Pajama party

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Pajama partyA friend of mine sent me an invitation to a party he was throwing Saturday night. Reading it I seen it was going to be a pajama party, and everyone was to come in their pajamas. Not owning any I asked my mother if we could go to the store and get a pair. She said money was short this week and said to call him and tell him I couldn’t make it. I called his house and his father answered the phone. I explained that I couldn’t make it due to the fact I didn’t have pajamas. Mr. Roberts said not to worry about it and just come and I could wear a pair of Scotts. I said ok and told my mom. Saturday night I showed up and Mr. Roberts opened the door and let me in, there were 10-15 guys there already. As we went upstairs to Scott’s room he asked what I normally slept in, blushing I said I didn’t wear anything. His eyes widened up and said smiling, we can’t have you running around with nothing on can we. I guess not sir,I said. We went in the bedroom and he pulled out a pair from the dresser. I was going to go to muğla escort the bathroom to change when Mr. Roberts said it was just us here,and go ahead and change here. I started undressing and Mr. Roberts sat on the bed. As I took off my clothes he said he’ll put them in the closet for safe keeping. I was going to pull the bottoms up when he asked if I was going to keep my underwear on. I asked if I should, he said get comfortable since I was used to having nothing on. I said ok and pulled them off and handed them to him. Standing completely naked in front of him, he said you look in good shape compared to Scott’s other friends. Standing straight up, I said thanks. Mr. Roberts said maybe we can make arrangements for you to sleep more comfortable tonight. Dressing I said thanks, we went downstairs and I went out back and joined the party. We ran around playing tag, then hide and go seek. After a while we came inside and ate pizza and drinks. After I got my plate and drink I looked around for a place to sit. escort muğla Sitting on the stairs eating Mr. Roberts came down and sat beside me. He asked if I was having fun. Yes sir,I am I said. He put his arm around me and said I didn’t have to be so formal, just call me Sam, I said ok. While taking a bite a piece of meat fell and landed on my lap. Moving my leg it fell in the open space of the pants. Sam reached down and and asked do you mind,since your hands are full. Not thinking I said if you don’t mind. He reached down and slid his hand into the bottoms and felt around. He pushed his fingers between my legs and touched my butt which made me jump. No, not there he said, moving his hand around he moved up my leg till he touched my ball sack.I laughed and said that’s not it either. How about here,and he put his fingers around my dick. I wiggled and laughed again and said no, that’s not it either. Are you sure he said laughing, yes I’m sure I said. Whispering he said lets have a look, and pulled my dick out muğla escort bayan of the pants. Giggling I said see,as he held onto it. You’re right he said, then he said what happens when I do this,and rubbed his fingers UP and down it. My dick started to grow and I just watched as his hand moved. Whispering he asked if I ever played with it, I blushed and said sometimes. He smiled and said maybe we can do that later on, and went back upstairs. After eating we went back outside and played for an hour before it was time to go to bed. Most of the boys had napsacks and rolled them out on the floor. We watched the television for a while before Sam came down and said it was time for bed. Scott and I went upstairs and Sam said I could use Tim’s room since he was at college. I said thanks and went in and laid down. After a few minutes I heard the door to Scott’s room close and a light knock at the door I was in. When the door opened it was Sam and he came in and shut the door behind him. He came over and sat next to me on the bed and asked if I was having fun. I said yes I was. He raised the sheets up and said, why don’t you get comfortable, and said to take off my pajamas. Sitting up I started unbuttoning the top,when he said lets me do it for you.

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