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INNOCENT BEGINNINGSINNOCENT BEGINNINGS “Did you take your vitamin, dear?” Ellen called from thebathroom.I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle,rolling a big tablet into my palm. “My horse pill? I’m doing itnow.””Have you noticed any difference yet?””Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike.” She’d gone on aminor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to losea little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn’tactually made it to the gym to work out like she was though.”Where’s my underwear honey?” I asked my wife, pokingthrough my almost empty drawer. It was Saturday morning. I hadnoticed that my underwear had been disappearing from my drawerover the last couple of weeks. I thought nothing of it, figuringthat she’d simply been too busy to do laundry. “Something went wrong with the washing machine and it ruinedeverything in the last load,” she said. “Well, what am I going to wear?” She emerged from the bathroom, dipped into her side of thedresser. “Here, put these on,” she smiled, handing me a pair ofher pink satin panties. “Now don’t give me any fake machobullshit. I know you love wearing my panties. In fact, I knowyou’ve secretly worn this very pair before.” I looked at her dumfounded. I thought that I’d successfullyhidden my fetish from her. I’d been so careful. “C’mon, let’s put these on you,”she teased. I was beet redas I numbly stepped into them and let her pull them up to myhips. She stroked my cock through the fabric, a lot like I oftendid. “Mmmm, I see that someone finds this exiting. We may haveto keep it like that.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by thatremark, but was too embarrassed to ask. I hurriedly put the restof my clothes on, jeans and a T-shirt. She gave me a slightlydisapproving look and said, “Well, I need take you shopping andget some new underwear for you, among other things.”I said, “Can’t you just pick up some for me? I want tolook at that washing machine and watch the football game.” Since she absolutely despises football, this would normally have set her off on a tirade, but surprisingly, she just smiled sweetly and said, “Don’t worry about the washer. I fixed itmyself. Go ahead and enjoy your football honey. I’ll geteverything you need.”So while she was shopping, I lay on the couch strokingmyself through the panties, embarrassed that my wife knew of myfetish, but relieved that she seemed so low key about it. Thegame turned out to be pretty boring and I thought about raidingher closet for something else to wear, but now that she knew, Icouldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead, I ended up taking anap. I woke up when she came home, loaded with bags from variousstores. I started to get up to help.”Just stay there, I’ll put everything away. What do you saythat we go out for dinner?” “That sounds like a good idea.” “Great. But first, I have a surprise for you. Stand up andclose your eyes.” I remembered that teasing look, thatflirtatious tone.We hadn’t played sex games in a long time. In fact, wehadn’t done anything sexual in a long time. With a smile, Istood and did as she asked. The next thing I knew, she pulled myhands behind my back and locked them with a pair of handcuffs! “What’s this all about?” “No comments from the peanut gallery,” she said as she put some sort of gag in my mouth. Whatever it was filled up my whole mouth, all the way to thetop of my throat! As I explored it with my tongue, I realizedthat it was a penis gag. What was going on? “Now come along peacefully, or I’ll have to take further steps.” With that I followed her into the bathroom. She took myhands and tied a strap to them and pulled it up to the shower curtain, forcing me to bend over at the waist. She then took a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut my clothes off, ruiningjeans I could have just stepped out of. It was all pretty kinky,even for Ellen’s sometimes bizarre moods, but except for theembarrassment of having something shaped like a penis in mymouth, it seemed harmless. “You won’t be needing those anymore,” she said, tossing therags that had been my jeans and tee-shirt down the laundry chute. She then took some shaving cream and a razor and proceeded to shave every bit of hair below my eyebrows. I definitelydidn’t like the turn things were taking, but fighting her whileshe stroked my most private parts didn’t seem like a good idea -and there wasn’t a whole lot I could do about it, anyway.”I think that since you like wearing panties so much, youshould have the experience of everything else that goes alongwith it,” she explained as she worked over my underarms. “You’llfind that all of your old clothes have been replaced withsomething more suitable for your new station. I think that aboutdoes it. Step in the shower and let’s rinse you off.” There was nothing I could do except slide the strap down thebar and step under the water. I was bewildered. Surely shehadn’t really thrown out all my clothes! As she rinsed all ofthe hairy soap off of my body, my skin felt strange, tingly andoddly alive. She spent more time on my weirdly naked penis,making it swell again. She patted me dry all over with a big,soft towel and spread skin conditioner all over me, dwelling onmy semi-hard penis.”Well that looks much better, but we’ll have to do somethingabout your figure. That waistline will never do. You haven’tbeen losing enough weight, darling. Follow me and we’ll takecare of it.” As we walked into the bedroom, I saw some clothes laid out on the bed. There was a corset, panties, stockings, and a shortdress. She began to put the corset on me, and said, “Your armsare in the way.” With that, she reached into one of the bags andpulled out a leather collar. She then put some leather cuffs onmy wrists, unlocked the metal ones, and quickly hooked my handsbehind my head to the collar. This was starting to get too weird. Our sex games had diedout a year or so before. I’d known she was curious about bondageand stuff, but had laid down the law and said no. I tried totalk around the thing in my mouth, but she ignored me. I wasable to offer only token resistance as my arms were asleep andnumb from being pulled up and back for so long. Next, shestarted hooking up the corset and pulling the laces in behind me.Soon I couldn’t breathe and still she was tightening the laces. “Is that uncomfortable? Too bad. It’ll give you incentiveto lose that extra weight you’ve been ignoring, won’t it?” Witha final savage jerk, she finished adjusting the laces with a fullknot. “I think you’ll have an interesting time trying to untiethat by yourself.”I silently agreed. It was more like being in a straightjacket than lingerie. But there was an illicit thrill to it,despite my deepening worry that she was going way too far withher fun.”Now let’s put some panties on you. Which pair would you like? You don’t care? That’s no way for a lady to show interestin her appearance. I guess we’ll try this new pair of pink satinones I bought you. Now you don’t have to steal mine, love. Oh,my! You really look cute in them.”Next came a set of latex breast forms which she teasinglyplaced in the corset’s half cups to fill out my chest. Afterthat she rolled some stockings up each leg, hooked them to thegarters on the corset, and smoothed them out. She quicklyadmired her work while I tried not to, too embarrassed for words,even if the gag hadn’t been in my mouth. “Let’s see how this dress I picked out for you fits.” With that she picked up a shimmery peach colored dress and worked it over the tangle of my head and arms. As it fell over my breastsand hips it came down to only mid-thigh.She looked at me with a grin on her face and said, “Don’tyou look adorable! You’ll have to be very careful and ladylikewhen you sit or bend over or the world will see your garters andpanties. Only a slut would act like that. If you act like aslut, I’ll have to treat you like one.” What did she mean by ‘the world will see you?’ I didn’t likethe implications in that statement. “Step into these shoes,” she said with the air of command,as she placed a pair of matching peach shoes with about a 3-1/2in heel on the floor.I’d rarely dared to play with her high heels. They were alittle too tight, but the real reason I usually avoided them wasbecause they awoke in me a shame powerful enough tocounterbalance the excitement of cross dressing. I found it wastremendously difficult to keep my balance with my hands fastenedbehind my neck. “Now it’s time for your makeup. I’m going to remove thegag, but I don’t want to hear a single word or I’ll put it backin and leave it there for a whole day.” Ellen gave me a lookthat indicated she clearly meant it.Well, I figured, we’ve gone this far, so why fight it. Besides, cosmetics were another thing I’d never had the guts totry, and I’d often fantasized about how I’d look. She spent thenext thirty minutes completing my makeup, going through founda-tion, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara, adding a light blush, andfinishing with a bright, deep rose lipstick. She topped it offwith a light brown shoulder length wig. “Now you can look at yourself,” she said as she led me to a mirror. I couldn’t believe it! A beautiful girl looked back at me. If she was alone in a bar, every guy in there would hit on her. The dress had a scooped front almost to my breast forms, whichwere ample. It also showed a very flattering figure. No wonderI couldn’t breathe. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, thehemline seemed even shorter, at least six inches above my knees.I heard a soft “click.” I turned around, and my wife wastaking pictures of me! “You can’t admire yourself all day, sweetie. We’ve got abusy afternoon and evening ahead of us.”My heart sank. She was really going to force me to go outdressed like this! I started to speak, wanting to talk her outof it, but she picked up the cock-shaped gag and moved ominouslytoward me. I shut up. With that, my wife changed into a plaindress and fluffed her hair, not even bothering to use any makeupon herself, which was unusual. She noted my confusion and said,”I don’t want to steal any of the attention you deserve, honey.” She clipped a leash to my collar and led me to the garage.As she opened the passenger door, I began to fight her. “Honeywhat are you trying to -“She pushed me off balance, which wasn’t hard, and stuffedthe gag back in my mouth, immediately strapped it behind my head. “I warned you! Now you’ll have to pay the price for disobe-dience!” She pushed me again and I fell into the passenger seat. She buckled the seat belt. Bound as I was, with my hands behindmy head, there was no way I could do anything but go along. As she drove us away, she said, “I know you’re dying ofcuriosity, sweetie, wondering what this is all about. It’ssimple really. I noticed about six months ago that my clothesand lingerie had been rearranged almost every time you’re homeand I’m not. I started carefully marking my hangers and drawersto confirm my suspicions, and I can name every time you snuckinto something sexy and even tell you what you wore. Really, Idon’t mind, honey. In fact, it really turns me on. So I’m goingto make sure that you live your fantasy to the fullest. It’sreally perfect, because MY fantasy is to dominate my husbandcompletely and I’m going to act that out, too.”I couldn’t believe it! She must have caught on almost thevery first time I gave in to the impulse to see if silky feminineclothes felt as wonderful as they looked. Well, the first timesince I was a k**, anyway.”I’ve arranged for you to take a two week surprise vacationstarting Monday. Your boss thinks that we’re going on a cruise.” She giggled. “In a way, we are, aren’t we? For the next twoweeks, you’re going to live entirely as a female and follow myevery command. If you give me any shit at all, I’ll send thosepictures of you admiring yourself to your boss and secretary. Ithink they’d get a good laugh from them, don’t you? To get youready for our little adventure, we’re going to the mall to dosome shopping for your vacation.”I kept hoping it was all a joke. That any moment she’d turnthe car around, laughing at how she’d scared me, and we’d playfor a while in bed, then it’d be over. But my guts were cold. Icouldn’t talk myself into believing it’d happen that way. I knewshe was dead serious.As we pulled into the mall parking lot she said, “In case you’re having any thoughts about running away, remember that youdon’t have any car keys, wallet or money. If you don’t do exactlyas I say, I’ll leave you here to get back on your own.” She was right! Trying to get home without her, dressed likethis, wasn’t an option. I couldn’t even think of hitchhiking. Cold sweat popped out on my brow as I realized that I was stuck. I had to do what she said. I didn’t even want to think of whather plans were.Heya, dudes and dudettes. Here’s a bit of nastiness dealing with forced feminization, etc., and so on. Chapters One and maybe Twobegan life as someone else’s work. Wish I knew who (s)he was. I found them on a local BBS a couple of years ago and was hammered by the idea – but the damned thing ended before much of interest happened. I believe I’ve fixed that – but you be the judge.As always, I’ll utterly ignore any posting to this group requesting reposts. If you want to e-mail me with comments, I’ll welcome them, even send you the file direct, if I have time – but don’t offend all the other readers with your insipid, thoughtless, inconsiderate, unwelcome public nattering. Clear enough?CHAPTER TWO – THE MALL I was terrified. There I was, tied into my car seat,dressed as a woman from high heels to wig, with my wristshandcuffed to a leather collar around my neck, for all the worldto see. And my wife had driven me to the shopping mall to shopfor clothes to complete my wardrobe. I wanted to cry out infrustration and terror, but there was a penis-shaped gag buriedin my throat. The excitement I’d felt at home was long gone.After she stopped the car in the parking lot, she turned to me and unlocked the collar, cuffs, and removed the gag from my mouth. “Now, can I trust you to behave in here, or will I haveto really embarrass you? And by behave I mean do everything Isay without question.” With a numb feeling in my stomach I said, “Yes honey, I’ll be good.” “Wonderful! I know we’re going to have a marvelous time.”With that, she made me fix the lipstick the gag had smeared,and showed me how to powder my sweaty forehead. We got out ofthe car and walked into the mall. The heels caused my hips tosway noticeably. I did my best to minimize it.She looked at me with a grin and said, “My, aren’t wecalling attention to ourselves!” and laughed merrily. “Our firststop is at the beauty parlor. We don’t have that much time, sotoday we’ll just touch up your makeup and do your nails. Yourhair can wait until tomorrow. I’ve already made an appointmentfor you.” The voyage through the crowded mall was tremendouslyhumiliating. I kept waiting for someone to recognize me, or seethrough the disguise my wife had applied and sneer at a man in ashort dress and makeup. It was almost a relief to near thebeauty shop. While I didn’t draw any of the disgusted looks Iwas afraid of, I got way too much attention, and the appreciativesmiles were almost worse than mockery would have been. We walked into the parlor, and she talked to thereceptionist. “Hello. I called earlier for a ‘specialappointment’ for Sheila.” A pretty brunette overheard and approached. “Hi! I’m Cindyand everything is ready. Follow me please.” She led us past thefilled stations into a back room. “Please have a seat here.” Ilooked at the chair and then my wife with some misgivings.”SIT DOWN! You heard what the lady said!” my wife commandedand shoved me into the chair. Before I could recover, she pulledtwo velcro lined straps out of her purse and quickly strapped my arms to the armrests, rendering me completely helpless. “Now sitthere quietly, or I’ll have to take further steps.” The stylist was trying, though not very hard, to cover a bigsmirk on her face.”Go ahead and start on her. I don’t think she’ll give youany trouble. How long do you think this will take?” “For everything you asked for, about an hour and a half.” “Good, I’ll be back then. I’ve got some shopping to do. Ifshe gives you any trouble, feel free to take whatever action youthink is appropriate.” She then walked out of the store, leavingme alone with the stylist. “You aren’t going to make any trouble, are you?” she teased.I shook my head no, not trusting my voice. Sounding like aman would’ve been too embarrassing, and I’d feel like a fool if Itried a false woman’s voice.”Too bad. I think I’d enjoy disciplining and humiliatingyou. You’re obviously into it. Maybe I should see if myboyfriend would look as good as you do dressed up.”That definitely made me decide not to resist – as if I couldhave anyway. I did my best to ignore her flattery, too. Thelast thing I wanted to do was look too much like a woman.”Debbie here is going to do your nails, and I’ll be givingyou a light makeover. You’re lady friend made a separateappointment for your hair for tomorrow.” She turned herattention to my face and began working me over as Debbie began mynails.Sixty minutes later, she was still working on my face, and Debbie had mockingly told me to remove my hose so she could do mytoenails. The bands around my wrists made that impossible, ofcourse, and I cringed as the girl touched me and did it herself. I kept my eyes closed, unable to face the changes being made tome. The worst part was having my eyebrows plucked into shape. How could I hide that when the “vacation” was over?”This is a ‘light’ makeover?” I wondered to Cindy in a safewhisper, trying to joke. “How long does it take for a completejob?” I really didn’t want to know. At that moment my wife walked in with a shopping bag. “How are we coming? Oh, she looks just darling!” she said as shegrinned at me. She then bent over and admired my bright redtoenails. Confirming that Debbie was finished, she rolled myhose part way up and began digging through a huge shopping bag. “What are you doing, honey?” I asked in a meek, genderneutral voice. “Oh, I didn’t think that those shoes were flattering enough,so I dropped into the Wild Pair to find you something prettier. Iknow you’re just dying to wear them, but with that corset on Idon’t imagine you can bend over far enough to strap them on.” That was an understatement! While I’d gotten used to takingshallow breaths in the corset, there was no way I could bend thatfar down. I couldn’t see what the shoes looked like from theangle I was sitting in the chair, but I could tell they had amuch higher heel than the other set. “There!” Cindy announced proudly. “That about finishes you. How are you coming, Debbie?” “Just a few minutes to let the last coat dry.” After aboutfive very uncomfortable minutes of listening to girl talk, shesaid, “That about does it. Let’s stand up and have a look atyou.” My wife then removed the velcro straps, freeing me from the chair. I stood up and almost fell. I looked down at my shoes. They were a pair of cream ankle straps with at least a five inchheel. I could barely stand in them. It was amazing what adifference an inch and a half made. I then looked in the mirror,for the first time, and almost didn’t recognize myself. Theperson standing there was a short, truly beautiful, entirelyfeminine woman staring back at me with wide, shocked, expertlymade up eyes! Her skin looked perfectly smooth and her lips werestrikingly highlighted. I reflexively raised my hands to my face, not believing whatI was seeing, and then noticed my nails. One full inch long anda deep liquid red – exactly the color of my skillfully paintedlips and toes.My wife smiled approvingly at me and said, “Don’t they looklovely, Sheila?” “Y . . . Yes,” I stammered, too shocked to lie. “They’rebeautiful. I can’t believe it!” As she paid Cindy and we turned to go, she said, “By theway, I asked her to use a permanent set on the nails. You won’tbe able to remove them.”I looked down at my hands in shock. How could you hidenails like that? What would I do at the end of the two weeks? Iknew enough about it to realize that even if I cut them off,they’d be unnaturally thick.”Let’s go, Sheila, we’ve got plenty still to do. Now it’stime for some clothes shopping. With a gorgeous bod and sexyface like you have, we have to get you some ‘hot’ outfits tomatch.”I slowly emerged from my state of shock, and wished Ihadn’t. I was drawing even more attention now. The way men werestaring at me left no doubt as to their thoughts. I stayed asclose to Ellen as I could as she slowly toured store fronts.Our first stop was “The Body Shop.” My wife had me try on countless outfits in the dressing room. It was sheer torture,climbing into and out of one revealing outfit after another. Iwas horrified of being recognized and arrested for thisperversion. She ended up picking out a short black leather skirtwith matching bustier, and a white satin minidress with a deeplyscooped neckline. Then she made me pay for the items with myAmerican Express Card – with my real name on it! The sales clerk gave me a shocked look and then a big smirk. My faceturned beet red from embarrassment. My slim hand shook as Itried to grip the pen and sign the sales slip with my too longnails.We went from store to store for about two more endlesshours. I must have tried on forty outfits and purchased at leasta dozen. My ribs were killing me from the constant pressure ofthe corset and my feet ached from walking and standing in thoseincredible heels. “Here we go. One last stop,” my wife said as we turned intoanother boutique. “Why don’t you have a seat for a couple ofminutes.” She didn’t have to tell me twice. I was exhausted. I satin the chair she indicated, relieved to get a load off of myfeet. I carefully smoothed my hemline as I sat down (I’d learnedthis lesson the hard way through some embarrassing comments andlooks from other shoppers). I was so tired, I didn’t know whatstore I was in, and really didn’t care. I let my eyes close. One of the clerks came up behind me and said, “Just sit still now.” There was a sudden, intense burning sensation in myright ear. My eyes leapt open, and I tried to get up. She heldmy head firmly with one hand and said, “Just a few seconds. Holdstill.” The sharp pain was repeated in the other ear. She thenrubbed both with some alcohol and fiddled with each ear for a fewseconds. “There, that does it. You can get up now.”I stood up and looked in the mirror. She had pierced myears and placed a little gold ball in each of them! What would Ido at the at the end of two weeks? Those holes in my ears weregoing to take a long time to heal over. “Okay, that finishes us here. It’s time for us to go homeand get ready to go out tonight.”With that, we walked back towards the car – slowly, becauseI was forced to take such mincing steps in the tall shoes. As we got into the car I turned and said, “Honey, this is ridiculous. Look at my hands! I can’t -” She slapped me hard on the cheek, staggering me. Sheimmediately pulled out a pair of handcuffs, put them on me, andsecured them behind me to the headrest, making me completelyhelpless.”I can see that you need a lesson to show you that I meanbusiness. When I’m finished with you, you’re going to beg me todress you up, take you out, and make you look as pretty and sexyas possible! We both know that you’ve secretly dreamed aboutthis. Well it’s happening and there’s not a damned thing you cando to stop it! The sooner you realize that you’re no longer incontrol of what happens to you, the happier you’ll be!” “But honey,” I whined, “don’t you think that this’s a little-” She rammed the gag back in my mouth. “What were you sayingdear? I didn’t catch it? Oh well, I guess it wasn’t veryimportant.”We pulled away from the mall with me helpless in thepassenger seat, thankful that the tinted windows offered me alittle protection from casual observation. As I began to look around me I realized that this was notthe way home. Where was she taking me now?She noticed me squirming and looking around and said, “Don’tknow where we’re going? Well, as much as you deserve to behumiliated more in public, that’ll have to wait. I just have topick something up.” My relief quickly turned to chagrin as we stopped and Ilooked at where we were. It was a shop entitled “Exotic Leather Goods.” “I need to grab a few things to ensure that you learn yourlesson properly. Don’t do anything naughty while I’m gone.” So there I was, tied into the passenger seat for any passersby to see, trapped in a feminine appearance and clothing with anartificial penis filling my mouth. Now that we’d stopped, thetinted windows weren’t nearly dark enough. Suddenly, I saw a man approaching, walking towards the car. He was casually looking at each of them as he passed by. Would he notice me through the window? My heart was racing amile a minute. Just as it looked as if he would pass right by,he stopped and did a double take. HE SAW ME! He stood therelooking in the window for at least a full minute with a big grinon his face while I tried to become invisible. Just about thattime my wife came up to the car with a bag in her hand. “Enjoying the view?” she casually asked the man. “Sure am, honey,” he replied with a leer. “Do you alwayskeep her tied up like that?” He thought I was a real woman! “She prefers it that way,” my wife laughed. “She’s mydisplay model. Feel free to look all you want, but don’t touch.”The man kept up his lewd stare while Ellen loaded herpurchases. He waved gaily, still laughing, as he walked away. With that she got in started the car. As she drove us home, shesaid, “I was planning to take you out for a nice dinner anddancing tonight, but you obviously don’t deserve a reward likethat yet. So, instead I’m going to teach you a lesson inobedience. When I’m through with you, you’ll beg me to dress youup in sexy outfits so you can show off.” brother, was I in trouble. I was afraid to even think ofwhat my “lesson” would be. I was sure that it would not bepleasant, but I knew there was no way she could make good on herpromise that I’d want her to expose me publicly. Finally, we pulled into the garage. My wife leaned over and connected my wrist cuffs to the collar. After that shedisconnected my hands from the headrest, giving me no chance toget free. She then reached into her big purse, pulled out aleash, and connected it to the collar. Getting her bag, my wifegot out of the car and came around to my door. I still could notmove because I was strapped in by the seat belt. She unhooked itand gave a tug on the leash.”Come along now, Sheila,” she ordered as we walked into thehouse. We stopped in the kitchen. “The first thing we need to work on is this tendency of yours to talk back and question everything I say. After all, I can’t keep that gag in your mouth all the time. Unless, ofcourse, you like the feel of something shaped like a cock in yourthroat.” I shook my head violently. “Well then, you need to show me that you can behave. Believe me, I hate keeping that beautiful mouth of yours gaggedall the time. There are so many better uses for it.” Having said that she pulled what looked like a leathersleeve with some laces running down the length out of the bag ofthings she’d just bought. She then walked out of the room for afew seconds and returned with several pieces of rope. Sheunlocked the wrist cuffs and had me put my hands behind my back. She then secured them with the hands facing. Next, she picked up the sleeve and slid it up my arms,securing it with some straps in front of my shoulder,guaranteeing that it would not come off. Then she begantightening the laces, straightening my arms and pulling my elbowstogether until they were about four inches apart. It hurt likehell and forced me to pull my shoulders back and arch my back toaccommodate the position of my arms. My arms and shoulders beganto ache almost immediately. “My, aren’t you the brazen little slut!” she laughed as shelooked at me. I had to admit that the way my back was arched didthrow out my chest, emphasizing my big breasts. Next, she took along length of rope, tied it to a ring on the sleeve below myhands and ran it to a hook it the ceiling. That ring! She’d hadme put that in the ceiling last week to hold a heavy planter. How long had she been planning this? A tug on the rope broughtme back to the present. As she pulled on the rope, it forced meto bend at the waist while she pulled my arms towards theceiling. Tying the rope off onto a doorknob, she commented,”There, that should keep you. Comfy?” Hardly! I was still in those ridiculous heels and this position forced all of my weight onto my toes, which were alreadyin agony. Adding to this, the bent over position made the corsetso tight that I was gasping for breath in tiny pants. I feltlike I was going to pass out. The next thing I knew she was pulling my dress up over my waist, exposing my pantied bottom. Then she pulled the panties down around my ankles.”Are you ready for your first punishment?”I had no way to say no, of course. She fumbled around in the bag. When I looked, she hadpulled out a leather paddle. There was no doubt what herintended target was. Bound as I was, there was also not a singlething that I could do about it. SMACK! She connected right on my bare ass with a stingingblow. “I think that fifty good ones is about right for talkingback to your mistress, don’t you?” SMACK! She continued. After about twenty, I lost allcontrol and was crying like a baby. Each stroke seemed to stingmore than the one before it. Finally, she reached fifty. Myentire behind felt like it was on fire. She then pulled thepanties up and pulled my hem down again. “That was just your first punishment. I told you that youwould never forget this lesson. I’ll be back in a little while.I’m going to take a shower and rest a bit. My arms are tired. Don’t go anywhere.” Her arms were tired! At my ass and thigh’s expense! Istood there, miserably bent over, dreading the next punishment,and wondering what it would be. CHAPTER THREE: PUNISHMENTI’m sure my wife was gone no more than an hour, but it feltlike days. I was trapped there, standing on my cramping toes inthose tall high heels, bent forward at the waist, exposing my swat-inflamed, pink pantied rear under the hem of my short peachdress. My eyes burned from sweat and tear dissolved makeupthat’d run into them while she spanked me with the heavy leatherpaddle. I could barely breathe because of the way I was tied andtight corset cinching my waist into nothingness. There wasnothing for me to do but suffer and ruminate on my situation.I was trapped by more than my agonizing posture. She’dtaken pictures of me and threatened to give them to my boss andsecretary if I gave her any trouble for the next two weeks of mysurprise vacation. She’d made me watch her drop them off at afifty-minute photo place at the mall, and I was positive she hadthe prints hidden somewhere I’d never find them. All because I’dsecretly tried on her panties and a few other clothes a couple oftimes! Okay, to tell the truth, it was more than a couple oftimes. Now, she was determined to turn me into Sheila, a sexylittle crossdresser who’d beg to be allowed to go out dancing soshe could be seen and admired!A dizzy wave of pain made me start crying again. I suddenlystiffened. What if that wasn’t all she wanted to make me do? What if she was trying to do more than show off my cute ass andpouty red mouth? She’d already called me ‘slut’ a couple oftimes. What if she meant it?I almost fainted. I had to end this before it went anyfurther. She’d promised me still more punishment, and I didn’tthink I could take any more. Maybe, if I acted the way shewanted, she’d relent. More importantly, if I cooperated, therewas sure to be a chance to catch her off guard and escape beforeany real damage was done.By the time I finally heard the door open, I was in suchtotal agony that thinking of ways to escape my feminization wasthe last thing on my mind. I’d have done anything simply to beallowed to stand up straight. I was dizzy from the unendingstruggle to breathe. My legs were cramped into fiery pillars ofpain. I tried to sob out around the penis gag what was supposedto be her name.”Well, well,” she drawled from behind me, “don’t you looksexy! How’s that nice little ass feel now, Sheila? Still hotand pink as your panties?”I heard her walking across the vinyl floor until she wasright behind me. Between my quivering legs, I saw that she’dchanged into some shoes I’d never seen before. The black highheels must have been six inches tall and were tipped with narrowmetal spikes. Her ankles were covered in black mesh hose. Ijumped when I felt her hand on my ass, then tried to stand verystill for whatever she was going to do. She petted me between mycheeks.”Is it too tender, darling? Oh, dear. It’s hard to answerme with that nasty gag in your mouth, isn’t it?”I nodded frantically.”Will you be a good girl if I take it out?”I nodded so hard that time that I almost dislocated myshoulders.I gasped the instant the thing slid out of my dried lips. Iwanted to scream at her to turn me loose. Instead, I croakedout, “Thank you.””Why you’re quite welcome, dear. Would you like to standup?””Please!” My voice shook wildly.”One little thing, and I’ll loosen the rope.” I heard herdig through the bag of things she’d bought and wondered what mynext torture was. She tugged my panties down and ran a fingerlubricated with something cold and slick over my exposed asshole. Then, she eased the finger inside me. It hurt like hell, butwhat could I do? If I screamed or protested, she’d do it anywayand leave me tied in this bent forward position – or somethingworse. I gritted my teeth and endured as best as I could.She wiggled the finger inside me and ran it in and out acouple of times. Cold sweat again popped out all over me, butthere was a strange heat, also. When she pulled her hand away, Ithought she was finished. Then I felt something cold and hardbeing pressed into me, something much fatter than a finger. Itspread me so wide I thought I was going to have to scream, thennarrowed, letting my sphincter muscle clamp around it.”Very good, honey. In case you’re wondering, that’s yourvery own butt plug. I’m sure it’s painful, but you’ll get usedto it. I expect you to wear it at all times unless I tell youotherwise. Is that clear?”I nodded jerkily.”Say it!””Yes,” I choked out. “I understand.”When she unhooked the rope from the doorknob and let mestand, I staggered and almost collapsed. Even the tiny breathingspace the tight corset gave me felt wonderful. I gasped as deeplungfuls of air as I could. I barely noticed her loosening thelong leather sleeve laced up my arms, locking my elbows together,but I was sure aware of the added freedom and the lesseningtorture.She had to help me to a chair, holding me by my wrists,still cuffed behind my back. I hissed when I sat, both fromtender ass cheeks and the suddenly more noticeable discomfort ofthe thing buried in my ass.Until then, I hadn’t looked at her, and what I saw shockedand frightened me. She looked nothing at all like my wife! Shewas wearing a shiny, form-fitting black latex bodysuit that lookedsomething like wildly cut one piece swimwear. There was a seamdown the middle decorated with silver studs. The outfit made hernipples stand out and was buried in the valley between her pussylips. The stiletto heels made her much taller than I was, evenin the five inch heels I wore. Her eyes were made up in a waythat reminded me of Cleopatra, with immense lashes and eyelinerand silver eye shadow drawn out almost to her temples. Her lipswere a deep, deep red that made her teeth look too white. “Ohdear, you look terrible! Have you been ruining your makeup bycrying?”I nodded, shocked by her appearance. I heard myself whine,”It hurt.””It was supposed to,” she said like she was explainingsomething obvious to a c***d. “And that was nothing compared towhat I’ll do if you start misbehaving again.” She tied my boundwrists to the chair and brought me some water. I sippedthirstily until I noticed how badly I had to pee. It’d been along time since I’d used the toilet. And about then the bloodflowing through my arms began to tingle, then burn, hurtingalmost as badly as being tied had.”It’ll pass,” she said with a grin.”Can I use the bathroom? Please?””Soon. But first we’ve got to get you looking pretty again. Do you know how much the makeover you ruined cost?”So she led me back to the bedroom. I couldn’t help noticinghow the butt plug made me walk even more enticingly than I hadmerely in the high heels. Was there no end to my humiliation? Ihad to endure another eternal thirty minutes at her vanity beforeI was allowed to pee – sitting down, of course, with my wifestanding there impatiently. I couldn’t help but sigh my reliefas yet more room was made for me to breathe. As I stood for herto pull my panties up, I was amazed that I felt almostcomfortable in the corset and heels.”Such a sexy smile,” she observed, tucking my penis backbetween my legs. Her fingers lingered there. Her incrediblylush, wet lips hovered inches from mine, and I felt myself beginto harden in her hand. “Do you feel good, love?””A little,” I confessed, reminding myself that I had to goalong with her mad game.”Don’t you feel pretty?””Kind of.””Pretty enough to go out to dinner now?”I blushed. “I’m awfully tired. Can we do that anothertime?” My penis was at full erection by then, and she wasshowing no sign of stopping.”But you would if I insisted?”My hips rocked in time with her caress under my short skirt. “I’d have to. I know what’d happen if I tried to fight you.””Oh, no you don’t,” she whispered into my face. “It’d be ahundred times worse than you can imagine, Sheila. Trust me onthat. You don’t want to ever do anything that’d make me angry. Never again. Understand?”I nodded, feeling her stroking hand more clearly than Iheard her soft words. The way she was rubbing me through thesilky material of the panties was driving me wild. I parted mylips, leaning forward to kiss her. She quickly pulled away andsqueezed my balls with enough force to make me feel nauseated.”Ah, ah! None of that, darling. I’ll not have you smearingthat pretty lipstick of yours until I tell you to. Is my babygetting all hot? Her sweet clittie’s swollen so big. Would shelike me to make her cum?””Yes,” I whispered. “Please.””You’d cum in your panties and then sleep in them?””Yes. I don’t care. Just -“”You’d lick and suck my pussy until I told you to stop, andthen cum in them for me?”Oral sex had always disgusted me. “Yes! Anythingyou want!”She dropped her hand and took me back to the bedroom,pushing me to my knees beside the bed. She quickly opened avelcro closure hidden under the metal studs of the bodysuit andpeeled away a strip of fabric that’d covered her groin. Shestraddled my head and sat on the edge of the mattress. I staredin shock between her legs. She’d shaved her pussy sometime inthe week or more since we’d last made love. Her pinkish-brownlabia shone with moisture.”Kiss those lips, Sheila. French kiss that mouth, youlittle slut. Tongue fuck it like you mean it and maybe I’ll letyou cum.”I was repelled by the thought, but knew it was my only wayto get gratification, and that resistance would mean realtrouble. I made myself lean forward and hesitantly lap at her.”No!” she yelled, grabbing me by my wig and slamming my faceinto her, humping my nose with her hips. “Do it, you fag slut,or we’ll go out and pick somebody up to fuck YOU!”I did it with every bit of energy I could summon. Little bylittle, my disgust faded. I was turning her on! Her thrusts andapproving curses were heartfelt. I’d never heard her even halfso aroused when we made love normally. My penis strained insidethe tight panties as I eagerly wallowed between her legs, lickingand sucking wherever she told me to and going fast or slowaccording to her commands.When she orgasmed, I thought she was going to smother me. She screamed and her legs clamped around me like steel bands,trapping both my mouth and nose. Her pussy twitched around mytongue and my nose nuzzled her clit. Just as I started seeingblack dots dancing in front of my eyes, she spread her legs and Icame up gasping for air.I felt right on the edge of cumming myself. I looked downand saw that the hem of my hose clad legs were spread wide. Mydress had slid up high enough to show the garters and the pantiesbeneath. My cock was still almost invisible, pointing toward my butt. It looked like I had a girl’s middle, and I was so turned on Iwas about to die! I’d never wanted to cum so bad in my wholelife, and I couldn’t reach out to jack off. I tried to pull mylegs together, hoping that maybe I could rub my thighs togetherand get off that way. It didn’t work.I heard my wife laugh. “Would my horny baby like to cum inher panties now? Would she like to rub her clit with those sexyhands for me?”I saw that she was laying back on the bed, staring down atme from between her legs. She was stroking her clit, just likeher words were describing.”Would you like me to fix your nasty mouth so you can bepretty for me, and jack off for me like a dirty little slut?””Yes! Oh, god, please!”When she helped me up, she didn’t have to tell me to laydown on the bed. I did it on my own. She spread my legs andsnapped handcuffs attached to the bedframe around my ankles. Then she freed my hands from behind my back, clicking the leftwrist to the bed over my head. The right one she set free.”Now do it slow, Sheila. You can’t cum until I tell youto.”I was almost oblivious by then. My hand felt clumsy afterbeing imprisoned for so long, but it flew straight to my middle. She slapped it away and pinned my arm under her weight.”Listen to me, cunt! Unless you do it MY way, you don’t getto do it at all! Now just lay there until I say so!”I panted while she swayed to the vanity to bring what sheneeded to repair my face again. I begged her to hurry. Her handlightly tickled my painful balls and I cooperated to the max,holding my mouth open like I was hungry for the lipstick, turningmy head this way and that so she could powder my cheeks and chinto her satisfaction.”God, you’re a sexy whore, Sheila! Now do exactly as I say. First, lift your skirt out of the way. Now scratch the length ofyour clit with those nasty red fingernails!”The sc**** of my long nails through the silk almost made meshoot off right then. I dimly heard the click of the shutter asshe took more pictures, but there was nothing I could do aboutit. I knew I was angling my hips up provocatively, but I had toin order to reach myself.”Feel good, honey? I wish you could see how sexy you are,”she cooed. “Now stick your hand inside the panties and rub it,just a little.”The thrill was electrifying! It took every bit of willpowerI owned not to jerk it just the once it’d take to send me over. But my wife’s ominous warning rang in my ears. I may havewhined, but I didn’t cum.”Perfect baby! Now push your panties down under your balls. I want to see it. I want to watch that pretty hand make youshoot cum up in the air. NO! NOT YET! I want you to just holdit for a second, just squeeze it. Feel how good it feels.”I was dying. My ears were ringing and my whole body wasstiff. I was panting like a dog. “Please! Please,” I howled.”Tell me your name, slut! Tell me who you are and I’ll letyou cum!””Sheila,” I shrieked. “I’m Sheila!””And you just love looking sexy, don’t you!””Yes! Yes!””Beg me to take you dancing tomorrow night!””Please take me out! Anywhere you want!””Do you want to show off? Do you want to wear that nastyblack minidress and tall heels and bright make up? Showeverybody what a hot little slut you are?””Yes! I’ll do it!””Do you WANT to do it?””Yes! Yes! I want to be a slut and let everybody see me!””Then cum for me, Sheila! Rub your fat clit and cum!”The explosion kütahya escort ripped through me like lightning. My firstblast of sperm must have shot two feet in the air. There weremany more spurts to follow, and my flying hand was slick with itlong before I was finished. I collapsed onto the mattress, weakas a baby.She touched my shrinking penis, and I gasped. It was sosensitive I couldn’t stand it. I heard her low chuckle, but sherelented and lifted her hand. She brushed my lips with herfingers, and I automatically kissed them, tasting something saltyand sticky.My drowsy eyes sprang open. It was my cum! I jerked myhead away.Her voice was a frightening growl. “Do you really want tomake me angry, Sheila? Do you really want to resist me? Are youready for a hot, long dick to slide up your asshole?”My eyes threatened to overflow. “No,” I whispered.”Then lick every drop of cum from my fingers like a goodslut.”More humiliated than I’d been while giving the clerks mycharge card, or even having the man leer at me through the carwindows, I did what she demanded. She scooped every last bit ofsperm off my dress and slack penis and made me swallow it. Finally, after I’d licked my own hand clean, she was satisfied.After she’d made me change into a red teddy, she chained meto the foot of the bed and made me sleep on a blanket on thefloor. She’d loosened my girdle a little, but made me sleep inmake up and the wig. The butt plug was still there, too. Shefed me a can of diet milkshake and a tiny salad.”You need to get used to being this way, Sheila. And thisIS the way you’re going to be for the next two weeks. Maybelonger, if you give me any trouble. I can’t wait to get our nextphotos back. They’ll show anybody who sees them just how muchyou love living this way.”The renewed threat to give them to my boss cowed me evenfurther. I’d never been so miserable in my life. She’d remindedme, as she handcuffed me to the bedframe, of what she’d saidearlier.”I told you, Sheila. I knew you didn’t believe me then, butnow you know. I made you beg me to go out and flaunt your sluttybody, just like I said I would.”I cried as quietly as I could in the darkness. Somehow,some way, I HAD to get out of this!ADJUSTMENTSI woke up stiff and sore, with the thing in my ass hurtinglike hell. That and being on the floor were instant reminders ofeverything that’d happened. I tried a deep breath but wasstopped by the corset. I had to sweep the wig’s hair out of mymouth. My fingernails startled me so much that my handcuffsclinked on the bed.The mattress moved and my wife’s sleepy face peered down atme. “Good morning, Sheila? Did you sleep okay?”A bitter retort was on my lips when I saw her face turnhard. I swallowed my protest. “Um, it was okay.”She looked pleased. “That’s the spirit, darling! What agood girl you’re being! Just for that, I’ll let you go to thebathroom alone.”I tried to hide the hope surging through me by looking downat the floor and thanking her. My heart was pounding. Shedashed it by holding up a pair cuffs with a short length of chainbetween them. She clicked them around my ankles before unlockingme from the bed, and made me put on the five inch heels. I hadto take short mincing steps. Even if I could get away from her,where could I go in a corset and teddy with shackles on my legs? Seeing my dismay, she laughed heartily as I walked delicatelyfrom the room.I hated seeing myself in the mirror. There was still sleepworn lipstick on my mouth, eyeliner around my eyes, and flakes ofmascara all over my cheeks. The brown wig was a tangled mop. Under the teddy I was as hairless as my wife, and the corsetshowing through the lacy lingerie showed a shape as nice as hers,too. I could barely see a man beneath all that. The haggardwoman in the mirror looked familiar, like my twin sister mighthave if I had one.I felt foolish standing to pee, having to hold the red teddyout of the way, but I was damned if I’d squat unless I had to. The long red fingernails embarrassed me as they touched my heavymorning cock. I had to look away as I did my business.I tried to think. I could take a razor out with me to useas a weapon – but they were all the disposable kind and wouldn’twork. Not that I could really hurt her, not even for this. Butmaybe I could convince her I meant business. To my dismay, therewere no scissors, no nothing. Every concievable weapon had beentaken away. I almost cried in frustration, and managed not toonly by reminding myself how feminine a reaction that’d be.I pulled myself together. There’d be another time, otherchances, if I played my cards right. Hating what I had to do, Itugged a brush through the wig and rinsed my face and mouth. Itried a practice smile, but it was too scary. I had to stay awayfrom mirrors.She arched an eyebrow when I traipsed back out with as muchenthusiasm as I could find. “Why you little darling! Youcleaned up for me!””Would you like me to bring you coffee in bed?” I asked herremembering to speak softly in as feminine a voice as I couldmuster.”What? And leave you in the kitchen with all those sharpthings? Honey, you might hurt yourself.”Obviously, she knew I’d try something and wasn’t going togive me the opening I needed. I choked back a burst of rage. “I’d be very careful.””I’m sure you would, darling. But not this time. Sit downthere and get started on your face, my little cum lover. I’llmake the coffee.”She cuffed my legs to the back legs of the vanity’s chairand roped my chest tightly to the back. I might be able to reachthe knot, I thought.”Now do a good job, honey. I want you to look pretty. Remember, we’ve got an appointment to get your hair done thisafternoon.””But I can’t!” I protested. “I don’t know how!””Come darling,” she warned as she turned away. “You’vewatched me hundreds of time, and Cindy and I showed you exactlyhow it needs to be done. Do it and do it right, or else!”The moment she was out of sight, I tried the knot. It wastight, and I could get no leverage because of the angle of mywrists. I fumbled with it anyway, desperately, but to no avail. Again tears threatened me. This time I couldn’t hold them off. Once I started, I couldn’t stop.I’d never felt anything like that in my life. I wasterrified and helpless. She was outsmarting me at every turn. Iwas horrified – she was winning! She WAS going to be able tomake me do whatever she demanded, no matter how sick or twisted. I was never going to be able to resist her. I was still cryingwhen she came back fifteen minutes later. Her deep scowl made metry harder to dam the flood.”You haven’t even started!” she accused angrily.”I . . . I . . .” I stammered hopelessly.”You worthless little bitch! That does it!” She stormedtoward me. There was no way to flee from her. I covered my facewith my arms and sobbed anew. But she didn’t go for my face. Her slap landed squarely between my legs. I doubled up with asick groan. She wrenched one arm behind my back and twisted. Acold cuff went around my wrist.”Give me the other arm!”I did.”Why you thankless bitch! You broke a nail messing withthat knot, trying to get away! Oh, you’ll pay for that, too!” She jerked me to my feet by my arms, causing me to yell in pain. She dragged me into the bathroom and pushed me into the tub,still wearing what I’d slept in. She jerked off my high heels,then turned the water on, adjusting it until it was almostscalding hot. I was too afraid to protest. At least I’d quitcrying. She quickly reattached the handcuffs around a very solidtowel rack. With a sinking heart, I remembered I’d installed itfor her three weeks ago. More evidence that she’d been planningthis for a very long time!To the burning water, she added fragrant bath salts andoils. She reached under me and with a cruel jerk, removed theplug that almost felt like part of my ass.”You’ve earned the next larger size, cunt. We’ve got to getyou loosened up and ready for a big fat real cock, don’t we? After all, we don’t want it to hurt you so much you can’t enjoythe way it’s going slide in and out of you.”That was more than enough to make me sob all over again. “Please,” I begged her softly, “Not that. Anything but that.””Anything, Sheila? You mean that anything’s better thanhaving a man lift your sexy legs over his shoulders and spreadthose cute buns under your dress and hammer you with his cock?””Yes!” I wailed hysterically. “Anything!””Oh, baby,” she laughed, “I’m going to make you rememberwhat you just said. When you’re crying this hard, begging me tolet you have a cock up your ass, I’ll remind you. And you will,you know. Just like you did last night.”With the steaming tub filled to the rim, she left me to soakand think. Horrible scenarios ran through my mind, but none wereanywhere near as bad as what she’d said. What could be worsethan having another man do that to me? The whole thing was anightmare, but that . . .The water was almost cool by the time she returned, and Iwas having trouble. It was like the butt plug had alreadyloosened my asshole, and I was sweating as I tried to keep mybowels from emptying in the bathwater.”Toilet!” I begged the instant the door opened.”Oh, my! Do we have a problem, darling?” I barely noticedthat she was in makeup as wild as the night before and wearing anebony minidress that looked as wet and skin tight as her bodysuithad.”I need to shit! Please!”She giggled merrily. “We can’t have that, can we? You’dhave to walk around all day smelling of you own shit!” She put atheatrically thoughtful red nail before her thick scarlet lips. “Now let me see. What did I do with those keys?”I realized as she turned away that she wasn’t coming back. I knew the keys were just outside the door on an end table. Andshe didn’t return until she heard the forlorn wail I made fifteenminutes later as my stretched sphincter finally released. I wasstraining to keep as much of my body out of the filth as I couldand crying like a lost toddler.She clucked her tongue at me and looked disgusted. “Well,Sheila. That’s your third fuck up already, and you’ve only beenawake an hour. What am I going to do with you? I’m only goingto be able to have you fucked by a few men before it’s morereward than punishment.””I’m sorry! I’ll behave! I swear to God I will. Please,Ellen, give me one more chance!” I knew she was maneuvering me,but it was all I could do.She walked up to the side of the tub, petted my damp wigwith her hand. I looked up, pleading with my eyes. I could seeright up her skirt, see that she wasn’t wearing any panties, justgarters to hold up her seamed hose. Her naked pussy pouted downat me. I remembered how it tasted. Her searing red mouthsmiled. “Anything, darling. That’s what you said. Remember? Now take a deep breath and relax.”With that, she unlocked my hands. I knew what was coming. Nausea welled up in me as she pushed my head under the water I’dsoiled.At least she let me shower and scrub myself clean, eventhough I didn’t feel that way. It didn’t feel like I’d ever beable to get clean. I hated her for what she’d done – all of it,not just in the bathtub. But it was a strange hatred, more fearthan anger, if that makes sense. It didn’t to me. I was moreand more convinced that I wasn’t going to be able to escape her -ever. My self-confidence had been eaten away over the past dayuntil I doubted everything except her cunning.Somehow, being naked was even worse than wearing the corsetand teddy had been. My hairlessness seemed all the reminder Ineeded. I wrapped a towel around me to hide as much of myself asI could while I shaved my light beard as smooth as was humanlypossible. I knew the towel was a feminine gesture, but Icouldn’t stand seeing myself that way.When I finally minced out of the bathroom in my shackles,holding my shampooed wig in my hand, she acted like nothing hadever happened. She was chatty, in a kind of girl to girl way. She’d loaded a tray with fresh fruit and coffee. My mouthwatered as I ate my share and tried to make light conversation. She was critical of my voice, but not in a vicious way. As shecleared the scant meal, she told me to do my makeup like a goodgirl.I promptly tried to imitate what had been done to me severaltimes the day before. I’d been paying no attention, and wasfinding the task overwhelming. I swallowed my fear and meeklyasked for her help. I watched her expressionless face as sheapproached, fearful of her wrath, but her smile made me try to,also.”Of course, my love. I’m so happy you asked.” She pressedher soft breasts against the back of my head as she hugged me. “I’d love to help make you beautiful. But,” she warned tenderly,you must learn to do it for yourself, or I’ll be upset.””I will,” I vowed, relishing the feel of her chest wrappingaround me. “Uh, by the way, I think you’re beautiful today.” Itwas the most truthful thing I’d said all day.”Um,” she purred, sliding her hands down my smooth chest,playing with my nipples, rubbing her breasts more firmly againstme. “Thank you, lover. I knew you’d like it as much as I do.”She let her hands slide lower still, grasped my growingmember in a gentle hand. “God, you make me so hot,” shewhispered, staring at me via the mirror. “You’ve done your lipseven better than I did. Such a sweet red pout – but you shouldnever start with lipstick, baby. Oohh. My cunt’s dripping,thinking about how good they’d feel kissing it like you did lastnight. You gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had, Sheila. Iwant to sixty-nine with you, lick your clit until we both cum.””I want that, too,” I panted hotly, imagining my cock inthat sweltering red mouth. I spoke what I hoped she wanted tohear. “Let me lick you again. Let me fuck you with my tongue.”She kept me stone hard and sweaty until she’d coached methrough the whole makeover. Then she forced me into a secondcorset, this one red, and let me play with myself and her heavybreasts as she stretched the laces tighter and tighter. Shewarned me over and over not to cum until she gave me permission. I had to put the breast forms in myself. Satisfied, she pushedme to the carpet and straddled my face.”Eat me, whore,” was her final command before lowering herhead toward my big, raging clit.It didn’t take either one of us long. I couldn’t wait forher to tell me to let go. She started writhing on my face as herorgasm hit her, and mine erupted wildly moments later. Shedidn’t seem to mind, as she moaned loudly, despite her mouthful,and sucked mightily.I was still lazily licking her when she lifted herself offme and turned around. She brought her smeared red lips down tomine and kissed me hungrily. She forced her tongue into mymouth, then pushed the glob of cum she’d saved into the back ofmy mouth. I tried to pull away, but there was nowhere to go. She clamped one hand over my lips and massaged my throat until Iswallowed repeatedly, my eyes filled with tears of humiliation.”There. Was that so bad, Sheila? Because you’re being socooperative, I’ll overlook the fact that I didn’t give youpermission to cum. See? I’m not unreasonable. If you continueto behave, we can both enjoy ourselves. But the moment yourebel, I’m the only one who’ll enjoy myself. Now be a doll andtake your vitamin before you fix your face.”The way she said it made me suspicious. I looked at the bigpill when I rolled it into my palm.Her laughter made me turn my head after I’d swallowed it. “You’re right, dear. That’s a very special vitamin. You’ve beentaking a huge dose of female hormones for over a month now. Haven’t you noticed how smooth your skin is getting? Soon,you’ll be growing your very own breasts!”I stared at her in utter horror, more sick to my stomachthan bathing in my shit had made me.”Why are you doing this to me?” I cried.She encircled my waist from behind, trapping my arms withinhers. “Because it’s what we both want, darling. Don’t you see? You need this as much as I do.” Her voice turned stern and cold. “If you ruin your makeup by crying, I’ll make you regret it.”It took superhuman effort to stifle the tears. I wondered,in my panic, if the daily overdose of hormones was what wasmaking me so emotional. I tried to pay attention to thecosmetics as I prepared my face to go back to the mall. I didn’tcare how I looked – but Ellen did, and pleasing her was somethingI HAD to do.Dressed in a skimpy gold dress and strapped into yet anotherpair of five inch heels, with the promised larger butt plugtrapped between my ass cheeks and my wig pinned to my scalp, sheled me back to the garage. I was somewhat shocked that shedidn’t use the handcuffs. I guess she figured the leather collarand leg irons and my full blown feminine look was enoughincentive to behave. She was right, too.DEFINING SHEILAIt was ten times worse than the day before. Ellen’s almostobscene black dress and lewd makeup attracted the attention ofeveryone we encountered as we traipsed through the mall. Whileall their eyes locked on her first, they took me in also. Shewarned me, after we’d gone a little way, to stand tall and actproud of my beauty, or else. The shop windows showed me how Ilooked, with my big breast forms and tiny waist and full hipsrevealed by the clinging gold dress. I couldn’t ignore howenticing my widely swaying ass looked. I felt like a beacon,like people could see me from miles away. She’d deliberatelyparked as far from the beauty salon as possible, exposing us tothe blatant stares of hundreds of people as we traversed the fulllength of the shopping center. I felt every lusty look like itwas actually touching me.By the time we finally got to the salon, I was horriblyconfused. While I was ashamed to death of being publicly exposedlike that, I was also a little breathless with excitement. Itwasn’t really sexual. My cock wasn’t rock hard, for which I wasimmensely thankful. It was more like I was doing somethingdangerous, something illicit, that charged me with adrenaline. Iwas fooling everyone! They were staring at me as hard as theycould, and had no idea!The way Ellen looked at me when we turned into the beautyshop told me she knew what I was feeling. Her smile mocked mypleasure, said, “I told you so,” without her having to say aword.Cindy and my wife again led me to the back room. I wasgrateful to be out of sight and tried to relax. After my periodof freedom, I was dismayed when Ellen again used the velcrostraps on my wrists.”You know what to do,” she told Cindy. “And while you’re atit, she broke a fingernail this morning that needs to be fixed.””No problem,” the stylist smirked. “I’ve been thinking. Ifyou’d like, I could wax her legs and chest and I think I can dobetter with her face, too.””Great idea! Do whatever you think the little bitch needs. I’ll be back in an hour or so.” She turned her wet red lips upand smiled at me. “Be a good girl, Sheila. I think Cindy likesyou, so be very nice and don’t give her any trouble.”I nodded meekly, tried to smile back, and used the tipsshe’d given me on speaking right. “Have fun shopping.”As soon as she was out of sight, Cindy started actingdifferent. “Okay, Sheila, we’re going to have a lot of funtoday. You’re not going to believe how hot you’re going to lookbefore I’m through with you.”She removed my wig, which was embarrassing. Anybody whowalked in would recognize me for what I was. I was expecting herto style it or something. Instead, she threw it carelessly onthe counter and picked up a pair of shears. When she startedcutting away all my hair, I froze. She didn’t stop until my hairwas an eighth of an inch long all over! Then, to my horror, shepicked up a straight razor and ran it ominously over a strop,smiling wickedly at me all the while.I sat rigidly, gripping the armrest as tightly as I could,while she applied shaving cream to my scalp and shaved mecompletely bald! I was whimpering, doing everything possible notto cry at my humiliation.”Now look in the mirror, Sheila!” It was a command at leastas intense as any Ellen gave me. I obeyed, fearing theconsequences, and was astonished by what I saw.It wasn’t a bald man sitting there, but a lovely, delicatelyfeatured young woman with a scalp as slick as a cue ball! Itried as hard as I could to see myself under the clothes andcosmetics, and couldn’t! The dangling earrings, arched eyebrowsand bowed, trembling red lips weren’t mine! The heaving doubleswell of my chest looked like it belonged there! The shapelyhose covered legs and towering high heels were someone else’s! Ihad vanished as thoroughly as if I’d never existed!”Now for the good part,” Cindy said. She lifted anotherwig, long, platinum blonde and obviously very, very expensive,from a box. She showed me a peculiar smooth liner on theunderside instead of the weave like on the other one. “Whathappens is that I apply a nice smooth coat of a special epoxy toyour scalp and the wig, then . . .”She let her words trail off. I completed the sentence forher in my mind. It’d become permanent. Maybe, in a month or so,as my hair grew out, it’d loosen. Until it did, the silverblonde hair would cascade over my shoulders and reach part waydown my back. It finally penetrated that my two week vacation”cruise” wasn’t going to end that soon, no matter how well Ibehaved.I gave in to my tears while Cindy smeared the smelly pasteall over my scalp and I openly sobbed when she carefully fittedthe wig to my head, jerking it firmly into place. She wore anexpression of triumph.”Jesus,” she sneered, “what a pussy you are! It’s no wonderyour wife treats you this way. It’s exactly what a wimpy littlefag like you deserves! Now I’m going to take these straps offand get you out of that corset long enough to make sure there’snot a single bit of stubble anywhere on you. Give me any shit,and I’ll invite every woman in the shop to come back and laugh atyour naked body!”Taking all my clothes off was even worse than wearing them. I felt like I wasn’t a man anymore, and she destroyed theillusion that I was a woman, too. She laughed at the plugclosing my ass as she smeared a burning, stinking chemical allover me, even on my face, cock and balls, and made me endure thetorture of the depilatory far longer than was necessary. I wasafraid it was going to burn my penis and balls right off. Shepushed me into a shower and made me rinse it all off and use a heavily perfumed soap and then fragrant body powder. I noticedhow smooth and soft I was all over. I guessed the hormones wereworking, like Ellen had said.She laced me back into the red corset even tighter than mywife had, but had added some padding to the hip area while Ishowered. When she stepped back to admire her work, I had evenmore of an hourglass figure than before. She made me sit in thechair, with nothing to cover my dangling, shriveled genitals,while the other girl, Debbie, redid all my nails, not just theone I’d cracked, and made them even longer and redder. The wayshe smirked from time to time at my groin made me wish my sexorgans would crawl up inside me.Cindy, meanwhile, was styling my new hair and redoing myface, using a different colored foundation, lots of bright blush,and making my eyes and lips look as slutty as Ellen’s did. Ireally and truly looked like a cheap whore with useless maleorgans where a wet pussy should have been.That’s the way my wife found me on her return. Her eyeswidened with surprise, then her lush lips smiled. “Good lord,Cindy! You’re a genius!””You’ve got one hot little slut here!” the stylist laughed. “Thirty-seven, twenty-two, thirty-five unless I’m blind. Thatgold dress is going to be stretched even tighter over her meanlittle ass. Too bad she’s got such a pot belly under thatcorset. Get her to lose fifteen pounds and she’d be a realknockout – if she didn’t have that ugly thing between her legs.””Twenty pounds is more like it,” my wife said. She pattedmy wrist. “I know she can do it. She may not show it, but sheloves what you’ve done for her, don’t you darling?”When I meekly nodded, her hand tightened on my arm. Beforeshe could reprimand me for not answering aloud, I did. “Yes. It’s lovely. Thank you, Cindy.”They both laughed at my spinelessness. Cindy added, alittle hesitantly, “I, uh, came across something else I think shemight like. If you don’t mind, Ellen, I’d like to give her apresent.”Ellen looked touched. “Cindy! That’s so sweet! Of courseyou may!” I was instantly filled with fear.The stylist opened a drawer in her cabinet and brought out agaily wrapped package with “To Sheila,” written on the tag andhanded it to me. The paper read “Happy Birthday,” all over. Iblushed furiously.”Well open it, silly girl!” my wife urged.I did, fumbling, unable to use my hands as I always had dueto the absurd length of my hooked nails. I discovered I coulduse them as tools, sliding them along, slitting the paper like aletter opener. Inside the box was a bizarre flesh toned elasticdevice something like both a g-string and a pouchless jock strap.When I figured out its function, my blush went even deeper.”A retainer!” Ellen said appeciatively. “Oh, Sheila, put iton for us!” She ripped off the velcro bands, freeing my arms.I bent forward as far as I could, exhaled every bit of airin my lungs, but the corset wouldn’t let come close to reachingmy ankles, even when I lifted one foot. “Will you help me?””Of course, darling! Here!” I delicately lifted each footas she slipped it over my ankles, but she stopped when she’dlifted it to a height I’d shown I could reach. I had to do therest.It was humiliating to have to detach my hose from thegarters, elevate my hips, and work the thing into place. Worstof all was reaching inside it and arranging my penis and balls sothat they flattened into absolute invisibility. Ellen againhelped me with my tiny bikini panties. When all was done, I hada perfectly smooth middle. Even the retainer’s tough elasticstring dug so deeply into my flesh that it left no line.For all visible purposes, I had been turned into a completewoman, even if they peeked up my dress. No one who saw me wouldever doubt my femininity now. The leather collar covered thelump of my larynx. My knees weren’t even knobby. I feltpositive that I would “pass” wherever I went. But that was onlypart of it.My own senses reported no masculinity left in me. Myshimmering hair – the only hair I had other than my carefullyshaped eyebrows – had tickled my cleavage as I bent forward,swung with my every move. Dangling from my ears were long goldearrings that chimed softly when I moved my head. I had learnedto look out at the world through long black lashes thick withmascara, day and night. When I looked at my chest, even withoutbreast forms, I saw how much the corset lifted and shaped my veryown flesh into small pink bosoms – and Ellen assured me that, dueto the hormones, they were growing. Now even my panties wereflat and smooth. My every word was shaped by lips that drippedwith deep red color. My fluttering hands were branded, changedby long scarlet commas. My ass was perpetually violated by afake penis I’d gotten used to feeling rub my insides as I walked.Even without high heels, my hips rolled and swayed.My emotions weren’t even my own. Maybe it was the hormones,maybe it was something else, but the bottom line was that I criedevery time I became afraid. I felt that EVERY emotion I felt wasvisible. Ellen had easily seen through my sly efforts to try toescape from her control. And, while I hate admitting it, she’dalso read, without even trying, how pleased I was by what Cindyhad done to me. I DID like it. I WAS grateful. And the clearlyvisible rush of joy that made them laugh was making me sick.While they chatted about this and that, I paid no attention.I was trying to name a new emotion growing in me. I hated myselffor what I was feeling. It made me feel like maybe I was exactlywhat Cindy had called me – a pussy, a wimpy little fag. That wasthe only kind of man I could think of who’d be so proud of hiscompletely feminized appearance as I was.As Ellen turned to me and asked me a question, I was jerkedback from my sad musing. “I’m sorry,” I had to confess, despitethe danger, “I didn’t hear . . .”Cindy laughed throatily. “Little cunt was so busy admiringherself she wasn’t listening.”My wife’s look was stern, and her eyes shone maliciously. “I asked you if you’d like to thank Cindy for her birthday gift.””Yes. Of course. Thank you, Cindy. It’s -“”Not that way,” Ellen interrupted harshly.I was befuddled. Cindy took my hand, helped me stand, ledme back to the bathroom. I had no idea what was happening, but Iwas sure I wasn’t going to like it. She locked the door andleaned against the lavatory. “You really didn’t hear, did you?””Uh, no. I’m sorry. I -“”Ellen was telling me what a great pussy eater you are, howyou make her cum like she’s never cum before.”I paled, felt dizzy, sick. Unable to speak, I watched herhands slowly lift her skirt, inch at a time.”You know what to do, Sheila. Don’t make me use force.”I stared at her exposed panties. They were a pale blue. Their crotch was moist, dark. One hand released her hem. I feltthe weight of it transerred to my shoulder. I sank to my knees. What else could I do?She made me do it all. I watched my woman’s hands tenderlylower her panties, revealing her moist cunt, its lips shaven, butwith a cloud of brown curls left above the hooded clitoris. Itouched, stroked it, finger fucked it, careful of my nails,exactly as she told me to. I kissed it and licked it andinserted my tongue in her cavity to her gasped specifications. She didn’t taste quite like Ellen did. Less fishy, morefragrant. Better, really. Her hands were rough in my hairthough. The sharp pain in my scalp was almost exactly as if myhair was real, not like the wig had been.When she came with a muffled shriek, I hungrily licked herclean. My penis throbbed in my new restraint, filling it withcum. I hadn’t even touched it. My lust had betrayed me. Evenafter her hands left my hair, I stayed there, kissing away thedregs of her passion, increasingly aware of how I’d left mylipstick all over her, how proud of myself I was for returningher gift in the only way I could.”You ARE good, Sheila,” she purred, no laughter left in hertone.”Thank you. You taste so good, Cindy.” I kissed herreddened clitoris one last time. Was it really me admittingthat, meaning that? It must be.She helped me to my feet, more tender than she’d ever been. She gathered me in for a soft kiss, and I offered no resistance,automatically parted my lips for her tongue. “Next time, I’llgive you another present and maybe I’ll taste you. Would youlike that?””If you want to. If it’s okay with Ellen,” I stammered. Myeyes were on my face in the mirror as she hugged me. My cheekswere wet with her fluids. My lips were smeared. When I lickedthem, I tasted the candy of my lipstick and the richness of hercum. I’d made her do that, given her so much pleasure that she’dshouted it aloud.”You didn’t answer me, slut. Would you LIKE that?””Yes, Cindy. Very much. I . . . I came, too.” I watchedthe honesty made my face red.She pushed me to arms length, her eyes twinkling merrily. “You did? Show me!”My regret was instantaneous. I stuttered, looking for a wayout. Her expression turned stony. “Show me, whore! Show me themess you made in the present I gave you!”Batting back tears of shame, I wiggled my panties down, thenthe heavy elastic, sticky with spewed sperm. My cock hung, tinyand wrinkled and ugly, shiny with thick spunk.Cindy’s laughter was like tinking bells. “What does Ellenmake you do when you cum? Doe she punish you?”I could lie, I thought. Maybe she wouldn’t tell my wife. But if she did? And, did I really WANT to lie? “She . . . shemakes me eat it.””Well? What are you waiting for?”I was ready for it that time. I knew the taste and texture.I sc****d up what I could. She made me unhook my hose and removethe device and lick it clean. Her eyes glittered the whole time.Her breath was quick again. I could see her nipples through herdress. This was giving her pleasure, too. I made a small, shyshow of the process, trying to look like I enjoyed what I wasdoing. Didn’t I, at least a little? Wasn’t this a vital part ofwhat’d been done to me? Didn’t it earn me favor, freedom? Sucha small price to pay.”May I put it back on now, Cindy?” I’d seen how my peniswas growing. I wanted to hide it.”No. Let’s show Ellen what a good bitch you’ve been.”I hung my head and she led me out, panties dangling from onehand, retainer from the other. Her voice was thick while sherelated every detail to my wife. I hazarded a glance at Ellenfrom beneath the shield locks of my tangled hair, and quailedinside.She wasn’t pleased by my actions. She was shocked, maybeeven dismayed, and trying not to show it. I felt my lower lipbegin to tremble as my eyes filled with fearful tears. I’d beenso sure I was doing the right thing!The next time I glanced up, her face was a blank mask, andher eyes were on me, not Cindy, whose voice was but a dim echo. She read my confusion like I was an open book. I guess I was. Icouldn’t look away. She deliberately reached into her purse andcame up with a package of cigarettes and a lighter. My shockdeepened. She abhorred everything about tobacco, yet she tappedout a cigarette and lit it and inhaled as if she’d been doing itfor years. I was like a rodent hypnotized by a snake, staringvacantly at how her bright lips stained the white filter, thenpursed as if she was kissing the grey plume she exhaled.Cindy’s tale ended and my wife’s eyes dismissed me. Shesmiled tightly, but Cindy missed the tension in it. “Very good,Sheila. You’re turning into the perfect little slut, aren’tyou?”She was waiting. I didn’t know what to say. “I . . . Iguess so. I’m sorry if -“”There’s nothing to be sorry about, darling. Nothing atall. But we have to hurry. There’s so much to do before we goout tonight. Go back in there and get dressed. Fix your makeup.”Ellen paid Cindy while I quickly wiggled into my undergarments,repaired my lipstick and powdered my face. The stylist refused a tip. “Sheila’s already given me one,” she laughed. “Bring her back next week if you’d like to begin electrolysis on her face.”I followed numbly. Electrolysis to remove my thin facialhair? I didn’t even worry about it. All my worries were focusedon my wife. She marched quickly along, forcing me to have tohurry to keep up. I felt awkward, stumbling along as best Icould in the five inch heels, and knew I was making a fool ofmyself. She was angry what I’d done. Very angry. I’d bepunished horribly for some transgression, and I wasn’t even surewhat it was. Because I’d had an orgasm as I ate Cindy? Thatmust be it.She didn’t slow her pace, and I fell farther and fartherbehind. Everyone was looking at us – the striking brunette inthe clinging black lycra dress, and the slutty, clumsy platinumblonde. After a while, I realized no one could tell I wasfollowing her. We didn’t look like we were together.A surge of panic made me bite my lower lip to stifle ashout. Was she going to abandon me here? Was she deliberatelygoing to force me to get home however I could? My pace faltered,throwing me even further behind. What was I going to do? I hadno money, no identification – nothing! My legs refused to carryme another step. I was frozen, in the middle of a throng ofshoppers. A man bumped into me and I nearly leapt out of myskin.He stopped. “You okay lady?” His eyes touched me, rakedme.I bolted. I couldn’t stand how close he was, what his eyeswere doing. I pursued my wife, not caring how it looked. I feltlike my very life depended on catching her before she reached thecar. To my utter horror, I couldn’t see her. Even in five inchheels, everyone was taller than I was. The crowd had closedaround her, as if it was trying to hide her. I hesitated,turning hopelessly this way and that, at the juncture of twowings of the mall, having no idea which direction she’d gone. Iwas too scared to even remember where the car was. I’d neverfelt so utterly lost and alone, even as a c***d. How could shehate me so much that she’d do this to me?I was positive my immobility was again drawing moreattention to my face and body. I knew I looked like I wasadvertising, asking for exactly the kind of looks I was beinggiven. There was nothing exciting about it now. My wife hadbuffered me from it, made me safe. Now, I was totallyvulnerable, exposed even more than I had been when Cindy strippedme nude in the salon.Terror became dread certainty. Something horrible was goingto happen.”Scared, cunt?” came a sibilant whisper in my ear.I whirled to her, my nightmare ended. “Oh, Ellen! Wherewere you?””You’re crying. Stop it this instant.” She handed me atissue. She was still angry, but there was compassion, too.I hadn’t even been aware of my tears, and was ashamed. “I’msorry.” I blotted my eyes like she’d taught me. “I guess I wasmaking a fool of myself again. Did I mess up my eyes?””Not too badly. Come on. I need a drink.”This time, her pace was moderate, but her low grade angermade me hold back a step. I was desperate to please her, to makeamends for whatever I’d done wrong. I reminded myself to standtall, act proud, do everything she’d told me to do. It didn’tfully register that we were going to a bar until she crossed theflow of traffic and led me into a dim, hushed space that smelledof smoke and liquor. It was barely three in the afternoon, andthe place was anything but crowded. My wife occupied one half ofan isolated booth. I took the other side.She silently stared at me until I dropped my eyes. Thetension was so thick I could taste its bitterness on my tongue. Urgency built within me to end it, but my jaw seemed lockedclosed. My mind spun madly, looking for the right thing to do,to say. A waitress appeared. Ellen ordered a pair of stingersin somber tones. I thought she was digging through her handbagfor makeup so I could make repairs, but she extracted anothercigarette instead. The lighter added light to her face for amoment.”What? You disapprove of me smoking?””It’s just a shock is all. It looks so . . . like you’vebeen doing it for a long time.”She exhaled with what seemed relief. “What if I told you Istarted oh, say, six months ago? What if I said that, since youweren’t paying any attention to me, I bought this dress andstarted going out?”My mouth hung open foolishly. “You did? Oh, God, Ellen!” Pictures flickered through my mind. Ellen, painted and needy,sitting in places like this looking for men.”I didn’t say that’s what happened. I said ‘what if.’ Howwould that make you feel?””Sick, I guess. And sorry I was so blind. Is thereanything I can do -“Her laugh was harsh. “You keep assuming that’s whathappened, you stupid bitch. If you knew I’d been fucking othermen – excuse me, men period – would you feel betrayed? Jealous?””Of course! I love you, Ellen. I’d do anything to -“The waitress delivered the drinks, reducing us to silenceagain. It was even worse than before. It was like she’d fed mea slow poison. I felt it eating at my guts. Doubt assailed me. Surely I’d have known. I’d have smelled the smoke clinging toher flesh and clothes. I’d have been able to tell if anothercock had been inside her, if her lips had been passionatelylocked to another mouth.”‘Anything,'” she mocked me, easily taking more smoke. “There’s that word again, Sheila. Every time you use it, youmake me want to test you, to push you, to see if you really meanit.”I squirmed.”Drink up,” she ordered, not touching hers, but waiting forme to sip from my glass. Neither of us were big fans of hardliquor. Instantly, I felt the small taste. Its warmth expandingoutward from my empty stomach. It’d been two days since I’d hada decent meal, and I knew the drink was going to hit me like anavalanche. I wanted to ask her for a sandwich of something. Iheld my tongue.”You still don’t get it, do you?””I . . . I think so. You’re saying that what I . . . whathappened with Cindy made you feel . . . uh, betrayed.”She leaned back. Her blood red smile was sharp as a knife. “I warned you. Remember? ‘If you act like a slut, I’ll have totreat you like one.’ I think those were my exact words.””But I was just doing what you ordered me to do!””Did I tell you to cum? Did I tell you to like it? Did Itell you to lick up your cum, or kiss her, or promise to let hersuck you off the next time she gives you a present?””No.” I stared at my woman’s hands wrapped around thedrink, the rim marked by my woman’s lips.She leaned forward. Her breasts touched the table. I couldsee down almost to her nipples. “What do you call someone whogives sex in return for gifts?”My heart shriveled. “But you told me to thank her that way!I -“”I didn’t say a fucking thing about ‘next time,’ did I? Answer me! What kind of woman does what you did?”She was right. What’d I’d done – almost all of it – wasn’treally because she made me do it. I’d WANTED to. I felt theweight of the words fill my mouth, overflow my lips. “A whore,”I barely whispered.”I didn’t hear you.”I repeated it for her. “A whore. I acted like a whore.””Is that what you are, Sheila?””No! I’m sorry, Ellen. I was wrong. I did a terriblething. It’ll never happen again. I promise.””Un huh. And I’m supposed to forgive you. Just like that?”I swallowed. “I, uh . . . I guess I should be punished.””Are you asking me to punish you?”I finally managed to meet her steely gaze. “I want you todo whatever you need to do. I need you, Ellen. I love you morethan anything. If you have to hurt me to forgive me, I’ll takeit.” I was whining, begging. I meant it with my entire being. “When I thought you’d abandoned me here, I saw how much I needyou. I can’t stand the thought of ever being without you. Ithink I’d die without you. You’ve . . . I’m different now. I’mscared all the time. The only time I feel good is when I’m doingwhat you want.”I watched her anger evaporate, saw the real love in hereyes. “Do you really mean that, honey?”I was thrilled! “Oh, god, yes!””And you’ll willingly prove it to me?”I hesitated before I said the next word. I needed to besure I meant it, she said. “Anything.”Her smile was a ray of brilliance. Her hand covered mine,squeezed. “You are a treasure, my love. I adore you. Irealized something myself. What you did with Cindy made me admitto myself how much I need you, too. Now finish your drink.”I swallowed it with unladylike gulps, then gasped forbreath. We both laughed.I shook my head at the instantaneous blast of dizziness,felt my hair tickle my shoulders. “Whoo! That’s more than I’vehad to drink in years.””Since our wedding,” she grinned, then pushed the secondglass toward me.”You want me to drink this one, too?””Un huh. In time. But first let’s go freshen up. I lovewhat Cindy’s done to your face, don’t you?”I babbled affirmatives to her questions as we wound our wayto the ladies’ room. It was weird going in there, but the thrillof illicitness was back. I’d always wondered what thoseforbidden doors hid. I whispered how much fun it was to fooleveryone, to take little risks like this and almost dare peopleto challenge me.”I know exactly what you mean,” she laughed gaily, butsoftly. “I feel the same way wearing these clothes and using somuch makeup. That’s why I smoke, too. It’s part of thedisguise. Want to try it?””I’d choke. That wouldn’t be very sexy, would it?”We kept up our quiet chatter while we touched up our faces,trading cosmetics, giving one another giggled advice. We weremirror images, I thought. She dark, me light; she real, mefalse. For the first time, being wrapped in feminine clothes, myface coated with color, my body changed – all of it felt utterlyright. Maybe it was the hammer-like impact of the alcohol, but Iwouldn’t have changed a thing, and told her so.Her eyes filled with tears. “I never expected to hear yousay that, love.”My smile in the mirror was bright. My lips were perfect. “I don’t know – or even care – why you wanted to do this to me. Thank you, Ellen.”STEPPING OUT”You’re making me hot again,” Ellen told me. Shedeliberately weighed her heavy breasts. “See?”Her nipples were indeed denting the shimmering black lycradress. escort kütahya “I noticed,” I giggled, the alcohol making me reckless. “Would you like me to do something about it?””You’d do me right here in the bathroom?” she purred.”I’d do you anywhere you want. You make me hot, too, youknow.” My lips were suddenly hungry. I wanted to replaceCindy’s aftertaste with Ellen’s more pungent flavor.”Not yet. Let’s get out of here before it gets any worse.””Worse?” I simpered teasingly, bending over to straighten myhose, placing my face near her middle. The cascading silverymane felt wonderful. I could almost taste the dew certain to becollecting on the inner surfaces of her labia. With a suddenrush, I remembered that my wife was wearing no panties beneaththat tiny dress, that her sleek, shaved pussy was naked, mereinches from my saliva filling mouth. I felt my face flush.”I want to lick you, Ellen.””You’re drunk, you shameless hussy. I’d better get somefood in you. Come on.”Arm in arm, we re-entered the bar. My pulse was stillhammering. I’d eaten two pussies that day, had two marvelousorgasms, and was feeling horny all over again. And rash.The bar was filling. Our return drew eyes. I was alreadyaware of how beautiful I looked, how sexy in the shape-fittinggold minidress. Thirty-seven, twenty-two, thirty-five, Cindy haddeclared with confidence born of expertise. At five feet twoinches, sans the heels, that made me a knockout. The male eyestouching me didn’t feel quite so invasive. The potent drink hadnumbed my fear, warmed my libido. It was almost a disappointmentto reach our booth and hide ourselves behind a table.Ellen leaned forward over it. The underhalf of her finebreasts again pressed the smooth surface, and her deep cleavageopened to me. Her eyes were hooded, the way they got when shewas aroused. Her nipples were still erect, must be visible toall our admirers. A stab of envy pierced me. My latex breastforms, full as they were, felt inadequate.”Would you like me to order you a snack, darling? Would youlike to stay for a while longer?”I mechanically sipped the drink she’d pushed to my side ofthe table. I was ashamed of my budding, twisted desire. “If youwant to.” Her face changed to the look that demanded a realanswer. “Yes. I’d like that.”She leaned back, dug for the cigarettes. “Now was that sohard?””I guess not.” I watched her chest swell as she filled herlungs with smoke. “Can I, uh, would you mind if I changed mymind about, uh . . .””Smoking? Of course.”As Ellen’s lighter flared in my hand and I hesitantlyhollowed my cheeks around the tobacco, the waitress arrived withanother pair of unordered stingers. “From the gentlemen,” sheinformed us, nodding toward a table of five businessmen acrossthe room. I didn’t like the taste of smoke at all.My wife turned to smile at the table. “Thank them, Sheila. Give them your prettiest smile.”My face tightened, my flush deepened. Deliberately smile atfive men? Men, just like me? Well, not quite like me, Iadmitted. But, wouldn’t it be rude not to – as well as annoyingto Ellen? I’d already hurt her, angered her deeply, and didn’twant to risk that again. I knew how enticing my lush red lipswere as I turned up their corners and aimed them toward thebusinessmen. As I did, Ellen shocked me. Beneath the table thetoe of one of her towering heels pressed against my thighs,rubbed slickly over my hose.My eyes jerked back to her. Her lips were slack. Herbreathing was quick. She’d slid down in her seat. “You’re sobeautiful,” she muttered. “Spread your legs, baby. Let me in.”My knees were knocking. I tried another puff of smoke. Noone could see, I reasoned. I obeyed her and swallowed a gulp ofmy drink. Dizzily, I saw the lipstick coating its rim, marringthe white filter of the cigarette trembling in my hand. My bent-under prick was hard, hurtful, invisible within the heavy elasticretainer. Her shoe slid smoothly between my knees, rubbed up anddown my inner thigh. With each stroke, it went higher, its tipdipping under my high hem, nearing the tops of my hose.”Stop. Please,” I whimpered.”Am I embarrassing you?””Yes.””Am I exciting you?”I wet my lips. “Yes.””Is your little clittie hard? Does it ache?”My hips wanted to rock. I wanted to slide down so she couldreach higher. “Yes.”She suddenly dropped her foot and sat up. Her succulentmouth shaped an inviting smile, directed over my shoulder. Adeep voice throbbed in my ear.”May we join you?”My entire body tensed. My head jerked toward the sound. Two men from the distant table, broadly smiling, stoodexpectantly over us. My ears were filled with a ringing noise. I barely heard Ellen.”Of course. Sheila honey, scoot over.”I reflexively did as she commanded, felt the bench seat sagunder a heavy weight, smelled the sharp sting of male cologneover the stench of my cigarette. A muscular shoulder brushed meas the man arranged himself. I dared a quick look at my wife. Her heavy-lidded eyes were on me, glittered mischievously. She’ddeliberately set me up. She’d seen this coming. She’d toyedwith me, knowing what was going to happen.She introduced us. I imagine I smiled mechanically,politely, although I’ll never be positive. The next few minutesare an absolute blank, a deep hole in my memory. All I recall isa dire sense of panic. I was trapped in the booth. I couldn’tescape. There was nowhere to go.My glass was suddenly empty. There was what I guess was afresh cigarette burning between my curved fingernails. Ellen’stall heel was sensuously rubbing my ankle. My eyes on the table,I still saw her lean toward her gentleman, watched her pendulousbreast flatten against his bicep for a moment. Beside me was aman. I darted my eyes up at him and he caught them. His gazespoke silent volumes. How desirable I was. How much he wishedhe could kiss me, touch me. Fuck me.Another round of drinks arrived. There was no food. Theunaccustomed alcohol was bringing me out of my shock. Ellen wasflirting with both men. Not outrageously, but encouraging themnonetheless. She was gently teasing me about being so shy -recently divorced, she explained, and way out of practice. She’dhad to drag me out, she laughed musically. I wondered if her punwas intentional, decided it was. She’d proven her genius. Everything she did was intentional. What did she intend tohappen next? Her hand dropped to the man’s suit sleeve. Hereyes were locked with his. My throat tightened. Would she fuckhim? Would she make me . . .My voice was shrill. It seemed to explode into the naturalflow of conversation. “Excuse me. I have to use the rest room. Ellen?” It was a raw, desperate plea.”Already?” she drawled. Her companion slid out.Mine patted my thigh, let his hand linger for an instantbefore he moved. “Hurry back.” His breath puffed against myoverheated cheek.The drinks hit me like a truck the second I stood. The manwho’d freed me from the prison of the booth – Larry, I think hisname was – caught me, or I might have toppled off my heels. Itwas how he performed the chivalrous gesture that was notable. Hegathered me into his strong arms like a lover. He didn’t hold metightly or lewdly, but did press against me from breast to thigh. My thoroughly warmed latex tits must have been convincingly soft. Through my spinning dizziness, I felt his erection on my hip.I fumblingly pushed away from him, but he kept his hands onmy shoulders, steadying me. The earth slowed its nauseatingspin. Ellen was standing beside me, wearing a wry red grin. Shetook my elbow and guided my wobble toward the rest room. Hergrip on my arm was painfully tight. The instant the door closedbehind us, she pushed me against the wall length vanity. Hervoice was a raw hiss.”What the fuck’s going on, Sheila? First you pout and sulklike a little k** because I invited two gentlemen to sit with us,then you leap into the guy’s arms like a horny teenager.””I’m drunk,” I slurred. “I fell.””My ass! It was deliberate as hell!””No!” I wailed. “I hate this, Ellen! All I want to do isgo home!”She sucked smoke savagely, spat it back out. “Maybe you’dlike it if we took them with us? You’d like to fuck him,wouldn’t you?”I shook my head so wildly that I staggered. I felt thetears gathering in my eyes. “Don’t say that. You know it’s nottrue. Please don’t be mad at me. You know I can’t drink.””No one’s been forcing you, bitch.””I’m scared. It . . . I . . .”She suddenly relented, hugged me, petted my silvery mane. It felt good to be comforted. I nestled into her arms, loweredmy head to her shoulder. Her voice was soothing. “This’shappening too fast for you, isn’t it? All these new sensations,these new feelings. It must be very confusing.”I nodded meekly, sighed from the pit of my soul. The smellof smoke mingled with her perfume to form an earthy scent.”And,” she chuckled, “I guess I did forget to order yousomething to eat. Tell you what. Let’s go back out there andmake excuses and get out of here. Okay?””Thank you, Ellen!””But I want you to do something for me first.””Of course!””I want you to kiss him goodbye. A nice long kiss, like youmean it.”I lifted my wobbly head. My eyes were big as saucers andI’m sure my pouty mouth hung open in shock. I started to ask herif she was serious, but there was ice gleaming in her eyes. Idropped my gaze. I’d screwed up so many times today that I’dlost count. I owed her whatever repayment she demanded. I’dpromised.I barely heard my own voice. “You really want me to?””I do. Open your mouth. Use your tongue. I’ll kiss mine,too – but I’ll be watching you. It’ll make my cunt gush down mylegs. It’ll be fun to watch them fall all over themselves,honey. They’ll beg us to go out with them. We’ll give them afake phone number, then I’ll get you home and feed you and soberyou up. Deal?””I guess.””Look at me,” she demanded throatily, wiggling her skirt up,baring her garters, then her naked cunt. “Look how fucking wetyou make me, baby. You turn me on so much it’s killing me. I’mnot hot because of those good looking men. I’m dripping becauseI love watching you, Sheila. Feel it, baby. Feel how wet I am.”I numbly reached down and rubbed her labia with a slenderfinger. She purred, rocked her hips and took it a little inside. She was so slick, so ready.”That’s what I want to kiss,” I heard myself say. “That’swhere I want my tongue.”She took a step back, her eyes deep pools of desire. “Notnow. In the car. On the way home. Just pretend his mouth is mycunt.” She stretched the black dress down over her hips, hidingher beautiful pussy.She made me look at myself in the mirror. A reality check,she called it. My own passion was as visible as my wife’s. Mynipples couldn’t get hard like hers, but my face reflected itjust as deeply. Guiltily, I smelled the finger that had caressedher. Her chuckle at my gesture was low.”Let’s go do it,” she said, “and get out of here before I**** you on the spot.”Her left tit rubbed my right arm on the voyage back. Iwatched the table approach, saw both men stand politely. Theyreally were good looking guys. Their suits were expensive. Theywere polite to a flaw, and just a little forward. But then welooked like the kind of women who were asking for male advances,so that was to be expected.Ellen paused as we approached. Sheila’s not feeling well, Iheard her drone. We had to go. Disappointed noises from both. Ellen took us a step closer. My eyes were locked on the onewho’d picked me. Well trimmed dark hair. Gleaming white teeth. Much taller than I was, and vastly more muscular.From the corner of my eye, I saw Ellen respond to the otherone’s faint invitation and lean toward him. I mimicked her,refusing to think.He gathered me up like I was a precious treasure. Heenfolded me in arms far more powerful than any I’d been in. Hishead bent toward mine and my lips parted, just as they would havefor Ellen. My arms went around his waist.His mouth was hard. His face was slightly scratchy. Histongue was quick, agile, demanding. He ground his face againstmine and took my mouth with his own. There was no way I couldpretend it was my wife. His swollen groin was tight against mybelly. When I pulled away, he relented, released me. Mylipstick decorated him like an indelible stain, yet it vanishedcompletely as he transferred it to his white silk handkerchief. Did he have a wife who’d notice it, I wondered stupidly, thentore my eyes away.Ellen was completing the lie. Her desire-bruised lips wereslightly blurred, just as mine must be. I could make no sense ofher words, just waited patiently for her to finish. My man wassaying something. I smiled mechanically, my thundering pulsedrowning out all sound. When Ellen turned, so did I. We madeour escape.All I remember about the long trip back to the car is theway my body moved. The plug buried in my ass caressed me withevery short stride. My hips felt loose, and I knew they swayedsexily. I didn’t care. I felt my breast forms bounce every timemy high heels jarred against the terrazzo floor. I felt thebreeze of my movement lick my sleek thighs, my long hair ticklemy shoulders, the faint weight of the heavy earrings. Thecorset’s tightness was reassuring. My stone hard little cock,aimed toward my warm ass cheeks, rubbed slightly between mythighs. I was as drunk on sensation as I was on liquor.I remember more about the drive home. I vividly recallburying my face between Ellen’s wantonly spread thighs as she satbehind the wheel. I knew the windows were tinted and that my actwould be unseen, but I’d have done it anyway. I sucked andnibbled her through two restrained orgasms and was working towarda third by the time we achieved the garage. She d**g me awayfrom her gaping cunt long enough to slide the seat back, thenfucked my face with crazed abandon, beating my chin with herhips. I don’t think she was even aware she was speaking.”Oh, fuck me with that slutty tongue, baby. Stick it deepin me, just like you did Cindy’s nasty little hole. I almostdied when you came out with your clit and balls dangling down andyour cum still in your hot little whore’s mouth. I saw how youkissed that guy, cunt. You loved it. You let him tongue fuckyour mouth, didn’t you, you nasty little slut? You felt how hardyou made his big cock, didn’t you? Every time you smoked, it waslike you were sucking a dick. The way you strutted through themall turned you on, didn’t it? It made you feel like a tramp,didn’t it? You loved every minute of the whole fucking day,didn’t you, baby?”There was more. It was like each accusation, each questiondrove me deeper into her slick slit. It was all true, every wordof it. And I wasn’t ashamed. I felt no guilt. She was proud ofme. This was what she wanted. Atop my lust was an overlay ofgratitude. I trusted her. She knew what I wanted, what Ineeded. When she finally exploded, she did so with v******e. She twisted my head, crushed my skull, jerked madly on my hair. I felt my own orgasm trying to fill my panties, and somehowmanaged to deny it. She hadn’t given me permission.The instant she threw me away from her, I rawly begged herto let me finish myself. I was writhing with need, had to madefists of my hands to keep them from my silky center.Ellen sprawled obscenely against the driver’s door, herdress around her waist, her heavy tits exposed. Her nipples wereimmense. Her cunt lips still pulsed. Her makeup was intact,although she’d gotten lipstick on her teeth from biting her lowerlip. She stared at me, had trouble lighting a cigarette.”Put your feet on the dashboard,” she growled. “Open yourlegs as far as you can.”I scrambled to do what she wanted.”Reach down and show me your clit.”I jerked the panties away, loosed my purpled member from therestrainer, displayed it, gasping, trying not to blow at thewonderful thrills created by my touches.”Bend forward as far as you can, slut. Try to suck it. Jack yourself off. Shoot straight into your mouth.”I couldn’t force the corset to bend much more and I whinedin frustration. She helped me, grabbing my ankles, forcing myknees higher. It felt like I was being cut in half.”Open those slimy lips, whore, and do it.”Two seconds later, I erupted. A gout of sperm splattedagainst my forehead. A second struck my lower lip. The thirdlanded on my heaving chest. The rest simply drooled over mypumping fist. The instant she released me, I started scooping upthe fragrant, warm cum, eating it like it was my favorite candy,wishing there was more.”Good, baby,” she cooed, “but not good enough. Let’s getyou inside. I’ve got something I need to show you.” HOME SWEET HOMELater – much later, emotionally, if not by the clock – Ellenhelped me to bed. I needed every bit of assistance I could get. I’d been tied in a position similar to, though more relaxed thanthe torturous bent forward stance she’d employed the nightbefore, and she’d taught me two very important lessons. I wasmore accustomed to the squeeze of the corset and the angle of thehigh heels, so that part of it wasn’t nearly as agonizing. Therest of the punishment, though, was much vicious than merelybeing spanked.Ellen’s first exercise was designed to illustrate how tosuck cock. She employed a strap-on dildo, one end of which wasburied in the denuded cunt still bearing my lipstick, anddemanded that I perform fellatio on her until my jaws ached andthe back of my mouth was raw. Begging her not to abuse my throathad proven worse than useless. As she tapped her false cockagainst my sealed red lips, she reminded me of my vow to doanything to earn her forgiveness. Would I prefer it if she wentto some bar and picked up a stranger equipped with the real thingand brought him home for me? She’d be happy to drop to her kneesin front of me and lick its length, kiss its swollen head, anddemonstrate first hand how it should be done, if I wanted that. My answer was to part my lips and ask her to tell me what to do.The second lesson was how to take the same device, thicklygreased, up my stretched asshole. Relax, she’d urged as shepushed into me, and enjoy it. The physical pain was much lessthan I expected. The butt plug must have opened me up quitewell, and the alcohol had deadened me. The emotional trauma wasmuch more severe.My wife fucked my virgin ass – my cunt, she called it, herthroat clogged with lust – until the pressure of the dildoagainst her clit made her cum. By then I was so delirious that Icould almost feel the rubber dong pulse and ripple in my gut asif it was expelling a huge load of sperm deep into me.Both were punishment for my slutty behavior at the beautysalon, fulfillment of her earlier vow to treat me like a whore ifI acted like one. After her orgasm had eased, she gentlywithdrew her cock from me and wiped it clean. As she used thewarm, damp cloth to remove the messy lubricant from my fiery redlower cheeks, she reached beneath me and fondled my engorgedcock, murmuring that I’d earned a reward. My hips resumed thethrust they’d learned while she’d fucked me, and I watchedenthralled from between my spread, chained, hose clad legs, asher hand glided over my long flesh, massaging it against thelatex prick, heated by my bowels and still strapped to her. Ishrieked as I came, shooting my jism all over her hand and thedildo.When she moved back to my head, she didn’t need to order meto lick the shaft and her hand clean. That I was hungrilylicking real cum from a cock shaped toy was an irony that wasn’twasted on me.Again I slept on the floor, chained to the bed frame,dressed in the loosened corset and a different teddy. Ellen hadcoaxed my stunned brain through the laborious process of removingall my makeup, explaining that it wasn’t good for my complexionto sleep in it, and showing me exactly how I needed to care formy skin. I voided my violated bowels and easily returned the assplug to its home. In my exhaustion, even my color-stripped facelooked wholly female. I still felt drunk, or d**gged. Iwondered why I hadn’t seen how feminine my were features before,how I had truly been a woman awaiting her rebirth all my life.I silently cried myself to sleep, not because I was painwracked from her violation of me, not due to the cruelty ofhaving every possible trace of my masculinity erased – butbecause I’d loved almost everything that’d happened to me, thewhole day long. My thoughts weren’t about how I could restoremyself back into maleness after my two week surprise vacationended, but rather to pray that I could somehow extend it forever.It’d taken Ellen just over thirty-six hours to reveal, tomyself and the world at large, a side of myself I’d barely daredto even fantasize about. While I’d sneakily worn her panties anddresses, this was what I’d wanted. It’d been too horrifying, tooperverse to admit, even in the darkest recesses of my mind.Even as I was wracked by silent sobs, I was wondering whatmy wife had in mind for the next day. I knew that, no matterwhat I said, no matter how strenuously I objected, I’d welcomewhatever she made me do, no matter how degrading.My eagerness had passed by morning. The pain that hadn’tbeen there the night before throbbed in my ass, burned in theback of my mouth. My calves, feet, and the small of my back wereincredibly sore from wearing the tall heels all day. My scalpitched like mad under the permanently affixed wig. I had ahangover that felt like some insane blacksmith was at work at ananvil between my ears. My stomach growled with both hunger andnausea.When Ellen released me, she didn’t bother with shackles. Istaggered into the bathroom barefoot to take care of essentialbusiness. Unlike the morning before, I couldn’t bring myself tostand to urinate. I told myself that was because I was so sick,and knew it was a lie. I sat on the toilet ring because itwould’ve been too shameful to act like I was still a man. Mypenis and testicles were the only part of me that looked male,and I couldn’t bear the thought of peeing the old way. Itwould’ve been shamefully hypocritical, a senseless denial of whathad already become my reality.A long hot soak in a fragrant tub eased my physical woes,and a real, if low-fat, breakfast lessened my psychic ones. Ellen weighed me. I was astonished to see that I’d already lostfive pounds. Her warning that the next fifteen would be harderwasn’t lost on me. I swallowed my big “vitamin” with mixedfeelings. I’d become aware how the large dose of hormones hadalready affected my body. Part of me wished I could swallow theentire bottle and accelerate the changes taking place. The otherpart was ashamed to tears of that perverse desire.She had me dress in the black corset, but left it moderatelyloose, and had me cover it with the first casual clothes I’d wornin what seemed forever. The new designer jeans were satisfyinglytight, and the three inch heels were as easy to move in as tennisshoes had been in my old life. I thought the green cotton blousewas flattering with the gold choker in place of the leathercollar I’d been wearing for the last two days. The only makeupshe allowed me was lipstick and mascara, which I had to domyself.I was still a pretty young woman, but one more suited tokeeping house than teasing cock at the mall. With rubber glovesprotecting my too-long nails, I set about cleaning the house withmore gusto than I’d ever felt before.It was a purely domestic day, as were most of the two whichfollowed. There were no outrageous outside adventures. Noshopping. No drinks at bars. No scenes with other women – ormen.Ellen developed a routine for me. There were exercisesdesigned to limber me as well as work off pounds, withoutbuilding ugly muscles. There were daily lessons in femininebehavior and voice sessions every afternoon. I gave myself twoenemas every day. While grocery shopping – our only trip out ofthe house during those three quiet days – my wife bought me avideotape on cosmetics and demanded I memorize it, as well asread every magazine article I could find on the same topic.My feminine lifestyle quickly became second nature. I gotso used to my long silvery hair that I couldn’t imagine havingever been without it. I found I could do everything with my longpainted nails that I’d done before. The aches in my leg and backmuscles eased and being without high heels didn’t feel normal. During rare moments without breast forms and a butt plug, I feltlike I’d been stripped of vital parts of myself.That was one of the most effective ways Ellen punished me. After breaking one of our wedding wine glasses while unloadingthe dishwasher, she angrily took off all my clothes and made mecontinue my chores nude except for five inch heels and heavyrubber gloves. I hated the way my cock and balls dangled,slapped against my smooth, hairless thighs with every step. Ifelt fat and ugly with no corset to give me the lovely shape Iidentified with. After an hour, I was in tears, begging her tolet me stretch my retainer over my male organs and lace me backinto a corset.She was lounging in a hot bath while I cleaned the toiletand tile floor. “You’ve broken something irreplaceable, Sheila. We toasted one another with that glass at our wedding reception. After having destroyed a symbol of our marriage, you ask me tolighten your punishment?””Just change it,” I said in my more refined female voice. “Please, Ellen. This is too . . . too -“”Humiliating? Disgraceful?” she mocked.I nodded, unable to meet her eyes.”If I let you start making amends, will you do everything Isay for the rest of the day without hesitation? No matter whatit is?””Yes! I promise!”She lay in the steaming water with her eyes closed for amoment. A smile grew on her face. “Run to the vanity and bringback your favorite lipstick, doll.”I took her order literally. Running in the tall heels wasmore scamper than trot, but I’d become used to their limitations.”Lay on your back on the floor.”The tile was cold.”Raise your knees and spread your legs so you can see yourclit. Good girl. Take off your gloves. Now paint it with thelipstick. All of it. I want it to be fuscia from top tobottom.”I stretched it, stroked the tube of vivid color up and down. It hardened as I did, exposing yet more surface area to becoated. She climbed from the tub, stood at my feet as Ifinished.”Do your mouth, baby. Smear it on heavy.”The chills racing through me weren’t caused by the coolfloor. I ran the lipstick over my mouth again and again untilshe nodded approval.”Now jack off, bitch.” She grabbed my ankles and bent medouble, pushing my knees as wide as they’d go. My shaft feltgreasy in my palm, which was instantly coated with bright color. She strained my back and neck muscles until they screamed withpain, leaning all her weight on my comma shaped body, forcing mycock closer and closer to my face.”Pull your plug, cunt. Fuck your ass with the lipstick. No! Leave the cap off the tube!”The plug came out with the usual wet sensation. It waslarger than the lipstick, which slid easily inside my loosenedhole. I held it so I could see the dark plastic holder go in andout. My hand was a blur on my dick. Slowly, my strained muscleslet it come still closer to my slick red lips.”Lick it, whore.”I strained my tongue as far as possible, but it wasn’t farenough. I was an inch away from the smeared, swollen purplish-red tip.”Cum, lover. Shoot every drop right in your slutty littlemouth.”As if her command was enough to make me explode, I didprecisely what she demanded. The closeup sight of my expanding,pulsing prick, the vision of the first gout of sperm beingexpelled, the shocking sensation of my cum spattering inside mygaping mouth – these factors seemed to quadruple the intensity ofmy orgasm, send me into a realm beyond anything I’d everimagined. At that instant, my tongue somehow managed to makecontact with my leaping cock. Something happened deep within my soul. Somethingirreversible. It was like an electrical circuit had been closed,a psychic switch flipped. An all new energy burned through me. It was entirely my imagination, but I felt the whole length of mydick slide between my lips, into my mouth, down my throat. Allthis in the split second before the second burst of cum hit myhard palate, instantly followed by the third and fourth. Bythen, my entire body was involved in the mind-boggling climax. My ass was spasming around the lipstick tube, squeezing it like apussy does a cock. My hips were desperately trying to fuck mymouth.As the surges began to fade, my universe expanded beyond mybody. I heard my harsh gasps for air, Ellen’s thick voicedencouragements. The heel of one of my red shoes was buried inher cunt. But, above all, the wonderful ripeness of my cumcoated my mouth and tongue and soul. I’d been made whole. Asingle touch of tongue to cock had made all the difference in theworld.I caught the last oozes and dribbles in my cupped palm,milked my staff with my lipstick covered fist, and licked itclean with a voracious hunger. I’d stepped over a precipice andwas still falling. My taste had been whetted, not appeased. Iwanted more – craved a steady flow of sperm down my throat, notthe teasing appetizer I’d given myself. I knew I’d gone mad andI welcomed it.Ellen disrupted my delirious reverie by lifting herself offmy spike heel and dropping my rubbery legs. She fell atop me,her hips thrusting incoherently against my shrinking dick, herlips devouring mine, her tongue frantic to share the flavor of mysperm. I felt the lipstick tube slip from my ass. I opened myjaws to my wife, letting her lap from my cavity like a dog doesfrom a bowl. She too was cumming, using my spent rod to rub herclit.When she abruptly jerked away from me, her face bore anexpression that was as crazed as mine must have been. Her voicewas low and raw. “Wash the slime off your face and hands, whore. Leave everything else exactly as it is and have your nasty ass inthe bedroom in three minutes.”She bolted from the bathroom like a berserker before I couldmove. Every muscle in my body was relaxed. Pushing myself to myknees took a massive effort. But I could almost hear a clockticking off the seconds in my head. I was infected by her wildenergy. I scrubbed at my face and hands, whining withfrustration at the stubbornness of the lipstick’s stains.I had no idea if I met her deadline. Neither did Ellen. She was throwing clothes at the bed as I hurried on wobbly legsinto the bedroom.”Get dressed, you sleazy cunt.”I tried to be careful not to smear my lipsticked cock andass on my hands as I arranged my organs in the tight grip of theretainer. I squirmed into the red corset while she lit acigarette and stared at me through narrowed, smoldering eyes. Irolled up equally red hose, stepped into scarlet bikini panties. I looked around for an ass plug. There was none. I looked ather helplessly, seeking guidance.She grabbed the laces of the corset and began hooking meinto it. Never had she used such strength, restrained me soimpossibly tight. Even without the gel filled breast forms, mytit flesh bulged into the cups. My nipples were nearly asswollen as my wife’s. And I wished it was tighter still. Iached for my tits to fill the cups to overflowing.She tied me off and roughly pushed me toward the vanity. “Paint yourself, slut. We’re going out. We’re going to get youlaid for real. Make yourself look like the whore you are,Sheila. If you don’t use enough makeup, I’ll make you watchwhile some real man drills my cunt, then make you lick his cumout of me.”I was utterly infected. I wanted that. I wanted to layhelplessly beside her while a long fat prick drilled her wetpussy. I wanted to hear her cries, watch her humping, spasmingbody. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting her cum mixedwith someone’s sperm. It would’ve been more like reward thanpunishment.I created a face just as slutty as she wanted because Iwanted it as much as she did – maybe even more. I felt hollow,empty. I was going to be fucked. By a man.”Good,” she growled, rubbing her cunt against the back of myhead. She ran a dildo over my cheek. “Use this on yourselfwhile I do my makeup. Don’t even think about cumming again.”I flopped on the bed, curled my sexy legs to my chest andstroked the long thin rubber cock in and out of my lipstickslickened ass while I watched her. It was good. Very good.I won’t lie. I won’t claim that everything that happenedthat night was because of Ellen’s dominance. That had nothing todo with it. I did it all on my own. My mind remained filled with ahaze as thick as my cum. It allowed only surreal images oftwisted lust to take shape. I was possessed.I spoke the name of the notorious bi-sexual bar through lipstoo heavy with lipstick and gloss. I drove us there while sheused the dildo on her gushing pussy. I licked it clean aftereach of her two orgasms. I asked her for a cigarette after weparked, after I’d freshened my wet red lips, just before I ledour pranced entrance. I sucked smoke as I scanned the crowd,found us a table. I crossed my legs so anyone who cared to got agood look at my long thighs.I was completely devoid of shame. I selected and rejectedmy dance partners, seeking just the right man. I found him afterabout a half hour. I forgot about Ellen, who was on the dancefloor dry fucking some guy. I was at the table, working on mysecond drink and my third cigarette. I wanted him the moment hesat in my wife’s empty chair. My half hard clit lurched towardthe crack of my ass. My lips ached to be crushed under his, andI unabashedly let him know it.He wanted to dance first. I felt his cock swell against mybelly as I pressed into him. It was for me. His cum was for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and strained against him. Istood on tiptoe and claimed his mouth, drove my tongue betweenhis parted lips exactly like I wanted his prick to take me. Hefinally got the idea. I was no nice girl playing the datinggame. I was a wanton slut who only wanted his meat.Ellen had guided her partner near us and caught my eye. Herhand was openly rubbing her man’s cock. Her mouth was smeared. Her nipples were twin bullets trying to tear through her blackcocktail dress. Her gyrations on the dance floor had raised herskirt high enough to expose the tops of her hose. Her eyes wereglowing embers, drilling into me.I was looking at her while I licked my date’s ear andwhispered into it. “I want to suck your cock. I need your cum.”I led him to our car, pushed him into the back seat. Myquaking hand was on his zipper before he was settled against thefar door. When I felt the heat of his long, stiff, smooth cockin my hands, I froze. A wild thrill ripped up my spine, explodedagainst the top of my skull, s**ttering hot sparks everywhere. Time slowed. I watched my lovely hands drag it out into view. My little fists encircled it, traveled its length, measured itsgirth. My mouth filled with saliva. This was it. The time hadcome. My head was pulled toward his lap by an irresistibleforce.I already knew what it’d feel like, taste like, look like. There were no surprises. Far, far back, in the dark corners ofmy mind, I’d imagined this all my life. Since puberty, I’dcraved this. My passion heavy red lips met the tip of his prick,kissed it tenderly, like a long lost lover.I knew what to do. I knew how to make him as crazy withneed as I was. No born-woman could know what I did about how toplease a man.I made love to a disembodied cock, not the nameless man itwas attached to. I licked and sucked and kissed. I ran him intoand out of my mouth, fondling his heavy, hairy balls, flirtingwith his ass, occasionally gasping and shuddering and having tojust jack him off as I was consumed with wild ecstasy.He came too soon. I almost missed it. I had to lunge downon him as his groans suddenly changed tone, as I felt his dickharden yet more and begin its preliminary twitching. My headbobbed up and down, taking as much splendor into my mouth as Icould manage.When the first gush came, I was ready. I tightened my lipson him and began my own orgasm as his seed hit the top of mythroat with marvelous force. I wanted to remember each pulse,each gout, each choked swallow – but I lost track. Specificsfaded beneath the groundswell of my fulfillment. All I recall isdrinking him dry, trying to suck him hard again, and being pushedaway.He was too sensitive, he said. I was hurting him. I didn’tcare. I wanted that fine prick in my readied ass. It wasliterally pulsing with need. And he wasn’t interested. Iwatched in angry disbelief as he put his cock away. He said hewasn’t into being watched and slipped out the door behind him.That was the first indication I had of my wife’s presence. I swept my hair out of my eyes and looked over my shoulder. Shewas leaning against the car next to ours fingering her cunt,pinching her carelessly bared tits. I leaned into the frontseat, grabbed the dildo she’d left laying there. I held it outto her, positioned myself on all fours on the seat.Ellen lurched forward and took over. The second she droveit between my ass cheeks, I came again. She blocked my rawscream with her hand and fucked me with just the savagery Ineeded. She kept it up even after my arms collapsed, dropping myface onto the upholstery. She continued, using both hands, whilethe seat muffled my choked sobs and wails. I’m nearly positive Ihad yet a third orgasm before her arms tired, but by then I wasreduced to delirium. My hips had a life of their own, keptrolling and thrusting long after the dildo squirted from myhungry hole and clunked to the floorboard.AFTERMATHI recall nothing more until Ellen slapped me awake. She wasstanding impatiently outside the opened car door.”Wake up, slut. Time for bed.”I was still in the back seat, but the car was now in ourgarage. I was on my back, my knees lifted, with the long dildohugged tight to my chest. I awoke with full knowledge of wherewe’d been, what I’d done. I sucked a harsh breath and groanedwhen I tried to move. My ass felt like the dildo was stillinside, heated white hot. The man’s cum was sour in my mouth. An emotion was building in me that I couldn’t name.I saw the next slap coming, but was too sluggish to avoidit.”I said move, goddamn it!”I moved. I dragged myself upright. Clambering out of thecar and finding my balance took enormous energy. My compressed,underclad body weighed tons. I wasn’t fast enough for her.My wife grabbed my long tangled mane and jerked hard. Istaggered after her, off balance, bent forward, flailing my armsto keep from falling.”You’re hurting me,” I whined piteously. The back of mymouth was sore and my jaws ached.Her only response was to bark a nasty laugh and walk morequickly. The kitchen again. This time I knew exactly why I wasbeing punished, and offered no resistance as she put my ankles ina spreader bar I’d never seen before, cuffed my hands behind meand lifted them toward the ceiling, bending me into a rightangle. She left me there. I was afraid that I’d collapse anddislocate my shoulders. I hadn’t even managed to adjust to theposition before she returned, carrying a full length mirror. Shelowered it to the floor and slid it under me, between my widelyspread legs.She lit a cigarette. She’d repaired her beautifully sexyface somewhere along the line. She didn’t seem as angry. “Lookat yourself, Sheila. I never want you to forget this.”I was stunned, as if she’d slapped me again. First, ofcourse, I saw my face. My tangled platinum blonde hair hungdown, framing my totally ruined heavy makeup. My eyes weresurrounded by wide black circles of blurred eyeliner and mascara. The remaining deep emerald and rust eyeshadow looked bland. Mylips looked bruised, were ringed with a wide smear that was allthat remained of my thick lipstick. My false tits looked hugewith my shoulders pinned back. The hem of my wrinkled redminidress had risen, but I’d have been able to see all the way upanyway from this angle. Where had the little red panties gone? My retainer dug into the soft flesh of my groin, hugging my maleorgans into invisibility. The pale, slim thighs below were cakedwith dried cum. My vision swam for a moment. I thought it washis, that there was a beautiful cunt hidden in there, that it’dleaked the some of the sperm he’d shot so deeply into my soul.The stark light of the camera’s flash attachment as Ellenphotographed me from every angle jerked me back toward reality.”Pose for me, baby. Push that great butt out. Can you seehow red it is around your asshole? You were fucked good, whore. Too bad it wasn’t the real thing in there. It’d have felt asgood as it did in your throat. But you know that, right? Youwanted it, but the fucker let you down, didn’t he?”I nodded, remembered to add a verbal “Yes,” as well.”But you know there’ll be other times. Any bitch as hot asyou are can get fucked anytime you want. And a nympho cunt likeyou will want it a lot. You’ll have so many dicks shoved in thattight ass and between those cocksucking lips that you’ll losecount of them.”She fed me the cigarette. I watched my lips suck it, mychest expand as much as it could given my restraints, then mymouth purse as I exhaled. I felt her doing something to my lefthand, realized she was removing my wedding band. I’d noted itsincongruity once or twice. As Ellen twisted it off my finger, Irealized just how wrong it was to wear it any longer. Womendon’t wear wide gold bands. They can’t be married other women inour state. I tried and failed to blink away a rush of tears. Suddenly, the name of the dull emotion filling me had a name.It was grief. I was mourning my own death. Ellen’s husbandwas dead, gone forever. Shamelessly begging to suck that cock,thrilling to each and every sensation, had sealed his fate, madehis resurrection, not merely unlikely, but impossible. I wasSheila now, body and soul.I was surprised to feel her doing something else to my ringfinger. A new ring, lighter, thinner, slipped over my knuckle. I strained my neck but couldn’t see it. She slid her hand downmy back, cupped my ass cheeks and petted them.”How much money do we have in savings?”Her finger distracted me as it toyed with my tender asshole. Her question made no sense for a moment. I sniffed away tearsenough to speak. “I, uh, about two thousand, I guess.””Good. That’ll get us started.””Started?””You want real tits, don’t you? They cost money, darling. More like five thousand than two, I think.”Her finger dipped inside me. My eyes locked on thereflection of my chest in the mirror. Real tits. Nice big, firmmounds hanging there. To overflow my slinky bras. To fill abikini top on the beach. To be petted, sucked and bitten.Her voice was dim in my ears. She inserted a second finger. “Umm. I knew that’d turn you on, slut. We’ll shave your larynxand change your voice while we’re at it. Maybe someday we’ll beable to buy you a nice tight cunt, too. Have a doctor gut thatuseless prick and tuck it away inside you. You’d have threeholes, whore. Room for three cocks at the same time. You’d likethat. Three men fucking you. Hands all over you, driving youcrazy with lust.”Her other hand rubbed my too big clit while her fingerswiggled within me. I was thrusting against her, watching mysleazy lips pant as my passion again spiraled toward a new peak.”Oh, honey,” I groaned weakly. “Oh, shit. Fuck me, Ellen. Put something big and fat in me. Something hot and hard. I needit, honey. I need it bad.”She laughed merrily. “I’ve got just the thing. I’ve beensaving it for a special time like this. Ron? Baby, come on inhere.”I saw my shock in the mirror more than I felt it. Ron? Wehad a neighbor named Ron. A body-builder our age. Married to adull, silent girl named Miriam.Before I could even shape the question in my mind, it wasanswered. I saw a pair of hairy, pillar-like legs approach. Barefoot.”Take over up here,” she purred throatily, withdrawing herfingers from my ass. “I’ll get you ready.”Thicker fingers replaced hers, entered me without delicacy. I saw Ellen sink to her knees, peer at me from between my legs. She licked her gleaming scarlet lips. Her hands weighed a huge,hairy pair of balls, massaged a growing cock. Without taking hereyes off me, she kissed its kütahya escort bayan swelling head, licked it with alascivious tongue.”Yeah, I’ve been fucking Ron for almost a year, Sheila. Ilove you, but your puny prick was never enough for me. Fuckingyou was always more like screwing a woman with a cock than beingwith a real man.”Ron laughed at that, making his dick leap in her hand. Shegave it a more lingering kiss, allowing the whole head to enterher mouth, and moaning around it. Saliva and lipstick clung toit as she let it pop out.”We fucked with you right in the next room lots of times,Sheila. We were doing it in the pool house at the Robinson’sparty when I told him how much you got off sneaking around in mylingerie. He was the one who suggested that we bring you out ofthe closet, cunt. He saw you staring at his crotch a couple oftimes and knew how much you’d love fucking other guys. He helpedme plan the whole thing. He deserves a good fuck, don’t youthink? He deserves to be the first to dump a wad in your ass. Give him a good ride, baby.”She guided his swollen, slickened dick between my cheeks. Her eyes glittered and her lips were parted as she teased me,rubbing the head around my puckered hole. What she said wastrue. I’d noticed the size of his manhood with what I thoughtwas shameful envy. Now I knew better. It was desire.My hole was slick and ready. I tried to push against Ron’shard on. Ellen backed his cock away, continued her maddeningflirtation.”Tell him what you want, Sheila.”I knew I was doing exactly as she’d said I would. I wasbegging to be ass fucked. Without hesitation, I let my needsroll from my slutty mouth. “Fuck me, Ron. Fuck my ass hard anddeep. Please. Give me what you’ve been giving Ellen. Cum inme. I need you. I’ve wanted you ever since I watched you movein last year. Ram that fat cock all the way in and fuck me likea whore.”It was nothing like the dildos Ellen had impaled in me. Itwas hot, both hard and silky soft – alive! And, it was huge. Ashe thrust in that first few inches, I felt myself stretching, andwas filled with a burning agony. If I could have spoken then,I’d have been begging him to stop. I couldn’t. My lips gaped,made a horrified red circle in the mirror. My heavily made upeyes were huge. Ron yelled in pain and slapped my ass with ahard, resounding smack. “Relax, cunt! You’re hurting me!”I gasped for breath tried to concentrate on doing what hesaid. I must have achieved it, because he slid in deeper, thenbegan a slow pumping. Each push lessened the pain. The heat ofhim, the overwhelming fullness of my ass, felt unlike anythingI’d ever known. The mirror showed his thick shaft disappearingand emerging from my body. Ellen looked as enraptured as I was. She had one hand in her cunt, was making wet noises with herfingers. She used the other to alternately hold her lover’sballs and caress my hidden ones.Overcome with lust, Ron gave up on gentleness. He took mynarrow hips in his hands and pushed hard, forcing the last halfof his meat all the way in. He started slamming into my assthen, without concern for my comfort. After three of four of hisgrunting thrusts, I no longer cared. It still hurt, but the painbecame secondary. The sights and sounds and sensationstransported me, mutated the agony, changed it to joy. I startedwiggling my hips, pushed back to greet his plunging cock. I wasfucking my wife’s lover, not merely being fucked by him.It lasted forever and was over too soon. I don’t rememberEllen jerking my retainer off my male organs. I don’t know whenshe started sucking my straining clit. But I do know that whenRon’s pace became frantic, when his impacts started jarring myteeth and I was positive he was going to fill me with his cum, Iexploded in my wife’s hungry mouth with enough force to gag her.But, glorious as that was, it paled in significance when Ronblew his wad in my guts. I closed my eyes. I swear to god Ifelt his jerking spew all the way to my throat. I milked him,did my best to squeeze every drop of his precious sperm from him.As his pulsing diminished, I felt soft lips on mine, tastedthe tangy cum coating them. I returned Ellen’s impassioned kiss,sucked my cum from her full mouth.Finally, I was whole.”Thank you,” I murmured into her mouth, making our kisstender, more loving than I’d known a kiss could be.My knees were too weak to support me. When they collapsed,my shoulders were wrenched hideously. Had Ron not still beengripping my hips, I’d have dislocated them both. He held me up,his cock shrinking rapidly in my ass, while Ellen stumbled to herfeet and dashed for the rope. As she released it, our loverlowered me to the cold mirror. I felt his jism leaking from myhole, warm and sticky, as he pulled out. One of them freed myarms from the handcuffs.I lay there on my side, frail and helpless, while Ellen andRon embraced. Her hand massaged his limp dick while he crushedher against him and she strained against his hard lips.She tore her mouth from his. “I want you,” she growled. “It’s my turn.” She jerked her head to face me. “Get him hardfor me, slut.”She led him by the dick to me, pushed him down toward myface. I bathed his spent flesh in hot, wet, hungry kisses,tenderly took it into my mouth and nursed on it, felt it begin toswell, fill my cavity. The second prick to visit my mouth tastednothing like the first, felt even better. But Ellen deprived meof it as soon as I’d gotten it hard. She positioned herself onher hands and knees beside me, guided the pole in her handbetween spread thighs. Her eyes closed blissfully as he enteredher. I reached out and started squeezing her dangling tits. Ronbatted my hands away and grabbed them himself, using them forhandles as he rode her, just as savagely as he had me.His violent thrusts moved her face closer to me. When hereyes opened, they were glassy with lust. She attacked my mouthwith hers, grunted into me each time he hammered her. When shestarted cumming, she bit my lower lip. Each time she spasmed,she bit harder. When he suddenly stopped, she whined in shockand need.His voice was a snarl. “Slide under your cunt of a wife,bitch. Lick my balls while I fuck her. See how a real womantakes a dick.”I scrambled to obey. I not only kissed and sucked hisballs, I also flicked my tongue over Ellen’s swollen clit, lappedthe fluids that overflowed her pussy. Her lips were on my organagain, lapping the cum that’d oozed from my ass. I was still soloose that her tongue actually entered me. I humped her facelike the wanton slut I was. I had no more boundaries. Alifetime of limits, of denial, rolled off me like a shed skin. Iembraced my new existence, fit both Ron’s tender balls betweenwidely opened lips and rolled my wife’s clit with unabashedabandon.She began another series of orgasms, had to give up mylittle dick in order to howl and scream. I released Ron’stesticles when I felt them tighten. It was astounding to see hishuge rod swell and throb and fill her twitching cunt with anotherload of cum. As it leaked past her labia, I devoured it,eliciting still more shrieks from her.Ron jerked out and rolled away, gasping for breath. Idevoured her vacated hole, and she continued to cum, continued toshrilly cry out, wracked by spasms I refused to let end.Finally, sobbing, she fell on top of me, moving herthrobbing groin out of reach.A sated, warm relaxation enveloped me. I only vaguelyrecall the chill when Ellen rolled off me. She and Ron spokesoftly, but I could make no sense of their words. I sank into adeep peaceful sleep.AWAKENINGThere was a vague noise. It was dark. The bed was far toohard, too cold. I was curled into a tight ball. When I began toroll over, I was ripped by pain. My ass. My jaws. Myshoulders. I moaned.”Wake up, whore.” The ceiling light flared blindingly.Memory filled me, and my pain was explained. I was still onthe kitchen floor.Ellen leaned against the doorframe, smoking. She wore onlyhigh heels and hose. Her nipples were swollen. Bite marksdecorated the slope of her tits. Her makeup was mostly gone. What remained made her look cheap, used – and beautiful.I tried to speak. My throat was dry, raw, emitted only acroak.”Ron went home,” she explained. “We’re through with thebed. Get your sleazy ass up there.”I was afraid I’d have to crawl up the stairs, but somehowmanaged to climb painfully to my feet. I used the walls to keepmyself erect and followed her swaying ass and trail of smoke.She released me from the corset and made me sleep in thehuge wet spot they’d left on the sheets. Each breath filled mewith the perfume of their fucking. I’d been good enough to earna night in bed. No chains. The world faded again.It was still dark when I awoke, my bowels and bladder bothdemanding relief. I eased Ellen’s arm off me and tiptoed intothe bathroom. It hurt so much that I was afraid I was shittingblood, but my stool looked perfectly normal. Wiping wasagonizing. I shuddered a little, remembering how huge Ron hadfelt in me, and hoped that being fucked wasn’t always going tohurt so much.I steeled myself before using the mirror, but the glasswasn’t the enemy it had been. Even without the corset, I wasable to convince myself that my image was that of an undeveloped- rather, a developing – woman. Those sweet lips had hosted twococks after all, and the dimpled ass had taken its first prick. I squeezed and lifted my chest. If I continued to please Ellen,my tits would grow into firm globes like hers. Men could suckthem, slide their greased dicks between them as I pressed themtogether. I’d could kiss the cock heads at the top of theirthrusts, watch them swell and eject their sperm all over my face.I renewed my vow to be good and fought down the urge tostroke my hard clit.I was ready to turn off the light and go back to bed when Ifinally noticed the ring. Where my wedding band had been was asmall diamond engagement ring. A stab of sadness knifed me, thegrief that’d been cut off before. I hurriedly flicked off thelight, but the emotion wasn’t so easily banished. It clung to melike stale sperm, refusing to allow me to get back to sleep.Mourning my own death was hard. There was no corpse to shed tears over, nothing to bury so the healing could begin. I laythere until Ellen awoke. I went through the motions of bathing,dressing, applying my makeup, fetching and carrying for her oncommand. If she noticed my silent anguish, she made no comment.After I’d done the breakfast dishes, she had me give us bothmanicures. She was surly, terse, easily upset. She smokedheavily and her every word dripped with scorn. Nothing I did wasquite good enough. I was extremely cautious, not wanting to doanything to upset her further. A sinking feeling was added to myvague sorrow. Something was wrong. She left me to do my choresand vanished into our bedroom.It was a little after two in the afternoon when she camedownstairs, dressed to kill in the wet looking black minidressand metal-tipped stiletto heels. Her makeup and bearing werethose of a call girl. I was nearly finished mopping the kitchenfloor. She stood close enough to let me see that, as before, hershaven cunt was exposed between her mesh hose and garter belt. Ifelt plain in my work clothes and minimal makeup.”I’m going out. I want you to meet me in the airport Hiltonbar at eight. Wear something really slutty, Sheila. There’ssomeone I want you to meet.””Are you . . .” I swallowed. “Is Ron . . .””This has nothing to do with Ron, darling. It’s strictlyfor us. But it’s very important – maybe the most important dateyou’ll ever have – so look your best. Understand?”I let my eyes fall from her moist pussy back to the vinyl. “Do you have to go so early? I mean -“Her smoky laugh was sharp enough to interrupt me. “Is mylittle fag bitch scared to be alone? Or just jealous that I maybe getting my brains fucked out while you’re doing housework?”I blushed. “You’ve never left me by myself before.””Of course I have, love. At the beauty salon, and righthere in this room. You’ve spent hours all by yourself. Yourchains and ropes are just invisible now.” She stroked my longhair, pulled my head against her belly, rubbed my cheek over hersleekly covered mons. “Would you like to kiss my pussy goodbye? Get it nice and moist for the cock that may be in it in a while?”I nodded. She planted her feet to either side of my head. I slid the skirt up and exposed her brown-lipped lower mouth. She rocked up and down on my tongue and nose until my face waswet with her flow.As I ate her, I was overcome with desire. She was goingout, going to get herself laid for some mysterious purpose, and Iwas preparing her for whoever would part these very lips with aprick. I wondered how often she’d done this sort of thingwithout my knowledge. I wondered how many men had fucked hereager pussy while I watched stupid football games or stayed lateat the office. I wondered if Ron knew what a slut she was. And,I wondered who she’d fixed me up with, who’d be fucking my ass ormouth in a few hours – and why it was so important.She abruptly jerked her flooded core from my hungry mouth,ending my lusty reverie. Her voice was low and throaty. “Takeoff your blouse, baby. I need to tighten your corset before I leave.”It was the red one. As she strained against the laces,compressing my waist to at least twenty-two inches, I was alreadyvisualizing what I’d wear to meet her. How many loads of cumwould her body have absorbed by the time I arrived? A suddenthought stopped my impassioned planning. “How will I get there? To the hotel?””A cab, of course. I left twenty dollars on the vanity.”Somehow the idea of taking a taxi was more intimidating thangetting dressed to go fuck some stranger. I tried to hide mynerves, as well as my shameful excitement. Her crooked scarletsmile told me I failed at both. She tied off my laces, smoothedher dress to cover as much as it could, and swayed out withoutanother word. I listened as her metal shod heels clacked overthe floor, silently crossed the carpet, then echoed for a fewstrides in the garage. The door ground open. I watched from thewindow as she backed down the drive, cigarette dangling betweenslick, fat red lips. I saw Jerome Hillyard, our neighbor acrossthe street, stare open mouthed at the change that’d taken placein her. Had he done more than stare? Had she fucked him, too? How many of our neighbors had dipped their wicks in Ellen’s hothole? A lot of them, I perversely hoped, twisting the engagementband circling my ring finger.I fought the urge to dash upstairs and begin getting ready. It was too soon. And Ellen had made it clear that she expectedall my work to be done before I left the house. I compelledmyself to settle down and do the laundry.I’d barely fixed my lipstick and gotten started when thedoorbell rang. I froze in the midst of loading the dryer withdamp lingerie. I couldn’t answer the door! What if it wasJerome, or some other acquaintance? I couldn’t let anybody seeme like this! I decided to ignore it, pretend I wasn’t home. But whoever was there leaned insistently on the buzzer.I peeked from the laundry room window, was simultaneouslythrilled and dismayed to see that it was Ron. I was hesitant tolet him in without Ellen there. He’d want to know where she’dgone, what she was doing. He was liable to fly into a jealousrage. But he obviously wasn’t going to leave.Checking my face in the mirror, I fluffed my hair a littleand hurried nervously to the door. I wouldn’t let him in. I’dtell him we were busy, that I’d have Ellen call as soon as shecould.But, the instant I opened the door a crack, he pushed itwider and stepped past me.”Ellen’s busy,” I blurted, hiding behind the door, leavingit open. “Maybe you should come back -“”Ellen’s gone. I saw the car drive up the block a fewminutes ago.” He ambled insolently to the couch and sat down.”Then what . . .” I began, but my voice failed me. Was hehere to see me?”Close the door and come over here, bitch. I’ve beenthinking about that tight asshole of yours all day. I wantanother piece of it.”I blushed, both fearful and flattered. I was sure Ellenwouldn’t want him to use me unless she was here to watch. He washer boyfriend, after all. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,Ron.” I kept the door cracked.”Oh, come off it, slut! Don’t play hard to get. We bothknow that’s pure bullshit. You know you want it. You let meknow last night how much you liked it. So get your sleazy assover here. Wrap those hot lips around my dick and let me fuckthat sexy face. If you’re real good, I may even let you jack offwhile I drill your ass.”He was right, of course. I did want it. I had the instantI saw him through the window. I vividly remembered how grandit’d been to be filled, stretched, used like I was a real woman. Honestly, part of his attractiveness was because he was Ellen’slover. Having the prick that’d been in her so many times rammedinto me made me feel even more weak kneed. It’d be wicked tofuck him behind her back. But, if I got caught . . .Wickedness won out. Besides, if I resisted, he’d just takeme anyway. What could I do? Call the police and scream ****? Run madly from the house? I leaned against the door and flippedthe deadbolt.He wasn’t into small talk or foreplay. As I approached,both eager and timid, Ron pointed to the floor between his legs. I sank to my knees, staring at the growing lump hidden by hisshorts. It knew how large it was, what it tasted like. And thistime, I didn’t have to share it with anyone. I was alone with myfirst man. I was betraying Ellen just like she had me. I was asbig a whore as she was. Saliva began to fill my mouth.But I wanted information along with his dick. I wanted toknow how large a role he’d played in changing me into the cockhungry bitch I’d become in less than a week. So, as I reachedout to lightly massage his cock, I licked my lips and tried tomilk him of more than his cum.”I meant to thank you last night for everything you’ve doneto help Ellen.”His laugh was brutal. “Jesus. I can’t believe you’rereally into it this much. How can any man let this happen to himwithout a fight?”I slowly lowered his zipper. “I’m not just any man,” I toldhis swelling groin. “I’ve always been a wimp. I think I’vewanted to be like this all my life, but never had the courage toadmit it. I thought you knew that.””Not until Ellen told me about how much you got off on herclothes and shit.”My hand reached his flesh. It was so warm, so silky. “Iwish she’d told you sooner. How long did you two plan this?”He drew a harsh breath as I fished his manhood from hisunderwear and loose shorts. It was beautiful. It nestledagainst my curved red nails like an eager pet begging to bestroked.”Six months or so, I guess. God, you’re sexy. Kiss it,bitch.”I teased the head with my tongue. I wanted the whole thingburied in my throat, but was enraptured with the power of mysituation. Ellen had made me beg. Ron had, too, the nightbefore. I wanted to turn the tables. He already wanted me, but I needed him to crave me, to plead with me.”Tell me about it. It’s so exciting, Ron. I want to heareverything.”While I tinted his cock flesh with my brilliant lip color,while I licked his hairy sack, I prompted him to keep talking.”I knew the look,” he groaned. “Guys have been looking atmy dick in the shower, just the way you did, ever since I was ak**. I knew right off you were a fag, and couldn’t figure outwhy a gorgeous bitch like Ellen stayed with you. Ooh, shit. Deeper, baby.”I tried to angle my head, to fit more of him between mybulging lips. Pink saliva glistened the length of his rod. Itfelt like my mouth had been designed to do this. “More,” Igasped. “Tell me more.””Ahh! That’s it!” he groaned as my questing lips took moremeat, stretched to reach for his balls. His hips started to riseand fall. “Ellen laughed when I told her how you looked at me. That’s when she started watching you closer and caught youmessing around in her shit. I told her I thought you’d make ahot looking slut. God, was I ever right! Oh, yeah! Suck it,baby!”I was thrilled beyond words when my throat seemed to openand I swallowed him. My smeared lips nestled at the very root ofhis prick. I’d done it! I stayed there, immobile but for myspasming throat and questing lips, until black motes swam beforemy eyes and I was compelled to release him and gasp air. Istared down in astonishment at his glistening eight inches. Iwas ready to cum. I resisted the impulse to reach down and touchmyself and rocket into heaven. I wanted this to last. I wantedto hear more. I was certain I could make him tell me whatever Iwanted.”You wanted me, too,” I purred, lapping the length of hisstaff with my tongue. “You’ve always wanted me to suck yourcock, haven’t you?””Yeah. I knew you’d be good. Almost every time I fuckedEllen, I dreamed of you looking like this, doing this. I wantedto hurry things along. Your bitch of a wife insisted we had togo slow.””Umm,” I said, taking him half way in then backing off. “Good things come to those who wait, lover. Am I as good as sheis?””Better,” he growled, grabbing my hair and jerking my headdown. Now that I knew how, I let him impale every wonderful inchinto me. “She won’t let me fuck her ass, and deep throat makesher puke.”He humped my mouth until I was afraid I was going to passout. I had to struggle free. My voice was raw. I felt crazedby my need for what was happening. But there was still a glimmerof caginess left in me, as if it was part of my widening lust. “You can do anything you want to me. I don’t care. The dirtierand nastier, the better. I love being treated like a cheapwhore. Was that your idea, too?””Yeah. Nothing turns my crank more than sluts in tightdresses and wild makeup. The first time I made Ellen dress up for me, I fucked her for four hours non-stop. I made her cumuntil she begged me to quit. She loved it, too. I knew shewould. Anybody who wanted to turn her old man into a fuckingwoman had to be really twisted. Turns out she couldn’t getenough after that.”I was pumping him with both hands, letting my mouth writheover the top half of his erection. I didn’t know how much more Icould take. My sphincter muscles were tightening and looseningon my butt plug. My ass felt moist, more than ready.”Did you make her fuck other guys? Did you make her dresscheap and take her out and show her off?”He was close to losing control. “We went to parties. Itwas her idea. But she never hosed anybody else. I wondered ifmaybe she wanted to, but it ever happened. I let her flirt,dance, make them hot, then I’d take her into a bedroom and fuckher stupid. We’d go back and party some more and my cum would berunning down her legs.” He struggled up in the sofa, tried topry me off his cock. “Has she been fucking around? Has she?””No!” I insisted, kissing just the head of his hardtreasure. “Of course not! You keep her so well fucked, howcould she?””Have you fucked her, slut? Have you poked that little dickof your inside her pussy?”I pulled on his cock and backed away from the sofa. “Notfor almost a month – and never again. I eat her whenever shewants. I can make her cum with my tongue better than I evercould the other way. Come here, Ron. I’m so fucking hot. Myass needs you so bad. Fuck me. Please. Fill my hot little asswith that huge thing. Make me scream. Fuck me hard and mean andshoot your cum way, way up inside me. Tell me what’s going tohappen next, baby.”He stroked himself, staring at me with burning eyes while Iwiggled out of my tight jeans. I’m not even sure he knew he wasspeaking.”She going to do like she said. She’s going to get youtits. Make you get a job as a woman. She says she’s got friendswho can help.”I curled my legs up toward my chest, spread my ass cheeks sohe could see me remove my plug. The sensation of having himwatch me readying myself for him was a thrill as intense asswallowing his entire length had been. He was so big, so strong. I was weak and small – yet I was in control.He leapt toward me, rolled me over onto my stomach. “Wait,”I whispered. “I want this to be good. The best you’ve ever had,Ron. I want to make my asshole slick and wet for you. I want tolube myself with my cum. When you fuck me, it’ll be like fuckingmyself.”I had him hypnotized. I relished having my ass raised forhim, peeling away my retainer, exposing my purpled, lust heavycock and balls. I knew something he didn’t. He was as gay as Iwas. He wanted me more than he ever wanted Ellen. I could havemade him suck me, as I had him – but a sly part of me knew thatif I did, I’d lose control of him. He’d be too sickened by whathe’d done to ever be nice to me again. He needed to believe he was the neighborhood’s straight, macho, musclebound hunk. So, Igripped myself, tickled myself with my long painted nails andteased him yet more. I bent my rod back and imagined it wassliding up my ass. It only took a few moments. I gasped, withmy inflamed cheek pressed into the carpet, while I pumped stickystreams toward my back door and rubbed my sperm into my tenderflesh, dipping my fingers into my loosened asshole, pushing asmuch cum as I could inside myself.My voice was hollow with need. “Do it, Ron. Fuck me. Doit now.”I took him much easier than I had the first time. There wasno pain or chain to distract me. Like my mouth, my ass nowseemed designed for cock. I revelled in the spoils of myseduction, the depth of his hammering thrusts. I had more poweras a woman than I’d ever had as a man. My body had become a realtool for pleasure. Cindy had given me my retainer in return forsexual favors and told me how fantastic I was. The man I’dsucked at the bar had paid me with a drink and cigarettes inreturn for the blowjob of his life. I’d wrapped Ron around mypainted pinky. I was beginning to think I might be able tomanipulate Ellen, if I was careful.Ron’s pummelling was taking its toll on me. My cock hadrehardened. When I angled my hips just right, it felt like hewas fucking the inside of my overgrown clit. Sharp electricbolts tore through me, and all thoughts were buried beneath thecascade of sensation. When he howled and filled my guts with hiscream, I jerked and spewed in sympathy. He collapsed atop me,his mass pinning me to the carpet. Being held and having my neckkissed between his ragged breaths was almost as rewarding asbeing fucked.”You are one fine lay, cunt,” he sighed into my ear. “We’llhave to do this again.”I carefully squeezed my buttocks together, caressing hisstill buried dick. “Any time, darling. But right now, I’dbetter get up and get back to my housework or Ellen’s going to bereally pissed.””Speaking of the queen cunt, what’s she up too?””She didn’t say,” I lied. I was protecting her. Ron wasobviously unaware he wasn’t her only source of cock. He may ormay not have been the one to awaken in her a taste for tightdresses and heavy makeup, but I was ninety-nine percent certainthat today wasn’t her first solo foray into the world of bar sex. The only reason she hadn’t gotten laid the night before was because she needed to watch me get it so badly.”Maybe it’d be a good idea not to mention that I droppedby,” he said as he raised his hips, freeing his limp meat with asoft sound that echoed inside me.I felt empty. My ass clutched around nothingness. Well,not quite. I felt his cum oozing from my still opened hole. “Whatever you say, Ron.” Another rush made me shiver. It wasalmost time to wrap myself in the red outfit, paint my face asnastily as I knew how, climb in a cab and go to a hotel bar. Ifelt hot all over, and eager for Ron to leave.Luckily, he was ready to go, too. A thought struck me as herolled me over for a farewell kiss to my smeared mouth. “Couldyou do me a little favor before you go?” I asked him betweentastes of his mouth.”Sure.””Help me change shoes. I still can’t reach my ankles verywell when I’m in my corset.” I smiled inwardly. Would Ellenwonder how I’d managed this trick? “And, while you’re here,maybe you could tighten my laces a little. They seem to haveworked loose somehow,” I giggled.I didn’t complain that he overdid the tightening a little,reducing my waist to closer to twenty inches, swelling whatlittle tits I had even more. After he strapped the towering redheels to my slim ankles, I reached up and kissed him goodbye,feeling his prick already stirring against my tiny belly. Thefact that I could do that to a man who’d just cum inside me a fewminutes before made me feel very good. I was a foxy little slut. Everybody who saw me would want me, and I wanted to be desired,to be lusted after.So, the instant I locked the door behind my lover, I cleanedup the cum staining the carpet, but decided to take a risk andforget about my other tasks, despite the consequences. I hadmuch more important things to take care of.CHANGESMy heart was hammering wildly by the time the taxi pulledinto the drive. I’d asked the dispatcher to make sure the driverdidn’t honk, but apparently he hadn’t gotten the word, because hedid anyway, long and loud. The entire neighborhood was alerted,no doubt peeking out their windows to see what was going on. Horrified, I debated what to do. The cabbie again leaned on thehorn. Waiting was only going to make it worse. I bolted fromthe front door, praying I wouldn’t be recognized for what I was.My prayer was ignored. Nosy Jerome, across the street, wasplainly visible, again drop-jawed. First he’d witnessed Ellen’sdeparture, clad in her skintight black minidress and wearing tenpounds of makeup. Now, some strange woman – me, her lighter twin- in just as few clothes and just as much makeup. The proverbialcat was probably out of the bag.I was mildly surprised by how little I cared. Unless relocationwas in Ellen’s plans, the neighbors would no doubt see much more of me in the future. I was absolutely determined that my two week vacation would stretch out to encompass the rest of my life. I settled into the seat and crossed my legs.The driver was watching me in the mirror. I favored himwith a bright smile. He apparently wasn’t used to picking upwomen who looked like streetwalkers in such a respectable part ofthe city. I knew exactly what my clinging, flame red dress,shimmering platinum blonde mane, and gaudy makeup made me looklike.Being outside the house without Ellen was almost s much funas fucking without her at my side. I felt free to do whatever Iwanted. I teased the driver to distraction with my legs andlips, pretending I was ignorant of what I was doing to him. But,when I leaned forward to ask him for a cigarette, I saw the tenthis erection was making in his pants. I toyed with the idea ofsucking him off rather than paying cash for my fare, but I didn’tfind him all that attractive, and I wasn’t very horny. Besides,I was already nearly late and didn’t want to risk Ellen’s wrath.As it turned out, it wouldn’t have mattered a whole lot. Iwas slowed by fear the moment I stepped from the cab. This was avery busy place. Travelers were leaving and arriving as if thishotel was the airport itself. My newly discovered confidence wasshaken by the hustle and bustle. I tapped into the bar, feelingscrutinized by thousands of eyes. It was packed, of course. Iscanned the tables and barstools nervously and found no sign ofEllen. No tables were vacant, although by the looks I wasgetting, I could have joined any number of solo males. I optedfor the view a seat at the bar would give me.I stood out radically in the somberly dressed mob. The dimlight didn’t seem to dull my screaming red dress, and I felt likemy long silver-blonde tresses reflected every bit of availablelight. For the first time since Ellen had left, I missed her. Had she been there at my side, I’d have revelled in the attentionthat saturated me. Instead, I felt vulnerable, exposed – and scared.I spent the last of my twenty dollars on a glass of wine. Iwouldn’t have had to, of course. There was very little I’d haveever had to buy for myself, dressed like that in a hotel bar. While that notion thrilled me more than a little, it did nothingto banish my uneasiness. Where was Ellen?I rebuffed three thinly veiled offers of “a drink orsomething,” and my rejections earned me a little space. Apparently, I wasn’t the readily available bar girl I appeared,they must have reasoned. My self-confidence began to return. But the fourth voice in my ear startled me when the man itbelonged to called me by name.”You must be Sheila,” came the gutturally accented baritone.I stared for a long, uncomfortable moment. He was tall andthin, with a mop of unkempt blondish hair. He slouched and histie was crooked, making his suit look too expensive for him.If I’d been able to maintain the mood Ron left me in,feeling as brazen as my outfit, I’d have smiled provocatively andcome back with something witty. Instead, I blurted, “Where’sEllen?” acting as insecure as I felt.His smile was mysterious. At least I was able to identifyhis accent as Germanic. “I am Hans. Ellen is upstairs in ameeting and has asked you to join us.” He performed one of thosesilly little stiff continental half-bows and offered me his arm.Upstairs meant a hotel room. My throat tightened and myclit gave a little lurch. I stood, nervously smoothed my skirt,and tried to take his elbow like I’d been doing it all my life. It was a curiously pleasing sensation to be escorted so formallyback through the bar and lobby toward the elevators. My mind wasspinning. Meeting? What exactly did that mean? It was an oddterm, applied to Ellen the way she’d acted when she left me thatafternoon. The only business she’d acted capable of transactingwas on her back with her legs flung wide.I was staggered. Literally. Hans gave me a concerned lookas he pushed the call button. I feigned a reassuring smile. Wasthat it? Was Ellen selling her cunt? The conversation in thebar in the mall replayed itself. The one about her cigarettes. What if, she’d said, she’d been dressing and making herself uplike that and “going out” for six months – about the time she andRon had hatched their plot. I’d assumed then that she’d beentrying to hurt me. While I’d sucked Ron’s dick, I’d imaginedthat there’d been some truth to her hypothetical statement, thathe’d uncovered in her a desire to look and act like a tramp. ButI hadn’t imagined she’d actually whore herself. Surely, I’d haveknown. Ruefully, I admitted that I hadn’t known anything aboutmy wife until a week ago.The dinging arrival of the elevator jolted me from myreverie. In the close confines of the metal box, my escortsmelled of liquor and tobacco. A quick craving for a cigarettegrabbed me.Speaking took effort. “Excuse me, Hans. May I have acigarette?”They were imported. He made no comment about the no smokingsign as he lit it for me. The lighter was an ornate gold thingthat matched the case in which he kept his tobacco. It was harshand oddly satisfying. My lipstick was almost invisible againstthe dark brown paper.I kept my voice going. “Uh, what kind of ‘meeting’ isthis?”He nodded, frowning slightly, as if confirming something. “As I thought, she hasn’t discussed this with you. Your friendhas been in contact with myself and several of my colleagues fora number of months.” His voice registered deep disapproval.Ellen had introduced herself as my friend? To discuss what? Instead of asking those questions, I quickly reassured him. “Sheand I are very close. I’m sure she meant this as a surprise.”His expression softened. “In that case, perhaps I have saidtoo much?”I squeezed his bicep, gave him a soft smile. “It’ll be oursecret.”His thin lips curved upwards and his eyes more or lesspolitely measured by body. “As you wish. I must say, you seemquite well adjusted.”I felt myself pale. He knew about the secret between mylegs. I was confused. Should I feel betrayed or flattered? Itook smoke very carefully to cover my embarrassment. Theelevator door opened at the top floor. Again I accepted his arm. The far wall of the hall was mirrored. I saw an extremely sexylittle blonde woman, clad in fuck-me red, on the arm of a tallthin man. She was gorgeous, in a brazen way, but her visiblediscomfort was spoiling her desirability.Angry at myself, I hugged my escort’s arm more tightly,deliberately pressed my thigh to his as we walked down the hall. He squeezed my arm and smiled. He knew, but he didn’t mind beingclose to me. Was he the “special friend” I was to meet? Was Ibeing nice enough to him? And, above all, was he going to fuckme? If Ellen was whoring herself, was she going to sell my holesto this man and his “colleagues?” My belly hollowed, notentirely with fear.I was anticipating a sordid scene as Hans turned to face adoor and swung it open. My throat was tight. Would the room befilled with men? Maybe I’d see Ellen on her hands and knees,sucking one cock while being fucked by another, or . . .What I was presented with was even more shocking. Ellen satat the head of a table with three men. They were examiningpapers, not her pussy. Her makeup and hair weren’t mussed. Ifelt a shameful stab of disappointment. She glanced up from whatshe was reading, and the room fell silent as all eyes focused onme.They weren’t the kind of looks I was growing accustomed to. They were cold, clinical, examining me more like a side of beefthan a target of lust. I felt like a fool. Ellen had set me up,led me to believe that I was coming here to get laid – and I’deagerly leapt at the chance to open my orifices to whoever wantedthem.A blast of raw sanity ripped through me. I saw myself as Iwas, for the first time in days. I wasn’t a woman. I was amarried male with a dark, newly revealed, twisted taste for cock. I was a sham, a parody, a pathetic joke. My sickness had filledme. I’d given myself over to it. I’d embraced my depravity,wanting to believe I’d had no choice. I’d lied to myself all theway along. If I’d really wanted to, I could have resistedEllen’s dominance and torture. I’d had more opportunities than Icould count to stubbornly say no, to insist that this charadeend. I hadn’t, purely because I’d craved every last moment ofwhat had happened to me. I’d needed the excuses her coercionprovided.All this in one of those wordless insights that take up sucha paltry amount of clock time, yet change everything. Ellen wasjust beginning to part her lips and introduce me. Herassociates, or whatever they were, had yet to complete their scanof me. In that mere instant, I’d shed my slutty horniness andwas wallowing in full-blown despair.A strange numbness kept the scene at a distance. It waslike I was floating somewhere near the ceiling, emotionlesslyobserving what was going on below as if it was happening tosomeone else. I mechanically took the chair Hans held for me. Isaw my legs cross, felt the casual smile on my lips. Shouldn’t I be crying, I remember wondering, almost idly? I sensed that thiswas probably one of the most critical moments of my life and wasastonished by the feeling of peace enveloping me.They were all European physicians specializing in variousaspects of gender re-assignment. Ellen had sought them outmonths before. They were there to assess me. If I passed theirexaminations, I was to become a woman.In my altered state of consciousness, I felt no qualms, nohesitation. I basked in the glow of Ellen’s proud smile. Yes, Iquietly insisted, this is what I wanted, with all my heart. No,there was no chance I’d regret such a momentous decision. I wascommitted. No, I didn’t need the traditional year of living infemale guise to be sure. I was ready, right then.The interview took three gruelling hours. Two of thedoctors had mild reservations, but I swayed the other two, Hansand a younger Frenchman man named Jordan. I didn’t, of course,leap on an airplane and fly to Denmark to have my cock made intoa cunt, although nothing would have made me happier. There werearrangements to be made – and finances to be arranged. It wasagreed, though, that I’d receive breast implants in the nearfuture.Ellen invited them to stay for drinks. Jordan and Hansaccepted, and Ellen called room service while I stepped into thesuite’s bedroom to freshen up. As I touched up my face, I beganto exit the trance-like state I’d been wrapped in, and thereality of my choice took hold. It wasn’t fear that emerged, butexcitement. A shiver rippled through me as I stared at the paleflesh of my cleavage and the twin swells below. In ten days, mycorset would embrace living flesh, not molded latex. I couldflaunt them with even deeper necklines. Men could suck them,pinch them, slide their pricks between them.My sharp, curved nails worked my false nipples and my realones stiffened in sympathy. The thrill settled in, became heat. When the door opened and Ellen slid through, I was still standingbefore the mirror, seeing myself as I was to become. In my mind,I was already a woman, not a cross-dressed fag slut.She walked up behind me, encircled my waist with her arms,and hugged me. I settled against her with a sigh, nestled myhead in the cup of her shoulder, feeling the softness of her titagainst my neck.”You liked my little surprise?” she whispered.I nodded, nuzzling her tit.”Would you like to thank Jordan and Hans for theirkindness?”My belly hollowed. “Do you think they’d like that?””That’s why they stayed, darling.””To fuck me?””To fuck both of us.”She was right. For the first time, I experienced thedelirious pleasure of giving a blow job while having my assfilled, and watching Ellen receive identical treatment. The onlything about the following hours I didn’t enjoy was being strippedof my corset, having my distinctly masculine body made love to byJordan. I hid behind my long silver hair, stared at my lovelyhands while he fucked my ass, cursing hoarsely in French.They left us around three a.m. I fell asleep in the hotelroom bed, curled in Ellen’s arms, after lapping every bit of cumI could reach from her pussy and ass and mouth. I was morecontent than I knew I could be. Three man had enjoyed my bodythat day. All of them had known everything there was to knowabout me, and lusted after me anyway. As I sank into sleep, Idimly realized that for the first time I was completely unashamedof what I was.I awoke disoriented. It took a few seconds to realize whereI was. The bed beside me was empty, but the faint sound of theshower emanating from the bathroom told me where Ellen was. Istretched, relishing the faint soreness of my ass. I’d beenpenetrated there four times, had wildly humped the men riding me,and felt almost no distracting discomfort. I fingered myself. My hole was loose and moist. I was ready for more. I rolled tomy feet and padded in to join Ellen in the shower. There wasn’ta cock in the room, so I settled for a pussy, backing mycompanion into a corner of the stall, eating her until her kneeswent weak and she tried to pull my entire head into her slit.I felt so beautiful as I dressed and made myself up that Iwas almost in tears. I wanted everyone to know. I wanted to bestared at, desired, seduced. Ellen’s mood was much morereserved, but I barely noticed. I felt free, in an all new way. I was ecstatically aware, as we made our way back to the car, ofthe wide sway of my ass and the bounce of my tits. I was totallyat ease with the way my every move was watched, and easily metthe eyes of those staring at me.I didn’t catch Ellen’s anger until we were well on our wayhome, and even then she had to slap me with it.”You’re nothing but a fucking tramp,” she spat with venomafter I’d favored another driver with a wide red smile.I was shocked by the depth of her rage. I studied thefloorboard. “I’m sorry. I just feel -“”Nothing to be sorry about, bitch. You are what you are. Actually, I’m pleased. It’ll make what we have to do a loteasier if I don’t have to force you.” She didn’t sound pleased.I drew on my cigarette, nervously rubbed at the lipstick onthe filter. “What do we have to do?” I asked very quietly.Her laugh was a harsh bark. “We have to make a lot of moneyfor your surgery.”I stared blankly at her for a moment, then looked out the window.I didn’t want her to see my smile. There weren’t many ways to raisethe three thousand dollars we needed in ten days. I was going to bea very busy girl for a while. The only question in my mind was if shewas going to whore herself on bar stools beside me. I hoped so. Ireally liked sharing with her.
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