Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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Behind my back, she’s a totally different womWe’d been married 29 years when I got my eyes opened to another side of a woman I thought I knew really well. Our honeymoon(1984)was spent at an ocean side cottage and it rained steady for three straight days. Being newlyweds,both entering our second marriage, we knew our way around sexually and that’s what we did. On the third day we visited a porn store and brought some videos back to the cottage and continued to m***** each other. We discussed what was on the screen and whether we had done those things or would consider doing them. I am very open with a vivid erotic fantasy driven mind.I asked her if she had any and she replied no, not really. I said everyone has fantasies. I asked if she would pose for lingerie or bedroom pictures? She was totally against it. Hell, she wouldn’t even vocalize during sex. Our sex was OK, nothing out of the ordinary,nothing erotic or mind blowing. The fact is , I fantasized and masturbated more than I got laid.Once I talked her into wearing a hem to collar button up dress, with nothing underneath. I caressed her tits, and fingered her when the road and traffic allowed.The conversation, although one sided,except for an occasional nod or giggle was hot and suggestive. Soon her dress had only one button below her naval holding it from being completely open. Her breast were fully exposed, and the smell of aroused pussy filled the car. With my encouragement she started to finger herself, lightly at first, then deeper and faster as time went by. Soon the last button was undone, her head was thrown back against the seat, her eyes closed, and her fingers working her pussy like she was playing a Stradivarius. She put her feet wide on the dash and was unaware casino oyna of higher riding vehicles looking in as I passed them. A few truckers giving me a thumbs up. She moaned, speeding up her strokes, her thumb flicking her clit as she strove for an orgasmic climax. It seems I was passing more trucks than usual, a perfect example of the CB brotherhood.She was getting close as her fingers plunged deeper into her sloshing fuck hole, and her breathing became heavier. I had an idea and moved the tires on her side over the rumble strip, the vibration sent her over the edge, with her knees opening and closing, and a long soft moan filling my ears. When she recovered a little, I asked if I could taste her fingers. I soon pulled into a rest area to gas up, she scurried off to the ladies room as I pumped the gas. A trucker came up to me and asked if we were swingers, or at least if I’d be interested in sharing her, and watching another man fuck her silly? I said we had never discussed it, and she most likely would reject the idea. Damn, I’d sure like even just one shot at her, you’re one lucky guy.I paid the attendant and pulled the car over and parked. I headed to the men’s room, and met my wife beet red, flustered and hot footing it to the car. I did what needed doing and got back in the car. She told me of a guy inside that got close to her, and offered her $20.00 if she’d show him her tits. $30 if she’d get in his rig and let him taste her pussy.I asked what her reply was? I just looked away and got to the car as quick as I could.I chuckled and said, you should have taken the $20. they are pretty nice. The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for her asking me what I would have thought if she took the $50? I replied canlı casino siteleri that if she had gotten into his rig, he wouldn’t have stopped with just licking her pussy. Once it got dark, I got her to open her dress so I could feel her tits, she reclined the seat, and started to work on herself again. When we got home, we enjoyed some well lubricated sex. I’ve asked her many times if she had any fantasies, if she’d pose for some naughty pictures, and if she’d talk dirty while we had sex, but nothing ever happened.Then she got a computer compatible camera, and one night she nervously approached me. Set some pictures in front of me, and asked if I liked them. The first picture was of her in a long loose skirt, and a peasant blouse with the top pulled down off her shoulders. The second picture had the blouse pulled down exposing one tit which she cupped, rolling her nipple between fore finger and thumb, the other hand hiked the dress up to show her neatly trimmed bush. The third shot showed her on the couch, two fingers deep into her pussy. The last picture was a close up of her pussy, her hair matted with cum. I wasn’t sure if she had an extremely heavy response, or some guy had dumped a load.. Without pressing the matter, I said Hell yeah I liked them, Thank You. She said NO, I’ll keep them, but they’ll be in a magazine under my bureau. I got to them 3 or 4 times, then they were gone. I asked where they were and she said she didn’t feel right about them.Roll ahead to 2013, I received at work an envelope addressed to me with no return address, no postmark and no note. Inside was a picture of my wife giving a blow job to a very well endowed black man.At first I was in denial,trying to convince myself it couldn’t casino şirketleri be her. The more I looked the more I realized it was her, and the way she placed her tongue under the head of his cock was very familiar to me. And with them being completely naked, the chance of it being more than just a blow job, struck me deep and i got angry. I got a few pictures of her from home and asked a few trusted friends what they thought, If it was the same lady? All answered it’s either her, or an exact twin. A retired state trooper said that he had no doubt the pictures matched and asked who she was? A lady that is a professional photographer, said it had not been photo-shopped, couldn’t have been a timed exposure, but was definitely taken by a third person on a high grade camera. A friend that is very good with computers, brought in a copy of the picture, saying it was on a site that anyone could post pictures on and was taken in 2009, posted in 2012. Next a lady told me if I copied it in black and white more details would show. I did and was taken aback when a translucent bump appeared on the right side of her face in the very same spot my wife has one. With all the information I had received my anger was fading, being replaces with an unusual sense of arousal. I got her into the same position as in the picture, watching where she put her hands, how her lips, mouth and tongue moved. And I even had a chance to look at us in the mirror for a different effect. I then ravaged her with an enthusiasm and vigor i hadn’t had in a long time. now that I know it’s her with absolutely no doubt. I’m wondering how, when and where they met? How long the relationship lasted? Is it still going on? Who took the picture? Has she become the sex slave of this black man, has he shared her? Has she taken on others without his or my knowledge? Does she give it away, or sell it? Who is this woman that I’ve shared 29 years with?If I knew how to attach the picture I would. Part II will follow.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32