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A walk in the parkIt’s a real hot summer and the last weeks broke any heat record measured in this town ever. So everyone comes out at night to enjoy the slight bit of cooling. So you decide it’s time for me to take me for my first public walk.You’ve been training me for two weeks now into being a good dog. Every single meal you made me eat from the bowl down on my hands and knees. I wore a broad pink collar because you trained me to be a bitch. After spending a week living on the floor spending the night in a giant basket at the feet of your bed, being prohibited to speak you gave me a reward. You bought a new zentai specially made for one purpose, making me become a real bitch. It had a dalmatian pattern and a very good looking tail attached to it. Under the hood there was a mask in the shape of a dog’s mouth and there was a set of cute ears hanging down from my head. I was very excited when I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I’ve been very happy and ran around barking of joy. You smiled at me and said “I ‘ll look you in that suit for a full week and at the end of the week we’ll take a walk in the Park if you a are a good bitch.” While telling me about your plans you secured my collar with a lock, having the same key as the chastity belt I’ve been wearing for a week als well now. The week went on and you kept training me to be a good dog. You taught me to fetch, to return, to sit, lay down, bark on command and follow on your side.On that night you told me I deserved to go out with you. So you put a leash on my collar, checked for the CB under the suit with a firm grip, letting me whimper shortly. I look up to you, into your eyes, enjoying the view on your beauty. You stand in front of me with some wonderfull high-heeled Boots, a skirt slightly shorter then your knees and because you know how much I enjoy it you wore a tanktop without a bra underneath it, allowing your soft bahis firmaları breasts to move underneath it visible while every move and even allowing your nipples to peek through the fabric when you’re aroused. The necklace with the key to the collar and my chastity belt around your neck showed anyone I’m completely your property and you have full control. And in your hand vor the case I’d misbehave you carry a tawse. With a pull on the leash and a flip of your finger you drag me out of my dream while looking at you. Immediately I walk on your side like a good dog does.After 10 minutes walking through the streets and getting some strange looks we arrive at the “Furry park” like its called. At this place furrys, petplayer and their owners can life and act like it’s the most normal thing in the world. And so it doesn’t take long until we meet the first people. It’s a female horse, running on two legs with special heels on leaving footprints with her horseshoes at the bottom. She’s wearing a very real looking fur on her body and a very real mask. Obviously she’s training her walk or better her way to run. She’s wheezing realy loud and somehow she scares me. I try to get out of her way but you keep me on a short leash, close to your legs. You put yourself between her and me protecting me from what’s scaring me and giving me a feeling of safety. With a sniffing I keep focused on her, looking after her while she passes us. I slightly growl as she’s veering away. As a direct reaction you pull the leash, shouting a loud: “Stop it!” at me. I startle and immediatly I snuggle to your leg whimpering for mercy as you lift the tawse, starring at me strictly. “That’s a good bitch.” you appreciate my immediate submission to your command an power as you lead me further through the park.After leeting me pee like a bitch on my hands and in a squat watching the pee rinse through the fabric, perabet güvenilir mi without letting my CB or my dicklet outside of the suit we walk on. And then we meet a couple quite similar to us. But it’s a Master with his dog.I stand in awe as I see this huge guy who’s the dog, but his master isn’t any smaller. I am a little scared but I accept my role so I curiously start pulling in their direction, wanting to sniff on the other dog. You smile at the master and we come closer to each other. The other dog wants to sniff on the bitch at the end of your leash as well. “It’s a sissy bitch and I’m afraid she’s in heat.” You say to the master honestly about my condition. The dog is already sniffing at me and my butt as I am with him. I can see he’s allowed to carry his cock freely and so I sniff at his balls and cock as a real bitch in heat does. I even dare to lick them shortly as I hear you owners starting some gossip. I can feel him sniffing at my butt and even trying to jump on my back for the first time. But his master pulls on the leash and takes him away from me. I try to get back into his reach but you keep me from following my bitch-instincts. “You got a very handsome dog there and both of them seem to like each other. What do you thing, shall we let them go free and see if your dog breeds my bitch? Maybe we get some pretty puppies.” He smiles and unleashis his dog and so do you. First we run around a little bit on the loan hunting each other and playing, enjoying our freedom while you and the master take a seat at a bench, watching us. I can’t hear what you are talking about but it’s obvious that there’s something going on between you. I use my tongue a little bit to get the dogs cock hard and I prepare mentally for the use of my bitch-cunt. I can’t barely wait to get my cunt stuffed. You smile at me again and again taking a look on what’s tipobet going on with your little bitch. Looking back at you I can see that you’re being gently touched, that your kissing that huge muscular guy and that you are touching him between his legs. Almost at the same time I see you standing up, lifting your skirt a little and sitting down on his hard and huge pole, having your back towards him and your eyes focussed on my, moaning while his pet is jumping on my back, sliding his big cock into my bitch-cunt. It’s a very rough fuck I’m receiving and it realy feels like theres an a****l using me for his pleasure. I feel I don’t matter for him at all, it’s all about his pleasure and his relief inside my hole. I guess his Master was having him in chastity for a while to create such a pressure inside him letting him lose control over any human self-control, simply fucking and using my ass as his the cunt of his bitch. I enjoy this treatment a lot especially while having you look into my eyes. I seer your arousal, I hear your moans and I can watch you moving your hips an his giant cock. Like a real dog would do after shooting an incredible load inside me he let’s his cock inside of me for a while. So I have time to enjoy you riding his master, getting your share of the fun, With a harsh whistle you command me to you and I come crawling towards you, seeing you smile at me. You lift your skirt and present your sexy crotch to me, with a very skilled move you reveal a new feature on my mask, letting it slide open so theres free access to my mouth. You look at me and by the look in your eyes I know what to do. I slide my head unter your skirt kissing and licking you, but your lover as well. I lick the cum and pussy juice from your bodies and clean your pussy as well as his, even in flacid shape, huge cock. I’m busy a while and I get a lot of juices to eat, but after a while I’m done and you’re both clean. You stand up and give the master a deeo tongue kiss “Maybe there’s some more need for breeding. I guess we’ll meet again.” You attach the leash again to the collar and we finish our walk through the park withour other special events.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32