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Wife Takes a LoverFirst off my husband Hakan and I had been married for about five years. We had great sex life and just enjoyed being with each other. I am a police officer in our home town PD. Hakan started asking if I would enjoy being with another man while he watched. Hakan kept after me for months and started talking about me being with his best friend and my Sargent Hasan. Now Hasan was Hakan’s best friend from high school. He would talk about him all the time during are play times and I have to admit it did make me think about him while he would do this and Hakan could tell I loved it when he did because I would get very wet. Hakan would always make comments about how quickly I came when he mentioned him. Now Hasan was about 5’6” very tanned and had a body that was awesome. I started having fantasies about Hasan during work and would often think of him when Hakan would be gone on business trips. I would use my dildos but I would never let Hakan know about any of that or how hot I thought he was besides Hasan was married. I had noticed Hasan checking me out during work. Just so you know I am 5’6” and weigh about 130 with 38c breasts and a nice ass as or at least Hakan always said. One day Hakan was building a deck behind the house and Hasan was there to help. They had been working hard all day and it was hot outside. I would go out and take them cold drinks and sandwiches for lunch. When it started getting dark I ordered pizza and they gave up working for the night and started drinking. They went down to the game room to play pool and keep drinking and I went to the living room to watch some tv. It was about 11:00 when they came up to see what I was up to. I was lying on the couch covered by a blanket which I pulled up tight because I only had a long shirt and panties on underneath it. Hakan sat next to me and I snuggled up leaning against him and Hasan sat in a recliner to the side. Hakan sat there rubbing my back while talking to Hasan. Hakan was kind of falling asleep switched places with Hasan so he could watch the tv. Hakan just faded to sleep and Hasan and I sat there watching the show. It was not long before we found ourselves sitting close. Hakan was snoring now and Hasan and I just laughed and kept watching. Hasan started to rub my back I just sighed and said “That feels good don’t stop”. Hasan kept that up for about five minutes till his hand started to work around the side rubbing the side of my breast. I kept thinking I should stop him but just let it go. He kept getting braver and my not protesting led him almost to my nipple which was rock hard by now. I shifted to try to get him to stop by lying on my back with my head in bartın escort his lap thinking he would not be that brave and everything would go back to normal. I was pulling the blanket up to my neck when Hasan put his hand under it between my arm and the couch. I looked over at Hakan who was still snoring. Then I felt Hasan move his hand up and rested it on my right tit. I did not say anything and he slowly started to play with it. He was gently squeezing it and rubbing my nipple through my shirt. I knew I should stop him but it felt so good, he was on the outside of my shirt, and Hakan was asleep so I let him. He started being brave about it and squeezing my nipple and pulling it up and then gently rubs it again and he was running his fingertips across both of my breasts tickling them. He never said a word and started pulling my night shirt up till he had full access to my tits under the blanket and was doing what he wanted with them. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip and moaned a little. I was getting so horny I was squeezing my legs together. This went on for what seemed like forever and where my head was I could feel something growing and twitching in his pants, which was just making me ache to be touched. I could feel my panties were soaking wet. Then he slowly started to move his hand down my stomach causing my stomach to twitch as his fingers traced their way down. I really needed to stop this but I was so horny. I thought I’ll just let him play outside my panties then stop him. As his hand reached the waist band of my lace panties he started to run his finger along the top edge of them. I just sighed loudly as he did this. He finally moved past the waist band with his fingertips till he was at the small patch of trimmed hair just above where my clit is. I started to hold my breath and look at Hakan not wanting Hasan to stop and not sure what Hakan would think. He slowly started to press in at the top fold where my clit was now hard and poking out a little this caused me to let out my deep breath that I was holding in and I just flung my legs open. He started to rub my now very wet panties into my clit and spread open pussy. I tried not to move hoping he would not stop. I should have known better with the feeling of his hard cock at the back of my head. It was heaven as he had me almost on the verge of orgasm just on the outside of my panties. Soon he stopped and I thought no and yes all at the same time but he just pulled his hand out to undo his pants and pull them to his knees. I lifted my head so he could. What was I doing? I put my head back against his leg and just stared at Hakan while Hasan threw the blanket on the bartın escort bayan floor and put his hand inside my panties. My shirt was pulled up over my tits and my legs were spread wide in just panties and my husband asleep in the chair across from us. Hasan quickly put his hand inside my panties and had 1 fingers in me as far as he could. I reached to grab hold of his other arm to steady myself as I bit my lip to hold back the moans. Hasan grabbed my hand and guided it to his hard cock. It was about the same length of my husbands but I swear about as big around as a Coke can my fingers could not even fit around it. I started to pull the foreskin up then down and could feel this giant mushroom head at the top. It felt huge in my hand as I started to hear squishing sounds coming from my wet pussy. Hasan soon added another finger inside me and was giving my wet pussy as much as it could handle I knew I would soon be crying from my orgasm. Hakan just sat there sleeping and you could hear an occasional snore. Hasan was relentless with his fingers, as they would go in the palm of his hand would pound my clit. I thought for sure Hakan would wake up any second as my breathing got heavy and Hasan would moan on my upstroke that was forcing pre-cum from his cock. I could not take it anymore and sat up letting go of his cock and removing his hand from in me. I turned to say something but Hasan started to kiss me. I don’t know what I was thinking at this point but I opened my mouth and our tongues swirled together. Hasan leaned into me forcing me my back on the couch. He turned and got between my legs as we were going down still kissing. With one hand he was holding my head kissing me so deeply and the other holding my leg up. I wanted this so bad but I worried about Hakan being right there. I did not want it to stop so I kept kissing him and forced my tongue back in his mouth. I could feel his hard cock pushing at my panties but knew it was held back and could do nothing. Then the hand on my leg moved up grabbed the side of my panties and he ripped the strap on that side. It actually hurt a little but excited me even more. My panties clung to my other leg and I could feel that large mushroom head at my soaked opening. Hasan reached down and moved the large head up and down my open slit, then lined it up and started to push forward. I could feel my lips parting to try to let it in but it was so thick. I actually moaned loudly and push back down on it forcing the head just inside. I could not help it I had to feel him inside me. My lips felt stretched to the limit as Hasan paused for a second and then started to push of the massive head into escort bartın me. I looked Hasan in the eyes and said “OH FUCK YOU FEEL SO GOOD.” I was so wet the resistance was gone as Hasan was able to sink into me till his balls were all that was left resting against me. Hasan paused there and still looking me in the eyes said “God Teresa I have wanted this for so long.” As he pulled back it felt like he was pulling my vaginas walls with him. I could feel the head almost at the entrance then he pushed all the way back in, it felt like my clit was being pulled in with it. It felt amazing as he picked up the pace I moaned loudly “OH FUCK YES!” as I started to orgasm. Hasan just picked up steam and moving his hips a little making his cock go in at different angels. I started moving my hips in rhythm with his thrust enjoying every inch of his hard cock. I was trying not to be too loud as Hasan just kept hitting all the right places with his amazing dick. Hasan started grunting with every thrust and I was letting out little whimpers. Then with a forceful slam Hasan left his cock deep inside me. I begged “please don’t stop just cum in me!” Hasan started to empty his balls deep inside me. He moaned softly “Oh my God Teresa you are fucking amazing.” We kissed for a while lying there with his dick still deep inside me. He slowly started to pull out of me and stood up his semi hard cock glistening with both of our juices. I do not know what came over me but I sat up and grabbed it and guided it to my mouth licking and sucking or juices off. I would never do that for Hakan, but it tasted so good and I could feel his cum leaking out of me onto the couch. He put his hand to the back of my head and pushed more of his cock down my throat. I was so turned on now there was no stopping me. I tried to get as much in as I could and started to gag. I could feel my throat expand trying to accommodate the huge Head. Hasan started to reach down and play with my hanging tits with his other hand. Then he grunted and I could feel his cum running down my throat. I tried to swallow it all but some started to leak out but I just kept sucking the head and swirling my tongue around it. I stood up and hugged Hasan and said “We should have done this so long ago.” He replied “You are probably the most surprising woman I have ever met. I hope you don’t think this was a onetime thing.” I grabbed his cock and said “You can use this on me anytime anyway you want.” He then surprised me again by kissing me with his cum still on my lips, he then dressed and left. I stood there with my panties ripped cum leaking from my pussy and on my lips while looking at my husband. I just left him there and went to my bedroom and went to bed without even cleaning up. I laid there wondering when I could do that again and wishing Hasan would have just stayed with me all night my pussy aching for him. This was the beginning of a 2 year affair
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