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The little admin girlAn account of my attempts to bed a little hotty who works in the admin officeI won’t detail the whole time it took to convince this little admin girl that what I was chasing was what she needed so I’ll only do a brief account of events dropping the boring uneventful bits – I was in my mid 40’s – she was a single, plain, skinny little thing, 26, 5’5″ 85lbs with what I considered to be a nice, tight little body with a cute peachy arse, probably from her favourite exercise – running. She was what could be termed as being plain, not even a pretty or popular girl, perhaps even a butterface, but I think that’s what made her appealing to me, and of course that and the thought of nailing this nice petite body for a weekend of course.She had a mousy blonde haircut that would be described as a very simple straight fringe and straight trimmed to shoulder length – something a post war pre high school girl might have – very plain but functional, you knew she was girl. Her dress sense was again, very plain, simple, functional and that of not to expose anything and generally boring except for the odd white cotton blouse which I quite liked because you could sometimes see her bra outlined underneath.Whilst in the print room one warm day during another flirt session with her, she mentioned that she didn’t like the print room as it was stuffy and hot to work in. Jumping at the opportunity that presented itself I naturally suggested she take off her woolen cardigan. Surprisingly, she quickly latched on to my line of thought and played back to me asking if I’d like her to take off her cardigan, replying to her ‘and don’t stop there girl’, and she came back with ‘how much would you like it?’. Was this my prompt to go for it – ‘I’d like all of it off’She blushed a little and said ‘slowdown only the cardigan today’ – she was definately flirting so I kept up the attention in the hope of maybe sealing the deal.She seemed to understand that i was flirting with her but it could be like pulling teeth sometimes to get a response from this shy little girl. After some what seemed like considerable time and effort, eventually, after cementing a friendship, conversation got around to her relationships and she mentioned she hadn’t had a boyfriend for 8 years – my thoughts went straight to what has she been doing to keep herself entertained – thoughts of a busy little hand jambed into her panties frantically buzzing over her little button – and would’nt you know it, all too quickly, lunchtime was over and we had to go back to the office. It was strange that during the following week how often she would arrive in the kitchen when I was in there. It now felt like I was the one being stalked, adana escort she would hang around like a little girl with a coy smile on her face, probably because she realised I was showing her some attention, something that she appeared to get very little of.After several meets, meals and drinks, I was agonisingly breaking down her barriers until one lunchtime drink the conversation got around to whether we were going to become friends with benefits. This was a very different female that I was out with the other night. I’ll explain more, first i wasn’t able to get a read on her then without asking her, she’s up for a fwb friendship – was I confused? damn right I was. She made it clear that no one in work was to know about or suspect we were seeing each other. No objections there from me. Anyway the time was getting on and lunchtime was coming to an end again, atleast this time there was some positive progress towards nailing this little piece of skirt and tomorrow is the weekend – such a long weekend fantasising about the fun I was going to have with this little thing.All too quickly Monday was here but atleast I was going to see the little admin girl. I bumped into her (not literally) in the kitchen making tea for the admin office girls. I mentioned I had to take my car in for service and asked if she could pick me up for the two days it was in. No problem came the reply, she even suggested that she come down with me when I drop the car off and she’ll drop me home too – super.Next evening she followed me to the dealers (stealers more like) and dropped the car off and then she started to drive me home. The conversation during the journey home was shall we say a little tense, I asked why she seemed a little off – to my surprise she said she had been thinking of me over the weekend and was horny and that she was a little jealous that my wife would have my attentions tonight but she wanted some ‘attention’ too. I was a little taken back by this and a loss for what to say – my thoughts went straight to my dick. What was I going to do – my hand slid in between her legs, after her initial surprise, she opened her legs and I slid my fingers against her slit still encased in her tights and panties. She caught her breath as I fought my way into her panties – yes, she was horny moving her hips to allow better access. She had wispy, thin pubes over her mound. I slipped in to her slit and finger fucked her whilst she drove. She was having a little difficulty concentrating as I probed her and circled her clit with my fingers. She said she needs to orgasm tonight, she’d been thinking about it all weekend and she was as horny as fuck and wanted some now. I told her to drive adana escort bayan to a secluded pub I knew of and we could discuss this problem. We arrived at the pub and parked the car, she immediately put the seat back down to give me better access, she whipped up her skirt and pulled her tights and panties down and revealed her prize. She had quite a raised mound with a light covering of pubes not unlike an early pubescent girl. She undid her blouse and I was surprised to see quite a substantial firm bra. more like something my wife would wear. She unhooked and revealed her 32C orbs with rigid pink nipples – she was definately horny. I nibbled and chewed on her nipples whilst finger fucking her in the car, her fanny muscles gripped my fingers over and over. She was lovely and wet and quickly reached her first orgasm tensing her legs, panting and moaning. When she had subsided I put my now wet fingers in my mouth and tasted this little hotties pussy juices and I was not disappointed. She turned and looked at me, grinned and said she wants more – I said we should go in and have a drink and talk about it.We sat down with drinks and started to talk, the conversation soon got around to her past sexual experiences – now this is a direct quote from her – during a previous boyfriends ‘playtimes’ – bear in mind after doing the sums she was only 17/18 – he made her deep throat him, swallow and take anal sex. A lot of guys fantasy to be able to do this to a partner I know but…was this reality or just a plain girls fantasies?Anyway the evening came to an end and thoughts of do I try it on after what she’d just told me or leave it for another day, I took the gentlemans way out and just said goodnight. I still wasn’t sure if she was genuine or a complete pshyco, after taking all this time to get into her, perhaps there was a good reason why she is single. I called the evening to a close reminding her that I had to get home, wifey was waiting and I didn’t want her getting suspicious, and that if I had a little job to do we should leave now. She didn’t take much convincing. After another hot panting and gasping session in the car park I felt her pussy grasp my fingers as she went rigid again. And she tasted as good as the first time I did it. She drove me home with my hand in her panties and my fingers – two of them – in her pussy. We arrived at my place and she said she’d see me in the morning. The morning arrived and I jumped in the car. I noticed she wasn’t wearing any tights, she looked at me grinned and said I thought I’d make it easier today. I waited till we drove away and dived into her panties and diddled her all the way to work. She said she’d already done herself escort adana this morning and hoped I’d take advantage of the drive to work, naturally I took full advantage and intended to again on the way same tonight as well.The next morning whilst driving to work she mentioned she needed to go clothes shopping lunchtime and she wanted me to go with her – hell why not if it gets me the opportunity to dip into her panties again. We got to the local Asda and made a beeline for the c***drens clothes area – confused? I was until she mentioned she can get into a lot of k**s sizes clothes and they’re cheaper – ok, lets see where this goes! She said that sometimes it made her feel ‘special’ when she was on her own – by that I assumed she meant when she’s having some of her own special time. She started picking up blouses, short skirts, little panties, knee high socks, T bar style Mary Jane shoes – she said sometimes she likes being a ‘little girl’ whilst having some of her ‘playtime’. I can’t wait to have some playtime with her dressed like this – and does she look and act the part “Oh hell yeah” – she’s got this ‘little girl’ fetish style spot-on, but more of that later. Later I asked if she ever shaved when she has her playtime, she said she had shaved before, a few times, but she didn’t like the itch when her hair grew back so a friend said to just trim it short that way she still looks younger but she didn’t get the itch. She liked that, but mentioned she did like that special just shaved super smooth feel to her pussy lips and mound area, so every now and then she would put up with the itch. I mentioned that there is a way to minimise the itch by regular washing and when dry use baby powder. She said she might give that a go sometime – I couldn’t wait for that and tried her to do it soon. She looked at me sceptically and grinned saying – ‘maybe’.Anyway that evening on the drive home, I said Id sit in the back seat so I could reach around and play with her breasts more and still dive into her panties, that worked out well as I could attck her pussy with both hands, one dipping two fingers in her honey pot massaging her g-spot area and the other hand finger pounding her clit. She said it was so good that I’d have to stop as she couldn’t concentrate on driving, so I relented and concentrated on her breasts and played with her nipples, tweeking and pulling them to make them hard as rock, her heavy breathing confirmed she was enjoying this and said she loved having her breasts cupped and smoothed. All too soon we arrived at my home and it all had to stop another evening – still there was always tomorrow morning. The next morning I got into the car and we drove away, she said that she had a great evening last night and proceded to tell me all about it.This will be the beginning of the next chapter in the story of y games with this little hotty. It just proves the statement of not judging a book by its cover.
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