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When me, Lateshay, got fucked at Freaknik….Once, I went to a Black Freaknik recently andthere were thousands of folks. As women walk down the street, they get felt on. BBC’son both sides of the side walk ready to get their feel on. As I walked, severaland I mean several hands were squeezing mybutt, tits and pussy. At first, I couldn’tbelieve how open everyone was to squeezingon female body’s from head to toe basically.It was at night, as I walked, then I wascicled and couldn’t go didim escort anywhere. BBC’sall around me feeling me, squeezing my titsand one put his finger up my butt. I startedto get turned on as my pussy became so wet.I was fingered by 3-5 fingers as others enjoyed therest of me. I was then lifted in the airas camera phones began shooting pics & vids.My ass was exposed and one BBC began to suckon it in front of everyone as I was hoistedin the air. One ate my pussy and I know escort didim I wassmelling good. 😉 My ass was ate, tittiessucked on as I was let back down to the ground.Many more BBC’s began to circle. I couldfeel my thong slide side ways as my arms wereheld as my mid section was lifted as if I wason my back….lifted in the air. A bigcock began to penetrate my pussy pounding andcalling my “white bitch”. he shot his loadand filled his condom. Many more began tofuck me filling up didim escort bayan condoms with cum. It hadto be 30 or more that fucked me in ass, pussy,pounding away cumming one after another. Mytits were the main focus at one point. OneBBC sucked my tits as he fucked me squeezingmy ass. He started chewing on my nipplesas he fucked me deeper and deeper. He puthis finger in my butthole and I yelled & cameso hard. It started another frenzy offucking me. One BBC after another. My pussywas so wet from my cum. My cum made itso easy for dicks to slide in and out of me.All of a sudden, I was bent over and mybutthole became the focus. One after anotherI was fucked deeeep in my ass. I wascumming constantly…..non stop!
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32