put the force of my whole body behind every stroke. And, I could let her know who was ultimately in control of her orgasm.

I relished that feeling today of power over this woman, now stooping to my baser needs. Submitting to my higher authority. Giving herself over to my every wish. And soon to be succumbing to the whims of my twisted psyche.

The dining room table was shaped like a huge oval. It was thick and formidable. It could take her weight and mine without bending or breaking. It sat in one half of a large open kitchen within which she had just prepared a rather delectable luncheon for the two of us: roasted chicken diced with red peppers and walnuts in a savory dressing rolled up in a leaf of romaine.

It was a good meal, just like this woman was good. Good through and through. Too good. Too unbelievably good. Too unattainably good for me. I could never match her manner of turning any misfortune into a blessing, a benefit, or a bonus. She was never cloudy or even partly cloudy. Always sunny and even on her “bad days,” all I ever saw were wispy mare’s tails.

Things that I thought were flaws in me, she turned into gifts. She thought the chaos of my mind was a sign of my brilliance. She thought my maverick artistic works, ground-breaking. She loved the quirky characters I created in my short stories. She found my gray hair and rosacea-dappled face handsome. She adored my asymmetrically curved body. With any of those qualities, I could only mount self-conscious criticisms. But in them all, she saw a beauty.

So in my twisted mind I wanted to show her how deeply wrong she was. That there was a darkness in me that could not be so easily shown the light. Today, I was going to make my case in a more convincing way.

We had begun our mad fucking with a Tango. But this wasn’t an ordinary tango practice-session for us. We had revealed in our conversations a while ago that we wanted to dance tango naked, in close embrace. That meant our upper bodies would be connected, and our movements directed by just moving our torsos. My pecs and abdomen, where they met her breasts and stomach, would be directing our movements. Of course, my left hand was in her right, and my right arm wrapped around her back as her left was wrapped around mine, so we were connected in other ways as well, but mainly moving through our cores.

But we added another variable: olive oil. So, with only dance shoes on, and the dining room table moved to the side, we each had dipped fingers into the white, ceramic bowl of olive oil–extra-virgin–and began applying it to each other’s neck and chest and breasts, then to our back and arms, and finally, to our groins, buttocks, and asses. We wanted to use plenty for Escort the dance because we wanted no friction, but we obviously had other intentions for what might follow.

We began dancing to the trio of songs in a tango grouping, called a tanda, those of Anibal Troilo, one of my favorites. As we usually do, using the music’s melody as a guide, we improvised a dance. We took steps to the side, forward, and back, all in close embrace. That was pleasing, but our torsos stayed together. When we introduced pivots with ochos, molinetes, and crusadas, however, our torsos turned against each other and rolled along each other, so that we felt not only the warmth, but the stimulation of our gliding bodies.

I wanted to continue dancing to the music, but I could tell she was becoming distracted by the sensuality of our embrace. In fact, at one point, her arm drifted down my back into my buttocks crease, and she began fingering my anal ring. I found that titillating, but I was annoyed. I wanted to dance. But dancing tango had dropped down on her priority list. It was obvious. She made plenty of missteps. She wasn’t maintaining our embrace. She was off axis.

Her new lead was misleading me. This was no longer going to be a tango dance. It was going to be a tango love dance. So somewhat miffed, I decided to play along, my mind not fully accepting this change in direction, though.

I let my left hand drift down as well, my palm sliding down the length of her right arm, to her armpit, then across her breast. I rotated it along her flank, so that my fingers pointed down, then turned it over so the back of my hand could slide into her groin. I pulled her close again with my right arm around her back, and moved my wrist up and down to massage her wetting slit.

She responded with her need by pressing hard into my wrist. After a couple more ochos, I slid the back of my hand across her thigh then moved my fingers around to her buttocks. I slid two oily fingers into her butt crease and circled her anal bud. Coincidentally, the sun streaming through our dining room windows must have just been covered by clouds, because the room grew darker. And so did my thoughts.

This was a fantasied dance experience which we had each concocted when we talked together, and dreamt about separately when we fell asleep at night. We both wanted to dance naked Tango with oil, something which we had never done, not even with another lover. We didn’t know how it would end and usually, when we love-danced, we didn’t really plan on an ending, just how things would begin. But this time, just now, I did.

In the distant past, we had talked about “everything butt,” in that getting-to-know-each-other phase of our relationship: what we liked, didn’t like, and were unsure of. And in our successive love-dances, we had found an opportunity to try out some of those stimulating touches which we had expressed a liking for. We had rimmed each other. She had fingered my bud as I had hers. I had even allowed her to put a glass dildo up my ass when I was tied and restrained. And some day, I had intimated, I might even allow her to peg me.

But from the start, she had been cautious about wanting to have anal intercourse, as the only time she had, with her husband years ago, it was painful. So she had decided then and there, never to have it again. And even though she trusted me, and my sensitivity to her, she continued to be resistant. So Bayan Escort we hadn’t explored it further.

But as we were dancing today and leaving the realm of tango for the realm of pure sexual indulgence, my mind schemed. I had something to prove. So no longer leaving things to serendipity, I now knew how I wanted this to finish.

We somehow managed to struggle through three more songs. It was pretty obvious that we weren’t going to be dancing another tanda. She wanted more than tango.

So I led a series of steps which moved us to the dining room table, doing back ochos, crosses, and forward steps. I perfectly executed a half-spin so that she was facing away from me, and facing the table. I forced her down onto a towel that we had placed there for wiping up oil spills.

I wedged my foot in between hers to separate them. She knew what was about to happen and complied, willingly moving her legs apart. Excitedly, she reached her hand underneath one thigh, and guided my rigidity into her dripping pussy.

I began that in and out movement that she was so obsessed about during our two Tango tandas. As I thrusted into her, I listened to the increasingly higher pitched grunts. She was getting filled with everything she wanted and was growing ever closer to brimming over.

I paused. I reached beneath her right thigh with my right hand and nestled it in her vulva so that I could massage her clit as I was fucking her. It was what she needed to put her through her first big O.

We have had a half dozen or so love dances, what we call two dancers making love. She frequently has two or three orgasms during a love dance, which are characterized by muscle jerks, followed by shivers, both accompanied by a throaty-voiced sigh.

I love being able to bring these on for her, a passionate woman who had been without a lover-induced orgasm for over a decade. So it’s a privilege, I should add, an honor. And I am deeply moved by her response.

Usually. But today there were a mixture of feelings that were not rooted in generosity.

Her second O came after I helped her up onto the table and assisted her to turn over on her back. With her legs bent up, thighs relaxed, and dance shoes on the towel, I began ravenously eating her mound, licking her nether lips, sucking on her now swollen and taut clit, tonguing it, tickling it, nudging it left and right, then up and down. Every so often, I deprived her of direct clitoral stimulation by licking around and around her labia before going back to her nub. I heard her breathing get faster. I heard her demands. I roughly shoved two fingers inside her vault as I continued to suck, and heard her scream in delight. She spasmed. She shook. She mewed hoarsely. Then cycled through those responses a second and a third time.

That was enough–for now–so with both hands, she gently moved my fingers out and laid there breathing deeply.

But I hadn’t had enough. And she, being perfectly-good, was fully aware of that. So after allowing her a brief repose, I helped her off, and promptly bent her over the table top, face down on the towel again. She guided my more painfully rigid cock into her, and I commenced to slowly piston in and out of her well-used vagina.

I was getting closer, I was grunting in a way she well-knew would lead me to my typical screaming orgasm. But I intended something different. Something mean. Something malevolent. And at Escort Bayan this moment, I didn’t care how she felt about it.

I pulled out. She gasped in surprise and turned back to look at me. I also looked, but my look was not regarding her face.

I pulled her butt cheeks apart revealing the object of my desire: her puffy asshole where I wanted to finish.

I had enough lube on my cock from her pussy juices and from the lubing I had given her with the olive oil before we began dancing. But the bowl was within reach, and I dipped my fingers into it and coated my cock so we’d be friction-free.

I pushed the head of my cock against her anal ring, letting her know what was about to happen. And letting her know that I didn’t give a damn about what she felt. The dark, mean, aggressive asshole of a man was going to finish in the asshole of his beautiful woman, and he wasn’t going to ask permission.

I didn’t hesitate. She didn’t reflexly tighten. With the anesthesia of multiple orgasms I had given her, maybe she wasn’t in a resistant mood. So I plunged deep. I heard her howl. A sound she had never uttered. I searched my memory for what it reminded me of. A coyote in the canyons around my house? A bitch in heat? I pulled back part way, and drove my cock in again, leading to another scream. Whether of pain or pleasure, I was not going to stop. This felt too good.

She was tight, tighter than her vagina which had birthed five babies. My cock rejoiced. I took myself halfway out, but quickly plunged into her again, and again. With my fingernails, I gripped into her shoulders so she wouldn’t move and I pumped relentlessly. I could tell from the way the table was creaking, not that it was going to break, but that it was enjoying this, too.

And so, it seemed, was she. Louder grunts, animalistic cries, that howling. It lead to another O for her, more vocal than she had ever been, and with more quivers and quakes. Seeing that, feeling that, hearing that, I came micro-moments later. I screamed so loudly that my dog came to see what the fuck was going on. When she did, she curled up next to the table to enjoy it vicariously, I guess, because she had been spayed before her first heat.

I collapsed atop my love dancer, with my head turned to the side, my cheek on her oily and sweaty back, breathing deeply and rapidly. When I could move again, I rubbed my oiled palms on her shoulders, down her arms, back up, and then repeated the motion. It was a tactile thank you, thank you, thank you.

I pulled out when my cock deflated. I helped my beautiful tanguera up off the table. We spread the towel on the hardwood floor and laid down together on it.

We spoke in short phrases, then longer ones, continuing by sharing one beautiful sentence after another. We wrapped our arms around each other in a beautiful touching connection.

But I couldn’t help feeling it had been a failure in some ways. My effort to prove she wasn’t perfect, that she had a line and I had crossed it. That she would recoil from my darker side this time, with my violation of her private place. But it didn’t happen. Instead, to my utter amazement, she inquired very sincerely, when our next naked and oiled tango would be!

Fuck. My sinning acts were not taking the saintliness out of her. Rather, her responses to them were making her more likely to be canonized a saint someday. Fuck. I didn’t deserve such a woman. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

Maybe it was her next kiss, or the next phrase she uttered about how much she loved me, but something finally shut off my mind and let me just absorb our mutual affection.

And let me tell you: that was a fuckingly awesome feeling.

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Fantasy Night Ch. 10

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“Hey Jessica, you have any new fantasies that you would like to play out?”

I was hoping that Tommy would bring up the subject, because I did indeed have a fantasy that had been on my mind lately, but I wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. You see, this particular fantasy involved getting fucked by two cocks at once, sort of…

“As a matter of fact, babe, there is something, but I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”

“You know you can always talk to me, Jess. Especially about sex,” Tommy quipped.

“Okay, but don’t freak out until I explain.”

“You certainly have my attention. What is it babe?”

I hesitantly explained what had me going.

“Okay Tommy, but let me finish before you let me know if you’d be into this.”

“Sure, Jess. Tell me.”

“Here it goes.” And I spurt it out. “I’ve been fantasizing about getting fucked by two cocks at once. Of course you’re the only man for me, but I want to get penetrated vaginally and anally at the same time. I want your cock and a nice fake penis filling both my holes.”

“Well, that sounds doable,” Tommy responded. “Are you thinking of using that fancy dildo that you’ve used on me?”

“I thought about it, but now that I know you’re okay with the idea, let me do a little research and see what’s out there. I’m thinking that I’d like to straddle a fake cock while you do my ass.”

“I’ll be ready when you are,” Tommy responded.

So, the following day, I did some searching online. I wanted some sort of realistic phallus that I could somehow keep secure while I straddled it, so that I could ride it while my man penetrated me from behind. I knew that many dildos came with a suction cup base, but that wouldn’t work in bed. On a hunch, I Googled “dildo with torso,” and voila! As I should have guessed, there were plenty to choose from, many available straight from Amazon. I ordered a mid-priced model with good reviews. It was a nicely designed male torso with all the necessary goodies attached. It had a handsome 8-inch cock, a nice set of balls, and even a penetrateable anus. I’m not sure what we would do with the butt hole, but we might figure something out!

The toy arrived the following day. Tommy and I unboxed it and were pleased with the appearance and quality. We were both anxious to give this a try, so right after dinner, we went straight to the bedroom and started fooling around. We each ingested a THC gummy to get relaxed and (for me especially), to enhance this kinky new experience. I really wanted to fantasize that I was being penetrated Escort by two guys at once.

We were in bed naked, kissing and fondling each other as we have done many times before, but tonight we had this rather unusual cock-equipped torso lying beside us. Wanting to move things along, I decided to go down on Tommy, kissing my way slowly down his chest, finally reaching his engorged penis. As I was licking and kissing the head of his cock, I got an idea. I thought my lover might get a kick out of watching me play with the fake cock that was sharing the bed with us.

“Watch this, babe,” I teased, and I moved over to the big silicone phallus that was protruding from the torso. I made a show of licking and kissing the head just like I do for Tommy, then slowly taking the shaft deep into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down on the saliva coated cock as my man watched intently.

“You can touch yourself if you’d like, babe,” I said. And Tommy started to stroke himself as I went to town on the fake guy’s cock. Watching my lover masturbate always turns me on, and as I watched Tommy pleasure himself, I moved down to the nice synthetic balls in front of me. I treated them to the same oral ministrations that I give to Tommy. I licked them until they were wet with my saliva, then sucked them into my mouth.

“Tommy, I’m going to give this guy a rim job, and I want you to suck his cock while I do it!” This was not a request. This was a demand!

My lover obediently changed position and gave the fake cock a tentative lick.

“That’s it babe,” I encouraged, as I moved down to the little anus before me. Tommy watched as I rimmed the silicone orifice and stabbed it with my tongue.

“Suck that cock while I tongue fuck this guy, and when we’re done here, I’ll give your butt the same treatment.”

Clearly aroused, my man sucked the fake guy’s penis while I probed it’s asshole with my tongue and fingers. But I was ready for the real thing now. I had Tommy lay on the bed, and as he continued to fondle himself, I went straight for his testicles and anus. I hungerly lapped away at his balls, taint, and asshole while my horny lover slid his hand up and down his shaft. As much fun as all of this was, after ten minutes or so of orally pleasuring my man, I was ready for the main event. I wanted both my holes filled with cock!

I moved off my lover and straddled the fake guy, with it’s long penis just inches from my waiting pussy. “Get behind me babe, and warm me up, please,” and Tommy got in position. He began by tenderly Escort Bayan kissing and licking the backs of my legs, then slowly worked his way up to my butt cheeks, enthusiastically kissing, licking, and nibbling on my backside. Now he moved on to my pussy. He licked the sensitive folds of my labia and pushed his tongue deeply into my vagina, getting me ready for penetration.

“I’m ready, babe,” I said softly. “Help me guide that big cock into my pussy.”

Tommy held the shaft steady as I lowered myself onto the stiff phallus. My pussy was soaking wet with anticipation, and it slid in easily.

“Watch this babe,” I said, and with one slow steady motion, I pushed myself back against the cock and buried it deep inside me. I was ready for some fucking. I raised up, letting the long rod slip almost all the way out, then pushed against it again, forcing it in balls deep.

“How does this look to you,” I asked.

“Sexy as hell,” Tommy replied.

“Then I think you’ll really like this,” and I coated one of my fingers with saliva, reached back, and rubbed it around my anus. I got my puckered hole all wet and shiny, and moved my finger out of the way so that Tommy could get a good look. Totally lost in the moment, I then eased my finger into my own butt!

“God that’s hot, Jess, you’re incredible. I’m loving this!”

Pleased that Tommy was enjoying the view, I began to slowly ride up and down on the dildo, taking the full length deep inside of me. It felt great, and knowing that I was providing my lover with an erotic show added to my arousal. My pussy was gushing, and my juices were coating the intruding fake cock and balls, making penetration even more pleasurable.

“Tommy, I want you to lick that cock as it slides out of me.” Again, this was a demand, not a request. I just don’t know what came over me. I looked back between my legs and saw my lover, his head between my legs, and I knew that he was licking the glistening shaft as it slipped in and out of my dripping pussy. “That’s it babe,” I encouraged. “Lick my juices off that cock. How does it taste?”

Tommy just moaned as he savored my pussy juice. “Good boy, Tommy. Are you ready to fuck my ass now?”

The next thing I felt was my man’s hot tongue on my butt hole. I took that as a yes. Tommy loves my ass and is always ready to give it a good rimming. He ran his tongue passionately up and down my crack as I rode the fake dick. Every time his tongue passed over my puckered anus, he’d thrust it inside, penetrating as deeply as physically Bayan Escort possible. I was loving it, and was ready for more.

Usually, I get a little nervous when it’s time for his big cock to enter my tight back door, but tonight I was so worked up that I was more than ready.

“Lube me up and stick it in me,” I pleaded, and my lover grabbed our lube and dripped it onto my waiting hole. Tommy skillfully inserted first one, then two greased up fingers deep into my waiting tunnel. Once he was sure that I was ready, he shifted position, and I felt his glans press against my anus. I was no longer moving up and down on the fake cock, and I took a couple of deep breaths as Tommy pushed forward. I gasped as the head stretched my sphincter and popped inside.

After giving myself a few moments to get used to his girth, I pressed back, opening myself up as my gentle lover slowly but steadily penetrated me. The feeling was exquisite. Two cocks filling me at once! My pussy wall was being stretched by the plastic phallus while Tommy’s flesh and blood cock probed deeply into my anal canal.

“Fuck me Tommy, I need you to fuck my ass. I want you deep inside me.”

We got a rhythm going. I would lower myself onto the fake cock, taking it all the way in, while pressing my clit against the base. Then I would raise up to meet Tommy’s cock and swallow it up into my rectum. My man was groaning with pleasure, and I was going crazy. The multiple sensations were just incredible. I’m not one for shouting obscenities during sex, but this was too much! “Fuck, Tommy! Oh, God! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Go deep! Oh fuck.”

We were close. It was time. And as I pressed myself all the way down on fake cock guy, my Tommy shoved his rod as deep into my ass as it wound go. He moaned loudly, signaling his impending orgasm.

I forced myself down on the torso, pressing my clit hard against the silicone flesh below me. My orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightning as I rubbed my clit furiously.

My clenching sphincter muscle was too much for Tommy and suddenly, he came! His cock throbbed and I could feel his semen spurting inside me, making my rear passage even slicker, as my lover pumped me full of cum.

Finally, as our fucking frenzy subsided, we both gradually began to relax. Tommy rested on top of me, our bodies sweaty, our breathing slowly returning to normal. After a short while, Tommy’s erection began to fade, and he slowly slipped out of my quivering ass. As my man moved off of me and to my side, I felt his juices ooze out of my butt, and drip onto the silicone cock and balls below me.

“You made quite a mess babe, I teased. Want to watch me lick it up? Better yet, why don’t we do it together.”

There’s something to be said for teamwork. 😊

-Jessica B.

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Yasak Ve Gizli – BÖLÜM 1

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Yasak Ve Gizli – BÖLÜM 1
Türbanlı Liseli Teyze Kızına Yasak Aşkım

Üniversite 2.sınıf öğrencisiyim, bu yaz yapmak zorunda olmadığım ama yapmak istediğim 20 iş günü staj’ım vardı. İstanbul da güzel bir şirkette torpil sayesinde staja kabul edilmiştim. Şirket gerçekten de güzeldi eğer kendimi kanıtlayabilirsem gelecek senelerde ki staj’larımı da burada yapmak isterdim ama torpil olduğu için değilde kendi bilgi ve becerilerim sayesinde, tekrar başvurduğumda kabul edilmek istiyorum. Şirket Şişli taraflarındaydı ve benim evime çok uzaktı bu nedenle teyzemde kalmak istiyordum.

Teyzemi aradım ve durumu açıkladım 1 ay boyunca hafta içi onlarda kalmak isteğimi söyledim ve çok sevinerek kabul etti hatta böyle bir şeyi bir daha sorma ne zaman istersen gel isteğin kadar kal dedi. Teyzemle aram iyiydi nede olsa annemin kardeşi. Ben pek ziyarete gitmesem de akrabalarım beni severdi (Yıldızım dişiymiş ne demekse öyle diyorlar). Teyzemin 2 kızı vardı küçük olan Yasemin 8. sınıfa gidiyordu, büyük olan Merve 9. sınıfa gidiyordu, eniştem fabrikada çalışıyordu tam olarak ne iş yaptığını bilmiyordum ama maaşının yüksek olduğunu biliyordum, önceden teyzemler konuşurken duymuştum.

Yaz gelmişti final sınavlarım bitti, büt sınavım yok. Yorulmuştum okulda, kafa dağıtmak istiyordum. Staj’ın başlamasına 3 hafta vardı. 3 hafta arkadaşlarımla gezdim tozdum denize girdik karı kız peşinde koştuk 3 haftayı doldurduk.
Zaman gelmişti artık teyzemi aradım;
+ Alo(ben)
– Alo Oğuz(teyzem)
+ nasılsın teyze
– iyiyim evi temizliyorduk kızlarla
+ sen neden yoruyorsun kendini bırak kızlar çalışsın
– keşke çok tembel bunlar abisi hiç yardımcı olmuyorlar
+ ne demek yardımcı olmuyorlar ben gelince kızarım onlarla
– canım benim senin düşünmen yeter, ne zaman geliyorsun sen
+ bende onun için aradım yarın(cumartesi) geleyim diyorum, pazartesi başlıyor staj’ım
– yarını bekleme akşam çık gel
+ gelemem ki arkadaşlarla gezicem
– anladım sen bilirsin ne zaman istersen gel bekliyoruz seni, hem kızlarda çok özlemişler seni neredeyse 1 yıl olacak görmediler seni
+bende onları özledim, hadi selam söyle herkese yarın görüşürüz inşallah
– onlarında selamı var sende selam söyle annenle babana, kaç gibi burada olursun
+ 12-1 gibi orda olurum
– tamam bekliyoruz.

O gün gece yarısına kadar arkadaşlarla sahilde gezdik. Ertesi gün saat 8de kalktım, az uyumayı ve erken kalmayı seviyorum gün daha uzun oluyor. Duş aldım kahvaltı yaptım hazırlandım evden çıktım. Yolum uzun değildi ama kısa da değildi. 9:30 da evden çıktım 4 aktarma yapmam gerekiyordu, 12:30 gibi teyzemlere gelmiştim. Zili çaldım kapıyı yasemin açtı; (yasemin ben görmeyeli büyümüştü memeleri olgunlaşmamıştı ama küçük değillerdi, kıyafetin üstünden küçük olmadıkları belli oluyordu, götüde yavaştan olgunlaşıyordu, sanırım fizik olarak annesine çekicekti);
– Oğuz abim geldiii, hoş geldiiin (sarıldı bende ona sarıldım)
+ hoş bulduk canım nasılsın
– iyi

Ayakkabıyı çıkardım içeri girerken teyzem geldi içerden (teyzem türbanlı, ortalama 1.75 boyunda, hafif balık etli, dışardan bakınca götü çok güzel gözüküyor yumuşacık ve büyük, memeleri götünden daha güzel gözüküyor. Kafasında türbanı vardı, altında uzun etek üzerinde uzun kollu yeşil badi, sütyenin izleri azıcık belli külot izi belli değil tüm vücudu kapalı);
– Hoşgeldin Oğuz
(boynuma sarıldı ahh yumuşacık vücudu, memelerini göğsüme bastırıyor bende ona sarıldım sıkıca)
+ Hoşbulduk teyze çok özlemişim seni nasılsın
– Bende çok özledim nerelerdesin sen hiç gelmiyorsun özletiyorsun kendini
(sarılma bitmişti çantamı köşeye koydum ve oturma odasına doğru yürüdüm)
+ Üniversite teyze eve bile gitmiyorum sizle bir alakası yok yani
– Biliyorum annen de aynısını söylüyor
+ Merve nerde
– Markete gitti ekmek almaya gelir şimdi, Yasemin gel sofrayı kuralım
+ Bende elimi yüzümü yıkayım

Odadaki masayı çekyata yaklaştırdılar üzerine örtü tabaklar kaşıklar derken yemekler geldi. Teyzem çok güzel yemek yapar yine döktürmüştü. Mercimek çorbası, pilav, kuru fasulye, turşu… çok güzel gözüküyor du ama bir eksik var.EKMEK. Kapı çaldı Yasemin koşarak gitti kapıyı açmaya Merve gelmişti marketten. Oturma odasına geldi, buda ne bu Merve mi ben görmeyeli ne kadar da değişmiş, memeleri büyümüş götü büyümüş (ortalama 1.65 boylarında, türbanlı, memeleri çok büyük durmuyor ama yaşına göre büyük gözüküyor, götü hafif dışarıda galiba squat yapıyordu) beni görünce yüzü güldü mutlu oldu, özlemişti beni bende onu özlemiştim;
– Hoşgeldin abi nasılsın
+ Hoşbulduk Mervecim iyiyim sen nasılsın
(sarılmak için yaklaştım ama utandığını farkettim sarıldım ama sözde elim sırtına değdi sadece)
– Sağol abi bende iyiyim nasıl gidiyor üniversite
+ Üniversite çok güzel, çok ders çalış sende güzel bir yer kazan yoksa pişman olursun
– Çalışıyorum abi merak etme

Utandığı belliydi ama beni severdi bende onu severdim zaten sevdiği için utanıyordu. Merveyi gördüğümde içimdeki sevgi sanki değişmeye başlamıştı, daha önce hiç aşık olmamıştım, ama galiba aşık oluyordum yada azgınlıktan böyle oluyordu bilmiyordum.

Eniştem işteydi akşam 7 gibi gelicekmiş, sofrayı kurdular yemek yemeye başladık benim gözüm Mervede. Merve’ye bakışlarım değişmişti artık kuzenim gözüyle bakmıyordum. Liseli bir fıstık olarak bakıyordum ve onu sikmek istiyordum. Tabi bunlar sadece istekte kalacak duygular böyle şeyler olması mümkün değil nede olsa türbanlı bide imam hatipte okuyor, kendisi gitmek istemiş imam hatip lisesine. Sevgilisiyle belki küçük şeyler yaşayabilirdi (öpüşme elleşme gibi) ama kendisinden 4 yaş büyük biriyle üstelik kuzeniyle böyle şeyler yaşaması imkansızdı. Yemekte gözünüz kaçırıyor göz göze gelemiyordu benimle utanıyordu görüşmeyeli çok zaman oldu biraz alışması gerekiyor.

Yemekleri yedik sofrayı topluyorlar, önümde çok güzel götler geliyor gidiyor. Duygusal olarak çok kötü oldum(Azdım) tuvalete gittim 31 çektim rahatladım. Akşama kadar konuştuk üniversiteden felan bahsettim. Teyzem kız arkadaşın varmı diye sordu, o sırada Mervenin bi anda kafasını telefondan kaldırıp bana baktığını fark ettim, sevgilim olup olmamasını bu kadar önemsediğine şaşırdım yada soruyla alakası yoktu denk gelmişti bilmiyordum.

Akşam oldu eniştem geldi, hoşgeldin felan başladık muhabbete. Saat 12 gibi herkes yatmak için hazırlanmaya başladı. Normalde Merve ve Yasemin oturma odasında birisi bir çekyatta diğeri diğer çekyatta yatıyordu. Hava sıcak olduğu için odalarında yatamıyorlardı orası daha sıcak oluyordu, penceresi binaların arasına açılıyordu oda serinlemiyordu. Bende olduğum için bu sefer ikisi bir çekyatta bende diğer çekyatta yatacaktım. Merve altında siyah eşofmanı üzerinde beyaz t-shirt ile yatıyordu benim üstümde mavi t-shirt ve kapri vardı.

Teyzem geldi kızları öptü iyi geceler kızlar bana baktı bende ona bakıyordum, anladı canımın çektiğini beni de yanağımdan öptü, gönül isterdiki dudaktan öpsün ama sadece istek. Aslında tam öpecekken kafamı bir anda çevirim dudağımın kenarında öptürmeyi düşündum ama öyle bir şey yapsam çok farklı şeyler olabilirdi. Kardeşinin oğluda olsam erkektim ve kızlarıyla aynı odada yatıyordum bana karşı olan güvenini kırmak istemiyordum olay sadece güven değil bana karşı olan sevgiside bir anda nefrete dönebilirdi bunu göze alamazdım.

İlerleyen zamanlarda birşeyler yapmak istiyordum ya teyzemle yada Merveyle bir şeyler yaşamak istiyordum. Çok zordu hatta imkansızdı acaba çok yavaş ve emin adımlarla ilerlersem bişeyler olabirlirmiydi bunu bilmiyordum ama ögrenmek istiyordum. Öyle şeyler yapmalıydımki ters tepki verirlerse olayı uzatmamalılardı. Çok iyi çalışmam gerekiyordu çok. Gece yatarken bunları düşünüyordum acaba neler yapmalıyım, yapmalımıyım yoksa yapmamalımıyım, riske girdiğime değermi düşünüyordum. Kesinlikle değer bu götler ve memeler ya teyzemle yada Merveyle bir şeyler yaşamak istiyordum.

Herkese iyi geceler…


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