Winning backstage pass for Evanescence.

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Winning backstage pass for Evanescence.Winning backstage pass for Evanescence.Kita is reading the newspaper on a Friday morning in may, when she notice a prize-question for winning backstage pass for Evanescence next month on the pinkpop festival. She tells Dan about it and Dan answers back if she knows the answer?Kita has to take a chance with it, maybe she is lucky and wins the prize. She cuts the article out the newspaper,soo on her work she can email the answer to the newspaper. She gets back from work and keeps saying all weekend long she hopes she is going to win that prize,so cool to meet Amy Lee in real and all those hours to be backstage. Two weeks later a guy phoned at the housephone and asks for kita,he explains he is the guy of the company from the prize-question about Evanescence. Kita knows they dont call for nothing and the guy on the phone says congrats you have won 2 backstage passes for Evanescence at pinkpop. Kita is jumping in the air from joy,after she hangs up the phone and she calls Dan to tell him the good news. Only thing Kita talks about is the day at pinkpop meeting Amy Lee.Then the day arrived for going to pinkpop and meet Amy Lee. Kita is so out of her mind she cant her excitement all day. When they walk around Dan meet some old friends of him and kita says to him, if he wants he may stay with them aswell and she will search and call him when she is back from being backstage. Thanks hun says Dan. Kita walks to the gate with the security guys, she shows her pass and the security guy calls the backstage manager to the gate.he welcomes kita and shows her around then he introduce her to bandmembers from Evanescence then she is leaded to Amy Lee. Kita is introduced to Amy Lee and backstage-manager leaves them, the 2 girls talk and tell abit more about themself. Kita is flying,she just cant believe it. They talk 10 more minutes and have a drink then Amy Lee leads Kita to the stair for side of the stage to watch them play. Whole time she sings loud along with the songs, Amy Lee looks sometimes to her and blink an eye to her. When they done playing Amy Lee comes walking towards kita, wanna go with to my dressingroom now if u want afcourse, sure answers kita back. They both walk back to the dressingroom Amy Lee opens the door and let kita walk inside, she follows says take a seat kita and closes the door and locks it aswell. Amy Lee says abit sarcastic and mysterious:well from now on no one can disturb ous anymore or walk in without knocking. She walks to the fridge and takes 2 cans of beer out and give one to kita. They cheers and talk about all they come up with, kita is wondering how she ment the blinking on stage to her and ask that at Amy Lee. Amy Lee trieds to change the subject but kita doesnt give up and wants an answer from Amy Lee. Amy Lee looks the floor,her face turns abit red and blushing she moves around. Well to be honest i blinked an eye because i find you sexy and cute. Kita is surprised and her mouth falls open from astonishment. Amy Lee continues her story and i saw pendik escort u standing at the side on stage and you looked so good i got turned on from you. Amy Lee doesnt know how to act and blushes much. I guess i have to apolosize for my rudeness, telling you this and not even knowing if you’re into girls at the first place. Kita says it isnt bad or feeling offended by her honest opinions. Amy Lee sits down on the table and kita stands up and walk to Amy Lee. Stand infront her grabbing Amy Lee her hand and says its okay and to clear the guessing yeah im into girls aswell Amy. Amy slowly rising her head up and look at kita and amy gets a little smile on her face, am i glad all pieces felt on the right place after all. Kita bows her head a little and goes forward and kisses amy on her lips. Amy kisses kita back and the two are in short time then snogging together. Amy her other hand stroking kita her back,arms and ass while she starts kissing kita her neck,cheeck and lips. Amy pulls other hand out kita’s hand and start stroking kita her body above and underneath her clothes. Kita sits down on the table and lay back against the wall, and wandering what amy is upto doing with her. Amy grabs kita her top and pulls it off and her hands open then kita’s brah and take it off aswell. Amy’s hands stroke kita her chest and tits.amy kisses kita’s tits and suck and play with her nipples, no time they are hard like stone in amy’s mouth. Kita gets up and lead amy to the coutch and let amy sit down while amy sits down she pulls amy her top off, sits down next to her and take her brah off. Kita grab amy’s tits massage,kisses,suck and play with those big tits. She likes amy 34c size and takes all the time to have fun with them and play with them,amy groans like a young lion who is ready to get wild and rough playing. Kita slides one hand slowly down and gets under amy her skirt. Kita strokes amy’s legs,innerlegs and around her pussy. Amy slide abit down more to a nice comfertable posture. Amy is going crazy from kita her teasing. Kita teasing amy with stroking very sensetive parts of her legs and pussy area. She is getting so crazy she keeps asking to go a step further, kita smiles and says i’ll start now and play with your pussy. Kita’s hand goes to the zipper and button to open amy her skirt, she takes it off and looks at the nice lime coloured string she is wearing. Nice string you have amy, i like it very much. Amy says thanks and kita slides her hand in amy her string and search and finds right away amy’s clit and start rubbing it. Amy moans and groans slighty and spread her legs abit more to get easier to all places.shortly after that Kita grabs the string and pulls it down and take it off. Kita gets on her knees and bows down between amy her legs. Slowly does kita make her tongue going true amy her pussy. Her pussy is wet and tasting sweet juice from amy. With the first hard and deep lick amy gives a little screech and start saying to kita, yes go on lick me hun, make me crazy and lick me till i cum. Kita escort pendik continues with getting her tongue true amy’s pussy. Kita licks her cli intens and fast,then sticking her tongue inside her pussy several mixed them two off.everytime kita sticks her tongue inside amy screeches again. Amy gets hotter and wetter quickly and lays her hands on kita her head. Holding strong kita her head while kita keeps going on licking amy. Kita goes wild licking amy her pussy and amy keeps holding her head and then she grabs the arm rest and backside and hold them with a strong grab. Kita is licking amy her clit fast and just there amy her moaning and groaning gets louder and then she pinch her nails in the soft furnishing of the coutch,screams it out and moans loud with some times a groan between it and shaking body tells she is cumming now. Her orgasm was hard,intens and long,moaned and groaned like the young lion again. Amy lays still she has her breathe again and look at kita,kita notice a twinkling in amy’s eyes and a im pleasured smile on her face. Amy says to kita is was good and heavenly what kita done to her. Kita smiles and blushes abit from the nice comment from amy. Amy hitches in and says well now its your turn to have pleasure and fun.Come here says amy and pulls kita up, her hands go down and start opening kita her jeans and pull it down, amy strokes her legs and innerlegs. One hand amy starts teasing kita with with sliding a finger gentle and just true kita’s pussy,barely touching her innerlips just the outside lips. Amy going true her knees and bite in kita her red string. Then with her teeth she pulls the string down rough and take it off.amy makes kita lay down on the coutch,her fingers slide true kita her pussy and rubb her clit and fingering her.kita bites on her underlip and shows she is horny like hell.kita lays bending wild on the coutch,amy sits down between kita her legs and goes face down to kita’s pussy. Mmmhm yeah moans kita when amy licks her for the first time, she licks kita her clit while she fingers her aswell. Kita moans loud and bending wilder.amy licking kita her pussy and when she passes her whole she stick her tongue in and play with her tongue fast inside kita’s pussy. Amy licks,rubbs and fingers kita fast or slow. Kita bending like a fish on the dry.Amy temporize more and more the speed of licking, kita pulls her knees up and spread asfar as she can. Amy sticks her tongue in her pussy again and rubb her clit, kita feels it coming and moans loud with screaming to keep licking her. Then amy feels kita’s shaking and starts licking kita juice from cumming and licks her complete clean. Amy says damn that was nice while her mouth shines from kita’s pussy juice. Kita gets trying to have her breathe back aswell. Both girls rested for 2 minutes then amy gets up walks to her suitcase and gets something out it. She hides it for kita behind her back and kita is curious about what she did get for a thing out of amy her suitcase. Amy says i allways have this with me in time of pendik escort bayan own strap on. And pulls it from behind her back infront kita her face, you see its a dildo with knicker and 3 sashings for not falling off your body. Amy ask kita do you like the size and idea, oh yeah very good size and amy fuck me how u want to fuck me. Amy puts the strap on on and close the sashings after pulled tied for not falling off. She lays kita on the coutch and get on top of her laying and shoves slowly the dildo inside her pussy, kita moans nice and big it is and feels very good. Slowly starts amy to fuck kita,shoving the big dildo in and out her pussy. Amy suddently starts fucking kita hard and deep in her pussy and kita screams how nice that is. Kita her hands massaging amy tits rough and pulling her nipples hard. It makes amy go wild fucking kita, she banging the dildo hard and all the way in kita’s pussy, kita loudly moaning how good amy is fucking her and keep hard massaging her tits. Short while and kita starts screaming she gonna cum again and amy gets the dildo out and kita’s pussy floats very much juice out and amy licks several time to taste again how kita juice is tasting.amy takes the strap on off and kita grabs it and ask amy helping her with closing the sashings from it, amy helps kita closing them and kita pushed amy on the table she lays on it with her back and kita shoves the dildo hard in amy’s pussy,amy gives a screech of pleasure and kita starts fucking amy quite hard, amy keeps talking,telling how nice the dildo feels,how big it is and that kita have to fuck her as hard she can,so rough she can think and do and so deep the dildo is all the way in her. Kita starts harder,rougher and deeper fucking amy,amy moans and groans allot and plays with her own nipples.then she pulls amy off and let her take doggy position on the coutch,kita going the best she can to make amy’s wishes come true.Amy keeps moaning, mmmmmmm yes omg how good, nice deep in me yes , fuck me like a rockbitch kita,show me how much im a whore now.kita keeps hardest,roughest and deepest she can for quite a long time and several positions. Amy starts screaming she gonna cum, holding tight to a light at the wall and screams hard and long when she cums. She gets weak on her knees and pulls the light of the wall. Kita takes the strap on off and sees her pussy and legs are wet from amy’s pussyjuice. The girls lay cuddling down and enjoy the moment.20 minutes later amy pulls kita with her under the shower and they finger,rubb and lick eachother once again.they dry themself up and put their clothes on again. They drink something and exchange numbers and adresses. Amy kisses kita before she has to leave and promise kita to call her next week. If amy is in holland she must come to kita her house again and kita going to the usa she has to call amy for a house to stay. They take and say goodbye and kita goes out true the door to the outside and on her way back to dan. She thinks about what happened and stuff and then dan hello are you daydreaming bbe,sorry hun i was yeah. How was it backstage ask dan, well its was nice nothing special but tell you all at home tonite. Dan heard what happened that day backstage and looking forward that evanescence is coming to holland againThe end

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