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Lesbian mumBefore I get in to it fully, i’ll give you a quick back story of my house and everyone involved, for the sake of privacy ill use fake names.Me and mum were the only two people living in this house at the time of the story, my dad left when i was two and never came back, which meant I have always been close with mum. She has a pretty good job so we live in a really nice semi-detached house with a drive way, and have this big bay window in the shape of a semi-circle that’s protected by hedges on the front garden wall, and down the side of the house.She’s an attractive lady who had me when she was 17, so she’s still young and holding up well. Through checking her underwear, I found out she’s a size 10 with 34DD’s that are just amazing to see. She also has a full bush that covers her pretty pussy. When summer would come around, she’d have a drink in the back garden and end up passed out so I saw all of her often.Mum has two friends, Steph* and Sam* who are also MILFs. I’ve always found them to be hot, and I actually credit Steph for making me have such a thing for MILFs. I’d seen her in her underwear so many times, and a few months earlier, she had came in to my room drunk in the middle of the night and asked me to cum for her. She wanked me off and sucked me dry, but we had never spoke about it since. She was the same age as mum, had a small waist but somehow had D’s for tits. Sam was a bigger woman, with massive tits, and once got so drunk she let me suck on them.For as long as I can remember, we’ve always been open with each other about all things sexual, and because of this I’ve always known she has a thing for dick. Like not just a standard “I need to get laid once a year” attitude, like she went through a kastamonu escort stage of fucking as if the world was about to end. I’ve honestly lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen her naked, fucking herself or bouncing on a dick.Honestly, I’ve seen (and heard) all sorts- she has a full drawer devoted to sex. In there are things like dildos, butt plugs, a cock ring, handcuffs, a whip, crotchless panties etc- i could go on for a while- and i’ve seen her use all of these things either on herself or with someone else. Equally, she’s caught me wanking so many times (we really should close doors in this house now i think about it!).Below is just one of her dildos, and it also features heavily in the following events, which took place maybe 4 or 5 years ago…STORY:So mum has these two friends, Steph* and Sam*, who always come round on Friday’s to drink wine and watch TV. When they were over, I was never really around, or in their company for often so I had no idea what they did for hours at a time. They would close the living room door over and I’d usually have to knock before I went inAs usual, I sit with them for 5 minutes and do the customary “Hi, how’s your week? … Really? No way!” etc and then leave the room. That time stuck in my mind, because as I left I heard them discuss how big my cock was, I lingered outside the door and heard Sam say how they should try to find one just like it for tonight. From going through mum’s web history, I knew that they were regulars on sites like ChatRoulette or Omegle, which may seem weird to some people, but that’s what they enjoyed.I spent a while playing Xbox in my room, but I could hear giggles and other noises consistently, so I decided once and for all to see escort kastamonu what goes on. Obviously, I didn’t want to barge straight in to the room, so I snuck out the back door and stayed close to the hedge as I got near the bay window. To this day, and for the rest of my life, I will always remember what I saw in the front room. The computer was against the wall I could see, and on the screen was one of those video/webcam chat sites I mentioned earlier, with a porn site on the other half of the screen. The window was open so I could hear everything, and there was a faint smell of sex/pussy in the air.Now the three women in my house were all naked and stood by the computer at this point. This was the first time I had seen mum’s friends naked fully and I was loving it! Equally, I had seen a lot of things involving mum naked, but I never seen her naked with a woman before. At this point, there were all masturbating for what looked like two young guys on webcam. I was turned on as it was, so I started to wank slowly as I watched. One of the guys said something I didn’t fully catch, but as Steph sat on a chair and Sam walked towards her with an empty wine bottle, I quickly figured out what they wanted them to do. She began to fuck her slowly and I almost blew my load there and then. But that’s when I heard it.Mum, unmistakably, said to the guys “So, now those two are busy, what do you want mummy to do for you boys now?” as she began rubbing her pussy. This isn’t one of those made up, unrealistic stories now results in me running in to the room and fucking the brains out of the three of them at once though. Sorry if that’s what you were expecting!Sam had abandoned the wine bottle and started to use her mouth kastamonu escort bayan on her friend, whilst mum left the room briefly. She came back in with the dildo (pictured above) in her hand, put one leg on a chair to expose her pussy and began to suck on her dildo to lube it up. From my position, I could clearly see her pussy as she turned it on to a rotating setting and stuffed it inside her. She turned towards me and bent over, showing me those wonderful big tits and the guys on cam her arsehole and now-full pussy.Steph had brought Sam’s attention to this, and allowed her to stop eating her cunt. Instead, she went over and sat in front of mum and immediately threw her head back in delight as mum began to eat her out. By this point, my view was blocked so I had to shuffle more centrally to the middle part the window to carry on watching. Had there not been a driveway and hedges protecting me from the road, the world and their dog would have been able to seen my mum eating another woman out. Steph clearly had decided to be a giver by this point, as she tongued mum’s arsehole and began to thrust the dildo in and out of her. The two guys on camera must not have lasted much longer, as Steph got up and turned the computer off whilst the other two got more at home on the sofas. i watched for maybe another 5-10 minutes before cumming more than I ever have before.I snuck back upstairs and wanked twice more over what I had just saw. The second one was interrupted by Steph, who complimented my size and watched for a minute. As she left she said “I’ll fuck that cock of yours one day” I went on to fuck her a year or two later.As for watching them fuck each other again, I did this a few more times (apparently it wasn’t something they did every Friday), however it was always too dark to take pictures on my phone without the flash- and believe me I tried!Whenever I’m home now, I hear mum fucking herself late at night and I always think back to that magical Friday all those years ago.
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