Longest Penis Ever

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I work as an urologist at a clinic in Cleveland and have come across some very weird situations but few weirder than a patient I’ll call Mark. It is a sad fact of the matter that a large number of men are concerned/obsessed with the size of their penis with around 60% polled saying they are unhappy with their size. There are certainly cases where size is an issue but these are outliers and nothing for the vast majority of men to be concerned about. Sadly, Mark was pathologically obsessed and took it to an extreme.

Mark came in concerned that he was unable to get an erection. Common problem, although Mark was a bit young and healthy to be having erectile dysfunction. Still, it happens. He’d had the problem for more than a year and it was beginning to weigh heavily on him. Even medication like Viagra had failed completely. So he showed me his penis to see if I could get some clue. Penises come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but my experience hadn’t prepared me for what Mark showed me.

Mark’s penis was long. Absurdly long. Ridiculously long. It hung just about to the middle of his calf. I’m sure that sounds beyond unbelievable but let me explain. The shaft of Mark’s astoundingly long penis was as thin as my pinky. The head was actually fairly large but hung like a plumb bob at the end of a string. My immediate bostancı escort bayan assumption was that Mark did this to himself.

Mark fessed up immediately as to what he had done. Before Mark started on his tragic journey he claimed to measure in at an unaltered 9″ which is already an extreme length. Mark, however, became obsessed with reaching the 12″ mark which was simply not within his genetic potential. So like a woman who gets breast implants that are far beyond attractive, Mark decided to do some body modification. Since he worked from home, Mark was able to try out some methods he had read online. He achieved success with the simple method of attaching a weight to his penis.

Mark became frighteningly sophisticated with his method of stretching. He bought a chair with a wicker bottom and cut it out. Then he would sit at his desk for hours with a weight attached to his penis. He experimented with heavier weights until he worked his way up to a 15 pound weight which was as heavy as he could go and still have it attached for several hours. Then, every night he would measure and his desire to increase his length was met with actual success. The obvious problem is that every gain in length was a sacrifice in girth. Mark had no solution to the issue of girth loss but his obsession ümraniye escort was with that magical number that was his length.

Eventually, Mark hit his goal of 12″ but why stop there. He’d heard that the longest verified penis was 13.5 inches so that became his new goal. When his weight began to touch the floor he simply raised his chair. Later, he had to raise his entire desk. His goal of 13.5 inches was met but Mark wanted to continue. At some point Mark became incapable of getting an erection, which was a setback but he just continued stretching. Eventually his flaccid penis was beyond any known length.

I asked Mark if he was still stretching and he told me yes. At this point it didn’t matter. The damage was irreparable. The spongy tissue in the shaft of his penis had collapsed and could no longer support an erection. According to Mark he was still sexually active although you can imagine the limitations with a penis that is essentially a long noodle with a head dangling off the end. Vaginally, about the only thing Mark to do was shove his penis inside but normal sex was out of the questions. He did volunteer the information that his girlfriend would give him oral sex and he was fully capable of feeling sensation and achieving organism.

It became clear that Mark was not here simply escort kartal seeking help from a professional. In fact I suspect he knew the damage was irreversible. Mark was also trying to satisfy his own sexual desires through me. He asked me if his was the longest penis I had ever seen and was clearly pleased when I answered that it was undoubtedly the longest. When he asked if his was the longest I had ever heard of I told him it was far longer than any other I could imagine and Mark seemed to beam with pride. He continually handled his penis as he talked. At one point he held the head up just below his chin and later held it in the center of the shaft and allowed the head to swing like a pendulum. I wasn’t sure if he was doing all this for my benefit or if he simply was in the habit of handling his penis throughout the course of the day.

Mark even explained to me that he would tie multiple knots in his penis when he went out so it didn’t hang so low. I didn’t really get the logic of this. He began telling me how he was able to put the head of his penis in his girlfriends vagina while she sat next to him in a theater or how should could give him oral sex at the same time they were kissing. This was clearly intended as bragging and I finally cut him off. My strong suggestion was to cease the stretching. At this point I honestly didn’t know how much more his shaft could take. It still seemed sturdy despite being pencil thin.

Did Mark take my advice? Probably not. He has not made another appointment but I suspect he will continue until an even greater tragedy strikes.

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