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Ted tried to fall asleep and failed. There was just too much adrenaline. So many things were bouncing around his head, all fighting for his attention.
He got up, dressed, and left the bedroom. His wife saw him from the kitchen.
“I thought you were taking a nap.”
“I was, but I just realized why I couldn’t sleep. I need to finish next month’s lesson plans. You know how the CE chair gets bent out of shape if I don’t have them ready on time.”
“Oh…can’t you work on them here?”
“Normally, yeah, but most of the books I need are in my office. It won’t take long. I might be a few minutes late for dinner is all.” He kissed his wife and headed for the garage.
Ted hadn’t lied so convincingly in years. He’d never had a reason. He was surprised how easily the lie flowed out, as if someone else gave him the words to say just as he needed them.
“That was way too easy,” he thought.
He really wanted to call Emily. Doing it at home, with his wife there, was out of the question. He had no intention of going to the church; that was the place he’d feel the most guilt for what he was about to do. He drove to a favorite park where he sometimes went to be alone with his thoughts. It had hiking trails, a large lake, and the remote location kept it from ever being too crowded.
Pulling into the lot, he thought about heading out onto one of the trails, but decided to stay in the car. His windows were tinted pretty well, and he had already considered the possibility that he might end up touching himself as he talked to Emily.
Taking the phone from his pocket, he scrolled down to her name again. He once again wished he had kept that picture. He had plenty of sexy pictures of young girls on his computer, all with faces showing, but he’d gladly give them all up if he could have that one slightly blurry picture of Emily’s hand in her panties. He justified the risk if ever got caught with it by knowing no one could identify the faceless person in the picture. He’d just save the picture to his phone and delete the associated text conversation.
“I could be really good at this if I wanted to make it a habit,” he thought.
He sent a short text to Emily’s number.
Ted: Hi, are you busy?
Emily had fallen asleep.
Masturbation had been her go-to method to relax and fall asleep for as long as she could remember, and the recent orgasm, probably the most powerful one she’d ever had, sent her into such a relaxed state that she didn’t bother arranging her clothes or the covers.
Her sleeping form on the bed was the stuff of many a man’s fantasy. Completely nude, she was sleeping deeply, her legs slightly spread. One arm rested across her belly, her fingers just above her still slightly-swollen mound; the other arm was limply at her side, inches away from the dropped phone. Her breasts rose and fell softly as she dreamed of her fantasy lover.
In her dreams, Ted had returned them to her fantasy hotel, and they were playing a game. Emily was a typical sexually-repressed church girl, so her fantasies were quite detailed and entertaining. She was wearing all white: a lacy push-up bra, a matching thong, stockings held up by a garter belt, and white heels. Ted was seated in a large easy chair, but his wrists and ankles had been secured to the chair with rope, and he was only able to squirm a bit.
There was a CD player, and Emily had inserted a disc of sexy, slow jazz. In her dream she was able to dance as sexy as she wanted, regardless of her actual skills. Ted looked at her and smiled, and he wanted her badly. She teased him by getting closer, then backing away. She turned her back on him and slowly bent over, sliding her hands down the front of her legs until she held her ankles. Aching her back forward, her ass curved up and presented itself to Ted, who was straining at his restraints to touch her.
She had deliberately worn the thong on the outside of the garter so she could keep the latter on. Rising again, she hooked one finger into each side of the waist of the thong and slowly peeled it down off her ass, her thighs, past her knees, and her ankles, bending back down as she progressed. She stepped escort kartal out of the thong, and once again held her ankles, arched her back, and parted her legs, and Ted could see her moist lips spreading apart, inviting him in.
A moan escaped his lips and Emily heard, standing and turning to face him. She stood two feet from him, hands on hips, legs spread, in a mock posture of scolding. “You can’t have me yet Daddy. I’m not done dancing for you.”
She unclasped the bra, and slowly lowered one strap, then the other, and then let the lacy white restraint fall to the floor. She leaned forward slightly and moved side to side just enough to make her breasts sway. Ted’s already-swelling cock came to full attention at her use of the name “Daddy”.
“Can I see it Daddy?” “Yes baby, I want you to see it.” She knelt and undid his zipper and worked his hard shaft out of the opening. “Ooohhh…it’s so big Daddy…is it big for me?”
She spoke with a singsong, childlike voice that made Ted ache to have her.
“All for you honey, you know Daddy wants you.”
She slowly stroked his aching shaft, wetting it with her saliva. With each downstroke, he pushed up, wanting to be free of the chair. If he were freed, he would throw her roughly to the floor and force himself on her; his lust was so strong. Emily rubbed the tip of his shaft against each of her nipples, making them stand up. Next she licked him like a popsicle, slowly from the base to the tip, over and over. She alternated her gaze from adoring his cock to his hungry eyes. Emily saw the precum ooze from his head, and tasted it. “Mmmm…I think Daddy is ready for me,” she purred.
She kicked off the heels, and joined him in the chair. She straddled him, legs knelt inside the cushioned arms. Guiding him towards her wet lips, she slowly eased herself onto him until he was fully inside. She kissed him, and allowed his tongue to explore her mouth.
Something buzzed at her side. Startled, she looked at her hip, but nothing was there. “What’s wrong baby?” Ted asked. She felt the buzz again and looked around, and slipped into the place between dreaming and consciousness where for a fleeting moment one is aware that a dream is fading. The next moment she felt the buzz again and reached down to retrieve her phone, and she saw she had a new text.
Ted: Hi, are you busy?
Emily: I fell asleep sorry
Ted: Do you want to sleep? I can call some other time..
He was sure he wanted this, no matter how long he had to wait.
Emily: No, I’m good! (smile)
Ted: Actually, I think you’re kinda bad (wink)
Emily: (wink) Haha (smile)
Ted: Are you enjoying this flirting as much as me? I feel like I’m 17 right now and it’s amazing (smile)
Emily: Yeah (smile)
Ted: So you said I could call…
Emily: Yeah gimme a sec gonna lock my door
Ted didn’t reply. He waited, wondering just what his first words would be when she answered. He jumped when his phone buzzed in his hand. Emily was calling him.
“Hey.” You could hear the smile in her voice, even though she was speaking softly.
“Hi! How are you feeling?” It wasn’t idle chitchat; he really cared and wanted to know.
“The Gatorade helps and the only bad thing left is my throat hurts some. I’ll probably be okay tomorrow.”
“That’s good! I’m glad. So…hi!” He laughed a little, nervously.
“Hi.” Again, you could hear the smile.
“Um, I have no idea what I’m doing..” he admitted with another small laugh.
“It’s okay,” she confessed. “I’m just happy to hear your voice. I love listening to you.”
“Well, maybe we can do something with that.” Something Ted had wanted to do for a long time was talk a woman through an orgasm over the phone. Just another thing his wife shot down the moment he brought it up, of course.
“What do you want to do?” Regardless of whatever Ted was going to say, Emily had already slid a hand between her legs again. She had put her t-shirt back on in case someone had come to the door, but her panties were still under her pillow.
“I want you to pretend I’m with you. You can touch yourself if you maltepe escort bayan want, maybe that will make it more real.” He didn’t want to insist she do it, but it would be a big turn-on for him if he knew she was. “I’ll tell you what I’d be doing and you imagine it’s happening for real. You want to try that?”
“Yeah…” she said softly.
“Okay, imagine we’re somewhere nice, like a big fancy house. Something you’ve seen in a movie or a TV show. Someplace really cool where you wish you could actually live. The bedroom has a full-length window that looks out over an amazing view. Whatever you want it to be. And we’re there, alone together.”
“Okay. It’s on a cliff looking out over the ocean.”
“Beautiful! It’s late in the day, and the sun is going down. No one is out there, it’s just us and the ocean. You can hear the waves.”
Emily relaxed and slowly ran her fingers up and down the place between her legs that she had so roughly probed about an hour ago. Her body immediately responded by sending blood there, increasing her sensitivity to touch.
“The only thing we’re wearing is robes, because we just got out of the shower. We showered together and washed each other, but all we did was kiss a little. So now we’re both really horny.”
“Yeah…” she spread her legs and closed her eyes, picturing the room, and Ted.
“I take you in my arms and kiss you, very softly on the lips. Then I kiss your neck, and make my way down your neck…now I’m spreading your robe open and I’m going lower…can you feel my breath on your skin?”
Ted’s words were starting to work on him as well. He could feel his erection growing in his jeans and wished he was wearing something looser. He’d love to be stroking as he talked to Emily. “Maybe next time,” he thought.
Could this be a thing that happened more than once? He hoped it could.
“I’m spreading the robe all the way open, and I see your beautiful body. I take it all in, and I’m hungry for you, because you’re perfect.”
Emily’s face flushed at those words and her heart quickened.
“I’m kissing you between your breasts now. Slowly moving over to one side, kissing a nipple, and circling it slowly with my tongue,” he paused, almost afraid to ask. “Are you touching yourself any?”
A short hesitation, then softly, “Yeah.”
“Good. Touch your nipple gently. Imagine it’s my tongue circling it. Wet your fingers and slowly circle it, and pretend it’s me.” She wet her fingers and did as he instructed, eyes still closed. Her nipple responded obediently.
“Now gently take it between your fingers. I’m taking your nipple in my mouth. You can feel my lips on you, gently pressing together.”
Ted took a deep breath and asked, “If I were there, if we were really doing this, what would you want me to do now? What would you say to me?”
Softly, hesitantly, she spoke. “Fuck me.”
The words hit Ted in the chest like the punch of a fist. He inhaled sharply and hoped she didn’t hear. No matter how hard he was fantasizing and wishing he would hear her say those words, he wasn’t prepared for it to actually happen.
“Say it again. I want to hear you say it.”
“Fuck me. Please fuck me.”
“You don’t know how much you’re turning me on right now,” he confessed.
“You’re turning me on more. I’m so wet. I’ve never been so horny in my life.” They were both stunned at the power that the others’ voice held.
Ted was rubbing the bulge in his jeans and wanting so badly to take it out. Emily was sliding her fingers up and down her wet slit and she could hear the sound as her fingers moved.
“I’d fuck you if I were there. I want you so bad, Emily,” and he really meant it. This wasn’t a game. He wanted her with every bit of his being. He wasn’t shocked at all with the coarse word he just said out loud to her. It felt perfectly acceptable. As far as he knew, he hadn’t said that word out loud since he was in his teens. “Keep touching yourself. Are you playing with yourself?”
“Yes,” and she wanted to add, “close to cumming,” but she kept that to herself.
“I want you to cum. I want to hear you cum. Cum pendik escort bayan for me. Just keep playing, imagine I’m there, touching you, all over, kissing you, licking you…” Emily kept her rhythm. “I’m laying with you in the bed, you can hear the ocean outside, listen to the waves crashing on the rocks. The sun is all the way down now, and there’s a cool breeze blowing into the room, and we feel it cooling us down. We’re both so wet from our passion, and the breeze is cool but we’re so hot from what we’re doing. I’m entering you; feel me going inside you, very slowly, I’m kissing you deeply and going in so slow…”
Emily was fully immersed in the image now, eyes closed, imagining the room, the surf, the breeze, and feeling Ted enter her. She slid two fingers inside herself as deep as she could. “It feels so good. Make me cum, I want to cum,” she pleaded.
“I’m all the way in, moving slowly still. Kissing your beautiful lips. I’ve wanted you for so long, and I’m finally having you. Every week I’ve looked out at you, looked at your beautiful face, your eyes, your lips, and wanted to possess you. Now you belong to me, all of you,” Again, Ted’s words weren’t just prose to enhance her experience. He meant every word. He wanted Emily more than he had ever wanted any woman.
“Cum for me, beautiful angel. Cum for me. Let me hear you.”
Emily was on the brink. Just as before, her fantasy led her to the edge of a wave that grew and grew, until it crested over her with such force that she gasped for breath. Ted listened and drank in the sound, and his mind provided an image of her writhing, naked body, in her bed, probing herself to orgasm. His erection could get no harder, even though he had stopped stroking. He felt the early twitches of his own climax.
“Cum, Angel, cum for me,” he commanded. She answered a moment later, “I did…I…did.”
Her confirmation gave him release, and he erupted into his boxers. He grunted aloud, and she said, “Are you okay?”
He felt the spasms filling his underpants and he was amazed at the sensation. For a moment he wondered if it would fill his shorts to a point where he wouldn’t be able to come back into the house without it being noticed.
“Oh, God. Yes, yes, I’m…I’m fantastic!” he laughed. “Oh, God, you made me cum too!”
Emily giggled at his words, and felt a rush like she had never felt. “I did?? That’s…wow…really? You’re serious?”
“Yes! That was…fantastic! Amazing.” He couldn’t think of the right word. “It was…perfect.”
“Did I do it okay?” she had no idea what to do from the start, and his opinion mattered to her more than anything at the moment. The words, “lousy kisser” were in her head.
“Yes, you were perfect. Absolutely perfect. That was amazing. I hope it was that great for you.” He had only wanted this to be him talking, guiding her; he had no idea it would become a mutual session.
“Oh, fuck, yes. It was more than amazing.” He beamed at her affirmation of his verbal skills.
“I want to see you. I don’t know how, but I want to see you. Soon.” He was close to breathlessness.
“I can get out tomorrow probably. You want me to text you?”
“Yes, please, as soon as you know something. I’ll find a reason, and we’ll figure out a way. I want to see you so bad.” He had no idea what he’d do in her presence, but he knew he wanted to at least hold her in his arms, and kiss her lips.
“I’ll text you as soon as I know. I promise. I want to see you too.”
“I think I may have just fallen in love for the first time in my life.”
Emily had no idea what to say. The silence roared between them.
“Emily? Are you still there?”
“Yes…yes. I…just wasn’t sure what to say,” she admitted.
“Just say I can see you tomorrow, and you want it too,” he begged.
“More than anything.”
“I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
“Okay,” and again you could hear her smiling.
“Goodbye Angel,” he said.
“Goodbye Ted.”
Ted hung up, and started the car. “I’m going to do this,” he thought. “I’m really going to do this. Lord help me.”
Emily got up to shower. She was covered in sweat and her juices were running down her legs. She took the longest, hottest, most relaxing shower ever. When she got out, she looked at herself in the dresser mirror again. She could still make out the red marks on her belly. She smiled.
End of part five.
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