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BreakdownOf all the places Tom had seen so far, Bangkok was his favorite. Despitethe overwhelming heat of the Thai climate, strolling through the backstreets of Sukhumvit Road seemed to energise him. The smell of the spicystreet food, the noise of the cars and tuktuks that seemed to bepermanently stuck in traffic, the view at a colorful urban jungle, wheretrendy bars, shabby tailors and high end hotels had fought for the bestavailable locations and had settled down in a way that wouldn’t have madesense anywhere else in the world. It was this chaos that he was takingin. This was what finally started to make him feel alive again.After Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia, Thailand was the fifthcountry on the list. It had been two months since Tom boarded on a flightfrom Paris to Singapore, just three days after dropping out of theprestigious university of Sorbonne in Paris. He had only spent six monthson his literature major when he came to the conclusion that he had pickedthe wrong field of study.”Don’t worry about it, Tomas. You are still only 19. Just try to figure outwhat it is you DO want to do and start out fresh after the summer”, hisfather told him.Tom always had a great bond with his father, but the support he receivedafter dropping out was more than he could’ve hoped for. Apart from beingsupportive, his father offered him to pay for a trip through Asia. “Gobackpacking, it will be good for you, and when you come back, you’llprobably know what you want to do”, he said.Tom was an only c***d. His father, a retired pilot for Air France, was nowin his sixties but still as charming as he must have been while he wasstill traveling all across the globe. Twenty-five years ago, during alayover in Prague, he had met a beautiful blonde woman from the Czechrepublic and married her a year later. Tomas was the result of the bestthey had to offer: a 1.90 meter (6ft4) tall boy, with almost silk likeblonde hair and dreamy blue eyes. Despite Tom not being very muscular, hisslim figure came with an allure that fitted a Greek god.His stunning physique was one thing, but what really seemed to woo thegirls he grew up with in an upper class Paris neighborhood, was his air ofindifference. He was never rude, but few things could interest him. Forsome reason it made him even more attractive. He didn’t go to a lot ofparties his friends of classmates organised, because there was always abook he wanted to finish or a debate on television he wanted to watch. Evenat 13, Tom was interested in politics and social issues and tried to formhis own opinion, armed with all the arguments and philosophies the manyFrench quality authors had put on paper.But when he did mingle with friends, he was instantly the most popular guyin any group. Other boys were jealous because of the effect he had on thegirls they were chasing, but they too were drawn to his natural charm. Acharm Tom never realised he had, until he lost his virginity when he was14. It was Claire, a girl of the same age who lived across the street andwho had made it her life goal to become his girlfriend. Tom didn’t careenough to decline and stayed with her until the moment of dropping out ofuniversity. Claire took it hard, although she must have known he had beenunhappy for a long time.During his relationship with Claire, Tom never cheated on her. Especiallyduring the first few weeks at the university he had plenty of chances to doso, but he didn’t think the pain it could cause Claire would be worth a30-minute pleasure. Being together for over five years had all butdestroyed the sex life Tom and Claire had. When they spend the nighttogether, most of the times Tom would read a book while Claire watched amovie on the couch. The last couple of months Tom joined her watchingmovies, as his interest in literature seemed to fade away. He couldn’t finda single book he enjoyed anymore, especially not the ones he was forced toread by his teachers. But after the movie was finished, they went to bedand fell asleep without touching each other for more than a goodnightkiss. The few times that they did have sex over the last year, it was aphysical act stripped of all forms of passion. When Claire felt like it,she would climb on top of him and moved up and down until one of themcame. There was nothing exciting about it, Tom thought. No foreplay, nooral. Tom didn’t bother to take initiative. If he was honest to himself, helost his interest in her a long time ago.Backpacking through South East Asia was just what he needed; Tom thoughtwhen he was on the plane to Singapore.Exploring such a different world would get him out of this rut, get rid ofthe boredom and relight the spark he used to have within him when he was ayoung boy, in awe when he discovered all the knowledge there was yet tolearn. Even before figuring out what it is he wanted to do with his study,Tom decided he would discover his physical side. Claire had obviously beena bad influence on him but it wasn’t too late to find out how much fun hecould have with his body.19 years old… Hell, Tom thought, I’m going to fuck until I feel.It didn’t take him long to start this particular challenge. The girlsitting next to him on the plane was in her late twenties and on her way tovisit her boyfriend who worked in Singapore. They talked for a while andTom told her what he had just decided on. He saw no reason not to, hewasn’t ashamed of it. It was more matter of fact.The girl was so intrigued by the beautiful young boy that all she said whenhe finished talking about his need to feel was: “I want you to fuck me sohard that I’ll feel it for the rest of the week.”The remaining flight time took forever, but when they finally landed inSingapore, they got into the first rest room they could find and finallyperformed the act they had talked about at an altitude of 30.000ft. Thegirl came twice before Tom planted his seed deep inside her. When they leftthe airport half an hour later, they hadn’t even exchanged names.The airport encounter set the tone for Tom’s main activities in Asia. Hefucked locals and fellow tourists all over the continent. Being abackpacker made life easy, the hostel dorms and nearby bars had sex writtenall over them and Tom’s enchanting looks made sure he never had to spendthe night alone. But with every girl he fucked, his hope of discoveringtrue physical pleasure faded away a bit more. The only happiness he feltwas the brief rush after cumming over or in his partner in crime. When hearrived in Bangkok, Tom decided that the reward of climax wasn’t worth thetrouble of the passionless sex that he kept encountering everywhere. Thispart of his journey had failed, but maybe he could succeed in his otherassignment: Finding a goal for his future.Tom shrugged his shoulders when leaving his hostel on Khao San Road andheaded to Sukhumvit to explore the city. No more sex. It was as if, for thefirst time, he started to take in his surroundings after two months thrownaway on meaningless encounters with meaningless people. It was now time tomake some sense again before heading back to Paris.It’s easy to have fun as a 19-year-old French backpacker in Bangkok, andTom certainly was trying to let it live up to the expectation. He enjoyedall the city offered him thus far: Tasty street food, the splendour of thegrand palace, the social contrast that became apparent on a long tailcruise that took him through small canals and the extreme hospitality ofthe Thai people. After a long day of cultural activities, it was now timeto explore the nightlife.After plenty of meaningless encounters on the earlier legs of his tripthrough South East Asia , Tom had decided not to pursue sex anymore.Picking a major for the new school year was the main objective now. Afterdropping out of his French literature study at the Paris university ofSorbonne, this trip was supposed to be all about his future.But that didn’t mean he couldn’t go out and get a drink. His hostel wasright at the centre of Bangkok’s backpacker area, but Tom preferred tomingle in a more local scene. He got into a taxi and asked to be taken toRatchada Rot Fai 2, a fairly new night market the guy at the check incounter of the hostel promised him was still mostly undiscovered bytourists.”Why are you going to Ratchada”, the taxi driver asked. His English soundedgood, especially for a Thai taxi driver. Every time Tom tried to take ataxi, the hardest thing was trying to explain to the driver where he neededto go. Even a famous hotspot like the grand palace didn’t seem to ring abell for some of them. That his telephone was stolen in Cambodia madethings worse, because now he couldn’t use a local sim card to look uptranslations or help with directions. Also, Tom’s French accent didn’thelp, but the low level of English of the Thai people surprised him. Withso many tourists in Bangkok, you’d expect at least the taxi drivers tocommunicate properly.Tom told the driver he was looking for a more authentic experience, afterspending most of his time with backpackers for the last two months.”You look like a smart guy, why do you go to a night market ? They’re thesame everywhere. If you want to meet interesting Thai people, you should goto Silom. That’s where the students and the business men are.”Tom looked at the driver. He was a typical small Thai man, with dark,neatly combed hair and glasses that were so transparent that they werebarely noticeable. This was not a playboy trying to get a kickback forbringing well spending customers to one of the many shady bars that offeredping pong shows and girls to take back to your hotel room. Also, Tom knewthat Silom was a big, well-known street, in the middle of the city. Itdidn’t sound like a scam.Tom thought it all over, realising the importance of the responsibility hisparents entrusted on him. Not a lot of parents would allow their19-year-old son to backpack through South East Asia for three months,without a predefined itinerary. They even financed the trip. And when hisphone got stolen, all they said was `don’t worry about it and staysafe’. But Tom also knew he had to take some risks once in a while if hetruly was to have a unique experience, so he told the driver to take him toSilom.After a twenty-minute drive, the taxi stopped on the side of a very busystreet. There were plenty of people, so there was nothing to worryabout. No dark back ally and no intimidating bouncers in front of the bars.The taxi driver pointed to a door that was barely noticeable between thebig office buildings. “Tell them that Prakuchit drove you here. It willnot get you a discount – it’s not that kind of bar – but maybe it will helpyou start a conversation.” The last words of the driver made Tom feel safeand a little bit guilty that he had doubted his intentions.The interior of the bar had a sophisticated look, with leather chairs, lowlight, a bookshelf and a liquor collection behind the bar tender thatsuggested they might only serve traditional cocktails and whisky. The bardidn’t look like the kind of place that should be on the to do list ofsomeone on a backpacking budget, but Tom decided that he’d at least haveone drink before heading out again. There was a group of well-dressed Thaipeople, probably students, in their early twenties. Seeing them made Tominstantly aware of his own outfit. He was dressed for the market, wearing aloose v-neck and shorts. Fortunately he was wearing shoes instead of theusual flip-flops, but he wasn’t sure it’d be enough to let him stay.”You can’t wear that in here,” said the bartender who had walked up to himand was moving his eyes all over Tom’s body .”I’m sorry, I was planning to go somewhere else but my taxi driver…Prakuchit, he told me this would be a nice place for me to meet educatedThai people ,” Tom replied.I n his apology, Tom’s presence remained firm. Even when being asked toleave, Tom’s indifferent air made it clear that he would not feel rejectedby such a decision. The bartender waited for a more eager plea, but swiftlyrealised he wasn’t going to hear it from this tall boy with the Frenchaccent. Tom saw a curious look in the bartender’s eyes, that was triggeredwhen he had mentioned the name of the taxi driver, but seemed to intensifyby the second.”Ok, I’ll fix you a drink, come sit at the bar.” The bartender tried to actas if he had only just decided to ignore the fact that Tom wasn’t wearing asmart outfit. They both knew that wasn’t true.The bartender was an Asian man, in his thirties, and was even more fluentin English than the taxi driver. There was barely an accent noticeable.After he served a Bacardi and Coke, he headed to one of the guys that wasin the group of Thai students. The guy followed the bartender back to thebar and grabbed the stool next to Tom.”Hello, I’m Roo”, said the boy.He turned out to be the son of the owner of the bar and said he alwaysliked talking to young tourists who were looking for something else thenthe many roads that all the tourists before had already paved. The boyconfirmed that he and his friends were indeed students, but that was aboutall Tom got out of the boy. The only things Roo wanted to talk about werethe classy customers that the bar normally entertains and the stellarreputation his father supposedly has in the gentleman’s scene of Bangkok.Tom didn’t really listen. He was start ing to feel tired and losing hisconcentration. When his drink was finished and he asked for the bill, theboy offered him another drink, “from the house and because you are myguest.”Tom didn’t see the harm in one more drink. He would just drink it fast andhead back to the hostel. He had a long day of exploring the city behindhim, so the sudden tiredness didn’t alarm him. It was only until halfwaythrough the second drink when he needed to balance his arm on the bar toprevent falling from his stool. He started to fade in and out of theconversation, which was only the Thai boy talking. He seemed to havediscovered Tom’s purpose in Bangkok and changed the subject from his fatherto life goals, or something like that. Tom couldn’t keep up anymore.”I understand you. You want to live, to do something unique.””You want to find out who you really are.”Tom wanted to leave, but he couldn’t move.”Bangkok has made the dreams of many men come true.””In order to make dreams of the deserving come true, there have to beservants. You are going to be one of those servants. “The boy kept talking, while Tom was rapidly blinking his eyes. His skin wasfeeling extremely sensitive all of a sudden, like a dozen fans all startedblowing at his body at once. He tried to regain his focus, was this boyreally saying what Tom was hearing? Before he could answer the question tohimself, everything went black.———————————————————————-Tom woke up lying on the floor of a room that was completely dark. It feltsurreal, as if he was still to wake up from a bad dream. It took him awhile to realise some kind of d**g was fading from his body, but once hedid it became terrifyingly clear to him that this wasn’t a bad dream atall. The room in which Tom found himself felt like a sauna, with clammyheat touching his body. His naked body, as Tom now realised, with nothingon it but the cold, heavy feel of a steel chain around his ankle. Tom’spredicament caused a sudden wave of panic and he started to scream.He screamed for minutes and minutes, maybe even longer than an hour, therewas no way to tell, before his voice finally gave in. He couldn’t hold offthe tears that had been urging to escape from his eyes any longer, tearsthat most others would’ve succumbed to much sooner. But even while crying,Tom maintained his strength of character. He made no sound and he wasn’tbroken; this was nothing more than a physical reaction to the situation hefound himself in.Tom closed his eyes, as if it could get him out of the room. He tried toretrace his steps; the hostel, the taxi, the bar. How could he have been sostupid to take the advice of the taxi driver. Such a foolish mistake thathe had been warned about so often. Why did he accept the second drink atthe bar when he was already feeling tired? Why didn’t he just go to thenight market like he had planned to? Why didn’t he get a new telephoneafter the first one was stolen while he was sleeping in a Cambodian hostel?The moment he heard a switch, he was blinded. An unforgiving beam of neonlight escaped from the ceiling and filled the room, which he started to seewas very small. The chain around his ankle was connected to a mount rightat the center of the floor. When his eyes were fully accustomed to theintense light, there were few details yet to discover: The room was almostcompletely empty, apart from a thin blanket that was rolled up against oneof the walls.But the blanket wasn’t the center of Tom’s focus. What caught his attentionwas a cctv camera in one of the upper corners, a dark TV monitor mounted inthe wall and the door, especially the door.Even though the steel door didn’t have a handle, it was easy to identifybetween the concrete of the enclosing wall. The door was built firmlywithin the concrete, Tom kept scanning for holes or distortions in thesteel, but he couldn’t discover even the tiniest opening. That was probablyalso the reason why he couldn’t hear anything but his own acceleratedbreathing.Using all the power his body had recovered since waking up from hisd**g-induced sleep, Tom tried to stand. His legs were shaky, but hemanaged. The room was small, but just big enough to prevent him fromtouching the walls while standing . The heavy chain around his ankle wasjust three links long so in order to touch the wall, he had to lie down andstretch his hands. Tom noticed a couple of rings mounted into the wall, butbefore he could think about the purpose of their presence, the TV requiredhis immediate attention: an image had appeared.The modern looking, flat screen TV was mounted in the wall just below thecamera that was probably filming alanya escort Tom this very instant. Both the camera andthe monitor were out of his reach. The cables that provided a current andtransmitted the images were barely visible and the way they disappearedinto the wall was the work of professionals. A shiver went down Tom’ssweaty spine while he concluded that he wasn’t in a police cell or in thecaptivity of some amateurs that might ask his parents for a ransom. Someonea lot less bright than Tom would’ve figured out that this kind of setupcould only mean he was in serious trouble.The thought was confirmed by the image on the screen. It was a picture ofRoo, the boy he had met at the bar, the son of the owner. Only in thepicture he wasn’t wearing his three-piece suit, but an army-like outfit.The violent look in his eyes matched the automatic machine gun he washolding in his hands. In any other situation, Tom would’ve laughed aboutsuch a show-off picture. Now, he realised being shown the image was hiscaptors’ way of letting him know there was no escape possible.The image faded to black before it began showing CCTV footage that had beenshot in the bar where Tom was a*****ed. He spotted himself, talking to hisfictive guard. The footage clearly showed that there was no one else in thebar apart from the bartender and the friends of the boy that Tom had beentalking to. While Tom was talking to Roo and losing consciousness, thebartender closed the front door of the bar. After the d**g had knocked Tomout, everyone that was inside helped drag his tall body through the door atthe back of the bar. That’s where the image faded to black again.The new information that the footage had shown, felt like a punch in thestomach. So many thoughts were fighting to be on top of mind, and most ofthem were reassurances Tom was telling himself to remain calm.They will come looking for me. They will find me. Tom wanted to think it,but a growing feeling of hopelessness dominated his mind.The TV started airing again and this time the screen filled with thepinkish glow of naked bodies. From the first fraction Tom knew it wasporn. The clip showed two boys, about Tom’s age. One was on his knees,sucking the other. The clip had audio and strangely enough it was a reliefto Tom to hear the moaning of the boys on the screen. Finally somethingother than the panic-filled sound of his own breathing.The clip didn’t last long. Within a couple of minutes the face of thekneeling boy was dripping cum and his tongue was eagerly trying to get asmuch of it in his mouth. The next clip started: it showed a small, youngboy bent over a table while an older man fucked him until he came in theboys ass. Several other men, probably in their fifties or sixties, werewaiting for their turn to fuck the boy next. The clip took forever, notuntil all of the 10+ men had spilled their seed in the raw ass of thenumb-fucked boy, the clip changed. A naked Asian guy appeared, only hisback was visible, he was standing with his hands pushed to the wall. Theangry voice of an invisible man shouted something in the background andafter a couple of seconds, the punishing sound of a cane hitting the bareflesh of its victim cut through the prison room in which Tom was beingheld.As the caning in the clip continued, Tom had goose bumps all over hisbody. The acts he was watching shocked him, but most of all it was that theAsian boy that had to endure it, didn’t make a single sound. As if allsense of pain had been squeezed out of his body. That wasn’t possible, Tomthought.Although the images were horrible to Tom, he couldn’t look away, it was theonly input he got out of the room, so he had to focus on it.Dozens of porn clips succeeded each other. All were gay; some of relativelynormal sex where boy-next-door types sucked or fucked each other, but mosthad a dark twist and involved some kind of fetish.Between some of the clips, the monitor aired the footage that the cameraabove it was filming. Tom saw himself, plain naked and completely lost. Itwas only when he looked at his own image on the monitor when h e noticedhis penis was hard. It didn’t shock him, he was sure the erection wasbased on fear, like the early boners he would get from watching a scarymovie when he was very young.The porn clips varied in length. Some only showed a brief action, like thelicking of a foot, while other clips didn’t seem to end. They covered somany different sexual areas that it was like Tom was receiving a crashcourse in gay sex. He saw intimate kisses, hair being shaven, dildos andfists penetrating, rimming, spanking, two boys that took turns pissing ineach other’s mouths and many other things Tom had never before seen or eventhought about. Oddly enough, the clip Tom found the most ominous was not sosexual at all: It showed a group of six men that were drinking cocktails,quietly speaking to each other and looking at a group of naked young boyson a stage. Almost like they were inspecting them. The boys didn’t doanything but stand there. The men were acting casual, like they wereattending just another cocktail party.The footage of this clip was grainy, but the thought occurred that itmight have been filmed in the bar where Tom was a*****ed.After the sequence of clips had looped four times, the screen faded toblack and the neon light that had filled the room disappeared with the sameviolent motion it had come with. Tom sat on the floor with his hands in hisbeautiful blonde hair, that normally had such a radiant glow when it wasbeing touched by daylight. Three questions kept running through his mind:Where the hell was he, how could he get away and, if he couldn’t, what werethey planning to do to him ? In the darkness and silence that surroundedhim, there was no peace for him to find.Tom had no idea if he had slept days, hours or even if he had slept atall. He was a prisoner in a soundproof room that offered him not even theslightest ray of light. The circumstances made sure that all sense of timewas fading away from his consciousness.After the light had been switched off again, Tom had retrieved the blanketthat he had seen leaning against one of the walls. In order to get it, hehad to lie down on the floor and stretch as far as he could. With hisfingertips he got the blanket to move and eventually fall on its side,which made it easy to grab.It was a minor victory and for a brief second a positive feeling flowedthrough Tom’s body. Even though the small blanket wasn’t even an inchthick, it was nice not to feel the concrete floor on his naked upperbody. If Tom curled up and held his arms firmly around his knees, most ofhis skin was touching fabric.The monitor that had showed the gay erotica had been switched off since thefourth loop and as far as Tom could tell the situation around him wasexactly the same as before the light went off.Then, out of the blue, a sound!At the same instant the lights flashed on and the door opened. Threemuscular Asian men entered the cell. Tom got up to his feet and moved awayfrom the door as far as the chain around his ankle permitted him and to tryand stay out of the men’s reach, but it didn’t help because they quicklycornered him, put a gag in his mouth, grabbed his arms and legs and boundthem with restraints.After unlinking the heavy chain around his ankle, the guards pushed Tomforward, moving out of the cell. He had no other option but to comply.With his arms tight to each other by the restraints, Tom knew this wouldnot be a chance for him to escape, but he could at least use the event totry and figure out where the hell he was.It puzzled Tom that the three men made no effort to prevent him from takingin his surroundings. His eyes were free to take in the corridor he was nowmoving through. There wasn’t a lot to see, though. It had the same concretewall as Tom’s cell and it wasn’t very long. Tom counted eight doors justlike the metal one he was just pushed through. There were no windows in thecorridor and the ceiling was low. Despite the bright neon light it hadthere was something claustrophobic about it. Confined was the right word.One of the guards used two metal keys and an electronic key card to unlockthe heavy door at the end of the corridor. It opened to anotherhallway. The building seemed to be some kind of abandoned officebuilding. At both ends of the hallway Tom could see the openings tostaircases and windows that were so stained that they barely let throughany light at all.Tom was taken only a couple of doors down the hall and forced into a narrowroom. Inside were just a bucket and a water hose.”Use the toilet,” the tallest of the guards shouted.A rope with a rubber hook at the end was hanging from the ceiling. One ofthe guards slid Tom’s wrist restraint in the hook and it made sure Tomdidn’t fall down while he was squatting above the bucket.The three men stayed right at Tom’s side. He was really going to have to dothis. He didn’t know if and when he would get a next chance. He let it allgo. Tom was now squatting above the bucket, with his hands suspended on ahook above him to be able to keep the balance. Silent tears rolled down hischeeks. Another burst of hopelessness filled his body. He wanted this allto be a bad dream, or a prank from one of the crazy Asian televisionshows. That a TV host now entered the room with rolling cameras and thateverybody started laughing and applauding him.But Tom knew that wouldn’t happen. This was real.After Tom was finished, two guards pulled him up, turned him around andheld him, while the other one aimed the water hose at him. A strong streamof water pressed against his body. Not only his butt cheeks were cleaned,but his whole body received a thorough cleansing.The guards dragged Tom out of the room. He was still soaking wet when heentered into a new area of the floor, through the door of what looked likean examination room.One of the guards attached Tom’s wrist restraints to a hook that wasmounted in the ceiling. The other men were spreading Tom’s legs and madesure they stayed that way by using a spreader bar. It was all happening soswiftly; they must have done this exact procedure many times before.Once Tom was put in his place — his legs wide and his arms tight to theceiling — the guards left. Tom stood in the room and looked around. Theroom was all very clean and seemed to have all the equipment a generalpractitioner could possibly need, and more. He tried to scream, but hisvoice was still raw from his earlier attempt at being heard and with thegag in his mouth, he knew it was pointless.A man and a woman, both in their twenties, entered the room. It took a fewseconds before it hit Tom that these were two of the people he had seen inthe bar where he was a*****ed. These two were friends of the boy that hadtalked to him, the boy he had seen on the monitor in his cell, wearing anarmy-like outfit and carrying an automatic gun.”Time for your physical”, the guy said, giving Tom a disgusted look. Bothhe and the girl were wearing clean white lab coats. The guy was acting likehe was the doctor and the girl was the nurse. He said something in Thai andthey both laughed.The doctor examined his body from head to toe and wrote down every detailabout it. Tom could see the doctor write on a clipboard. It had a drawingof a body and on dotted lines he made notes in Thai. It wasn’t difficult tofigure out that he was writing down things like the color of Tom’s eyes,the length of his hair, the measurements of his head, his upper body andhis arms and legs and also his wrists, ankles and neck… it was more likea tailor was fitting him for a suit than a doctor checking his health.While they examined it, the doctor and the nurse got very physical. Thedoctor pulled Tom’s hair and squeezed his mouth to check his teeth. Tom hadno clue why the doctor also pinched his nipples to the point where Tom letout a high squeak through the gag that was still in his mouth. The doctormade notes of everything.The pinching of the nipples did something to his body. Even though it waspainful, his dick had responded to it and wasn’t as soft as it was a minuteago. The nurse noticed it, grabbed Tom’s cock and started jerking it. Tomdesperately didn’t want it to, but his cock was in full erection withinseconds.”You are going to make us a lot of money”, the doctor said with a smile onhis face.Tom understood it was his penis that was being complemented, just like ithad been by many of the girls he had fucked over the last two months. Tomhad never cared about it much, but he knew his was well hung. As the nursewas now finding out, Tom’s thick dick measured 23 centimeters (9″) and wasas straight at could be. The foreskin fitted around the head beautifully,giving just enough room to slide back and forth perfectly.Without warning, the doctor grabbed Tom’s balls and squeezed them hard. IfTom’s arms hadn’t been tied to the ceiling, the pain would’ve forced him onhis knees. Whatever was left of his voice was now being used to express thepain he was feeling.The doctor and the nurse laughed as Tom’s erection faded.Tom felt the doctor’s hand move to the back of Tom’s body. He pressed afinger up against Tom’s butt hole.”Tight”, the doctor said. “Have you ever been fucked, faggot?”Tom didn’t respond, he was still fighting the pain from his squeezedballs. The pain quickly subsided when it had to make way for the pain fromthe punch in the gut that the doctor just gave him.”HAVE YOU EVER BEEN FUCKED FAGGOT? ANSWER ME!”Not being able to speak due to both the pain and the mouth gag, Tom movedhis head horizontally, indicating the answer `no’.”Good”, the doctor said. He made a final note on his clipboard and left theroom.The nurse stayed behind and went on to draw some blood from Tom’s arm.After that, she grabbed some wax and started to remove every hair Tom hadon his body. Only the long blonde hair on his head was left when the nursefinished her job. Tom’s body was now glowing red.He felt exhausted by the intrusive physical he had received and Tom had noforce left in him to resist when the same guards from before entered theexamination room to take him back to his cell. They surrounded him, makingsure he couldn’t escape or resist anything they might force him to do. Whenthey arrived at the door of Tom’s cell, one of the guards got the gag outof Tom’s mouth and handed him a bottle of water and some sort of smoothie.”Drink both”, the guard ordered.Tom obliged, knowing very well there was nothing to gain fromresisting. Besides, he was extremely thirsty, even without any orders hewould drink the water. The smoothie tasted grainy and fruity. Tom had afeeling that this was the only meal he would get for a while.After both drinks were finished, the guards pushed Tom back into his celland locked his ankle with the chain that was tied to the floor in thecentre of the room. After they left and closed the door, the lights wentoff. Tom was alone in the dark again.Tom desperately wanted to make sense of all that was happening to him. Whyhad they k**napped him? Who were they to begin with? What could the groupof rich students want from him? At what kind of place were they keepinghim? More and more questions popped up in his mind.Why did they put him through that physical? Are they going to let him doslave labor? Or even worse, use or sell him as a sex slave to some deviant?Why did the monitor only show clips of gay porn? Had they mistaken him forsomeone else? Didn’t they know he wasn’t gay? Did they even care?Tom felt he could guess some of the answers, but he didn’t want to. Heneeded facts so he could make a plan for how to get out of this fucked upsituation.He felt he was getting angry. A part was anger at himself, for getting inthe situation in the first place, but most of it was anger towards the sonof the bar owner and his friends, especially the student who acted like adoctor and hurt Tom by squeezing his balls and punching him in the gut.If one of them would walk in now, Tom would attack them with all the forcehe had in him, whether they were armed or not.But no one disturbed him for an agonizingly long time. Long enough for thedrinking water to run through his body and fill his bladder and for hisstomach to start demanding more food.There was no bucket or anything in the room. Even the water bottle that Tomhad finished before being thrown back into the cell, was taken by theguards. If he had to pee, there was no place for it but the concrete of thefloor. It would be messy.Tom decided to try and hold off a little longer.The TV monitor came to Tom’s aid by offering a distraction when itflickered on. It was nice to see some light again, even though it initiallyhurt his eyes. The video that was shown was recorded in a cell just likethe one Tom was now in. At first, Tom thought he was watching himself beingrecorded by the cctv camera, but then he noticed the timestamp on thevideo: It was recorded four years ago. The boy on the floor in the videowasn’t him, but someone else, someone younger than Tom – who was only 19years old himself.The footage was in grey scale but the boy seemed to have light hair. Helooked petrified, like he too had just been captured. With everything hehad, he tried to remove the chain from his ankle. A chain just like the onekeeping Tom tied to the middle of the floor. Tom knew the boy’s attemptswere pointless and it hurt him to watch the boy try, especially because theboy was putting so much pressure on his ankle that Tom was afraid it wouldsnap soon.Two men entered the cell in the video. They pulled the boy up and Tom couldsee that he wasn’t very tall and really was young, at least three yearsyounger than Tom. While one of the men held the boy’s hands behind hisback, the other put some sort of apparatus on the boy’s penis. Like he waslocking it. It was the end of the clip.The neon lights in Tom’s cell flickered on and the door opened. Tom heldhis breath, partly from fear, but mainly with a sense of hope escort alanya that stillhid within him. Maybe this would be a chance to escape.The small and thin person that entered Tom’s cell was the boy he had justseen on the monitor.The boy looked like he aged a decade since the video was taken. He had deeplines in his face, his hair was shaved and there wasn’t a spot on his bodythat didn’t have a bruise or the mark of some sort of whip on it. The boywas naked but for an iron collar around his neck and some sort of cagearound his penis. Tom hoped for the boy that it wasn’t the same as he hadseen being put on the boy in the video. The video that was recorded fouryears ago.However happy Tom was to see another human being – especially someone thatdidn’t look aggressive – his body became heavy with disappointment when thecell door closed right after the boy entered; there was no window ofopportunity for Tom to escape.Tom looked at the boy. There were so many things he wanted to ask, so manyquestions that he hoped the boy could answer. But Tom couldn’t find thewords to form a question. His mind was trying its hardest to form asentence that would make any sense. Without success. No matter how hard hetried, the only word his mouth uttered in the end was a cry with barely anysound: “Help.”The boy ignored it and looked at Tom with absent eyes. He started speaking:”Listen carefully. I will tell you some basic rules and explain what’sgoing to happen to you. You can ask questions at the end.”The British accent the boy spoke with fitted his European look. His skinwas pale and looked like it hadn’t seen sunlight in a long, long time.”You are fortunate to have been chosen to serve”, the boy continued, “toserve those who are superior. Those who deserve to be worshipped and tohave lesser people at their will. For inferior beings like you and me thereis not a more privileged duty to be called upon.”You are now at a processing facility where you are being assessed bydoctors and psychologists. They will compose your slave profile, which willbe used for a blind auction. If there is a buyer willing to pay premium foran untrained and unbroken slave, you will be transferred to his care. If noone is willing to pay the target value, you will be trained by theGroup. After training, you will be attending an auction where potentialbuyers can see and feel you and get a demonstration before a public biddingtakes place. If you aren’t bought, you will continue to work for the Group,as you by then will have done during training, and at every next auctionyour starting value will drop, until someone buys you or you becomeworthless.”But you don’t have to worry, you will find your Master soon enough. A boywith a body like yours, with such a nice figure and with a huge cock likethat, is high in demand. If you’re not sold in the blind auction, youprobably will be after training.”You might not believe it now, but you are very lucky to be chosen for thisnew life. You get to worship and serve someone superior. All your decisionswill be made for you and you will take your sole pleasure in the fact thatyou are an object of lust, in the ownership of someone better thanyourself. It is like paradise, your only goal in life will be to keep yourowner satisfied. You might not believe it now, but soon that is the onlything you’ll do and, more importantly, the only thing you’ll want to do.”Tom couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was this for real? He only had toglance at the boy in front of him to know that it was dead serious. But allthis talk about being owned, Tom couldn’t image what it meant, nor did hewant to find out.The boy continued.”These are the rules you will follow:1. You no longer have a name, you will respond to whatever your superiorcalls you. You do have a number. Your number is 237;2. You didn’t have a life before becoming property of the Group. Anymention of your fantasy of it, is prohibited;3. You are to fulfill all orders being given by any member of the Group;4. You are responsible to keep your body and the cell or cage you arestaying in clean at all times. No piss is allowed to be kept in a bottle,bucket or on the floor;5. You are never allowed to touch a superior or another slave unlessinstructed to do so by a member of the Group;6. You are never allowed to speak unless instructed to do so;7. You are never allowed to touch yourself when not in chastity, unlessinstructed to do so by a member of the Group.”If you don’t follow the rules, you will be punished accordingly. Your newowner will have his own rules, but these are the rules while you are inpossession of the Group. You will find that they are put in place to helpyou become a true servant. They will make you feel safe.”No matter how unreal that last sentence sounded to Tom, the boy spoke withconviction; he meant every word he said. For a brief moment, Tom imagedwhat he would look like after four years of captivity. Probably nothingmore than a shell of his former self. He could imagine how he would lookphysically, after comparing the boy in front of his eyes to the boy he hadseen on the grainy footage. But he couldn’t imagine himself being thisbrainwashed.Tom made a promise to himself; he would not let his spirit be broken. Nomatter what they would do to him, he would savor at least the tiniestfeeling of hope and keep faith that his chance to get out of this hellwould come.”Do you have any questions? This is your one and only opportunity to askthem with permission of the Group”, the boy said in a calm fashion. Hisappearance hadn’t changed at all during anything he had told Tom.For a moment, Tom thought about not asking anything, he felt resilient anddidn’t want to play along anymore. But his disorientation and the dozens ofquestions racing through his mind took over, he needed some answers.”Who are you?” Tom asked.”I am whatever the Group wants me to be”, said the boy.Tom impatiently dismissed the answer: “But what’s your name, where do youcome from? How old are you?””I am whatever the Group wants me to be and that’s all I want to be.”The boy sounded almost like a robot. Tom asked the next question on top ofhis mind:”Where am I?””You’re in Thailand, in the domain of the Group. That’s all I can tell youand all you need to know.””What happens if I’m bought in the blind auction?”Speaking the words `if I’m bought’ aloud gave Tom a nauseous feeling. Itwas all very abstract to him, but despite that, he was afraid to hear thequestion answered.”If you are bought at the blind auction, that means you’ll be transferredto your new owner without receiving training by the Group. If you are ananal virgin and an unbroken slave, your base value will be high, so youwill have to be lucky to be bought by a an owner who is willing to pay thatprize and cares enough about his servants to spend his time and moneybreaking them.””Breaking?”, Tom’s voice, still worn out from the screams for help, couldonly utter whispers thus far. But this word came out loud and clear.”Yes, of course”, the boy said in the same generic way he had answeredevery question Tom had fired at him. “You are foul and undeserving, spoiledby an unbalanced world that has lost track of the natural order. You willbe useless until you know and feel that your only pleasure can come fromserving your superior, your master. Your corrupted soul will have to bebroken in order to fulfill its destiny.”The boy answered with some impatience in his voice this time. It frightenedTom. Why didn’t the boy seem to understand that this whole concept of beingowned — and especially of being broken — was so unimaginable for Tom?”Why are you telling me this”, asked Tom.”Because the sooner you understand and accept the path in front of you, thebetter. Once you come to terms with being what you are — a slave, a toyfor those who deserve to play — the easier the process will be. You stillhave a lot to learn, but learning can be fun and doesn’t have to inflictdamage that might discourage potential new owners.”The answer puzzled Tom and he asked what the boy meant.”The harder the breaking process will be, the less value you will have. Ifyou have to be hit on every muscle of your body, if all the bones in yourlegs have to be broken, it will leave traces. You are smooth now; you havegorgeous hair, an incredibly beautiful uncaged cock and an ass that hasnever been used. The Group wants you to remain this way as long aspossible, because it is good for your market value. You will never be ableto repay the Group for giving you this opportunity, so to accept yourfaith, stay in shape and follow their orders is the least you can do.”The boy still didn’t make any sense to Tom. The answers Tom was gettingwere almost casual, like they were matter of fact and Tom was stupid not tofigure it out himself.”What happened to you?” It wasn’t the question on top of his mind — thatwas `how do I get the fuck out of here’ — but it was the only question Tomcould hope to get a useful answer to, hopefully some information that couldgive him a clue about his whereabouts or his captors. Maybe he could use itto form a plan.”Unlike you will be, I wasn’t an object in the auction after I was chosenby the Group to serve them. I met a member of the Group online, met him fora date and was then asked to play a game. I agreed and haven’t regretted itsince. He blindfolded me, took me into the basement of a large building andescorted me into a cell just like the one we’re in now. He removed myblindfold, ordered me to suck him — which I started to do even before hefinished his sentence — and after that he fucked me until he came in myass. From that moment on, I had found my destiny.”The boy’s story couldn’t be true. Tom had just seen the footage of himdesperately trying to escape a heavy chain around his ankle, like the oneTom was tied to at this moment. Before Tom could confront the boy with hislie, the story continued.”Because of my age at the time, the Group decided I could serve them bestby staying in their control, pleasuring all men they felt were worthysuperiors, in any way I was ordered. I am proud to have been a personalobject of lust for all of the Group’s elite members and their mostrespected associates.” The boy’s battered body could only suggest what the`elite’ had used him for. Maybe he had been young and fresh at thebeginning, but looking at the boy, Tom feared that the so-called superiormen had soon lost interest in the wearing flesh of the teenager and kepttrying new things to get some excitement out of him. Where the hell wasthis path of servitude leading the boy? Just another question Tom fearedthe answer of.”I’ve been told you probably need to piss and I’ve been ordered to helpyou.” While he said it, the boy got on his knees and placed his head withhis mouth open just in front of Tom’s long but soft penis.”There’s no way I’m going to piss in your mouth”, said Tom. “Stand the fuckup.””I can’t take orders from you. My orders are to swallow your piss. It wouldmake my masters happy and therefore it will make me happy. Please let meswallow your piss.”The boy’s assessment had been right, Tom really couldn’t hold it muchlonger. Listening to the boy had helped postpone the urge he felt before,but now, with the boy explicitly talking about it, Tom knew he was onlyseconds away from his bladder forcing out a stream of hot piss.In an act of defiance, he turned away from the boy and started to pisstowards a corner of the cell. It was a relieve to let go and ignoring theplaybook of his captors felt even better.”No!”, the boy shouted.He leaped towards Tom and tried to grab Tom’s waist so he could throw hisface in front of Tom’s penis. But Tom was already standing, so he had theupper hand and could hold the boy off. A puddle of piss was forming in oneof the corners. The boy, now realizing Tom would not let him come near hisdick, started to lick the piss straight of the ground.The cell door opened. Two Asian men entered the cell. They weren’t the sameas the guards that had escorted Tom to the examination room earlier. Thesetwo men were bigger and looked a lot more intimidating; especially becauseof the official security outfit they were wearing. On the side of theirshirt was a nightstick and one of the guards used his in a swift movementto hit the side of the boy on the ground.In Thai language, they seemed to order the boy to stop licking the piss offthe ground and to stand up with his face against the wall in front ofhim. The most aggressive looking guard grabbed Tom by his hair and forcedhis entire body on the ground.”Lick it up, all of it!” he shouted to Tom, even though he was only abouthalf a meter from Tom’s ears.Tom refused. The anger he had felt before was still present in his body. Infact, it was growing within him.The guard started to smile and said: “Do it, or we kill him.” His colleagueswung his rubber stick to hit the boy on all the bruises he already had.”You have three minutes to lick it all up, or the boy will die. And don’tthink we will move him out of here if he does.”Even though the boy made barely any sound, Tom knew the pain had to beexcruciating. This was another battle he couldn’t win so he pressed hismouth against the concrete and slurped the liquid as fast as he could. Hetried not to think about what he was putting in his mouth and swallowed itas soon as possible.Even though he tried, he couldn’t suppress the taste of his own bodyfluid. Much to his own surprise, the taste of the liquid wasn’t thatbad. He took it in only a few drops at a time, as much as his tongue andlips could suck off the floor. It was the taste of the dirty floor thatmade Tom’s stomach turn, but he knew he had to prevent throwing up. Thatwould only make things worse. Within a minute, Tom had licked and suckedit all off the floor and the guard stopped beating the boy.The boy was still standing with his hands pressed against the wall, but Tomcould see his legs tremble, like he could collapse any second now.The other guard pulled Tom’s hair to get back on his knees and lookingupwards. With his other hand, the guard opened his zipper and got out hisequipment. It was a small cock; soft and almost hidden between a thick bushof dark pubic hair. While he held his dick with his left hand, his righthand was still pulling Tom’s hair.”Open your mouth and swallow, faggot”, ordered the guard. Tom complied,still seeing the beaten boy in the corner of his eyes.A stream of piss entered his throat. This was completely different than thepuddle he sucked of the floor. The piss was warm and had a strongtaste. Tom tried not to think about it and swallow it all as fast as hecould without choking on it. Luckily, the guard already finished afterabout ten seconds. After spitting in Tom’s face, he let go of Tom’s hair.Tom felt angered and humiliated. He wanted to defy the guards and the groupof people that were holding him captive, but instead of resistance, theyseemed to push Tom further into their grip with every action that wastaking place.The guard that had just lessened Tom’s thirst by sending his piss downTom’s uneager throat grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a bluepill and he forced it in Tom’s mouth. While he pressed his hand firmlyagainst Tom’s face he ordered — again – to swallow. Tom’s mouth was stillwatery, so it wasn’t difficult to force the small pill down his throat.”That’s Viagra, which you probably don’t need faggot. You are going to fuckour boy here and you better enjoy it because it might very well be yourlast chance ever to dump your seed.”The boy that had been standing against the wall didn’t need instructions todrop to his knees and put his soft lips around Tom’s cock. A cock that,even though it wasn’t hard, looked impressive to all the men present in thecell.It struck Tom that another man was sucking him, that he was taking part ingay sex. Despite all the clips he had been shown on the monitor, Tom hadn’treally processed the fact that this whole operation seemed to center aroundthe lusts and needs of certain gay men. Tom wasn’t homophobic; some of hisclassmates back in Paris were gay and he had never seen any problem intheir sexuality. Many of the books Tom had read featured gay characters andMarcel Proust was one of Tom’s favorite authors.It wasn’t the physique of the worn out boy that made Tom hard. He stillwasn’t what you call horny. But it didn’t take his dick long to respond tothe amazing feeling the boy was giving him. While his wet lips slid up anddown Tom’s growing cock, the boy’s tongue played with the uncovered knoband touched all the right places. Neither Tom’s ex girlfriend nor any ofthe girls he had sex with during his trip in Asia had given him thisfeeling. His cock was throbbing but no matter how hard it got, the boy tookit deep in his throat. Whether he wanted to or not, Tom was enjoying theperfect blowjob. Even though it came from a boy… this abused, beaten andbrainwashed boy.The boy stopped, pulled his mouth away and turned around, pointing his asstowards Tom. There was no hair on his body. Tom noticed a trail of precumdripping from the cage around the boy’s penis. The boy couldn’t get hardwith the construction around it, but it looked like he would’ve beenotherwise. How could he enjoy being abused like this, Tom would’ve askedhimself if he didn’t have a more urgent situation on his mind. He had tofuck the boy in front of him.”Do it”, the boy said. “I want it. There’s nothing I want more. Fuck me.”Tom glanced at the guards. They stood below the camera, probably becausethey didn’t want to be in the footage. Tom realized him being sucked,drinking piss and fucking the boy was all part of the assessment the boyhad talked about. Would the video make its way to the men bidding in theauction? Another question Tom didn’t have time for. When Tom noticed one ofthe guards reaching for his weapon, Tom moved forward and pressed his cockagainst the boy’s ass.It was different from fucking a girl. Very different. alanya escort bayan Tom tried topenetrate the boy’s ass and expected his cock to go in smoothly, but it wasdry and pushing too hard didn’t feel comfortable. He needed some sort oflubricant, but there wasn’t any around. There was still some of the boy’ssaliva on Tom’s 23 centimeters, but was it enough to fuck with?”Fuck me, fuck me deep!”The boy sounded eager, but if this was already hurting Tom, wouldn’t it bemuch worse for him? Tom grabbed the boy’s thin waist and pressed theirbodies against each other. Tom’s dick slid in inch by inch. He moaned,partly from the pain the raw ass was inflicting on his cock, but, thefurther he penetrated the boy, the more the moans were caused by pleasure.He was now all the way in and moving back and forth. The feeling wasamazing. It was so tight and felt so raw, so pure without any rubber orlubricant between their bodies. They had overcome a shared pain and werenow reaping the pleasures of their perseverance. Tom forgot about theguards, the cell and all the rest for a brief moment. For a moment it allfelt right. He felt a connection with the boy that was taking him. Not anemotional one, but a physical one. It was the kind of physical connectionTom had promised himself to look for when he was in that plane toSingapore.The moment ended abruptly when one of the guards ordered Tom to fuck theboy harder.Tom felt the anger inside him boil up again. Only this time there was a wayto release the anger; by fucking the boy harder and harder. Tom was doingexactly what the guard had told him to do, but not because he wanted tofollow the order. He needed this physical release.He fucked the boy so hard and so deep, that the boy couldn’t help but moan.Tom’s movements were out of his control. His body had taken over. Afterless than a minute, Tom wrapped his arms around the boys upper body andpressed it against his own while an explosion of seed filled the boy deepwithin.”Perfect”, said one of the guards.When Tom let go of the boy and he slid his still hard cock out of his cumdump, he noticed there was blood dripping from the boy’s ass. He had abusedthe boy and he had enjoyed it.Tom’s entire life had been nothing short of luxury. He grew up in a fancyParisian neighborhood and his parents made sure he had everything he couldwish for. His father was a pilot and often wasn’t home for long periods oftime. After every long journey, he would bring Tom gifts, like specialeditions of Tom’s favorite books.Another benefit of his father’s job, were the exotic holidays during thesummer break. He and his family often traveled to parts of the world whereall their Parisian comforts weren’t so common, like South America, Asia andeven parts of West Africa. Tom appreciated the perspective on the worldthat the trips.Having seen the contrast, Tom never asked for much back home. He knew hehad he was well off and fortunate to be born in this family. His mothermade sure Tom got a good education, healthy nutrition and all the comfortsa teenage boy could need: Trendy clothes that Tom didn’t really care about,a fresh hair cut every two months and his mother was more than happy todrive him to all his tennis lessons and tournaments.His growth spurt kicked in around when Tom was twelve and he quicklydeveloped a tall, slim body. It was never very strong, but always lookedathletic. His muscles needed only little training to become apparent. ButTom never liked getting physical. He avoided participating in the games offootball that were always going on at the playground and only playedtennis. The only time he got hurt at playing tennis was when his frustratedopponent couldn’t take the 6-0, 6-0 beating and threw his racket aftermissing a smash. It hit Tom right on his left knee and hurt like hell. Tomnever liked physical pain. He tried to avoid the feeling any way he could.But now, locked up in a Thai cell by human traffickers, Tom was afraid hewouldn’t be able to avoid physical pain much longer.Many hours, maybe even days had passed since Tom was forced to fuck theboy. After he had filled the boy’s ass with his cum, the guards opened thecell door and walked out. The boy followed them, but not before he turnedtowards the cctv camera in the corner and said `Thank you, Sir’, whilekeeping his eyes towards the floor.The cell door was still open when Tom was the only one left, but because ofthe steel chain around his ankle, he couldn’t use the opportunity toescape. The chain was beginning to leave marks and started to irritateTom’s skin. The guards soon returned and both carried a bucket of waterthat they splashed on Tom. They left only to return with two refilledbuckets. This time just one of the buckets was emptied on Tom while theother was put on the floor.”Use this to keep yourself clean”, the guard said.The guard placed two bottles of drinking water next to the bucket. As soonas the guards left him, Tom drank one of the water bottles to try and getthe taste of the guards piss out of his mouth.He was left alone for a long time and it took a toll on him mentally. Tomimagined he was seeing things in the dark cell, like someone standing inthe corner or images popping up on the tv monitor, but in reality nothingwas happening. The extreme hunger that Tom was experiencing must have beenthe reason for it. He felt empty and weak in his body.It bothered Tom that he got erect and horny from time to time. Even thoughhis mind didn’t want him to enjoy fucking the boy, his body had greatlyenjoyed it and kept reminding him, getting his dick to grow to its full 9″length.Tom knew the easiest way to get rid of it was to use his hands – and hedid. It only took a couple of minutes masturbating to cum on the bare skinof his smooth body. Afterwards, he used the water in the bucket to cleanup, afraid of possible consequences if he didn’t.After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and a guard came in witha bowl of rice in lukewarm water.Tom forced himself to focus and make sure that he was really seeing it,that the guard and the bowl were really there. They were and when Tombelieved it, he got goose bumps all over his body. It was a strangesensation to feel, but apparently it was the only normal reaction to themixed feeling of fear and hopelessness from the situation and happinessfrom the food.With all the strength he could muster up, Tom forced himself to eat asslowly as possible. He also wanted to leave some for later, but that hecouldn’t do. Within two minutes, the bowl was empty. With his tongue, Tomlicked the last grains of rice out of the bowl. His stomach ached from thesudden and long overdue food, but Tom didn’t care about that at the moment,now that he knew for certain that he would be alive a little longer.It didn’t take the guard long to come back to the cell after Tom finishedthe rice. But he wasn’t alone this time. He was joined by a colleague andtogether they came not only to fetch the empty bowl but also to take Tomwith them.They handled Tom rough and with little patience as they pushed him throughthe corridor, through the hallway with the tainted windows and down aflight of stairs. Tom was brought to a room that was equipped with lots andlots of S&M gear. The light in the room was dimmed, but bright enough forthe camera that was mounted on a tripod to film properly.Next to the camera stood the twenty-something doctor that had given Tom hisphysical. He wasn’t wearing his lab coat, but casual jeans and a simplegrey t-shirt. He watched as the guards locked Tom against a St. Andrewscross that made sure he was in a spread-eagle position with his backsidefacing the doctor.Tom could hear the guards step back, but all he could see now was thewall. He was terrified. What were they going to do to him? What was thedoctor doing here?”You know what you did, boy?”, the doctor asked.Tom had of course no idea. What was he talking about? He didn’t respond,remembering the rule that he wasn’t allowed to speak until ordered to doso. He wasn’t sure if this question was enough permission to speak and hedidn’t want to take the risk.It was a miscalculation, because after about five seconds a stingy pain ranthrough Tom’s body as some sort of paddle slashed his naked butt. “Answerme!”, the doctor ordered.Tom uttered a quiet `no’ in a trembling voice. It was followed by anothersmash with the paddle.”What `no’?”Tom understood his mistake the moment the paddle had hit him for the secondtime and now answered with more volume: “No Sir”.”I will tell you why you deserve punishment. You brought a disease into ourhouse, you filthy, useless slave boy. You volunteer yourself to the serviceof our Group but forget to tell us you have Chlamydia. And you alreadyfucked #117.”The doctor continued talking at the same time as the paddle was hitting Tomwith continuous strokes. It was starting to hurt more and more as the skinon his bubble butt got red hot.”Do you think it is okay to spread disease in our house, into ourproperty?”*Smack*”You are lucky you haven’t been sold yet because any other owner would’vekilled you by now.”*Smack*”If I didn’t have to worry about keeping your skin in tact, I would’ve hityou with something much more painful, you stupid bitch.”*Smack*Either the force of the doctor’s swing was getting stronger or the skin onhis ass couldn’t take it any more – probably both — but the result wasthat Tom was now in agony.The doctor’s fast tempo didn’t give Tom any moment to grasp his breath andlet his skin relax. It was smack after smack after smack for almost tenminutes when the doctor finally stopped. Based on the sound Tom could hearthe spanking had stopped, but his ass was glowing so fiercely that it stillfelt as if he was being hit.The doctor walked up to him until he was right behind him. Tom felt arubber glove gently stroking his body, moving up to his chest and pinchinghis nipple. Tom squeaked.”You are a very lucky bitch. Very fortunate that we take such good care ofour property”, the doctor spoke in a soft voice, still touching Tom’s leftnipple with his hand. He moved his other hand to the front of the cross, soTom could see it was holding a needle.The hand was lowered, out of Tom’s sight, and a second later he felt theneedle being pressed in the hurt muscle of his glowing butt.They had either been watching or the doctor had a way of calling them backin without Tom noticing, but the guards came back and quickly walked up toTom.Tom was unlocked from the cross but after they turned him around, theylocked his hands behind his back with wrist restraints. Now Tom had no wayof making things difficult for them, they continued with another kind oflock: a cock cage.The guards moved so quickly and professionally that the lock was caging theflesh of Tom’s penis within twenty seconds, before the touch of thesensitive skin would’ve forced him to get aroused. The steel cage felt coldand tight around his penis. It had only a small slit at the front thatcould probably be used for peeing.After the device was put in place, the guards pushed Tom back to his cell,locked the chain around his ankle again and, resulting in a tiny feeling ofhappiness, removing the wrist restraint.But there he was again, back in the cell that had nothing to offer himapart from some water, the paper-thin mattress and the screen mounted onthe wall in the corner. It had been turned on while Tom was away and wasnow showing endless streams of all kinds of gay porn again.Seeing the bodies getting stimulated, climaxed, sucked fucked reminded Tomof the unexpectedly hot encounter with the other captive boy. It eventurned him on, but that only resulted in the painful throbbing of hislocked up cock.He lay on his side and faced away from the monitor. With a burning ass anda steel cage around his penis, this was the only position that wasn’textremely uncomfortable. As Tom lay there, he wondered how much strength hehad left in him to keep faith. To fulfill his promise that he would notlose hope. The tears in the corner of his eyes were the only sign that Tomwas afraid to find out the answer to his question.Having lost all sense of time, Tom had no idea it had been ten days sincehis visit to the doctor. Ten days without a word of communication withanyone.At regular intervals the guards entered Tom’s cell to bring him food andwater and to take him for toilet breaks. They didn’t speak during any of itand Tom didn’t try to get them to talk, having experienced the possibleconsequences of talking without permission.He was given plenty of food now — the meals even included some sort ofmeat — and over time Tom felt the strength slowly return to his body.The water he was given wasn’t enough to deal with his thirst, but theguards took care of that by using Tom’s mouth as a urinal. Tom had gottenquite used to the taste of piss and after learning the hard way, he was nowcapable of swallowing the stream as it entered his mouth, not spilling asingle drop of it. Only when both guards had a full bladder and decided torelease consecutively, Tom would now be challenged to keep it all in.After seeing too much of all the fetish gay porn on the monitor in hiscell, Tom wasn’t sure if he was just enjoying the added supply of liquidsto the limited amount of water he was given, or if he was actually likingthe physical and mental game the guards were playing with him.Wondering about something like this made Tom feel like he was losing hismind. But what could he do? The extensive amounts of porn he was beingshown were extreme and varied. It did something to him. He wanted to lookaway, but he couldn’t ignore it. Not only because of the sound that playedwith the footage, but also because the videos were the only form ofentertainment available. However barely, watching the porn kept his mindoff the fact that he was alone in a cell in Thailand, captured by humantraffickers that were probably preparing him for a life as a gay sex slave.It was ironic that Tom tried to escape that realization by watching the gayporn on the monitor.The seemingly infinite playlist of gay porn had shown Tom sexual acts hewasn’t even aware existed. The one-on-one vanilla sex that had been in theloop during the first days of his captivity were not being shownanymore. All he could watch were acts like hardcore fisting, boys beingpierced, electrocuted, double penetration, whipping, spanking and justplain beating, boys being walked like a dog, even wearing a collar and atail.There was one video of a boy that couldn’t have been older than twenty thatparticularly frightened Tom. The boy in the video was on his knees and hadhis face put in place by a steel ring around his neck, locked to the wallby a small pole. He couldn’t move and on top of that, there was some sortof spreading construction that kept his mouth wide open. Tom could seethere wasn’t a tooth left in the boy’s mouth. Had his teeth been removed?Tom could almost feel the pain that must have caused while he watched theboy.The fat and throbbing cock of a black man entered the picture. His facewasn’t visible, but it was a large and heavy man and he said somethinginaudible in a low and grunting voice before using his dick to teasinglytouch the toothless gum of the boy’s mouth. The man pushed his cock in sofirmly that the boy had no choice but to deepthroat the enormoustool. Without letting the boy grasp his breath, the man pounded and poundedhis cock in the open throat as deep and long as he could, until inevitablythe boy fainted from the lack of oxygen.Instead of unlocking the boy and trying to wake him up, the man pulled outhis cock and started peeing on the boy’s face. This also did the trick ofgetting the boy back to consciousness and when the boy realized what washappening, he had no choice but to swallow the piss that was now fillinghis open mouth. After the pissing stopped, the black man continued hisdeepthroating act, this time with enough care not to let the boy faint, andended with placing a big load of cum in the boy’s mouth. Tom could see theboy using his tongue to haul it all in.It was like a traffic accident: Awful to see, but difficult to turn awayfrom. Although, Tom kept wondering if some part of him was starting toenjoy the movies, no matter how extreme they seemed to be getting. Was itjust the distraction or also the acts themselves? It fascinated Tom to seethe subjects in the videos almost all eager to service and be used. Couldthey really be enjoying all the horrific things that were being done tothem?Another sign that Tom was enjoying the videos more than he wanted was theamount of precum that was leaking from the cage that had been locking hiscock ever since he last saw the doctor. He licked every drop of the spilledprecum from the floor, fearing he would be punished if he wouldn’t.Maybe the fact that he hadn’t been able to release the tension that hadbeen building on his meaty and sensitive flesh played a big part in theconfusing state of mind he found himself in.It was on the eleventh day that Tom was not only taken for his sanitarybreak, but also found himself forced to stand against a wall, knowing thatwithin seconds his body would be under the immense pressure of tons ofwater coming from the hose they were pointing at him.Tom’s only luck was that the water was warm — it’s impossible to get coldwater out of the ground in Bangkok — but nonetheless the water hurt alot. Tom could feel the stream being pointed at his lower back, forcing thewater inside his ass. At the front, the chastity lock protected his penisfrom the forceful water stream and the water that did get underneath thesteel gave Tom’s dick a relieving sense of comfort. It was the only part ofhis body that welcomed the painful cleansing.Thanks to the substantial meals Tom had been given during the last tendays, his body looked now slim and fit after being on the verge of becomingvisibly underweight. Anyone attracted to men would have enjoyed the view ofthis 19-year-old French twink, naked and wet, with a perfect bubble buttand his enviable XXL tool hidden within the steel cage his temporary ownerhad ordered to be put in place.Tom didn’t know it, but now he was clean, it was time to be presented tothe man who was about to buy him.
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