Experiencing the Power of Touch

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She is laying in the center of her bed looking out the large windows watching the soft white clouds tease her with discontinuous glimpses of blue. The treetops are bare and the cold winter winds blow from the North. The bed-cover tensely frames the bed. A corner is slightly ruffled showing where she had removed the feather pillow from is assigned spot to put under her head.

“This is my favorite place in the whole world,” she thinks as her pink slipper caresses her ankle when she unconsciously crosses her left ankle over her right. Her hands are held together gently resting on her stomach and she feels silly when she notices that she likes holding hands with herself. The slow shifting patterns of white and blue perform a slow dance in the distant winter sky that lulls her into a dreamy, sleepy state. Knowing she’s waiting for her husband to come home from work, she stops herself from drifting off to sleep but lets the Zen-like presence of her daydream settle the tension she almost always feels at that spot on her back where her neck meets her shoulders.

The distant sound of a bird singing pulls her back to reality and her eyes open. Searching the tips of the branches on the distant trees, she looks for the bird but nothing catches her eye. No shape flitting from branch to branch. No sudden dart of flight moving from one place to another.

“Surely there’s no bird out there today,” she thinks, “it’s nowhere near time for songbirds to be returning from their annual pilgrimage to the warm places they visit in the south this time of year.”

But she hears the song again and closes her eyes letting it echo in her mind. Her tongue wets her lips and she softly bites her lower lip. The songbird’s call comes closer and its song becomes more clear. She inhales deeply filling her lungs with the familiar scent of the bedroom. Holding her breath deep inside of herself, slowly exhaling she feels her feet rub against one another letting the pink fabric of her slippers rub together. The sound they make finds the rhythm of the bird’s song. Her mind empties completely as she lets the room’s air fully escape from her lungs.

Holding her breath at the end of her exhale. She consciously stops herself from inhaling again. She begins to count slowly. “One,. . two . . . three . . .” Her body struggles to make her breath again and she begins to inhale slowly through her nose. Gradually she feels her body begin to relax again.

As she inhales, her mind is bathed in the fragrance of lavender and roses. She smiles softly and swallows hard as her mouth fills with a slick wetness and the fabric of her soft white T-shirt teases the tips of her breasts. Her right thumb gently strokes the palm of her left hand and her body trembles softly as she tastes the sweetness of the air in her lungs. tandoğan escort Again, she exhales slowly and deliberately and then inhales deeply filling herself with the now familiar aroma of the invisible flowers. At the peak of her inhale, she consciously stops herself from exhaling and holds her breath again counting but this time out-loud “One, two, three, four, five, . . .” Her mind drifts away to a conversation she was having with a new man she had met in a chat room and she smiles softly in her dream-like state.

Before she begins to breath again, she feels him touch her wrists. Kneeling on the bed beside her, he gently separates her hands and kissed her palms. First the right one; then the left. His kisses are moist and tender. Each one begins with the warmth of his breath followed by the soft touch of his lips. Her body’s pulses flow through her streaming from her palms to the soles of her feet. She uncrosses her ankles letting the energy flow freely back and forth from her palms to her toes pulsing hard inside of her as his kisses caress every inch of her body. He slowly raises her arms to an up-stretched position over her head. He puts her hands together again and they instantly grippe one another and she moans softly. She feels the silky soft fabric of a scarf being loosely wrapped around both wrists and tucked under the pillow causing a slight tension against her wrists but she clearly knows that she can free herself from its restraint instantly. This gives her great freedom to relax knowing that she can give herself to him completely but that she can instantly regain control again at will.

She realizes that her body can no longer discern his presence on the bed. She can feel the motion of his body through the air and she knows he is present but she can’t tell where he is or what spot on her body he will touch next.

His kisses move down her arms. She can hear him breath and feel the heat from his body as it pulses hard against her entire body. But the only tactile awareness she has is of the tip of his tongue and the hot wet caress of his lips and teeth. His kiss finds her lips and she opens herself fully letting his tongue instantly drive deep into her mouth. His kiss fills her body with passion and she drives her own tongue hard against his pushing herself into his mouth in a powerful full dance of ecstasy. Some of his kisses are soft only letting the tip of his tongue tease her lips. Some of his kisses are full and hard with teeth biting her tongue . . . they are hot and powerful and wet. His kisses move from her mouth to her throat with passionate bites and tender kisses first finding her left breast and then her right. She can feel his hot mouth wetting the sensuous soft skin of her breasts through the rough fabric of her tunalı escort T-shirt. His tongue plays with her nipples and his mouth swallows hard, bringing her swollen pulsing nips deep, deep inside of him. The wetness of her T-shirt is cold against her hot throbbing nipples.

Her breasts are on fire when she suddenly realizes his mouth has moved down to her stomach leaving a slick wet line of kisses toward the throbbing hot pleasure of her womanhood. She feels his mouth kissing her through the fabric of her panties as she lifts her hips and feels her panties slide softly down her legs. Lifting her right leg she pulls herself free from the panties and his mouth instantly returns to her swollen hot wetness. The physical touch of his mouth against her lower lips causes her to moan out loud and pull tight against the silky fabric holding her wrists. . . Biting her shoulder she stifles the moan and arches her back as his mouth takes her under his hot wet control. She trembles as his tongue drives hard into her dark swollen wetness and a moan of his own fills her body with pulsing, pounding pleasure.

His tongue slides out of her moving down to her swollen hot rosebud. With just the tip, he teases her hole and she shivers with pleasure. Her mouth moves from her shoulder and she lets herself moan loudly filling the room with echoes that bounce off of the walls and ceiling coming back to her body as waves of blue and gold light. The colors penetrate her closed eyes filling her body with every shade in the rainbow. His mouth traces a line down her right thigh moving all the way to the tip of each of her soft pink toes. Moving back to her pulsing pleasure, he kisses her again and his tongue repeats its track down to her toes this time taking the left pathway.

She calls out loud, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweetheart!” and his mouth instantly returns to her swollen hot lower lips. She is filled with his hot wet tongue. He licks her throbbing clit and teases her lips until she shivers with desire. He tenderly bites her short cropped hair and presses the full width of his tongue along her swollen full nub. She lets a deep, deep moan scream from the depths of her soul “NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!”

His tongue fills her pounding swollen lips. Her nipples explode with throbbing hot pleasure. Her neck and shoulders tremble and shudder in convulsing patterns of passion and delight. Every spot on her body that his mouth had tasted before now instantly exploded with simultaneous waves of orgasmic energy.

“YESSSSSSSSS!!!”she screamed. “OH MY FUCKING GOD, YESSSSSSSsssssssssssss.” Her full body explosion racks her existence with pounding, pounding pleasure. Her fingertips dance with passion and her toenails scream with joy. Her eyes close tight filling her mind with colors türbanlı escort of purple, pink, and blue. She becomes one with him and she feels his own pulsing pleasure flowing over her entire being. She cries and cries and cries as his lips find her mouth and his kiss filled her with a quixotic, flood of pleasure she has only known before in her dreams.

She disappears from existence as her aura blends with his and they dance with the wind and the clouds.

The song of the bird once more calls to her and she opens her eyes and feels herself begin breathing again. This time, the familiar scent of her bedroom has returned and the perfume of lavender and roses is gone. She finds herself in the middle of the bed with her hands locked together tightly in a heap on the center of her stomach. Her panties are back on but there is a slick wetness between her legs and her pink slippers have fallen to the floor. Her right ankle is crossed over her left one and her head is in exactly the same position as it was when she had begun her daydream.

But her mouth can taste his kisses.

And her body can feel the moistness of his tongue.

She wets her lips with her own tongue and slides herself to the edge of the bed looking out the window one more time before standing and walking toward the bathroom where she will take a long, long soak in the tub. She looks out the window and sees specks of blue smiling at her through the greyish white clouds.

“Yes,” she says out loud this time, “this is my favorite place in the whole world.”

Later that evening, her husband called to her from the bedroom while she chatted with some friends on the computer downstairs. “What’s this scarf doing in the bed?” She stopped typing and walked up the stairs fast enough that her heart was pounding as she stood in the doorway of the room.

Her husband had pulled the covers back and found a multi colored silk scarf laying softly in the middle of the bed. He picked it up and threw it toward her. The scarf fluttered wildly as she reached out to catch it and it released the strong fragrance of lavender and roses filling the room with a memory that caused her to blush. Catching the scarf as it waifed downward toward the foot of the bed, she trembled silently and clinched it against her breasts.

“There it is!” she said looking down to see the multi-colored pattern that was made by a sensuous inner-twining of roses and lavender branches. “Tina gave me this for Christmas and I’ve been looking for it for days! It must have been with the sheets when I took them out of the dryer.”

“Plausible denyability,” she thought to herself as she walked back down the stairs letting the silky soft fabric of the scarf dance against her fingertips and hands. Never once did she wonder where it came from or how it had appeared out of nowhere

“What a wonderful find!” she said.

She walked into the room and instantly noticed her YahooMessenger browser bouncing on the screen and she trembled as a strong wind blew hard against the trees outside.

“What a wonderful find!”

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