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A piece I never bothered to finish..eginning 2057, Dr. Anhaisen finally completed his life’s work: a working teleportation device, functioning on the principle of de-atomizing a material and re-arranging it in a pre-set latitude/longitude coordinates. But this machine, as anything good is, was put to personal use. And that’s where we come in.Meet Lana, a 30 year old dreamer, stuck in the oh-so-bland small town of Retor, in the New Republic of European Nations. Lana crosses paths with Dr. Anhaisen, to become his lab assistant and “formal tester” by the finality of the invention… So our story begins.____________________________________________________________________________Today, Lana entered the lab late, as was no surprise. The girl is a dreamer and given more to her fantasy in her head than what was actually going on around here. Picking up her materials for the day, and settling in behind her desk. No sooner did she sit, than a blast came from behind the locked doors of the main lab.Startled, Lana jumped, then immediately ran to the door, pressing her face against the tempered glass, looking and checking gauges posted outside the door to ensure that it was safe to enter. After pressing a series of digits on the keypad, the door itself slid into the floor, an extra precaution needed with the frequency of blasts that came from this lab.”D…Dr. Anhaisen?” she called timidly into the lab.”Ah, Lana! My c***d! Come here, come here!” came a not so far away reply, as the Doctor became visible from behind a short stack of papers, idly wiping soot from the frames of his glasses.As she was bid, so did she move, coming to a stop at the other end of the desk, looking on with curiousity shining through her features.”Lana, I’ve done it. It’s complete!” exclaimed the Doctor, hurriedly moving from his post at the desk to move over to a large machine. “The teleportation device actually WORKS!” came next, with such jubilation it was hard for Lana not to burst into smile herself.Before another word could be spoken, the Doctor placed an apple into a matrix across the floor, and pressed a few buttons.With a near invisible tiny *poof* the apple moved from the spot it had been, to a few feet away. Lana gasped, not believing her eyes.”But..Does it.. does it work on real people?” she asked, diving into a fantasy she’d had of travelling the world (not to mention the smörgåsbord of men she’d desperately wanted to try from other areas) and seeing everything she could.”My c***d, all in time. I have just barely ensured that this machine will work with minimal error.” smiled the Doctor.”Well, but..” and without even a second thought, she adds a rat to the matrix and pushes the same button he had to move it. Squealing in delight as the *poof* made the same pass for the rat, replacing it a few feet away, directly beside the apple. “Look!” she jumped up and down in place, pointing excitedly.”Well.. I’ll be damned.” Dr. Anhaisen gaped, looking at the rat. “I must check it for anomalies!” With that, the lab rat was scooped up and carted off, leaving Lana to her dreams and fantasies, as she stared idly at the floor matrix .. wishing…Chapter 1: “You did what?!”Forty-eight hours had passed since the lab rat was moved from place to place by hand of Lana, leaving Anhaisen on a mad rush to confirm any anomaly that might exist within the rat’s structural build. Having worked nearly non-stop since that time, Anhaisen found himself finally slowing and broaching the subject of sleep, yawning idly as he filed the remainder of papers in front of him, deciding to wait until the week began anew to send his results to the scientific community. That would also give him a day or so to re-check the data. With a sigh and rubbing of sore eyes came the call. “Lana?”By the time Lana had reached the door Anhaisen had already began to lull at his desk, perking up once the creak of the door started. “Ah, there you are my c***d.” Anhaisen beamed brightly as she walked through the door. After all, you don’t become personal assistant to the world’s authority of nuclear astro-physics without having a bit of smarts yourself. Lana at the age of 23 had become one of the youngest girls to graduate with a doctoral, and by far the youngest to work the lab by one of the most decorated scientists in this generation.”Yes, sir?” she offered upon entering, taking note and awe of the now looming stacks of reports s**ttered about the room. Anhaisen removed his glasses and rubbed at the corner of his right eye.”I must say, c***d. You have done something for me the likes of which I would likely never have done for myself,” his voice trailed off as did his eyes, in a far-away place; the skies still blue, the people still simple. A few moments passed before he resettled his eyes on the young girl as if seeing her for the first time. Lana was built to the tune of a runner, five foot seven with a lean build. Thick tendrils of a very ebony hair cascaded down around her shoulders, resting atop her breast, adding a bit of dimension to her already more than ample chest. The girl could never be trusted to wear a proper shirt under her lab coat, as was the case today, giving her a tad more allure. Her bottoms, today at least, were simple slacks, fitting at just the right places to still be able to display her lower curves. The real trick to her was in her eyes, a true green but dotted with yellow (via central heterochromia) around her pupil, a shock against her so light fleshtone.The doctor sighed, and then smiled once again, resuming his words, “I have now seen nearly all that technology can accomplish, and want to further YOUR dreams, Lana.” He opened his hands at the desk and set them down, offering her room to speak.Never missing an opportunity, she quickly came with, “Well, Doctor, you did say that the rat is 100% as it was pre-transmission in your final report, did you not?” As Dr. Anhaisen began to nod she continued hurriedly, “So I spent the last 48 hours while you were checking, redesigning the floor matrix into a portable model. Instead of the contact item sitting atop it. Why not attach it?!” With that, she brandished her wrist pulling away the lab coat. Affixed to it was a light metallic band, bracketed to fit around varying wrist types but with a large square sitting center the device. “I’ve repackaged every item on the original matrix into this, a device 186% smaller than the original.” Noting the shock on his face, adding quickly “And before you say anything! I’ve already tested it…””You güvenilir bahis siteleri did what?!” There is nothing purer than the aghast look a person has when they really think they’ll never hear a particular something. In this case, the Doctor had found his moment. “Bu..but..The possibilities!” he managed to stammer out before reeling back in his chair, holding his head.”Easy, Dr. Anhaisen, it was a cinch. Once you had the coordinate emulsion technology perfected,it was just a matter of sizing it. I overpowered the grid to work for larger objects and just downsized your idea.” And with that, she slid a door on the bracelet open and pushed it.*Poof* .. And she was gone.The scream that followed echoed the hallways, like nothing of this world. A loud yet melancholy sound, edging ragged as it exited Dr. Anhaisen’s mouth, a mix of sheer terror and instant regret. The doctor stopped everything and just sat in his chair, rolling it back against the wall and staring at the spot where his bright young assistant once stood. Seconds became minutes as Dr. Anhaisen stared at that spot, willing her to return. He leaned forward a bit, spotting a,*poof* Lana, apparently. The doctor made mental note of the ripple in the second just before she appeared and now regarded her carefully, examining from head to toe to see if any damage had been done to her. But then his jaw dropped anew, seeing she had a bag marked “? ?a?? t?? ??????” The Temple of Athena. From within she brought a small statuette and set it on his desk. “A gift, for you Doctor. From Greece.””Do you know what you could have done to yourself?!” he immediately tried to be angry, but only felt himself grateful for her return and utterly fascinated with what she’d done, eyes wandering to the statuette on his desk. He reached for it and brushed his fingers over the entire object, both disbelieving his eyes and checking the actual feel of the object.”It’s been a long few days, Doctor. I tested this a few times first, I assure you. But I thought you might stop me from even the attempt, so this is what I’ve been up to. I have this single working model, and a second currently a few hours away from completion!” She bounced a little with that last, openly looking for appreciation.”My c***d… You are… genius.” There was no stopping the hug that came, cradling the girl to him in a tight, loving embrace but with one item out of place in this scene, the Doctor’s more-than-obvious arousal. Old enough to be her father, to be sure, but a man not out of touch with the basest of needs, and certainly not past the prime of obtaining them. Until this singular moment, the entirety of their relationship had been work, but Lana housed a secret: the exact nature of who she is was wrapped in sex and so she moistened at the closeness of them both.”Uhm.. Doctor?” The tone in her voice sufficed, bringing the doctor back to the physical world with a noticeable shame, moving a step back and hanging his head before stealing a look at Lana. The reaction on her face, however, was not one he’d expected. Lana had bitten her lip quite hard, draining it both of blood and color. The next words that came were filled with something darker, so much that the words themselves seemed to lend weight to the world. “Would you mind coming back to me?” She reached her hand, staying level with his crotch waiting for the older man to step forward once more. A change, then, presented itself in the older man, summoning the courage of a man half his age and with twice the bravado. Mischeviousity became the light behind his eyes, taking a bold step forward to press himself straight back into her hand.Lana wasted a literal second to shed her lab coat, fingers at ease unlatching the top of his dress pants and pooling them at the Doctor’s feet. A slight hiss of air was heard, though the emanating party remained a mystery, and then what was once business became need. The Doctor wasted no time in producing himself bare for her, Lana’s hands becoming simply a guide to her mouth. As she lowered herself to crouch between his legs a hand slipped into her own pants, stoking the building heat as she took the tip of him into her mouth, all the while swirling her tongue and making it feel almost circular as she drove him in and out of her mouth. Lana made sure as always to watch, a singular source of her pleasure at all times came from watching, locking her eyes on the face of the man she’d begun to pleasure, as the color drained from his face and instead filled his cock, lengthening to an almost unreal position within her mouth. Lana paused a moment to remove her own coverings and turned, impaling herself onto his arousal, sharply crying out as the tip of his manhood just barely hitting her cervix. In all this, the Doctor had been motionless, wordless. Until now. His hands gripped her tightly, thumbs resting atop the dimples at the base of her spine. He now worked her, or forced her to work for him, forcing gyrations with her hips and ensuring she would grind herself deep, taking him across her every wall as she did. As she began to build her orgasm, her hands took position at the top of her entry, working herself faster until she burst fluids down them both. Yet this did not stop her, and she renewed her vigor in bouncing against the Dctor. The orgasm that came upon him was unannounced, and he burst inside her with little regard for anything else, crying out his orgasm around her loudly. His hands had moved from her waist to her arms, scratching downwards. What neither of them had noticed, was the tripping of the matrix across Lana’s arm. A 5-second countdown had begun.A smile, ever the trouble-maker, crossed Lana as she came again, significantly harder, spraying her fluids and what he’d released inside her to the floor infront of them both. Before the Doctor could begin to withdraw from her, the timer expired..*poof*_____Chapter 2The ground here was different than most places. With the temperature staying at a steady 43 degreees year round, it was no surprise that there was a heavy fog attached to this morning. It was a particular morning; June 4th, 2042, Lana had just finished up her fast track for school. Banners waved from nearby lightposts, heralding the up and coming scientists of the NREN. Lana exited a small facility, robed in a light yellow covering, d****d elegantly over her body, but wrapped close to her in varied places by dark red and purple sashes. Her hair today was adorned with gemstones, but in this age, perabet gems that emitted their own light, giving her an ethereal feel. Lana looked around her, at faces both familiar and foreign and felt her pride swell a little, as she knew she now joined the league of elite minds on the planet. She walked to the platform and settled herself into a chair atop it, listening to the tail end of the current speech only half-way, her mind far gone to another place. As the speaker concluded, other graduates passed to the microphone, giving their full names, and intended fields of study. Lana did the same, absently muttering “Nuclear astrophysics,” into the microphone and passing on to the next area.This area was oddly fashioned, with various travel apparatuses, most of which were powered either by a nuclear source, or by what solar power penetrated the dense shield around the earth, being as a shield had been put up a few years before to protect from the solar gigaflares that were so common, and had already roasted planets closer in orbit. Lana chose a lightcycle, one that allowed a user to pedal, or would rely on the hydrogen cells to move.As she mounted the cycle and headed to the main hall for housing assignment, Lana sighed wearily, wishing as she always did: for adventure, a change, something just … new. She needed that like an addict, and was so very sick of her current lifestyle that she’d give near anything just to have some fun and not have to stop.Night had fallen before Lana realized, and she found herself at a local bar, rubbing shoulders with both the young men around her age, and those significantly older. As she sat at the bar, chewing the straw to oblivion, a few of these people stood out to her, and she just then made up her mind. Hopping down off the stool, she wandered her way over to a group of guys playing pool (one of the last century-turn games left) and leaned away from the table to adjust a shoe strap, batting her eyes only slightly to make sure they were aware.Heads turned, as they always did for her and she played off of it, bending just enough to see the ink that sprawled down the right side of her back. If they were to lift the shirt, they’d see a vertical inking in one of the many dead languages, translating directly to “Nymph.””Did you wanna play, sweetheart?” from the closest of the three, who was eyeing her with nothing short of pure lust on his face. It’d passed that time of night that people were drinking civilly and now were looking for that girl to take home. Lana turned, setting her drink at the table and leaned in, saving no trick in her voice as she spoke.”This game? I’ll pass. I rather had something else in mind to celebrate my graduation today,” the last of which came as a slow set, rolling off her tongue laden with heavy need.And just like that, she’d had their attention rapt, and even a few of their friends. A quick head count gathered her at six, and she bit her lip. A feat even for her, she moistened at the thought and braced herself against the table for that singular moment of weakness. Steeling her nerve, she finished the drink and walked towards the door, looking back only one time to see who would follow, and she was gone.The men, as if they needed any further encouragement, barely made themselves to the door in a fashion less than chaotic, near tripping over each other and other patrons to make sure they didn’t lose sight of her. Even in that short time, they’d had a bit to catch up to her, needing to jog to their own vehicles to follow the trail left by her cycle as she headed towards home.Lana arrived at her home with a giddy excitement, bouncing off her cycle and into the door as she saw the headlights nearing the drive. Flicking on the lights, she sat just inside the door, legs slightly apart to give a glance at her heat. Within moments, the men were at the door, apparently having bickered on their way over about the girl and who she actually invited. As they neared her door, she gave a huge smile, leading them in with a single summoning finger. “You, you, and you,” pointing to the first three that entered. “Come, and taste.” All pretense of shyness was dropped now and she settled into a more comfortable mode for her — that of utter sexual need.Looking at each other, highly confused, they did as she bade, moving in and surrounding her, eyes now dark and greedy as they examined her body. Lana shrugged herself out of her top, having no shortage of help to get it off of her and they dropped to their knees about her. One of the men took post at her neck, alternating biting and nibbles along her neckline, wetting her skin and cooling it with a soft blowing motion to give her a chill. The next had fallen to her stomach, mirroring the first of the men in activity, but teasing along the top of her pants with a tongue, teeth pulling gently at the fabric covering her. The last, had taken to her chest, shying her straps down from her shoulders, and working across her flesh with tiny bites, the only one of them to actually mark her, which brought a series of small gasps from her throat.Without warning, Lana had undone her own pants and squirmed out just far enough to touch her own heat, gyrating her hips under all their touches, eyes rolled back and closed so she could absorb the sensations purely by touch. By this time, the remainder of their friends had shown themselves to the door and watched from the doorway, idling stroking themselves through their clothes watching the scene unfold before them.Lana heard them enter and opened her eyes just long enough to see that she had more visitors, and closed them again but not before getting her bearings and reaching for the pants of the two closest to her hands, expertly unbuttoning the tops of their jeans. Needing no encouragement, they picked up where she left off, dropping pants just far enough to expose themselves and Lana grabbed hold, stroking them slowly with soft hands, paying particular attentions to the heads, curling fingertips against that oh-so-soft flesh and gaining herself small sounds of delight.The man at her waist took note of this and pulled her out of her lower coverings all-together, licking greedily at her thighs until he could go no further and pushed her legs apart, pressing his face to her hairless heat, plunging his tongue into her, earning himself a face soaked in her stickiness, drawing a purist moan from her body.Lana turned her head and tightened her grip on the man to her right, pulling him perabet giriş in to place the tip of him in her mouth, teasing just so slightly before plunging him to the back of her throat, ready to gag herself if need be as she felt herself building the first of what she’d hoped to be many orgasms. The two near her head exchanged a look, smirking like they’d won the lottery as she now began to suck them in turn and as she switched, changed the style of her grip on them to maximize what they felt.”So which one of you will fuck me?” she whispered between having her mouth full, looking down to the one between her legs, hoping he’d get the hint. Get it, he did, having hurriedly shed his slacks and aligned himself to her heat, filling her in one solid stroke. She gagged, then, eyes rolling back into her head as she tried to scream around the cock in her mouth and failed, as the man had grabbed her hair to keep her in place as she was filled. “Oh G-g-god,” was all she managed to stammer out before he filled her again, going from tip to base slowly, then a bit more forceful with each stroke.The man to her left, whether it’d been a long time, or just typical , released himself into her mouth with the next round of sucking that he received from her, bracing his stance and emptying himself fully, looking Lana directly in the eye as she swallowed him without question, now greedily sucking to ensure she wasted not a drop. As the man moved away finally, one of the three at the door moved in to take his place.Lana came then, spraying the one inside her with a forceful spray, actually forcing him out of her by sheer contraction. She stood then, taking the newcomer and throwing him to the couch and climbed atop him, grinding her hips down and forwards to catch the tip of his cock and shoved him in, bouncing heavily on his lap. The soaked man stood and moved within reach of her face as she took him and sucked both her fluids and the bit of pre-cum from him. Reaching around as she did so she massaged her rear, dipping a finger just long enough to hint to the other man that she still needed filled. He obliged her, dropping to his knees and spreading her cheeks apart. His tongue covered her in slow laps, even daring to slide down the base of the other man’s cock fucking her and back up and into her ass, ensuring she was overly wet before he steadied himself against her, pushing slowly against her until her ass gave way, swallowing his cock halfway. In feeling their cocks rub against each other inside her, she came again, this time screaming onto the cock in her mouth and earning her another orgasm from a man, this one spraying across her face, covering her lips and chin with his slick cum. She relished in the taste again, her lower half quivering under the alternating strokes they provided her. Wiping her face mostly clean and eating what she could she began to rock against them forcefully, pushing her body back off the chair to have them fill her entirely with each stroke, forcing them to adopt the same rhythm with her.With two of them men having come already, they donned their clothes and left, chattering to each other about the level of luck they’d had that evening. The door shut behind them, leaving the last two men at the door moving to her, laying their cocks right into her hands.She paused then, drawing herself off the man under her and beckoned him stand, replacing his body with one of the fresher men. She sat again, putting this one directly into her ass and spread her legs as she cleaned back, stroking herself quickly as she did so and released a powerful stream into the air, giving the boys a show as she came once more. Grinning to each other, they shared a quick whispered word. This time, in filling her heat with a cock, the one that took the post stopped just short of halfway, holding her ankles far apart as he shoved himself upwards, ensuring he’d hit her most delicate spots. One of the two that had no such luck in her thus far pushed the envelope, leaning in to suck her clit as she was fucked by his friends, stroking himself as he did so.The man under her raked his nails down her back, forcing an arch into her spine and settling her a little deeper onto his cock, the pressure of it all forcing him to contract and release into her, coating her insides with his own thick stickiness, in contrast to the fluidity of what she’d received before, but a larger amount than either of the two, slowly sliding out of her around his dick with each thrust until he raised her, moving out of her and out of the seat. Lana breathed a little, her body shaking under the near non-stop orgasms she’d been having since this began, and reached under, cradling her abused tush til she’d had a handful of that sweet cream, and moved her hand to the top of her heat, shying off the mouth on her clit and rubbing it into herself around the other man inside her, who took that exact moment to fill her as well, exploding to the depths of her cavity, his cock shuddering hard inside her as he emptied himself, withdrawing only enough to leave the head inside her as he came to completion, pulling out slowly as the drip began, leaving her cunt a ruinous mess of multiple fluids.It seemed the last two remaining were either scared to take a place after she had vacant holes, or were simply voyeurs, as they’d both begun to furiously masturbate, one after the other unloading onto her, covering her from neck to waistline with criss-crossing ropes of cum, raising onto the tips of their toes as they did so. Lana greedily sucked these two as they finished, claiming small pearls from the tips of the men, running her hand inside and out of herself, dragging more of that sweet stickiness from her chest and forcing it inside herself, rubbing vigorously to cum a final time as the other men stopped stroking themselves simply to watch her.”You boys did well,” Lana purred, squirming in the chair she now occupied alone, relishing the heat of them all and everything that’d just passed. “I’m glad you got the hint. Now, be on your way unless you can manage another for me.”The men blanched, gaping at each other then at her, with wild disbelief over the girl who’d essentially came up to them a few short hours ago simply to tell them she wanted fucked in no shy terms. Shrugging to each other, they simply took their clothing and left. They’d been satisfied and found no reason to stay about. “S’what I thought,” Lana purred as they made for the door, and she curled herself back into the chair, resting her head back and drifting off to sleep.*poof* Lana’s eyes shot open, very aware of the fact that her pants were still at her ankles, and that the Doctor was still within her. Taking a quick glance at her surroundings, she knew they were very, very far from home.
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