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Sperm Party – The Cuckold 2M arrived home from work one evening soon after his first experience with Caroline’s cum fest, to find his sister Jenny’s car parked in his driveway. There was also another car parked up behind her’s, a dodgy old red reck. Leaking oil all over the block paving he wouldn’t be surprised he thought.”Oh, here’s M,” Jenny called as he entered and she got up to kiss him in welcome.The sight that met his eyes was quite startling. Caroline was relaxing on the big soft sofa, looking as sophisticatedly elegant as she always did. Her immaculate white shirt blouse revealed only the smallest hint of her generous cleavage, although her breasts filled the material very well. She wore a pair of blue cargo pants and her legs were discreetly crossed as she sat comfortably. What was startling was the sight of the well-built young man standing before her. He was completely naked. His powerful thighs were parted in a power stance, his muscles rippled, and he presented his firm erection for all to see.”Hello honey,” Caroline greeted her husband, “you remember Jim don’t you? He’s just called by to donate his semen. Jenny was just going to wank him off for us.””Hi buddy,” Jim greeted M, by shaking his hand firmly inconguously enough as his prick pointed in M’s direction too, rigid and firm.Caroline and Jenny laughed. They too saw the irony in the scene.”Better if you çanakkale escort bayan shake his dick than his hand M.” Jenny giggled.”Well, why not,” Caroline said. “Now he’s here he can help. Jenny, fetch that little digital scale from the kitchen will you, and one of those small sherry glasses too. We’ll use one of those.”Jenny went off and M took in the sight of his sister’s neat form as she went, she wore a simple pale dress with slip on sandels which set off her figure very well indeed. Jim had noticed too, his cock saluted her.”M, why don’t you start?” Caroline suggested.”Start wanking Jim’s cock for him, Jenny and I don’t want him wasting his energy in arm movements.””Here buddy,” Jim offered his dick to M placing it pleasingly in profile to Caroline’s gaze.”My Jim your cock is certainly an impressive size isn’t it.” she spoke admiringly.”They grow them that big in Texas,” Jenny remarked as she returned carrying the glass and the scale. “That’s why I selected you, wasn’t it Jim?””It sure is ma’am, I ain’t never had no complaints from you or Caroline yet. Nor anybody come to think. What about you buddy? You like handling a real Texan dick?”M was wanking Jim by this time his hand curled around the fat pork shaft that felt so much larger than his own and so much more satisfying to hold.”Its very stiff and hard,” M said, ” I like the feel of it. How is escort çanakkale that wanking, does it feel good?””Well it is good enough, but you know what buddy, I’m here to donate my semen to these two lovely ladies and I reckon I’d be happier if I had young Jenny’s soft little fingers wrapped around it.””He’s right Jenny,” Caroline answered, “you wank him off, M can collect the donation, and all of you, move up closer, I want a ringside seat.”M watched as his sister Jenny’s soft delicate and slim fingers curled sensuously around Jim’s thick shaft. She could not close her hand around it but that don’t matter a she softly coaked him with delicate strokes encouraging his dick to respond. M couldn’t help noting with wonderment how expert his sister was at this and asked himself where she’d gained her experience. Jim responded too, the muscles around his neck tightened, his thick thigh muscles tensed. He presented a magnificent sight as he was wanked.”He’s nearly there,” Caroline noted, “M, ready with that glass please.”M held the glass over Jim’s glans. Jenny helped by aiming him down into it and rippling Jim’s foreskin quickly. She knew how to move a man to his fullest and most satisfying orgasm.”Hhhnnn,” Jim grunted, “here you are ladies, with my compliments.”He spurted. M caught the first jet neatly as it splashed around the sides of the glass. The second asnd çanakkale escort third spurts even more powerful ones. M counted eleven gouts of Jim’s seed before he stopped jerking and Jenny stopped calming him down with her fingers.”Weigh it M,” Caroline told him.M put it on the scale and watch as the accurate digital readout settled at 11g.”Well done Jim! That was a magnificent effort, you’ve never done that much before. That will put you well in the lead and prime candidate for my breeding programme.” Caroline praised him.”You’re very welcome Caroline, those tips you gave me ’bout storing and making it seem to help a lot. You just let me know now when you want me at stud, but I must go now if you don’ mind.”After Jim had left, the two women sat side by side and compared their notes. Caroline had a notebook by her side and M could see that she had a page for Jim with all sorts of data on it. She wrote the day’s date and 11g down.”Pass me Jim’s sperm please M,” she asked.As the women talked, M leafed through the book. It was full of so many men’s names M wondered how Caroline had found the time to sample them all. Here was Amos, only 5g. Simon at 7g with a note that his sperm was very thick and rich with a clean fresh taste. Tom at A bigger 9g with thinner consistency but a powerful spurt and a strong salty taste. M found his senses swim at the implications of the data.Caroline meanwhile sipped appreciatively at the fresh but cooling creamy semen.”Well M,” she said, “which pair shall your sister and I choose?””Choose for what Caroline?” M asked.”Why for our first babies of course. You choose which one’s baby you are going to raise.”
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