Camping Fun

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Camping FunHow’s it going everyone? Feel like sharing some more stories with you all tonight. This one is about a buddy of mine, who I still keep in-touch with to this very day. This story happened back in 2008, when I was going to college in Arizona. At the time I was 19 and my buddy was 21. Precursor to the story, a few weeks prior, while camping, everyone got drunk, including myself. When I would get drunk, I would usually call up one of my best girl-friends and for some reason hand my phone off to everyone. While doing so, my friend ended up talking to my buddy, we’ll call him Tom. Anyways, whatever conversation they had, it was apparently pretty deep. So the next day, I’m on the phone with my friend and she tells me that she spoke with Tom. Now, I’m not out of the closet yet, so this information she gave me was kind a dream come true. While talking with Tom, apparently she got gay-vibes from him. He never explicitly stated that he was gay, but he I guess said enough for her to get the vibes. Now, with this information, I was pretty happy and started to devise my own plan on how to get him to come out to me, because I kind of had a crush on him since our first class together the previous year. If you all have followed me on here, you know the type of guys I like, Tom fit into that category, hell, his nickname is “Bear.” Here are a picture of what he kind of looks like…(Looks like the guy in the background)Anyways, fast forward to a banquet that we had to attend thanks to the club kırıkkale escort he and I were apart of, we ended up in a long texting conversation during the event. If you’ve read my blogs about how to get into a guy’s pants, read those because that’s what I was basically doing at this point. I was being extra friendly to get him to open up to me more and feel comfortable sharing with me. Its been almost 10 years since the conversation, I can’t remember exactly what brought it up, but eventually Tom came out to me via text. This was my opportunity and I decided to come out to him, stating that he wasn’t alone in his feelings. Which led to us having closer conversations. Now, fast forward to the reason why you’re reading this, so we’re out camping again as a club event, which led to some drinking on the part of us all, some point during the night, Tom and I ended up alone where we could talk with each other in private. While talking alone, Tom suggested that we fool around that night. He was a polite guy too, because he wanted to make sure that I wasn’t too drunk. I wasn’t, I was tipsy but not so tipsy, I didn’t know what I was doing or the consequences of my actions. I agreed and played it cool, even though in my mind, I was freaking out and wanted to drop to my knees right there. A few hours go by and people starting getting into their tents to go to sleep. It wasn’t “weird” or “unusual” for people to share tents with each other, so Tom and I shared a tent with each other, kırıkkale escort bayan which was slightly away from everyone else. I headed to the tent first, while Tom followed about five or so minutes later. Once we were in the tent, we slowly started to feel each other up. Pinching each other’s nipples and rubbing our growing bulges in our jeans. I decided to take the bull by its horny and start to unzip his pants. I’m ready to see what he’s packing. I pull down his Wranglers and to my amazement, fell out this rock hard beer can cock. No joke, he might have been around 5 or 6 inches, but definitely had the girth of a Budweiser can. We joke about it to this day that instead of his nickname being “Bear”, between us, it’s “Beer Can.”So, I start going down on him. I can barely fit him in my mouth, but momma didn’t raise no quitter. I swallowed his cock and played with his balls and ass while I sucked on his cock. I could taste his precum at this point, a little sweet and salty. Since we’re in the tent, we have to keep it quiet, so he muffled his moans and heavy breathing. I sucked on his cock for probably about 10 minutes before he started to breathe a little heavier and bucked his hips, then I tasted his cum flowing into my mouth. He wasn’t a shooter, it dribbled into my mouth, very thick and creamy. I swallowed every drop I could, taking him all down my throat and enjoying every moment.After he was done, he smiled and out of breath, said it was “my turn.” He pushed escort kırıkkale me back, me laying on my back and pulled down my pants. He started to suck on my cock. He did pretty good at it, he tried swallowing my cock, but my 8×5 inch cock wasn’t for newbies and so he had trouble going all the way down. While he was sucking on my cock, I was taking the moment in. Looking at him sucking my cock, seeing his pants unzipped and his fat beer can cock hanging out, the smell of sex and men, in the tent, it was all intoxicating. While he blew me, I was also rubbing his chest, among other things and it drove me wild. My balls tightened and I shot my cum into his mouth. He didn’t swallow though and just let my cum dribble out onto my balls and stomach. Once we were done, we cleaned ourselves up and laid down to go to sleep.That night, because it was cold, we ended up spooning with each other. I was little spoon… 😉 I woke up sometime that night with something hard pressing against me. I reached back and felt his crotch, bulging with a nice big hardon. It took everything in me to not turn around and go for round two with him. He was sleeping when this happened, as I think he was sleeping… So, there’s more to this story, he had I eventually had full on sex with each other, but I’ll save that tale for another day. Just a little taste of that next story, to this day, when we talk about it from time-to-time, he still says that I’m the only guy who has been able to take his dick, without complaining about how much it hurt… I pride myself on being such a slut that a man with a big dick can do what he wants to me and not get the typical bitch tears about how much their dicks hurt, so they have to take it easy… but I digress 🙂 (What his ass looked like)

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