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My Lesbian LoverShe has these timid, sultry eyes,Caramel lips and shotgun thighsHer voice is like a lustful dream,Her flesh of purest milky cream.When we kiss my body risesAnticipating her surprises.She always has something new in storeShe keeps me wanting more and more.Sexy nurse, or naughty karaman escort schoolgirl,Secretary, nasty pool-girl,Softest silken angel feathersDemonic dominatrix leathersTeacher’s pet or red-light districtOfficer with cuffs to restrictSupermodel on the catwalkCollared and escort karaman gagged so she can’t talkDiapers for some innocenceWhips for when there’s consequenceShe’ll lead me into bed and tease meBlind folded, and always please meWith her toying, tender touchAnd stop just before karaman escort bayan too much.When I’m sure she’s truly sweetShe digs her nails into my meatMy body arches from the painJuices flowing like the rain.Sweat and heat and pounding heartHer fingers pierce me like a dartOne then two, then come the toys,When you’ve got these who needs boys?Anal beads and bulging cocksDog dick dildos hard as rocks -She’ll do anything I ask herBut I’d rather feel the moments spurIt’s more fun to never knowWhich side of her she’s gonna show.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32